/** * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0. */ #include <aws/core/utils/Document.h> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSStringStream.h> #include <aws/core/utils/StringUtils.h> #include <aws/core/utils/json/JsonSerializer.h> using namespace Aws::Utils; Document::Document() : m_wasParseSuccessful(true) { m_json = nullptr; } Document::Document(cJSON* value) : m_json(cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(value, true /* recurse */)), m_wasParseSuccessful(true) { } Document::Document(const Aws::String& value) : m_wasParseSuccessful(true) { const char* return_parse_end; m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_ParseWithOpts(value.c_str(), &return_parse_end, 1/*require_null_terminated*/); if (!m_json || cJSON_AS4CPP_IsInvalid(m_json)) { m_wasParseSuccessful = false; m_errorMessage = "Failed to parse JSON at: "; m_errorMessage += return_parse_end; } } Document::Document(Aws::IStream& istream) : m_wasParseSuccessful(true) { Aws::StringStream memoryStream; std::copy(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(istream), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::ostreambuf_iterator<char>(memoryStream)); const char* return_parse_end; const auto input = memoryStream.str(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_ParseWithOpts(input.c_str(), &return_parse_end, 1/*require_null_terminated*/); if (!m_json || cJSON_AS4CPP_IsInvalid(m_json)) { m_wasParseSuccessful = false; m_errorMessage = "Failed to parse JSON. Invalid input at: "; m_errorMessage += return_parse_end; } } Document::Document(const Document& value) : m_json(cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(value.m_json, true/*recurse*/)), m_wasParseSuccessful(value.m_wasParseSuccessful), m_errorMessage(value.m_errorMessage) { } Document::Document(Document&& value) : m_json(value.m_json), m_wasParseSuccessful(value.m_wasParseSuccessful), m_errorMessage(std::move(value.m_errorMessage)) { value.m_json = nullptr; } Document::Document(const Json::JsonView& view) : m_json(cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(view.m_value, true/*recurse*/)), m_wasParseSuccessful(true), m_errorMessage({}) { } void Document::Destroy() { cJSON_AS4CPP_Delete(m_json); } Document::~Document() { Destroy(); } Document& Document::operator=(const Document& other) { if (this == &other) { return *this; } Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(other.m_json, true /*recurse*/); m_wasParseSuccessful = other.m_wasParseSuccessful; m_errorMessage = other.m_errorMessage; return *this; } Document& Document::operator=(Document&& other) { if (this == &other) { return *this; } using std::swap; swap(m_json, other.m_json); swap(m_errorMessage, other.m_errorMessage); m_wasParseSuccessful = other.m_wasParseSuccessful; return *this; } Document& Document::operator=(const Json::JsonView& other) { Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(other.m_value, true /*recurse*/); m_wasParseSuccessful = true; m_errorMessage = {}; return *this; } bool Document::operator==(const Document& other) const { return cJSON_AS4CPP_Compare(m_json, other.m_json, true /*case-sensitive*/) != 0; } bool Document::operator!=(const Document& other) const { return !(*this == other); } static void AddOrReplace(cJSON* root, const char* key, cJSON* value) { const auto existing = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(root, key); if (existing) { cJSON_AS4CPP_ReplaceItemInObjectCaseSensitive(root, key, value); } else { cJSON_AS4CPP_AddItemToObject(root, key, value); } } Document& Document::WithString(const char* key, const Aws::String& value) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } const auto val = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateString(value.c_str()); AddOrReplace(m_json, key, val); return *this; } Document& Document::WithString(const Aws::String& key, const Aws::String& value) { return WithString(key.c_str(), value); } Document& Document::AsString(const Aws::String& value) { Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateString(value.c_str()); return *this; } Document& Document::WithBool(const char* key, bool value) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } const auto val = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateBool(value); AddOrReplace(m_json, key, val); return *this; } Document& Document::WithBool(const Aws::String& key, bool value) { return WithBool(key.c_str(), value); } Document& Document::AsBool(bool value) { Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateBool(value); return *this; } Document& Document::WithInteger(const char* key, int value) { return WithDouble(key, static_cast<double>(value)); } Document& Document::WithInteger(const Aws::String& key, int value) { return WithDouble(key.c_str(), static_cast<double>(value)); } Document& Document::AsInteger(int value) { Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateNumber(static_cast<double>(value)); return *this; } Document& Document::WithInt64(const char* key, long long value) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } const auto val = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateInt64(value); AddOrReplace(m_json, key, val); return *this; } Document& Document::WithInt64(const Aws::String& key, long long value) { return WithInt64(key.c_str(), value); } Document& Document::AsInt64(long long value) { Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateInt64(value); return *this; } Document& Document::WithDouble(const char* key, double value) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } const auto val = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateNumber(value); AddOrReplace(m_json, key, val); return *this; } Document& Document::WithDouble(const Aws::String& key, double value) { return WithDouble(key.c_str(), value); } Document& Document::AsDouble(double value) { Destroy(); m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateNumber(value); return *this; } Document& Document::WithArray(const char* key, const Array<Aws::String>& array) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } auto arrayValue = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < array.GetLength(); ++i) { cJSON_AS4CPP_AddItemToArray(arrayValue, cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateString(array[i].c_str())); } AddOrReplace(m_json, key, arrayValue); return *this; } Document& Document::WithArray(const Aws::String& key, const Array<Aws::String>& array) { return