//===-- string_utils.cpp ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "string_utils.h" #include "common.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> namespace scudo { static int appendChar(char **Buffer, const char *BufferEnd, char C) { if (*Buffer < BufferEnd) { **Buffer = C; (*Buffer)++; } return 1; } // Appends number in a given Base to buffer. If its length is less than // |MinNumberLength|, it is padded with leading zeroes or spaces, depending // on the value of |PadWithZero|. static int appendNumber(char **Buffer, const char *BufferEnd, u64 AbsoluteValue, u8 Base, u8 MinNumberLength, bool PadWithZero, bool Negative, bool Upper) { constexpr uptr MaxLen = 30; RAW_CHECK(Base == 10 || Base == 16); RAW_CHECK(Base == 10 || !Negative); RAW_CHECK(AbsoluteValue || !Negative); RAW_CHECK(MinNumberLength < MaxLen); int Res = 0; if (Negative && MinNumberLength) --MinNumberLength; if (Negative && PadWithZero) Res += appendChar(Buffer, BufferEnd, '-'); uptr NumBuffer[MaxLen]; int Pos = 0; do { RAW_CHECK_MSG(static_cast<uptr>(Pos) < MaxLen, "appendNumber buffer overflow"); NumBuffer[Pos++] = static_cast<uptr>(AbsoluteValue % Base); AbsoluteValue /= Base; } while (AbsoluteValue > 0); if (Pos < MinNumberLength) { memset(&NumBuffer[Pos], 0, sizeof(NumBuffer[0]) * static_cast<uptr>(MinNumberLength - Pos)); Pos = MinNumberLength; } RAW_CHECK(Pos > 0); Pos--; for (; Pos >= 0 && NumBuffer[Pos] == 0; Pos--) { char c = (PadWithZero || Pos == 0) ? '0' : ' '; Res += appendChar(Buffer, BufferEnd, c); } if (Negative && !PadWithZero) Res += appendChar(Buffer, BufferEnd, '-'); for (; Pos >= 0; Pos--) { char Digit = static_cast<char>(NumBuffer[Pos]); Digit = static_cast<char>((Digit < 10) ? '0' + Digit : (Upper ? 'A' : 'a') + Digit - 10); Res += appendChar(Buffer, BufferEnd, Digit); } return Res; } static int appendUnsigned(char **Buffer, const char *BufferEnd, u64 Num, u8 Base, u8 MinNumberLength, bool PadWithZero, bool Upper) { return appendNumber(Buffer, BufferEnd, Num, Base, MinNumberLength, PadWithZero, /*Negative=*/false, Upper); } static int appendSignedDecimal(char **Buffer, const char *BufferEnd, s64 Num, u8 MinNumberLength, bool PadWithZero) { const bool Negative = (Num < 0); const u64 UnsignedNum = (Num == INT64_MIN) ? static_cast<u64>(INT64_MAX) + 1 : static_cast<u64>(Negative ? -Num : Num); return appendNumber(Buffer, BufferEnd, UnsignedNum, 10, MinNumberLength, PadWithZero, Negative, /*Upper=*/false); } // Use the fact that explicitly requesting 0 Width (%0s) results in UB and // interpret Width == 0 as "no Width requested": // Width == 0 - no Width requested // Width < 0 - left-justify S within and pad it to -Width chars, if necessary // Width > 0 - right-justify S, not implemented yet static int appendString(char **Buffer, const char *BufferEnd, int Width, int MaxChars, const char *S) { if (!S) S = "<null>"; int Res = 0; for (; *S; S++) { if (MaxChars >= 0 && Res >= MaxChars) break; Res += appendChar(Buffer, BufferEnd, *S); } // Only the left justified strings are supported. while (Width < -Res) Res += appendChar(Buffer, BufferEnd, ' '); return Res; } static int appendPointer(char **Buffer, const char *BufferEnd, u64 ptr_value) { int Res = 0; Res += appendString(Buffer, BufferEnd, 0, -1, "0x"); Res += appendUnsigned(Buffer, BufferEnd, ptr_value, 16, SCUDO_POINTER_FORMAT_LENGTH, /*PadWithZero=*/true, /*Upper=*/false); return Res; } static int formatString(char *Buffer, uptr BufferLength, const char *Format, va_list Args) { static const char *PrintfFormatsHelp = "Supported formatString formats: %([0-9]*)?(z|ll)?{d,u,x,X}; %p; " "%[-]([0-9]*)?(\\.