//===- CoverageExporterLcov.cpp - Code coverage export --------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements export of code coverage data to lcov trace file format.

// The trace file code coverage export follows the following format (see also
// https://linux.die.net/man/1/geninfo). Each quoted string appears on its own
// line; the indentation shown here is only for documentation purposes.
// - for each source file:
//   - "SF:<absolute path to source file>"
//   - for each function:
//     - "FN:<line number of function start>,<function name>"
//   - for each function:
//     - "FNDA:<execution count>,<function name>"
//   - "FNF:<number of functions found>"
//   - "FNH:<number of functions hit>"
//   - for each instrumented line:
//     - "DA:<line number>,<execution count>[,<checksum>]
//   - for each branch:
//     - "BRDA:<line number>,<branch pair id>,<branch id>,<count>"
//   - "BRF:<number of branches found>"
//   - "BRH:<number of branches hit>"
//   - "LH:<number of lines with non-zero execution count>"
//   - "LF:<number of instrumented lines>"
//   - "end_of_record"
// If the user is exporting summary information only, then the FN, FNDA, and DA
// lines will not be present.

#include "CoverageExporterLcov.h"
#include "CoverageReport.h"

using namespace llvm;

namespace {

void renderFunctionSummary(raw_ostream &OS,
                           const FileCoverageSummary &Summary) {
  OS << "FNF:" << Summary.FunctionCoverage.getNumFunctions() << '\n'
     << "FNH:" << Summary.FunctionCoverage.getExecuted() << '\n';

void renderFunctions(
    raw_ostream &OS,
    const iterator_range<coverage::FunctionRecordIterator> &Functions) {
  for (const auto &F : Functions) {
    auto StartLine = F.CountedRegions.front().LineStart;
    OS << "FN:" << StartLine << ',' << F.Name << '\n';
  for (const auto &F : Functions)
    OS << "FNDA:" << F.ExecutionCount << ',' << F.Name << '\n';

void renderLineExecutionCounts(raw_ostream &OS,
                               const coverage::CoverageData &FileCoverage) {
  coverage::LineCoverageIterator LCI{FileCoverage, 1};
  coverage::LineCoverageIterator LCIEnd = LCI.getEnd();
  for (; LCI != LCIEnd; ++LCI) {
    const coverage::LineCoverageStats &LCS = *LCI;
    if (LCS.isMapped()) {
      OS << "DA:" << LCS.getLine() << ',' << LCS.getExecutionCount() << '\n';

collectNestedBranches(const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                      ArrayRef<llvm::coverage::ExpansionRecord> Expansions,
                      int ViewDepth = 0, int SrcLine = 0) {
  std::vector<llvm::coverage::CountedRegion> Branches;
  for (const auto &Expansion : Expansions) {
    auto ExpansionCoverage = Coverage.getCoverageForExpansion(Expansion);

    // If we're at the top level, set the corresponding source line.
    if (ViewDepth == 0)
      SrcLine = Expansion.Region.LineStart;

    // Recursively collect branches from nested expansions.
    auto NestedExpansions = ExpansionCoverage.getExpansions();
    auto NestedExBranches = collectNestedBranches(Coverage, NestedExpansions,
                                                  ViewDepth + 1, SrcLine);
    append_range(Branches, NestedExBranches);

    // Add branches from this level of expansion.
    auto ExBranches = ExpansionCoverage.getBranches();
    for (auto B : ExBranches)
      if (B.FileID == Expansion.FileID) {
        B.LineStart = SrcLine;

  return Branches;

bool sortLine(llvm::coverage::CountedRegion I,
              llvm::coverage::CountedRegion J) {
  return (I.LineStart < J.LineStart) ||
         ((I.LineStart == J.LineStart) && (I.ColumnStart < J.ColumnStart));

void renderBranchExecutionCounts(raw_ostream &OS,
                                 const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                                 const coverage::CoverageData &FileCoverage) {
  std::vector<llvm::coverage::CountedRegion> Branches =

  // Recursively collect branches for all file expansions.
  std::vector<llvm::coverage::CountedRegion> ExBranches =
      collectNestedBranches(Coverage, FileCoverage.getExpansions());

