# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function INCLUDES = """ #if CRYPTOGRAPHY_OPENSSL_110F_OR_GREATER && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_CT) #include <openssl/ct.h> typedef STACK_OF(SCT) Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT; #endif """ TYPES = """ static const long Cryptography_HAS_SCT; typedef enum { SCT_VERSION_NOT_SET, SCT_VERSION_V1 } sct_version_t; typedef enum { CT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_NOT_SET, CT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_X509, CT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_PRECERT } ct_log_entry_type_t; typedef enum { SCT_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, SCT_SOURCE_TLS_EXTENSION, SCT_SOURCE_X509V3_EXTENSION, SCT_SOURCE_OCSP_STAPLED_RESPONSE } sct_source_t; typedef ... SCT; typedef ... Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT; """ FUNCTIONS = """ sct_version_t SCT_get_version(const SCT *); ct_log_entry_type_t SCT_get_log_entry_type(const SCT *); size_t SCT_get0_log_id(const SCT *, unsigned char **); size_t SCT_get0_signature(const SCT *, unsigned char **); uint64_t SCT_get_timestamp(const SCT *); int SCT_set_source(SCT *, sct_source_t); Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *sk_SCT_new_null(void); void sk_SCT_free(Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *); int sk_SCT_num(const Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *); SCT *sk_SCT_value(const Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *, int); int sk_SCT_push(Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *, SCT *); void SCT_LIST_free(Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *); SCT *SCT_new(void); int SCT_set1_log_id(SCT *, unsigned char *, size_t); void SCT_set_timestamp(SCT *, uint64_t); int SCT_set_version(SCT *, sct_version_t); int SCT_set_log_entry_type(SCT *, ct_log_entry_type_t); """ CUSTOMIZATIONS = """ #if CRYPTOGRAPHY_OPENSSL_110F_OR_GREATER && !defined(OPENSSL_NO_CT) static const long Cryptography_HAS_SCT = 1; #else static const long Cryptography_HAS_SCT = 0; typedef enum { SCT_VERSION_NOT_SET, SCT_VERSION_V1 } sct_version_t; typedef enum { CT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_NOT_SET, CT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_X509, CT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE_PRECERT } ct_log_entry_type_t; typedef enum { SCT_SOURCE_UNKNOWN, SCT_SOURCE_TLS_EXTENSION, SCT_SOURCE_X509V3_EXTENSION, SCT_SOURCE_OCSP_STAPLED_RESPONSE } sct_source_t; /* OpenSSL compiled with `no-ct` still defines the `SCT` struct. */ #if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_CT) typedef void SCT; #endif typedef void Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT; sct_version_t (*SCT_get_version)(const SCT *) = NULL; ct_log_entry_type_t (*SCT_get_log_entry_type)(const SCT *) = NULL; size_t (*SCT_get0_log_id)(const SCT *, unsigned char **) = NULL; size_t (*SCT_get0_signature)(const SCT *, unsigned char **) = NULL; uint64_t (*SCT_get_timestamp)(const SCT *) = NULL; int (*SCT_set_source)(SCT *, sct_source_t) = NULL; Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *(*sk_SCT_new_null)(void) = NULL; void (*sk_SCT_free)(Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *) = NULL; int (*sk_SCT_num)(const Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *) = NULL; SCT *(*sk_SCT_value)(const Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *, int) = NULL; int (*sk_SCT_push)(Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *, SCT *) = NULL; void (*SCT_LIST_free)(Cryptography_STACK_OF_SCT *) = NULL; SCT *(*SCT_new)(void) = NULL; int (*SCT_set1_log_id)(SCT *, unsigned char *, size_t) = NULL; void (*SCT_set_timestamp)(SCT *, uint64_t) = NULL; int (*SCT_set_version)(SCT *, sct_version_t) = NULL; int (*SCT_set_log_entry_type)(SCT *, ct_log_entry_type_t) = NULL; #endif """