/* Automatically generated by Kelbt from "rlparse.kl". * * Parts of this file are copied from Kelbt source covered by the GNU * GPL. As a special exception, you may use the parts of this file copied * from Kelbt source without restriction. The remainder is derived from * "rlparse.kl" and inherits the copyright status of that file. */ #line 1 "rlparse.kl" /* * Copyright 2001-2007 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org> */ /* This file is part of Ragel. * * Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "rlparse.h" #include "ragel.h" #include <iostream> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; #line 102 "rlparse.kh" #line 105 "rlparse.kh" #line 140 "rlparse.kh" #line 1444 "rlparse.kl" #line 48 "rlparse.cpp" struct Parser_Lel_action_ref { #line 755 "rlparse.kl" Action *action; #line 54 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_aug_type { #line 546 "rlparse.kl" InputLoc loc; AugType augType; #line 65 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_expression { #line 338 "rlparse.kl" Expression *expression; #line 75 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor { #line 975 "rlparse.kl" Factor *factor; #line 85 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num { #line 929 "rlparse.kl" int rep; #line 95 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug { #line 452 "rlparse.kl" FactorWithAug *factorWithAug; #line 105 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep { #line 436 "rlparse.kl" FactorWithAug *factorWithAug; #line 115 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_label { #line 420 "rlparse.kl" FactorWithAug *factorWithAug; #line 125 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg { #line 939 "rlparse.kl" FactorWithNeg *factorWithNeg; #line 135 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep { #line 868 "rlparse.kl" FactorWithRep *factorWithRep; #line 145 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_inline_item { #line 1234 "rlparse.kl" InlineItem *inlineItem; #line 155 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_inline_list { #line 1213 "rlparse.kl" InlineList *inlineList; #line 165 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_join { #line 321 "rlparse.kl" Join *join; #line 175 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_join_or_lm { #line 229 "rlparse.kl" MachineDef *machineDef; #line 185 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_lm_part_list { #line 253 "rlparse.kl" LmPartList *lmPartList; #line 195 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_local_err_name { #line 856 "rlparse.kl" int error_name; #line 205 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_longest_match_part { #line 277 "rlparse.kl" LongestMatchPart *lmPart; #line 215 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_opt_export { #line 95 "rlparse.kl" bool isSet; #line 225 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action { #line 294 "rlparse.kl" Action *action; #line 235 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_priority_aug { #line 803 "rlparse.kl" int priorityNum; #line 245 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_priority_name { #line 788 "rlparse.kl" int priorityName; #line 255 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_range_lit { #line 1042 "rlparse.kl" Literal *literal; #line 265 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr { #line 1079 "rlparse.kl" RegExpr *regExpr; #line 275 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char { #line 1131 "rlparse.kl" ReItem *reItem; #line 285 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item { #line 1114 "rlparse.kl" ReItem *reItem; #line 295 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char { #line 1188 "rlparse.kl" ReOrItem *reOrItem; #line 305 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data { #line 1155 "rlparse.kl" ReOrBlock *reOrBlock; #line 315 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_term { #line 389 "rlparse.kl" Term *term; #line 325 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_term_short { #line 368 "rlparse.kl" Term *term; #line 335 "rlparse.cpp" }; struct Parser_Lel_token_type { #line 146 "rlparse.kl" Token token; #line 345 "rlparse.cpp" }; union Parser_UserData { struct Parser_Lel_action_ref action_ref; struct Parser_Lel_aug_type aug_type; struct Parser_Lel_expression expression; struct Parser_Lel_factor factor; struct Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num factor_rep_num; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug factor_with_aug; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep factor_with_ep; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_label factor_with_label; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg factor_with_neg; struct Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep factor_with_rep; struct Parser_Lel_inline_item inline_item; struct Parser_Lel_inline_list inline_list; struct Parser_Lel_join join; struct Parser_Lel_join_or_lm join_or_lm; struct Parser_Lel_lm_part_list lm_part_list; struct Parser_Lel_local_err_name local_err_name; struct Parser_Lel_longest_match_part longest_match_part; struct Parser_Lel_opt_export opt_export; struct Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action opt_lm_part_action; struct Parser_Lel_priority_aug priority_aug; struct Parser_Lel_priority_name priority_name; struct Parser_Lel_range_lit range_lit; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr regular_expr; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char regular_expr_char; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item regular_expr_item; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char regular_expr_or_char; struct Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data regular_expr_or_data; struct Parser_Lel_term term; struct Parser_Lel_term_short term_short; struct Parser_Lel_token_type token_type; struct Token token; }; struct Parser_LangEl { char *file; int line; int type; int reduction; int state; int causeReduce; union Parser_UserData user; unsigned int retry; struct Parser_LangEl *next, *child, *prev; }; struct Parser_Block { struct Parser_LangEl data[8128]; struct Parser_Block *next; }; #line 404 "rlparse.cpp" unsigned int Parser_startState = 0; short Parser_indicies[] = { 152, -1, -1, 152, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 152, 152, 152, 152, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 152, 152, 152, 152, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 152, 152, 152, 1, 0, 404, 154, -1, -1, 154, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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191, 49, 198, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 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-1, -1, 188, 49, 198, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 189, 49, 198, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 190, 49, 198, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 194, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 195, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 196, 52, -1, 53, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 54, -1, -1, -1, 308, 312, -1, -1, 62, 55, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 63, -1, -1, -1, -1, 17, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 56, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 50, 57, -1, -1, 326, 328, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 61, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 58, -1, -1, -1, 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261, 293, 290, 295, 295, 294, 294, 296 }; const char *Parser_prodNames[] = { "start-1", "section_list-1", "section_list-2", "statement_list-1", "statement_list-2", "statement-1", "statement-2", "statement-3", "statement-4", "statement-5", "statement-6", "statement-7", "statement-8", "statement-9", "statement-10", "statement-11", "statement-12", "length_spec-1", "pre_push_spec-1", "post_pop_spec-1", "export_open-1", "opt_export-1", "opt_export-2", "export_block-1", "assignment-1", "instantiation-1", "machine_name-1", "action_spec-1", "alphtype_spec-1", "alphtype_spec-2", "range_spec-1", "getkey_spec-1", "access_spec-1", "variable_spec-1", "opt_whitespace-1", "opt_whitespace-2", "join_or_lm-1", "join_or_lm-2", "lm_part_list-1", "lm_part_list-2", "longest_match_part-1", "longest_match_part-2", "longest_match_part-3", "opt_lm_part_action-1", "opt_lm_part_action-2", "opt_lm_part_action-3", "join-1", "join-2", "expression-1", "expression-2", "expression-3", "expression-4", "expression-5", "term_short-1", "term-1", "term-2", "term-3", "term-4", "term-5", "term-6", "factor_with_label-1", "factor_with_label-2", "factor_with_ep-1", "factor_with_ep-2", "factor_with_aug-1", "factor_with_aug-2", "factor_with_aug-3", "factor_with_aug-4", "factor_with_aug-5", "factor_with_aug-6", "factor_with_aug-7", "factor_with_aug-8", "factor_with_aug-9", "factor_with_aug-10", "factor_with_aug-11", "factor_with_aug-12", "aug_type_base-1", "aug_type_base-2", "aug_type_base-3", "aug_type_base-4", "aug_type_cond-1", "aug_type_cond-2", "aug_type_cond-3", "aug_type_cond-4", "aug_type_cond-5", "aug_type_cond-6", "aug_type_cond-7", "aug_type_cond-8", "aug_type_cond-9", "aug_type_to_state-1", "aug_type_to_state-2", "aug_type_to_state-3", "aug_type_to_state-4", "aug_type_to_state-5", "aug_type_to_state-6", "aug_type_to_state-7", "aug_type_to_state-8", "aug_type_to_state-9", "aug_type_to_state-10", "aug_type_to_state-11", "aug_type_to_state-12", "aug_type_from_state-1", "aug_type_from_state-2", "aug_type_from_state-3", "aug_type_from_state-4", "aug_type_from_state-5", "aug_type_from_state-6", "aug_type_from_state-7", "aug_type_from_state-8", "aug_type_from_state-9", "aug_type_from_state-10", "aug_type_from_state-11", "aug_type_from_state-12", "aug_type_eof-1", "aug_type_eof-2", "aug_type_eof-3", "aug_type_eof-4", "aug_type_eof-5", "aug_type_eof-6", "aug_type_eof-7", "aug_type_eof-8", "aug_type_eof-9", "aug_type_eof-10", "aug_type_eof-11", "aug_type_eof-12", "aug_type_gbl_error-1", "aug_type_gbl_error-2", "aug_type_gbl_error-3", "aug_type_gbl_error-4", "aug_type_gbl_error-5", "aug_type_gbl_error-6", "aug_type_gbl_error-7", "aug_type_gbl_error-8", "aug_type_gbl_error-9", "aug_type_gbl_error-10", "aug_type_gbl_error-11", "aug_type_gbl_error-12", "aug_type_local_error-1", "aug_type_local_error-2", "aug_type_local_error-3", "aug_type_local_error-4", "aug_type_local_error-5", "aug_type_local_error-6", "aug_type_local_error-7", "aug_type_local_error-8", "aug_type_local_error-9", "aug_type_local_error-10", "aug_type_local_error-11", "aug_type_local_error-12", "action_embed-1", "action_embed-2", "action_embed-3", "action_embed_word-1", "action_embed_block-1", "priority_name-1", "priority_aug-1", "priority_aug_num-1", "priority_aug_num-2", "priority_aug_num-3", "local_err_name-1", "factor_with_rep-1", "factor_with_rep-2", "factor_with_rep-3", "factor_with_rep-4", "factor_with_rep-5", "factor_with_rep-6", "factor_with_rep-7", "factor_with_rep-8", "factor_with_rep-9", "factor_rep_num-1", "factor_with_neg-1", "factor_with_neg-2", "factor_with_neg-3", "factor-1", "factor-2", "factor-3", "factor-4", "factor-5", "factor-6", "factor-7", "factor-8", "range_lit-1", "range_lit-2", "alphabet_num-1", "alphabet_num-2", "alphabet_num-3", "regular_expr-1", "regular_expr-2", "regular_expr_item-1", "regular_expr_item-2", "regular_expr_char-1", "regular_expr_char-2", "regular_expr_char-3", "regular_expr_char-4", "regular_expr_or_data-1", "regular_expr_or_data-2", "regular_expr_or_char-1", "regular_expr_or_char-2", "inline_block-1", "inline_block-2", "inline_block_item-1", "inline_block_item-2", "inline_block_item-3", "inline_block_symbol-1", "inline_block_symbol-2", "inline_block_symbol-3", "inline_block_symbol-4", "inline_block_symbol-5", "inline_block_symbol-6", "inline_block_interpret-1", "inline_block_interpret-2", "inline_block_interpret-3", "inline_block_interpret-4", "inline_block_interpret-5", "inline_block_interpret-6", "inline_block_interpret-7", "inline_block_interpret-8", "inline_block_interpret-9", "inline_block_interpret-10", "inline_block_interpret-11", "inline_expr-1", "inline_expr-2", "inline_expr_item-1", "inline_expr_item-2", "inline_expr_item-3", "inline_expr_any-1", "inline_expr_any-2", "inline_expr_any-3", "inline_expr_any-4", "inline_expr_any-5", "inline_expr_any-6", "inline_expr_any-7", "inline_expr_symbol-1", "inline_expr_symbol-2", "inline_expr_symbol-3", "inline_expr_symbol-4", "inline_expr_symbol-5", "inline_expr_interpret-1", "inline_expr_interpret-2", "inline_expr_interpret-3", "inline_expr_interpret-4", "inline_expr_interpret-5", "local_state_ref-1", "no_name_sep-1", "state_ref-1", "opt_name_sep-1", "opt_name_sep-2", "state_ref_names-1", "state_ref_names-2", "_start-1" }; const