// // Copyright 2019 The Abseil Authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include "absl/flags/internal/usage.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <functional> #include <map> #include <ostream> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "absl/base/config.h" #include "absl/flags/commandlineflag.h" #include "absl/flags/flag.h" #include "absl/flags/internal/flag.h" #include "absl/flags/internal/path_util.h" #include "absl/flags/internal/private_handle_accessor.h" #include "absl/flags/internal/program_name.h" #include "absl/flags/internal/registry.h" #include "absl/flags/usage_config.h" #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h" #include "absl/strings/str_split.h" #include "absl/strings/string_view.h" // Dummy global variables to prevent anyone else defining these. bool FLAGS_help = false; bool FLAGS_helpfull = false; bool FLAGS_helpshort = false; bool FLAGS_helppackage = false; bool FLAGS_version = false; bool FLAGS_only_check_args = false; bool FLAGS_helpon = false; bool FLAGS_helpmatch = false; namespace absl { ABSL_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace flags_internal { namespace { using PerFlagFilter = std::function<bool(const absl::CommandLineFlag&)>; // Maximum length size in a human readable format. constexpr size_t kHrfMaxLineLength = 80; // This class is used to emit an XML element with `tag` and `text`. // It adds opening and closing tags and escapes special characters in the text. // For example: // std::cout << XMLElement("title", "Milk & Cookies"); // prints "<title>Milk & Cookies</title>" class XMLElement { public: XMLElement(absl::string_view tag, absl::string_view txt) : tag_(tag), txt_(txt) {} friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const XMLElement& xml_elem) { out << "<" << xml_elem.tag_ << ">"; for (auto c : xml_elem.txt_) { switch (c) { case '"': out << """; break; case '\'': out << "'"; break; case '&': out << "&"; break; case '<': out << "<"; break; case '>': out << ">"; break; default: out << c; break; } } return out << "</" << xml_elem.tag_ << ">"; } private: absl::string_view tag_; absl::string_view txt_; }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper class to pretty-print info about a flag. class FlagHelpPrettyPrinter { public: // Pretty printer holds on to the std::ostream& reference to direct an output // to that stream. FlagHelpPrettyPrinter(size_t max_line_len, size_t min_line_len, size_t wrapped_line_indent, std::ostream& out) : out_(out), max_line_len_(max_line_len), min_line_len_(min_line_len), wrapped_line_indent_(wrapped_line_indent), line_len_(0), first_line_(true) {} void Write(absl::string_view str, bool wrap_line = false) { // Empty string - do nothing. if (str.empty()) return; std::vector<absl::string_view> tokens; if (wrap_line) { for (auto line : absl::StrSplit(str, absl::ByAnyChar("\n\r"))) { if (!tokens.empty()) { // Keep line separators in the input string. tokens.push_back("\n"); } for (auto token : absl::StrSplit(line, absl::ByAnyChar(" \t"), absl::SkipEmpty())) { tokens.push_back(token); } } } else { tokens.push_back(str); } for (auto token : tokens) { bool new_line = (line_len_ == 0); // Respect line separators in the input string. if (token == "\n") { EndLine(); continue; } // Write the token, ending the string first if necessary/possible. if (!new_line && (line_len_ + static_cast<int>(token.size()) >= max_line_len_)) { EndLine(); new_line = true; } if (new_line) { StartLine(); } else { out_ << ' '; ++line_len_; } out_ << token; line_len_ += token.size(); } } void StartLine() { if (first_line_) { line_len_ = min_line_len_; first_line_ = false; } else { line_len_ = min_line_len_ + wrapped_line_indent_; } out_ << std::string(line_len_, ' '); } void EndLine() { out_ << '\n'; line_len_ = 0; } private: std::ostream& out_; const size_t max_line_len_; const size_t min_line_len_; const size_t wrapped_line_indent_; size_t line_len_; bool first_line_; }; void FlagHelpHumanReadable(const CommandLineFlag& flag, std::ostream& out) { FlagHelpPrettyPrinter printer(kHrfMaxLineLength, 4, 2, out); // Flag name. printer.Write(absl::StrCat("--", flag.Name())); // Flag help. printer.Write(absl::StrCat("(", flag.Help(), ");"), /*wrap_line=*/true); // The listed default value will be the actual default from the flag // definition in the originating source file, unless the value has // subsequently been modified using SetCommandLineOption() with mode // SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT. std::string dflt_val = flag.DefaultValue(); std::string curr_val = flag.CurrentValue(); bool is_modified = curr_val != dflt_val; if (flag.IsOfType<std::string>()) { dflt_val = absl::StrCat("\"", dflt_val, "\""); } printer.Write(absl::StrCat("default: ", dflt_val, ";")); if (is_modified) { if (flag.IsOfType<std::string>()) { curr_val = absl::StrCat("\"", curr_val, "\""); } printer.Write(absl::StrCat("currently: ", curr_val, ";")); } printer.EndLine(); } // Shows help for every filename which matches any of the filters // If filters are empty, shows help for every file. // If a flag's help message has been stripped (e.g. by adding '#define // STRIP_FLAG_HELP 1' then this flag will not be displayed by '--help' // and its variants. void FlagsHelpImpl(std::ostream& out, PerFlagFilter filter_cb, HelpFormat format, absl::string_view program_usage_message) { if (format == HelpFormat::kHumanReadable) { out << flags_internal::ShortProgramInvocationName() << ": " << program_usage_message << "\n\n"; } else { // XML schema is not a part of our public API for now. out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" << "<!-- This output should be used with care. We do not report type " "names for flags with user defined types -->\n" << "<!-- Prefer flag only_check_args for validating flag inputs -->\n" // The document. << "<AllFlags>\n" // The program name and usage. << XMLElement("program", flags_internal::ShortProgramInvocationName()) << '\n' << XMLElement("usage", program_usage_message) << '\n'; } // Ordered map of package name to // map of file name to // vector of flags in the file. // This map is used to output matching flags grouped by package and file // name. std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::vector<const absl::CommandLineFlag*>>> matching_flags; flags_internal::ForEachFlag([&](absl::CommandLineFlag& flag) { // Ignore retired flags. if (flag.IsRetired()) return; // If the flag has been stripped, pretend that it doesn't exist. if (flag.Help() == flags_internal::kStrippedFlagHelp) return; // Make sure flag satisfies the filter if (!filter_cb(flag)) return; std::string flag_filename = flag.Filename(); matching_flags[std::string(flags_internal::Package(flag_filename))] [flag_filename] .push_back(&flag); }); absl::string_view package_separator; // controls blank lines between packages absl::string_view file_separator; // controls blank lines between files for (auto& package : matching_flags) { if (format == HelpFormat::kHumanReadable) { out << package_separator; package_separator = "\n\n"; } file_separator = ""; for (auto& flags_in_file : package.second) { if (format == HelpFormat::kHumanReadable) { out << file_separator << " Flags from " << flags_in_file.first << ":\n"; file_separator = "\n"; } std::sort(std::begin(flags_in_file.second), std::end(flags_in_file.second), [](const CommandLineFlag* lhs, const CommandLineFlag* rhs) { return lhs->Name() < rhs->Name(); }); for (const auto* flag : flags_in_file.second) { flags_internal::FlagHelp(out, *flag, format); } } } if (format == HelpFormat::kHumanReadable) { FlagHelpPrettyPrinter printer(kHrfMaxLineLength, 0, 0, out); if (filter_cb && matching_flags.empty()) { printer.Write("No flags matched.\n", true); } printer.EndLine(); printer.Write( "Try --helpfull to get a list of all flags or --help=substring " "shows help for flags which include specified substring in either " "in the name, or description or path.\n", true); } else { // The end of the document. out << "</AllFlags>\n"; } } void FlagsHelpImpl(std::ostream& out, flags_internal::FlagKindFilter filename_filter_cb, HelpFormat format, absl::string_view program_usage_message) { FlagsHelpImpl( out, [&](const absl::CommandLineFlag& flag) { return filename_filter_cb && filename_filter_cb(flag.Filename()); }, format, program_usage_message); } } // namespace // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Produces the help message describing specific flag. void FlagHelp(std::ostream& out, const CommandLineFlag& flag, HelpFormat format) { if (format == HelpFormat::kHumanReadable) flags_internal::FlagHelpHumanReadable(flag, out); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Produces the help messages for all flags matching the filename filter. // If filter is empty produces help messages for all flags. void FlagsHelp(std::ostream& out, absl::string_view filter, HelpFormat format, absl::string_view program_usage_message) { flags_internal::FlagKindFilter filter_cb = [&](absl::string_view filename) { return