#include <library/cpp/codecs/delta_codec.h> #include <library/cpp/codecs/huffman_codec.h> #include <library/cpp/codecs/pfor_codec.h> #include <library/cpp/codecs/solar_codec.h> #include <library/cpp/codecs/zstd_dict_codec.h> #include <library/cpp/codecs/comptable_codec.h> #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> #include <util/generic/buffer.h> #include <util/string/util.h> #include <util/string/hex.h> #include <library/cpp/string_utils/relaxed_escaper/relaxed_escaper.h> namespace { const char* TextValues[] = { "! сентября газета", "!(возмездие это)!", "!(материнский капитал)", "!(пермь березники)", "!биография | !жизнь / + розинг | зворыгин & изобретение | телевидение | электронно лучевая трубка", "!овсиенко николай павлович", "!путин", "\"i'm on you\" p. diddy тимати клип", "\"билайн\" представит собственный планшет", "\"в особо крупном размере\"", "\"викиликс\" джулиан ассанж", "\"вимм билль данн", "\"газэнергосеть астрахань", "\"газэнергосеть астрахань\"", "\"домодедово\" 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UNIT_TEST(TestSolar) UNIT_TEST(TestPFor) UNIT_TEST(TestRegistry) UNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); private: TString PrintError(TStringBuf learn, TStringBuf test, TStringBuf codec, ui32 i) { TString s; TStringOutput sout(s); sout << codec << ": " << i << ", " << "\n"; sout << HexEncode(learn.data(), learn.size()); //NEscJ::EscapeJ<true>(learn, sout); sout << " != \n"; sout << HexEncode(test.data(), test.size()); //NEscJ::EscapeJ<true>(test, sout); if (s.Size() > 1536) { TString res = s.substr(0, 512); res.append("...<skipped ").append(ToString(s.size() - 1024)).append(">..."); res.append(s.substr(s.size() - 512)); } return s; } TStringBuf AsStrBuf(const TBuffer& b) { return TStringBuf(b.data(), b.size()); } template <typename TCodec, bool testsaveload> void TestCodec(const TVector<TBuffer>& inlearn = TVector<TBuffer>(), const TVector<TBuffer>& in = TVector<TBuffer>(), NCodecs::TCodecPtr c = new TCodec) { using namespace NCodecs; TBuffer buff; { TVector<TBuffer> out; c->Learn(inlearn.begin(), inlearn.end()); if (testsaveload) { { TBufferOutput bout(buff); ICodec::Store(&bout, c); } { TBufferInput bin(buff); c = ICodec::Restore(&bin); UNIT_ASSERT(c->AlreadyTrained()); } } { for (ui32 i = 0; i < inlearn.size(); ++i) { out.emplace_back(); c->Encode(AsStrBuf(inlearn[i]), out[i]); } TBuffer vecl; for (ui32 i = 0; i < out.size(); ++i) { vecl.Clear(); c->Decode(AsStrBuf(out[i]), vecl); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(AsStrBuf(inlearn[i]), AsStrBuf(vecl), PrintError(TStringBuf(inlearn[i].data(), inlearn[i].size()), TStringBuf(vecl.data(), vecl.size()), c->GetName(), i)); } } } { if (testsaveload) { TBufferInput bin(buff); c = ICodec::Restore(&bin); } TBuffer out, in1; for (ui32 i = 0; i < in.size(); ++i) { out.Clear(); in1.Clear(); c->Encode(AsStrBuf(in[i]), out); c->Decode(AsStrBuf(out), in1); UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(AsStrBuf(in[i]), AsStrBuf(in1), PrintError(TStringBuf(in[i].data(), in[i].size()), TStringBuf(in1.data(), in1.size()), c->GetName(), i)); } } } template <class T> void AppendTo(TBuffer& b, T t) { b.Append((char*)&t, sizeof(t)); } void TestDelta() { using namespace NCodecs; TVector<TBuffer> d; // 1. common case d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 1ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 10ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 100ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1000ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 10000ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 100000ULL); // 2. delta overflow d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 1ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 10ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 100ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1000ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), (ui64)-100LL); AppendTo(d.back(), (ui64)-10ULL); // 3. bad sorting d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 1ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 10ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1000ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 100ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 