#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L #include <stdio.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include "pdjson.h" #define JSON_FLAG_ERROR (1u << 0) #define JSON_FLAG_STREAMING (1u << 1) #define json_error(json, format, ...) \ if (!(json->flags & JSON_FLAG_ERROR)) { \ json->flags |= JSON_FLAG_ERROR; \ snprintf(json->errmsg, sizeof(json->errmsg), \ "error: %lu: " format, \ (unsigned long) json->lineno, \ __VA_ARGS__); \ } \ #define STACK_INC 4 #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__) #define strerror_r(err, buf, len) strerror_s(buf, len, err) #endif const char *json_typename[] = { [JSON_ERROR] = "ERROR", [JSON_DONE] = "DONE", [JSON_OBJECT] = "OBJECT", [JSON_OBJECT_END] = "OBJECT_END", [JSON_ARRAY] = "ARRAY", [JSON_ARRAY_END] = "ARRAY_END", [JSON_STRING] = "STRING", [JSON_NUMBER] = "NUMBER", [JSON_TRUE] = "TRUE", [JSON_FALSE] = "FALSE", [JSON_NULL] = "NULL", }; struct json_stack { enum json_type type; long count; }; static void json_error_s(json_stream *json, int err) { char errbuf[1024] = {0}; strerror_r(err, errbuf, sizeof(errbuf)); json_error(json, "%s", errbuf); } static enum json_type push(json_stream *json, enum json_type type) { json->stack_top++; if (json->stack_top >= json->stack_size) { struct json_stack *stack; stack = json->alloc.realloc(json->stack, (json->stack_size + STACK_INC) * sizeof(*json->stack)); if (stack == NULL) { json_error_s(json, errno); return JSON_ERROR; } json->stack_size += STACK_INC; json->stack = stack; } json->stack[json->stack_top].type = type; json->stack[json->stack_top].count = 0; return type; } static enum json_type pop(json_stream *json, int c, enum json_type expected) { if (json->stack == NULL || json->stack[json->stack_top].type != expected) { json_error(json, "unexpected byte, '%c'", c); return JSON_ERROR; } json->stack_top--; return expected == JSON_ARRAY ? JSON_ARRAY_END : JSON_OBJECT_END; } static int buffer_peek(struct json_source *source) { if (source->position < source->source.buffer.length) return source->source.buffer.buffer[source->position]; else return EOF; } static int buffer_get(struct json_source *source) { int c = source->peek(source); source->position++; return c; } static int stream_get(struct json_source *source) { source->position++; return fgetc(source->source.stream.stream); } static int stream_peek(struct json_source *source) { int c = fgetc(source->source.stream.stream); ungetc(c, source->source.stream.stream); return c; } static void init(json_stream *json) { json->lineno = 1; json->flags = JSON_FLAG_STREAMING; json->errmsg[0] = '\0'; json->ntokens = 0; json->next = 0; json->stack = NULL; json->stack_top = (size_t)(-1); json->stack_size = 0; json->data.string = NULL; json->data.string_size = 0; json->data.string_fill = 0; json->source.position = 0; json->alloc.malloc = malloc; json->alloc.realloc = realloc; json->alloc.free = free; } static enum json_type is_match(json_stream *json, const char *pattern, enum json_type type) { for (const char *p = pattern; *p; p++) if (*p != json->source.get(&json->source)) return JSON_ERROR; return type; } static int pushchar(json_stream *json, int c) { if (json->data.string_fill == json->data.string_size) { size_t size = json->data.string_size * 2; char *buffer = json->alloc.realloc(json->data.string, size); if (buffer == NULL) { json_error_s(json, errno); return -1; } else { json->data.string_size = size; json->data.string = buffer; } } json->data.string[json->data.string_fill++] = (char)(c); return 0; } static int init_string(json_stream *json) { json->data.string_fill = 0; if (json->data.string == NULL) { json->data.string_size = 1024; json->data.string = json->alloc.malloc(json->data.string_size); if (json->data.string == NULL) { json_error_s(json, errno); return -1; } } json->data.string[0] = '\0'; return 0; } static int encode_utf8(json_stream *json, unsigned long c) { if (c < 0x80UL) { return pushchar(json, c); } else if (c < 0x0800UL) { return !((pushchar(json, (c >> 6 & 0x1F) | 0xC0) == 0) && (pushchar(json, (c >> 0 & 0x3F) | 0x80) == 0)); } else if (c < 0x010000UL) { if (c >= 0xd800 && c <= 0xdfff) { json_error(json, "invalid codepoint %06lx", c); return -1; } return !((pushchar(json, (c >> 12 & 0x0F) | 0xE0) == 0) && (pushchar(json, (c >> 6 & 0x3F) | 0x80) == 0) && (pushchar(json, (c >> 0 & 0x3F) | 0x80) == 0)); } else if (c < 0x110000UL) { return !