//===-- tsan_rtl_thread.cpp -----------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file is a part of ThreadSanitizer (TSan), a race detector. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_placement_new.h" #include "tsan_rtl.h" #include "tsan_mman.h" #include "tsan_platform.h" #include "tsan_report.h" #include "tsan_sync.h" namespace __tsan { // ThreadContext implementation. ThreadContext::ThreadContext(Tid tid) : ThreadContextBase(tid), thr(), sync() {} #if !SANITIZER_GO ThreadContext::~ThreadContext() { } #endif void ThreadContext::OnReset() { CHECK(!sync); } #if !SANITIZER_GO struct ThreadLeak { ThreadContext *tctx; int count; }; static void CollectThreadLeaks(ThreadContextBase *tctx_base, void *arg) { auto &leaks = *static_cast<Vector<ThreadLeak> *>(arg); auto *tctx = static_cast<ThreadContext *>(tctx_base); if (tctx->detached || tctx->status != ThreadStatusFinished) return; for (uptr i = 0; i < leaks.Size(); i++) { if (leaks[i].tctx->creation_stack_id == tctx->creation_stack_id) { leaks[i].count++; return; } } leaks.PushBack({tctx, 1}); } #endif // Disabled on Mac because lldb test TestTsanBasic fails: // https://reviews.llvm.org/D112603#3163158 #if !SANITIZER_GO && !SANITIZER_APPLE static void ReportIgnoresEnabled(ThreadContext *tctx, IgnoreSet *set) { if (tctx->tid == kMainTid) { Printf("ThreadSanitizer: main thread finished with ignores enabled\n"); } else { Printf("ThreadSanitizer: thread T%d %s finished with ignores enabled," " created at:\n", tctx->tid, tctx->name); PrintStack(SymbolizeStackId(tctx->creation_stack_id)); } Printf(" One of the following ignores was not ended" " (in order of probability)\n"); for (uptr i = 0; i < set->Size(); i++) { Printf(" Ignore was enabled at:\n"); PrintStack(SymbolizeStackId(set->At(i))); } Die(); } static void ThreadCheckIgnore(ThreadState *thr) { if (ctx->after_multithreaded_fork) return; if (thr->ignore_reads_and_writes) ReportIgnoresEnabled(thr->tctx, &thr->mop_ignore_set); if (thr->ignore_sync) ReportIgnoresEnabled(thr->tctx, &thr->sync_ignore_set); } #else static void ThreadCheckIgnore(ThreadState *thr) {} #endif void ThreadFinalize(ThreadState *thr) { ThreadCheckIgnore(thr); #if !SANITIZER_GO if (!ShouldReport(thr, ReportTypeThreadLeak)) return; ThreadRegistryLock l(&ctx->thread_registry); Vector<ThreadLeak> leaks; ctx->thread_registry.RunCallbackForEachThreadLocked(CollectThreadLeaks, &leaks); for (uptr i = 0; i < leaks.Size(); i++) { ScopedReport rep(ReportTypeThreadLeak); rep.AddThread(leaks[i].tctx, true); rep.SetCount(leaks[i].count); OutputReport(thr, rep); } #endif } int ThreadCount(ThreadState *thr) { uptr result; ctx->thread_registry.GetNumberOfThreads(0, 0, &result); return (int)result; } struct OnCreatedArgs { VectorClock *sync; uptr sync_epoch; StackID stack; }; Tid ThreadCreate(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr uid, bool detached) { // The main thread and GCD workers don't have a parent thread. Tid parent = kInvalidTid; OnCreatedArgs arg = {nullptr, 0, kInvalidStackID}; if (thr) { parent = thr->tid; arg.stack = CurrentStackId(thr, pc); if (!thr->ignore_sync) { SlotLocker locker(thr); thr->clock.ReleaseStore(&arg.sync); arg.sync_epoch = ctx->global_epoch; IncrementEpoch(thr); } } Tid tid = ctx->thread_registry.CreateThread(uid, detached, parent, &arg); DPrintf("#%d: ThreadCreate tid=%d uid=%zu\n", parent, tid, uid); return tid; } void ThreadContext::OnCreated(void *arg) { OnCreatedArgs *args = static_cast<OnCreatedArgs *>(arg); sync = args->sync; sync_epoch = args->sync_epoch; creation_stack_id = args->stack; } extern "C" void __tsan_stack_initialization() {} struct OnStartedArgs { ThreadState *thr; uptr stk_addr; uptr stk_size; uptr tls_addr; uptr tls_size; }; void ThreadStart(ThreadState *thr, Tid tid, tid_t os_id, ThreadType thread_type) { ctx->thread_registry.StartThread(tid, os_id, thread_type, thr); if (!thr->ignore_sync) { SlotAttachAndLock(thr); if (thr->tctx->sync_epoch == ctx->global_epoch) thr->clock.Acquire(thr->tctx->sync); SlotUnlock(thr); } Free(thr->tctx->sync); uptr stk_addr = 0; uptr stk_size = 0; uptr tls_addr = 0; uptr tls_size = 0; #if !SANITIZER_GO if (thread_type != ThreadType::Fiber) GetThreadStackAndTls(tid == kMainTid, &stk_addr, &stk_size, &tls_addr, &tls_size); #endif thr->stk_addr = stk_addr; thr->stk_size = stk_size; thr->tls_addr = tls_addr; thr->tls_size = tls_size; #if !SANITIZER_GO if (ctx->after_multithreaded_fork) { thr->ignore_interceptors++; ThreadIgnoreBegin(thr, 0); ThreadIgnoreSyncBegin(thr, 0); } #endif #if !SANITIZER_GO // Don't imitate stack/TLS writes for the main thread, // because its initialization is synchronized with all // subsequent threads anyway. if (tid != kMainTid) { if (stk_addr && stk_size) { const uptr pc = StackTrace::GetNextInstructionPc( reinterpret_cast<uptr>(__tsan_stack_initialization)); MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, stk_addr, stk_size); } if (tls_addr && tls_size) ImitateTlsWrite(thr, tls_addr, tls_size); } #endif } void ThreadContext::OnStarted(void *arg) { thr = static_cast<ThreadState *>(arg); DPrintf("#%d: ThreadStart\n", tid); new (thr) ThreadState(tid); if (common_flags()->detect_deadlocks) thr->dd_lt = ctx->dd->CreateLogicalThread(tid); thr->tctx = this; #if !SANITIZER_GO thr->is_inited = true; #endif } void ThreadFinish(ThreadState *thr) { DPrintf("#%d: ThreadFinish\n", thr->tid); ThreadCheckIgnore(thr); if (thr->stk_addr && thr->stk_size) DontNeedShadowFor(thr->stk_addr, thr->stk_size); if (thr->tls_addr && thr->tls_size) DontNeedShadowFor(thr->tls_addr, thr->tls_size); thr->is_dead = true; #if !SANITIZER_GO thr->is_inited = false; thr->ignore_interceptors++; PlatformCleanUpThreadState(thr); #endif if (!thr->ignore_sync) { SlotLocker locker(thr); ThreadRegistryLock lock(&ctx->thread_registry); // Note: detached is protected by the thread registry mutex, // the thread may be detaching concurrently in another thread. if (!thr->tctx->detached) { thr->clock.ReleaseStore(&thr->tctx->sync); thr->tctx->sync_epoch = ctx->global_epoch; IncrementEpoch(thr); } } #if !SANITIZER_GO UnmapOrDie(thr->shadow_stack, kShadowStackSize * sizeof(uptr)); #else Free(thr->shadow_stack); #endif thr->shadow_stack = nullptr; thr->shadow_stack_pos = nullptr; thr->shadow_stack_end = nullptr; if (common_flags()->detect_deadlocks) ctx->dd->DestroyLogicalThread(thr->dd_lt); SlotDetach(thr); ctx->thread_registry.FinishThread(thr->tid); thr->~ThreadState(); } void ThreadContext::OnFinished() { Lock lock(&ctx->slot_mtx); Lock lock1(&trace.mtx); // Queue