/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */


#include "agg_image_accessors.h"
#include "agg_path_storage.h"
#include "agg_pixfmt_gray.h"
#include "agg_pixfmt_rgb.h"
#include "agg_pixfmt_rgba.h"
#include "agg_renderer_base.h"
#include "agg_renderer_scanline.h"
#include "agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h"
#include "agg_scanline_u.h"
#include "agg_span_allocator.h"
#include "agg_span_converter.h"
#include "agg_span_image_filter_gray.h"
#include "agg_span_image_filter_rgba.h"
#include "agg_span_interpolator_adaptor.h"
#include "agg_span_interpolator_linear.h"

#include "agg_workaround.h"

#include <type_traits>

// Based on:

// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://antigrain.com/)
// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
//          mcseemagg@yahoo.com
//          http://antigrain.com/
// Adaptation for high precision colors has been sponsored by
// Liberty Technology Systems, Inc., visit http://lib-sys.com
// Liberty Technology Systems, Inc. is the provider of
// PostScript and PDF technology for software developers.

namespace agg
    struct gray64
        typedef double value_type;
        typedef double calc_type;
        typedef double long_type;
        typedef gray64 self_type;

        value_type v;
        value_type a;

        gray64() {}

        explicit gray64(value_type v_, value_type a_ = 1) :
        v(v_), a(a_) {}

        gray64(const self_type& c, value_type a_) :
            v(c.v), a(a_) {}

        gray64(const gray64& c) :
            a(c.a) {}

        static AGG_INLINE double to_double(value_type a)
            return a;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type from_double(double a)
            return value_type(a);

        static AGG_INLINE value_type empty_value()
            return 0;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type full_value()
            return 1;

        AGG_INLINE bool is_transparent() const
            return a <= 0;

        AGG_INLINE bool is_opaque() const
            return a >= 1;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type invert(value_type x)
            return 1 - x;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type multiply(value_type a, value_type b)
            return value_type(a * b);

        static AGG_INLINE value_type demultiply(value_type a, value_type b)
            return (b == 0) ? 0 : value_type(a / b);

        template<typename T>
        static AGG_INLINE T downscale(T a)
            return a;

        template<typename T>
        static AGG_INLINE T downshift(T a, unsigned n)
            return n > 0 ? a / (1 << n) : a;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type mult_cover(value_type a, cover_type b)
            return value_type(a * b / cover_mask);

        static AGG_INLINE cover_type scale_cover(cover_type a, value_type b)
            return cover_type(uround(a * b));

        // Interpolate p to q by a, assuming q is premultiplied by a.
        static AGG_INLINE value_type prelerp(value_type p, value_type q, value_type a)
            return (1 - a) * p + q; // more accurate than "p + q - p * a"

        // Interpolate p to q by a.
        static AGG_INLINE value_type lerp(value_type p, value_type q, value_type a)
            // The form "p + a * (q - p)" avoids a multiplication, but may produce an
            // inaccurate result. For example, "p + (q - p)" may not be exactly equal
            // to q. Therefore, stick to the basic expression, which at least produces
            // the correct result at either extreme.
            return (1 - a) * p + a * q;

        self_type& clear()
            v = a = 0;
            return *this;

        self_type& transparent()
            a = 0;
            return *this;

        self_type& opacity(double a_)
            if (a_ < 0) a = 0;
            else if (a_ > 1) a = 1;
            else a = value_type(a_);
            return *this;

        double opacity() const
            return a;

        self_type& premultiply()
            if (a < 0) v = 0;
            else if(a < 1) v *= a;
            return *this;

        self_type& demultiply()
            if (a < 0) v = 0;
            else if (a < 1) v /= a;
            return *this;

        self_type gradient(self_type c, double k) const
            return self_type(
                             value_type(v + (c.v - v) * k),
                             value_type(a + (c.a - a) * k));

        static self_type no_color() { return self_type(0,0); }

    struct rgba64
        typedef double value_type;
        typedef double calc_type;
        typedef double long_type;
        typedef rgba64 self_type;

        value_type r;
        value_type g;
        value_type b;
        value_type a;

        rgba64() {}

        rgba64(value_type r_, value_type g_, value_type b_, value_type a_= 1) :
            r(r_), g(g_), b(b_), a(a_) {}

        rgba64(const self_type& c, float a_) :
            r(c.r), g(c.g), b(c.b), a(a_) {}

        rgba64(const rgba& c) :
            r(value_type(c.r)), g(value_type(c.g)), b(value_type(c.b)), a(value_type(c.a)) {}

        operator rgba() const
            return rgba(r, g, b, a);

        static AGG_INLINE double to_double(value_type a)
            return a;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type from_double(double a)
            return value_type(a);

        static AGG_INLINE value_type empty_value()
            return 0;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type full_value()
            return 1;