10000ULL); AppendTo(d.back(), 100000ULL); // all bad d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); TestCodec<TDeltaCodec<ui64, true>, false>(d); TestCodec<TDeltaCodec<ui64, false>, false>(d); } void TestPFor() { using namespace NCodecs; { TVector<TBuffer> d; d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 0LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 2LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 0LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 2LL); d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 0LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 2LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 0LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 2LL); d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 0LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -2LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -2LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), 0LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -1LL); AppendTo(d.back(), -2LL); TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui64>, false>(d); TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui64, true>, true>(d); } { TVector<TBuffer> d; d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 0); AppendTo(d.back(), 1); AppendTo(d.back(), 2); AppendTo(d.back(), 1); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), 0); AppendTo(d.back(), 1); AppendTo(d.back(), 2); d.emplace_back(); AppendTo(d.back(), 0); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), -2); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), -2); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), 0); AppendTo(d.back(), -1); AppendTo(d.back(), -2); TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui32>, false>(d); TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui32, true>, false>(d); } { TVector<TBuffer> d; d.emplace_back(); for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { AppendTo(d.back(), (ui32)strlen(textValue)); } TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui32>, false>(d); TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui32, true>, false>(d); } { TVector<TBuffer> d; d.emplace_back(); for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { AppendTo(d.back(), (ui64)strlen(textValue)); } TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui64>, false>(d); TestCodec<TPForCodec<ui64, true>, false>(d); } } template <class TCodec> void DoTestSimpleCodec() { using namespace NCodecs; { TVector<TBuffer> learn; for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { learn.emplace_back(textValue, strlen(textValue)); } TestCodec<TCodec, true>(learn); } { TestCodec<TCodec, true>(); } { TVector<TBuffer> learn; learn.emplace_back(); learn.back().Append('a'); TVector<TBuffer> test; test.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { test.back().Append((ui8)i); } TestCodec<TCodec, true>(learn, test); } { TVector<TBuffer> learn; learn.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (ui32 j = 0; j < i; ++j) { learn.back().Append((ui8)i); } } TVector<TBuffer> test; test.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { test.back().Append((ui8)i); } TestCodec<TCodec, true>(learn, test); } { TVector<TBuffer> learn; learn.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { for (ui32 j = 0; j < i; ++j) { learn.back().Append((ui8)i); } } TVector<TBuffer> test; test.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 128; i < 256; ++i) { test.back().Append((ui8)i); } TestCodec<TCodec, true>(learn, test); } } void TestHuffman() { DoTestSimpleCodec<NCodecs::THuffmanCodec>(); } void TestZStdDict() { using namespace NCodecs; { TVector<TBuffer> learn; for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { learn.emplace_back(textValue, strlen(textValue)); } TestCodec<TZStdDictCodec, true>(learn); } } void TestCompTable() { DoTestSimpleCodec<NCodecs::TCompTableCodec>(); } void TestHuffmanLearnByFreqs() { using namespace NCodecs; TVector<TBuffer> data; for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { data.emplace_back(textValue, strlen(textValue)); } TVector<TBuffer> outLearn; { THuffmanCodec codec; static_cast<ICodec&>(codec).Learn(data.begin(), data.end()); for (ui32 