/** Helper classes for defining and executing prepared statements.
 * See the connection_base hierarchy for more about prepared statements.
 * Copyright (c) 2000-2019, Jeroen T. Vermeulen.
 * See COPYING for copyright license.  If you did not receive a file called
 * COPYING with this source code, please notify the distributor of this mistake,
 * or contact the author.

#include "pqxx/compiler-public.hxx"
#include "pqxx/compiler-internal-pre.hxx"

#include "pqxx/types.hxx"
#include "pqxx/internal/statement_parameters.hxx"

namespace pqxx
/// Dedicated namespace for helper types related to prepared statements.
namespace prepare
/// Pass a number of statement parameters only known at runtime.
/** When you call any of the @c exec_params functions, the number of arguments
 * is normally known at compile time.  This helper function supports the case
 * where it is not.
 * Use this function to pass a variable number of parameters, based on a
 * sequence ranging from @c begin to @c end exclusively.
 * The technique combines with the regular static parameters.  You can use it
 * to insert dynamic parameter lists in any place, or places, among the call's
 * parameters.  You can even insert multiple dynamic sequences.
 * @param begin A pointer or iterator for iterating parameters.
 * @param end A pointer or iterator for iterating parameters.
 * @return An object representing the parameters.
template<typename IT> inline pqxx::internal::dynamic_params<IT>
make_dynamic_params(IT begin, IT end)
  return pqxx::internal::dynamic_params<IT>(begin, end);

/// Pass a number of statement parameters only known at runtime.
/** When you call any of the @c exec_params functions, the number of arguments
 * is normally known at compile time.  This helper function supports the case
 * where it is not.
 * Use this function to pass a variable number of parameters, based on a
 * container of parameter values.
 * The technique combines with the regular static parameters.  You can use it
 * to insert dynamic parameter lists in any place, or places, among the call's
 * parameters.  You can even insert multiple dynamic containers.
 * @param container A container of parameter values.
 * @return An object representing the parameters.
template<typename C>
inline pqxx::internal::dynamic_params<typename C::const_iterator>
make_dynamic_params(const C &container)
  return pqxx::internal::dynamic_params<typename C::const_iterator>(container);
} // namespace prepare
} // namespace pqxx

namespace pqxx
namespace prepare
/// Helper class for passing parameters to, and executing, prepared statements
/** @deprecated As of 6.0, use @c transaction_base::exec_prepared and friends.
class PQXX_LIBEXPORT invocation : internal::statement_parameters
  PQXX_DEPRECATED invocation(transaction_base &, const std::string &statement);
  invocation &operator=(const invocation &) =delete;

  /// Execute!
  result exec() const;

  /// Execute and return result in binary format
  result exec_binary() const;

  /// Has a statement of this name been defined?
  bool exists() const;

  /// Pass null parameter.
  invocation &operator()() { add_param(); return *this; }

  /// Pass parameter value.
   * @param v parameter value; will be represented as a string internally.
  template<typename T> invocation &operator()(const T &v)
	{ add_param(v, true); return *this; }

  /// Pass binary parameter value for a BYTEA field.
   * @param v binary string; will be passed on directly in binary form.
  invocation &operator()(const binarystring &v)
	{ add_binary_param(v, true); return *this; }

  /// Pass parameter value.
   * @param v parameter value (will be represented as a string internally).
   * @param nonnull replaces value with null if set to false.
  template<typename T> invocation &operator()(const T &v, bool nonnull)
	{ add_param(v, nonnull); return *this; }

  /// Pass binary parameter value for a BYTEA field.
   * @param v binary string; will be passed on directly in binary form.
   * @param nonnull determines whether to pass a real value, or nullptr.
  invocation &operator()(const binarystring &v, bool nonnull)
	{ add_binary_param(v, nonnull); return *this; }

  /// Pass C-style parameter string, or null if pointer is null.
   * This version is for passing C-style strings; it's a template, so any
   * pointer type that @c to_string accepts will do.
   * @param v parameter value (will be represented as a C++ string internally)
   * @param nonnull replaces value with null if set to @c false
  template<typename T> invocation &operator()(T *v, bool nonnull=true)
	{ add_param(v, nonnull); return *this; }

  /// Pass C-style string parameter, or null if pointer is null.
  /** This duplicates the pointer-to-template-argument-type version of the
   * operator, but helps compilers with less advanced template implementations
   * disambiguate calls where C-style strings are passed.
  invocation &operator()(const char *v, bool nonnull=true)
	{ add_param(v, nonnull); return *this; }

  transaction_base &m_home;
  const std::string m_statement;

  invocation &setparam(const std::string &, bool nonnull);

  result internal_exec(result_format format) const;

namespace internal
/// Internal representation of a prepared statement definition.
struct PQXX_LIBEXPORT prepared_def
  /// Text of prepared query.
  std::string definition;
  /// Has this prepared statement been prepared in the current session?
  bool registered = false;

  prepared_def() =default;
  explicit prepared_def(const std::string &);

} // namespace pqxx::prepare::internal
} // namespace pqxx::prepare
} // namespace pqxx

#include "pqxx/compiler-internal-post.hxx"