\\*)?s; %c\n"; RAW_CHECK(Format); RAW_CHECK(BufferLength > 0); const char *BufferEnd = &Buffer[BufferLength - 1]; const char *Cur = Format; int Res = 0; for (; *Cur; Cur++) { if (*Cur != '%') { Res += appendChar(&Buffer, BufferEnd, *Cur); continue; } Cur++; const bool LeftJustified = *Cur == '-'; if (LeftJustified) Cur++; bool HaveWidth = (*Cur >= '0' && *Cur <= '9'); const bool PadWithZero = (*Cur == '0'); u8 Width = 0; if (HaveWidth) { while (*Cur >= '0' && *Cur <= '9') Width = static_cast<u8>(Width * 10 + *Cur++ - '0'); } const bool HavePrecision = (Cur[0] == '.' && Cur[1] == '*'); int Precision = -1; if (HavePrecision) { Cur += 2; Precision = va_arg(Args, int); } const bool HaveZ = (*Cur == 'z'); Cur += HaveZ; const bool HaveLL = !HaveZ && (Cur[0] == 'l' && Cur[1] == 'l'); Cur += HaveLL * 2; s64 DVal; u64 UVal; const bool HaveLength = HaveZ || HaveLL; const bool HaveFlags = HaveWidth || HaveLength; // At the moment only %s supports precision and left-justification. CHECK(!((Precision >= 0 || LeftJustified) && *Cur != 's')); switch (*Cur) { case 'd': { DVal = HaveLL ? va_arg(Args, s64) : HaveZ ? va_arg(Args, sptr) : va_arg(Args, int); Res += appendSignedDecimal(&Buffer, BufferEnd, DVal, Width, PadWithZero); break; } case 'u': case 'x': case 'X': { UVal = HaveLL ? va_arg(Args, u64) : HaveZ ? va_arg(Args, uptr) : va_arg(Args, unsigned); const bool Upper = (*Cur == 'X'); Res += appendUnsigned(&Buffer, BufferEnd, UVal, (*Cur == 'u') ? 10 : 16, Width, PadWithZero, Upper); break; } case 'p': { RAW_CHECK_MSG(!HaveFlags, PrintfFormatsHelp); Res += appendPointer(&Buffer, BufferEnd, va_arg(Args, uptr)); break; } case 's': { RAW_CHECK_MSG(!HaveLength, PrintfFormatsHelp); // Only left-justified Width is supported. CHECK(!HaveWidth || LeftJustified); Res += appendString(&Buffer, BufferEnd, LeftJustified ? -Width : Width, Precision, va_arg(Args, char *)); break; } case 'c': { RAW_CHECK_MSG(!HaveFlags, PrintfFormatsHelp); Res += appendChar(&Buffer, BufferEnd, static_cast<char>(va_arg(Args, int))); break; } // In Scudo, `s64`/`u64` are supposed to use `lld` and `llu` respectively. // However, `-Wformat` doesn't know we have a different parser for those // placeholders and it keeps complaining the type mismatch on 64-bit // platform which uses `ld`/`lu` for `s64`/`u64`. Therefore, in order to // silence the warning, we turn to use `PRId64`/`PRIu64` for printing // `s64`/`u64` and handle the `ld`/`lu` here. case 'l': { ++Cur; RAW_CHECK(*Cur == 'd' || *Cur == 'u'); if (*Cur == 'd') { DVal = va_arg(Args, s64); Res += appendSignedDecimal(&Buffer, BufferEnd, DVal, Width, PadWithZero); } else { UVal = va_arg(Args, u64); Res += appendUnsigned(&Buffer, BufferEnd, UVal, 10, Width, PadWithZero, false); } break; } case '%': { RAW_CHECK_MSG(!HaveFlags, PrintfFormatsHelp); Res += appendChar(&Buffer, BufferEnd, '%'); break; } default: { RAW_CHECK_MSG(false, PrintfFormatsHelp); } } } RAW_CHECK(Buffer <= BufferEnd); appendChar(&Buffer, BufferEnd + 1, '\0'); return Res; } int formatString(char *Buffer, uptr BufferLength, const char *Format, ...) { va_list Args; va_start(Args, Format); int Res = formatString(Buffer, BufferLength, Format, Args); va_end(Args); return Res; } void ScopedString::vappend(const char *Format, va_list Args) { va_list ArgsCopy; va_copy(ArgsCopy, Args); // formatString doesn't currently support a null buffer or zero buffer length, // so in order to get the resulting formatted string length, we use a one-char // buffer. char C[1]; const uptr AdditionalLength = static_cast<uptr>(formatString(C, sizeof(C), Format, Args)) + 1; const uptr Length = length(); String.resize(Length + AdditionalLength); const uptr FormattedLength = static_cast<uptr>(formatString( String.data() + Length, String.size() - Length, Format, ArgsCopy)); RAW_CHECK(data()[length()] == '\0'); RAW_CHECK(FormattedLength + 1 == AdditionalLength); va_end(ArgsCopy); } void ScopedString::append(const char *Format, ...) { va_list Args; va_start(Args, Format); vappend(Format, Args); va_end(Args); } void Printf(const char *Format, ...) { va_list Args; va_start(Args, Format); ScopedString Msg; Msg.vappend(Format, Args); outputRaw(Msg.data()); va_end(Args); } } // namespace scudo