#pragma once

#include "leaf_skipper.h"
#include <cstddef>

class IOutputStream;

namespace NCompactTrie {
    // Return value: size of the resulting trie.
    size_t RawCompactTrieFastLayoutImpl(IOutputStream& os, const NCompactTrie::TOpaqueTrie& trie, bool verbose);

    // Return value: size of the resulting trie.
    template <class TPacker>
    size_t CompactTrieMakeFastLayoutImpl(IOutputStream& os, const char* data, size_t datalength, bool verbose, const TPacker* packer) {
        TPackerLeafSkipper<TPacker> skipper(packer);
        TOpaqueTrie trie(data, datalength, skipper);
        return RawCompactTrieFastLayoutImpl(os, trie, verbose);
