#!/usr/bin/php # # Copyright 2018 Miriam Lauter (lauter.miriam@gmail.com). All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) # # 13-Apr-2018 Miriam Lauter Created this. <?php ini_set('error_log', null); $optind = null; $args = getopt("htc", ["help"], $optind); if (isset($args['h']) || isset($args['help'])) { usage(); } function usage($exit = 0) { echo <<<EOT stackcollapse-php.php collapse php function traces into single lines. Parses php samples generated by xdebug with xdebug.trace_format = 1 and outputs stacks as single lines, with methods separated by semicolons, and then a space and an occurrence count. For use with flamegraph.pl. See https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph. USAGE: ./stackcollapse-php.php [OPTIONS] infile > outfile -h --help Show this message -t Weight stack counts by duration using the time index in the trace (default) -c Invocation counts only. Simply count stacks in the trace and sum duplicates, don't weight by duration. Example input: For more info on xdebug and generating traces see https://xdebug.org/docs/execution_trace. Version: 2.0.0RC4-dev TRACE START [2007-05-06 18:29:01] 1 0 0 0.010870 114112 {main} 1 ../trace.php 0 2 1 0 0.032009 114272 str_split 0 ../trace.php 8 2 1 1 0.032073 116632 2 2 0 0.033505 117424 ret_ord 1 ../trace.php 10 3 3 0 0.033531 117584 ord 0 ../trace.php 5 3 3 1 0.033551 117584 ... TRACE END [2007-05-06 18:29:01] Example output: - c {main};str_split 1 {main};ret_ord;ord 6 -t {main} 23381 {main};str_split 64 {main};ret_ord 215 {main};ret_ord;ord 106 EOT; exit($exit); } function collapseStack(array $stack, string $func_name_key): string { return implode(';', array_column($stack, $func_name_key)); } function addCurrentStackToStacks(array $stack, float $dur, array &$stacks) { $collapsed = implode(';', $stack); $duration = SCALE_FACTOR * $dur; if (array_key_exists($collapsed, $stacks)) { $stacks[$collapsed] += $duration; } else { $stacks[$collapsed] = $duration; } } function isEOTrace(string $l) { $pattern = "/^(\\t|TRACE END)/"; return preg_match($pattern, $l); } $filename = $argv[$optind] ?? null; if ($filename === null) { usage(1); } $do_time = !isset($args['c']); // First make sure our file is consistently formatted with only one \t delimiting each field $out = []; $retval = null; exec("sed -in 's/\t\+/\t/g' " . escapeshellarg($filename), $out, $retval); if ($retval !== 0) { usage(1); } $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); if ($handle === false) { echo "Unable to open $filename \n\n"; usage(1); } // Loop till we find TRACE START while ($l = fgets($handle)) { if (strpos($l, "TRACE START") === 0) { break; } } const SCALE_FACTOR = 1000000; $stacks = []; $current_stack = []; $was_exit = false; $prev_start_time = 0; if ($do_time) { // Weight counts by duration // Xdebug trace time indices have 6 sigfigs of precision // We have a perfect trace, but let's instead pretend that // this was collected by sampling at 10^6 Hz // then each millionth of a second this stack took to execute is 1 count while ($l = fgets($handle)) { if (isEOTrace($l)) { break; } $parts = explode("\t", $l); list($level, $fn_no, $is_exit, $time) = $parts; if ($is_exit) { if (empty($current_stack)) { echo "[WARNING] Found function exit without corresponding entrance. Discarding line. Check your input.\n"; continue; } addCurrentStackToStacks($current_stack, $time - $prev_start_time, $stacks); array_pop($current_stack); } else { $func_name = $parts[5]; if (!empty($current_stack)) { addCurrentStackToStacks($current_stack, $time - $prev_start_time, $stacks); } $current_stack[] = $func_name; } $prev_start_time = $time; } } else { // Counts only while ($l = fgets($handle)) { if (isEOTrace($l)) { break; } $parts = explode("\t", $l); list($level, $fn_no, $is_exit) = $parts; if ($is_exit === "1") { if (!$was_exit) { $collapsed = implode(";", $current_stack); if (array_key_exists($collapsed, $stacks)) { $stacks[$collapsed]++; } else { $stacks[$collapsed] = 1; } } array_pop($current_stack); $was_exit = true; } else { $func_name = $parts[5]; $current_stack[] = $func_name; $was_exit = false; } } } foreach ($stacks as $stack => $count) { echo "$stack $count\n"; }