char *Parser_lelNames[] = { "D-0", "D-1", "D-2", "D-3", "D-4", "D-5", "D-6", "D-7", "D-8", "D-9", "D-10", "D-11", "D-12", "D-13", "D-14", "D-15", "D-16", "D-17", "D-18", "D-19", "D-20", "D-21", "D-22", "D-23", "D-24", "D-25", "D-26", "D-27", "D-28", "D-29", "D-30", "D-31", "D-32", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "'", "(", ")", "*", "+", ",", "-", ".", "/", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "[", "\\", "]", "^", "_", "`", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "{", "|", "}", "~", "D-127", "TK_Word", "TK_Literal", "TK_Number", "TK_EndSection", "TK_UInt", "TK_Hex", "TK_DotDot", "TK_ColonGt", "TK_ColonGtGt", "TK_LtColon", "TK_Arrow", "TK_DoubleArrow", "TK_StarStar", "TK_ColonEquals", "TK_NameSep", "TK_BarStar", "TK_DashDash", "TK_StartCond", "TK_AllCond", "TK_LeavingCond", "TK_Middle", "TK_StartGblError", "TK_AllGblError", "TK_FinalGblError", "TK_NotFinalGblError", "TK_NotStartGblError", "TK_MiddleGblError", "TK_StartLocalError", "TK_AllLocalError", "TK_FinalLocalError", "TK_NotFinalLocalError", "TK_NotStartLocalError", "TK_MiddleLocalError", "TK_StartEOF", "TK_AllEOF", "TK_FinalEOF", "TK_NotFinalEOF", "TK_NotStartEOF", "TK_MiddleEOF", "TK_StartToState", "TK_AllToState", "TK_FinalToState", "TK_NotFinalToState", "TK_NotStartToState", "TK_MiddleToState", "TK_StartFromState", "TK_AllFromState", "TK_FinalFromState", "TK_NotFinalFromState", "TK_NotStartFromState", "TK_MiddleFromState", "RE_Slash", "RE_SqOpen", "RE_SqOpenNeg", "RE_SqClose", "RE_Dot", "RE_Star", "RE_Dash", "RE_Char", "IL_WhiteSpace", "IL_Comment", "IL_Literal", "IL_Symbol", "KW_Machine", "KW_Include", "KW_Import", "KW_Write", "KW_Action", "KW_AlphType", "KW_Range", "KW_GetKey", "KW_InWhen", "KW_When", "KW_OutWhen", "KW_Eof", "KW_Err", "KW_Lerr", "KW_To", "KW_From", "KW_Export", "KW_PrePush", "KW_PostPop", "KW_Length", "KW_Break", "KW_Exec", "KW_Hold", "KW_PChar", "KW_Char", "KW_Goto", "KW_Call", "KW_Ret", "KW_CurState", "KW_TargState", "KW_Entry", "KW_Next", "KW_Variable", "KW_Access", "Parser_tk_eof", "section_list", "start", "statement_list", "statement", "assignment", "instantiation", "action_spec", "alphtype_spec", "range_spec", "getkey_spec", "access_spec", "variable_spec", "export_block", "pre_push_spec", "post_pop_spec", "length_spec", "inline_block", "export_open", "opt_export", "machine_name", "join", "join_or_lm", "alphabet_num", "inline_expr", "opt_whitespace", "lm_part_list", "longest_match_part", "opt_lm_part_action", "action_embed", "action_embed_block", "expression", "term_short", "term", "factor_with_label", "factor_with_ep", "local_state_ref", "factor_with_aug", "aug_type_base", "priority_aug", "priority_name", "aug_type_cond", "aug_type_to_state", "aug_type_from_state", "aug_type_eof", "aug_type_gbl_error", "aug_type_local_error", "local_err_name", "factor_with_rep", "action_embed_word", "priority_aug_num", "factor_rep_num", "factor_with_neg", "factor", "regular_expr_or_data", "regular_expr", "range_lit", "regular_expr_item", "regular_expr_char", "regular_expr_or_char", "inline_block_item", "inline_block_interpret", "inline_expr_any", "inline_block_symbol", "inline_expr_interpret", "state_ref", "inline_expr_item", "inline_expr_symbol", "no_name_sep", "state_ref_names", "opt_name_sep", "_start" }; #line 1449 "rlparse.kl" void Parser::init() { #line 3855 "rlparse.cpp" curs = Parser_startState; pool = 0; block = (struct Parser_Block*) malloc( sizeof(struct Parser_Block) ); block->next = 0; freshEl = block->data; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "allocating 8128 LangEls" << endl; #endif stackTop = freshEl; stackTop->type = 0; stackTop->state = -1; stackTop->next = 0; stackTop->child = 0; stackTop->causeReduce = 0; freshPos = 1; lastFinal = stackTop; numRetry = 0; numNodes = 0; errCount = 0; #line 1454 "rlparse.kl" } int Parser::parseLangEl( int type, const Token *token ) { #line 3880 "rlparse.cpp" #define reject() induceReject = 1 int pos, targState; unsigned int *action; int rhsLen; struct Parser_LangEl *rhs[32]; struct Parser_LangEl *lel = 0; struct Parser_LangEl *input = 0; struct Parser_LangEl *queue = 0; char induceReject; if ( curs < 0 ) return 0; if ( pool == 0 ) { if ( freshPos == 8128 ) { struct Parser_Block* newBlock = (struct Parser_Block*) malloc( sizeof(struct Parser_Block) ); newBlock->next = block; block = newBlock; freshEl = newBlock->data; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "allocating 8128 LangEls" << endl; #endif freshPos = 0; } queue = freshEl + freshPos++; } else { queue = pool; pool = pool->next; } numNodes += 1; queue->type = type; queue->user.token = *token; queue->next = 0; queue->retry = 0; queue->child = 0; queue->causeReduce = 0; again: if ( input == 0 ) { if ( queue == 0 ) goto _out; input = queue; queue = queue->next; input->next = 0; } lel = input; if ( lel->type < Parser_keys[curs<<1] || lel->type > Parser_keys[(curs<<1)+1] ) goto parseError; pos = Parser_indicies[Parser_offsets[curs] + (lel->type - Parser_keys[curs<<1])]; if ( pos < 0 ) goto parseError; induceReject = 0; targState = Parser_targs[pos]; action = Parser_actions + Parser_actInds[pos]; if ( lel->retry & 0x0000ffff ) action += (lel->retry & 0x0000ffff); if ( *action & 0x1 ) { #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "shifted: " << Parser_lelNames[lel->type]; #endif input = input->next; lel->state = curs; lel->next = stackTop; stackTop = lel; if ( action[1] == 0 ) lel->retry &= 0xffff0000; else { lel->retry += 1; numRetry += 1; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << " retry: " << stackTop; #endif } #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << endl; #endif } if ( Parser_commitLen[pos] != 0 ) { struct Parser_LangEl *commitHead = stackTop, *lel; int sp = 0, doExec = 0; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "commit encountered, executing final actions" << endl; #endif if ( Parser_commitLen[pos] < 0 ) commitHead = commitHead->next; lel = commitHead; commit_head: if ( lel == lastFinal ) { doExec = 1; goto commit_base; } if ( lel->next != 0 ) { sp += 1; lel->next->prev = lel; lel = lel->next; lel->retry = 0; goto commit_head; } commit_reverse: if ( lel->child != 0 ) { sp += 1; lel->child->prev = lel; lel = lel->child; lel->retry = 1; goto commit_head; } commit_upwards: if ( doExec ) { if ( lel->type < 226 ) { } else { struct Parser_LangEl *redLel = lel; if ( redLel->child != 0 ) { int r = Parser_prodLengths[redLel->reduction] - 1; struct Parser_LangEl *rhsEl = redLel->child; while ( rhsEl != 0 ) { rhs[r--] = rhsEl; rhsEl = rhsEl->next; } } switch ( lel->reduction ) { case 17: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; #line 61 "rlparse.kl" LengthDef *lengthDef = new LengthDef( (__ref0)->data ); pd->lengthDefList.append( lengthDef ); /* Generic creation of machine for instantiation and assignment. */ MachineDef *machineDef = new MachineDef( lengthDef ); tryMachineDef( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->data, machineDef, false ); #line 4031 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 18: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[2]->user.inline_list; #line 72 "rlparse.kl" if ( pd->prePushExpr != 0 ) { /* Recover by just ignoring the duplicate. */ error((__ref0)->loc) << "pre_push code already defined" << endl; } pd->prePushExpr = (__ref1)->inlineList; #line 4046 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 19: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[2]->user.inline_list; #line 84 "rlparse.kl" if ( pd->postPopExpr != 0 ) { /* Recover by just ignoring the duplicate. */ error((__ref0)->loc) << "post_pop code already defined" << endl; } pd->postPopExpr = (__ref1)->inlineList; #line 4061 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 20: { #line 95 "rlparse.kl" exportContext.append( true ); #line 4069 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 21: { Parser_Lel_opt_export *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_opt_export*)&redLel->user.opt_export; #line 104 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->isSet = true; #line 4076 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 22: { Parser_Lel_opt_export *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_opt_export*)&redLel->user.opt_export; #line 105 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->isSet = false; #line 4083 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 23: { #line 108 "rlparse.kl" exportContext.remove( exportContext.length()-1 ); #line 4091 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 24: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_join *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[3]->user.join; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_opt_export *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_opt_export*)&rhs[0]->user.opt_export; Parser_Lel_join *__ref6 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[3]->user.join; Token *__ref7 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 113 "rlparse.kl" /* Main machine must be an instance. */ bool isInstance = false; if ( strcmp((__ref0)->token.data, mainMachine) == 0 ) { warning((__ref1)->token.loc) << "main machine will be implicitly instantiated" << endl; isInstance = true; } /* Generic creation of machine for instantiation and assignment. */ MachineDef *machineDef = new MachineDef( (__ref2)->join ); tryMachineDef( (__ref3)->token.loc, (__ref4)->token.data, machineDef, isInstance ); if ( (__ref5)->isSet ) exportContext.remove( exportContext.length()-1 ); (__ref6)->join->loc = (__ref7)->loc; #line 4122 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 25: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_join_or_lm *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_join_or_lm*)&rhs[3]->user.join_or_lm; Parser_Lel_opt_export *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_opt_export*)&rhs[0]->user.opt_export; Parser_Lel_join_or_lm *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_join_or_lm*)&rhs[3]->user.join_or_lm; Parser_Lel_join_or_lm *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_join_or_lm*)&rhs[3]->user.join_or_lm; Token *__ref6 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 133 "rlparse.kl" /* Generic creation of machine for instantiation and assignment. */ tryMachineDef( (__ref0)->token.loc, (__ref1)->token.data, (__ref2)->machineDef, true ); if ( (__ref3)->isSet ) exportContext.remove( exportContext.length()-1 ); /* Pass a location to join_or_lm */ if ( (__ref4)->machineDef->join != 0 ) (__ref5)->machineDef->join->loc = (__ref6)->loc; #line 4145 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 26: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 153 "rlparse.kl" /* Make/get the priority key. The name may have already been referenced * and therefore exist. */ PriorDictEl *priorDictEl; if ( pd->priorDict.insert( (__ref0)->data, pd->nextPriorKey, &priorDictEl ) ) pd->nextPriorKey += 1; pd->curDefPriorKey = priorDictEl->value; /* Make/get the local error key. */ LocalErrDictEl *localErrDictEl; if ( pd->localErrDict.insert( (__ref1)->data, pd->nextLocalErrKey, &localErrDictEl ) ) pd->nextLocalErrKey += 1; pd->curDefLocalErrKey = localErrDictEl->value; (__ref2)->token = *(__ref3); #line 4170 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 27: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[3]->user.inline_list; #line 171 "rlparse.kl" if ( pd->actionDict.find( (__ref0)->data ) ) { /* Recover by just ignoring the duplicate. */ error((__ref1)->loc) << "action \"" << (__ref2)->data << "\" already defined" << endl; } else { //cerr << "NEW ACTION " << $2->data << " " << $4->inlineList << endl; /* Add the action to the list of actions. */ Action *newAction = new Action( (__ref3)->loc, (__ref4)->data, (__ref5)->inlineList, pd->nextCondId++ ); /* Insert to list and dict. */ pd->actionList.append( newAction ); pd->actionDict.insert( newAction ); } #line 4197 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 28: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref5 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 191 "rlparse.kl" if ( ! pd->setAlphType( (__ref0)->loc, (__ref1)->data, (__ref2)->data ) ) { // Recover by ignoring the alphtype statement. error((__ref3)->loc) << "\"" << (__ref4)->data << " " << (__ref5)->data << "\" is not a valid alphabet type" << endl; } #line 4215 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 29: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; #line 200 "rlparse.kl" if ( ! pd->setAlphType( (__ref0)->loc, (__ref1)->data ) ) { // Recover by ignoring the alphtype statement. error((__ref2)->loc) << "\"" << (__ref3)->data << "\" is not a valid alphabet type" << endl; } #line 4231 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 30: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[2]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[1]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[2]->user.token_type; #line 210 "rlparse.kl" // Save the upper and lower ends of the range and emit the line number. pd->lowerNum = (__ref0)->token.data; pd->upperNum = (__ref1)->token.data; pd->rangeLowLoc = (__ref2)->token.loc; pd->rangeHighLoc = (__ref3)->token.loc; #line 4247 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 31: { Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[1]->user.inline_list; #line 219 "rlparse.kl" pd->getKeyExpr = (__ref0)->inlineList; #line 4256 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 32: { Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[1]->user.inline_list; #line 224 "rlparse.kl" pd->accessExpr = (__ref0)->inlineList; #line 4265 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 33: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[3]->user.inline_list; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 229 "rlparse.kl" /* FIXME: Need to implement the rest of this. */ bool wasSet = pd->setVariable( (__ref0)->data, (__ref1)->inlineList ); if ( !wasSet ) error((__ref2)->loc) << "bad variable name" << endl; #line 4279 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 36: { Parser_Lel_join_or_lm *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_join_or_lm*)&redLel->user.join_or_lm; Parser_Lel_join *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[0]->user.join; #line 249 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->machineDef = new MachineDef( (__ref1)->join ); #line 4289 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 37: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&rhs[1]->user.lm_part_list; Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&rhs[1]->user.lm_part_list; Parser_Lel_join_or_lm *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_join_or_lm*)&redLel->user.join_or_lm; #line 253 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor going to a longest match structure. Record * in the parse data that we have a longest match. */ LongestMatch *lm = new LongestMatch( (__ref0)->loc, (__ref1)->lmPartList ); pd->lmList.append( lm ); for ( LmPartList::Iter lmp = *((__ref2)->lmPartList); lmp.lte(); lmp++ ) lmp->longestMatch = lm; (__ref3)->machineDef = new MachineDef( lm ); #line 4307 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 38: { Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&rhs[1]->user.longest_match_part; Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&rhs[0]->user.lm_part_list; Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&rhs[1]->user.longest_match_part; Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&redLel->user.lm_part_list; Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&rhs[0]->user.lm_part_list; #line 270 "rlparse.kl" if ( (__ref0)->lmPart != 0 ) (__ref1)->lmPartList->append( (__ref2)->lmPart ); (__ref3)->lmPartList = (__ref4)->lmPartList; #line 4322 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 39: { Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&redLel->user.lm_part_list; Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&rhs[0]->user.longest_match_part; Parser_Lel_lm_part_list *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_lm_part_list*)&redLel->user.lm_part_list; Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&rhs[0]->user.longest_match_part; #line 277 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new list with the part. */ (__ref0)->lmPartList = new LmPartList; if ( (__ref1)->lmPart != 0 ) (__ref2)->lmPartList->append( (__ref3)->lmPart ); #line 4337 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 40: { Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&redLel->user.longest_match_part; #line 290 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->lmPart = 0; #line 4344 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 41: { Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&redLel->user.longest_match_part; #line 292 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->lmPart = 0; #line 4351 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 42: { Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&redLel->user.longest_match_part; Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action*)&rhs[1]->user.opt_lm_part_action; Parser_Lel_longest_match_part *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_longest_match_part*)&redLel->user.longest_match_part; Parser_Lel_join *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[0]->user.join; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; Parser_Lel_join *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[0]->user.join; Token *__ref6 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 294 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->lmPart = 0; Action *action = (__ref1)->action; if ( action != 0 ) action->isLmAction = true; (__ref2)->lmPart = new LongestMatchPart( (__ref3)->join, action, (__ref4)->loc, pd->nextLongestMatchId++ ); /* Provide a location to join. Unfortunately We don't * have the start of the join as in other occurances. Use the end. */ (__ref5)->join->loc = (__ref6)->loc; #line 4375 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 43: { Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action*)&redLel->user.opt_lm_part_action; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[1]->user.action_ref; #line 313 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->action = (__ref1)->action; #line 4385 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 44: { Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action*)&redLel->user.opt_lm_part_action; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[0]->user.action_ref; #line 317 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->action = (__ref1)->action; #line 4395 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 45: { Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_opt_lm_part_action*)&redLel->user.opt_lm_part_action; #line 321 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->action = 0; #line 4404 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 46: { Parser_Lel_join *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[0]->user.join; Parser_Lel_expression *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&rhs[2]->user.expression; Parser_Lel_join *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&redLel->user.join; Parser_Lel_join *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[0]->user.join; #line 332 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the expression to the list and return it. */ (__ref0)->join->exprList.append( (__ref1)->expression ); (__ref2)->join = (__ref3)->join; #line 4418 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 47: { Parser_Lel_join *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&redLel->user.join; Parser_Lel_expression *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&rhs[0]->user.expression; #line 338 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->join = new Join( (__ref1)->expression ); #line 4428 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 48: { Parser_Lel_expression *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&redLel->user.expression; Parser_Lel_expression *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&rhs[0]->user.expression; Parser_Lel_term_short *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_term_short*)&rhs[2]->user.term_short; #line 348 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->expression = new Expression( (__ref1)->expression, (__ref2)->term, Expression::OrType ); #line 4440 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 49: { Parser_Lel_expression *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&redLel->user.expression; Parser_Lel_expression *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&rhs[0]->user.expression; Parser_Lel_term_short *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_term_short*)&rhs[2]->user.term_short; #line 353 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->expression = new Expression( (__ref1)->expression, (__ref2)->term, Expression::IntersectType ); #line 4452 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 50: { Parser_Lel_expression *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&redLel->user.expression; Parser_Lel_expression *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&rhs[0]->user.expression; Parser_Lel_term_short *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_term_short*)&rhs[2]->user.term_short; #line 358 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->expression = new Expression( (__ref1)->expression, (__ref2)->term, Expression::SubtractType ); #line 4464 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 51: { Parser_Lel_expression *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&redLel->user.expression; Parser_Lel_expression *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&rhs[0]->user.expression; Parser_Lel_term_short *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_term_short*)&rhs[2]->user.term_short; #line 363 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->expression = new Expression( (__ref1)->expression, (__ref2)->term, Expression::StrongSubtractType ); #line 4476 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 52: { Parser_Lel_expression *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_expression*)&redLel->user.expression; Parser_Lel_term_short *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term_short*)&rhs[0]->user.term_short; #line 368 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->expression = new Expression( (__ref1)->term ); #line 4486 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 53: { Parser_Lel_term_short *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term_short*)&redLel->user.term_short; Parser_Lel_term *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&rhs[0]->user.term; #line 389 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = (__ref1)->term; #line 4496 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 54: { Parser_Lel_term *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&redLel->user.term; Parser_Lel_term *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&rhs[0]->user.term; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[1]->user.factor_with_label; #line 399 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = new Term( (__ref1)->term, (__ref2)->factorWithAug ); #line 4507 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 55: { Parser_Lel_term *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&redLel->user.term; Parser_Lel_term *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&rhs[0]->user.term; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_with_label; #line 403 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = new Term( (__ref1)->term, (__ref2)->factorWithAug ); #line 4518 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 