/* * The copyright in this software is being made available under the 2-clauses * BSD License, included below. This software may be subject to other third * party and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights * are granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2016, Even Rouault * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS `AS IS' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <assert.h> #ifdef MUTEX_win32 /* Some versions of x86_64-w64-mingw32-gc -m32 resolve InterlockedCompareExchange() */ /* as __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 but fails to link it. As this protects against */ /* a rather unlikely race, skip it */ #if !(defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__i386__)) #define HAVE_INTERLOCKED_COMPARE_EXCHANGE 1 #endif #include <windows.h> #include <process.h> #include "opj_includes.h" OPJ_BOOL OPJ_CALLCONV opj_has_thread_support(void) { return OPJ_TRUE; } int OPJ_CALLCONV opj_get_num_cpus(void) { SYSTEM_INFO info; DWORD dwNum; GetSystemInfo(&info); dwNum = info.dwNumberOfProcessors; if (dwNum < 1) { return 1; } return (int)dwNum; } struct opj_mutex_t { CRITICAL_SECTION cs; }; opj_mutex_t* opj_mutex_create(void) { opj_mutex_t* mutex = (opj_mutex_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_mutex_t)); if (!mutex) { return NULL; } InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(&(mutex->cs), 4000); return mutex; } void opj_mutex_lock(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { EnterCriticalSection(&(mutex->cs)); } void opj_mutex_unlock(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { LeaveCriticalSection(&(mutex->cs)); } void opj_mutex_destroy(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { if (!mutex) { return; } DeleteCriticalSection(&(mutex->cs)); opj_free(mutex); } struct opj_cond_waiter_list_t { HANDLE hEvent; struct opj_cond_waiter_list_t* next; }; typedef struct opj_cond_waiter_list_t opj_cond_waiter_list_t; struct opj_cond_t { opj_mutex_t *internal_mutex; opj_cond_waiter_list_t *waiter_list; }; static DWORD TLSKey = 0; static volatile LONG inTLSLockedSection = 0; static volatile int TLSKeyInit = OPJ_FALSE; opj_cond_t* opj_cond_create(void) { opj_cond_t* cond = (opj_cond_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_cond_t)); if (!cond) { return NULL; } /* Make sure that the TLS key is allocated in a thread-safe way */ /* We cannot use a global mutex/critical section since its creation itself would not be */ /* thread-safe, so use InterlockedCompareExchange trick */ while (OPJ_TRUE) { #if HAVE_INTERLOCKED_COMPARE_EXCHANGE if (InterlockedCompareExchange(&inTLSLockedSection, 1, 0) == 0) #endif { if (!TLSKeyInit) { TLSKey = TlsAlloc(); TLSKeyInit = OPJ_TRUE; } #if HAVE_INTERLOCKED_COMPARE_EXCHANGE InterlockedCompareExchange(&inTLSLockedSection, 0, 1); #endif break; } } if (TLSKey == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { opj_free(cond); return NULL; } cond->internal_mutex = opj_mutex_create(); if (cond->internal_mutex == NULL) { opj_free(cond); return NULL; } cond->waiter_list = NULL; return cond; } void opj_cond_wait(opj_cond_t* cond, opj_mutex_t* mutex) { opj_cond_waiter_list_t* item; HANDLE hEvent = (HANDLE) TlsGetValue(TLSKey); if (hEvent == NULL) { hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, /* security attributes */ 0, /* manual reset = no */ 0, /* initial state = unsignaled */ NULL /* no name */); assert(hEvent); TlsSetValue(TLSKey, hEvent); } /* Insert the waiter into the waiter list of the condition */ opj_mutex_lock(cond->internal_mutex); item = (opj_cond_waiter_list_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_cond_waiter_list_t)); assert(item != NULL); item->hEvent = hEvent; item->next = cond->waiter_list; cond->waiter_list = item; opj_mutex_unlock(cond->internal_mutex); /* Release the client mutex before waiting for the event being signaled */ opj_mutex_unlock(mutex); /* Ideally we would check that we do not get WAIT_FAILED but it is hard */ /* to report a failure. */ WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, INFINITE); /* Reacquire