// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
* Copyright (C) 1997-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
* File uresbund.cpp
* Modification History:
*   Date        Name        Description
*   04/01/97    aliu        Creation.
*   06/14/99    stephen     Removed functions taking a filename suffix.
*   07/20/99    stephen     Changed for UResourceBundle typedef'd to void*
*   11/09/99    weiv            Added ures_getLocale()
*   March 2000  weiv        Total overhaul - using data in DLLs
*   06/20/2000  helena      OS/400 port changes; mostly typecast.
*   06/24/02    weiv        Added support for resource sharing

#include "unicode/ures.h"
#include "unicode/ustring.h"
#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
#include "charstr.h"
#include "uresimp.h"
#include "ustr_imp.h"
#include "cwchar.h"
#include "ucln_cmn.h"
#include "cmemory.h"
#include "cstring.h"
#include "mutex.h"
#include "uhash.h"
#include "unicode/uenum.h"
#include "uenumimp.h"
#include "ulocimp.h"
#include "umutex.h"
#include "putilimp.h"
#include "uassert.h"
#include "uresdata.h"

using namespace icu;

Static cache for already opened resource bundles - mostly for keeping fallback info
TODO: This cache should probably be removed when the deprecated code is
      completely removed.
static UHashtable *cache = NULL;
static icu::UInitOnce gCacheInitOnce = U_INITONCE_INITIALIZER;

static UMutex resbMutex;

/* INTERNAL: hashes an entry  */
static int32_t U_CALLCONV hashEntry(const UHashTok parm) {
    UResourceDataEntry *b = (UResourceDataEntry *)parm.pointer;
    UHashTok namekey, pathkey;
    namekey.pointer = b->fName;
    pathkey.pointer = b->fPath;
    return uhash_hashChars(namekey)+37u*uhash_hashChars(pathkey);

/* INTERNAL: compares two entries */
static UBool U_CALLCONV compareEntries(const UHashTok p1, const UHashTok p2) {
    UResourceDataEntry *b1 = (UResourceDataEntry *)p1.pointer;
    UResourceDataEntry *b2 = (UResourceDataEntry *)p2.pointer;
    UHashTok name1, name2, path1, path2;
    name1.pointer = b1->fName;
    name2.pointer = b2->fName;
    path1.pointer = b1->fPath;
    path2.pointer = b2->fPath;
    return (UBool)(uhash_compareChars(name1, name2) &&
        uhash_compareChars(path1, path2));

 *  Internal function, gets parts of locale name according 
 *  to the position of '_' character
static UBool chopLocale(char *name) {
    char *i = uprv_strrchr(name, '_');

    if(i != NULL) {
        *i = '\0';
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 *  Internal function
static void entryIncrease(UResourceDataEntry *entry) {
    Mutex lock(&resbMutex);
    while(entry->fParent != NULL) {
      entry = entry->fParent;

 *  Internal function. Tries to find a resource in given Resource 
 *  Bundle, as well as in its parents
static const ResourceData *getFallbackData(const UResourceBundle* resBundle, const char* * resTag, UResourceDataEntry* *realData, Resource *res, UErrorCode *status) {
    UResourceDataEntry *resB = resBundle->fData;
    int32_t indexR = -1;
    int32_t i = 0;
    *res = RES_BOGUS;
    if(resB != NULL) {
        if(resB->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR) { /* if this resource is real, */
            *res = res_getTableItemByKey(&(resB->fData), resB->fData.rootRes, &indexR, resTag); /* try to get data from there */
        if(resBundle->fHasFallback == TRUE) {
            while(*res == RES_BOGUS && resB->fParent != NULL) { /* Otherwise, we'll look in parents */
                resB = resB->fParent;
                if(resB->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                    *res = res_getTableItemByKey(&(resB->fData), resB->fData.rootRes, &indexR, resTag);

        if(*res != RES_BOGUS) { /* If the resource is found in parents, we need to adjust the error */
            if(i>1) {
                if(uprv_strcmp(resB->fName, uloc_getDefault())==0 || uprv_strcmp(resB->fName, kRootLocaleName)==0) {
                    *status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
                } else {
                    *status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
            *realData = resB;
            return (&(resB->fData));
        } else { /* If resource is not found, we need to give an error */
            *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
            return NULL;
    } else {
            *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
            return NULL;

static void
free_entry(UResourceDataEntry *entry) {
    UResourceDataEntry *alias;
    if(entry->fName != NULL && entry->fName != entry->fNameBuffer) {
    if(entry->fPath != NULL) {
    if(entry->fPool != NULL) {
    alias = entry->fAlias;
    if(alias != NULL) {
        while(alias->fAlias != NULL) {
            alias = alias->fAlias;

/* Works just like ucnv_flushCache() */
static int32_t ures_flushCache()
    UResourceDataEntry *resB;
    int32_t pos;
    int32_t rbDeletedNum = 0;
    const UHashElement *e;
    UBool deletedMore;

    /*if shared data hasn't even been lazy evaluated yet
    * return 0
    Mutex lock(&resbMutex);
    if (cache == NULL) {
        return 0;

    do {
        deletedMore = FALSE;
        /*creates an enumeration to iterate through every element in the table */
        pos = UHASH_FIRST;
        while ((e = uhash_nextElement(cache, &pos)) != NULL)
            resB = (UResourceDataEntry *) e->value.pointer;
            /* Deletes only if reference counter == 0
             * Don't worry about the children of this node.
             * Those will eventually get deleted too, if not already.
             * Don't worry about the parents of this node.
             * Those will eventually get deleted too, if not already.
            /* 04/05/2002 [weiv] fCountExisting should now be accurate. If it's not zero, that means that    */
            /* some resource bundles are still open somewhere. */

            if (resB->fCountExisting == 0) {
                deletedMore = TRUE;
                uhash_removeElement(cache, e);
         * Do it again to catch bundles (aliases, pool bundle) whose fCountExisting
         * got decremented by free_entry().
    } while(deletedMore);

    return rbDeletedNum;

#include <stdio.h>

U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 ures_dumpCacheContents(void) {
  UBool cacheNotEmpty = FALSE;
  int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST;
  const UHashElement *e;
  UResourceDataEntry *resB;
    Mutex lock(&resbMutex);
    if (cache == NULL) {
      fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: RB Cache is NULL.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
      return FALSE;

    while ((e = uhash_nextElement(cache, &pos)) != NULL) {
      resB = (UResourceDataEntry *) e->value.pointer;
      fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: RB Cache: Entry @0x%p, refcount %d, name %s:%s.  Pool 0x%p, alias 0x%p, parent 0x%p\n",
              __FILE__, __LINE__,
              (void*)resB, resB->fCountExisting,
    fprintf(stderr,"%s:%d: RB Cache still contains %d items.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, uhash_count(cache));
    return cacheNotEmpty;


static UBool U_CALLCONV ures_cleanup(void)
    if (cache != NULL) {
        cache = NULL;
    return TRUE;

/** INTERNAL: Initializes the cache for resources */
static void U_CALLCONV createCache(UErrorCode &status) {
    U_ASSERT(cache == NULL);
    cache = uhash_open(hashEntry, compareEntries, NULL, &status);
    ucln_common_registerCleanup(UCLN_COMMON_URES, ures_cleanup);
static void initCache(UErrorCode *status) {
    umtx_initOnce(gCacheInitOnce, &createCache, *status);

/** INTERNAL: sets the name (locale) of the resource bundle to given name */

static void setEntryName(UResourceDataEntry *res, const char *name, UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(name);
    if(res->fName != NULL && res->fName != res->fNameBuffer) {
    if (len < (int32_t)sizeof(res->fNameBuffer)) {
        res->fName = res->fNameBuffer;
    else {
        res->fName = (char *)uprv_malloc(len+1);
    if(res->fName == NULL) {
        *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
    } else {
        uprv_strcpy(res->fName, name);

static UResourceDataEntry *
getPoolEntry(const char *path, UErrorCode *status);

 *  INTERNAL: Inits and opens an entry from a data DLL.
 *    CAUTION:  resbMutex must be locked when calling this function.
static UResourceDataEntry *init_entry(const char *localeID, const char *path, UErrorCode *status) {
    UResourceDataEntry *r = NULL;
    UResourceDataEntry find;
    /*int32_t hashValue;*/
    const char *name;
    char aliasName[100] = { 0 };
    int32_t aliasLen = 0;
    /*UBool isAlias = FALSE;*/
    /*UHashTok hashkey; */

    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;

    /* here we try to deduce the right locale name */
    if(localeID == NULL) { /* if localeID is NULL, we're trying to open default locale */
        name = uloc_getDefault();
    } else if(*localeID == 0) { /* if localeID is "" then we try to open root locale */
        name = kRootLocaleName;
    } else { /* otherwise, we'll open what we're given */
        name = localeID;

    find.fName = (char *)name;
    find.fPath = (char *)path;

    /* calculate the hash value of the entry */
    /*hashkey.pointer = (void *)&find;*/
    /*hashValue = hashEntry(hashkey);*/

    /* check to see if we already have this entry */
    r = (UResourceDataEntry *)uhash_get(cache, &find);
    if(r == NULL) {
        /* if the entry is not yet in the hash table, we'll try to construct a new one */
        r = (UResourceDataEntry *) uprv_malloc(sizeof(UResourceDataEntry));
        if(r == NULL) {
            *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;

        uprv_memset(r, 0, sizeof(UResourceDataEntry));
        /*r->fHashKey = hashValue;*/

        setEntryName(r, name, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
            return NULL;

        if(path != NULL) {
            r->fPath = (char *)uprv_strdup(path);
            if(r->fPath == NULL) {
                *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                return NULL;

        /* this is the actual loading */
        res_load(&(r->fData), r->fPath, r->fName, status);

        if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
            /* if we failed to load due to an out-of-memory error, exit early. */
            if (*status == U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) {
                return NULL;
            /* we have no such entry in dll, so it will always use fallback */
            *status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
            r->fBogus = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
        } else { /* if we have a regular entry */
            Resource aliasres;
            if (r->fData.usesPoolBundle) {
                r->fPool = getPoolEntry(r->fPath, status);
                if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                    const int32_t *poolIndexes = r->fPool->fData.pRoot + 1;
                    if(r->fData.pRoot[1 + URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM] == poolIndexes[URES_INDEX_POOL_CHECKSUM]) {
                        r->fData.poolBundleKeys = (const char *)(poolIndexes + (poolIndexes[URES_INDEX_LENGTH] & 0xff));
                        r->fData.poolBundleStrings = r->fPool->fData.p16BitUnits;
                    } else {
                        r->fBogus = *status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
                } else {
                    r->fBogus = *status;
            if (U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                /* handle the alias by trying to get out the %%Alias tag.*/
                /* We'll try to get alias string from the bundle */
                aliasres = res_getResource(&(r->fData), "%%ALIAS");
                if (aliasres != RES_BOGUS) {
                    // No tracing: called during initial data loading
                    const UChar *alias = res_getStringNoTrace(&(r->fData), aliasres, &aliasLen);
                    if(alias != NULL && aliasLen > 0) { /* if there is actual alias - unload and load new data */
                        u_UCharsToChars(alias, aliasName, aliasLen+1);
                        r->fAlias = init_entry(aliasName, path, status);

