// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // This is the only file where all details of CRC implementation are buried. #include "interface.h" #include "aligned_alloc.h" #include "crc32c_sse4.h" #include "generic_crc.h" #include "protected_crc.h" #include "rolling_crc.h" // Align all CRC tables on kAlign boundary. // Shall be exact power of 2. static size_t kAlign = 4 * 1024; using namespace crcutil; #if (!defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__)) // Suppress 'invalid access to non-static data member ... of NULL object' #undef offsetof #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) (reinterpret_cast <size_t> \ ((&reinterpret_cast <const char &>( \ reinterpret_cast <const TYPE *>(1)->MEMBER))) - 1) #endif // defined(__GNUC__) namespace crcutil_interface { template<typename CrcImplementation, typename RollingCrcImplementation> class Implementation : public CRC { public: typedef typename CrcImplementation::Crc Crc; typedef Implementation<CrcImplementation, RollingCrcImplementation> Self; Implementation(const Crc &poly, size_t degree, bool canonical, const Crc &roll_start_value, size_t roll_length) : crc_(poly, degree, canonical), rolling_crc_(crc_, roll_length, roll_start_value) { } static Self *Create(const Crc &poly, size_t degree, bool canonical, const Crc &roll_start_value, size_t roll_length, const void **allocated_memory) { void *memory = AlignedAlloc(sizeof(Self), offsetof(Self, crc_), kAlign, allocated_memory); return new(memory) Self(poly, degree, canonical, roll_start_value, roll_length); } virtual void Delete() { AlignedFree(this); } void *operator new(size_t, void *p) { return p; } virtual void GeneratingPolynomial(/* OUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* OUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.Base().GeneratingPolynomial(), lo, hi); } virtual size_t Degree() const { return crc_.Base().Degree(); } virtual void CanonizeValue(/* OUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* OUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.Base().Canonize(), lo, hi); } virtual void RollStartValue(/* OUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* OUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(rolling_crc_.StartValue(), lo, hi); } virtual size_t RollWindowBytes() const { return rolling_crc_.WindowBytes(); } virtual void SelfCheckValue(/* OUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* OUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { Crc crc = crc_.CrcDefault(&crc_, sizeof(crc_), 0); crc = crc_.CrcDefault(&rolling_crc_, sizeof(rolling_crc_), crc); SetValue(crc, lo, hi); } virtual void Compute(const void *data, size_t bytes, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.CrcDefault(data, bytes, GetValue(lo, hi)), lo, hi); } virtual void RollStart(const void *data, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(rolling_crc_.Start(data), lo, hi); } virtual void Roll(size_t byte_out, size_t byte_in, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(rolling_crc_.Roll(GetValue(lo, hi), byte_out, byte_in), lo, hi); } virtual void CrcOfZeroes(UINT64 bytes, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.Base().CrcOfZeroes(bytes, GetValue(lo, hi)), lo, hi); } virtual void ChangeStartValue( UINT64 start_old_lo, UINT64 start_old_hi, UINT64 start_new_lo, UINT64 start_new_hi, UINT64 bytes, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* INOUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.Base().ChangeStartValue( GetValue(lo, hi), bytes, GetValue(start_old_lo, start_old_hi), GetValue(start_new_lo, start_new_hi)), lo, hi); } virtual void Concatenate(UINT64 crcB_lo, UINT64 crcB_hi, UINT64 