56: { Parser_Lel_term *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&redLel->user.term; Parser_Lel_term *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&rhs[0]->user.term; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_with_label; #line 407 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = new Term( (__ref1)->term, (__ref2)->factorWithAug, Term::RightStartType ); #line 4529 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 57: { Parser_Lel_term *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&redLel->user.term; Parser_Lel_term *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&rhs[0]->user.term; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_with_label; #line 411 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = new Term( (__ref1)->term, (__ref2)->factorWithAug, Term::RightFinishType ); #line 4540 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 58: { Parser_Lel_term *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&redLel->user.term; Parser_Lel_term *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&rhs[0]->user.term; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_with_label; #line 415 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = new Term( (__ref1)->term, (__ref2)->factorWithAug, Term::LeftType ); #line 4552 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 59: { Parser_Lel_term *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_term*)&redLel->user.term; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_label; #line 420 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->term = new Term( (__ref1)->factorWithAug ); #line 4562 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 60: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_with_label; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&redLel->user.factor_with_label; Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_with_label; #line 430 "rlparse.kl" /* Add the label to the list and pass the factor up. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->labels.prepend( Label((__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->data) ); (__ref3)->factorWithAug = (__ref4)->factorWithAug; #line 4577 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 61: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_label *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_label*)&redLel->user.factor_with_label; Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_ep; #line 436 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithAug = (__ref1)->factorWithAug; #line 4587 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 62: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_ep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_ep; Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_ep; #line 446 "rlparse.kl" /* Add the target to the list and return the factor object. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->epsilonLinks.append( EpsilonLink( (__ref1)->loc, nameRef ) ); (__ref2)->factorWithAug = (__ref3)->factorWithAug; #line 4601 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 63: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_ep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_ep; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 452 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithAug = (__ref1)->factorWithAug; #line 4611 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 64: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 462 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action to the factorWithAug, record the refernce from * factorWithAug to the action and pass up the factorWithAug. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, 0, (__ref3)->action ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4629 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 65: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_priority_aug *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_priority_aug*)&rhs[2]->user.priority_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 470 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the named priority to the factorWithAug and pass it up. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->priorityAugs.append( PriorityAug( (__ref1)->augType, pd->curDefPriorKey, (__ref2)->priorityNum ) ); (__ref3)->factorWithAug = (__ref4)->factorWithAug; #line 4645 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 66: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_priority_name *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_priority_name*)&rhs[3]->user.priority_name; Parser_Lel_priority_aug *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_priority_aug*)&rhs[5]->user.priority_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 477 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the priority using a default name. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->priorityAugs.append( PriorityAug( (__ref1)->augType, (__ref2)->priorityName, (__ref3)->priorityNum ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4662 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 67: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 484 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithAug->conditions.append( ConditionTest( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, (__ref3)->action, true ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4678 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 68: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[3]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 490 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithAug->conditions.append( ConditionTest( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, (__ref3)->action, false ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4694 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 69: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 496 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action, pass it up. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, 0, (__ref3)->action ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4711 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 70: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 503 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action, pass it up. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, 0, (__ref3)->action ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4728 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 71: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 510 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action, pass it up. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, 0, (__ref3)->action ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4745 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 72: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 517 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action to the factorWithAug, record the refernce from * factorWithAug to the action and pass up the factorWithAug. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, pd->curDefLocalErrKey, (__ref3)->action ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4763 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 73: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[2]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 525 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action to the factorWithAug, record the refernce from * factorWithAug to the action and pass up the factorWithAug. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, pd->curDefLocalErrKey, (__ref3)->action ) ); (__ref4)->factorWithAug = (__ref5)->factorWithAug; #line 4781 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 74: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&rhs[1]->user.aug_type; Parser_Lel_local_err_name *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_local_err_name*)&rhs[3]->user.local_err_name; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[5]->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref6 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_aug; #line 533 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the action to the factorWithAug, record the refernce from * factorWithAug to the action and pass up the factorWithAug. */ (__ref0)->factorWithAug->actions.append( ParserAction( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->augType, (__ref3)->error_name, (__ref4)->action ) ); (__ref5)->factorWithAug = (__ref6)->factorWithAug; #line 4800 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 75: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_aug*)&redLel->user.factor_with_aug; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; #line 541 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithAug = new FactorWithAug( (__ref1)->factorWithRep ); #line 4810 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 76: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 554 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_finish; #line 4819 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 77: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 555 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_leave; #line 4828 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 78: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 556 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all; #line 4837 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 79: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 557 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start; #line 4846 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 80: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 562 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start; #line 4855 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 81: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 563 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start; #line 4864 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 82: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 564 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all; #line 4873 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 83: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 565 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all; #line 4882 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 84: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 566 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_leave; #line 4891 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 85: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 567 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_leave; #line 4900 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 86: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 568 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all; #line 4909 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 87: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 569 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start; #line 4918 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 88: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 570 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_leave; #line 4927 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 89: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 579 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_to_state; #line 4936 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 90: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 581 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_to_state; #line 4945 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 91: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 584 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_to_state; #line 4954 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 92: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 586 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_to_state; #line 4963 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 93: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 589 