        AGG_INLINE bool is_transparent() const
            return a <= 0;

        AGG_INLINE bool is_opaque() const
            return a >= 1;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type invert(value_type x)
            return 1 - x;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type multiply(value_type a, value_type b)
            return value_type(a * b);

        static AGG_INLINE value_type demultiply(value_type a, value_type b)
            return (b == 0) ? 0 : value_type(a / b);

        template<typename T>
        static AGG_INLINE T downscale(T a)
            return a;

        template<typename T>
        static AGG_INLINE T downshift(T a, unsigned n)
            return n > 0 ? a / (1 << n) : a;

        static AGG_INLINE value_type mult_cover(value_type a, cover_type b)
            return value_type(a * b / cover_mask);

        static AGG_INLINE cover_type scale_cover(cover_type a, value_type b)
            return cover_type(uround(a * b));

        // Interpolate p to q by a, assuming q is premultiplied by a.
        static AGG_INLINE value_type prelerp(value_type p, value_type q, value_type a)
            return (1 - a) * p + q; // more accurate than "p + q - p * a"

        // Interpolate p to q by a.
        static AGG_INLINE value_type lerp(value_type p, value_type q, value_type a)
            // The form "p + a * (q - p)" avoids a multiplication, but may produce an
            // inaccurate result. For example, "p + (q - p)" may not be exactly equal
            // to q. Therefore, stick to the basic expression, which at least produces
            // the correct result at either extreme.
            return (1 - a) * p + a * q;

        self_type& clear()
            r = g = b = a = 0;
            return *this;

        self_type& transparent()
            a = 0;
            return *this;

        AGG_INLINE self_type& opacity(double a_)
            if (a_ < 0) a = 0;
            else if (a_ > 1) a = 1;
            else a = value_type(a_);
            return *this;

        double opacity() const
            return a;

        AGG_INLINE self_type& premultiply()
            if (a < 1)
                if (a <= 0)
                    r = g = b = 0;
                    r *= a;
                    g *= a;
                    b *= a;
            return *this;

        AGG_INLINE self_type& demultiply()
            if (a < 1)
                if (a <= 0)
                    r = g = b = 0;
                    r /= a;
                    g /= a;
                    b /= a;
            return *this;

        AGG_INLINE self_type gradient(const self_type& c, double k) const
            self_type ret;
            ret.r = value_type(r + (c.r - r) * k);
            ret.g = value_type(g + (c.g - g) * k);
            ret.b = value_type(b + (c.b - b) * k);
            ret.a = value_type(a + (c.a - a) * k);
            return ret;

        AGG_INLINE void add(const self_type& c, unsigned cover)
            if (cover == cover_mask)
                if (c.is_opaque())
                    *this = c;
                    r += c.r;
                    g += c.g;
                    b += c.b;
                    a += c.a;
                r += mult_cover(c.r, cover);
                g += mult_cover(c.g, cover);
                b += mult_cover(c.b, cover);
                a += mult_cover(c.a, cover);
            if (a > 1) a = 1;
            if (r > a) r = a;
            if (g > a) g = a;
            if (b > a) b = a;

        static self_type no_color() { return self_type(0,0,0,0); }

typedef enum {
} interpolation_e;

// T is rgba if and only if it has an T::r field.
template<typename T, typename = void> struct is_grayscale : std::true_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_grayscale<T, decltype(T::r, void())> : std::false_type {};

template<typename color_type>
struct type_mapping
    using blender_type = typename std::conditional<
        typename std::conditional<
            std::is_same<color_type, agg::rgba8>::value,
            fixed_blender_rgba_plain<color_type, agg::order_rgba>,
            agg::blender_rgba_plain<color_type, agg::order_rgba>
    using pixfmt_type = typename std::conditional<
        agg::pixfmt_alpha_blend_gray<blender_type, agg::rendering_buffer>,
        agg::pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgba<blender_type, agg::rendering_buffer>
    using pixfmt_pre_type = typename std::conditional<
            typename std::conditional<
                std::is_same<color_type, agg::rgba8>::value,
                fixed_blender_rgba_pre<color_type, agg::order_rgba>,
                agg::blender_rgba_pre<color_type, agg::order_rgba>
    template<typename A> using span_gen_affine_type = typename std::conditional<
    template<typename A, typename B> using span_gen_filter_type = typename std::conditional<
        agg::span_image_filter_gray<A, B>,
        agg::span_image_filter_rgba<A, B>
    template<typename A, typename B> using span_gen_nn_type = typename std::conditional<
        agg::span_image_filter_gray_nn<A, B>,
        agg::span_image_filter_rgba_nn<A, B>

