 *  Copyright 2001-2006 Adrian Thurston <thurston@complang.org>

/*  This file is part of Ragel.
 *  Ragel is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  Ragel is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with Ragel; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA 

#ifndef _REDFSM_H
#define _REDFSM_H

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include "config.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "dlist.h"
#include "compare.h"
#include "bstmap.h"
#include "bstset.h"
#include "avlmap.h"
#include "avltree.h"
#include "avlbasic.h"
#include "mergesort.h"
#include "sbstmap.h"
#include "sbstset.h"
#include "sbsttable.h"

#define TRANS_ERR_TRANS   0
#define STATE_ERR_STATE   0
#define FUNC_NO_FUNC      0

using std::string;

struct RedStateAp;
struct GenInlineList;
struct GenAction;

 * Inline code tree
struct GenInlineItem
	enum Type 
		Text, Goto, Call, Next, GotoExpr, CallExpr, NextExpr, Ret, 
		PChar, Char, Hold, Exec, Curs, Targs, Entry,
		LmSwitch, LmSetActId, LmSetTokEnd, LmGetTokEnd, LmInitTokStart,
		LmInitAct, LmSetTokStart, SubAction, Break

	GenInlineItem( const InputLoc &loc, Type type ) : 
		loc(loc), data(0), targId(0), targState(0), 
		lmId(0), children(0), offset(0),
		type(type) { }
	InputLoc loc;
	char *data;
	int targId;
	RedStateAp *targState;
	int lmId;
	GenInlineList *children;
	int offset;
	Type type;

	GenInlineItem *prev, *next;

/* Normally this would be atypedef, but that would entail including DList from
 * ptreetypes, which should be just typedef forwards. */
struct GenInlineList : public DList<GenInlineItem> { };

/* Element in list of actions. Contains the string for the code to exectute. */
struct GenAction 
	public DListEl<GenAction>
	GenAction( )

	/* Data collected during parse. */
	InputLoc loc;
	const char *name;
	GenInlineList *inlineList;
	int actionId;

	string nameOrLoc();

	/* Number of references in the final machine. */
	int numRefs() 
		{ return numTransRefs + numToStateRefs + numFromStateRefs + numEofRefs; }
	int numTransRefs;
	int numToStateRefs;
	int numFromStateRefs;
	int numEofRefs;

/* Forwards. */
struct RedStateAp;
struct StateAp;

/* Transistion GenAction Element. */
typedef SBstMapEl< int, GenAction* > GenActionTableEl;

/* Transition GenAction Table.  */
struct GenActionTable 
	: public SBstMap< int, GenAction*, CmpOrd<int> >
	void setAction( int ordering, GenAction *action );
	void setActions( int *orderings, GenAction **actions, int nActs );
	void setActions( const GenActionTable &other );

/* Compare of a whole action table element (key & value). */
struct CmpGenActionTableEl
	static int compare( const GenActionTableEl &action1, 
			const GenActionTableEl &action2 )
		if ( action1.key < action2.key )
			return -1;
		else if ( action1.key > action2.key )
			return 1;
		else if ( action1.value < action2.value )
			return -1;
		else if ( action1.value > action2.value )
			return 1;
		return 0;

/* Compare for GenActionTable. */
typedef CmpSTable< GenActionTableEl, CmpGenActionTableEl > CmpGenActionTable;

/* Set of states. */
typedef BstSet<RedStateAp*> RedStateSet;
typedef BstSet<int> IntSet;

/* Reduced action. */
struct RedAction
	public AvlTreeEl<RedAction>
	RedAction( )
	{ }
	const GenActionTable &getKey() 
		{ return key; }

	GenActionTable key;
	int actListId;
	int location;
	IntSet *eofRefs;

	/* Number of references in the final machine. */
	int numRefs() 
		{ return numTransRefs + numToStateRefs + numFromStateRefs + numEofRefs; }
	int numTransRefs;
	int numToStateRefs;
	int numFromStateRefs;
	int numEofRefs;

	bool anyNextStmt() { return bAnyNextStmt; }
	bool anyCurStateRef() { return bAnyCurStateRef; }
	bool anyBreakStmt() { return bAnyBreakStmt; }

	bool bAnyNextStmt;
	bool bAnyCurStateRef;
	bool bAnyBreakStmt;
typedef AvlTree<RedAction, GenActionTable, CmpGenActionTable> GenActionTableMap;