            UResourceDataEntry *oldR = NULL;
            if((oldR = (UResourceDataEntry *)uhash_get(cache, r)) == NULL) { /* if the data is not cached */
                /* just insert it in the cache */
                UErrorCode cacheStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                uhash_put(cache, (void *)r, r, &cacheStatus);
                if (U_FAILURE(cacheStatus)) {
                    *status = cacheStatus;
                    r = NULL;
            } else {
                /* somebody have already inserted it while we were working, discard newly opened data */
                /* Also, we could get here IF we opened an alias */
                r = oldR;

    if(r != NULL) {
        /* return the real bundle */
        while(r->fAlias != NULL) {
            r = r->fAlias;
        r->fCountExisting++; /* we increase its reference count */
        /* if the resource has a warning */
        /* we don't want to overwrite a status with no error */
        if(r->fBogus != U_ZERO_ERROR && U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
             *status = r->fBogus; /* set the returning status */
    return r;

static UResourceDataEntry *
getPoolEntry(const char *path, UErrorCode *status) {
    UResourceDataEntry *poolBundle = init_entry(kPoolBundleName, path, status);
    if( U_SUCCESS(*status) &&
        (poolBundle == NULL || poolBundle->fBogus != U_ZERO_ERROR || !poolBundle->fData.isPoolBundle)
    ) {
        *status = U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR;
    return poolBundle;

/*   CAUTION:  resbMutex must be locked when calling this function! */
static UResourceDataEntry *
findFirstExisting(const char* path, char* name,
                  UBool *isRoot, UBool *hasChopped, UBool *isDefault, UErrorCode* status) {
    UResourceDataEntry *r = NULL;
    UBool hasRealData = FALSE;
    const char *defaultLoc = uloc_getDefault();
    *hasChopped = TRUE; /* we're starting with a fresh name */

    while(*hasChopped && !hasRealData) {
        r = init_entry(name, path, status);
        /* Null pointer test */
        if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
            return NULL;
        *isDefault = (UBool)(uprv_strncmp(name, defaultLoc, uprv_strlen(name)) == 0);
        hasRealData = (UBool)(r->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR);
        if(!hasRealData) {
            /* this entry is not real. We will discard it. */
            /* However, the parent line for this entry is  */
            /* not to be used - as there might be parent   */
            /* lines in cache from previous openings that  */
            /* are not updated yet. */
            r = NULL;
            *status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
        } else {
            uprv_strcpy(name, r->fName); /* this is needed for supporting aliases */

        *isRoot = (UBool)(uprv_strcmp(name, kRootLocaleName) == 0);

        /*Fallback data stuff*/
        *hasChopped = chopLocale(name);
        if (*hasChopped && *name == '\0') {
            uprv_strcpy(name, "und");
    return r;

static void ures_setIsStackObject( UResourceBundle* resB, UBool state) {
    if(state) {
        resB->fMagic1 = 0;
        resB->fMagic2 = 0;
    } else {
        resB->fMagic1 = MAGIC1;
        resB->fMagic2 = MAGIC2;

static UBool ures_isStackObject(const UResourceBundle* resB) {
  return((resB->fMagic1 == MAGIC1 && resB->fMagic2 == MAGIC2)?FALSE:TRUE);

U_CFUNC void ures_initStackObject(UResourceBundle* resB) {
  uprv_memset(resB, 0, sizeof(UResourceBundle));
  ures_setIsStackObject(resB, TRUE);


StackUResourceBundle::StackUResourceBundle() {

StackUResourceBundle::~StackUResourceBundle() {


static UBool  // returns U_SUCCESS(*status)
loadParentsExceptRoot(UResourceDataEntry *&t1,
                      char name[], int32_t nameCapacity,
                      UBool usingUSRData, char usrDataPath[], UErrorCode *status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return FALSE; }
    UBool hasChopped = TRUE;
    while (hasChopped && t1->fParent == NULL && !t1->fData.noFallback &&
            res_getResource(&t1->fData,"%%ParentIsRoot") == RES_BOGUS) {
        Resource parentRes = res_getResource(&t1->fData, "%%Parent");
        if (parentRes != RES_BOGUS) {  // An explicit parent was found.
            int32_t parentLocaleLen = 0;
            // No tracing: called during initial data loading
            const UChar *parentLocaleName = res_getStringNoTrace(&(t1->fData), parentRes, &parentLocaleLen);
            if(parentLocaleName != NULL && 0 < parentLocaleLen && parentLocaleLen < nameCapacity) {
                u_UCharsToChars(parentLocaleName, name, parentLocaleLen + 1);
                if (uprv_strcmp(name, kRootLocaleName) == 0) {
                    return TRUE;
        // Insert regular parents.
        UErrorCode parentStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        UResourceDataEntry *t2 = init_entry(name, t1->fPath, &parentStatus);
        if (U_FAILURE(parentStatus)) {
            *status = parentStatus;
            return FALSE;
        UResourceDataEntry *u2 = NULL;
        UErrorCode usrStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        if (usingUSRData) {  // This code inserts user override data into the inheritance chain.
            u2 = init_entry(name, usrDataPath, &usrStatus);
            // If we failed due to out-of-memory, report that to the caller and exit early.
            if (usrStatus == U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) {
                *status = usrStatus;
                return FALSE;

        if (usingUSRData && U_SUCCESS(usrStatus) && u2->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            t1->fParent = u2;
            u2->fParent = t2;
        } else {
            t1->fParent = t2;
            if (usingUSRData) {
                // The USR override data wasn't found, set it to be deleted.
                u2->fCountExisting = 0;
        t1 = t2;
        hasChopped = chopLocale(name);
    return TRUE;

static UBool  // returns U_SUCCESS(*status)
insertRootBundle(UResourceDataEntry *&t1, UErrorCode *status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return FALSE; }
    UErrorCode parentStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceDataEntry *t2 = init_entry(kRootLocaleName, t1->fPath, &parentStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(parentStatus)) {
        *status = parentStatus;
        return FALSE;
    t1->fParent = t2;
    t1 = t2;
    return TRUE;

enum UResOpenType {
     * Open a resource bundle for the locale;
     * if there is not even a base language bundle, then fall back to the default locale;
     * if there is no bundle for that either, then load the root bundle.
     * This is the default bundle loading behavior.
    // TODO: ICU ticket #11271 "consistent default locale across locale trees"
    // Add an option to look at the main locale tree for whether to
    // fall back to root directly (if the locale has main data) or
    // fall back to the default locale first (if the locale does not even have main data).
     * Open a resource bundle for the locale;
     * if there is not even a base language bundle, then load the root bundle;
     * never fall back to the default locale.
     * This is used for algorithms that have good pan-Unicode default behavior,
     * such as case mappings, collation, and segmentation (BreakIterator).
     * Open a resource bundle for the exact bundle name as requested;
     * no fallbacks, do not load parent bundles.
     * This is used for supplemental (non-locale) data.
typedef enum UResOpenType UResOpenType;

static UResourceDataEntry *entryOpen(const char* path, const char* localeID,
                                     UResOpenType openType, UErrorCode* status) {
    UErrorCode intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UResourceDataEntry *r = NULL;
    UResourceDataEntry *t1 = NULL;
    UBool isDefault = FALSE;
    UBool isRoot = FALSE;
    UBool hasRealData = FALSE;
    UBool hasChopped = TRUE;
    UBool usingUSRData = U_USE_USRDATA && ( path == NULL || uprv_strncmp(path,U_ICUDATA_NAME,8) == 0);

    char usrDataPath[96];


    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;

    uprv_strncpy(name, localeID, sizeof(name) - 1);
    name[sizeof(name) - 1] = 0;

    if ( usingUSRData ) {
        if ( path == NULL ) {
            uprv_strcpy(usrDataPath, U_USRDATA_NAME);
        } else {
            uprv_strncpy(usrDataPath, path, sizeof(usrDataPath) - 1);
            usrDataPath[0] = 'u';
            usrDataPath[1] = 's';
            usrDataPath[2] = 'r';
            usrDataPath[sizeof(usrDataPath) - 1] = 0;
    Mutex lock(&resbMutex);    // Lock resbMutex until the end of this function.

    /* We're going to skip all the locales that do not have any data */
    r = findFirstExisting(path, name, &isRoot, &hasChopped, &isDefault, &intStatus);

    // If we failed due to out-of-memory, report the failure and exit early.
    if (intStatus == U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) {
        *status = intStatus;
        goto finish;

    if(r != NULL) { /* if there is one real locale, we can look for parents. */
        t1 = r;
        hasRealData = TRUE;
        if ( usingUSRData ) {  /* This code inserts user override data into the inheritance chain */
            UErrorCode usrStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            UResourceDataEntry *u1 = init_entry(t1->fName, usrDataPath, &usrStatus);
            // If we failed due to out-of-memory, report the failure and exit early.
            if (intStatus == U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) {
                *status = intStatus;
                goto finish;
            if ( u1 != NULL ) {
                if(u1->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                    u1->fParent = t1;
                    r = u1;
                } else {
                    /* the USR override data wasn't found, set it to be deleted */
                    u1->fCountExisting = 0;
        if (hasChopped && !isRoot) {
            if (!loadParentsExceptRoot(t1, name, UPRV_LENGTHOF(name), usingUSRData, usrDataPath, status)) {
                goto finish;

    /* we could have reached this point without having any real data */
    /* if that is the case, we need to chain in the default locale   */
    if(r==NULL && openType == URES_OPEN_LOCALE_DEFAULT_ROOT && !isDefault && !isRoot) {
        /* insert default locale */
        uprv_strcpy(name, uloc_getDefault());
        r = findFirstExisting(path, name, &isRoot, &hasChopped, &isDefault, &intStatus);
        // If we failed due to out-of-memory, report the failure and exit early.
        if (intStatus == U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) {
            *status = intStatus;
            goto finish;
        intStatus = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
        if(r != NULL) { /* the default locale exists */
            t1 = r;
            hasRealData = TRUE;
            isDefault = TRUE;
            // TODO: Why not if (usingUSRData) { ... } like in the non-default-locale code path?
            if (hasChopped && !isRoot) {
                if (!loadParentsExceptRoot(t1, name, UPRV_LENGTHOF(name), usingUSRData, usrDataPath, status)) {
                    goto finish;

