/* * Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Intel Corporation * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ROSE_COUNTING_MIRACLE_H #define ROSE_COUNTING_MIRACLE_H #include "ue2common.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "rose_internal.h" #include "nfa/nfa_api_queue.h" #include "util/simd_utils.h" /** \brief Maximum number of bytes to scan when looking for a "counting miracle" * stop character. */ #define COUNTING_MIRACLE_LEN_MAX 256 static really_inline char roseCountingMiracleScan(u8 c, const u8 *d, const u8 *d_end, u32 target_count, u32 *count_inout, const u8 **d_out) { assert(d <= d_end); u32 count = *count_inout; m128 chars = set16x8(c); for (; d + 16 <= d_end; d_end -= 16) { m128 data = loadu128(d_end - 16); u32 z1 = movemask128(eq128(chars, data)); count += popcount32(z1); if (count >= target_count) { *d_out = d_end - 16; *count_inout = count; return 1; } } if (d != d_end) { char temp[sizeof(m128)]; assert(d + sizeof(temp) > d_end); memset(temp, c + 1, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, d, d_end - d); m128 data = loadu128(temp); u32 z1 = movemask128(eq128(chars, data)); count += popcount32(z1); if (count >= target_count) { *d_out = d; *count_inout = count; return 1; } } *count_inout = count; return 0; } #define GET_LO_4(chars) and128(chars, low4bits) #define GET_HI_4(chars) rshift64_m128(andnot128(low4bits, chars), 4) static really_inline u32 roseCountingMiracleScanShufti(m128 mask_lo, m128 mask_hi, u8 poison, const u8 *d, const u8 *d_end, u32 target_count, u32 *count_inout, const u8 **d_out) { assert(d <= d_end); u32 count = *count_inout; const m128 zeroes = zeroes128(); const m128 low4bits = _mm_set1_epi8(0xf); for (; d + 16 <= d_end; d_end -= 16) { m128 data = loadu128(d_end - 16); m128 c_lo = pshufb_m128(mask_lo, GET_LO_4(data)); m128 c_hi = pshufb_m128(mask_hi, GET_HI_4(data)); m128 t = and128(c_lo, c_hi); u32 z1 = movemask128(eq128(t, zeroes)); count += popcount32(z1 ^ 0xffff); if (count >= target_count) { *d_out = d_end - 16; *count_inout = count; return 1; } } if (d != d_end) { char temp[sizeof(m128)]; assert(d + sizeof(temp) > d_end); memset(temp, poison, sizeof(temp)); memcpy(temp, d, d_end - d); m128 data = loadu128(temp); m128 c_lo = pshufb_m128(mask_lo, GET_LO_4(data)); m128 c_hi = pshufb_m128(mask_hi, GET_HI_4(data)); m128 t = and128(c_lo, c_hi); u32 z1 = movemask128(eq128(t, zeroes)); count += popcount32(z1 ^ 0xffff); if (count >= target_count) { *d_out = d; *count_inout = count; return 1; } } *count_inout = count; return 0; } /** * \brief "Counting Miracle" scan: If we see more than N instances of a * particular character class we know that the engine must be dead. * * Scans the buffer/history between relative locations \a begin_loc and \a * end_loc, and returns a miracle location (if any) that appears in the stream * after \a begin_loc. * * Returns 1 if some bytes can be skipped and sets \a miracle_loc * appropriately, 0 otherwise. */ static never_inline int roseCountingMiracleOccurs(const struct RoseEngine *t, const struct LeftNfaInfo *left, const struct core_info *ci, s64a begin_loc, const s64a end_loc, s64a *miracle_loc) { if (!left->countingMiracleOffset) { return 0; } const struct RoseCountingMiracle *cm = (const void *)((const char *)t + left->countingMiracleOffset); assert(!left->transient); assert(cm->count > 1); /* should be a normal miracle then */ DEBUG_PRINTF("looking for counting miracle over [%lld,%lld], maxLag=%u\n", begin_loc, end_loc, left->maxLag); DEBUG_PRINTF("ci->len=%zu, ci->hlen=%zu\n", ci->len, ci->hlen); assert(begin_loc <= end_loc); assert(begin_loc >= -(s64a)ci->hlen); assert(end_loc <= (s64a)ci->len); const s64a scan_end_loc = end_loc - left->maxLag; if (scan_end_loc <= begin_loc) { DEBUG_PRINTF("nothing to scan\n"); return 0; } const s64a start = MAX(begin_loc, scan_end_loc - COUNTING_MIRACLE_LEN_MAX); DEBUG_PRINTF("scan [%lld..%lld]\n", start, scan_end_loc); u32 count = 0; s64a m_loc = start; if (!cm->shufti) { u8 c = cm->c; // Scan buffer. const s64a buf_scan_start = MAX(0, start); if (scan_end_loc > buf_scan_start) { const u8 *buf = ci->buf; const u8 *d = buf + scan_end_loc; const u8 *d_start = buf + buf_scan_start; const u8 *d_out; if (roseCountingMiracleScan(c, d_start, d, cm->count, &count, &d_out)) { assert(d_out >= d_start); m_loc = (d_out - d_start) + buf_scan_start; goto success; } } // Scan history. if (start < 0) { const u8 *hbuf_end = ci->hbuf + ci->hlen; const u8 *d = hbuf_end + MIN(0, scan_end_loc); const u8 *d_start = hbuf_end + start; const u8 *d_out; if (roseCountingMiracleScan(c, d_start, d, cm->count, &count, &d_out)) { assert(d_out >= d_start); m_loc = (d_out - d_start) + start; goto success; } } } else { m128 lo = cm->lo; m128 hi = cm->hi; u8 poison = cm->poison; // Scan buffer. const s64a buf_scan_start = MAX(0, start); if (scan_end_loc > buf_scan_start) { const u8 *buf = ci->buf; const u8 *d = buf + scan_end_loc; const u8 *d_start = buf + buf_scan_start; const u8 *d_out; if (roseCountingMiracleScanShufti(lo, hi, poison, d_start, d, cm->count, &count, &d_out)) { assert(d_out >= d_start); m_loc = (d_out - d_start) + buf_scan_start; goto success; } } // Scan history. if (start < 0) { const u8 *hbuf_end = ci->hbuf + ci->hlen; const u8 *d = hbuf_end + MIN(0, scan_end_loc); const u8 *d_start = hbuf_end + start; const u8 *d_out; if (roseCountingMiracleScanShufti(lo, hi, poison, d_start, d, cm->count, &count, &d_out)) { assert(d_out >= d_start); m_loc = (d_out - d_start) + start; goto success; } } } DEBUG_PRINTF("found %u/%u\n", count, cm->count); return 0; success: DEBUG_PRINTF("found %u/%u\n", count, cm->count); assert(count >= cm->count); assert(m_loc < scan_end_loc); assert(m_loc >= start); *miracle_loc = m_loc; return 1; } #endif