the client mutex */ opj_mutex_lock(mutex); } void opj_cond_signal(opj_cond_t* cond) { opj_cond_waiter_list_t* psIter; /* Signal the first registered event, and remove it from the list */ opj_mutex_lock(cond->internal_mutex); psIter = cond->waiter_list; if (psIter != NULL) { SetEvent(psIter->hEvent); cond->waiter_list = psIter->next; opj_free(psIter); } opj_mutex_unlock(cond->internal_mutex); } void opj_cond_destroy(opj_cond_t* cond) { if (!cond) { return; } opj_mutex_destroy(cond->internal_mutex); assert(cond->waiter_list == NULL); opj_free(cond); } struct opj_thread_t { opj_thread_fn thread_fn; void* user_data; HANDLE hThread; }; static unsigned int __stdcall opj_thread_callback_adapter(void *info) { opj_thread_t* thread = (opj_thread_t*) info; HANDLE hEvent = NULL; thread->thread_fn(thread->user_data); /* Free the handle possible allocated by a cond */ while (OPJ_TRUE) { /* Make sure TLSKey is not being created just at that moment... */ #if HAVE_INTERLOCKED_COMPARE_EXCHANGE if (InterlockedCompareExchange(&inTLSLockedSection, 1, 0) == 0) #endif { if (TLSKeyInit) { hEvent = (HANDLE) TlsGetValue(TLSKey); } #if HAVE_INTERLOCKED_COMPARE_EXCHANGE InterlockedCompareExchange(&inTLSLockedSection, 0, 1); #endif break; } } if (hEvent) { CloseHandle(hEvent); } return 0; } opj_thread_t* opj_thread_create(opj_thread_fn thread_fn, void* user_data) { opj_thread_t* thread; assert(thread_fn); thread = (opj_thread_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_thread_t)); if (!thread) { return NULL; } thread->thread_fn = thread_fn; thread->user_data = user_data; thread->hThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(NULL, 0, opj_thread_callback_adapter, thread, 0, NULL); if (thread->hThread == NULL) { opj_free(thread); return NULL; } return thread; } void opj_thread_join(opj_thread_t* thread) { WaitForSingleObject(thread->hThread, INFINITE); CloseHandle(thread->hThread); opj_free(thread); } #elif MUTEX_pthread #include <pthread.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> /* Moved after all system includes, and in particular pthread.h, so as to */ /* avoid poisoning issuing with malloc() use in pthread.h with ulibc (#1013) */ #include "opj_includes.h" OPJ_BOOL OPJ_CALLCONV opj_has_thread_support(void) { return OPJ_TRUE; } int OPJ_CALLCONV opj_get_num_cpus(void) { #ifdef _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN return (int)sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); #else return 1; #endif } struct opj_mutex_t { pthread_mutex_t mutex; }; opj_mutex_t* opj_mutex_create(void) { opj_mutex_t* mutex = (opj_mutex_t*) opj_calloc(1U, sizeof(opj_mutex_t)); if (mutex != NULL) { if (pthread_mutex_init(&mutex->mutex, NULL) != 0) { opj_free(mutex); mutex = NULL; } } return mutex; } void opj_mutex_lock(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { pthread_mutex_lock(&(mutex->mutex)); } void opj_mutex_unlock(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&(mutex->mutex)); } void opj_mutex_destroy(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { if (!mutex) { return; } pthread_mutex_destroy(&(mutex->mutex)); opj_free(mutex); } struct opj_cond_t { pthread_cond_t cond; }; opj_cond_t* opj_cond_create(void) { opj_cond_t* cond = (opj_cond_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_cond_t)); if (!cond) { return NULL; } if (pthread_cond_init(&(cond->cond), NULL) != 0) { opj_free(cond); return NULL; } return cond; } void opj_cond_wait(opj_cond_t* cond, opj_mutex_t* mutex) { pthread_cond_wait(&(cond->cond), &(mutex->mutex)); } void opj_cond_signal(opj_cond_t* cond) { int ret = pthread_cond_signal(&(cond->cond)); (void)ret; assert(ret == 0); } void opj_cond_destroy(opj_cond_t* cond) { if (!cond) { return; } pthread_cond_destroy(&(cond->cond)); opj_free(cond); } struct opj_thread_t { opj_thread_fn thread_fn; void* user_data; pthread_t thread; }; static void* opj_thread_callback_adapter(void* info) { opj_thread_t* thread = (opj_thread_t*) info; thread->thread_fn(thread->user_data); return NULL; } opj_thread_t* opj_thread_create(opj_thread_fn