  // Append Expansion Branches to Source Branches.
  append_range(Branches, ExBranches);

  // Sort branches based on line number to ensure branches corresponding to the
  // same source line are counted together.
  llvm::sort(Branches, sortLine);

  auto NextBranch = Branches.begin();
  auto EndBranch = Branches.end();

  // Branches with the same source line are enumerated individually
  // (BranchIndex) as well as based on True/False pairs (PairIndex).
  while (NextBranch != EndBranch) {
    unsigned CurrentLine = NextBranch->LineStart;
    unsigned PairIndex = 0;
    unsigned BranchIndex = 0;

    while (NextBranch != EndBranch && CurrentLine == NextBranch->LineStart) {
      if (!NextBranch->Folded) {
        unsigned BC1 = NextBranch->ExecutionCount;
        unsigned BC2 = NextBranch->FalseExecutionCount;
        bool BranchNotExecuted = (BC1 == 0 && BC2 == 0);

        for (int I = 0; I < 2; I++, BranchIndex++) {
          OS << "BRDA:" << CurrentLine << ',' << PairIndex << ','
             << BranchIndex;
          if (BranchNotExecuted)
            OS << ',' << '-' << '\n';
            OS << ',' << (I == 0 ? BC1 : BC2) << '\n';


void renderLineSummary(raw_ostream &OS, const FileCoverageSummary &Summary) {
  OS << "LF:" << Summary.LineCoverage.getNumLines() << '\n'
     << "LH:" << Summary.LineCoverage.getCovered() << '\n';

void renderBranchSummary(raw_ostream &OS, const FileCoverageSummary &Summary) {
  OS << "BRF:" << Summary.BranchCoverage.getNumBranches() << '\n'
     << "BRH:" << Summary.BranchCoverage.getCovered() << '\n';

void renderFile(raw_ostream &OS, const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                const std::string &Filename,
                const FileCoverageSummary &FileReport, bool ExportSummaryOnly,
                bool SkipFunctions, bool SkipBranches) {
  OS << "SF:" << Filename << '\n';

  if (!ExportSummaryOnly && !SkipFunctions) {
    renderFunctions(OS, Coverage.getCoveredFunctions(Filename));
  renderFunctionSummary(OS, FileReport);

  if (!ExportSummaryOnly) {
    // Calculate and render detailed coverage information for given file.
    auto FileCoverage = Coverage.getCoverageForFile(Filename);
    renderLineExecutionCounts(OS, FileCoverage);
    if (!SkipBranches)
      renderBranchExecutionCounts(OS, Coverage, FileCoverage);
  if (!SkipBranches)
    renderBranchSummary(OS, FileReport);
  renderLineSummary(OS, FileReport);

  OS << "end_of_record\n";

void renderFiles(raw_ostream &OS, const coverage::CoverageMapping &Coverage,
                 ArrayRef<std::string> SourceFiles,
                 ArrayRef<FileCoverageSummary> FileReports,
                 bool ExportSummaryOnly, bool SkipFunctions,
                 bool SkipBranches) {
  for (unsigned I = 0, E = SourceFiles.size(); I < E; ++I)
    renderFile(OS, Coverage, SourceFiles[I], FileReports[I], ExportSummaryOnly,
               SkipFunctions, SkipBranches);

} // end anonymous namespace

void CoverageExporterLcov::renderRoot(const CoverageFilters &IgnoreFilters) {
  std::vector<std::string> SourceFiles;
  for (StringRef SF : Coverage.getUniqueSourceFiles()) {
    if (!IgnoreFilters.matchesFilename(SF))

void CoverageExporterLcov::renderRoot(ArrayRef<std::string> SourceFiles) {
  FileCoverageSummary Totals = FileCoverageSummary("Totals");
  auto FileReports = CoverageReport::prepareFileReports(Coverage, Totals,
                                                        SourceFiles, Options);
  renderFiles(OS, Coverage, SourceFiles, FileReports, Options.ExportSummaryOnly,
              Options.SkipFunctions, Options.SkipBranches);