/* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Florian Forster <ff at octo.it> * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #include "api/yajl_tree.h" #include "api/yajl_parse.h" #include "yajl_parser.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define snprintf sprintf_s #endif #define STATUS_CONTINUE 1 #define STATUS_ABORT 0 struct stack_elem_s; typedef struct stack_elem_s stack_elem_t; struct stack_elem_s { char * key; yajl_val value; stack_elem_t *next; }; struct context_s { stack_elem_t *stack; yajl_val root; char *errbuf; size_t errbuf_size; }; typedef struct context_s context_t; #define RETURN_ERROR(ctx,retval,...) { \ if ((ctx)->errbuf != NULL) \ snprintf ((ctx)->errbuf, (ctx)->errbuf_size, __VA_ARGS__); \ return (retval); \ } static yajl_val value_alloc (yajl_type type) { yajl_val v; v = malloc (sizeof (*v)); if (v == NULL) return (NULL); memset (v, 0, sizeof (*v)); v->type = type; return (v); } static void yajl_object_free (yajl_val v) { size_t i; if (!YAJL_IS_OBJECT(v)) return; for (i = 0; i < v->u.object.len; i++) { free((char *) v->u.object.keys[i]); v->u.object.keys[i] = NULL; yajl_tree_free (v->u.object.values[i]); v->u.object.values[i] = NULL; } free((void*) v->u.object.keys); free(v->u.object.values); free(v); } static void yajl_array_free (yajl_val v) { size_t i; if (!YAJL_IS_ARRAY(v)) return; for (i = 0; i < v->u.array.len; i++) { yajl_tree_free (v->u.array.values[i]); v->u.array.values[i] = NULL; } free(v->u.array.values); free(v); } /* * Parsing nested objects and arrays is implemented using a stack. When a new * object or array starts (a curly or a square opening bracket is read), an * appropriate value is pushed on the stack. When the end of the object is * reached (an appropriate closing bracket has been read), the value is popped * off the stack and added to the enclosing object using "context_add_value". */ static int context_push(context_t *ctx, yajl_val v) { stack_elem_t *stack; stack = malloc (sizeof (*stack)); if (stack == NULL) RETURN_ERROR (ctx, ENOMEM, "Out of memory"); memset (stack, 0, sizeof (*stack)); assert ((ctx->stack == NULL) || YAJL_IS_OBJECT (v) || YAJL_IS_ARRAY (v)); stack->value = v; stack->next = ctx->stack; ctx->stack = stack; return (0); } static yajl_val context_pop(context_t *ctx) { stack_elem_t *stack; yajl_val v; if (ctx->stack == NULL) RETURN_ERROR (ctx, NULL, "context_pop: " "Bottom of stack reached prematurely"); stack = ctx->stack; ctx->stack = stack->next; v = stack->value; free (stack); return (v); } static int object_add_keyval(context_t *ctx, yajl_val obj, char *key, yajl_val value) { const char **tmpk; yajl_val *tmpv; /* We're checking for NULL in "context_add_value" or its callers. */ assert (ctx != NULL); assert (obj != NULL); assert (key != NULL); assert (value != NULL); /* We're assuring that "obj" is an object in "context_add_value". */ assert(YAJL_IS_OBJECT(obj)); tmpk = realloc((void *) obj->u.object.keys, sizeof(*(obj->u.object.keys)) * (obj->u.object.len + 1)); if (tmpk == NULL) RETURN_ERROR(ctx, ENOMEM, "Out of memory"); obj->u.object.keys = tmpk; tmpv = realloc(obj->u.object.values, sizeof (*obj->u.object.values) * (obj->u.object.len + 1)); if (tmpv == NULL) RETURN_ERROR(ctx, ENOMEM, "Out of memory"); obj->u.object.values = tmpv; obj->u.object.keys[obj->u.object.len] = key; obj->u.object.values[obj->u.object.len] = value; obj->u.object.len++; return (0); } static int array_add_value (context_t *ctx, yajl_val array, yajl_val value) { yajl_val *tmp; /* We're checking for NULL pointers in "context_add_value" or its * callers. */ assert (ctx != NULL); assert (array != NULL); assert (value != NULL); /* "context_add_value" will only call us with array values. */ assert(YAJL_IS_ARRAY(array)); tmp = realloc(array->u.array.values, sizeof(*(array->u.array.values)) * (array->u.array.len + 1)); if (tmp == NULL) RETURN_ERROR(ctx, ENOMEM, "Out of memory"); array->u.array.values = tmp; array->u.array.values[array->u.array.len] = value; array->u.array.len++; return 0; } /* * Add a value to the value on top of the stack or the "root" member in the * context if the end of the parsing process is reached. */ static int context_add_value (context_t *ctx, yajl_val v) { /* We're checking for NULL values in all the calling functions. */ assert (ctx != NULL); assert (v != NULL); /* * There are three valid states in which this function may be called: * - There is no value on the stack => This is the only value. This is the * last step done when parsing a document. We assign the value to the * "root" member and return. * - The value on the stack is an object. In this case store the key on the * stack or, if the key has already been read, add key and value to the * object. * - The value on the stack is an array. In this case simply add the value * and return. */ if (ctx->stack == NULL) { assert (ctx->root == NULL); ctx->root = v; return (0); } else if (YAJL_IS_OBJECT (ctx->stack->value)) { if (ctx->stack->key == NULL) { if (!YAJL_IS_STRING (v)) RETURN_ERROR (ctx, EINVAL, "context_add_value: " "Object key is not a string (%#04x)", v->type); ctx->stack->key = v->u.string; v->u.string = NULL; free(v); return (0); } else /* if (ctx->key != NULL) */ { char * key; key = ctx->stack->key; ctx->stack->key = NULL; return (object_add_keyval (ctx, ctx->stack->value, key, v)); } } else if (YAJL_IS_ARRAY (ctx->stack->value)) { return (array_add_value (ctx, ctx->stack->value, v)); } else { RETURN_ERROR (ctx, EINVAL, "context_add_value: Cannot add value to " "a value of type %#04x (not a composite type)", ctx->stack->value->type); } } static int handle_string (void *ctx, const unsigned char *string, size_t string_length) { yajl_val v; v = value_alloc (yajl_t_string); if (v == NULL) RETURN_ERROR ((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); v->u.string = malloc (string_length + 1); if (v->u.string == NULL) { free (v); RETURN_ERROR ((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); } memcpy(v->u.string, string, string_length); v->u.string[string_length] = 0; return ((context_add_value (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_number (void *ctx, const char *string, size_t string_length) { yajl_val v; char *endptr; v = value_alloc(yajl_t_number); if (v == NULL) RETURN_ERROR((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); v->u.number.r = malloc(string_length + 1); if (v->u.number.r == NULL) { free(v); RETURN_ERROR((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); } memcpy(v->u.number.r, string, string_length); v->u.number.r[string_length] = 0; v->u.number.flags = 0; endptr = NULL; errno = 0; v->u.number.i = yajl_parse_integer((const unsigned char *) v->u.number.r, strlen(v->u.number.r)); if ((errno == 0) && (endptr != NULL) && (*endptr == 0)) v->u.number.flags |= YAJL_NUMBER_INT_VALID; endptr = NULL; errno = 0; v->u.number.ui = yajl_parse_unsigned_integer((const unsigned char *) v->u.number.r, strlen(v->u.number.r)); if ((errno == 0) && (endptr != NULL) && (*endptr == 0)) v->u.number.flags |= YAJL_NUMBER_UINT_VALID; endptr = NULL; errno = 0; v->u.number.d = strtod(v->u.number.r, &endptr); if ((errno == 0) && (endptr != NULL) && (*endptr == 0)) v->u.number.flags |= YAJL_NUMBER_DOUBLE_VALID; return ((context_add_value(ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_start_map (void *ctx) { yajl_val v; v = value_alloc(yajl_t_object); if (v == NULL) RETURN_ERROR ((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); v->u.object.keys = NULL; v->u.object.values = NULL; v->u.object.len = 0; return ((context_push (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_end_map (void *ctx) { yajl_val v; v = context_pop (ctx); if (v == NULL) return (STATUS_ABORT); return ((context_add_value (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_start_array (void *ctx) { yajl_val v; v = value_alloc(yajl_t_array); if (v == NULL) RETURN_ERROR ((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); v->u.array.values = NULL; v->u.array.len = 0; return ((context_push (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_end_array (void *ctx) { yajl_val v; v = context_pop (ctx); if (v == NULL) return (STATUS_ABORT); return ((context_add_value (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_boolean (void *ctx, int boolean_value) { yajl_val v; v = value_alloc (boolean_value ? yajl_t_true : yajl_t_false); if (v == NULL) RETURN_ERROR ((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); return ((context_add_value (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } static int handle_null (void *ctx) { yajl_val v; v = value_alloc (yajl_t_null); if (v == NULL) RETURN_ERROR ((context_t *) ctx, STATUS_ABORT, "Out of memory"); return ((context_add_value (ctx, v) == 0) ? STATUS_CONTINUE : STATUS_ABORT); } /* * Public functions */ yajl_val yajl_tree_parse (const char *input, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size) { static const yajl_callbacks callbacks = { /* null = */ handle_null, /* boolean = */ handle_boolean, /* integer = */ NULL, /* unsigned integer = */ NULL, /* double = */ NULL, /* number = */ handle_number, /* string = */ handle_string, /* start map = */ handle_start_map, /* map key = */ handle_string, /* end map = */ handle_end_map, /* start array = */ handle_start_array, /* end array = */ handle_end_array }; yajl_handle handle; yajl_status status; context_t ctx = { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 }; ctx.errbuf = error_buffer; ctx.errbuf_size = error_buffer_size; if (error_buffer != NULL) memset (error_buffer, 0, error_buffer_size); handle = yajl_alloc (&callbacks, NULL, &ctx); yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_comments, 1); status = yajl_parse(handle, (unsigned char *) input, strlen (input)); status = yajl_complete_parse (handle); if (status != yajl_status_ok) { if (error_buffer != NULL && error_buffer_size > 0) { snprintf( error_buffer, error_buffer_size, "%s", (char *) yajl_get_error(handle, 1, (const unsigned char *) input, strlen(input))); } yajl_free (handle); return NULL; } yajl_free (handle); return (ctx.root); } yajl_val yajl_tree_get(yajl_val n, const char ** path, yajl_type type) { if (!path) return NULL; while (n && *path) { unsigned int i; if (n->type != yajl_t_object) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < n->u.object.len; i++) { if (!strcmp(*path, n->u.object.keys[i])) { n = n->u.object.values[i]; break; } } if (i == n->u.object.len) return NULL; path++; } if (n && type != yajl_t_any && type != n->type) n = NULL; return n; } void yajl_tree_free (yajl_val v) { if (v == NULL) return; if (YAJL_IS_STRING(v)) { free(v->u.string); free(v); } else if (YAJL_IS_NUMBER(v)) { free(v->u.number.r); free(v); } else if (YAJL_GET_OBJECT(v)) { yajl_object_free(v); } else if (YAJL_GET_ARRAY(v)) { yajl_array_free(v); } else /* if (yajl_t_true or yajl_t_false or yajl_t_null) */ { free(v); } }