#pragma once #include "comptrie_packer.h" #include "minimize.h" #include "key_selector.h" #include <util/stream/file.h> // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Data Builder // To build the data buffer, we first create an automaton in memory. The automaton // is created incrementally. It actually helps a lot to have the input data prefix-grouped // by key; otherwise, memory consumption becomes a tough issue. // NOTE: building and serializing the automaton may be lengthy, and takes lots of memory. // PREFIX_GROUPED means that if we, while constructing a trie, add to the builder two keys with the same prefix, // then all the keys that we add between these two also have the same prefix. // Actually in this mode the builder can accept even more freely ordered input, // but for input as above it is guaranteed to work. enum ECompactTrieBuilderFlags { CTBF_NONE = 0, CTBF_PREFIX_GROUPED = 1 << 0, CTBF_VERBOSE = 1 << 1, CTBF_UNIQUE = 1 << 2, }; using TCompactTrieBuilderFlags = ECompactTrieBuilderFlags; inline TCompactTrieBuilderFlags operator|(TCompactTrieBuilderFlags first, TCompactTrieBuilderFlags second) { return static_cast<TCompactTrieBuilderFlags>(static_cast<int>(first) | second); } inline TCompactTrieBuilderFlags& operator|=(TCompactTrieBuilderFlags& first, TCompactTrieBuilderFlags second) { return first = first | second; } template <typename T> class TArrayWithSizeHolder; template <class T = char, class D = ui64, class S = TCompactTriePacker<D>> class TCompactTrieBuilder { public: typedef T TSymbol; typedef D TData; typedef S TPacker; typedef typename TCompactTrieKeySelector<TSymbol>::TKey TKey; typedef typename TCompactTrieKeySelector<TSymbol>::TKeyBuf TKeyBuf; explicit TCompactTrieBuilder(TCompactTrieBuilderFlags flags = CTBF_NONE, TPacker packer = TPacker(), IAllocator* alloc = TDefaultAllocator::Instance()); // All Add.. methods return true if it was a new key, false if the key already existed. bool Add(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen, const TData& value); bool Add(const TKeyBuf& key, const TData& value) { return Add(key.data(), key.size(), value); } // add already serialized data bool AddPtr(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen, const char* data); bool AddPtr(const TKeyBuf& key, const char* data) { return AddPtr(key.data(), key.size(), data); } bool AddSubtreeInFile(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen, const TString& filename); bool AddSubtreeInFile(const TKeyBuf& key, const TString& filename) { return AddSubtreeInFile(key.data(), key.size(), filename); } bool AddSubtreeInBuffer(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen, TArrayWithSizeHolder<char>&& buffer); bool AddSubtreeInBuffer(const TKeyBuf& key, TArrayWithSizeHolder<char>&& buffer) { return AddSubtreeInBuffer(key.data(), key.size(), std::move(buffer)); } bool Find(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen, TData* value) const; bool Find(const TKeyBuf& key, TData* value = nullptr) const { return Find(key.data(), key.size(), value); } bool FindLongestPrefix(const TSymbol* key, size_t keylen, size_t* prefixLen, TData* value = nullptr) const; bool FindLongestPrefix(const TKeyBuf& key, size_t* prefixLen, TData* value = nullptr) const { return FindLongestPrefix(key.data(), key.size(), prefixLen, value); } size_t Save(IOutputStream& os) const; size_t SaveAndDestroy(IOutputStream& os); size_t SaveToFile(const TString& fileName) const { TFixedBufferFileOutput out(fileName); return Save(out); } void Clear(); // Returns all memory to the system and resets the builder state. size_t GetEntryCount() const; size_t GetNodeCount() const; // Exact output file size in bytes. size_t MeasureByteSize() const { return Impl->MeasureByteSize(); } protected: class TCompactTrieBuilderImpl; THolder<TCompactTrieBuilderImpl> Impl; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Minimize the trie. The result is equivalent to the original // trie, except that it takes less space (and has marginally lower // performance, because of eventual epsilon links). // The algorithm is as follows: starting from the largest pieces, we find // nodes that have identical continuations (Daciuk's right language), // and repack the trie. Repacking is done in-place, so memory is less // of an issue; however, it may take considerable time. // IMPORTANT: never try to reminimize an already minimized trie or a trie with fast layout. // Because of non-local structure and epsilon links, it won't work // as you expect it to, and can destroy the trie in the making. // If you want both minimization and fast layout, do the minimization first. template <class TPacker> size_t CompactTrieMinimize(IOutputStream& os, const char* data, size_t datalength, bool verbose = false, const TPacker& packer = TPacker(), NCompactTrie::EMinimizeMode mode = NCompactTrie::MM_DEFAULT); template <class TTrieBuilder> size_t CompactTrieMinimize(IOutputStream& os, const TTrieBuilder& builder, bool verbose = false); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lay the trie in memory in such a way that there are less cache misses when jumping from root to leaf. // The trie becomes about 2% larger, but the access became about 25% faster in our experiments. // Can be called on minimized and non-minimized tries, in the first case in requires half a trie more memory. // Calling it the second time on the same trie does nothing. // // The algorithm is based on van Emde Boas layout as described in the yandex data school lectures on external memory algoritms // by Maxim Babenko and Ivan Puzyrevsky. The difference is that when we cut the tree into levels // two nodes connected by a forward link are put into the same level (because they usually lie near each other in the original tree). // The original paper (describing the layout in Section 2.1) is: // Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, Martin Farach-Colton. Cache-Oblivious B-Trees // SIAM Journal on Computing, volume 35, number 2, 2005, pages 341-358. // Available on the web: http://erikdemaine.org/papers/CacheObliviousBTrees_SICOMP/ // Or: Michael A. Bender, Erik D. Demaine, and Martin Farach-Colton. Cache-Oblivious B-Trees // Proceedings of the 41st Annual Symposium // on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2000), Redondo Beach, California, November 12-14, 2000, pages 399-409. // Available on the web: http://erikdemaine.org/papers/FOCS2000b/ // (there is not much difference between these papers, actually). // template <class TPacker> size_t CompactTrieMakeFastLayout(IOutputStream& os, const char* data, size_t datalength, bool verbose = false, const TPacker& packer = TPacker()); template <class TTrieBuilder> size_t CompactTrieMakeFastLayout(IOutputStream& os, const TTrieBuilder& builder, bool verbose = false); // Composition of minimization and fast layout template <class TPacker> size_t CompactTrieMinimizeAndMakeFastLayout(IOutputStream& os, const char* data, size_t datalength, bool verbose = false, const TPacker& packer = TPacker()); template <class TTrieBuilder> size_t CompactTrieMinimizeAndMakeFastLayout(IOutputStream& os, const TTrieBuilder& builder, bool verbose = false); // Implementation details moved here. #include "comptrie_builder.inl"