template<typename color_type>
class span_conv_alpha
    span_conv_alpha(const double alpha) :

    void prepare() {}

    void generate(color_type* span, int x, int y, unsigned len) const
        if (m_alpha != 1.0) {
            do {
                span->a *= m_alpha;
            } while (--len);

    const double m_alpha;

/* A class to use a lookup table for a transformation */
class lookup_distortion
    lookup_distortion(const double *mesh, int in_width, int in_height,
                      int out_width, int out_height) :

    void calculate(int* x, int* y) {
        if (m_mesh) {
            double dx = double(*x) / agg::image_subpixel_scale;
            double dy = double(*y) / agg::image_subpixel_scale;
            if (dx >= 0 && dx < m_out_width &&
                dy >= 0 && dy < m_out_height) {
                const double *coord = m_mesh + (int(dy) * m_out_width + int(dx)) * 2;
                *x = int(coord[0] * agg::image_subpixel_scale);
                *y = int(coord[1] * agg::image_subpixel_scale);

    const double *m_mesh;
    int m_in_width;
    int m_in_height;
    int m_out_width;
    int m_out_height;

struct resample_params_t {
    interpolation_e interpolation;
    bool is_affine;
    agg::trans_affine affine;
    const double *transform_mesh;
    bool resample;
    bool norm;
    double radius;
    double alpha;

static void get_filter(const resample_params_t &params,
                       agg::image_filter_lut &filter)
    switch (params.interpolation) {
    case NEAREST:
    case _n_interpolation:
        // Never should get here.  Here to silence compiler warnings.

    case HANNING:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_hanning(), params.norm);

    case HAMMING:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_hamming(), params.norm);

    case HERMITE:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_hermite(), params.norm);

    case BILINEAR:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_bilinear(), params.norm);

    case BICUBIC:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_bicubic(), params.norm);

    case SPLINE16:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_spline16(), params.norm);

    case SPLINE36:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_spline36(), params.norm);

    case KAISER:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_kaiser(), params.norm);

    case QUADRIC:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_quadric(), params.norm);

    case CATROM:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_catrom(), params.norm);

    case GAUSSIAN:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_gaussian(), params.norm);

    case BESSEL:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_bessel(), params.norm);

    case MITCHELL:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_mitchell(), params.norm);

    case SINC:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_sinc(params.radius), params.norm);

    case LANCZOS:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_lanczos(params.radius), params.norm);

    case BLACKMAN:
        filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_blackman(params.radius), params.norm);

template<typename color_type>
void resample(
    const void *input, int in_width, int in_height,
    void *output, int out_width, int out_height,
    resample_params_t &params)
    using type_mapping_t = type_mapping<color_type>;

    using input_pixfmt_t = typename type_mapping_t::pixfmt_type;
    using output_pixfmt_t = typename type_mapping_t::pixfmt_type;

    using renderer_t = agg::renderer_base<output_pixfmt_t>;
    using rasterizer_t = agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<agg::rasterizer_sl_clip_dbl>;

    using reflect_t = agg::wrap_mode_reflect;
    using image_accessor_t = agg::image_accessor_wrap<input_pixfmt_t, reflect_t, reflect_t>;

    using span_alloc_t = agg::span_allocator<color_type>;
    using span_conv_alpha_t = span_conv_alpha<color_type>;

    using affine_interpolator_t = agg::span_interpolator_linear<>;
    using arbitrary_interpolator_t =
        agg::span_interpolator_adaptor<agg::span_interpolator_linear<>, lookup_distortion>;

    size_t itemsize = sizeof(color_type);
    if (is_grayscale<color_type>::value) {
        itemsize /= 2;  // agg::grayXX includes an alpha channel which we don't have.