    /* we could still have r == NULL at this point - maybe even default locale is not */
    /* present */
    if(r == NULL) {
        uprv_strcpy(name, kRootLocaleName);
        r = findFirstExisting(path, name, &isRoot, &hasChopped, &isDefault, &intStatus);
        // If we failed due to out-of-memory, report the failure and exit early.
        if (intStatus == U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR) {
            *status = intStatus;
            goto finish;
        if(r != NULL) {
            t1 = r;
            intStatus = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
            hasRealData = TRUE;
        } else { /* we don't even have the root locale */
            *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
            goto finish;
    } else if(!isRoot && uprv_strcmp(t1->fName, kRootLocaleName) != 0 &&
            t1->fParent == NULL && !r->fData.noFallback) {
        if (!insertRootBundle(t1, status)) {
            goto finish;
        if(!hasRealData) {
            r->fBogus = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;

    // TODO: Does this ever loop?
    while(r != NULL && !isRoot && t1->fParent != NULL) {
        t1 = t1->fParent;

    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
        if(intStatus != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            *status = intStatus;  
        return r;
    } else {
        return NULL;

 * Version of entryOpen() and findFirstExisting() for ures_openDirect(),
 * with no fallbacks.
 * Parent and root locale bundles are loaded if
 * the requested bundle does not have the "nofallback" flag.
static UResourceDataEntry *
entryOpenDirect(const char* path, const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status) {
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;

    Mutex lock(&resbMutex);
    // findFirstExisting() without fallbacks.
    UResourceDataEntry *r = init_entry(localeID, path, status);
    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
        if(r->fBogus != U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            r = NULL;
    } else {
        r = NULL;

    // Some code depends on the ures_openDirect() bundle to have a parent bundle chain,
    // unless it is marked with "nofallback".
    UResourceDataEntry *t1 = r;
    if(r != NULL && uprv_strcmp(localeID, kRootLocaleName) != 0 &&  // not root
            r->fParent == NULL && !r->fData.noFallback &&
            uprv_strlen(localeID) < ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY) {
        char name[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
        uprv_strcpy(name, localeID);
        if(!chopLocale(name) || uprv_strcmp(name, kRootLocaleName) == 0 ||
                loadParentsExceptRoot(t1, name, UPRV_LENGTHOF(name), FALSE, NULL, status)) {
            if(uprv_strcmp(t1->fName, kRootLocaleName) != 0 && t1->fParent == NULL) {
                insertRootBundle(t1, status);
        if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
            r = NULL;

    if(r != NULL) {
        // TODO: Does this ever loop?
        while(t1->fParent != NULL) {
            t1 = t1->fParent;
    return r;

 * Functions to create and destroy resource bundles.
 *     CAUTION:  resbMutex must be locked when calling this function.
static void entryCloseInt(UResourceDataEntry *resB) {
    UResourceDataEntry *p = resB;

    while(resB != NULL) {
        p = resB->fParent;

        /* Entries are left in the cache. TODO: add ures_flushCache() to force a flush
         of the cache. */
        if(resB->fCountExisting <= 0) {
            uhash_remove(cache, resB);
            if(resB->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            if(resB->fName != NULL) {
            if(resB->fPath != NULL) {

        resB = p;

 *  API: closes a resource bundle and cleans up.

static void entryClose(UResourceDataEntry *resB) {
  Mutex lock(&resbMutex);

U_CFUNC void ures_setResPath(UResourceBundle *resB, const char* toAdd) {
  if(resB->fResPath == NULL) {
    resB->fResPath = resB->fResBuf;
    *(resB->fResPath) = 0;
  resB->fResPathLen = uprv_strlen(toAdd);
  if(RES_BUFSIZE <= resB->fResPathLen+1) {
    if(resB->fResPath == resB->fResBuf) {
      resB->fResPath = (char *)uprv_malloc((resB->fResPathLen+1)*sizeof(char));
    } else {
      resB->fResPath = (char *)uprv_realloc(resB->fResPath, (resB->fResPathLen+1)*sizeof(char));
  uprv_strcpy(resB->fResPath, toAdd);
static void ures_appendResPath(UResourceBundle *resB, const char* toAdd, int32_t lenToAdd, UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t resPathLenOrig = resB->fResPathLen;
    if(resB->fResPath == NULL) {
        resB->fResPath = resB->fResBuf;
        *(resB->fResPath) = 0;
        resB->fResPathLen = 0;
    resB->fResPathLen += lenToAdd;
    if(RES_BUFSIZE <= resB->fResPathLen+1) {
        if(resB->fResPath == resB->fResBuf) {
            resB->fResPath = (char *)uprv_malloc((resB->fResPathLen+1)*sizeof(char));
            /* Check that memory was allocated correctly. */
            if (resB->fResPath == NULL) {
                *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            uprv_strcpy(resB->fResPath, resB->fResBuf);
        } else {
            char *temp = (char *)uprv_realloc(resB->fResPath, (resB->fResPathLen+1)*sizeof(char));
            /* Check that memory was reallocated correctly. */
            if (temp == NULL) {
                *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            resB->fResPath = temp;
    uprv_strcpy(resB->fResPath + resPathLenOrig, toAdd);

static void ures_freeResPath(UResourceBundle *resB) {
    if (resB->fResPath && resB->fResPath != resB->fResBuf) {
    resB->fResPath = NULL;
    resB->fResPathLen = 0;

static void
ures_closeBundle(UResourceBundle* resB, UBool freeBundleObj)
    if(resB != NULL) {
        if(resB->fData != NULL) {
        if(resB->fVersion != NULL) {

        if(ures_isStackObject(resB) == FALSE && freeBundleObj) {
#if 0 /*U_DEBUG*/
        else {
            /* poison the data */
            uprv_memset(resB, -1, sizeof(UResourceBundle));

ures_close(UResourceBundle* resB)
    ures_closeBundle(resB, TRUE);

static UResourceBundle *init_resb_result(const ResourceData *rdata, Resource r, 
                                         const char *key, int32_t idx, UResourceDataEntry *realData, 
                                         const UResourceBundle *parent, int32_t noAlias,
                                         UResourceBundle *resB, UErrorCode *status) 
    if(status == NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return resB;
    if (parent == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;
    if(RES_GET_TYPE(r) == URES_ALIAS) { /* This is an alias, need to exchange with real data */
        if(noAlias < URES_MAX_ALIAS_LEVEL) { 
            int32_t len = 0;
            const UChar *alias = res_getAlias(rdata, r, &len); 
            if(len > 0) {
                /* we have an alias, now let's cut it up */
                char stackAlias[200];
                char *chAlias = NULL, *path = NULL, *locale = NULL, *keyPath = NULL;
                int32_t capacity;

                * Allocate enough space for both the char * version
                * of the alias and parent->fResPath.
                * We do this so that res_findResource() can modify the path,
                * which allows us to remove redundant _res_findResource() variants
                * in uresdata.c.
                * res_findResource() now NUL-terminates each segment so that table keys
                * can always be compared with strcmp() instead of strncmp().
                * Saves code there and simplifies testing and code coverage.
                * markus 2003oct17
                ++len; /* count the terminating NUL */
                if(parent->fResPath != NULL) {
                    capacity = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(parent->fResPath) + 1;
                } else {
                    capacity = 0;
                if(capacity < len) {
                    capacity = len;
                if(capacity <= (int32_t)sizeof(stackAlias)) {
                    capacity = (int32_t)sizeof(stackAlias);
                    chAlias = stackAlias;
                } else {
                    chAlias = (char *)uprv_malloc(capacity);
                    /* test for NULL */
                    if(chAlias == NULL) {
                        *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                        return NULL;
                u_UCharsToChars(alias, chAlias, len);

                if(*chAlias == RES_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
                    /* there is a path included */
                    locale = uprv_strchr(chAlias+1, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR);
                    if(locale == NULL) {
                        locale = uprv_strchr(chAlias, 0); /* avoid locale == NULL to make code below work */
                    } else {
                        *locale = 0;
                    path = chAlias+1;
                    if(uprv_strcmp(path, "LOCALE") == 0) {
                        /* this is an XPath alias, starting with "/LOCALE/" */
                        /* it contains the path to a resource which should be looked up */
                        /* starting in the requested locale */
                        keyPath = locale; 
                        locale = parent->fTopLevelData->fName; /* this is the requested locale's name */
                        path = realData->fPath; /* we will be looking in the same package */
                    } else {
                        if(uprv_strcmp(path, "ICUDATA") == 0) { /* want ICU data */
                            path = NULL;
                        keyPath = uprv_strchr(locale, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR);
                        if(keyPath) {
                            *keyPath = 0;
                } else {
                    /* no path, start with a locale */
                    locale = chAlias;
                    keyPath = uprv_strchr(locale, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR);
                    if(keyPath) {
                        *keyPath = 0;
                    path = realData->fPath;