/* Reduced transition. */
struct RedTransAp
	public AvlTreeEl<RedTransAp>
	RedTransAp( RedStateAp *targ, RedAction *action, int id )
		: targ(targ), action(action), id(id), pos(-1), labelNeeded(true) { }

	RedStateAp *targ;
	RedAction *action;
	int id;
	int pos;
	bool partitionBoundary;
	bool labelNeeded;

/* Compare of transitions for the final reduction of transitions. Comparison
 * is on target and the pointer to the shared action table. It is assumed that
 * when this is used the action tables have been reduced. */
struct CmpRedTransAp
	static int compare( const RedTransAp &t1, const RedTransAp &t2 )
		if ( t1.targ < t2.targ )
			return -1;
		else if ( t1.targ > t2.targ )
			return 1;
		else if ( t1.action < t2.action )
			return -1;
		else if ( t1.action > t2.action )
			return 1;
			return 0;

typedef AvlBasic<RedTransAp, CmpRedTransAp> TransApSet;

/* Element in out range. */
struct RedTransEl
	/* Constructors. */
	RedTransEl( Key lowKey, Key highKey, RedTransAp *value ) 
		: lowKey(lowKey), highKey(highKey), value(value) { }

	Key lowKey, highKey;
	RedTransAp *value;

typedef Vector<RedTransEl> RedTransList;
typedef Vector<RedStateAp*> RedStateVect;

typedef BstMapEl<RedStateAp*, unsigned long long> RedSpanMapEl;
typedef BstMap<RedStateAp*, unsigned long long> RedSpanMap;

/* Compare used by span map sort. Reverse sorts by the span. */
struct CmpRedSpanMapEl
	static int compare( const RedSpanMapEl &smel1, const RedSpanMapEl &smel2 )
		if ( smel1.value > smel2.value )
			return -1;
		else if ( smel1.value < smel2.value )
			return 1;
			return 0;

/* Sorting state-span map entries by span. */
typedef MergeSort<RedSpanMapEl, CmpRedSpanMapEl> RedSpanMapSort;

/* Set of entry ids that go into this state. */
typedef Vector<int> EntryIdVect;
typedef Vector<char*> EntryNameVect;

typedef Vector< GenAction* > GenCondSet;

struct Condition
	Condition( )
		: key(0), baseKey(0) {}

	Key key;
	Key baseKey;
	GenCondSet condSet;

	Condition *next, *prev;
typedef DList<Condition> ConditionList;

struct GenCondSpace
	Key baseKey;
	GenCondSet condSet;
	int condSpaceId;

	GenCondSpace *next, *prev;
typedef DList<GenCondSpace> CondSpaceList;

struct GenStateCond
	Key lowKey;
	Key highKey;

	GenCondSpace *condSpace;

	GenStateCond *prev, *next;
typedef DList<GenStateCond> GenStateCondList;
typedef Vector<GenStateCond*> StateCondVect;

/* Reduced state. */
struct RedStateAp
	{ }

	/* Transitions out. */
	RedTransList outSingle;
	RedTransList outRange;
	RedTransAp *defTrans;

	/* For flat conditions. */
	Key condLowKey, condHighKey;
	GenCondSpace **condList;

	/* For flat keys. */
	Key lowKey, highKey;
	RedTransAp **transList;

	/* The list of states that transitions from this state go to. */
	RedStateVect targStates;

	bool isFinal;
	bool labelNeeded;
	bool outNeeded;
	bool onStateList;
	RedAction *toStateAction;
	RedAction *fromStateAction;
	RedAction *eofAction;
	RedTransAp *eofTrans;
	int id;
	GenStateCondList stateCondList;
	StateCondVect stateCondVect;

	/* Pointers for the list of states. */
	RedStateAp *prev, *next;

	bool anyRegCurStateRef() { return bAnyRegCurStateRef; }
	bool bAnyRegCurStateRef;

	int partition;
	bool partitionBoundary;

	RedTransAp **inTrans;
	int numInTrans;

/* List of states. */
typedef DList<RedStateAp> RedStateList;

/* Set of reduced transitons. Comparison is by pointer. */
typedef BstSet< RedTransAp*, CmpOrd<RedTransAp*> > RedTransSet;

/* Next version of the fsm machine. */
struct RedFsmAp

	bool forcedErrorState;

	int nextActionId;
	int nextTransId;