thread_fn, void* user_data) { pthread_attr_t attr; opj_thread_t* thread; assert(thread_fn); thread = (opj_thread_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_thread_t)); if (!thread) { return NULL; } thread->thread_fn = thread_fn; thread->user_data = user_data; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); if (pthread_create(&(thread->thread), &attr, opj_thread_callback_adapter, (void *) thread) != 0) { opj_free(thread); return NULL; } return thread; } void opj_thread_join(opj_thread_t* thread) { void* status; pthread_join(thread->thread, &status); opj_free(thread); } #else /* Stub implementation */ #include "opj_includes.h" OPJ_BOOL OPJ_CALLCONV opj_has_thread_support(void) { return OPJ_FALSE; } int OPJ_CALLCONV opj_get_num_cpus(void) { return 1; } opj_mutex_t* opj_mutex_create(void) { return NULL; } void opj_mutex_lock(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { (void) mutex; } void opj_mutex_unlock(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { (void) mutex; } void opj_mutex_destroy(opj_mutex_t* mutex) { (void) mutex; } opj_cond_t* opj_cond_create(void) { return NULL; } void opj_cond_wait(opj_cond_t* cond, opj_mutex_t* mutex) { (void) cond; (void) mutex; } void opj_cond_signal(opj_cond_t* cond) { (void) cond; } void opj_cond_destroy(opj_cond_t* cond) { (void) cond; } opj_thread_t* opj_thread_create(opj_thread_fn thread_fn, void* user_data) { (void) thread_fn; (void) user_data; return NULL; } void opj_thread_join(opj_thread_t* thread) { (void) thread; } #endif typedef struct { int key; void* value; opj_tls_free_func opj_free_func; } opj_tls_key_val_t; struct opj_tls_t { opj_tls_key_val_t* key_val; int key_val_count; }; static opj_tls_t* opj_tls_new(void) { return (opj_tls_t*) opj_calloc(1, sizeof(opj_tls_t)); } static void opj_tls_destroy(opj_tls_t* tls) { int i; if (!tls) { return; } for (i = 0; i < tls->key_val_count; i++) { if (tls->key_val[i].opj_free_func) { tls->key_val[i].opj_free_func(tls->key_val[i].value); } } opj_free(tls->key_val); opj_free(tls); } void* opj_tls_get(opj_tls_t* tls, int key) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tls->key_val_count; i++) { if (tls->key_val[i].key == key) { return tls->key_val[i].value; } } return NULL; } OPJ_BOOL opj_tls_set(opj_tls_t* tls, int key, void* value, opj_tls_free_func opj_free_func) { opj_tls_key_val_t* new_key_val; int i; if (tls->key_val_count == INT_MAX) { return OPJ_FALSE; } for (i = 0; i < tls->key_val_count; i++) { if (tls->key_val[i].key == key) { if (tls->key_val[i].opj_free_func) { tls->key_val[i].opj_free_func(tls->key_val[i].value); } tls->key_val[i].value = value; tls->key_val[i].opj_free_func = opj_free_func; return OPJ_TRUE; } } new_key_val = (opj_tls_key_val_t*) opj_realloc(tls->key_val, ((size_t)tls->key_val_count + 1U) * sizeof(opj_tls_key_val_t)); if (!new_key_val) { return OPJ_FALSE; } tls->key_val = new_key_val; new_key_val[tls->key_val_count].key = key; new_key_val[tls->key_val_count].value = value; new_key_val[tls->key_val_count].opj_free_func = opj_free_func; tls->key_val_count ++; return OPJ_TRUE; } typedef struct { opj_job_fn job_fn; void *user_data; } opj_worker_thread_job_t; typedef struct { opj_thread_pool_t *tp; opj_thread_t *thread; int marked_as_waiting; opj_mutex_t *mutex; opj_cond_t *cond; } opj_worker_thread_t; typedef enum { OPJWTS_OK, OPJWTS_STOP, OPJWTS_ERROR } opj_worker_thread_state; struct opj_job_list_t { opj_worker_thread_job_t* job; struct opj_job_list_t* next; }; typedef struct opj_job_list_t opj_job_list_t; struct opj_worker_thread_list_t { opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread; struct opj_worker_thread_list_t* next; }; typedef struct opj_worker_thread_list_t opj_worker_thread_list_t; struct opj_thread_pool_t { opj_worker_thread_t* worker_threads; int worker_threads_count; opj_cond_t* cond; opj_mutex_t* mutex; volatile opj_worker_thread_state state; opj_job_list_t* job_queue; volatile int pending_jobs_count; opj_worker_thread_list_t* waiting_worker_thread_list; int waiting_worker_thread_count; opj_tls_t* tls; int