bytes_B, /* INOUT */ UINT64* crcA_lo, /* INOUT */ UINT64* crcA_hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.Base().Concatenate(GetValue(crcA_lo, crcA_hi), GetValue(crcB_lo, crcB_hi), bytes_B), crcA_lo, crcA_hi); } virtual size_t StoreComplementaryCrc( void *dst, UINT64 message_crc_lo, UINT64 message_crc_hi, UINT64 result_crc_lo, UINT64 result_crc_hi = 0) const { return crc_.Base().StoreComplementaryCrc( dst, GetValue(message_crc_lo, message_crc_hi), GetValue(result_crc_lo, result_crc_hi)); } virtual size_t StoreCrc(void *dst, UINT64 lo, UINT64 hi = 0) const { return crc_.Base().StoreCrc(dst, GetValue(lo, hi)); } virtual void CrcOfCrc(/* OUT */ UINT64 *lo, /* OUT */ UINT64 *hi = NULL) const { SetValue(crc_.Base().CrcOfCrc(), lo, hi); } private: static Crc GetValue(UINT64 *lo, UINT64 *hi) { if (sizeof(Crc) <= sizeof(*lo)) { return CrcFromUint64<Crc>(*lo); } else { return CrcFromUint64<Crc>(*lo, *hi); } } static Crc GetValue(UINT64 lo, UINT64 hi) { return CrcFromUint64<Crc>(lo, hi); } static void SetValue(const Crc &crc, UINT64 *lo, UINT64 *hi) { Uint64FromCrc<Crc>(crc, reinterpret_cast<crcutil::uint64 *>(lo), reinterpret_cast<crcutil::uint64 *>(hi)); } const CrcImplementation crc_; const RollingCrcImplementation rolling_crc_; const Self &operator =(const Self &) {} }; #if defined(_MSC_VER) // 'use_sse4_2' : unreferenced formal parameter #pragma warning(disable: 4100) #endif // defined(_MSC_VER) bool CRC::IsSSE42Available() { #if HAVE_AMD64 || HAVE_I386 return Crc32cSSE4::IsSSE42Available(); #else return false; #endif // HAVE_AMD64 || HAVE_I386 } CRC::~CRC() {} CRC::CRC() {} CRC *CRC::Create(UINT64 poly_lo, UINT64 poly_hi, size_t degree, bool canonical, UINT64 roll_start_value_lo, UINT64 roll_start_value_hi, size_t roll_length, bool use_sse4_2, const void **allocated_memory) { if (degree == 0) { return NULL; } if (degree > 64) { #if !HAVE_SSE2 return NULL; #else if (degree > 128) { return NULL; } uint128_sse2 poly = CrcFromUint64<uint128_sse2>(poly_lo, poly_hi); if (degree != 128 && (poly >> degree) != 0) { return NULL; } uint128_sse2 roll_start_value = CrcFromUint64<uint128_sse2>(roll_start_value_lo, roll_start_value_hi); if (degree != 128 && (roll_start_value >> degree) != 0) { return NULL; } #if HAVE_I386 typedef GenericCrc<uint128_sse2, uint128_sse2, crcutil::uint32, 3> Crc128; #elif defined(__GNUC__) && GCC_VERSION_AVAILABLE(4, 5) typedef GenericCrc<uint128_sse2, uint128_sse2, crcutil::uint64, 6> Crc128; #else typedef GenericCrc<uint128_sse2, uint128_sse2, crcutil::uint64, 4> Crc128; #endif // HAVE_I386 return Implementation<Crc128, RollingCrc<Crc128> >::Create( poly, degree, canonical, roll_start_value, roll_length, allocated_memory); #endif // !HAVE_SSE2 } #if CRCUTIL_USE_MM_CRC32 && (HAVE_I386 || HAVE_AMD64) if (use_sse4_2 && degree == Crc32cSSE4::FixedDegree() && poly_lo == Crc32cSSE4::FixedGeneratingPolynomial() && poly_hi == 0) { if (roll_start_value_hi != 0 || (roll_start_value_lo >> 32) != 0) { return NULL; } return Implementation<Crc32cSSE4, RollingCrc32cSSE4>::Create( static_cast<size_t>(poly_lo), degree, canonical, static_cast<size_t>(roll_start_value_lo), static_cast<size_t>(roll_length), allocated_memory); } #endif // CRCUTIL_USE_MM_CRC32 && (HAVE_I386 || HAVE_AMD64) if (poly_hi != 0 || (degree != 64 && (poly_lo >> degree) != 0)) { return NULL; } if (roll_start_value_hi != 0 || (degree != 64 && (roll_start_value_lo >> degree) != 0)) { return NULL; } typedef GenericCrc<crcutil::uint64, crcutil::uint64, crcutil::uint64, 4> Crc64; return Implementation<Crc64, RollingCrc<Crc64> >::Create( poly_lo, degree, canonical, roll_start_value_lo, roll_length, allocated_memory); } } // namespace crcutil_interface