// -*- C++ -*-
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception


#include <__config>
#include <__functional/weak_result_type.h>
#include <__functional/invoke.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>

#pragma GCC system_header


template<class _Tp> struct __is_bind_expression : public false_type {};
template<class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS is_bind_expression
    : public __is_bind_expression<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type> {};

#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
template <class _Tp>
inline constexpr size_t is_bind_expression_v = is_bind_expression<_Tp>::value;

template<class _Tp> struct __is_placeholder : public integral_constant<int, 0> {};
template<class _Tp> struct _LIBCPP_TEMPLATE_VIS is_placeholder
    : public __is_placeholder<typename remove_cv<_Tp>::type> {};

#if _LIBCPP_STD_VER > 14
template <class _Tp>
inline constexpr size_t is_placeholder_v = is_placeholder<_Tp>::value;

namespace placeholders

template <int _Np> struct __ph {};

#if defined(_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG) || defined(_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY)
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<1>   _1;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<2>   _2;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<3>   _3;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<4>   _4;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<5>   _5;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<6>   _6;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<7>   _7;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<8>   _8;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<9>   _9;
_LIBCPP_FUNC_VIS extern const __ph<10> _10;
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<1>   _1{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<2>   _2{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<3>   _3{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<4>   _4{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<5>   _5{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<6>   _6{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<7>   _7{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<8>   _8{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<9>   _9{};
/* inline */ constexpr __ph<10> _10{};
#endif // defined(_LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG) || defined(_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY)

}  // placeholders

template<int _Np>
struct __is_placeholder<placeholders::__ph<_Np> >
    : public integral_constant<int, _Np> {};

#ifndef _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG

template <class _Tp, class _Uj>
__mu(reference_wrapper<_Tp> __t, _Uj&)
    return __t.get();

template <class _Ti, class ..._Uj, size_t ..._Indx>
typename __invoke_of<_Ti&, _Uj...>::type
__mu_expand(_Ti& __ti, tuple<_Uj...>& __uj, __tuple_indices<_Indx...>)
    return __ti(_VSTD::forward<_Uj>(_VSTD::get<_Indx>(__uj))...);

template <class _Ti, class ..._Uj>
typename __enable_if_t
    __invoke_of<_Ti&, _Uj...>
__mu(_Ti& __ti, tuple<_Uj...>& __uj)
    typedef typename __make_tuple_indices<sizeof...(_Uj)>::type __indices;
    return _VSTD::__mu_expand(__ti, __uj, __indices());

template <bool IsPh, class _Ti, class _Uj>
struct __mu_return2 {};

template <class _Ti, class _Uj>
struct __mu_return2<true, _Ti, _Uj>
    typedef typename tuple_element<is_placeholder<_Ti>::value - 1, _Uj>::type type;

template <class _Ti, class _Uj>
typename enable_if
    0 < is_placeholder<_Ti>::value,
    typename __mu_return2<0 < is_placeholder<_Ti>::value, _Ti, _Uj>::type
__mu(_Ti&, _Uj& __uj)
    const size_t _Indx = is_placeholder<_Ti>::value - 1;
    return _VSTD::forward<typename tuple_element<_Indx, _Uj>::type>(_VSTD::get<_Indx>(__uj));

template <class _Ti, class _Uj>
typename enable_if
    !is_bind_expression<_Ti>::value &&
    is_placeholder<_Ti>::value == 0 &&
__mu(_Ti& __ti, _Uj&)
    return __ti;

template <class _Ti, bool IsReferenceWrapper, bool IsBindEx, bool IsPh,
          class _TupleUj>
struct __mu_return_impl;

template <bool _Invokable, class _Ti, class ..._Uj>
struct __mu_return_invokable  // false
    typedef __nat type;

template <class _Ti, class ..._Uj>
struct __mu_return_invokable<true, _Ti, _Uj...>
    typedef typename __invoke_of<_Ti&, _Uj...>::type type;

template <class _Ti, class ..._Uj>
struct __mu_return_impl<_Ti, false, true, false, tuple<_Uj...> >
    : public __mu_return_invokable<__invokable<_Ti&, _Uj...>::value, _Ti, _Uj...>

template <class _Ti, class _TupleUj>
struct __mu_return_impl<_Ti, false, false, true, _TupleUj>
    typedef typename tuple_element<is_placeholder<_Ti>::value - 1,
                                   _TupleUj>::type&& type;

template <class _Ti, class _TupleUj>
struct __mu_return_impl<_Ti, true, false, false, _TupleUj>
    typedef typename _Ti::type& type;

template <class _Ti, class _TupleUj>
struct __mu_return_impl<_Ti, false, false, false, _TupleUj>
    typedef _Ti& type;

#pragma warning ( push )
#pragma warning ( disable : 4296 )

template <class _Ti, class _TupleUj>
struct __mu_return
    : public __mu_return_impl<_Ti,
                              0 < is_placeholder<_Ti>::value &&
                              is_placeholder<_Ti>::value <= tuple_size<_TupleUj>::value,

