#pragma once #include <util/generic/bitops.h> #include <util/generic/typetraits.h> #include <util/system/yassert.h> template <typename TWord> struct TBitSeqTraits { static constexpr ui8 NumBits = CHAR_BIT * sizeof(TWord); static constexpr TWord ModMask = static_cast<TWord>(NumBits - 1); static constexpr TWord DivShift = MostSignificantBitCT(NumBits); static inline TWord ElemMask(ui8 count) { // NOTE: Shifting by the type's length is UB, so we need this workaround. if (Y_LIKELY(count)) return TWord(-1) >> (NumBits - count); return 0; } static inline TWord BitMask(ui8 pos) { return TWord(1) << pos; } static size_t NumOfWords(size_t bits) { return (bits + NumBits - 1) >> DivShift; } static bool Test(const TWord* data, ui64 pos, ui64 size) { Y_ASSERT(pos < size); return data[pos >> DivShift] & BitMask(pos & ModMask); } static TWord Get(const TWord* data, ui64 pos, ui8 width, TWord mask, ui64 size) { if (!width) return 0; Y_ASSERT((pos + width) <= size); size_t word = pos >> DivShift; TWord shift1 = pos & ModMask; TWord shift2 = NumBits - shift1; TWord res = data[word] >> shift1 & mask; if (shift2 < width) { res |= data[word + 1] << shift2 & mask; } return res; } static_assert(std::is_unsigned<TWord>::value, "Expected std::is_unsigned<T>::value."); static_assert((NumBits & (NumBits - 1)) == 0, "NumBits should be a power of 2."); };