Layout dimensions are used to give the minimum, maximum and preferred
dimensions for containers and controls.
from __future__ import unicode_literals

__all__ = (

class LayoutDimension(object):
    Specified dimension (width/height) of a user control or window.

    The layout engine tries to honor the preferred size. If that is not
    possible, because the terminal is larger or smaller, it tries to keep in
    between min and max.

    :param min: Minimum size.
    :param max: Maximum size.
    :param weight: For a VSplit/HSplit, the actual size will be determined
                   by taking the proportion of weights from all the children.
                   E.g. When there are two children, one width a weight of 1,
                   and the other with a weight of 2. The second will always be
                   twice as big as the first, if the min/max values allow it.
    :param preferred: Preferred size.
    def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, weight=1, preferred=None):
        assert isinstance(weight, int) and weight > 0   # Cannot be a float.

        self.min_specified = min is not None
        self.max_specified = max is not None
        self.preferred_specified = preferred is not None

        if min is None:
            min = 0  # Smallest possible value.
        if max is None:  # 0-values are allowed, so use "is None"
            max = 1000 ** 10  # Something huge.
        if preferred is None:
            preferred = min

        self.min = min
        self.max = max
        self.preferred = preferred
        self.weight = weight

        # Make sure that the 'preferred' size is always in the min..max range.
        if self.preferred < self.min:
            self.preferred = self.min

        if self.preferred > self.max:
            self.preferred = self.max

    def exact(cls, amount):
        Return a :class:`.LayoutDimension` with an exact size. (min, max and
        preferred set to ``amount``).
        return cls(min=amount, max=amount, preferred=amount)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'LayoutDimension(min=%r, max=%r, preferred=%r, weight=%r)' % (
            self.min, self.max, self.preferred, self.weight)

    def __add__(self, other):
        return sum_layout_dimensions([self, other])

def sum_layout_dimensions(dimensions):
    Sum a list of :class:`.LayoutDimension` instances.
    min = sum([d.min for d in dimensions if d.min is not None])
    max = sum([d.max for d in dimensions if d.max is not None])
    preferred = sum([d.preferred for d in dimensions])

    return LayoutDimension(min=min, max=max, preferred=preferred)

def max_layout_dimensions(dimensions):
    Take the maximum of a list of :class:`.LayoutDimension` instances.
    min_ = max([d.min for d in dimensions if d.min is not None])
    max_ = max([d.max for d in dimensions if d.max is not None])
    preferred = max([d.preferred for d in dimensions])

    return LayoutDimension(min=min_, max=max_, preferred=preferred)