// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html /* ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1997-2013, International Business Machines * Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************************** * * File resbund.cpp * * Modification History: * * Date Name Description * 02/05/97 aliu Fixed bug in chopLocale. Added scanForLocaleInFile * based on code taken from scanForLocale. Added * constructor which attempts to read resource bundle * from a specific file, without searching other files. * 02/11/97 aliu Added UErrorCode return values to constructors. Fixed * infinite loops in scanForFile and scanForLocale. * Modified getRawResourceData to not delete storage in * localeData and resourceData which it doesn't own. * Added Mac compatibility #ifdefs for tellp() and * ios::nocreate. * 03/04/97 aliu Modified to use ExpandingDataSink objects instead of * the highly inefficient ostrstream objects. * 03/13/97 aliu Rewrote to load in entire resource bundle and store * it as a Hashtable of ResourceBundleData objects. * Added state table to govern parsing of files. * Modified to load locale index out of new file distinct * from default.txt. * 03/25/97 aliu Modified to support 2-d arrays, needed for timezone data. * Added support for custom file suffixes. Again, needed * to support timezone data. Improved error handling to * detect duplicate tags and subtags. * 04/07/97 aliu Fixed bug in getHashtableForLocale(). Fixed handling * of failing UErrorCode values on entry to API methods. * Fixed bugs in getArrayItem() for negative indices. * 04/29/97 aliu Update to use new Hashtable deletion protocol. * 05/06/97 aliu Flattened kTransitionTable for HP compiler. * Fixed usage of CharString. * 06/11/99 stephen Removed parsing of .txt files. * Reworked to use new binary format. * Cleaned up. * 06/14/99 stephen Removed methods taking a filename suffix. * 06/22/99 stephen Added missing T_FileStream_close in parse() * 11/09/99 weiv Added getLocale(), rewritten constructForLocale() * March 2000 weiv complete overhaul. ****************************************************************************** */ #include "unicode/utypes.h" #include "unicode/resbund.h" #include "cmemory.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "uassert.h" #include "umutex.h" #include "uresimp.h" U_NAMESPACE_BEGIN /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Implementation Notes * * Resource bundles are read in once, and thereafter cached. * ResourceBundle statically keeps track of which files have been * read, so we are guaranteed that each file is read at most once. * Resource bundles can be loaded from different data directories and * will be treated as distinct, even if they are for the same locale. * * Resource bundles are lightweight objects, which have pointers to * one or more shared Hashtable objects containing all the data. * Copying would be cheap, but there is no copy constructor, since * there wasn't one in the original API. * * The ResourceBundle parsing mechanism is implemented as a transition * network, for easy maintenance and modification. The network is * implemented as a matrix (instead of in code) to make this even * easier. The matrix contains Transition objects. Each Transition * object describes a destination node and an action to take before * moving to the destination node. The source node is encoded by the * index of the object in the array that contains it. The pieces * needed to understand the transition network are the enums for node * IDs and actions, the parse() method, which walks through the * network and implements the actions, and the network itself. The * network guarantees certain conditions, for example, that a new * resource will not be closed until one has been opened first; or * that data will not be stored into a TaggedList until a TaggedList * has been created. Nonetheless, the code in parse() does some * consistency checks as it runs the network, and fails with an * U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR if one of these checks fails. If the input * data has a bad format, an U_INVALID_FORMAT_ERROR is returned. If you * see an U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR the transition matrix has a bug in * it. * * Old functionality of multiple locales in a single file is still * supported. For this reason, LOCALE names override FILE names. If * data for en_US is located in the en.txt file, once it is loaded, * the code will not care where it came from (other than remembering * which directory it came from). However, if