                    /* got almost everything, let's try to open */
                    /* first, open the bundle with real data */
                    UResourceBundle *result = resB;
                    const char* temp = NULL;
                    UErrorCode intStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                    UResourceBundle *mainRes = ures_openDirect(path, locale, &intStatus); 
                    if(U_SUCCESS(intStatus)) {
                        if(keyPath == NULL) {
                            /* no key path. This means that we are going to 
                            * to use the corresponding resource from
                            * another bundle
                            /* first, we are going to get a corresponding parent 
                            * resource to the one we are searching.
                            char *aKey = parent->fResPath;
                            if(aKey) {
                                uprv_strcpy(chAlias, aKey); /* allocated large enough above */
                                aKey = chAlias;
                                r = res_findResource(&(mainRes->fResData), mainRes->fRes, &aKey, &temp);
                            } else {
                                r = mainRes->fRes;
                            if(key) {
                                /* we need to make keyPath from parent's fResPath and
                                * current key, if there is a key associated
                                len = (int32_t)(uprv_strlen(key) + 1);
                                if(len > capacity) {
                                    capacity = len;
                                    if(chAlias == stackAlias) {
                                        chAlias = (char *)uprv_malloc(capacity);
                                    } else {
                                        chAlias = (char *)uprv_realloc(chAlias, capacity);
                                    if(chAlias == NULL) {
                                        *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                                        return NULL;
                                uprv_memcpy(chAlias, key, len);
                                aKey = chAlias;
                                r = res_findResource(&(mainRes->fResData), r, &aKey, &temp);
                            } else if(idx != -1) {
                                /* if there is no key, but there is an index, try to get by the index */
                                /* here we have either a table or an array, so get the element */
                                int32_t type = RES_GET_TYPE(r);
                                if(URES_IS_TABLE(type)) {
                                    r = res_getTableItemByIndex(&(mainRes->fResData), r, idx, (const char **)&aKey);
                                } else { /* array */
                                    r = res_getArrayItem(&(mainRes->fResData), r, idx);
                            if(r != RES_BOGUS) {
                                result = init_resb_result(&(mainRes->fResData), r, temp, -1, mainRes->fData, mainRes, noAlias+1, resB, status);
                            } else {
                                *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
                                result = resB;
                        } else {
                            /* this one is a bit trickier. 
                            * we start finding keys, but after we resolve one alias, the path might continue.
                            * Consider: 
                            *     aliastest:alias { "testtypes/anotheralias/Sequence" }
                            *     anotheralias:alias { "/ICUDATA/sh/CollationElements" }
                            * aliastest resource should finally have the sequence, not collation elements.
                            UResourceDataEntry *dataEntry = mainRes->fData;
                            char stackPath[URES_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
                            char *pathBuf = stackPath, *myPath = pathBuf;
                            if(uprv_strlen(keyPath) >= UPRV_LENGTHOF(stackPath)) {
                                pathBuf = (char *)uprv_malloc((uprv_strlen(keyPath)+1)*sizeof(char));
                                if(pathBuf == NULL) {
                                    *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                                    return NULL;
                            uprv_strcpy(pathBuf, keyPath);
                            result = mainRes;
                            /* now we have fallback following here */
                            do {
                                r = dataEntry->fData.rootRes;     
                                /* this loop handles 'found' resources over several levels */
                                while(*myPath && U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                                    r = res_findResource(&(dataEntry->fData), r, &myPath, &temp);
                                    if(r != RES_BOGUS) { /* found a resource, but it might be an indirection */
                                        resB = init_resb_result(&(dataEntry->fData), r, temp, -1, dataEntry, result, noAlias+1, resB, status);
                                        result = resB;
                                        if(result) {
                                            r = result->fRes; /* switch to a new resource, possibly a new tree */
                                            dataEntry = result->fData;
                                    } else { /* no resource found, we don't really want to look anymore on this level */
                                dataEntry = dataEntry->fParent;
                                uprv_strcpy(pathBuf, keyPath);
                                myPath = pathBuf;
                            } while(r == RES_BOGUS && dataEntry != NULL);
                            if(r == RES_BOGUS) {
                                *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
                                result = resB;
                            if(pathBuf != stackPath) {
                    } else { /* we failed to open the resource we're aliasing to */
                        *status = intStatus;
                    if(chAlias != stackAlias) {
                    if(mainRes != result) {
                    return result;
            } else {
                /* bad alias, should be an error */ 
                *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
                return resB;
        } else {
            *status = U_TOO_MANY_ALIASES_ERROR;
            return resB;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        resB = (UResourceBundle *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UResourceBundle));
        /* test for NULL */
        if (resB == NULL) {
            *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;
        ures_setIsStackObject(resB, FALSE);
        resB->fResPath = NULL;
        resB->fResPathLen = 0;
    } else {
        if(resB->fData != NULL) {
        if(resB->fVersion != NULL) {
        weiv: if stack object was passed in, it doesn't really need to be reinited,
        since the purpose of initing is to remove stack junk. However, at this point 
        we would not do anything to an allocated object, so stack object should be
        treated the same
        if(ures_isStackObject(resB) != FALSE) {
        if(parent != resB) {
    resB->fData = realData;
    resB->fHasFallback = FALSE;
    resB->fIsTopLevel = FALSE;
    resB->fIndex = -1;
    resB->fKey = key; 
    /*resB->fParentRes = parent;*/
    resB->fTopLevelData = parent->fTopLevelData;
    if(parent->fResPath && parent != resB) {
        ures_appendResPath(resB, parent->fResPath, parent->fResPathLen, status);
    if(key != NULL) {
        ures_appendResPath(resB, key, (int32_t)uprv_strlen(key), status);
        if(resB->fResPath[resB->fResPathLen-1] != RES_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
            ures_appendResPath(resB, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, 1, status);
    } else if(idx >= 0) {
        char buf[256];
        int32_t len = T_CString_integerToString(buf, idx, 10);
        ures_appendResPath(resB, buf, len, status);
        if(resB->fResPath[resB->fResPathLen-1] != RES_PATH_SEPARATOR) {
            ures_appendResPath(resB, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR_S, 1, status);
    /* Make sure that Purify doesn't complain about uninitialized memory copies. */
        int32_t usedLen = ((resB->fResBuf == resB->fResPath) ? resB->fResPathLen : 0);
        uprv_memset(resB->fResBuf + usedLen, 0, sizeof(resB->fResBuf) - usedLen);

    resB->fVersion = NULL;
    resB->fRes = r;
    /*resB->fParent = parent->fRes;*/
    uprv_memmove(&resB->fResData, rdata, sizeof(ResourceData));
    resB->fSize = res_countArrayItems(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes);
    return resB;

UResourceBundle *ures_copyResb(UResourceBundle *r, const UResourceBundle *original, UErrorCode *status) {
    UBool isStackObject;
    if(U_FAILURE(*status) || r == original) {
        return r;
    if(original != NULL) {
        if(r == NULL) {
            isStackObject = FALSE;
            r = (UResourceBundle *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UResourceBundle));
            /* test for NULL */
            if (r == NULL) {
                *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                return NULL;
        } else {
            isStackObject = ures_isStackObject(r);
            ures_closeBundle(r, FALSE);
        uprv_memcpy(r, original, sizeof(UResourceBundle));
        r->fResPath = NULL;
        r->fResPathLen = 0;
        if(original->fResPath) {
            ures_appendResPath(r, original->fResPath, original->fResPathLen, status);
        ures_setIsStackObject(r, isStackObject);
        if(r->fData != NULL) {
    return r;

 * Functions to retrieve data from resource bundles.

U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2 ures_getString(const UResourceBundle* resB, int32_t* len, UErrorCode* status) {
    const UChar *s;
    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;
    s = res_getString({resB}, &(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, len);
    if (s == NULL) {
        *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
    return s;

static const char *
ures_toUTF8String(const UChar *s16, int32_t length16,
                  char *dest, int32_t *pLength,
                  UBool forceCopy,
                  UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t capacity;

    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if (pLength != NULL) {
        capacity = *pLength;
    } else {
        capacity = 0;
    if (capacity < 0 || (capacity > 0 && dest == NULL)) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    if (length16 == 0) {
        /* empty string, return as read-only pointer */
        if (pLength != NULL) {
            *pLength = 0;
        if (forceCopy) {
            u_terminateChars(dest, capacity, 0, status);
            return dest;
        } else {
            return "";
    } else {
        /* We need to transform the string to the destination buffer. */
        if (capacity < length16) {
            /* No chance for the string to fit. Pure preflighting. */
            return u_strToUTF8(NULL, 0, pLength, s16, length16, status);
        if (!forceCopy && (length16 <= 0x2aaaaaaa)) {
             * We know the string will fit into dest because each UChar turns
             * into at most three UTF-8 bytes. Fill the latter part of dest
             * so that callers do not expect to use dest as a string pointer,
             * hopefully leading to more robust code for when resource bundles
             * may store UTF-8 natively.
             * (In which case dest would not be used at all.)
             * We do not do this if forceCopy=TRUE because then the caller
             * expects the string to start exactly at dest.
             * The test above for <= 0x2aaaaaaa prevents overflows.
             * The +1 is for the NUL terminator.
            int32_t maxLength = 3 * length16 + 1;
            if (capacity > maxLength) {
                dest += capacity - maxLength;
                capacity = maxLength;
        return u_strToUTF8(dest, capacity, pLength, s16, length16, status);

U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
ures_getUTF8String(const UResourceBundle *resB,
                   char *dest, int32_t *pLength,
                   UBool forceCopy,
                   UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t length16;
    const UChar *s16 = ures_getString(resB, &length16, status);
    return ures_toUTF8String(s16, length16, dest, pLength, forceCopy, status);

U_CAPI const uint8_t* U_EXPORT2 ures_getBinary(const UResourceBundle* resB, int32_t* len, 
                                               UErrorCode*               status) {
  const uint8_t *p;
  if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return NULL;
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  p = res_getBinary({resB}, &(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, len);
  if (p == NULL) {
  return p;

U_CAPI const int32_t* U_EXPORT2 ures_getIntVector(const UResourceBundle* resB, int32_t* len, 
                                                   UErrorCode*               status) {
  const int32_t *p;
  if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return NULL;
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  p = res_getIntVector({resB}, &(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, len);
  if (p == NULL) {
  return p;

/* this function returns a signed integer */ 
/* it performs sign extension */
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ures_getInt(const UResourceBundle* resB, UErrorCode *status) {
  if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return 0xffffffff;
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return 0xffffffff;
  if(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes) != URES_INT) {
    return 0xffffffff;
  return res_getInt({resB}, resB->fRes);

U_CAPI uint32_t U_EXPORT2 ures_getUInt(const UResourceBundle* resB, UErrorCode *status) {
  if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return 0xffffffff;
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return 0xffffffff;
  if(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes) != URES_INT) {
    return 0xffffffff;
  return res_getUInt({resB}, resB->fRes);

U_CAPI UResType U_EXPORT2 ures_getType(const UResourceBundle *resB) {
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return URES_NONE;
  return res_getPublicType(resB->fRes);

U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2 ures_getKey(const UResourceBundle *resB) {
  // TODO: Trace ures_getKey? I guess not usually.
  // We usually get the key string to decide whether we want the value, or to
  // make a key-value pair. Tracing the value should suffice.
  // However, I believe we have some data (e.g., in res_index) where the key
  // strings are the data. Tracing the enclosing table should suffice.
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return NULL;

U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2 ures_getSize(const UResourceBundle *resB) {
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return 0;
  return resB->fSize;

static const UChar* ures_getStringWithAlias(const UResourceBundle *resB, Resource r, int32_t sIndex, int32_t *len, UErrorCode *status) {
    const UChar* result = 0;
    UResourceBundle *tempRes = ures_getByIndex(resB, sIndex, NULL, status);
    result = ures_getString(tempRes, len, status);
    return result;
  } else {
    return res_getString({resB, sIndex}, &(resB->fResData), r, len); 

U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ures_resetIterator(UResourceBundle *resB){
  if(resB == NULL) {
  resB->fIndex = -1;

U_CAPI UBool U_EXPORT2 ures_hasNext(const UResourceBundle *resB) {
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return FALSE;
  return (UBool)(resB->fIndex < resB->fSize-1);

