/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #pragma once #include <aws/s3/S3_EXPORTS.h> #include <aws/s3/S3Request.h> #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSString.h> #include <aws/s3/model/AnalyticsConfiguration.h> #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSMap.h> #include <utility> namespace Aws { namespace Http { class URI; } //namespace Http namespace S3 { namespace Model { /** */ class AWS_S3_API PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest : public S3Request { public: PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest(); // Service request name is the Operation name which will send this request out, // each operation should has unique request name, so that we can get operation's name from this request. // Note: this is not true for response, multiple operations may have the same response name, // so we can not get operation's name from response. inline virtual const char* GetServiceRequestName() const override { return "PutBucketAnalyticsConfiguration"; } Aws::String SerializePayload() const override; void AddQueryStringParameters(Aws::Http::URI& uri) const override; Aws::Http::HeaderValueCollection GetRequestSpecificHeaders() const override; /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline const Aws::String& GetBucket() const{ return m_bucket; } /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline bool BucketHasBeenSet() const { return m_bucketHasBeenSet; } /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline void SetBucket(const Aws::String& value) { m_bucketHasBeenSet = true; m_bucket = value; } /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline void SetBucket(Aws::String&& value) { m_bucketHasBeenSet = true; m_bucket = std::move(value); } /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline void SetBucket(const char* value) { m_bucketHasBeenSet = true; m_bucket.assign(value); } /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithBucket(const Aws::String& value) { SetBucket(value); return *this;} /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithBucket(Aws::String&& value) { SetBucket(std::move(value)); return *this;} /** * <p>The name of the bucket to which an analytics configuration is stored.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithBucket(const char* value) { SetBucket(value); return *this;} /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline const Aws::String& GetId() const{ return m_id; } /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline bool IdHasBeenSet() const { return m_idHasBeenSet; } /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline void SetId(const Aws::String& value) { m_idHasBeenSet = true; m_id = value; } /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline void SetId(Aws::String&& value) { m_idHasBeenSet = true; m_id = std::move(value); } /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline void SetId(const char* value) { m_idHasBeenSet = true; m_id.assign(value); } /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithId(const Aws::String& value) { SetId(value); return *this;} /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithId(Aws::String&& value) { SetId(std::move(value)); return *this;} /** * <p>The ID that identifies the analytics configuration.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithId(const char* value) { SetId(value); return *this;} /** * <p>The configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter.</p> */ inline const AnalyticsConfiguration& GetAnalyticsConfiguration() const{ return m_analyticsConfiguration; } /** * <p>The configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter.</p> */ inline bool AnalyticsConfigurationHasBeenSet() const { return m_analyticsConfigurationHasBeenSet; } /** * <p>The configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter.</p> */ inline void SetAnalyticsConfiguration(const AnalyticsConfiguration& value) { m_analyticsConfigurationHasBeenSet = true; m_analyticsConfiguration = value; } /** * <p>The configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter.</p> */ inline void SetAnalyticsConfiguration(AnalyticsConfiguration&& value) { m_analyticsConfigurationHasBeenSet = true; m_analyticsConfiguration = std::move(value); } /** * <p>The configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithAnalyticsConfiguration(const AnalyticsConfiguration& value) { SetAnalyticsConfiguration(value); return *this;} /** * <p>The configuration and any analyses for the analytics filter.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithAnalyticsConfiguration(AnalyticsConfiguration&& value) { SetAnalyticsConfiguration(std::move(value)); return *this;} /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline const Aws::String& GetExpectedBucketOwner() const{ return m_expectedBucketOwner; } /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline bool ExpectedBucketOwnerHasBeenSet() const { return m_expectedBucketOwnerHasBeenSet; } /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline void SetExpectedBucketOwner(const Aws::String& value) { m_expectedBucketOwnerHasBeenSet = true; m_expectedBucketOwner = value; } /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline void SetExpectedBucketOwner(Aws::String&& value) { m_expectedBucketOwnerHasBeenSet = true; m_expectedBucketOwner = std::move(value); } /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline void SetExpectedBucketOwner(const char* value) { m_expectedBucketOwnerHasBeenSet = true; m_expectedBucketOwner.assign(value); } /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithExpectedBucketOwner(const Aws::String& value) { SetExpectedBucketOwner(value); return *this;} /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithExpectedBucketOwner(Aws::String&& value) { SetExpectedBucketOwner(std::move(value)); return *this;} /** * <p>The account ID of the expected bucket owner. If the bucket is owned by a * different account, the request will fail with an HTTP <code>403 (Access * Denied)</code> error.</p> */ inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithExpectedBucketOwner(const char* value) { SetExpectedBucketOwner(value); return *this;} inline const Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>& GetCustomizedAccessLogTag() const{ return m_customizedAccessLogTag; } inline bool CustomizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet() const { return m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet; } inline void SetCustomizedAccessLogTag(const Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag = value; } inline void SetCustomizedAccessLogTag(Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>&& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag = std::move(value); } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithCustomizedAccessLogTag(const Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>& value) { SetCustomizedAccessLogTag(value); return *this;} inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& WithCustomizedAccessLogTag(Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>&& value) { SetCustomizedAccessLogTag(std::move(value)); return *this;} inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(const Aws::String& key, const Aws::String& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(key, value); return *this; } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(Aws::String&& key, const Aws::String& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(std::move(key), value); return *this; } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(const Aws::String& key, Aws::String&& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(key, std::move(value)); return *this; } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(Aws::String&& key, Aws::String&& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(std::move(key), std::move(value)); return *this; } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(const char* key, Aws::String&& value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(key, std::move(value)); return *this; } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(Aws::String&& key, const char* value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(std::move(key), value); return *this; } inline PutBucketAnalyticsConfigurationRequest& AddCustomizedAccessLogTag(const char* key, const char* value) { m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet = true; m_customizedAccessLogTag.emplace(key, value); return *this; } private: Aws::String m_bucket; bool m_bucketHasBeenSet; Aws::String m_id; bool m_idHasBeenSet; AnalyticsConfiguration m_analyticsConfiguration; bool m_analyticsConfigurationHasBeenSet; Aws::String m_expectedBucketOwner; bool m_expectedBucketOwnerHasBeenSet; Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String> m_customizedAccessLogTag; bool m_customizedAccessLogTagHasBeenSet; }; } // namespace Model } // namespace S3 } // namespace Aws