filter.empty() || filename.find(filter) != absl::string_view::npos; }; flags_internal::FlagsHelpImpl(out, filter_cb, format, program_usage_message); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Checks all the 'usage' command line flags to see if any have been set. // If so, handles them appropriately. int HandleUsageFlags(std::ostream& out, absl::string_view program_usage_message) { switch (GetFlagsHelpMode()) { case HelpMode::kNone: break; case HelpMode::kImportant: flags_internal::FlagsHelpImpl( out, flags_internal::GetUsageConfig().contains_help_flags, GetFlagsHelpFormat(), program_usage_message); return 1; case HelpMode::kShort: flags_internal::FlagsHelpImpl( out, flags_internal::GetUsageConfig().contains_helpshort_flags, GetFlagsHelpFormat(), program_usage_message); return 1; case HelpMode::kFull: flags_internal::FlagsHelp(out, "", GetFlagsHelpFormat(), program_usage_message); return 1; case HelpMode::kPackage: flags_internal::FlagsHelpImpl( out, flags_internal::GetUsageConfig().contains_helppackage_flags, GetFlagsHelpFormat(), program_usage_message); return 1; case HelpMode::kMatch: { std::string substr = GetFlagsHelpMatchSubstr(); if (substr.empty()) { // show all options flags_internal::FlagsHelp(out, substr, GetFlagsHelpFormat(), program_usage_message); } else { auto filter_cb = [&substr](const absl::CommandLineFlag& flag) { if (absl::StrContains(flag.Name(), substr)) return true; if (absl::StrContains(flag.Filename(), substr)) return true; if (absl::StrContains(flag.Help(), substr)) return true; return false; }; flags_internal::FlagsHelpImpl( out, filter_cb, HelpFormat::kHumanReadable, program_usage_message); } return 1; } case HelpMode::kVersion: if (flags_internal::GetUsageConfig().version_string) out << flags_internal::GetUsageConfig().version_string(); // Unlike help, we may be asking for version in a script, so return 0 return 0; case HelpMode::kOnlyCheckArgs: return 0; } return -1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globals representing usage reporting flags namespace { ABSL_CONST_INIT absl::Mutex help_attributes_guard(absl::kConstInit); ABSL_CONST_INIT std::string* match_substr ABSL_GUARDED_BY(help_attributes_guard) = nullptr; ABSL_CONST_INIT HelpMode help_mode ABSL_GUARDED_BY(help_attributes_guard) = HelpMode::kNone; ABSL_CONST_INIT HelpFormat help_format ABSL_GUARDED_BY(help_attributes_guard) = HelpFormat::kHumanReadable; } // namespace std::string GetFlagsHelpMatchSubstr() { absl::MutexLock l(&help_attributes_guard); if (match_substr == nullptr) return ""; return *match_substr; } void SetFlagsHelpMatchSubstr(absl::string_view substr) { absl::MutexLock l(&help_attributes_guard); if (match_substr == nullptr) match_substr = new std::string; match_substr->assign(substr.data(), substr.size()); } HelpMode GetFlagsHelpMode() { absl::MutexLock l(&help_attributes_guard); return help_mode; } void SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode mode) { absl::MutexLock l(&help_attributes_guard); help_mode = mode; } HelpFormat GetFlagsHelpFormat() { absl::MutexLock l(&help_attributes_guard); return help_format; } void SetFlagsHelpFormat(HelpFormat format) { absl::MutexLock l(&help_attributes_guard); help_format = format; } // Deduces usage flags from the input argument in a form --name=value or // --name. argument is already split into name and value before we call this // function. bool DeduceUsageFlags(absl::string_view name, absl::string_view value) { if (absl::ConsumePrefix(&name, "help")) { if (name == "") { if (value.empty()) { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kImportant); } else { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kMatch); SetFlagsHelpMatchSubstr(value); } return true; } if (name == "match") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kMatch); SetFlagsHelpMatchSubstr(value); return true; } if (name == "on") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kMatch); SetFlagsHelpMatchSubstr(absl::StrCat("/", value, ".")); return true; } if (name == "full") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kFull); return true; } if (name == "short") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kShort); return true; } if (name == "package") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kPackage); return true; } return false; } if (name == "version") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kVersion); return true; } if (name == "only_check_args") { SetFlagsHelpMode(HelpMode::kOnlyCheckArgs); return true; } return false; } } // namespace flags_internal ABSL_NAMESPACE_END } // namespace absl