((pushchar(json, (c >> 18 & 0x07) | 0xF0) == 0) && (pushchar(json, (c >> 12 & 0x3F) | 0x80) == 0) && (pushchar(json, (c >> 6 & 0x3F) | 0x80) == 0) && (pushchar(json, (c >> 0 & 0x3F) | 0x80) == 0)); } else { json_error(json, "can't encode UTF-8 for %06lx", c); return -1; } } static int hexchar(int c) { switch (c) { case '0': return 0; case '1': return 1; case '2': return 2; case '3': return 3; case '4': return 4; case '5': return 5; case '6': return 6; case '7': return 7; case '8': return 8; case '9': return 9; case 'a': case 'A': return 10; case 'b': case 'B': return 11; case 'c': case 'C': return 12; case 'd': case 'D': return 13; case 'e': case 'E': return 14; case 'f': case 'F': return 15; default: return -1; } } static long read_unicode_cp(json_stream *json) { long cp = 0; int shift = 12; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int c = json->source.get(&json->source); int hc; if (c == EOF) { json_error(json, "%s", "unterminated string literal in unicode"); return -1; } else if ((hc = hexchar(c)) == -1) { json_error(json, "bad escape unicode byte, '%c'", c); return -1; } cp += hc * (1 << shift); shift -= 4; } return cp; } static int read_unicode(json_stream *json) { long cp, h, l; if ((cp = read_unicode_cp(json)) == -1) { return -1; } if (cp >= 0xd800 && cp <= 0xdbff) { /* This is the high portion of a surrogate pair; we need to read the * lower portion to get the codepoint */ h = cp; int c = json->source.get(&json->source); if (c == EOF) { json_error(json, "%s", "unterminated string literal in unicode"); return -1; } else if (c != '\\') { json_error(json, "invalid continuation for surrogate pair: '%c', " "expected '\\'", c); return -1; } c = json->source.get(&json->source); if (c == EOF) { json_error(json, "%s", "unterminated string literal in unicode"); return -1; } else if (c != 'u') { json_error(json, "invalid continuation for surrogate pair: '%c', " "expected 'u'", c); return -1; } if ((l = read_unicode_cp(json)) == -1) { return -1; } if (l < 0xdc00 || l > 0xdfff) { json_error(json, "invalid surrogate pair continuation \\u%04lx out " "of range (dc00-dfff)", l); return -1; } cp = ((h - 0xd800) * 0x400) + ((l - 0xdc00) + 0x10000); } else if (cp >= 0xdc00 && cp <= 0xdfff) { json_error(json, "dangling surrogate \\u%04lx", cp); return -1; } return encode_utf8(json, cp); } int read_escaped(json_stream *json) { int c = json->source.get(&json->source); if (c == EOF) { json_error(json, "%s", "unterminated string literal in escape"); return -1; } else if (c == 'u') { if (read_unicode(json) != 0) return -1; } else { switch (c) { case '\\': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case '/': case '"': { const char *codes = "\\bfnrt/\""; char *p = strchr(codes, c); if (pushchar(json, "\\\b\f\n\r\t/\""[p - codes]) != 0) return -1; } break; default: json_error(json, "bad escaped byte, '%c'", c); return -1; } } return 0; } static int char_needs_escaping(int c) { if ((c >= 0) && (c < 0x20 || c == 0x22 || c == 0x5c)) { return 1; } return 0; } static int utf8_seq_length(char byte) { unsigned char u = (unsigned char) byte; if (u < 0x80) return 1; if (0x80 <= u && u <= 0xBF) { // second, third or fourth byte of a multi-byte // sequence, i.e. a "continuation byte" return 0; } else if (u == 0xC0 || u == 0xC1) { // overlong encoding of an ASCII byte return 0; } else if (0xC2 <= u && u <= 0xDF) { // 2-byte sequence return 2; } else if (0xE0 <= u && u <= 0xEF) { // 3-byte sequence return 3; } else if (0xF0 <= u && u <= 0xF4) { // 4-byte sequence return 4; } else { // u >= 0xF5 // Restricted (start of 4-, 5- or 6-byte sequence) or invalid UTF-8 return 0; } } static int is_legal_utf8(const unsigned char *bytes, int length) { if (0 == bytes || 0 == length) return 0; unsigned char a; const unsigned char* srcptr = bytes + length; switch (length) { default: return 0; // Everything else falls through when true. case 4: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return 0; case 3: if ((a = (*--srcptr)) < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return 0; case 2: a = (*--srcptr); switch (*bytes) { case 0xE0: if (a < 0xA0 || a > 0xBF) return 0; break; case 0xED: if (a < 0x80 || a > 0x9F) return 0; break; case 0xF0: if (a < 0x90 || a > 0xBF) return 0; break; case 0xF4: if (a < 0x80 || a > 0x8F) return 0; break; default: if (a < 0x80 || a > 0xBF) return 0; } case 1: if (*bytes >= 0x80 && *bytes < 0xC2) return 0; } return *bytes <= 0xF4; } static int read_utf8(json_stream* json, int next_char) { int count = utf8_seq_length((char)(next_char)); if (!count) { json_error(json, "%s", "Bad character."); return -1; } char buffer[4]; buffer[0] = (char)(next_char); for (int i = 1; i < count; ++i) { buffer[i] = (char)(json->source.get(&json->source)); } if (!is_legal_utf8((unsigned char*) buffer, count)) { json_error(json, "%s", "No legal UTF8 found"); return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (pushchar(json, buffer[i]) != 0) return -1; } return 0; } static enum json_type read_string(json_stream *json) { if (init_string(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; while (1) { int c = json->source.get(&json->source); if (c == EOF) { json_error(json, "%s", "unterminated string literal"); return JSON_ERROR; } else if (c == '"') { if (pushchar(json, '\0') == 0) return JSON_STRING; else return JSON_ERROR; } else if (c == '\\') { if (read_escaped(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } else if ((unsigned) c >= 0x80) { if (read_utf8(json, c) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } else { if (char_needs_escaping(c)) { json_error(json, "%s", "unescaped control character in string"); return JSON_ERROR; } if (pushchar(json, c) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } } return JSON_ERROR; } static int is_digit(int c) { return c >= 48 /*0*/ && c <= 57 /*9*/; } static int read_digits(json_stream *json) { unsigned nread = 0; while (is_digit(json->source.peek(&json->source))) { if (pushchar(json, json->source.get(&json->source)) != 0) return -1; nread++; } if (nread == 0) { return -1; } return 0; } static enum json_type read_number(json_stream *json, int c) { if (pushchar(json, c) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; if (c == '-') { c = json->source.get(&json->source); if (is_digit(c)) { return read_number(json, c); } else { json_error(json, "unexpected byte, '%c'", c); } } else if (strchr("123456789", c) != NULL) { c = json->source.peek(&json->source); if (is_digit(c)) { if (read_digits(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } } /* Up to decimal or exponent has been read. */ c = json->source.peek(&json->source); if (strchr(".eE", c) == NULL) { if (pushchar(json, '\0') != 0) return JSON_ERROR; else return JSON_NUMBER; } if (c == '.') { json->source.get(&json->source); // consume . if (pushchar(json, c) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; if (read_digits(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } /* Check for exponent. */ c = json->source.peek(&json->source); if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') { json->source.get(&json->source); // consume e/E if (pushchar(json, c) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; c = json->source.peek(&json->source); if (c == '+' || c == '-') { json->source.get(&json->source); // consume if (pushchar(json, c) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; if (read_digits(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } else if (is_digit(c)) { if (read_digits(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; } else { json_error(json, "unexpected byte in number, '%c'", c); return JSON_ERROR; } } if (pushchar(json, '\0') != 0) return JSON_ERROR; else return JSON_NUMBER; } static int json_isspace(int c) { switch (c) { case 0x09: case 0x0a: case 0x0d: case 0x20: return 1; } return 0; } /* Returns the next non-whitespace character in the stream. */ static int next(json_stream *json) { int c; while (json_isspace(c = json->source.get(&json->source))) if (c == '\n') json->lineno++; return c; } static enum json_type read_value(json_stream *json, int c) { json->ntokens++; switch (c) { case EOF: json_error(json, "%s", "unexpected end of data"); return JSON_ERROR; case '{': return push(json, JSON_OBJECT); case '[': return push(json, JSON_ARRAY); case '"': return read_string(json); case 'n': return is_match(json, "ull", JSON_NULL); case 'f': return is_match(json, "alse", JSON_FALSE); case 't': return is_match(json, "rue", JSON_TRUE); case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': if (init_string(json) != 0) return JSON_ERROR; return read_number(json, c); default: json_error(json, "unexpected byte, '%c'", c); return JSON_ERROR; } } enum json_type json_peek(json_stream *json) { enum json_type next = json_next(json); json->next = next; return next; } enum json_type json_next(json_stream *json) { if (json->flags & JSON_FLAG_ERROR) return JSON_ERROR; if (json->next != 0) { enum json_type next = json->next; json->next = 0; return next; } if (json->ntokens > 0 && json->stack_top == (size_t)-1) { int c; do { c = json->source.peek(&json->source); if (json_isspace(c)) { c = json->source.get(&json->source); } } while (json_isspace(c)); if (!