#include "codepage.h" #include "recyr.hh" #include "wide.h" #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h> #include <util/charset/utf8.h> #include <util/system/yassert.h> class TRecyr_intTest: public TTestBase { private: UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TRecyr_intTest); UNIT_TEST(TestUTFFromUnknownPlane); UNIT_TEST(TestBrokenMultibyte); UNIT_TEST(TestSurrogatePairs); UNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: void TestUTFFromUnknownPlane(); void TestBrokenMultibyte(); void TestSurrogatePairs(); }; void TRecyr_intTest::TestBrokenMultibyte() { const ECharset cp = CODES_EUC_JP; const char sampletext[] = {'\xe3'}; wchar32 recodeResult[100]; size_t nwritten = 0; size_t nread = 0; RECODE_RESULT res = RecodeToUnicode(cp, sampletext, recodeResult, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(sampletext), Y_ARRAY_SIZE(recodeResult), nread, nwritten); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(nread == 1); UNIT_ASSERT(nwritten == 0); const char bigSample[] = {'\xC3', '\x87', '\xC3', '\x8E', '\xC2', '\xB0', '\xC3', '\x85', '\xC3', '\x85', '\xC3', '\xB8'}; res = RecodeToUnicode(cp, bigSample, recodeResult, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(bigSample), Y_ARRAY_SIZE(recodeResult), nread, nwritten); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(nread == Y_ARRAY_SIZE(bigSample)); } void TRecyr_intTest::TestUTFFromUnknownPlane() { static const wchar32 sampletext[] = {0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x20, 0x430, 0x431, 0x432, 0x20, 0x1001, 0x1002, 0x1003, 0x20, 0x10001, 0x10002, 0x10003}; static const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; char bytebuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t readchars = 0; size_t writtenbytes = 0; size_t samplelen = Y_ARRAY_SIZE(sampletext); RECODE_RESULT res = RecodeFromUnicode(CODES_UTF8, sampletext, bytebuffer, samplelen, BUFFER_SIZE, readchars, writtenbytes); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(samplelen == readchars); size_t writtenbytes2 = 0; char bytebuffer2[BUFFER_SIZE]; for (size_t i = 0; i != samplelen; ++i) { size_t nwr = 0; const int res = RecodeFromUnicode(CODES_UTF8, sampletext[i], bytebuffer2 + writtenbytes2, BUFFER_SIZE - writtenbytes2, nwr); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(res, int(RECODE_OK)); writtenbytes2 += nwr; UNIT_ASSERT(BUFFER_SIZE > writtenbytes2); } UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(TStringBuf(bytebuffer, writtenbytes), TStringBuf(bytebuffer2, writtenbytes2)); wchar32 charbuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; size_t readbytes = 0; size_t writtenchars = 0; res = RecodeToUnicode(CODES_UNKNOWNPLANE, bytebuffer, charbuffer, writtenbytes, BUFFER_SIZE, readbytes, writtenchars); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(readbytes == writtenbytes); wchar32* charbufferend = charbuffer + writtenchars; DecodeUnknownPlane(charbuffer, charbufferend, CODES_UTF8); UNIT_ASSERT(charbufferend == charbuffer + samplelen); for (size_t i = 0; i < samplelen; ++i) UNIT_ASSERT(sampletext[i] == charbuffer[i]); // Now, concatenate the thing with an explicit character and retest res = RecodeToUnicode(CODES_UNKNOWNPLANE, bytebuffer, charbuffer, writtenbytes, BUFFER_SIZE, readbytes, writtenchars); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(readbytes == writtenbytes); charbuffer[writtenchars] = 0x1234; size_t morewrittenchars = 0; res = RecodeToUnicode(CODES_UNKNOWNPLANE, bytebuffer, charbuffer + writtenchars + 1, writtenbytes, BUFFER_SIZE, readbytes, morewrittenchars); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(readbytes == writtenbytes); UNIT_ASSERT(writtenchars == morewrittenchars); charbuffer[2 * writtenchars + 1] = 0x5678; charbufferend = charbuffer + 2 * writtenchars + 2; DecodeUnknownPlane(charbuffer, charbufferend, CODES_UTF8); UNIT_ASSERT(charbufferend == charbuffer + 2 * samplelen + 2); for (size_t i = 0; i < samplelen; ++i) { UNIT_ASSERT(sampletext[i] == charbuffer[i]); UNIT_ASSERT(sampletext[i] == charbuffer[samplelen + 1 + i]); } UNIT_ASSERT(0x1234 == charbuffer[samplelen]); UNIT_ASSERT(0x5678 == charbuffer[2 * samplelen + 1]); // test TChar version // bytebuffer of len writtenbytes contains sampletext of len samplelen chars in utf8 TUtf16String wtr = CharToWide(TStringBuf(bytebuffer, writtenbytes), CODES_UNKNOWNPLANE); TChar* strend = wtr.begin() + wtr.size(); DecodeUnknownPlane(wtr.begin(), strend, CODES_UTF8); wtr.resize(strend - wtr.data(), 'Q'); UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(wtr.size(), samplelen); for (size_t i = 0; i < wtr.size(); ++i) { if (sampletext[i] >= 0x10000) { UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(wtr[i], ' '); } else { UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(wtr[i], sampletext[i]); } } } static void TestSurrogates(const char* str, const wchar16* wide, size_t wideSize) { size_t sSize = strlen(str); size_t wSize = sSize * 2; TArrayHolder<wchar16> w(new wchar16[wSize]); size_t read = 0; size_t written = 0; RECODE_RESULT res = RecodeToUnicode(CODES_UTF8, str, w.Get(), sSize, wSize, read, written); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(read == sSize); UNIT_ASSERT(written == wideSize); UNIT_ASSERT(!memcmp(w.Get(), wide, wideSize)); TArrayHolder<char> s(new char[sSize]); res = RecodeFromUnicode(CODES_UTF8, w.Get(), s.Get(), wideSize, sSize, read, written); UNIT_ASSERT(res == RECODE_OK); UNIT_ASSERT(read == wideSize); UNIT_ASSERT(written == sSize); UNIT_ASSERT(!memcmp(s.Get(), str, sSize)); } void TRecyr_intTest::TestSurrogatePairs() { const char* utf8NonBMP = "\xf4\x80\x89\x84\xf4\x80\x89\x87\xf4\x80\x88\xba"; wchar16 wNonBMPDummy[] = {0xDBC0, 0xDE44, 0xDBC0, 0xDE47, 0xDBC0, 0xDE3A}; TestSurrogates(utf8NonBMP, wNonBMPDummy, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(wNonBMPDummy)); const char* utf8NonBMP2 = "ab\xf4\x80\x89\x87n"; wchar16 wNonBMPDummy2[] = {'a', 'b', 0xDBC0, 0xDE47, 'n'}; TestSurrogates(utf8NonBMP2, wNonBMPDummy2, Y_ARRAY_SIZE(wNonBMPDummy2)); }