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_to_state; #line 4972 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 94: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 591 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_to_state; #line 4981 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 95: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 594 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_to_state; #line 4990 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 96: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 596 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_to_state; #line 4999 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 97: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 599 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_to_state; #line 5008 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 98: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 601 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_to_state; #line 5017 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 99: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 604 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_to_state; #line 5026 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 100: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 606 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_to_state; #line 5035 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 101: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 615 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_from_state; #line 5044 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 102: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 617 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_from_state; #line 5053 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 103: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 620 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_from_state; #line 5062 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 104: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 622 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_from_state; #line 5071 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 105: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 625 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_from_state; #line 5080 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 106: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 627 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_from_state; #line 5089 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 107: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 630 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_from_state; #line 5098 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 108: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 632 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_from_state; #line 5107 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 109: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 635 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_from_state; #line 5116 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 110: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 637 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_from_state; #line 5125 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 111: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 640 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_from_state; #line 5134 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 112: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 642 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_from_state; #line 5143 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 113: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 651 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_eof; #line 5152 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 114: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 653 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_eof; #line 5161 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 115: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 656 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_eof; #line 5170 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 116: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 658 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_eof; #line 5179 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 117: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 661 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_eof; #line 5188 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 118: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 663 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_eof; #line 5197 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 119: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 666 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_eof; #line 5206 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 120: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 668 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_eof; #line 5215 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 121: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 671 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_eof; #line 5224 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 122: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 673 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_eof; #line 5233 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 123: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 676 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_eof; #line 5242 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 124: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 678 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_eof; #line 5251 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 125: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 687 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_gbl_error; #line 5260 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 126: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 689 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_gbl_error; #line 5269 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 127: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 692 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_gbl_error; #line 5278 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 128: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 694 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_gbl_error; #line 5287 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 129: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 697 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_gbl_error; #line 5296 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 130: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 699 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_gbl_error; #line 5305 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 131: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 702 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_gbl_error; #line 5314 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 132: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 704 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_gbl_error; #line 5323 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 133: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 707 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_gbl_error; #line 5332 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 134: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 709 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_gbl_error; #line 5341 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 135: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 712 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_gbl_error; #line 5350 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 136: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 714 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_gbl_error; #line 5359 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 137: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 724 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_local_error; #line 5368 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 138: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 726 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_start_local_error; #line 5377 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 139: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 729 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_local_error; #line 5386 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 140: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 731 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_start_local_error; #line 5395 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 141: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 734 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_local_error; #line 5404 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 142: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 736 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_all_local_error; #line 5413 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 143: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 739 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_local_error; #line 5422 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 144: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 741 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_final_local_error; #line 5431 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 145: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 744 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_local_error; #line 5440 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 146: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 746 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_not_final_local_error; #line 5449 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 147: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 749 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_local_error; #line 5458 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 148: { Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_aug_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_aug_type*)&redLel->user.aug_type; #line 751 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->loc = (__ref1)->loc; (__ref2)->augType = at_middle_local_error; #line 5467 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 149: { Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&redLel->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[0]->user.action_ref; #line 764 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->action = (__ref1)->action; #line 5475 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 150: { Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&redLel->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[1]->user.action_ref; #line 765 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->action = (__ref1)->action; #line 5483 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 151: { Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&redLel->user.action_ref; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&rhs[0]->user.action_ref; #line 766 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->action = (__ref1)->action; #line 5491 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 152: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&redLel->user.action_ref; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&redLel->user.action_ref; #line 771 "rlparse.kl" /* Set the name in the actionDict. */ Action *action = pd->actionDict.find( (__ref0)->data ); if ( action != 0 ) { /* Pass up the action element */ (__ref1)->action = action; } else { /* Will recover by returning null as the action. */ error((__ref2)->loc) << "action lookup of \"" << (__ref3)->data << "\" failed" << endl; (__ref4)->action = 0; } #line 5514 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 153: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[1]->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_action_ref *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_action_ref*)&redLel->user.action_ref; #line 788 "rlparse.kl" /* Create the action, add it to the list and pass up. */ Action *newAction = new Action( (__ref0)->loc, 0, (__ref1)->inlineList, pd->nextCondId++ ); pd->actionList.append( newAction ); (__ref2)->action = newAction; #line 5528 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 154: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_priority_name *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_priority_name*)&redLel->user.priority_name; #line 803 "rlparse.kl" // Lookup/create the priority key. PriorDictEl *priorDictEl; if ( pd->priorDict.insert( (__ref0)->data, pd->nextPriorKey, &priorDictEl ) ) pd->nextPriorKey += 1; // Use the inserted/found priority key. (__ref1)->priorityName = priorDictEl->value; #line 5544 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 155: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_priority_aug *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_priority_aug*)&redLel->user.priority_aug; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_priority_aug *__ref6 = (Parser_Lel_priority_aug*)&redLel->user.priority_aug; Parser_Lel_priority_aug *__ref7 = (Parser_Lel_priority_aug*)&redLel->user.priority_aug; #line 820 "rlparse.kl" // Convert the priority number to a long. Check for overflow. errno = 0; //cerr << "PRIOR AUG: " << $1->token.data << endl; long aug = strtol( (__ref0)->token.data, 0, 10 ); if ( errno == ERANGE && aug == LONG_MAX ) { /* Priority number too large. Recover by setting the priority to 0. */ error((__ref1)->token.loc) << "priority number " << (__ref2)->token.data << " overflows" << endl; (__ref3)->priorityNum = 0; } else if ( errno == ERANGE && aug == LONG_MIN ) { /* Priority number too large in the neg. Recover by using 0. */ error((__ref4)->token.loc) << "priority number " << (__ref5)->token.data << " underflows" << endl; (__ref6)->priorityNum = 0; } else { /* No overflow or underflow. */ (__ref7)->priorityNum = aug; } #line 5579 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 156: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 846 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 5589 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 157: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; #line 850 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token.set( "+", 1 ); (__ref1)->token.loc = (__ref2)->loc; (__ref3)->token.append( *(__ref4) ); #line 5604 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 158: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; #line 856 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token.set( "-", 1 ); (__ref1)->token.loc = (__ref2)->loc; (__ref3)->token.append( *(__ref4) ); #line 5619 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 159: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_local_err_name *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_local_err_name*)&redLel->user.local_err_name; #line 868 "rlparse.kl" /* Lookup/create the priority key. */ LocalErrDictEl *localErrDictEl; if ( pd->localErrDict.insert( (__ref0)->data, pd->nextLocalErrKey, &localErrDictEl ) ) pd->nextLocalErrKey += 1; /* Use the inserted/found priority key. */ (__ref1)->error_name = localErrDictEl->value; #line 5635 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 160: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; #line 889 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, 0, 0, FactorWithRep::StarType ); #line 5647 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 161: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; #line 894 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, 0, 0, FactorWithRep::StarStarType ); #line 5659 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 162: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; #line 899 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, 0, 0, FactorWithRep::OptionalType ); #line 5671 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 163: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; #line 904 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, 0, 0, FactorWithRep::PlusType ); #line 5683 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 164: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_rep_num; #line 909 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, (__ref3)->rep, 0, FactorWithRep::ExactType ); #line 5696 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 165: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&rhs[3]->user.factor_rep_num; #line 914 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, 0, (__ref3)->rep, FactorWithRep::MaxType ); #line 5709 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 166: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_rep_num; #line 919 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, (__ref3)->rep, 0, FactorWithRep::MinType ); #line 5722 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 167: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_rep; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&rhs[2]->user.factor_rep_num; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&rhs[4]->user.factor_rep_num; #line 924 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithRep, (__ref3)->rep, (__ref4)->rep, FactorWithRep::RangeType ); #line 5736 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 168: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_rep*)&redLel->user.factor_with_rep; Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg*)&rhs[0]->user.factor_with_neg; #line 929 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithRep = new FactorWithRep( (__ref1)->factorWithNeg ); #line 5746 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 169: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&redLel->user.factor_rep_num; Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_factor_rep_num*)&redLel->user.factor_rep_num; #line 939 "rlparse.kl" // Convert the priority number to a long. Check for overflow. errno = 0; long rep = strtol( (__ref0)->data, 0, 10 ); if ( errno == ERANGE && rep == LONG_MAX ) { // Repetition too large. Recover by returing repetition 1. */ error((__ref1)->loc) << "repetition number " << (__ref2)->data << " overflows" << endl; (__ref3)->rep = 1; } else { // Cannot be negative, so no overflow. (__ref4)->rep = rep; } #line 5770 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 170: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg*)&redLel->user.factor_with_neg; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg*)&rhs[1]->user.factor_with_neg; #line 965 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithNeg = new FactorWithNeg( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithNeg, FactorWithNeg::NegateType ); #line 5782 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 171: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg*)&redLel->user.factor_with_neg; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg*)&rhs[1]->user.factor_with_neg; #line 970 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithNeg = new FactorWithNeg( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->factorWithNeg, FactorWithNeg::CharNegateType ); #line 5794 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 172: { Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor_with_neg*)&redLel->user.factor_with_neg; Parser_Lel_factor *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&rhs[0]->user.factor; #line 975 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->factorWithNeg = new FactorWithNeg( (__ref1)->factor ); #line 5804 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 173: { Parser_Lel_factor *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 985 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor node going to a concat literal. */ (__ref0)->factor = new Factor( new Literal( *(__ref1), Literal::LitString ) ); #line 5815 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 174: { Parser_Lel_factor *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; #line 990 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor node going to a literal number. */ (__ref0)->factor = new Factor( new Literal( (__ref1)->token, Literal::Number ) ); #line 5826 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 175: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_factor *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Parser_Lel_factor *__ref6 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Token *__ref7 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 995 "rlparse.kl" /* Find the named graph. */ GraphDictEl *gdNode = pd->graphDict.find( (__ref0)->data ); if ( gdNode == 0 ) { /* Recover by returning null as the factor node. */ error((__ref1)->loc) << "graph lookup of \"" << (__ref2)->data << "\" failed" << endl; (__ref3)->factor = 0; } else if ( gdNode->isInstance ) { /* Recover by retuning null as the factor node. */ error((__ref4)->loc) << "references to graph instantiations not allowed " "in expressions" << endl; (__ref5)->factor = 0; } else { /* Create a factor node that is a lookup of an expression. */ (__ref6)->factor = new Factor( (__ref7)->loc, gdNode->value ); } #line 5858 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 176: { Parser_Lel_factor *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_data; #line 1015 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor node going to an OR expression. */ (__ref0)->factor = new Factor( new ReItem( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->reOrBlock, ReItem::OrBlock ) ); #line 5870 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 177: { Parser_Lel_factor *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_data; #line 1020 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor node going to a negated OR expression. */ (__ref0)->factor = new Factor( new ReItem( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->reOrBlock, ReItem::NegOrBlock ) ); #line 5882 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 178: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_factor *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr; #line 1025 "rlparse.kl" if ( (__ref0)->length > 1 ) { for ( char *p = (__ref1)->data; *p != 0; p++ ) { if ( *p == 'i' ) (__ref2)->regExpr->caseInsensitive = true; } } /* Create a new factor node going to a regular exp. */ (__ref3)->factor = new Factor( (__ref4)->regExpr ); #line 5903 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 179: { Parser_Lel_factor *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Parser_Lel_range_lit *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_range_lit*)&rhs[0]->user.range_lit; Parser_Lel_range_lit *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_range_lit*)&rhs[2]->user.range_lit; #line 1037 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor node going to a range. */ (__ref0)->factor = new Factor( new Range( (__ref1)->literal, (__ref2)->literal ) ); #line 5915 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 180: { Parser_Lel_factor *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_factor*)&redLel->user.factor; Parser_Lel_join *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[1]->user.join; Parser_Lel_join *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_join*)&rhs[1]->user.join; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1042 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new factor going to a parenthesized join. */ (__ref0)->factor = new Factor( (__ref1)->join ); (__ref2)->join->loc = (__ref3)->loc; #line 5929 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 181: { Parser_Lel_range_lit *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_range_lit*)&redLel->user.range_lit; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1055 "rlparse.kl" /* Range literas must have only one char. We restrict this in the parse tree. */ (__ref0)->literal = new