#include "float_huffman.h" #include <util/generic/array_ref.h> #include <util/generic/bitops.h> #include <util/generic/cast.h> #include <util/generic/yexception.h> #include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h> #include <util/system/yassert.h> #include <util/stream/format.h> namespace NCodecs::NFloatHuff { namespace { struct THuffEntry { ui32 CodeBase; ui16 Prefix; int PrefLength; int CodeLength; int TotalLength; ui32 Mask; ui64 Offset; THuffEntry() = default; constexpr THuffEntry(ui32 codeBase, ui16 prefix, int prefLength, int codeLength) : CodeBase(codeBase) , Prefix(prefix) , PrefLength(prefLength) , CodeLength(codeLength) , TotalLength(prefLength + codeLength) , Mask(Mask64(codeLength)) , Offset(-(ui64(codeBase) << prefLength) + prefix) {} bool Fit(ui32 code) const { return code >= CodeBase && code < CodeBase + (1ULL << CodeLength); } }; // NB. There is a typo in the penultimate line (34 instead of 24). It was there from the very // first commit and we cannot fix it without breaking all the clients. constexpr THuffEntry entries[16] = { {0x00000000, 0x01, 1, 0}, // Only +0.0f, 1 bit, prefix [1] {0x3f800000, 0x0e, 4, 0}, // Only +1.0f, 4 bits, prefix [0111] {0x3f700000, 0x08, 5, 20}, // [0.9375, 1.0), 25 bits, prefix [00010] {0x3f000000, 0x00, 5, 20}, // [0.5, 0.5625), 25 bits, prefx [00000] {0x3f400000, 0x06, 6, 20}, // [0.75, 0.8125), 26 bits, prefix [011000] {0x3f500000, 0x22, 6, 20}, // [0.8125, 0.875), 26 bits, prefix [010001] {0x3f200000, 0x02, 6, 20}, // [0.625, 0.6875), 26 bits, prefix [010000] {0x3f100000, 0x38, 6, 20}, // [0.5625, 0.625), 26 bits, prefix [000111] {0x3f600000, 0x18, 6, 20}, // [0.875, 0.9375), 26 bits, prefix [000110] {0x3f300000, 0x30, 6, 20}, // [0.6875, 0.75), 26 bits, prefix [000011] {0x3e800000, 0x10, 6, 20}, // [0.25, 0.28125), 26 bits, prefix [000010] {0x3e000000, 0x04, 3, 24}, // [0.125, 0.5), 27 bits, prefix [001] {0x3d000000, 0x0a, 4, 24}, // [0.03125, 0.125), 28 bits, prefix [0101] {0x3c000000, 0x12, 5, 24}, // [0.0078125, 0.03125), 29 bits, prefix [01001] {0x3b000000, 0x26, 6, 34}, // [0.001953125, end of range), 40 bits, prefix [011001] {0x00000000, 0x16, 5, 32}, // whole range, 37 bits, prefix [01101] }; [[noreturn]] Y_NO_INLINE void ThrowInvalidOffset(size_t size, size_t byteOffset) { ythrow yexception() << "Decompression error: requested decoding 8 bytes past end of input buffer of " << size << " bytes size at position " << byteOffset << ". "; } struct THuffInfo { constexpr THuffInfo() { for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; ++i) { bool init = false; for (size_t j = 0; j != 16; ++j) { ui16 prefix = i & Mask64(entries[j].PrefLength); if (entries[j].Prefix == prefix) { init = true; DecodeLookup[i] = entries[j]; break; } } Y_ASSERT(init); } for (ui32 i = 0; i < (1 << 12); ++i) { // First two entries (+0.0f and +1.0f) are not present in the lookup, they are handled separately for (int value = 2; value < 16; ++value) { if (entries[value].Fit(i << 20)) { EncodeLookup[i] = value; break; } } } } std::pair<ui64, int> GetCode(ui32 value) const { // Zeros are handled separately in the main loop Y_ASSERT(value != 0); if (value == 0x3f800000) { return {0x0e, 4}; } const auto& entry = entries[EncodeLookup[value >> 20]]; return { (ui64(value) << entry.PrefLength) + entry.Offset, entry.TotalLength }; } THuffEntry DecodeLookup[64]; ui8 EncodeLookup[1 << 12]; }; const THuffInfo huffInfo; /// End Of Stream const ui32 EOS = ui32(-1); } TString Encode(TArrayRef<const float> factors) { TString result; result.resize((factors.size() + 1) * 40 / 8 + 8, 0); // Max code length is 40 bits int usedBits = 0; ui64 buffer = 0; char* writePtr = result.begin(); auto writeBits = [&](ui64 code, int size) { const auto bitsToTransfer = Min(size, 64 - usedBits); buffer |= (code << usedBits); usedBits += bitsToTransfer; if (usedBits == 64) { memcpy(writePtr, &buffer, 8); usedBits = size - bitsToTransfer; if (bitsToTransfer != 64) { buffer = code >> bitsToTransfer; } else { buffer = 0; } writePtr += 8; } }; for (size_t i = 0; i != factors.size();) { if (BitCast<ui32>(factors[i]) == 0) { int zeroCount = 1; for (;;) { ++i; if (i == factors.size() || BitCast<ui32>(factors[i]) != 0) { break; } ++zeroCount; } for (; zeroCount >= 64; zeroCount -= 64) { writeBits(ui64(-1), 