/* * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0 * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "utils/s2n_array.h" #include <sys/param.h> #include "utils/s2n_blob.h" #include "utils/s2n_mem.h" #include "utils/s2n_safety.h" S2N_RESULT s2n_array_validate(const struct s2n_array *array) { uint32_t mem_size = 0; RESULT_ENSURE_REF(array); RESULT_GUARD(s2n_blob_validate(&array->mem)); RESULT_ENSURE_NE(array->element_size, 0); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_mul_overflow(array->len, array->element_size, &mem_size)); RESULT_ENSURE_GTE(array->mem.size, mem_size); RESULT_ENSURE(S2N_IMPLIES(array->mem.size, array->mem.growable), S2N_ERR_SAFETY); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } static S2N_RESULT s2n_array_enlarge(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t capacity) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(array); /* Acquire the memory */ uint32_t mem_needed; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_mul_overflow(array->element_size, capacity, &mem_needed)); RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_realloc(&array->mem, mem_needed)); /* Zero the extened part */ uint32_t array_elements_size; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_mul_overflow(array->element_size, array->len, &array_elements_size)); RESULT_CHECKED_MEMSET(array->mem.data + array_elements_size, 0, array->mem.size - array_elements_size); RESULT_POSTCONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } struct s2n_array *s2n_array_new(uint32_t element_size) { struct s2n_array *array = s2n_array_new_with_capacity(element_size, S2N_INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE); PTR_ENSURE_REF(array); return array; } struct s2n_array *s2n_array_new_with_capacity(uint32_t element_size, uint32_t capacity) { DEFER_CLEANUP(struct s2n_blob mem = { 0 }, s2n_free); PTR_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_alloc(&mem, sizeof(struct s2n_array))); DEFER_CLEANUP(struct s2n_array *array = (void *) mem.data, s2n_array_free_p); ZERO_TO_DISABLE_DEFER_CLEANUP(mem); PTR_GUARD_RESULT(s2n_array_init_with_capacity(array, element_size, capacity)); struct s2n_array *array_ret = array; ZERO_TO_DISABLE_DEFER_CLEANUP(array); return array_ret; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_init(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t element_size) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(array); RESULT_GUARD(s2n_array_init_with_capacity(array, element_size, 0)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_init_with_capacity(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t element_size, uint32_t capacity) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(array); *array = (struct s2n_array){ .element_size = element_size }; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_array_enlarge(array, capacity)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_pushback(struct s2n_array *array, void **element) { RESULT_PRECONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(element); return s2n_array_insert(array, array->len, element); } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_get(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t idx, void **element) { RESULT_PRECONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(element); RESULT_ENSURE(idx < array->len, S2N_ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OOB); *element = array->mem.data + (array->element_size * idx); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_insert_and_copy(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t idx, void *element) { void *insert_location = NULL; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_array_insert(array, idx, &insert_location)); RESULT_CHECKED_MEMCPY(insert_location, element, array->element_size); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_insert(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t idx, void **element) { RESULT_PRECONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); RESULT_ENSURE_REF(element); /* index == len is ok since we're about to add one element */ RESULT_ENSURE(idx <= array->len, S2N_ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OOB); /* We are about to add one more element to the array. Add capacity if necessary */ uint32_t current_capacity = 0; RESULT_GUARD(s2n_array_capacity(array, ¤t_capacity)); if (array->len >= current_capacity) { /* Enlarge the array */ uint32_t new_capacity = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_mul_overflow(current_capacity, 2, &new_capacity)); new_capacity = MAX(new_capacity, S2N_INITIAL_ARRAY_SIZE); RESULT_GUARD(s2n_array_enlarge(array, new_capacity)); } /* If we are adding at an existing index, slide everything down. */ if (idx < array->len) { uint32_t size = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_mul_overflow(array->len - idx, array->element_size, &size)); memmove(array->mem.data + array->element_size * (idx + 1), array->mem.data + array->element_size * idx, size); } *element = array->mem.data + array->element_size * idx; array->len++; RESULT_POSTCONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_remove(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t idx) { RESULT_PRECONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); RESULT_ENSURE(idx < array->len, S2N_ERR_ARRAY_INDEX_OOB); /* If the removed element is the last one, no need to move anything. * Otherwise, shift everything down */ if (idx != array->len - 1) { uint32_t size = 0; RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_mul_overflow(array->len - idx - 1, array->element_size, &size)); memmove(array->mem.data + array->element_size * idx, array->mem.data + array->element_size * (idx + 1), size); } array->len--; /* After shifting, zero the last element */ RESULT_CHECKED_MEMSET(array->mem.data + array->element_size * array->len, 0, array->element_size); RESULT_POSTCONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_num_elements(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t *len) { RESULT_PRECONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(len); *len = array->len; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_capacity(struct s2n_array *array, uint32_t *capacity) { RESULT_PRECONDITION(s2n_array_validate(array)); RESULT_ENSURE_MUT(capacity); *capacity = array->mem.size / array->element_size; return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_CLEANUP_RESULT s2n_array_free_p(struct s2n_array **parray) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(parray); struct s2n_array *array = *parray; if (array == NULL) { return S2N_RESULT_OK; } /* Free the elements */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_free(&array->mem)); /* And finally the array */ RESULT_GUARD_POSIX(s2n_free_object((uint8_t **) parray, sizeof(struct s2n_array))); return S2N_RESULT_OK; } S2N_RESULT s2n_array_free(struct s2n_array *array) { RESULT_ENSURE_REF(array); return s2n_array_free_p(&array); }