U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2 ures_getNextString(UResourceBundle *resB, int32_t* len, const char ** key, UErrorCode *status) {
  Resource r = RES_BOGUS;
  if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return NULL;
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return NULL;
  if(resB->fIndex == resB->fSize-1) {
  } else {
    switch(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes)) {
    case URES_STRING:
    case URES_STRING_V2:
      return res_getString({resB}, &(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, len);
    case URES_TABLE:
    case URES_TABLE16:
    case URES_TABLE32:
      r = res_getTableItemByIndex(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, resB->fIndex, key);
      if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
        /* TODO: do the fallback */
      return ures_getStringWithAlias(resB, r, resB->fIndex, len, status);
    case URES_ARRAY:
    case URES_ARRAY16:
      r = res_getArrayItem(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, resB->fIndex);
      if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
        /* TODO: do the fallback */
      return ures_getStringWithAlias(resB, r, resB->fIndex, len, status);
    case URES_ALIAS:
      return ures_getStringWithAlias(resB, resB->fRes, resB->fIndex, len, status);
    case URES_INT:
    case URES_BINARY:
        *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
      return NULL;

  return NULL;

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 ures_getNextResource(UResourceBundle *resB, UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status) {
    const char *key = NULL;
    Resource r = RES_BOGUS;

    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
            /*return NULL;*/
            return fillIn;
    if(resB == NULL) {
            *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
            /*return NULL;*/
            return fillIn;

    if(resB->fIndex == resB->fSize-1) {
      /*return NULL;*/
    } else {
        switch(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes)) {
        case URES_INT:
        case URES_BINARY:
        case URES_STRING:
        case URES_STRING_V2:
        case URES_INT_VECTOR:
            return ures_copyResb(fillIn, resB, status);
        case URES_TABLE:
        case URES_TABLE16:
        case URES_TABLE32:
            r = res_getTableItemByIndex(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, resB->fIndex, &key);
            if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
                /* TODO: do the fallback */
            return init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), r, key, resB->fIndex, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
        case URES_ARRAY:
        case URES_ARRAY16:
            r = res_getArrayItem(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, resB->fIndex);
            if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
                /* TODO: do the fallback */
            return init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), r, key, resB->fIndex, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
            /*return NULL;*/
            return fillIn;
    /*return NULL;*/
    return fillIn;

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 ures_getByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resB, int32_t indexR, UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status) {
    const char* key = NULL;
    Resource r = RES_BOGUS;

    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        /*return NULL;*/
        return fillIn;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        /*return NULL;*/
        return fillIn;

    if(indexR >= 0 && resB->fSize > indexR) {
        switch(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes)) {
        case URES_INT:
        case URES_BINARY:
        case URES_STRING:
        case URES_STRING_V2:
        case URES_INT_VECTOR:
            return ures_copyResb(fillIn, resB, status);
        case URES_TABLE:
        case URES_TABLE16:
        case URES_TABLE32:
            r = res_getTableItemByIndex(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, indexR, &key);
            if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
                /* TODO: do the fallback */
            return init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), r, key, indexR, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
        case URES_ARRAY:
        case URES_ARRAY16:
            r = res_getArrayItem(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, indexR);
            if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
                /* TODO: do the fallback */
            return init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), r, key, indexR, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
            /*return NULL;*/
            return fillIn;
    } else {
        *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
    /*return NULL;*/
    return fillIn;

U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2 ures_getStringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resB, int32_t indexS, int32_t* len, UErrorCode *status) {
    const char* key = NULL;
    Resource r = RES_BOGUS;

    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    if(indexS >= 0 && resB->fSize > indexS) {
        switch(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes)) {
        case URES_STRING:
        case URES_STRING_V2:
            return res_getString({resB}, &(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, len);
        case URES_TABLE:
        case URES_TABLE16:
        case URES_TABLE32:
            r = res_getTableItemByIndex(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, indexS, &key);
            if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
                /* TODO: do the fallback */
            return ures_getStringWithAlias(resB, r, indexS, len, status);
        case URES_ARRAY:
        case URES_ARRAY16:
            r = res_getArrayItem(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, indexS);
            if(r == RES_BOGUS && resB->fHasFallback) {
                /* TODO: do the fallback */
            return ures_getStringWithAlias(resB, r, indexS, len, status);
        case URES_ALIAS:
            return ures_getStringWithAlias(resB, resB->fRes, indexS, len, status);
        case URES_INT:
        case URES_BINARY:
        case URES_INT_VECTOR:
            *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
          /* must not occur */
          *status = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR;
    } else {
        *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
    return NULL;

U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
ures_getUTF8StringByIndex(const UResourceBundle *resB,
                          int32_t idx,
                          char *dest, int32_t *pLength,
                          UBool forceCopy,
                          UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t length16;
    const UChar *s16 = ures_getStringByIndex(resB, idx, &length16, status);
    return ures_toUTF8String(s16, length16, dest, pLength, forceCopy, status);

/*U_CAPI const char *ures_getResPath(UResourceBundle *resB) {
  return resB->fResPath;

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
ures_findResource(const char* path, UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status) 
  UResourceBundle *first = NULL; 
  UResourceBundle *result = fillIn;
  char *packageName = NULL;
  char *pathToResource = NULL, *save = NULL;
  char *locale = NULL, *localeEnd = NULL;
  int32_t length;

  if(status == NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return result;

  length = (int32_t)(uprv_strlen(path)+1);
  save = pathToResource = (char *)uprv_malloc(length*sizeof(char));
  /* test for NULL */
  if(pathToResource == NULL) {
    return result;
  uprv_memcpy(pathToResource, path, length);

  locale = pathToResource;
  if(*pathToResource == RES_PATH_SEPARATOR) { /* there is a path specification */
    packageName = pathToResource;
    pathToResource = uprv_strchr(pathToResource, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR);
    if(pathToResource == NULL) {
    } else {
      *pathToResource = 0;
      locale = pathToResource+1;

  localeEnd = uprv_strchr(locale, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR);
  if(localeEnd != NULL) {
    *localeEnd = 0;

  first = ures_open(packageName, locale, status);

  if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    if(localeEnd) {
      result = ures_findSubResource(first, localeEnd+1, fillIn, status);
    } else {
      result = ures_copyResb(fillIn, first, status);
  return result;

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
ures_findSubResource(const UResourceBundle *resB, char* path, UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status) 
  Resource res = RES_BOGUS;
  UResourceBundle *result = fillIn;
  const char *key;

  if(status == NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
    return result;

  /* here we do looping and circular alias checking */
  /* this loop is here because aliasing is resolved on this level, not on res level */
  /* so, when we encounter an alias, it is not an aggregate resource, so we return */
  do {
    res = res_findResource(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, &path, &key); 
    if(res != RES_BOGUS) {
        result = init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), res, key, -1, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
        resB = result;
    } else {
        *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
  } while(*path); /* there is more stuff in the path */

  return result;
ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
                                const char* inKey, 
                                int32_t* len,
                                UErrorCode *status) {

    UResourceBundle stack;
    const UChar* retVal = NULL;
    ures_getByKeyWithFallback(resB, inKey, &stack, status);
    int32_t length;
    retVal = ures_getString(&stack, &length, status);
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if (length == 3 && retVal[0] == EMPTY_SET && retVal[1] == EMPTY_SET && retVal[2] == EMPTY_SET ) {
        retVal = NULL;
        length = 0;
        *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
    if (len != NULL) {
        *len = length;
    return retVal;

  Like res_getTableItemByKey but accepts full paths like "NumberElements/latn/patternsShort".
static Resource getTableItemByKeyPath(const ResourceData *pResData, Resource table, const char *key) {
  Resource resource = table;  /* The current resource */
  icu::CharString path;
  UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  path.append(key, errorCode);
  if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return RES_BOGUS; }
  char *pathPart = path.data();  /* Path from current resource to desired resource */
  UResType type = (UResType)RES_GET_TYPE(resource);  /* the current resource type */
  while (*pathPart && resource != RES_BOGUS && URES_IS_CONTAINER(type)) {
    char *nextPathPart = uprv_strchr(pathPart, RES_PATH_SEPARATOR);
    if (nextPathPart != NULL) {
      *nextPathPart = 0;  /* Terminating null for this part of path. */
    } else {
      nextPathPart = uprv_strchr(pathPart, 0);
    int32_t t;
    const char *pathP = pathPart;
    resource = res_getTableItemByKey(pResData, resource, &t, &pathP);
    type = (UResType)RES_GET_TYPE(resource);
    pathPart = nextPathPart; 
  if (*pathPart) {
    return RES_BOGUS;
  return resource;

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 
ures_getByKeyWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *resB, 
                          const char* inKey, 
                          UResourceBundle *fillIn, 
                          UErrorCode *status) {
    Resource res = RES_BOGUS, rootRes = RES_BOGUS;
    /*UResourceDataEntry *realData = NULL;*/
    UResourceBundle *helper = NULL;

    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return fillIn;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return fillIn;

    int32_t type = RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes);
    if(URES_IS_TABLE(type)) {
        res = getTableItemByKeyPath(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, inKey);
        const char* key = inKey;
        if(res == RES_BOGUS) {
            UResourceDataEntry *dataEntry = resB->fData;
            CharString path;
            char *myPath = NULL;
            const char* resPath = resB->fResPath;
            int32_t len = resB->fResPathLen;
            while(res == RES_BOGUS && dataEntry->fParent != NULL) { /* Otherwise, we'll look in parents */
                dataEntry = dataEntry->fParent;
                rootRes = dataEntry->fData.rootRes;

                if(dataEntry->fBogus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                    if (len > 0) {
                        path.append(resPath, len, *status);
                    path.append(inKey, *status);
                    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
                        return fillIn;
                    myPath = path.data();
                    key = inKey;
                    do {
                        res = res_findResource(&(dataEntry->fData), rootRes, &myPath, &key);
                        if (RES_GET_TYPE(res) == URES_ALIAS && *myPath) {
                            /* We hit an alias, but we didn't finish following the path. */
                            helper = init_resb_result(&(dataEntry->fData), res, NULL, -1, dataEntry, resB, 0, helper, status); 
                            /*helper = init_resb_result(&(dataEntry->fData), res, inKey, -1, dataEntry, resB, 0, helper, status);*/
                            if(helper) {
                              dataEntry = helper->fData;
                              rootRes = helper->fRes;
                              resPath = helper->fResPath;
                              len = helper->fResPathLen;

                            } else {
                    } while(*myPath); /* Continue until the whole path is consumed */
            /*const ResourceData *rd = getFallbackData(resB, &key, &realData, &res, status);*/
            if(res != RES_BOGUS) {
              /* check if resB->fResPath gives the right name here */
                if(uprv_strcmp(dataEntry->fName, uloc_getDefault())==0 || uprv_strcmp(dataEntry->fName, kRootLocaleName)==0) {
                    *status = U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING;
                } else {
                    *status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;

                fillIn = init_resb_result(&(dataEntry->fData), res, inKey, -1, dataEntry, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
            } else {
                *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
        } else {
            fillIn = init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), res, key, -1, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
    else {
        *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
    return fillIn;

namespace {

void getAllItemsWithFallback(
        const UResourceBundle *bundle, ResourceDataValue &value,
        ResourceSink &sink,
        UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    // We recursively enumerate child-first,
    // only storing parent items in the absence of child items.
    // The sink needs to store a placeholder value for the no-fallback/no-inheritance marker
    // to prevent a parent item from being stored.
    // It would be possible to recursively enumerate parent-first,
    // overriding parent items with child items.
    // When the sink sees the no-fallback/no-inheritance marker,
    // then it would remove the parent's item.
    // We would deserialize parent values even though they are overridden in a child bundle.
    UResourceDataEntry *parentEntry = bundle->fData->fParent;
    UBool hasParent = parentEntry != NULL && U_SUCCESS(parentEntry->fBogus);
    value.setResource(bundle->fRes, ResourceTracer(bundle));
    sink.put(bundle->fKey, value, !hasParent, errorCode);
    if (hasParent) {
        // We might try to query the sink whether
        // any fallback from the parent bundle is still possible.