all trace parts into the global recycle queue. auto parts = &trace.parts; while (trace.local_head) { CHECK(parts->Queued(trace.local_head)); ctx->trace_part_recycle.PushBack(trace.local_head); trace.local_head = parts->Next(trace.local_head); } ctx->trace_part_recycle_finished += parts->Size(); if (ctx->trace_part_recycle_finished > Trace::kFinishedThreadHi) { ctx->trace_part_finished_excess += parts->Size(); trace.parts_allocated = 0; } else if (ctx->trace_part_recycle_finished > Trace::kFinishedThreadLo && parts->Size() > 1) { ctx->trace_part_finished_excess += parts->Size() - 1; trace.parts_allocated = 1; } // From now on replay will use trace->final_pos. trace.final_pos = (Event *)atomic_load_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos); atomic_store_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos, 0); thr->tctx = nullptr; thr = nullptr; } struct ConsumeThreadContext { uptr uid; ThreadContextBase *tctx; }; Tid ThreadConsumeTid(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr uid) { return ctx->thread_registry.ConsumeThreadUserId(uid); } struct JoinArg { VectorClock *sync; uptr sync_epoch; }; void ThreadJoin(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, Tid tid) { CHECK_GT(tid, 0); DPrintf("#%d: ThreadJoin tid=%d\n", thr->tid, tid); JoinArg arg = {}; ctx->thread_registry.JoinThread(tid, &arg); if (!thr->ignore_sync) { SlotLocker locker(thr); if (arg.sync_epoch == ctx->global_epoch) thr->clock.Acquire(arg.sync); } Free(arg.sync); } void ThreadContext::OnJoined(void *ptr) { auto arg = static_cast<JoinArg *>(ptr); arg->sync = sync; arg->sync_epoch = sync_epoch; sync = nullptr; sync_epoch = 0; } void ThreadContext::OnDead() { CHECK_EQ(sync, nullptr); } void ThreadDetach(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, Tid tid) { CHECK_GT(tid, 0); ctx->thread_registry.DetachThread(tid, thr); } void ThreadContext::OnDetached(void *arg) { Free(sync); } void ThreadNotJoined(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, Tid tid, uptr uid) { CHECK_GT(tid, 0); ctx->thread_registry.SetThreadUserId(tid, uid); } void ThreadSetName(ThreadState *thr, const char *name) { ctx->thread_registry.SetThreadName(thr->tid, name); } #if !SANITIZER_GO void FiberSwitchImpl(ThreadState *from, ThreadState *to) { Processor *proc = from->proc(); ProcUnwire(proc, from); ProcWire(proc, to); set_cur_thread(to); } ThreadState *FiberCreate(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, unsigned flags) { void *mem = Alloc(sizeof(ThreadState)); ThreadState *fiber = static_cast<ThreadState *>(mem); internal_memset(fiber, 0, sizeof(*fiber)); Tid tid = ThreadCreate(thr, pc, 0, true); FiberSwitchImpl(thr, fiber); ThreadStart(fiber, tid, 0, ThreadType::Fiber); FiberSwitchImpl(fiber, thr); return fiber; } void FiberDestroy(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, ThreadState *fiber) { FiberSwitchImpl(thr, fiber); ThreadFinish(fiber); FiberSwitchImpl(fiber, thr); Free(fiber); } void FiberSwitch(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, ThreadState *fiber, unsigned flags) { if (!(flags & FiberSwitchFlagNoSync)) Release(thr, pc, (uptr)fiber); FiberSwitchImpl(thr, fiber); if (!(flags & FiberSwitchFlagNoSync)) Acquire(fiber, pc, (uptr)fiber); } #endif } // namespace __tsan