// // // Copyright 2015 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // // #include <algorithm> #include <list> #include <util/generic/string.h> #include <util/string/cast.h> #include <vector> #include <grpc/impl/compression_types.h> #include <grpc/support/log.h> #include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h> #include <grpcpp/resource_quota.h> #include <grpcpp/support/channel_arguments.h> #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/socket_mutator.h" namespace grpc { ChannelArguments::ChannelArguments() { // This will be ignored if used on the server side. SetString(GRPC_ARG_PRIMARY_USER_AGENT_STRING, "grpc-c++/" + grpc::Version()); } ChannelArguments::ChannelArguments(const ChannelArguments& other) : strings_(other.strings_) { args_.reserve(other.args_.size()); auto list_it_dst = strings_.begin(); auto list_it_src = other.strings_.begin(); for (const auto& a : other.args_) { grpc_arg ap; ap.type = a.type; GPR_ASSERT(list_it_src->c_str() == a.key); ap.key = const_cast<char*>(list_it_dst->c_str()); ++list_it_src; ++list_it_dst; switch (a.type) { case GRPC_ARG_INTEGER: ap.value.integer = a.value.integer; break; case GRPC_ARG_STRING: GPR_ASSERT(list_it_src->c_str() == a.value.string); ap.value.string = const_cast<char*>(list_it_dst->c_str()); ++list_it_src; ++list_it_dst; break; case GRPC_ARG_POINTER: ap.value.pointer = a.value.pointer; ap.value.pointer.p = a.value.pointer.vtable->copy(ap.value.pointer.p); break; } args_.push_back(ap); } } ChannelArguments::~ChannelArguments() { for (auto& arg : args_) { if (arg.type == GRPC_ARG_POINTER) { grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; arg.value.pointer.vtable->destroy(arg.value.pointer.p); } } } void ChannelArguments::Swap(ChannelArguments& other) { args_.swap(other.args_); strings_.swap(other.strings_); } void ChannelArguments::SetCompressionAlgorithm( grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm) { SetInt(GRPC_COMPRESSION_CHANNEL_DEFAULT_ALGORITHM, algorithm); } void ChannelArguments::SetGrpclbFallbackTimeout(int fallback_timeout) { SetInt(GRPC_ARG_GRPCLB_FALLBACK_TIMEOUT_MS, fallback_timeout); } void ChannelArguments::SetSocketMutator(grpc_socket_mutator* mutator) { if (!mutator) { return; } grpc_arg mutator_arg = grpc_socket_mutator_to_arg(mutator); bool replaced = false; grpc_core::ExecCtx exec_ctx; for (auto& arg : args_) { if (arg.type == mutator_arg.type && TString(arg.key) == TString(mutator_arg.key)) { GPR_ASSERT(!replaced); arg.value.pointer.vtable->destroy(arg.value.pointer.p); arg.value.pointer = mutator_arg.value.pointer; replaced = true; } } if (!replaced) { strings_.push_back(TString(mutator_arg.key)); args_.push_back(mutator_arg); args_.back().key = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); } } // Note: a second call to this will add in front the result of the first call. // An example is calling this on a copy of ChannelArguments which already has a // prefix. The user can build up a prefix string by calling this multiple times, // each with more significant identifier. void ChannelArguments::SetUserAgentPrefix( const TString& user_agent_prefix) { if (user_agent_prefix.empty()) { return; } bool replaced = false; auto strings_it = strings_.begin(); for (auto& arg : args_) { ++strings_it; if (arg.type == GRPC_ARG_STRING) { if (TString(arg.key) == GRPC_ARG_PRIMARY_USER_AGENT_STRING) { GPR_ASSERT(arg.value.string == strings_it->c_str()); *(strings_it) = user_agent_prefix + " " + arg.value.string; arg.value.string = const_cast<char*>(strings_it->c_str()); replaced = true; break; } ++strings_it; } } if (!replaced) { SetString(GRPC_ARG_PRIMARY_USER_AGENT_STRING, user_agent_prefix); } } void ChannelArguments::SetResourceQuota( const grpc::ResourceQuota& resource_quota) { SetPointerWithVtable(GRPC_ARG_RESOURCE_QUOTA, resource_quota.c_resource_quota(), grpc_resource_quota_arg_vtable()); } void ChannelArguments::SetMaxReceiveMessageSize(int size) { SetInt(GRPC_ARG_MAX_RECEIVE_MESSAGE_LENGTH, size); } void ChannelArguments::SetMaxSendMessageSize(int size) { SetInt(GRPC_ARG_MAX_SEND_MESSAGE_LENGTH, size); } void ChannelArguments::SetLoadBalancingPolicyName( const TString& lb_policy_name) { SetString(GRPC_ARG_LB_POLICY_NAME, lb_policy_name); } void ChannelArguments::SetServiceConfigJSON( const TString& service_config_json) { SetString(GRPC_ARG_SERVICE_CONFIG, service_config_json); } void ChannelArguments::SetInt(const TString& key, int value) { grpc_arg arg; arg.type = GRPC_ARG_INTEGER; strings_.push_back(key); arg.key = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); arg.value.integer = value; args_.push_back(arg); } void ChannelArguments::SetPointer(const TString& key, void* value) { static const grpc_arg_pointer_vtable vtable = { &PointerVtableMembers::Copy, &PointerVtableMembers::Destroy, &PointerVtableMembers::Compare}; SetPointerWithVtable(key, value, &vtable); } void ChannelArguments::SetPointerWithVtable( const TString& key, void* value, const grpc_arg_pointer_vtable* vtable) { grpc_arg arg; arg.type = GRPC_ARG_POINTER; strings_.push_back(key); arg.key = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); arg.value.pointer.p = vtable->copy(value); arg.value.pointer.vtable = vtable; args_.push_back(arg); } void ChannelArguments::SetString(const TString& key, const TString& value) { grpc_arg arg; arg.type = GRPC_ARG_STRING; strings_.push_back(key); arg.key = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); strings_.push_back(value); arg.value.string = const_cast<char*>(strings_.back().c_str()); args_.push_back(arg); } void ChannelArguments::SetChannelArgs(grpc_channel_args* channel_args) const { channel_args->num_args = args_.size(); if (channel_args->num_args > 0) { channel_args->args = const_cast<grpc_arg*>(&args_[0]); } } } // namespace grpc