i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { outLearn.emplace_back(); codec.Encode(AsStrBuf(data[i]), outLearn[i]); } } TVector<TBuffer> outLearnByFreqs; { THuffmanCodec codec; std::pair<char, ui64> freqs[256]; for (size_t i = 0; i < Y_ARRAY_SIZE(freqs); ++i) { freqs[i].first = (char)i; freqs[i].second = 0; } for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { size_t len = strlen(textValue); for (size_t j = 0; j < len; ++j) { ++freqs[(ui32)(0xFF & textValue[j])].second; } } codec.LearnByFreqs(TArrayRef<std::pair<char, ui64>>(freqs, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(freqs))); for (ui32 i = 0; i < data.size(); ++i) { outLearnByFreqs.emplace_back(); codec.Encode(AsStrBuf(data[i]), outLearnByFreqs[i]); } } UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(outLearn.size(), outLearnByFreqs.size()); const size_t sz = outLearn.size(); for (size_t n = 0; n < sz; ++n) { UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(AsStrBuf(outLearn[n]), AsStrBuf(outLearnByFreqs[n])); } } void TestSolar() { using namespace NCodecs; { TVector<TBuffer> learn; for (auto& textValue : TextValues) { learn.emplace_back(textValue, strlen(textValue)); } TestCodec<TSolarCodec, true>(learn, TVector<TBuffer>(), new TSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, false>(learn, TVector<TBuffer>(), new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, true>(learn, TVector<TBuffer>(), new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TSolarCodecShortInt, true>(learn, TVector<TBuffer>(), new TSolarCodecShortInt(512, 8)); } { TestCodec<TSolarCodec, true>(TVector<TBuffer>(), TVector<TBuffer>(), new TSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, false>(TVector<TBuffer>(), TVector<TBuffer>(), new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, true>(TVector<TBuffer>(), TVector<TBuffer>(), new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TSolarCodecShortInt, true>(TVector<TBuffer>(), TVector<TBuffer>(), new TSolarCodecShortInt(512, 8)); } { TVector<TBuffer> learn; learn.emplace_back(); learn.back().Append('a'); TVector<TBuffer> test; test.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { test.back().Append((ui8)i); } TestCodec<TSolarCodec, true>(learn, test, new TSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, false>(learn, test, new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, true>(learn, test, new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TSolarCodecShortInt, true>(learn, test, new TSolarCodecShortInt(512, 8)); } { TVector<TBuffer> learn; learn.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (ui32 j = 0; j < i; ++j) { learn.back().Append((ui8)i); } } TVector<TBuffer> test; test.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { test.back().Append((ui8)i); } TestCodec<TSolarCodec, true>(learn, test, new TSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, false>(learn, test, new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TAdaptiveSolarCodec, true>(learn, test, new TAdaptiveSolarCodec(512, 8)); TestCodec<TSolarCodecShortInt, true>(learn, test, new TSolarCodecShortInt(512, 8)); } } void TestPipeline() { using namespace NCodecs; { TVector<TBuffer> learn; learn.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (i32 j = i; j >= 0; --j) { learn.back().Append((ui8)j); } } TVector<TBuffer> test; test.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { test.back().Append((ui8)i); } TestCodec<TPipelineCodec, true>(learn, test, new TPipelineCodec(new TSolarCodec(512, 8), new TSolarCodec(512, 8), new THuffmanCodec)); } { TVector<TBuffer> d; d.emplace_back(); for (ui32 i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { for (i32 j = i; j >= 0; --j) { d.back().Append(i * i); } } TestCodec<TPipelineCodec, false>(d, TVector<TBuffer>(), new TPipelineCodec(new TDeltaCodec<ui32, false>, new TPForCodec<ui32>)); } } void TestRegistry() { using namespace NCodecs; TVector<TString> vs = ICodec::GetCodecsList(); for (const auto& v : vs) { TCodecPtr p = ICodec::GetInstance(v); if (v == "none") { UNIT_ASSERT(!p); continue; } UNIT_ASSERT_C(!!p, v); UNIT_ASSERT_C(TStringBuf(v).Head(3) == TStringBuf(p->GetName()).Head(3), v + " " + p->GetName()); } } }; UNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(TCodecsTest)