(json->flags & JSON_FLAG_STREAMING) && c != EOF) { return JSON_ERROR; } return JSON_DONE; } int c = next(json); if (json->stack_top == (size_t)-1) return read_value(json, c); if (json->stack[json->stack_top].type == JSON_ARRAY) { if (json->stack[json->stack_top].count == 0) { if (c == ']') { return pop(json, c, JSON_ARRAY); } json->stack[json->stack_top].count++; return read_value(json, c); } else if (c == ',') { json->stack[json->stack_top].count++; return read_value(json, next(json)); } else if (c == ']') { return pop(json, c, JSON_ARRAY); } else { json_error(json, "unexpected byte, '%c'", c); return JSON_ERROR; } } else if (json->stack[json->stack_top].type == JSON_OBJECT) { if (json->stack[json->stack_top].count == 0) { if (c == '}') { return pop(json, c, JSON_OBJECT); } /* No property value pairs yet. */ enum json_type value = read_value(json, c); if (value != JSON_STRING) { json_error(json, "%s", "expected property name or '}'"); return JSON_ERROR; } else { json->stack[json->stack_top].count++; return value; } } else if ((json->stack[json->stack_top].count % 2) == 0) { /* Expecting comma followed by property name. */ if (c != ',' && c != '}') { json_error(json, "%s", "expected ',' or '}'"); return JSON_ERROR; } else if (c == '}') { return pop(json, c, JSON_OBJECT); } else { enum json_type value = read_value(json, next(json)); if (value != JSON_STRING) { json_error(json, "%s", "expected property name"); return JSON_ERROR; } else { json->stack[json->stack_top].count++; return value; } } } else if ((json->stack[json->stack_top].count % 2) == 1) { /* Expecting colon followed by value. */ if (c != ':') { json_error(json, "%s", "expected ':' after property name"); return JSON_ERROR; } else { json->stack[json->stack_top].count++; return read_value(json, next(json)); } } } json_error(json, "%s", "invalid parser state"); return JSON_ERROR; } void json_reset(json_stream *json) { json->stack_top = (size_t)(-1); json->ntokens = 0; json->flags &= ~JSON_FLAG_ERROR; json->errmsg[0] = '\0'; } const char *json_get_string(json_stream *json, size_t *length) { if (length != NULL) *length = json->data.string_fill; if (json->data.string == NULL) return ""; else return json->data.string; } double json_get_number(json_stream *json) { char *p = json->data.string; return p == NULL ? 0 : strtod(p, NULL); } const char *json_get_error(json_stream *json) { return json->flags & JSON_FLAG_ERROR ? json->errmsg : NULL; } size_t json_get_lineno(json_stream *json) { return json->lineno; } size_t json_get_position(json_stream *json) { return json->source.position; } size_t json_get_depth(json_stream *json) { return json->stack_top + 1; } void json_open_buffer(json_stream *json, const void *buffer, size_t size) { init(json); json->source.get = buffer_get; json->source.peek = buffer_peek; json->source.source.buffer.buffer = buffer; json->source.source.buffer.length = size; } void json_open_string(json_stream *json, const char *string) { json_open_buffer(json, string, strlen(string)); } void json_open_stream(json_stream *json, FILE * stream) { init(json); json->source.get = stream_get; json->source.peek = stream_peek; json->source.source.stream.stream = stream; } static int user_get(struct json_source *json) { return json->source.user.get(json->source.user.ptr); } static int user_peek(struct json_source *json) { return json->source.user.peek(json->source.user.ptr); } void json_open_user(json_stream *json, json_user_io get, json_user_io peek, void *user) { init(json); json->source.get = user_get; json->source.peek = user_peek; json->source.source.user.ptr = user; json->source.source.user.get = get; json->source.source.user.peek = peek; } void json_set_allocator(json_stream *json, json_allocator *a) { json->alloc = *a; } void json_set_streaming(json_stream *json, bool streaming) { if (streaming) json->flags |= JSON_FLAG_STREAMING; else json->flags &= ~JSON_FLAG_STREAMING; } void json_close(json_stream *json) { json->alloc.free(json->stack); json->alloc.free(json->data.string); }