#pragma once #include "cache.h" #include <util/generic/singleton.h> #include <util/system/rwlock.h> namespace NPrivate { // We are interested in getters promotion policy _here_ because of Read-Write-Lock optimizations. enum class EGettersPromotionPolicy { Promoted, // LRU, TLRU, MRU, etc. Unpromoted // FIFO, LIFO, LW, etc. }; template <class Key, class Value, template <class, class> class List, EGettersPromotionPolicy GettersPromotionPolicy, class... TArgs> class TThreadSafeCache { public: using TPtr = TAtomicSharedPtr<Value>; class ICallbacks { public: using TKey = Key; using TValue = Value; using TOwner = TThreadSafeCache<Key, Value, List, GettersPromotionPolicy, TArgs...>; public: virtual ~ICallbacks() = default; virtual TKey GetKey(TArgs... args) const = 0; virtual TValue* CreateObject(TArgs... args) const = 0; }; public: TThreadSafeCache(const ICallbacks& callbacks, size_t maxSize = Max<size_t>()) : Callbacks(callbacks) , Cache(maxSize) { } bool Insert(const Key& key, const TPtr& value) { if (!Contains(key)) { TWriteGuard w(Mutex); return Cache.Insert(key, value); } return false; } void Update(const Key& key, const TPtr& value) { TWriteGuard w(Mutex); Cache.Update(key, value); } const TPtr GetOrNull(TArgs... args) { Key key = Callbacks.GetKey(args...); TReadGuard r(Mutex); auto iter = Cache.Find(key); if (iter == Cache.End()) { return nullptr; } return iter.Value(); } const TPtr Get(TArgs... args) const { return GetValue<true>(args...); } const TPtr GetUnsafe(TArgs... args) const { return GetValue<false>(args...); } void Clear() { TWriteGuard w(Mutex); Cache.Clear(); } void Erase(TArgs... args) { Key key = Callbacks.GetKey(args...); if (!Contains(key)) { return; } TWriteGuard w(Mutex); typename TInternalCache::TIterator i = Cache.Find(key); if (i == Cache.End()) { return; } Cache.Erase(i); } bool Contains(const Key& key) const { TReadGuard r(Mutex); auto iter = Cache.FindWithoutPromote(key); return iter != Cache.End(); } template <class TCallbacks> static const TPtr Get(TArgs... args) { return TThreadSafeCacheSingleton<TCallbacks>::Get(args...); } template <class TCallbacks> static const TPtr Erase(TArgs... args) { return TThreadSafeCacheSingleton<TCallbacks>::Erase(args...); } template <class TCallbacks> static void Clear() { return TThreadSafeCacheSingleton<TCallbacks>::Clear(); } size_t Size() const { TReadGuard r(Mutex); return Cache.Size(); } size_t TotalSize() const { TReadGuard r(Mutex); return Cache.TotalSize(); } size_t GetMaxSize() const { TReadGuard w(Mutex); return Cache.GetMaxSize(); } void SetMaxSize(size_t newSize) { TWriteGuard w(Mutex); Cache.SetMaxSize(newSize); } private: template <bool AllowNullValues> const TPtr GetValue(TArgs... args) const { Key key = Callbacks.GetKey(args...); switch (GettersPromotionPolicy) { case EGettersPromotionPolicy::Promoted: break; case EGettersPromotionPolicy::Unpromoted: { TReadGuard r(Mutex); typename TInternalCache::TIterator i = Cache.FindWithoutPromote(key); if (i != Cache.End()) { return i.Value(); } break; } } TWriteGuard w(Mutex); typename TInternalCache::TIterator i = Cache.Find(key); if (i != Cache.End()) { return i.Value(); } TPtr value = Callbacks.CreateObject(args...); if (value || AllowNullValues) { Cache.Insert(key, value); } return value; } private: using TInternalCache = TCache<Key, TPtr, List<Key, TPtr>, TNoopDelete>; template <class TCallbacks> class TThreadSafeCacheSingleton { public: static const TPtr Get(TArgs... args) { return Singleton<TThreadSafeCacheSingleton>()->Cache.Get(args...); } static const TPtr Erase(TArgs... args) { return