Literal( *(__ref1), Literal::LitString ); #line 5940 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 182: { Parser_Lel_range_lit *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_range_lit*)&redLel->user.range_lit; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; #line 1060 "rlparse.kl" /* Create a new literal number. */ (__ref0)->literal = new Literal( (__ref1)->token, Literal::Number ); #line 5951 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 183: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1069 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 5961 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 184: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref4 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; #line 1073 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token.set( "-", 1 ); (__ref1)->token.loc = (__ref2)->loc; (__ref3)->token.append( *(__ref4) ); #line 5976 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 185: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1079 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 5986 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 186: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_item; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_item; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref6 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_item; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref7 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_item; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref8 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&redLel->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref9 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref10 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&redLel->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref11 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref12 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_item; #line 1094 "rlparse.kl" /* An optimization to lessen the tree size. If a non-starred char is * directly under the left side on the right and the right side is * another non-starred char then paste them together and return the * left side. Otherwise just put the two under a new reg exp node. */ if ( (__ref0)->reItem->type == ReItem::Data && !(__ref1)->reItem->star && (__ref2)->regExpr->type == RegExpr::RecurseItem && (__ref3)->regExpr->item->type == ReItem::Data && !(__ref4)->regExpr->item->star ) { /* Append the right side to the right side of the left and toss the * right side. */ (__ref5)->regExpr->item->token.append( (__ref6)->reItem->token ); delete (__ref7)->reItem; (__ref8)->regExpr = (__ref9)->regExpr; } else { (__ref10)->regExpr = new RegExpr( (__ref11)->regExpr, (__ref12)->reItem ); } #line 6023 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 187: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr*)&redLel->user.regular_expr; #line 1114 "rlparse.kl" /* Can't optimize the tree. */ (__ref0)->regExpr = new RegExpr(); #line 6033 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 188: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_char; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_item; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_char; #line 1126 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reItem->star = true; (__ref1)->reItem = (__ref2)->reItem; #line 6045 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 189: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_item*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_item; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_char; #line 1131 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reItem = (__ref1)->reItem; #line 6055 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 190: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_char; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_data; #line 1143 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reItem = new ReItem( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->reOrBlock, ReItem::OrBlock ); #line 6066 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 191: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_char; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_data; #line 1147 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reItem = new ReItem( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->reOrBlock, ReItem::NegOrBlock ); #line 6077 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 192: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_char; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1151 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reItem = new ReItem( (__ref1)->loc, ReItem::Dot ); #line 6087 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 193: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_char*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_char; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1155 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reItem = new ReItem( (__ref1)->loc, *(__ref2) ); #line 6098 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 194: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_char; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char *__ref4 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_char; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char *__ref5 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_char; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref6 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref7 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref8 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref9 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&rhs[0]->user.regular_expr_or_data; Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char *__ref10 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char*)&rhs[1]->user.regular_expr_or_char; #line 1167 "rlparse.kl" /* An optimization to lessen the tree size. If an or char is directly * under the left side on the right and the right side is another or * char then paste them together and return the left side. Otherwise * just put the two under a new or data node. */ if ( (__ref0)->reOrItem->type == ReOrItem::Data && (__ref1)->reOrBlock->type == ReOrBlock::RecurseItem && (__ref2)->reOrBlock->item->type == ReOrItem::Data ) { /* Append the right side to right side of the left and toss the * right side. */ (__ref3)->reOrBlock->item->token.append( (__ref4)->reOrItem->token ); delete (__ref5)->reOrItem; (__ref6)->reOrBlock = (__ref7)->reOrBlock; } else { /* Can't optimize, put the left and right under a new node. */ (__ref8)->reOrBlock = new ReOrBlock( (__ref9)->reOrBlock, (__ref10)->reOrItem ); } #line 6134 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 195: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_data*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_or_data; #line 1188 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reOrBlock = new ReOrBlock(); #line 6143 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 196: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_or_char; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1200 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reOrItem = new ReOrItem( (__ref1)->loc, *(__ref2) ); #line 6154 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 197: { Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_regular_expr_or_char*)&redLel->user.regular_expr_or_char; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[1]->user.token; Token *__ref2 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Token *__ref3 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 1204 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->reOrItem = new ReOrItem( (__ref1)->loc, (__ref2)->data[0], (__ref3)->data[0] ); #line 6166 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 198: { Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&redLel->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[0]->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&redLel->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&rhs[1]->user.inline_item; #line 1221 "rlparse.kl" /* Append the item to the list, return the list. */ (__ref0)->inlineList = (__ref1)->inlineList; (__ref2)->inlineList->append( (__ref3)->inlineItem ); #line 6180 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 199: { Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&redLel->user.inline_list; #line 1228 "rlparse.kl" /* Start with empty list. */ (__ref0)->inlineList = new InlineList; #line 6190 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 200: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; #line 1243 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->token.loc, (__ref2)->token.data, InlineItem::Text ); #line 6201 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 201: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; #line 1249 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->token.loc, (__ref2)->token.data, InlineItem::Text ); #line 6212 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 202: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&rhs[0]->user.inline_item; #line 1255 "rlparse.kl" /* Pass the inline item up. */ (__ref0)->inlineItem = (__ref1)->inlineItem; #line 6223 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 203: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1262 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6231 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 204: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1263 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6239 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 205: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1264 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6247 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 206: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1265 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6255 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 207: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1266 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6263 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 208: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1267 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6271 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 209: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&rhs[0]->user.inline_item; #line 1271 "rlparse.kl" /* Pass up interpreted items of inline expressions. */ (__ref0)->inlineItem = (__ref1)->inlineItem; #line 6282 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 210: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1276 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Hold ); #line 6292 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 211: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[1]->user.inline_list; #line 1280 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Exec ); (__ref2)->inlineItem->children = (__ref3)->inlineList; #line 6305 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 212: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1285 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, new NameRef(nameRef), InlineItem::Goto ); #line 6316 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 213: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[2]->user.inline_list; #line 1290 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::GotoExpr ); (__ref2)->inlineItem->children = (__ref3)->inlineList; #line 6329 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 214: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1295 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, new NameRef(nameRef), InlineItem::Next ); #line 6339 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 215: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[2]->user.inline_list; #line 1299 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::NextExpr ); (__ref2)->inlineItem->children = (__ref3)->inlineList; #line 6352 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 