 * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.

#pragma once

#include <aws/s3/S3_EXPORTS.h>

#include <aws/core/client/AWSError.h>
#include <aws/core/utils/ARN.h>
#include <aws/s3/S3Errors.h>

namespace Aws
    namespace Utils
        template<typename R, typename E> class Outcome;

    namespace S3
        namespace ARNService
            static const char S3[] = "s3";
            static const char S3_OUTPOSTS[] = "s3-outposts";
            static const char S3_OBJECT_LAMBDA[] = "s3-object-lambda";

        namespace ARNResourceType
            static const char ACCESSPOINT[] = "accesspoint";
            static const char OUTPOST[] = "outpost";

        typedef Aws::Utils::Outcome<bool, Aws::Client::AWSError<S3Errors>> S3ARNOutcome;

        class AWS_S3_API S3ARN : public Aws::Utils::ARN
            S3ARN(const Aws::String& arn);

            const Aws::String& GetResourceType() const { return m_resourceType; }
            const Aws::String& GetResourceId() const { return m_resourceId; }
            const Aws::String& GetSubResourceType() const { return m_subResourceType; }
            const Aws::String& GetSubResourceId() const { return m_subResourceId; }
            const Aws::String& GetResourceQualifier() const { return m_resourceQualifier; }

            // Check if S3ARN is valid.
            S3ARNOutcome Validate() const;
            // Check if S3ARN is valid, and especially, ARN region should match the region specified.
            S3ARNOutcome Validate(const char* region) const;

            void ParseARNResource();

            Aws::String m_resourceType;
            Aws::String m_resourceId;
            Aws::String m_subResourceType;
            Aws::String m_subResourceId;
            Aws::String m_resourceQualifier;