// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
//  file:  rbbistbl.cpp    Implementation of the ICU RBBISymbolTable class
*   Copyright (C) 2002-2014 International Business Machines Corporation
*   and others. All rights reserved.

#include "unicode/utypes.h"


#include "unicode/unistr.h"
#include "unicode/uniset.h"
#include "unicode/uchar.h"
#include "unicode/parsepos.h"

#include "cstr.h"
#include "rbbinode.h"
#include "rbbirb.h"
#include "umutex.h"

//  RBBISymbolTableEntry_deleter    Used by the UHashTable to delete the contents
//                                  when the hash table is deleted.
static void U_CALLCONV RBBISymbolTableEntry_deleter(void *p) {
    icu::RBBISymbolTableEntry *px = (icu::RBBISymbolTableEntry *)p;
    delete px;


RBBISymbolTable::RBBISymbolTable(RBBIRuleScanner *rs, const UnicodeString &rules, UErrorCode &status)
    : fRules(rules), fRuleScanner(rs), ffffString(static_cast<char16_t>(0xffff))
    fHashTable       = nullptr;
    fCachedSetLookup = nullptr;
    fHashTable = uhash_open(uhash_hashUnicodeString, uhash_compareUnicodeString, nullptr, &status);
    // uhash_open checks status
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
    uhash_setValueDeleter(fHashTable, RBBISymbolTableEntry_deleter);


//  RBBISymbolTable::lookup       This function from the abstract symbol table interface
//                                looks up a variable name and returns a UnicodeString
//                                containing the substitution text.
//                                The variable name does NOT include the leading $.
const UnicodeString  *RBBISymbolTable::lookup(const UnicodeString& s) const
    RBBISymbolTableEntry  *el;
    RBBINode              *varRefNode;
    RBBINode              *exprNode;
    RBBINode              *usetNode;
    const UnicodeString   *retString;
    RBBISymbolTable       *This = const_cast<RBBISymbolTable*>(this); // cast off const

    el = static_cast<RBBISymbolTableEntry*>(uhash_get(fHashTable, &s));
    if (el == nullptr) {
        return nullptr;

    varRefNode = el->val;
    exprNode   = varRefNode->fLeftChild;     // Root node of expression for variable
    if (exprNode->fType == RBBINode::setRef) {
        // The $variable refers to a single UnicodeSet
        //   return the ffffString, which will subsequently be interpreted as a
        //   stand-in character for the set by RBBISymbolTable::lookupMatcher()
        usetNode = exprNode->fLeftChild;
        This->fCachedSetLookup = usetNode->fInputSet;
        retString = &ffffString;
        // The variable refers to something other than just a set.
        // return the original source string for the expression
        retString = &exprNode->fText;
        This->fCachedSetLookup = nullptr;
    return retString;

//  RBBISymbolTable::lookupMatcher   This function from the abstract symbol table
//                                   interface maps a single stand-in character to a
//                                   pointer to a Unicode Set.   The Unicode Set code uses this
//                                   mechanism to get all references to the same $variable
//                                   name to refer to a single common Unicode Set instance.
//    This implementation cheats a little, and does not maintain a map of stand-in chars
//    to sets.  Instead, it takes advantage of the fact that  the UnicodeSet
//    constructor will always call this function right after calling lookup(),
//    and we just need to remember what set to return between these two calls.
const UnicodeFunctor *RBBISymbolTable::lookupMatcher(UChar32 ch) const
    UnicodeSet *retVal = nullptr;
    RBBISymbolTable *This = const_cast<RBBISymbolTable*>(this); // cast off const
    if (ch == 0xffff) {
        retVal = fCachedSetLookup;
        This->fCachedSetLookup = nullptr;
    return retVal;