        // Turn the parent UResourceDataEntry into a UResourceBundle,
        // much like in ures_openWithType().
        // TODO: See if we can refactor ures_getByKeyWithFallback()
        // and pull out an inner function that takes and returns a UResourceDataEntry
        // so that we need not create UResourceBundle objects.
        UResourceBundle parentBundle;
        parentBundle.fTopLevelData = parentBundle.fData = parentEntry;
        // TODO: What is the difference between bundle fData and fTopLevelData?
        uprv_memcpy(&parentBundle.fResData, &parentEntry->fData, sizeof(ResourceData));
        // TODO: Try to replace bundle.fResData with just using bundle.fData->fData.
        parentBundle.fHasFallback = !parentBundle.fResData.noFallback;
        parentBundle.fIsTopLevel = TRUE;
        parentBundle.fRes = parentBundle.fResData.rootRes;
        parentBundle.fSize = res_countArrayItems(&(parentBundle.fResData), parentBundle.fRes);
        parentBundle.fIndex = -1;

        // Look up the container item in the parent bundle.
        UResourceBundle containerBundle;
        const UResourceBundle *rb;
        UErrorCode pathErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;  // Ignore if parents up to root do not have this path.
        if (bundle->fResPath == NULL || *bundle->fResPath == 0) {
            rb = &parentBundle;
        } else {
            rb = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(&parentBundle, bundle->fResPath,
                                           &containerBundle, &pathErrorCode);
        if (U_SUCCESS(pathErrorCode)) {
            getAllItemsWithFallback(rb, value, sink, errorCode);

}  // namespace

// Requires a ResourceDataValue fill-in, so that we need not cast from a ResourceValue.
// Unfortunately, the caller must know which subclass to make and pass in.
// Alternatively, we could make it as polymorphic as in Java by
// returning a ResourceValue pointer (possibly wrapped into a LocalPointer)
// that the caller then owns.
// Also requires a UResourceBundle fill-in, so that the value's ResourceTracer
// can point to a non-local bundle.
// Without tracing, the child bundle could be a function-local object.
ures_getValueWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *bundle, const char *path,
                          UResourceBundle *tempFillIn,
                          ResourceDataValue &value, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    if (path == nullptr) {
        errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    const UResourceBundle *rb;
    if (*path == 0) {
        // empty path
        rb = bundle;
    } else {
        rb = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(bundle, path, tempFillIn, &errorCode);
        if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    value.setResource(rb->fRes, ResourceTracer(rb));

ures_getAllItemsWithFallback(const UResourceBundle *bundle, const char *path,
                             icu::ResourceSink &sink, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
    if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
    if (path == nullptr) {
        errorCode = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    StackUResourceBundle stackBundle;
    const UResourceBundle *rb;
    if (*path == 0) {
        // empty path
        rb = bundle;
    } else {
        rb = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(bundle, path, stackBundle.getAlias(), &errorCode);
        if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
    // Get all table items with fallback.
    ResourceDataValue value;
    getAllItemsWithFallback(rb, value, sink, errorCode);

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2 ures_getByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB, const char* inKey, UResourceBundle *fillIn, UErrorCode *status) {
    Resource res = RES_BOGUS;
    UResourceDataEntry *realData = NULL;
    const char *key = inKey;

    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return fillIn;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return fillIn;

    int32_t type = RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes);
    if(URES_IS_TABLE(type)) {
        int32_t t;
        res = res_getTableItemByKey(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, &t, &key);
        if(res == RES_BOGUS) {
            key = inKey;
            if(resB->fHasFallback == TRUE) {
                const ResourceData *rd = getFallbackData(resB, &key, &realData, &res, status);
                if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                  /* check if resB->fResPath gives the right name here */
                    return init_resb_result(rd, res, key, -1, realData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
                } else {
                    *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
            } else {
                *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
        } else {
            return init_resb_result(&(resB->fResData), res, key, -1, resB->fData, resB, 0, fillIn, status);
#if 0
    /* this is a kind of TODO item. If we have an array with an index table, we could do this. */
    /* not currently */
    else if(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes) == URES_ARRAY && resB->fHasFallback == TRUE) {
        /* here should go a first attempt to locate the key using index table */
        const ResourceData *rd = getFallbackData(resB, &key, &realData, &res, status);
        if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
            return init_resb_result(rd, res, key, realData, resB, fillIn, status);
        } else {
            *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
    else {
        *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
    return fillIn;

U_CAPI const UChar* U_EXPORT2 ures_getStringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB, const char* inKey, int32_t* len, UErrorCode *status) {
    Resource res = RES_BOGUS;
    UResourceDataEntry *realData = NULL;
    const char* key = inKey;

    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if(resB == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    int32_t type = RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes);
    if(URES_IS_TABLE(type)) {
        int32_t t=0;

        res = res_getTableItemByKey(&(resB->fResData), resB->fRes, &t, &key);

        if(res == RES_BOGUS) {
            key = inKey;
            if(resB->fHasFallback == TRUE) {
                const ResourceData *rd = getFallbackData(resB, &key, &realData, &res, status);
                if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
                    switch (RES_GET_TYPE(res)) {
                    case URES_STRING:
                    case URES_STRING_V2:
                        return res_getString({resB, key}, rd, res, len);
                    case URES_ALIAS:
                        const UChar* result = 0;
                        UResourceBundle *tempRes = ures_getByKey(resB, inKey, NULL, status);
                        result = ures_getString(tempRes, len, status);
                        return result;
                        *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
                } else {
                    *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
            } else {
                *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
        } else {
            switch (RES_GET_TYPE(res)) {
            case URES_STRING:
            case URES_STRING_V2:
                return res_getString({resB, key}, &(resB->fResData), res, len);
            case URES_ALIAS:
                const UChar* result = 0;
                UResourceBundle *tempRes = ures_getByKey(resB, inKey, NULL, status);
                result = ures_getString(tempRes, len, status);
                return result;
                *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
#if 0 
    /* this is a kind of TODO item. If we have an array with an index table, we could do this. */
    /* not currently */   
    else if(RES_GET_TYPE(resB->fRes) == URES_ARRAY && resB->fHasFallback == TRUE) {
        /* here should go a first attempt to locate the key using index table */
        const ResourceData *rd = getFallbackData(resB, &key, &realData, &res, status);
        if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
            // TODO: Tracing
            return res_getString(rd, res, len);
        } else {
            *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
    else {
        *status = U_RESOURCE_TYPE_MISMATCH;
    return NULL;

U_CAPI const char * U_EXPORT2
ures_getUTF8StringByKey(const UResourceBundle *resB,
                        const char *key,
                        char *dest, int32_t *pLength,
                        UBool forceCopy,
                        UErrorCode *status) {
    int32_t length16;
    const UChar *s16 = ures_getStringByKey(resB, key, &length16, status);
    return ures_toUTF8String(s16, length16, dest, pLength, forceCopy, status);

/* TODO: clean from here down */

 *  INTERNAL: Get the name of the first real locale (not placeholder) 
 *  that has resource bundle data.
U_INTERNAL const char*  U_EXPORT2
ures_getLocaleInternal(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, UErrorCode* status)
    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if (!resourceBundle) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;
    } else {
      return resourceBundle->fData->fName;

U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 
ures_getLocale(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
               UErrorCode* status)
  return ures_getLocaleInternal(resourceBundle, status);

U_CAPI const char* U_EXPORT2 
ures_getLocaleByType(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle, 
                     ULocDataLocaleType type, 
                     UErrorCode* status) {
    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if (!resourceBundle) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;
    } else {
        switch(type) {
        case ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE:
            return resourceBundle->fData->fName;
        case ULOC_VALID_LOCALE:
            return resourceBundle->fTopLevelData->fName;
            *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
            return NULL;

U_CFUNC const char* ures_getName(const UResourceBundle* resB) {
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  return resB->fData->fName;

U_CFUNC const char* ures_getPath(const UResourceBundle* resB) {
  if(resB == NULL) {
    return NULL;

  return resB->fData->fPath;

static UResourceBundle*
ures_openWithType(UResourceBundle *r, const char* path, const char* localeID,
                  UResOpenType openType, UErrorCode* status) {
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;

    UResourceDataEntry *entry;
    if(openType != URES_OPEN_DIRECT) {
        /* first "canonicalize" the locale ID */
        char canonLocaleID[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
        uloc_getBaseName(localeID, canonLocaleID, UPRV_LENGTHOF(canonLocaleID), status);
        if(U_FAILURE(*status) || *status == U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING) {
            *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
            return NULL;
        entry = entryOpen(path, canonLocaleID, openType, status);
    } else {
        entry = entryOpenDirect(path, localeID, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    if(entry == NULL) {
        *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    UBool isStackObject;
    if(r == NULL) {
        r = (UResourceBundle *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UResourceBundle));
        if(r == NULL) {
            *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;
        isStackObject = FALSE;
    } else {  // fill-in
        isStackObject = ures_isStackObject(r);
        ures_closeBundle(r, FALSE);
    uprv_memset(r, 0, sizeof(UResourceBundle));
    ures_setIsStackObject(r, isStackObject);

    r->fTopLevelData = r->fData = entry;
    uprv_memcpy(&r->fResData, &entry->fData, sizeof(ResourceData));
    r->fHasFallback = openType != URES_OPEN_DIRECT && !r->fResData.noFallback;
    r->fIsTopLevel = TRUE;
    r->fRes = r->fResData.rootRes;
    r->fSize = res_countArrayItems(&(r->fResData), r->fRes);
    r->fIndex = -1;


    return r;