64); } writeBits(Mask64(zeroCount), zeroCount); } else { const auto [code, codeSize] = huffInfo.GetCode(BitCast<ui32>(factors[i])); writeBits(code, codeSize); ++i; } } // Write EOS. // We use precomputed constants instead of the following: // auto [code, codeSize] = huffInfo.GetCode(EOS); // writeBits(code, codeSize); writeBits(211527139302, 40); memcpy(writePtr, &buffer, 8); result.resize(writePtr - result.begin() + usedBits / 8 + 8); return result; } TDecoder::TDecoder(TStringBuf data) : State{ .Workspace = data.size() < 8 ? ThrowInvalidOffset(data.size(), 0), 0 : ReadUnaligned<ui64>(data.data()), .WorkspaceSize = 64, .Position = 8, .Data = data } { FillDecodeBuffer(); } TVector<float> TDecoder::DecodeAll(size_t sizeHint) { TVector<float> result; result.reserve(sizeHint); while (Begin != End) { result.insert(result.end(), Begin, End); FillDecodeBuffer(); } return result; } size_t TDecoder::Decode(TArrayRef<float> dest) { size_t count = 0; while (count < dest.size()) { if (dest.size() - count < size_t(End - Begin)) { const auto size = dest.size() - count; std::copy(Begin, Begin + size, dest.data() + count); Begin += size; return dest.size(); } else { std::copy(Begin, End, dest.data() + count); count += End - Begin; FillDecodeBuffer(); if (Begin == End) { break; } } } return count; } size_t TDecoder::Skip(size_t count) { size_t skippedCount = 0; while (skippedCount < count) { if (count - skippedCount < size_t(End - Begin)) { const auto size = count - skippedCount; Begin += size; return count; } else { skippedCount += End - Begin; FillDecodeBuffer(); if (Begin == End) { break; } } } return skippedCount; } bool TDecoder::HasMore() const { return Begin != End; } void TDecoder::FillDecodeBuffer() { Begin = DecodeBuffer.data(); End = DecodeBuffer.data(); if (HitEos) { return; } // This helps to keep most of the variables in the registers. float* end = End; TState state = State; // It is faster to just zero all the memory here in one go // and then avoid inner loop when writing zeros. There we // can just increment end pointer. std::fill(DecodeBuffer.begin(), DecodeBuffer.end(), 0.0f); // Make sure that inside the loop we always have space to put 64 zeros and one other // value. float* cap = DecodeBuffer.data() + DecodeBuffer.size() - 64 - 1; while (end < cap) { if (state.Workspace % 2 == 1) { // Decode zeros // There we can just scan whole state.Workspace for ones because it contains // zeros outside of the WorkspaceSize bits. const auto negWorkspace = ~state.Workspace; const int zeroCount = negWorkspace ? CountTrailingZeroBits(negWorkspace) : 64; end += zeroCount; state.SkipBits(zeroCount); continue; } if (state.PeekBits(4) == 0x0e) { *end++ = 1.0f; state.SkipBits(4); continue; } const auto& entry = huffInfo.DecodeLookup[state.PeekBits(6)]; const auto code = ui32((state.NextBitsUnmasked(entry.TotalLength) >> entry.PrefLength) & entry.Mask) + entry.CodeBase; if (Y_UNLIKELY(code == EOS)) { HitEos = true; break; } *end++ = BitCast<float>(code); } End = end; State = state; } ui64 TDecoder::TState::PeekBits(int count) { if (WorkspaceSize > count) { return Workspace & Mask64(count); } else { if (Y_UNLIKELY(Position + 8 > Data.size())) { ThrowInvalidOffset(Data.size(), Position); } return (Workspace | (ReadUnaligned<ui64>(Data.data() + Position) << WorkspaceSize)) & Mask64(count); } } ui64 TDecoder::TState::NextBitsUnmasked(int count) { if (WorkspaceSize > count) { const auto result = Workspace; Workspace >>= count; WorkspaceSize -= count; return result; } else { if (Y_UNLIKELY(Position + 8 > Data.size())) { ThrowInvalidOffset(Data.size(), Position); } ui64 result = Workspace; Workspace = ReadUnaligned<ui64>(Data.data() + Position); Position += 8; result |= Workspace << WorkspaceSize; Workspace >>= count - WorkspaceSize; WorkspaceSize += 64 - count; return result; } } void TDecoder::TState::SkipBits(int count) { if (WorkspaceSize > count) { Workspace >>= count; WorkspaceSize -= count; } else { if (Y_UNLIKELY(Position + 8 > Data.size())) { ThrowInvalidOffset(Data.size(), Position); } Workspace = ReadUnaligned<ui64>(Data.data() + Position); Position += 8; Workspace >>= count - WorkspaceSize; WorkspaceSize += 64 - count; } } TVector<float> Decode(TStringBuf data, size_t sizeHint) { return TDecoder(data).DecodeAll(sizeHint); } } // namespace NCodecs::NFloatHuff