// RBBISymbolTable::parseReference   This function from the abstract symbol table interface
//                                   looks for a $variable name in the source text.
//                                   It does not look it up, only scans for it.
//                                   It is used by the UnicodeSet parser.
//                                   This implementation is lifted pretty much verbatim
//                                   from the rules based transliterator implementation.
//                                   I didn't see an obvious way of sharing it.
UnicodeString   RBBISymbolTable::parseReference(const UnicodeString& text,
                                                ParsePosition& pos, int32_t limit) const
    int32_t start = pos.getIndex();
    int32_t i = start;
    UnicodeString result;
    while (i < limit) {
        char16_t c = text.charAt(i);
        if ((i==start && !u_isIDStart(c)) || !u_isIDPart(c)) {
    if (i == start) { // No valid name chars
        return result; // Indicate failure with empty string
    text.extractBetween(start, i, result);
    return result;

// RBBISymbolTable::lookupNode      Given a key (a variable name), return the
//                                  corresponding RBBI Node.  If there is no entry
//                                  in the table for this name, return nullptr.
RBBINode       *RBBISymbolTable::lookupNode(const UnicodeString &key) const{

    RBBINode             *retNode = nullptr;
    RBBISymbolTableEntry *el;

    el = static_cast<RBBISymbolTableEntry*>(uhash_get(fHashTable, &key));
    if (el != nullptr) {
        retNode = el->val;
    return retNode;

//    RBBISymbolTable::addEntry     Add a new entry to the symbol table.
//                                  Indicate an error if the name already exists -
//                                    this will only occur in the case of duplicate
//                                    variable assignments.
void            RBBISymbolTable::addEntry  (const UnicodeString &key, RBBINode *val, UErrorCode &err) {
    RBBISymbolTableEntry *e;
    /* test for buffer overflows */
    if (U_FAILURE(err)) {
    e = static_cast<RBBISymbolTableEntry*>(uhash_get(fHashTable, &key));
    if (e != nullptr) {

    e = new RBBISymbolTableEntry;
    if (e == nullptr) {
    e->key = key;
    e->val = val;
    uhash_put( fHashTable, &e->key, e, &err);

RBBISymbolTableEntry::RBBISymbolTableEntry() : UMemory(), key(), val(nullptr) {}

RBBISymbolTableEntry::~RBBISymbolTableEntry() {
    // The "val" of a symbol table entry is a variable reference node.
    // The l. child of the val is the rhs expression from the assignment.
    // Unlike other node types, children of variable reference nodes are not
    //    automatically recursively deleted.  We do it manually here.
    delete val->fLeftChild;
    val->fLeftChild = nullptr;

    delete  val;

    // Note: the key UnicodeString is destructed by virtue of being in the object by value.

//  RBBISymbolTable::print    Debugging function, dump out the symbol table contents.
void RBBISymbolTable::rbbiSymtablePrint() const {
    RBBIDebugPrintf("Variable Definitions Symbol Table\n"
           "Name                  Node         serial  String Val\n"

    int32_t pos = UHASH_FIRST;
    const UHashElement  *e   = nullptr;
    for (;;) {
        e = uhash_nextElement(fHashTable,  &pos);
        if (e == nullptr ) {
        RBBISymbolTableEntry  *s   = (RBBISymbolTableEntry *)e->value.pointer;

        RBBIDebugPrintf("%-19s   %8p %7d ", CStr(s->key)(), (void *)s->val, s->val->fSerialNum);
        RBBIDebugPrintf(" %s\n", CStr(s->val->fLeftChild->fText)());

    RBBIDebugPrintf("\nParsed Variable Definitions\n");
    pos = -1;
    for (;;) {
        e = uhash_nextElement(fHashTable,  &pos);
        if (e == nullptr ) {
        RBBISymbolTableEntry  *s   = (RBBISymbolTableEntry *)e->value.pointer;
        RBBIDebugPrintf("%s\n", CStr(s->key)());
        RBBINode::printTree(s->val, true);
        RBBINode::printTree(s->val->fLeftChild, false);