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
ures_open(const char* path, const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status) {
    return ures_openWithType(NULL, path, localeID, URES_OPEN_LOCALE_DEFAULT_ROOT, status);

U_CAPI UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
ures_openNoDefault(const char* path, const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status) {
    return ures_openWithType(NULL, path, localeID, URES_OPEN_LOCALE_ROOT, status);

 *  Opens a resource bundle without "canonicalizing" the locale name. No fallback will be performed 
 *  or sought. However, alias substitution will happen!
U_CAPI UResourceBundle*  U_EXPORT2
ures_openDirect(const char* path, const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status) {
    return ures_openWithType(NULL, path, localeID, URES_OPEN_DIRECT, status);

 *  Internal API: This function is used to open a resource bundle 
 *  proper fallback chaining is executed while initialization. 
 *  The result is stored in cache for later fallback search.
 * Same as ures_open(), but uses the fill-in parameter and does not allocate a new bundle.
ures_openFillIn(UResourceBundle *r, const char* path,
                const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status) {
    if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && r == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    ures_openWithType(r, path, localeID, URES_OPEN_LOCALE_DEFAULT_ROOT, status);

 * Same as ures_openDirect(), but uses the fill-in parameter and does not allocate a new bundle.
ures_openDirectFillIn(UResourceBundle *r, const char* path, const char* localeID, UErrorCode* status) {
    if(U_SUCCESS(*status) && r == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
    ures_openWithType(r, path, localeID, URES_OPEN_DIRECT, status);

 *  API: Counts members. For arrays and tables, returns number of resources.
 *  For strings, returns 1.
U_CAPI int32_t  U_EXPORT2
ures_countArrayItems(const UResourceBundle* resourceBundle,
                  const char* resourceKey,
                  UErrorCode* status)
    UResourceBundle resData;
    if (status==NULL || U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return 0;
    if(resourceBundle == NULL) {
        *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return 0;
    ures_getByKey(resourceBundle, resourceKey, &resData, status);
    if(resData.fResData.data != NULL) {
        int32_t result = res_countArrayItems(&resData.fResData, resData.fRes);
        return result;
    } else {
        *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
        return 0;

 * Internal function.
 * Return the version number associated with this ResourceBundle as a string.
 * @param resourceBundle The resource bundle for which the version is checked.
 * @return  A version number string as specified in the resource bundle or its parent.
 *          The caller does not own this string.
 * @see ures_getVersion
 * @internal
U_INTERNAL const char* U_EXPORT2 
ures_getVersionNumberInternal(const UResourceBundle *resourceBundle)
    if (!resourceBundle) return NULL;

    if(resourceBundle->fVersion == NULL) {

        /* If the version ID has not been built yet, then do so.  Retrieve */
        /* the minor version from the file. */
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        int32_t minor_len = 0;
        int32_t len;

        const UChar* minor_version = ures_getStringByKey(resourceBundle, kVersionTag, &minor_len, &status);
        /* Determine the length of of the final version string.  This is */
        /* the length of the major part + the length of the separator */
        /* (==1) + the length of the minor part (+ 1 for the zero byte at */
        /* the end). */

        len = (minor_len > 0) ? minor_len : 1;
        /* Allocate the string, and build it up. */
        /* + 1 for zero byte */

        ((UResourceBundle *)resourceBundle)->fVersion = (char *)uprv_malloc(1 + len); 
        /* Check for null pointer. */
        if (((UResourceBundle *)resourceBundle)->fVersion == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        if(minor_len > 0) {
            u_UCharsToChars(minor_version, resourceBundle->fVersion , minor_len);
            resourceBundle->fVersion[len] =  '\0';
        else {
            uprv_strcpy(resourceBundle->fVersion, kDefaultMinorVersion);

    return resourceBundle->fVersion;

U_CAPI const char*  U_EXPORT2
ures_getVersionNumber(const UResourceBundle*   resourceBundle)
    return ures_getVersionNumberInternal(resourceBundle);

U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 ures_getVersion(const UResourceBundle* resB, UVersionInfo versionInfo) {
    if (!resB) return;

    u_versionFromString(versionInfo, ures_getVersionNumberInternal(resB));

/** Tree support functions *******************************/
#define INDEX_LOCALE_NAME "res_index"
#define INDEX_TAG         "InstalledLocales"
#define DEFAULT_TAG       "default"

#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct ULocalesContext {
    UResourceBundle installed;
    UResourceBundle curr;
} ULocalesContext;

static void U_CALLCONV
ures_loc_closeLocales(UEnumeration *enumerator) {
    ULocalesContext *ctx = (ULocalesContext *)enumerator->context;

static int32_t U_CALLCONV
ures_loc_countLocales(UEnumeration *en, UErrorCode * /*status*/) {
    ULocalesContext *ctx = (ULocalesContext *)en->context;
    return ures_getSize(&ctx->installed);


static const char * U_CALLCONV
ures_loc_nextLocale(UEnumeration* en,
                    int32_t* resultLength,
                    UErrorCode* status) {
    ULocalesContext *ctx = (ULocalesContext *)en->context;
    UResourceBundle *res = &(ctx->installed);
    UResourceBundle *k = NULL;
    const char *result = NULL;
    int32_t len = 0;
    if(ures_hasNext(res) && (k = ures_getNextResource(res, &ctx->curr, status)) != 0) {
        result = ures_getKey(k);
        len = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(result);
    if (resultLength) {
        *resultLength = len;
    return result;

static void U_CALLCONV 
ures_loc_resetLocales(UEnumeration* en, 
                      UErrorCode* /*status*/) {
    UResourceBundle *res = &((ULocalesContext *)en->context)->installed;


static const UEnumeration gLocalesEnum = {

U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
ures_openAvailableLocales(const char *path, UErrorCode *status)
    UResourceBundle *idx = NULL;
    UEnumeration *en = NULL;
    ULocalesContext *myContext = NULL;

    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    myContext = static_cast<ULocalesContext *>(uprv_malloc(sizeof(ULocalesContext)));
    en =  (UEnumeration *)uprv_malloc(sizeof(UEnumeration));
    if(!en || !myContext) {
        *status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        return NULL;
    uprv_memcpy(en, &gLocalesEnum, sizeof(UEnumeration));

    idx = ures_openDirect(path, INDEX_LOCALE_NAME, status);
    ures_getByKey(idx, INDEX_TAG, &myContext->installed, status);
    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
        fprintf(stderr, "Got %s::%s::[%s] : %s\n", 
            path, INDEX_LOCALE_NAME, INDEX_TAG, ures_getKey(&myContext->installed));
        en->context = myContext;
    } else {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s open failed - %s\n", path, u_errorName(*status));
        en = NULL;
    return en;

static UBool isLocaleInList(UEnumeration *locEnum, const char *locToSearch, UErrorCode *status) {
    const char *loc;
    while ((loc = uenum_next(locEnum, NULL, status)) != NULL) {
        if (uprv_strcmp(loc, locToSearch) == 0) {
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ures_getFunctionalEquivalent(char *result, int32_t resultCapacity,
                             const char *path, const char *resName, const char *keyword, const char *locid,
                             UBool *isAvailable, UBool omitDefault, UErrorCode *status)
    char kwVal[1024] = ""; /* value of keyword 'keyword' */
    char defVal[1024] = ""; /* default value for given locale */
    char defLoc[1024] = ""; /* default value for given locale */
    char base[1024] = ""; /* base locale */
    char found[1024] = "";
    char parent[1024] = "";
    char full[1024] = "";
    UResourceBundle bund1, bund2;
    UResourceBundle *res = NULL;
    UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int32_t length = 0;
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) return 0;
    uloc_getKeywordValue(locid, keyword, kwVal, 1024-1,&subStatus);
    if(!uprv_strcmp(kwVal, DEFAULT_TAG)) {
    uloc_getBaseName(locid, base, 1024-1,&subStatus);
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
    fprintf(stderr, "getFunctionalEquivalent: \"%s\" [%s=%s] in %s - %s\n", 
            locid, keyword, kwVal, base, u_errorName(subStatus));
    uprv_strcpy(parent, base);
    uprv_strcpy(found, base);

    if(isAvailable) { 
        UEnumeration *locEnum = ures_openAvailableLocales(path, &subStatus);
        *isAvailable = TRUE;
        if (U_SUCCESS(subStatus)) {
            *isAvailable = isLocaleInList(locEnum, parent, &subStatus);

    if(U_FAILURE(subStatus)) {
        *status = subStatus;
        return 0;
    do {
        subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        res = ures_open(path, parent, &subStatus);
        if(((subStatus == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING) ||
            (subStatus == U_USING_DEFAULT_WARNING)) && isAvailable)
            *isAvailable = FALSE;
        isAvailable = NULL; /* only want to set this the first time around */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> %s [%s]\n", path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, u_errorName(subStatus), ures_getLocale(res, &subStatus));
        if(U_FAILURE(subStatus)) {
            *status = subStatus;
        } else if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            ures_getByKey(res,resName,&bund1, &subStatus);
            if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                const UChar *defUstr;
                int32_t defLen;
                /* look for default item */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s : loaded default -> %s\n",
                    path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, u_errorName(subStatus));
                defUstr = ures_getStringByKey(&bund1, DEFAULT_TAG, &defLen, &subStatus);
                if(U_SUCCESS(subStatus) && defLen) {
                    u_UCharsToChars(defUstr, defVal, u_strlen(defUstr));
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> default %s=%s,  %s\n", 
                        path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, keyword, defVal, u_errorName(subStatus));
                    uprv_strcpy(defLoc, parent);
                    if(kwVal[0]==0) {
                        uprv_strcpy(kwVal, defVal);
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> kwVal =  %s\n", 
                            path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, keyword, kwVal);
        subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;

        if (res != NULL) {
            uprv_strcpy(found, ures_getLocaleByType(res, ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &subStatus));