there is an en_US * resource in en_US.txt, that will take precedence. There is no * limit to the number or type of resources that can be stored in a * file, however, files are only searched in a specific way. If * en_US_CA is requested, then first en_US_CA.txt is searched, then * en_US.txt, then en.txt, then default.txt. So it only makes sense * to put certain locales in certain files. In this example, it would * be logical to put en_US_CA, en_US, and en into the en.txt file, * since they would be found there if asked for. The extreme example * is to place all locale resources into default.txt, which should * also work. * * Inheritance is implemented. For example, xx_YY_zz inherits as * follows: xx_YY_zz, xx_YY, xx, default. Inheritance is implemented * as an array of hashtables. There will be from 1 to 4 hashtables in * the array. * * Fallback files are implemented. The fallback pattern is Language * Country Variant (LCV) -> LC -> L. Fallback is first done for the * requested locale. Then it is done for the default locale, as * returned by Locale::getDefault(). Then the special file * default.txt is searched for the default locale. The overall FILE * fallback path is LCV -> LC -> L -> dLCV -> dLC -> dL -> default. * * Note that although file name searching includes the default locale, * once a ResourceBundle object is constructed, the inheritance path * no longer includes the default locale. The path is LCV -> LC -> L * -> default. * * File parsing is lazy. Nothing is parsed unless it is called for by * someone. So when a ResourceBundle for xx_YY_zz is constructed, * only that locale is parsed (along with anything else in the same * file). Later, if the FooBar tag is asked for, and if it isn't * found in xx_YY_zz, then xx_YY.txt will be parsed and checked, and * so forth, until the chain is exhausted or the tag is found. * * Thread-safety is implemented around caches, both the cache that * stores all the resource data, and the cache that stores flags * indicating whether or not a file has been visited. These caches * delete their storage at static cleanup time, when the process * quits. * * ResourceBundle supports TableCollation as a special case. This * involves having special ResourceBundle objects which DO own their * data, since we don't want large collation rule strings in the * ResourceBundle cache (these are already cached in the * TableCollation cache). TableCollation files (.ctx files) have the * same format as normal resource data files, with a different * interpretation, from the standpoint of ResourceBundle. .ctx files * are loaded into otherwise ordinary ResourceBundle objects. They * don't inherit (that's implemented by TableCollation) and they own * their data (as mentioned above). However, they still support * possible multiple locales in a single .ctx file. (This is in * practice a bad idea, since you only want the one locale you're * looking for, and only one tag will be present * ("CollationElements"), so you don't need an inheritance chain of * multiple locales.) Up to 4 locale resources will be loaded from a * .ctx file; everything after the first 4 is ignored (parsed and * deleted). (Normal .txt files have no limit.) Instead of being * loaded into the cache, and then looked up as needed, the locale * resources are read straight into the ResourceBundle object. * * The Index, which used to reside in default.txt, has been moved to a * new file, index.txt. This file contains a slightly modified format * with the addition of the "InstalledLocales" tag; it looks like: * * Index { * InstalledLocales { * ar * .. * zh_TW * } * } */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- UOBJECT_DEFINE_RTTI_IMPLEMENTATION(ResourceBundle) ResourceBundle::ResourceBundle(UErrorCode &err) :UObject(), fLocale(nullptr) { fResource = ures_open(nullptr, Locale::getDefault().getName(), &err); } ResourceBundle::ResourceBundle(const ResourceBundle &other) :UObject(other), fLocale(nullptr) { UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (other.fResource) { fResource = ures_copyResb(nullptr, other.fResource, &status); } else { /* Copying a bad resource bundle */ fResource = nullptr; } } ResourceBundle::ResourceBundle(UResourceBundle *res, UErrorCode& err) :UObject(), fLocale(nullptr) { if (res) { fResource = ures_copyResb(nullptr, res, &err); } else { /* Copying a bad resource bundle */ fResource = nullptr; } } ResourceBundle::ResourceBundle(const char* path, const Locale& locale, UErrorCode& err) :UObject(), fLocale(nullptr) { fResource = ures_open(path, locale.getName(), &err); } ResourceBundle& ResourceBundle::operator=(const ResourceBundle& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } if (fResource != nullptr) { ures_close(fResource); fResource = nullptr; } if (fLocale != nullptr) { delete fLocale; fLocale = nullptr; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; if (other.fResource) { fResource = ures_copyResb(nullptr, other.fResource, &status); } else { /* Copying a bad resource bundle */ fResource = nullptr; } return *this; } ResourceBundle::~ResourceBundle() { if (fResource != nullptr) { ures_close(fResource); } delete fLocale; } ResourceBundle * ResourceBundle::clone() const { return new ResourceBundle(*this); } UnicodeString ResourceBundle::getString(UErrorCode& status) const { int32_t len = 0; const char16_t *r = ures_getString(fResource, &len, &status); return UnicodeString(true, r, len); } const uint8_t *ResourceBundle::getBinary(int32_t& len, UErrorCode& status) const { return ures_getBinary(fResource, &len, &status); } const int32_t *ResourceBundle::getIntVector(int32_t& len, UErrorCode& status) const { return ures_getIntVector(fResource, &len, &status); } uint32_t ResourceBundle::getUInt(UErrorCode& status) const { return ures_getUInt(fResource, &status); } int32_t ResourceBundle::getInt(UErrorCode& status) const { return ures_getInt(fResource, &status); } const char *ResourceBundle::getName() const { return ures_getName(fResource); } const char *ResourceBundle::getKey() const { return ures_getKey(fResource); } UResType ResourceBundle::getType() const { return ures_getType(fResource); } int32_t ResourceBundle::getSize() const { return ures_getSize(fResource); } UBool ResourceBundle::hasNext() const { return ures_hasNext(fResource); } void ResourceBundle::resetIterator() { ures_resetIterator(fResource); } ResourceBundle ResourceBundle::getNext(UErrorCode& status) { UResourceBundle r; ures_initStackObject(&r); ures_getNextResource(fResource, &r, &status); ResourceBundle res(&r, status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { ures_close(&r); } return res; } UnicodeString ResourceBundle::getNextString(UErrorCode& status) { int32_t len = 0; const char16_t* r = ures_getNextString(fResource, &len, nullptr, &status); return UnicodeString(true, r, len); } UnicodeString ResourceBundle::getNextString(const char ** key, UErrorCode& status) { int32_t len = 0; const char16_t* r = ures_getNextString(fResource, &len, key, &status); return UnicodeString(true, r, len); } ResourceBundle ResourceBundle::get(int32_t indexR, UErrorCode& status) const { UResourceBundle r; ures_initStackObject(&r); ures_getByIndex(fResource, indexR, &r, &status); ResourceBundle res(&r, status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { ures_close(&r); } return res; } UnicodeString ResourceBundle::getStringEx(int32_t indexS, UErrorCode& status) const { int32_t len = 0; const char16_t* r = ures_getStringByIndex(fResource, indexS, &len, &status); return UnicodeString(true, r, len); } ResourceBundle ResourceBundle::get(const char* key, UErrorCode& status) const { UResourceBundle r; ures_initStackObject(&r); ures_getByKey(fResource, key, &r, &status); ResourceBundle res(&r, status); if (U_SUCCESS(status)) { ures_close(&r); } return res; } ResourceBundle ResourceBundle::getWithFallback(const char* key, UErrorCode& status){ UResourceBundle r; ures_initStackObject(&r); ures_getByKeyWithFallback(fResource, key, &r, &status); ResourceBundle res(&r, status); if(U_SUCCESS(status)){ ures_close(&r); } return res; } UnicodeString ResourceBundle::getStringEx(const char* key, UErrorCode& status) const { int32_t len = 0; const char16_t* r = ures_getStringByKey(fResource, key, &len, &status); return UnicodeString(true, r, len); } const char* ResourceBundle::getVersionNumber() const { return ures_getVersionNumberInternal(fResource); } void ResourceBundle::getVersion(UVersionInfo versionInfo) const { ures_getVersion(fResource, versionInfo); } const Locale &ResourceBundle::getLocale() const { static UMutex gLocaleLock; Mutex lock(&gLocaleLock); if (fLocale != nullptr) { return *fLocale; } UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR; const char *localeName = ures_getLocaleInternal(fResource, &status); ResourceBundle *ncThis = const_cast<ResourceBundle *>(this); ncThis->fLocale = new Locale(localeName); return ncThis->fLocale != nullptr ? *ncThis->fLocale : Locale::getDefault(); } const Locale ResourceBundle::getLocale(ULocDataLocaleType type, UErrorCode &status) const { return ures_getLocaleByType(fResource, type, &status); } U_NAMESPACE_END //eof