Singleton<TThreadSafeCacheSingleton>()->Cache.Erase(args...); } static void Clear() { return Singleton<TThreadSafeCacheSingleton>()->Cache.Clear(); } TThreadSafeCacheSingleton() : Cache(Callbacks) { } private: TCallbacks Callbacks; typename TCallbacks::TOwner Cache; }; private: TRWMutex Mutex; const ICallbacks& Callbacks; mutable TInternalCache Cache; }; struct TLWHelper { template <class TValue> struct TConstWeighter { static int Weight(const TValue& /*value*/) { return 0; } }; template <class TKey, class TValue> using TListType = TLWList<TKey, TValue, int, TConstWeighter<TValue>>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class... TArgs> using TCache = TThreadSafeCache<TKey, TValue, TListType, EGettersPromotionPolicy::Unpromoted, TArgs...>; }; struct TLRUHelper { template <class TKey, class TValue> using TListType = TLRUList<TKey, TValue>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class... TArgs> using TCache = TThreadSafeCache<TKey, TValue, TListType, EGettersPromotionPolicy::Promoted, TArgs...>; }; struct TLFUHelper { template <class TKey, class TValue> using TListType = TLFUList<TKey, TValue>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class... TArgs> using TCache = TThreadSafeCache<TKey, TValue, TListType, EGettersPromotionPolicy::Promoted, TArgs...>; }; template <class TSizeProvider, class TValue> struct TSizeProviderRemoveAtomic : TSizeProvider { // TValue in this signature is TCache::TPtr, using this wrapper user don't need // to handle TPtr (which is TAtomicSharedPtr<TValue>) and can just accept TValue // in custom size provider. See example in unittests size_t operator()(const TValue& value) const { // We can pass reference to value without synchronization, because TSizeProvider::operator() // is always called from methods secured by a guard return TSizeProvider::operator()(*value); } }; template <template <class, class, class> class TTemplateListType, EGettersPromotionPolicy GettersPromotionPolicy> struct TCacheWithSizeProviderHelper { private: template <class TSizeProvider> struct TListWithProvider { template <class TKey, class TValue> using TListType = TTemplateListType<TKey, TValue, TSizeProviderRemoveAtomic<TSizeProvider, TValue>>; }; public: template <class TKey, class TValue, class TSizeProvider, class... TArgs> using TCache = TThreadSafeCache<TKey, TValue, TListWithProvider<TSizeProvider>::template TListType, GettersPromotionPolicy, TArgs...>; }; using TLRUWithSizeProviderHelper = TCacheWithSizeProviderHelper<TLRUList, EGettersPromotionPolicy::Promoted>; using TLFUWithSizeProviderHelper = TCacheWithSizeProviderHelper<TLFUList, EGettersPromotionPolicy::Promoted>; } template <class TKey, class TValue, class... TArgs> using TThreadSafeCache = typename NPrivate::TLWHelper::template TCache<TKey, TValue, TArgs...>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class... TArgs> using TThreadSafeLRUCache = typename NPrivate::TLRUHelper::template TCache<TKey, TValue, TArgs...>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class... TArgs> using TThreadSafeLFUCache = typename NPrivate::TLFUHelper::template TCache<TKey, TValue, TArgs...>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class TSizeProvider, class... TArgs> using TThreadSafeLRUCacheWithSizeProvider = typename NPrivate::TLRUWithSizeProviderHelper::template TCache<TKey, TValue, TSizeProvider, TArgs...>; template <class TKey, class TValue, class TSizeProvider, class... TArgs> using TThreadSafeLFUCacheWithSizeProvider = typename NPrivate::TLFUWithSizeProviderHelper::template TCache<TKey, TValue, TSizeProvider, TArgs...>;