    } while(!defVal[0] && *found && uprv_strcmp(found, "root") != 0 && U_SUCCESS(*status));
    /* Now, see if we can find the kwVal collator.. start the search over.. */
    uprv_strcpy(parent, base);
    uprv_strcpy(found, base);
    do {
        subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        res = ures_open(path, parent, &subStatus);
        if((subStatus == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING) && isAvailable) {
            *isAvailable = FALSE;
        isAvailable = NULL; /* only want to set this the first time around */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
        fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> %s (looking for %s)\n", 
            path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, u_errorName(subStatus), kwVal);
        if(U_FAILURE(subStatus)) {
            *status = subStatus;
        } else if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
            ures_getByKey(res,resName,&bund1, &subStatus);
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
/**/ fprintf(stderr,"@%d [%s] %s\n", __LINE__, resName, u_errorName(subStatus));
            if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                ures_getByKey(&bund1, kwVal, &bund2, &subStatus);
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
/**/ fprintf(stderr,"@%d [%s] %s\n", __LINE__, kwVal, u_errorName(subStatus));
                if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> full0 %s=%s,  %s\n", 
                        path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, keyword, kwVal, u_errorName(subStatus));
                    uprv_strcpy(full, parent);
                    if(*full == 0) {
                        uprv_strcpy(full, "root");
                        /* now, recalculate default kw if need be */
                        if(uprv_strlen(defLoc) > uprv_strlen(full)) {
                          const UChar *defUstr;
                          int32_t defLen;
                          /* look for default item */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                            fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> recalculating Default0\n", 
                                    path?path:"ICUDATA", full);
                          defUstr = ures_getStringByKey(&bund1, DEFAULT_TAG, &defLen, &subStatus);
                          if(U_SUCCESS(subStatus) && defLen) {
                            u_UCharsToChars(defUstr, defVal, u_strlen(defUstr));
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                            fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> default0 %s=%s,  %s\n", 
                                    path?path:"ICUDATA", full, keyword, defVal, u_errorName(subStatus));
                            uprv_strcpy(defLoc, full);
                        } /* end of recalculate default KW */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                        else {
                          fprintf(stderr, "No trim0,  %s <= %s\n", defLoc, full);
                } else {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                    fprintf(stderr, "err=%s in %s looking for %s\n", 
                        u_errorName(subStatus), parent, kwVal);
        subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        uprv_strcpy(found, parent);
    } while(!full[0] && *found && U_SUCCESS(*status));
    if((full[0]==0) && uprv_strcmp(kwVal, defVal)) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to locate kw %s - try default %s\n", kwVal, defVal);
        uprv_strcpy(kwVal, defVal);
        uprv_strcpy(parent, base);
        uprv_strcpy(found, base);
        do { /* search for 'default' named item */
            subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            res = ures_open(path, parent, &subStatus);
            if((subStatus == U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING) && isAvailable) {
                *isAvailable = FALSE;
            isAvailable = NULL; /* only want to set this the first time around */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> %s (looking for default %s)\n",
                path?path:"ICUDATA", parent, u_errorName(subStatus), kwVal);
            if(U_FAILURE(subStatus)) {
                *status = subStatus;
            } else if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                ures_getByKey(res,resName,&bund1, &subStatus);
                if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
                    ures_getByKey(&bund1, kwVal, &bund2, &subStatus);
                    if(subStatus == U_ZERO_ERROR) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                        fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> full1 %s=%s,  %s\n", path?path:"ICUDATA",
                            parent, keyword, kwVal, u_errorName(subStatus));
                        uprv_strcpy(full, parent);
                        if(*full == 0) {
                            uprv_strcpy(full, "root");
                        /* now, recalculate default kw if need be */
                        if(uprv_strlen(defLoc) > uprv_strlen(full)) {
                          const UChar *defUstr;
                          int32_t defLen;
                          /* look for default item */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                            fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> recalculating Default1\n", 
                                    path?path:"ICUDATA", full);
                          defUstr = ures_getStringByKey(&bund1, DEFAULT_TAG, &defLen, &subStatus);
                          if(U_SUCCESS(subStatus) && defLen) {
                            u_UCharsToChars(defUstr, defVal, u_strlen(defUstr));
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                            fprintf(stderr, "%s;%s -> default %s=%s,  %s\n", 
                                    path?path:"ICUDATA", full, keyword, defVal, u_errorName(subStatus));
                            uprv_strcpy(defLoc, full);
                        } /* end of recalculate default KW */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                        else {
                          fprintf(stderr, "No trim1,  %s <= %s\n", defLoc, full);
            subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            uprv_strcpy(found, parent);
        } while(!full[0] && *found && U_SUCCESS(*status));
    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
        if(!full[0]) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
          fprintf(stderr, "Still could not load keyword %s=%s\n", keyword, kwVal);
          *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR;
        } else if(omitDefault) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
          fprintf(stderr,"Trim? full=%s, defLoc=%s, found=%s\n", full, defLoc, found);
          if(uprv_strlen(defLoc) <= uprv_strlen(full)) {
            /* found the keyword in a *child* of where the default tag was present. */
            if(!uprv_strcmp(kwVal, defVal)) { /* if the requested kw is default, */
              /* and the default is in or in an ancestor of the current locale */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
              fprintf(stderr, "Removing unneeded var %s=%s\n", keyword, kwVal);
        uprv_strcpy(found, full);
        if(kwVal[0]) {
            uprv_strcat(found, "@");
            uprv_strcat(found, keyword);
            uprv_strcat(found, "=");
            uprv_strcat(found, kwVal);
        } else if(!omitDefault) {
            uprv_strcat(found, "@");
            uprv_strcat(found, keyword);
            uprv_strcat(found, "=");
            uprv_strcat(found, defVal);
    /* we found the default locale - no need to repeat it.*/
    length = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(found);

    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
        int32_t copyLength = uprv_min(length, resultCapacity);
        if(copyLength>0) {
            uprv_strncpy(result, found, copyLength);
        if(length == 0) {
          *status = U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR; 
    } else {
        length = 0;
    return u_terminateChars(result, resultCapacity, length, status);

U_CAPI UEnumeration* U_EXPORT2
ures_getKeywordValues(const char *path, const char *keyword, UErrorCode *status)
#define VALUES_BUF_SIZE 2048
#define VALUES_LIST_SIZE 512
    char       valuesBuf[VALUES_BUF_SIZE];
    int32_t    valuesIndex = 0;
    const char *valuesList[VALUES_LIST_SIZE];
    int32_t    valuesCount = 0;
    const char *locale;
    int32_t     locLen;
    UEnumeration *locs = NULL;
    UResourceBundle    item;
    UResourceBundle    subItem;
    locs = ures_openAvailableLocales(path, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return NULL;
    while((locale = uenum_next(locs, &locLen, status)) != 0) {
        UResourceBundle   *bund = NULL;
        UResourceBundle   *subPtr = NULL;
        UErrorCode subStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR; /* don't fail if a bundle is unopenable */
        bund = ures_openDirect(path, locale, &subStatus);
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
        if(!bund || U_FAILURE(subStatus)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "%s-%s values: Can't open %s locale - skipping. (%s)\n", 
                path?path:"<ICUDATA>", keyword, locale, u_errorName(subStatus));
        ures_getByKey(bund, keyword, &item, &subStatus);
        if(!bund || U_FAILURE(subStatus)) {
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
            fprintf(stderr, "%s-%s values: Can't find in %s - skipping. (%s)\n", 
                path?path:"<ICUDATA>", keyword, locale, u_errorName(subStatus));
            bund = NULL;
        while((subPtr = ures_getNextResource(&item,&subItem,&subStatus)) != 0
            && U_SUCCESS(subStatus)) {
            const char *k;
            int32_t i;
            k = ures_getKey(subPtr);

#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
            /* fprintf(stderr, "%s | %s | %s | %s\n", path?path:"<ICUDATA>", keyword, locale, k); */
            if(k == NULL || *k == 0 ||
                    uprv_strcmp(k, DEFAULT_TAG) == 0 || uprv_strncmp(k, "private-", 8) == 0) {
                // empty or "default" or unlisted type
            for(i=0; i<valuesCount; i++) {
                if(!uprv_strcmp(valuesList[i],k)) {
                    k = NULL; /* found duplicate */
            if(k != NULL) {
                int32_t kLen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(k);
                if((valuesCount >= (VALUES_LIST_SIZE-1)) ||       /* no more space in list .. */
                    ((valuesIndex+kLen+1+1) >= VALUES_BUF_SIZE)) { /* no more space in buffer (string + 2 nulls) */
                    *status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; /* out of space.. */
                } else {
                    uprv_strcpy(valuesBuf+valuesIndex, k);
                    valuesList[valuesCount++] = valuesBuf+valuesIndex;
                    valuesIndex += kLen;
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
                    fprintf(stderr, "%s | %s | %s | [%s]   (UNIQUE)\n",
                        path?path:"<ICUDATA>", keyword, locale, k);
                    valuesBuf[valuesIndex++] = 0; /* terminate */
    valuesBuf[valuesIndex++] = 0; /* terminate */
#if defined(URES_TREE_DEBUG)
    fprintf(stderr, "%s:  size %d, #%d\n", u_errorName(*status), 
        valuesIndex, valuesCount);
    return uloc_openKeywordList(valuesBuf, valuesIndex, status);
#if 0
/* This code isn't needed, and given the documentation warnings the implementation is suspect */
ures_equal(const UResourceBundle* res1, const UResourceBundle* res2){
    if(res1==NULL || res2==NULL){
        return res1==res2; /* pointer comparision */
    if(res1->fKey==NULL||  res2->fKey==NULL){
        return (res1->fKey==res2->fKey);
        if(uprv_strcmp(res1->fKey, res2->fKey)!=0){
            return FALSE;
    if(uprv_strcmp(res1->fData->fName, res2->fData->fName)!=0){
        return FALSE;
    if(res1->fData->fPath == NULL||  res2->fData->fPath==NULL){
        return (res1->fData->fPath == res2->fData->fPath);
        if(uprv_strcmp(res1->fData->fPath, res2->fData->fPath)!=0){
            return FALSE;
    if(uprv_strcmp(res1->fData->fParent->fName, res2->fData->fParent->fName)!=0){
        return FALSE;
    if(uprv_strcmp(res1->fData->fParent->fPath, res2->fData->fParent->fPath)!=0){
        return FALSE;
    if(uprv_strncmp(res1->fResPath, res2->fResPath, res1->fResPathLen)!=0){
        return FALSE;
    if(res1->fRes != res2->fRes){
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;
ures_clone(const UResourceBundle* res, UErrorCode* status){
    UResourceBundle* bundle = NULL;
    UResourceBundle* ret = NULL;
    if(U_FAILURE(*status) || res == NULL){
        return NULL;
    bundle = ures_open(res->fData->fPath, res->fData->fName, status);
        ret = ures_findSubResource(bundle, res->fResPath, NULL, status);
        ret = bundle;
    return ret;
U_INTERNAL const UResourceBundle* U_EXPORT2
ures_getParentBundle(const UResourceBundle* res){
        return NULL;
    return res->fParentRes;

ures_getVersionByKey(const UResourceBundle* res, const char *key, UVersionInfo ver, UErrorCode *status) {
  const UChar *str;
  int32_t len;
  str = ures_getStringByKey(res, key, &len, status);
  if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
    u_versionFromUString(ver, str);

/* eof */