	/* Next State Id doubles as the total number of state ids. */
	int nextStateId;

	TransApSet transSet;
	GenActionTableMap actionMap;
	RedStateList stateList;
	RedStateSet entryPoints;
	RedStateAp *startState;
	RedStateAp *errState;
	RedTransAp *errTrans;
	RedTransAp *errActionTrans;
	RedStateAp *firstFinState;
	int numFinStates;
	int nParts;

	bool bAnyToStateActions;
	bool bAnyFromStateActions;
	bool bAnyRegActions;
	bool bAnyEofActions;
	bool bAnyEofTrans;
	bool bAnyActionGotos;
	bool bAnyActionCalls;
	bool bAnyActionRets;
	bool bAnyActionByValControl;
	bool bAnyRegActionRets;
	bool bAnyRegActionByValControl;
	bool bAnyRegNextStmt;
	bool bAnyRegCurStateRef;
	bool bAnyRegBreak;
	bool bAnyConditions;

	int maxState;
	int maxSingleLen;
	int maxRangeLen;
	int maxKeyOffset;
	int maxIndexOffset;
	int maxIndex;
	int maxActListId;
	int maxActionLoc;
	int maxActArrItem;
	unsigned long long maxSpan;
	unsigned long long maxCondSpan;
	int maxFlatIndexOffset;
	Key maxKey;
	int maxCondOffset;
	int maxCondLen;
	int maxCondSpaceId;
	int maxCondIndexOffset;
	int maxCond;

	bool anyActions();
	bool anyToStateActions()        { return bAnyToStateActions; }
	bool anyFromStateActions()      { return bAnyFromStateActions; }
	bool anyRegActions()            { return bAnyRegActions; }
	bool anyEofActions()            { return bAnyEofActions; }
	bool anyEofTrans()              { return bAnyEofTrans; }
	bool anyActionGotos()           { return bAnyActionGotos; }
	bool anyActionCalls()           { return bAnyActionCalls; }
	bool anyActionRets()            { return bAnyActionRets; }
	bool anyActionByValControl()    { return bAnyActionByValControl; }
	bool anyRegActionRets()         { return bAnyRegActionRets; }
	bool anyRegActionByValControl() { return bAnyRegActionByValControl; }
	bool anyRegNextStmt()           { return bAnyRegNextStmt; }
	bool anyRegCurStateRef()        { return bAnyRegCurStateRef; }
	bool anyRegBreak()              { return bAnyRegBreak; }
	bool anyConditions()            { return bAnyConditions; }

	/* Is is it possible to extend a range by bumping ranges that span only
	 * one character to the singles array. */
	bool canExtend( const RedTransList &list, int pos );

	/* Pick single transitions from the ranges. */
	void moveTransToSingle( RedStateAp *state );
	void chooseSingle();

	void makeFlat();

	/* Move a selected transition from ranges to default. */
	void moveToDefault( RedTransAp *defTrans, RedStateAp *state );

	/* Pick a default transition by largest span. */
	RedTransAp *chooseDefaultSpan( RedStateAp *state );
	void chooseDefaultSpan();

	/* Pick a default transition by most number of ranges. */
	RedTransAp *chooseDefaultNumRanges( RedStateAp *state );
	void chooseDefaultNumRanges();

	/* Pick a default transition tailored towards goto driven machine. */
	RedTransAp *chooseDefaultGoto( RedStateAp *state );
	void chooseDefaultGoto();

	/* Ordering states by transition connections. */
	void optimizeStateOrdering( RedStateAp *state );
	void optimizeStateOrdering();

	/* Ordering states by transition connections. */
	void depthFirstOrdering( RedStateAp *state );
	void depthFirstOrdering();

	/* Set state ids. */
	void sequentialStateIds();
	void sortStateIdsByFinal();

	/* Arrange states in by final id. This is a stable sort. */
	void sortStatesByFinal();

	/* Sorting states by id. */
	void sortByStateId();

	/* Locating the first final state. This is the final state with the lowest
	 * id. */
	void findFirstFinState();

	void assignActionLocs();

	RedTransAp *getErrorTrans();
	RedStateAp *getErrorState();

	/* Is every char in the alphabet covered? */
	bool alphabetCovered( RedTransList &outRange );

	RedTransAp *allocateTrans( RedStateAp *targState, RedAction *actionTable );

	void partitionFsm( int nParts );

	void setInTrans();