    if (params.interpolation != NEAREST &&
        params.is_affine &&
        fabs(params.affine.sx) == 1.0 &&
        fabs(params.affine.sy) == 1.0 &&
        params.affine.shx == 0.0 &&
        params.affine.shy == 0.0) {
        params.interpolation = NEAREST;

    span_alloc_t span_alloc;
    rasterizer_t rasterizer;
    agg::scanline_u8 scanline;

    span_conv_alpha_t conv_alpha(params.alpha);

    agg::rendering_buffer input_buffer;
        (unsigned char *)input, in_width, in_height, in_width * itemsize);
    input_pixfmt_t input_pixfmt(input_buffer);
    image_accessor_t input_accessor(input_pixfmt);

    agg::rendering_buffer output_buffer;
        (unsigned char *)output, out_width, out_height, out_width * itemsize);
    output_pixfmt_t output_pixfmt(output_buffer);
    renderer_t renderer(output_pixfmt);

    agg::trans_affine inverted = params.affine;

    rasterizer.clip_box(0, 0, out_width, out_height);

    agg::path_storage path;
    if (params.is_affine) {
        path.move_to(0, 0);
        path.line_to(in_width, 0);
        path.line_to(in_width, in_height);
        path.line_to(0, in_height);
        agg::conv_transform<agg::path_storage> rectangle(path, params.affine);
    } else {
        path.move_to(0, 0);
        path.line_to(out_width, 0);
        path.line_to(out_width, out_height);
        path.line_to(0, out_height);

    if (params.interpolation == NEAREST) {
        if (params.is_affine) {
            using span_gen_t = typename type_mapping_t::template span_gen_nn_type<image_accessor_t, affine_interpolator_t>;
            using span_conv_t = agg::span_converter<span_gen_t, span_conv_alpha_t>;
            using nn_renderer_t = agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_t, span_alloc_t, span_conv_t>;
            affine_interpolator_t interpolator(inverted);
            span_gen_t span_gen(input_accessor, interpolator);
            span_conv_t span_conv(span_gen, conv_alpha);
            nn_renderer_t nn_renderer(renderer, span_alloc, span_conv);
            agg::render_scanlines(rasterizer, scanline, nn_renderer);
        } else {
            using span_gen_t = typename type_mapping_t::template span_gen_nn_type<image_accessor_t, arbitrary_interpolator_t>;
            using span_conv_t = agg::span_converter<span_gen_t, span_conv_alpha_t>;
            using nn_renderer_t = agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_t, span_alloc_t, span_conv_t>;
            lookup_distortion dist(
                params.transform_mesh, in_width, in_height, out_width, out_height);
            arbitrary_interpolator_t interpolator(inverted, dist);
            span_gen_t span_gen(input_accessor, interpolator);
            span_conv_t span_conv(span_gen, conv_alpha);
            nn_renderer_t nn_renderer(renderer, span_alloc, span_conv);
            agg::render_scanlines(rasterizer, scanline, nn_renderer);
    } else {
        agg::image_filter_lut filter;
        get_filter(params, filter);

        if (params.is_affine && params.resample) {
            using span_gen_t = typename type_mapping_t::template span_gen_affine_type<image_accessor_t>;
            using span_conv_t = agg::span_converter<span_gen_t, span_conv_alpha_t>;
            using int_renderer_t = agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_t, span_alloc_t, span_conv_t>;
            affine_interpolator_t interpolator(inverted);
            span_gen_t span_gen(input_accessor, interpolator, filter);
            span_conv_t span_conv(span_gen, conv_alpha);
            int_renderer_t int_renderer(renderer, span_alloc, span_conv);
            agg::render_scanlines(rasterizer, scanline, int_renderer);
        } else {
            using span_gen_t = typename type_mapping_t::template span_gen_filter_type<image_accessor_t, arbitrary_interpolator_t>;
            using span_conv_t = agg::span_converter<span_gen_t, span_conv_alpha_t>;
            using int_renderer_t = agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_t, span_alloc_t, span_conv_t>;
            lookup_distortion dist(
                params.transform_mesh, in_width, in_height, out_width, out_height);
            arbitrary_interpolator_t interpolator(inverted, dist);
            span_gen_t span_gen(input_accessor, interpolator, filter);
            span_conv_t span_conv(span_gen, conv_alpha);
            int_renderer_t int_renderer(renderer, span_alloc, span_conv);
            agg::render_scanlines(rasterizer, scanline, int_renderer);

#endif /* MPL_RESAMPLE_H */