/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include <cassert> #include <aws/core/Region.h> #include <aws/core/utils/DNS.h> #include <aws/core/utils/Outcome.h> #include <aws/core/utils/StringUtils.h> #include <aws/s3/S3ARN.h> namespace Aws { namespace S3 { S3ARN::S3ARN(const Aws::String& arn) : Utils::ARN(arn) { ParseARNResource(); } S3ARNOutcome S3ARN::Validate(const char* clientRegion) const { // Take pseudo region into consideration here. Aws::String region = clientRegion ? clientRegion : ""; Aws::StringStream ss; if (this->GetResourceType() == ARNResourceType::OUTPOST && region.find("fips") != Aws::String::npos) { ss.str(""); ss << "Outposts ARN do not support fips regions right now."; return S3ARNOutcome(Aws::Client::AWSError<S3Errors>(S3Errors::VALIDATION, "VALIDATION", ss.str(), false)); } else if (this->GetRegion() != Aws::Region::ComputeSignerRegion(clientRegion)) { ss.str(""); ss << "Region mismatch between \"" << this->GetRegion() << "\" defined in ARN and \"" << clientRegion << "\" defined in client configuration. " << "You can specify AWS_S3_USE_ARN_REGION to ignore region defined in client configuration."; return S3ARNOutcome(Aws::Client::AWSError<S3Errors>(S3Errors::VALIDATION, "VALIDATION", ss.str(), false)); } else { return Validate(); } } S3ARNOutcome S3ARN::Validate() const { Aws::String errorMessage; bool success = false; Aws::StringStream ss; if (!*this) { errorMessage = "Invalid ARN."; } // Validation on partition. else if (this->GetPartition().find("aws") != 0) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid partition in ARN: " << this->GetPartition() << ". Valid options: aws, aws-cn, and etc."; } // Validation on service. else if (this->GetService() != ARNService::S3 && this->GetService() != ARNService::S3_OUTPOSTS && this->GetService() != ARNService::S3_OBJECT_LAMBDA) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid service in ARN: " << this->GetService() << ". Valid options: " << ARNService::S3 << ", " << ARNService::S3_OUTPOSTS << ", " << ARNService::S3_OBJECT_LAMBDA << "."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } // Validation on region. // TODO: Failure on different partitions. else if (this->GetRegion().empty()) { errorMessage = "Invalid ARN with empty region."; } else if (!Utils::IsValidDnsLabel(this->GetRegion())) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid region in ARN: " << this->GetRegion() << ". Region should be a RFC 3986 Host label."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } // Validation on account ID else if (!Utils::IsValidDnsLabel(this->GetAccountId())) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid account ID in ARN: " << this->GetAccountId() << ". Account ID should be a RFC 3986 Host label."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } // Validation on Access Point ARN and Object Lambda Access Point ARN: else if (this->GetResourceType() == ARNResourceType::ACCESSPOINT) { if (!Utils::IsValidDnsLabel(this->GetResourceId())) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid resource ID in accesspoint ARN: " << this->GetResourceId() << ". Resource ID should be a RFC 3986 Host label."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } else if (!this->GetResourceQualifier().empty()) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid accesspoint ARN with non empty resource qualifier: " << this->GetResourceQualifier(); errorMessage = ss.str(); } else if (!this->GetSubResourceType().empty() || !this->GetSubResourceId().empty()) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid accesspoint ARN with non empty sub resource type: " << this->GetSubResourceType() << ", sub resource ID: " << this->GetSubResourceId(); errorMessage = ss.str(); } else { success = true; } } // Validation on Outposts ARN: else if (this->GetResourceType() == ARNResourceType::OUTPOST) { if (this->GetRegion().find("fips") != Aws::String::npos) { ss.str(""); ss << "Outposts ARN do not support fips regions right now."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } else if (!Utils::IsValidDnsLabel(this->GetResourceId())) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid outpost ID in Outposts ARN: " << this->GetResourceId() << ". Outpost ID should be a RFC 3986 Host label."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } else if (this->GetSubResourceType() != ARNResourceType::ACCESSPOINT) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid sub resource type in Outposts ARN: " << this->GetSubResourceType() << ". Valid options: " << ARNResourceType::ACCESSPOINT; errorMessage = ss.str(); } else if (!Utils::IsValidDnsLabel(this->GetSubResourceId())) { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid accesspoint name in Outposts ARN: " << this->GetSubResourceId() << ", accesspoint name should be a RFC 3986 Host label."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } else { success = true; } } // ARN with unknown resource type. else { ss.str(""); ss << "Invalid resource type in ARN: " << this->GetResourceType() << ". Valid options: " << ARNResourceType::ACCESSPOINT << ", " << ARNResourceType::OUTPOST << "."; errorMessage = ss.str(); } if (success) { return S3ARNOutcome(success); } else { return S3ARNOutcome(Aws::Client::AWSError<S3Errors>(S3Errors::VALIDATION, "VALIDATION", errorMessage, false)); } } void S3ARN::ParseARNResource() { if (!*this) return; Aws::String resource = this->GetResource(); Aws::Vector<Aws::String> resourceSegments; if (resource.find(':') != std::string::npos) { resourceSegments = Utils::StringUtils::Split(resource, ':', 4, Utils::StringUtils::SplitOptions::INCLUDE_EMPTY_ENTRIES); } else if (resource.find('/') != std::string::npos) { resourceSegments = Utils::StringUtils::Split(resource, '/', 4, Utils::StringUtils::SplitOptions::INCLUDE_EMPTY_ENTRIES); } else { resourceSegments.emplace_back(resource); } switch (resourceSegments.size()) { case 1: m_resourceId = resourceSegments[0]; break; case 2: m_resourceType = resourceSegments[0]; m_resourceId = resourceSegments[1]; break; case 3: m_resourceType = resourceSegments[0]; m_resourceId = resourceSegments[1]; m_resourceQualifier = resourceSegments[2]; break; case 4: m_resourceType = resourceSegments[0]; m_resourceId = resourceSegments[1]; m_subResourceType = resourceSegments[2]; m_subResourceId = resourceSegments[3]; break; default: assert(false); break; } } } }