signaling_threshold; }; static OPJ_BOOL opj_thread_pool_setup(opj_thread_pool_t* tp, int num_threads); static opj_worker_thread_job_t* opj_thread_pool_get_next_job( opj_thread_pool_t* tp, opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread, OPJ_BOOL signal_job_finished); opj_thread_pool_t* opj_thread_pool_create(int num_threads) { opj_thread_pool_t* tp; tp = (opj_thread_pool_t*) opj_calloc(1, sizeof(opj_thread_pool_t)); if (!tp) { return NULL; } tp->state = OPJWTS_OK; if (num_threads <= 0) { tp->tls = opj_tls_new(); if (!tp->tls) { opj_free(tp); tp = NULL; } return tp; } tp->mutex = opj_mutex_create(); if (!tp->mutex) { opj_free(tp); return NULL; } if (!opj_thread_pool_setup(tp, num_threads)) { opj_thread_pool_destroy(tp); return NULL; } return tp; } static void opj_worker_thread_function(void* user_data) { opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread; opj_thread_pool_t* tp; opj_tls_t* tls; OPJ_BOOL job_finished = OPJ_FALSE; worker_thread = (opj_worker_thread_t*) user_data; tp = worker_thread->tp; tls = opj_tls_new(); while (OPJ_TRUE) { opj_worker_thread_job_t* job = opj_thread_pool_get_next_job(tp, worker_thread, job_finished); if (job == NULL) { break; } if (job->job_fn) { job->job_fn(job->user_data, tls); } opj_free(job); job_finished = OPJ_TRUE; } opj_tls_destroy(tls); } static OPJ_BOOL opj_thread_pool_setup(opj_thread_pool_t* tp, int num_threads) { int i; OPJ_BOOL bRet = OPJ_TRUE; assert(num_threads > 0); tp->cond = opj_cond_create(); if (tp->cond == NULL) { return OPJ_FALSE; } tp->worker_threads = (opj_worker_thread_t*) opj_calloc((size_t)num_threads, sizeof(opj_worker_thread_t)); if (tp->worker_threads == NULL) { return OPJ_FALSE; } tp->worker_threads_count = num_threads; for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) { tp->worker_threads[i].tp = tp; tp->worker_threads[i].mutex = opj_mutex_create(); if (tp->worker_threads[i].mutex == NULL) { tp->worker_threads_count = i; bRet = OPJ_FALSE; break; } tp->worker_threads[i].cond = opj_cond_create(); if (tp->worker_threads[i].cond == NULL) { opj_mutex_destroy(tp->worker_threads[i].mutex); tp->worker_threads_count = i; bRet = OPJ_FALSE; break; } tp->worker_threads[i].marked_as_waiting = OPJ_FALSE; tp->worker_threads[i].thread = opj_thread_create(opj_worker_thread_function, &(tp->worker_threads[i])); if (tp->worker_threads[i].thread == NULL) { opj_mutex_destroy(tp->worker_threads[i].mutex); opj_cond_destroy(tp->worker_threads[i].cond); tp->worker_threads_count = i; bRet = OPJ_FALSE; break; } } /* Wait all threads to be started */ /* printf("waiting for all threads to be started\n"); */ opj_mutex_lock(tp->mutex); while (tp->waiting_worker_thread_count < tp->worker_threads_count) { opj_cond_wait(tp->cond, tp->mutex); } opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); /* printf("all threads started\n"); */ if (tp->state == OPJWTS_ERROR) { bRet = OPJ_FALSE; } return bRet; } /* void opj_waiting() { printf("waiting!\n"); } */ static opj_worker_thread_job_t* opj_thread_pool_get_next_job( opj_thread_pool_t* tp, opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread, OPJ_BOOL signal_job_finished) { while (OPJ_TRUE) { opj_job_list_t* top_job_iter; opj_mutex_lock(tp->mutex); if (signal_job_finished) { signal_job_finished = OPJ_FALSE; tp->pending_jobs_count --; /*printf("tp=%p, remaining jobs: %d\n", tp, tp->pending_jobs_count);*/ if (tp->pending_jobs_count <= tp->signaling_threshold) { opj_cond_signal(tp->cond); } } if (tp->state == OPJWTS_STOP) { opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); return NULL; } top_job_iter = tp->job_queue; if (top_job_iter) { opj_worker_thread_job_t* job; tp->job_queue = top_job_iter->next; job = top_job_iter->job; opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); opj_free(top_job_iter); return job; } /* opj_waiting(); */ if (!worker_thread->marked_as_waiting) { opj_worker_thread_list_t* item; worker_thread->marked_as_waiting = OPJ_TRUE; tp->waiting_worker_thread_count ++; assert(tp->waiting_worker_thread_count <= tp->worker_threads_count); item = (opj_worker_thread_list_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_worker_thread_list_t)); if (item == NULL) { tp->state = OPJWTS_ERROR; opj_cond_signal(tp->cond); opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); return NULL; } item->worker_thread = worker_thread; item->next = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list; tp->waiting_worker_thread_list = item; } /* printf("signaling that worker thread is ready\n"); */ opj_cond_signal(tp->cond); opj_mutex_lock(worker_thread->mutex); opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); /* printf("waiting for job\n"); */ opj_cond_wait(worker_thread->cond, worker_thread->mutex); opj_mutex_unlock(worker_thread->mutex); /* printf("got job\n"); */ } } OPJ_BOOL opj_thread_pool_submit_job(opj_thread_pool_t* tp, opj_job_fn job_fn, void* user_data) { opj_worker_thread_job_t* job; opj_job_list_t* item; if (tp->mutex == NULL) { job_fn(user_data, tp->tls); return OPJ_TRUE; } job = (opj_worker_thread_job_t*)opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_worker_thread_job_t)); if (job == NULL) { return OPJ_FALSE; } job->job_fn = job_fn; job->user_data = user_data; item = (opj_job_list_t*) opj_malloc(sizeof(opj_job_list_t)); if (item == NULL) { opj_free(job); return OPJ_FALSE; } item->job = job; opj_mutex_lock(tp->mutex); tp->signaling_threshold = 100 * tp->worker_threads_count; while (tp->pending_jobs_count > tp->signaling_threshold) { /* printf("%d jobs enqueued. Waiting\n", tp->pending_jobs_count); */ opj_cond_wait(tp->cond, tp->mutex); /* printf("...%d jobs enqueued.\n", tp->pending_jobs_count); */ } item->next = tp->job_queue; tp->job_queue = item; tp->pending_jobs_count ++; if (tp->waiting_worker_thread_list) { opj_worker_thread_t* worker_thread; opj_worker_thread_list_t* next; opj_worker_thread_list_t* to_opj_free; worker_thread = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list->worker_thread; assert(worker_thread->marked_as_waiting); worker_thread->marked_as_waiting = OPJ_FALSE; next = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list->next; to_opj_free = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list; tp->waiting_worker_thread_list = next; tp->waiting_worker_thread_count --; opj_mutex_lock(worker_thread->mutex); opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); opj_cond_signal(worker_thread->cond); opj_mutex_unlock(worker_thread->mutex); opj_free(to_opj_free); } else { opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); } return OPJ_TRUE; } void opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(opj_thread_pool_t* tp, int max_remaining_jobs) { if (tp->mutex == NULL) { return; } if (max_remaining_jobs < 0) { max_remaining_jobs = 0; } opj_mutex_lock(tp->mutex); tp->signaling_threshold = max_remaining_jobs; while (tp->pending_jobs_count > max_remaining_jobs) { /*printf("tp=%p, jobs before wait = %d, max_remaining_jobs = %d\n", tp, tp->pending_jobs_count, max_remaining_jobs);*/ opj_cond_wait(tp->cond, tp->mutex); /*printf("tp=%p, jobs after wait = %d\n", tp, tp->pending_jobs_count);*/ } opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); } int opj_thread_pool_get_thread_count(opj_thread_pool_t* tp) { return tp->worker_threads_count; } void opj_thread_pool_destroy(opj_thread_pool_t* tp) { if (!tp) { return; } if (tp->cond) { int i; opj_thread_pool_wait_completion(tp, 0); opj_mutex_lock(tp->mutex); tp->state = OPJWTS_STOP; opj_mutex_unlock(tp->mutex); for (i = 0; i < tp->worker_threads_count; i++) { opj_mutex_lock(tp->worker_threads[i].mutex); opj_cond_signal(tp->worker_threads[i].cond); opj_mutex_unlock(tp->worker_threads[i].mutex); opj_thread_join(tp->worker_threads[i].thread); opj_cond_destroy(tp->worker_threads[i].cond); opj_mutex_destroy(tp->worker_threads[i].mutex); } opj_free(tp->worker_threads); while (tp->waiting_worker_thread_list != NULL) { opj_worker_thread_list_t* next = tp->waiting_worker_thread_list->next; opj_free(tp->waiting_worker_thread_list); tp->waiting_worker_thread_list = next; } opj_cond_destroy(tp->cond); } opj_mutex_destroy(tp->mutex); opj_tls_destroy(tp->tls); opj_free(tp); }