#pragma warning ( pop )

template <class _Fp, class _BoundArgs, class _TupleUj>
struct __is_valid_bind_return
    static const bool value = false;

template <class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs, class _TupleUj>
struct __is_valid_bind_return<_Fp, tuple<_BoundArgs...>, _TupleUj>
    static const bool value = __invokable<_Fp,
                    typename __mu_return<_BoundArgs, _TupleUj>::type...>::value;

template <class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs, class _TupleUj>
struct __is_valid_bind_return<_Fp, const tuple<_BoundArgs...>, _TupleUj>
    static const bool value = __invokable<_Fp,
                    typename __mu_return<const _BoundArgs, _TupleUj>::type...>::value;

template <class _Fp, class _BoundArgs, class _TupleUj,
          bool = __is_valid_bind_return<_Fp, _BoundArgs, _TupleUj>::value>
struct __bind_return;

template <class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs, class _TupleUj>
struct __bind_return<_Fp, tuple<_BoundArgs...>, _TupleUj, true>
    typedef typename __invoke_of
        typename __mu_return
    >::type type;

template <class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs, class _TupleUj>
struct __bind_return<_Fp, const tuple<_BoundArgs...>, _TupleUj, true>
    typedef typename __invoke_of
        typename __mu_return
            const _BoundArgs,
    >::type type;

template <class _Fp, class _BoundArgs, size_t ..._Indx, class _Args>
typename __bind_return<_Fp, _BoundArgs, _Args>::type
__apply_functor(_Fp& __f, _BoundArgs& __bound_args, __tuple_indices<_Indx...>,
                _Args&& __args)
    return _VSTD::__invoke(__f, _VSTD::__mu(_VSTD::get<_Indx>(__bound_args), __args)...);

#pragma warning ( push )
#pragma warning ( disable : 4296 )

template<class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs>
class __bind
    : public __weak_result_type<typename decay<_Fp>::type>
    typedef typename decay<_Fp>::type _Fd;
    typedef tuple<typename decay<_BoundArgs>::type...> _Td;
    _Fd __f_;
    _Td __bound_args_;

    typedef typename __make_tuple_indices<sizeof...(_BoundArgs)>::type __indices;
    template <class _Gp, class ..._BA,
              class = typename enable_if
                                  is_constructible<_Fd, _Gp>::value &&
                                  !is_same<typename remove_reference<_Gp>::type,
      explicit __bind(_Gp&& __f, _BA&& ...__bound_args)
        : __f_(_VSTD::forward<_Gp>(__f)),
          __bound_args_(_VSTD::forward<_BA>(__bound_args)...) {}

    template <class ..._Args>
        typename __bind_return<_Fd, _Td, tuple<_Args&&...> >::type
        operator()(_Args&& ...__args)
            return _VSTD::__apply_functor(__f_, __bound_args_, __indices(),

    template <class ..._Args>
        typename __bind_return<const _Fd, const _Td, tuple<_Args&&...> >::type
        operator()(_Args&& ...__args) const
            return _VSTD::__apply_functor(__f_, __bound_args_, __indices(),

#pragma warning ( pop )

#if defined(__CUDACC__) && defined(_MSC_VER)
#   define Y_CUDAFE_MSVC_BUG

template<class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs>
struct __is_bind_expression<__bind<_Fp, _BoundArgs...> > : public true_type {};

template<class _Rp, class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs>
class __bind_r
    : public __bind<_Fp, _BoundArgs...>
    typedef __bind<_Fp, _BoundArgs...> base;
    typedef typename base::_Fd _Fd;
#if !defined(Y_CUDAFE_MSVC_BUG)
    typedef typename base::_Td _Td;
    typedef typename tuple<typename decay<_BoundArgs>::type...> _Td;
    typedef _Rp result_type;

    template <class _Gp, class ..._BA,
              class = typename enable_if
                                  is_constructible<_Fd, _Gp>::value &&
                                  !is_same<typename remove_reference<_Gp>::type,
      explicit __bind_r(_Gp&& __f, _BA&& ...__bound_args)
        : base(_VSTD::forward<_Gp>(__f),
               _VSTD::forward<_BA>(__bound_args)...) {}

    template <class ..._Args>
        typename enable_if
            is_convertible<typename __bind_return<_Fd, _Td, tuple<_Args&&...> >::type,
                           result_type>::value || is_void<_Rp>::value,
        operator()(_Args&& ...__args)
            typedef __invoke_void_return_wrapper<_Rp> _Invoker;
            return _Invoker::__call(static_cast<base&>(*this), _VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);

    template <class ..._Args>
        typename enable_if
            is_convertible<typename __bind_return<const _Fd, const _Td, tuple<_Args&&...> >::type,
                           result_type>::value || is_void<_Rp>::value,
        operator()(_Args&& ...__args) const
            typedef __invoke_void_return_wrapper<_Rp> _Invoker;
            return _Invoker::__call(static_cast<base const&>(*this), _VSTD::forward<_Args>(__args)...);

template<class _Rp, class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs>
struct __is_bind_expression<__bind_r<_Rp, _Fp, _BoundArgs...> > : public true_type {};

template<class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs>
__bind<_Fp, _BoundArgs...>
bind(_Fp&& __f, _BoundArgs&&... __bound_args)
    typedef __bind<_Fp, _BoundArgs...> type;
    return type(_VSTD::forward<_Fp>(__f), _VSTD::forward<_BoundArgs>(__bound_args)...);

template<class _Rp, class _Fp, class ..._BoundArgs>
__bind_r<_Rp, _Fp, _BoundArgs...>
bind(_Fp&& __f, _BoundArgs&&... __bound_args)
    typedef __bind_r<_Rp, _Fp, _BoundArgs...> type;
    return type(_VSTD::forward<_Fp>(__f), _VSTD::forward<_BoundArgs>(__bound_args)...);

#endif // _LIBCPP_CXX03_LANG