#pragma once #include "event.h" #include "event_pb.h" #include <library/cpp/actors/protos/actors.pb.h> #include <util/system/unaligned_mem.h> namespace NActors { struct TEvents { enum EEventSpace { ES_HELLOWORLD = 0, ES_SYSTEM = 1, ES_INTERCONNECT = 2, ES_INTERCONNECT_MSGBUS = 3, ES_DNS = 4, ES_SOCKET_POLLER = 5, ES_LOGGER = 6, ES_MON = 7, ES_INTERCONNECT_TCP = 8, ES_PROFILER = 9, ES_YF = 10, ES_HTTP = 11, ES_PGWIRE = 12, ES_USERSPACE = 4096, ES_PRIVATE = (1 << 15) - 16, ES_MAX = (1 << 15), }; #define EventSpaceBegin(eventSpace) (eventSpace << 16u) #define EventSpaceEnd(eventSpace) ((eventSpace << 16u) + (1u << 16u)) struct THelloWorld { enum { Start = EventSpaceBegin(ES_HELLOWORLD), Ping, Pong, Blob, End }; static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_HELLOWORLD), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_HELLOWORLD)"); }; struct TEvPing: public TEventBase<TEvPing, THelloWorld::Ping> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvPing, "HelloWorld: Ping"); }; struct TEvPong: public TEventBase<TEvPong, THelloWorld::Pong> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvPong, "HelloWorld: Pong"); }; struct TEvBlob: public TEventBase<TEvBlob, THelloWorld::Blob> { const TString Blob; TEvBlob(const TString& blob) noexcept : Blob(blob) { } TString ToStringHeader() const noexcept override { return "THelloWorld::Blob"; } bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer *serializer) const override { return serializer->WriteString(&Blob); } static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs) noexcept { return new TEvBlob(bufs->GetString()); } bool IsSerializable() const override { return true; } }; struct TSystem { enum { Start = EventSpaceBegin(ES_SYSTEM), Bootstrap, // generic bootstrap event Wakeup, // generic timeout Subscribe, // generic subscribe to something Unsubscribe, // generic unsubscribe from something Delivered, // event delivered Undelivered, // event undelivered Poison, // request actor to shutdown Completed, // generic async job result event PoisonTaken, // generic Poison taken (reply to PoisonPill event, i.e. died completely) FlushLog, CallbackCompletion, CallbackException, Gone, // Generic notification of actor death TrackActor, UntrackActor, InvokeResult, CoroTimeout, InvokeQuery, Wilson, End, // Compatibility section PoisonPill = Poison, ActorDied = Gone, }; static_assert(End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_SYSTEM), "expect End < EventSpaceEnd(ES_SYSTEM)"); }; struct TEvBootstrap: public TEventBase<TEvBootstrap, TSystem::Bootstrap> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvBootstrap, "System: TEvBootstrap") }; struct TEvPoison : public TEventBase<TEvPoison, TSystem::Poison> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_NONLOCAL_EVENT(TEvPoison, "System: TEvPoison") }; struct TEvWakeup: public TEventBase<TEvWakeup, TSystem::Wakeup> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvWakeup, "System: TEvWakeup") TEvWakeup(ui64 tag = 0) : Tag(tag) { } const ui64 Tag = 0; }; struct TEvSubscribe: public TEventBase<TEvSubscribe, TSystem::Subscribe> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvSubscribe, "System: TEvSubscribe") }; struct TEvUnsubscribe: public TEventBase<TEvUnsubscribe, TSystem::Unsubscribe> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvUnsubscribe, "System: TEvUnsubscribe") }; struct TEvUndelivered: public TEventBase<TEvUndelivered, TSystem::Undelivered> { enum EReason { ReasonUnknown, ReasonActorUnknown, Disconnected }; const ui32 SourceType; const EReason Reason; const bool Unsure; const TString Data; TEvUndelivered(ui32 sourceType, ui32 reason, bool unsure = false) : SourceType(sourceType) , Reason(static_cast<EReason>(reason)) , Unsure(unsure) , Data(MakeData(sourceType, reason)) {} TString ToStringHeader() const override; bool SerializeToArcadiaStream(TChunkSerializer *serializer) const override; static IEventBase* Load(TEventSerializedData* bufs); bool IsSerializable() const override; ui32 CalculateSerializedSize() const override { return 2 * sizeof(ui32); } static void Out(IOutputStream& o, EReason x); private: static TString MakeData(ui32 sourceType, ui32 reason) { TString s = TString::Uninitialized(sizeof(ui32) + sizeof(ui32)); char *p = s.Detach(); WriteUnaligned<ui32>(p + 0, sourceType); WriteUnaligned<ui32>(p + 4, reason); return s; } }; struct TEvCompleted: public TEventBase<TEvCompleted, TSystem::Completed> { const ui32 Id; const ui32 Status; TEvCompleted(ui32 id = 0, ui32 status = 0) : Id(id) , Status(status) { } DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvCompleted, "System: TEvCompleted") }; struct TEvPoisonTaken: public TEventBase<TEvPoisonTaken, TSystem::PoisonTaken> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvPoisonTaken, "System: TEvPoisonTaken") }; struct TEvFlushLog: public TEventBase<TEvFlushLog, TSystem::FlushLog> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvFlushLog, "System: TEvFlushLog") }; struct TEvCallbackException: public TEventPB<TEvCallbackException, NActorsProto::TCallbackException, TSystem::CallbackException> { TEvCallbackException(const TActorId& id, const TString& msg) { ActorIdToProto(id, Record.MutableActorId()); Record.SetExceptionMessage(msg); } }; struct TEvCallbackCompletion: public TEventPB<TEvCallbackCompletion, NActorsProto::TActorId, TSystem::CallbackCompletion> { TEvCallbackCompletion(const TActorId& id) { ActorIdToProto(id, &Record); } }; struct TEvGone: public TEventBase<TEvGone, TSystem::Gone> { DEFINE_SIMPLE_LOCAL_EVENT(TEvGone, "System: TEvGone") }; struct TEvInvokeResult; using TEvPoisonPill = TEvPoison; // Legacy name, deprecated using TEvActorDied = TEvGone; }; } template <> inline void Out<NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EReason>(IOutputStream& o, NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::EReason x) { NActors::TEvents::TEvUndelivered::Out(o, x); }