216: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1304 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, new NameRef(nameRef), InlineItem::Call ); #line 6362 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 217: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[2]->user.inline_list; #line 1308 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::CallExpr ); (__ref2)->inlineItem->children = (__ref3)->inlineList; #line 6375 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 218: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1313 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Ret ); #line 6385 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 219: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1317 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Break ); #line 6395 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 220: { Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&redLel->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&rhs[0]->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&redLel->user.inline_list; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref3 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&rhs[1]->user.inline_item; #line 1325 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineList = (__ref1)->inlineList; (__ref2)->inlineList->append( (__ref3)->inlineItem ); #line 6408 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 221: { Parser_Lel_inline_list *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_list*)&redLel->user.inline_list; #line 1330 "rlparse.kl" /* Init the list used for this expr. */ (__ref0)->inlineList = new InlineList; #line 6418 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 222: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; #line 1339 "rlparse.kl" /* Return a text segment. */ (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->token.loc, (__ref2)->token.data, InlineItem::Text ); #line 6430 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 223: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref2 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&rhs[0]->user.token_type; #line 1345 "rlparse.kl" /* Return a text segment, must heap alloc the text. */ (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->token.loc, (__ref2)->token.data, InlineItem::Text ); #line 6442 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 224: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref1 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&rhs[0]->user.inline_item; #line 1351 "rlparse.kl" /* Pass the inline item up. */ (__ref0)->inlineItem = (__ref1)->inlineItem; #line 6453 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 237: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1381 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::PChar ); #line 6463 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 238: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1386 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Char ); #line 6473 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 239: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1391 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Curs ); #line 6483 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 240: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1396 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, InlineItem::Targs ); #line 6493 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 241: { Parser_Lel_inline_item *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_inline_item*)&redLel->user.inline_item; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1401 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->inlineItem = new InlineItem( (__ref1)->loc, new NameRef(nameRef), InlineItem::Entry ); #line 6504 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 243: { #line 1412 "rlparse.kl" nameRef.empty(); #line 6512 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 245: { #line 1422 "rlparse.kl" /* Insert an initial null pointer val to indicate the existence of the * initial name seperator. */ nameRef.setAs( 0 ); #line 6522 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 246: { #line 1428 "rlparse.kl" nameRef.empty(); #line 6530 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 247: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[2]->user.token; #line 1435 "rlparse.kl" nameRef.append( (__ref0)->data ); #line 6539 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 248: { Token *__ref0 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1440 "rlparse.kl" nameRef.append( (__ref0)->data ); #line 6548 "rlparse.cpp" } break; } } if ( lel->child != 0 ) { struct Parser_LangEl *first = lel->child; struct Parser_LangEl *child = lel->child; lel->child = 0; while ( 1 ) { if ( child->type < 226 ) { } else { } numNodes -= 1; if ( child->next == 0 ) break; child = child->next; } child->next = pool; pool = first; } } commit_base: if ( sp > 0 ) { sp -= 1; if ( lel->retry == 0 ) { lel = lel->prev; goto commit_reverse; } else { lel->retry = 0; lel = lel->prev; goto commit_upwards; } } lel->retry = 0; lastFinal = lel; numRetry = 0; } if ( *action & 0x2 ) { int reduction = *action >> 2; struct Parser_LangEl *redLel; if ( input != 0 ) input->causeReduce += 1; if ( pool == 0 ) { if ( freshPos == 8128 ) { struct Parser_Block* newBlock = (struct Parser_Block*) malloc( sizeof(struct Parser_Block) ); newBlock->next = block; block = newBlock; freshEl = newBlock->data; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "allocating 8128 LangEls" << endl; #endif freshPos = 0; } redLel = freshEl + freshPos++; } else { redLel = pool; pool = pool->next; } numNodes += 1; redLel->type = Parser_prodLhsIds[reduction]; redLel->reduction = reduction; redLel->child = 0; redLel->next = 0; redLel->retry = (lel->retry << 16); redLel->causeReduce = 0; lel->retry &= 0xffff0000; rhsLen = Parser_prodLengths[reduction]; if ( rhsLen > 0 ) { int r; for ( r = rhsLen-1; r > 0; r-- ) { rhs[r] = stackTop; stackTop = stackTop->next; } rhs[0] = stackTop; stackTop = stackTop->next; rhs[0]->next = 0; } switch ( reduction ) { case 225: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1358 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6643 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 226: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1359 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6651 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 227: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1360 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6659 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 228: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1361 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6667 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 229: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1362 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6675 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 230: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1363 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6683 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 231: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1364 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6691 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 232: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1371 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6699 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 233: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1372 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6707 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 234: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1373 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6715 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 235: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1374 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6723 "rlparse.cpp" } break; case 236: { Parser_Lel_token_type *__ref0 = (Parser_Lel_token_type*)&redLel->user.token_type; Token *__ref1 = (Token*)&rhs[0]->user.token; #line 1375 "rlparse.kl" (__ref0)->token = *(__ref1); #line 6731 "rlparse.cpp" } break; } #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "reduced: " << Parser_prodNames[reduction] << " rhsLen: " << rhsLen; #endif if ( action[1] == 0 ) redLel->retry = 0; else { redLel->retry += 0x10000; numRetry += 1; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << " retry: " << redLel; #endif } #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << endl; #endif if ( rhsLen == 0 ) { redLel->file = lel->file; redLel->line = lel->line; targState = curs; } else { redLel->child = rhs[rhsLen-1]; redLel->file = rhs[0]->file; redLel->line = rhs[0]->line; targState = rhs[0]->state; } if ( induceReject ) { #ifdef KELBT_LOG_ACTIONS cerr << "error induced during reduction of " << Parser_lelNames[redLel->type] << endl; #endif redLel->state = curs; redLel->next = stackTop; stackTop = redLel; curs = targState; goto parseError; } else { redLel->next = input; input = redLel; } } curs = targState; goto again; parseError: #ifdef KELBT_LOG_BACKTRACK cerr << "hit error" << endl; #endif if ( numRetry > 0 ) { struct Parser_LangEl *redLel; if ( input != 0 ) { redLel = input; goto have_undo_element; } while ( 1 ) { redLel = stackTop; if ( stackTop->type < 226 ) { #ifdef KELBT_LOG_BACKTRACK cerr << "backing up over terminal: " << Parser_lelNames[stackTop->type] << endl; #endif stackTop = stackTop->next; redLel->next = input; input = redLel; } else { #ifdef KELBT_LOG_BACKTRACK cerr << "backing up over non-terminal: " << Parser_lelNames[stackTop->type] << endl; #endif stackTop = stackTop->next; struct Parser_LangEl *first = redLel->child; if ( first == 0 ) rhsLen = 0; else { rhsLen = 1; while ( first->next != 0 ) { first = first->next; rhsLen += 1; } first->next = stackTop; stackTop = redLel->child; struct Parser_LangEl *rhsEl = stackTop; int p = rhsLen; while ( p > 0 ) { rhs[--p] = rhsEl; rhsEl = rhsEl->next; } } redLel->next = pool; pool = redLel; numNodes -= 1; if ( input != 0 ) input->causeReduce -= 1; } have_undo_element: if ( redLel->retry == 0 ) { if ( input != 0 && input->causeReduce == 0 ) { #ifdef KELBT_LOG_BACKTRACK cerr << "pushing back: " << Parser_lelNames[input->type] << endl; #endif input->next = queue; queue = input; input = 0; } } else { #ifdef KELBT_LOG_BACKTRACK cerr << "found retry targ: " << redLel << endl; #endif numRetry -= 1; #ifdef KELBT_LOG_BACKTRACK cerr << "found retry: " << redLel << endl; #endif if ( redLel->retry & 0x0000ffff ) curs = input->state; else { input->retry = redLel->retry >> 16; if ( stackTop->state < 0 ) curs = Parser_startState; else { curs = Parser_targs[(int)Parser_indicies[Parser_offsets[stackTop->state] + (stackTop->type - Parser_keys[stackTop->state<<1])]]; } } goto again; } } } curs = -1; errCount += 1; _out: {} #line 1459 "rlparse.kl" return errCount == 0 ? 0 : -1; } void Parser::tryMachineDef( InputLoc &loc, char *name, MachineDef *machineDef, bool isInstance ) { GraphDictEl *newEl = pd->graphDict.insert( name ); if ( newEl != 0 ) { /* New element in the dict, all good. */ newEl->value = new VarDef( name, machineDef ); newEl->isInstance = isInstance; newEl->loc = loc; newEl->value->isExport = exportContext[exportContext.length()-1]; /* It it is an instance, put on the instance list. */ if ( isInstance ) pd->instanceList.append( newEl ); } else { // Recover by ignoring the duplicate. error(loc) << "fsm \"" << name << "\" previously defined" << endl; } } ostream &Parser::parse_error( int tokId, Token &token ) { /* Maintain the error count. */ gblErrorCount += 1; cerr << token.loc << ": "; cerr << "at token "; if ( tokId < 128 ) cerr << "\"" << Parser_lelNames[tokId] << "\""; else cerr << Parser_lelNames[tokId]; if ( token.data != 0 ) cerr << " with data \"" << token.data << "\""; cerr << ": "; return cerr; } int Parser::token( InputLoc &loc, int tokId, char *tokstart, int toklen ) { Token token; token.data = tokstart; token.length = toklen; token.loc = loc; int res = parseLangEl( tokId, &token ); if ( res < 0 ) { parse_error(tokId, token) << "parse error" << endl; exit(1); } return res; }