// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // Implements a limited set of 128-bit arithmetic operations // (the ones that are used by CRC) using SSE2 intrinsics. #ifndef CRCUTIL_UINT128_SSE2_H_ #define CRCUTIL_UINT128_SSE2_H_ #include "base_types.h" #include "crc_casts.h" // Downcast, CrcFromUint64, Uint64FromCrc #include "platform.h" #if HAVE_SSE2 namespace crcutil { // Specialized functions handling __m128i. template<> __forceinline uint64 Downcast(const __m128i &value) { #if HAVE_AMD64 && defined(__GNUC__) // GCC 4.4.x is too smart and, instead of MOVQ, generates SSE4 PEXTRQ // instruction when the code is compiled with -mmsse4. // Fixed in 4.5 which generates conversion through memory (why?). // And -- yes, it makes quite measurable difference. uint64 temp; asm(SSE2_MOVQ " %[i128], %[u64]\n" : [u64] "=r" (temp) : [i128] "x" (value)); return temp; #elif HAVE_AMD64 && (!defined(_MSC_FULL_VER) || _MSC_FULL_VER > 150030729) return static_cast<uint64>(_mm_cvtsi128_si64(value)); #else // 64-bit CL 15.00.30729.1 -O2 generates incorrect code (tests fail). // _mm_cvtsi128_si64() is not available on i386. uint64 temp; _mm_storel_epi64(reinterpret_cast<__m128i *>(&temp), value); return temp; #endif } class uint128_sse2 { public: uint128_sse2() {} ~uint128_sse2() {} // Default casts to uint128_sse2 and assignment operator. __forceinline void operator =(uint64 value) { #if HAVE_AMD64 && defined(__GNUC__) && !GCC_VERSION_AVAILABLE(4, 5) // Prevent generation of SSE4 pinsrq insruction when // compiling with GCC 4.4.x with -msse4 flag. asm(SSE2_MOVQ " %[u64], %[i128]\n" : [i128] "=x" (x_) : [u64] "r" (value)); #elif HAVE_AMD64 x_ = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(static_cast<int64>(value)); #else x_ = _mm_loadl_epi64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i *>(&value)); #endif } __forceinline uint128_sse2(uint64 x) { *this = x; } __forceinline uint128_sse2(const __m128i x) : x_(x) { } __forceinline operator __m128i() const { return x_; } __forceinline void operator =(const uint128_sse2 &x) { x_ = x.x_; } // Extracts 64 less significant bits. __forceinline uint64 to_uint64() const { return Downcast<__m128i, uint64>(x_); } // Comparisons. __forceinline bool operator ==(const uint128_sse2 &y) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } t; t.i128 = _mm_xor_si128(x_, y.x_); return (t.u64[0] | t.u64[1]) == 0; } __forceinline bool operator ==(uint64 value) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } t; t.i128 = x_; return (t.u64[0] == value && t.u64[1] == 0); } __forceinline bool operator !=(const uint128_sse2 &y) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } t; t.i128 = _mm_xor_si128(x_, y.x_); return (t.u64[0] | t.u64[1]) != 0; } __forceinline bool operator !=(uint64 value) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } t; t.i128 = x_; return (t.u64[0] != value || t.u64[1] != 0); } __forceinline bool operator <(const uint128_sse2 &y) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } xx, yy; xx.i128 = x_; yy.i128 = y.x_; return (xx.u64[0] < yy.u64[0] || (xx.u64[0] == yy.u64[0] && xx.u64[1] < yy.u64[1])); } // Bitwise logic operators. __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator ^(const uint128_sse2 &y) const { return _mm_xor_si128(x_, y.x_); } __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator &(const uint128_sse2 &y) const { return _mm_and_si128(x_, y.x_); } __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator |(const uint128_sse2 &y) const { return _mm_or_si128(x_, y.x_); } __forceinline void operator ^=(const uint128_sse2 &y) { *this = *this ^ y.x_; } __forceinline void operator &=(const uint128_sse2 &y) { *this = *this & y.x_; } __forceinline void operator |=(const uint128_sse2 &y) { *this = *this | y.x_; } // Arithmetic operators. __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator +(uint64 y) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } temp; temp.i128 = x_; // a + b >= 2**64 iff // a + b > (2**64 - 1) iff // a > (2**64 - 1) - b iff // a > ~b if (temp.u64[0] > ~y) { temp.u64[1] += 1; } temp.u64[0] += y; return temp.i128; } __forceinline void operator +=(uint64 x) { *this = *this + x; } __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator -(uint64 y) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } temp; temp.i128 = x_; if (temp.u64[0] < y) { temp.u64[1] -= 1; } temp.u64[0] -= y; return temp.i128; } __forceinline void operator -=(uint64 x) { *this = *this - x; } // Bitwise logical shifts. __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator >>(const int bits) const { if (bits == 8) { return _mm_srli_si128(x_, 1); } else if (bits == 16) { return _mm_srli_si128(x_, 2); } else if (bits == 32) { return _mm_srli_si128(x_, 4); } else if (bits == 64) { return _mm_srli_si128(x_, 8); } else { return long_shift_right(bits); } } __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator >>(const size_t bits) const { return *this >> static_cast<int>(bits); } __forceinline void operator >>=(const int bits) { *this = *this >> bits; } __forceinline void operator >>=(const size_t bits) { *this = *this >> static_cast<int>(bits); } __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator <<(int bits) const { if (bits == 8) { return _mm_slli_si128(x_, 1); } else if (bits == 16) { return _mm_slli_si128(x_, 2); } else if (bits == 32) { return _mm_slli_si128(x_, 4); } else if (bits == 64) { return _mm_slli_si128(x_, 8); } else { return long_shift_left(bits); } } __forceinline uint128_sse2 operator <<(size_t bits) const { return *this << static_cast<int>(bits); } __forceinline void operator <<=(int bits) { *this = *this << bits; } __forceinline void operator <<=(size_t bits) { *this = *this << static_cast<int>(bits); } protected: __forceinline uint128_sse2 long_shift_right(int bits) const { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } x; x.i128 = x_; for (; bits > 0; --bits) { x.u64[0] >>= 1; if (x.u64[1] & 1) { x.u64[0] |= static_cast<uint64>(1) << 63; } x.u64[1] >>= 1; } return x.i128; } __forceinline uint128_sse2 long_shift_left(int bits) const { union { __m128i i128; int64 i64[2]; } x; x.i128 = x_; for (; bits > 0; --bits) { x.i64[1] <<= 1; if (x.i64[0] < 0) { x.i64[1] |= 1; } x.i64[0] <<= 1; } return x.i128; } __m128i x_; } GCC_ALIGN_ATTRIBUTE(16); // Specialized versions. template<> __forceinline uint64 Downcast(const uint128_sse2 &x) { return x.to_uint64(); } template<> __forceinline uint32 Downcast(const uint128_sse2 &x) { return static_cast<uint32>(x.to_uint64()); } template<> __forceinline uint16 Downcast(const uint128_sse2 &x) { return static_cast<uint16>(x.to_uint64()); } template<> __forceinline uint8 Downcast(const uint128_sse2 &x) { return static_cast<uint8>(x.to_uint64()); } template<> __forceinline uint128_sse2 CrcFromUint64(uint64 lo, uint64 hi) { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } temp; temp.u64[0] = lo; temp.u64[1] = hi; return temp.i128; } template<> __forceinline void Uint64FromCrc(const uint128_sse2 &crc, uint64 *lo, uint64 *hi) { union { __m128i i128; uint64 u64[2]; } temp; temp.i128 = crc; *lo = temp.u64[0]; *hi = temp.u64[1]; } } // namespace crcutil #endif // HAVE_SSE2 #endif // CRCUTIL_UINT128_SSE2_H_