WithArray(key.c_str(), array); } Document& Document::WithArray(const Aws::String& key, const Array<Document>& array) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } auto arrayValue = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < array.GetLength(); ++i) { cJSON_AS4CPP_AddItemToArray(arrayValue, cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(array[i].m_json, true /*recurse*/)); } AddOrReplace(m_json, key.c_str(), arrayValue); return *this; } Document& Document::WithArray(const Aws::String& key, Array<Document>&& array) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } auto arrayValue = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < array.GetLength(); ++i) { cJSON_AS4CPP_AddItemToArray(arrayValue, array[i].m_json); array[i].m_json = nullptr; } AddOrReplace(m_json, key.c_str(), arrayValue); return *this; } Document& Document::AsArray(const Array<Document>& array) { auto arrayValue = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < array.GetLength(); ++i) { cJSON_AS4CPP_AddItemToArray(arrayValue, cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(array[i].m_json, true /*recurse*/)); } Destroy(); m_json = arrayValue; return *this; } Document& Document::AsArray(Array<Document>&& array) { auto arrayValue = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateArray(); for (unsigned i = 0; i < array.GetLength(); ++i) { cJSON_AS4CPP_AddItemToArray(arrayValue, array[i].m_json); array[i].m_json = nullptr; } Destroy(); m_json = arrayValue; return *this; } Document& Document::WithObject(const char* key, const Document& value) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } const auto copy = value.m_json == nullptr ? cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject() : cJSON_AS4CPP_Duplicate(value.m_json, true /*recurse*/); AddOrReplace(m_json, key, copy); return *this; } Document& Document::WithObject(const Aws::String& key, const Document& value) { return WithObject(key.c_str(), value); } Document& Document::WithObject(const char* key, Document&& value) { if (!m_json) { m_json = cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject(); } AddOrReplace(m_json, key, value.m_json == nullptr ? cJSON_AS4CPP_CreateObject() : value.m_json); value.m_json = nullptr; return *this; } Document& Document::WithObject(const Aws::String& key, Document&& value) { return WithObject(key.c_str(), std::move(value)); } Document& Document::AsObject(const Document& value) { *this = value; return *this; } Document& Document::AsObject(Document && value) { *this = std::move(value); return *this; } DocumentView Document::View() const { return *this; } DocumentView::DocumentView() : m_json(nullptr) { } DocumentView::DocumentView(const Document& value) : m_json(value.m_json) { } DocumentView::DocumentView(cJSON* v) : m_json(v) { } DocumentView& DocumentView::operator=(const Document& value) { m_json = value.m_json; return *this; } DocumentView& DocumentView::operator=(cJSON* value) { m_json = value; return *this; } Aws::String DocumentView::GetString(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); auto str = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetStringValue(item); return str ? str : ""; } Aws::String DocumentView::AsString() const { const char* str = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetStringValue(m_json); if (str == nullptr) { return {}; } return str; } bool DocumentView::IsString() const { return cJSON_AS4CPP_IsString(m_json) != 0; } bool DocumentView::GetBool(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); assert(item); return item->valueint != 0; } bool DocumentView::AsBool() const { assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsBool(m_json)); return cJSON_AS4CPP_IsTrue(m_json) != 0; } bool DocumentView::IsBool() const { return cJSON_AS4CPP_IsBool(m_json) != 0; } int DocumentView::GetInteger(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); assert(item); return item->valueint; } int DocumentView::AsInteger() const { assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNumber(m_json)); // can be double or value larger than int_max, but at least not UB return m_json->valueint; } bool DocumentView::IsIntegerType() const { if (!cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNumber(m_json)) { return false; } if (m_json->valuestring) { Aws::String valueString = m_json->valuestring; return std::all_of(valueString.begin(), valueString.end(), [](unsigned char c){ return ::isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-'; }); } return m_json->valuedouble == static_cast<long long>(m_json->valuedouble); } int64_t DocumentView::GetInt64(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); assert(item); if (item->valuestring) { return Aws::Utils::StringUtils::ConvertToInt64(item->valuestring); } else { return static_cast<int64_t>(item->valuedouble); } } int64_t DocumentView::AsInt64() const { assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNumber(m_json)); if (m_json->valuestring) { return Aws::Utils::StringUtils::ConvertToInt64(m_json->valuestring); } else { return static_cast<int64_t>(m_json->valuedouble); } } double DocumentView::GetDouble(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); assert(item); return item->valuedouble; } double DocumentView::AsDouble() const { assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNumber(m_json)); return m_json->valuedouble; } bool DocumentView::IsFloatingPointType() const { if (!cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNumber(m_json)) { return false; } if (m_json->valuestring) { Aws::String valueString = m_json->valuestring; return std::any_of(valueString.begin(), valueString.end(), [](unsigned char c){ return !::isdigit(c) && c != '+' && c != '-'; }); } return m_json->valuedouble != static_cast<long long>(m_json->valuedouble); } Array<DocumentView> DocumentView::GetArray(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto array = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsArray(array)); Array<DocumentView> returnArray(cJSON_AS4CPP_GetArraySize(array)); auto element = array->child; for (unsigned i = 0; element && i < returnArray.GetLength(); ++i, element = element->next) { returnArray[i] = element; } return returnArray; } Array<DocumentView> DocumentView::AsArray() const { assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsArray(m_json)); Array<DocumentView> returnArray(cJSON_AS4CPP_GetArraySize(m_json)); auto element = m_json->child; for (unsigned i = 0; element && i < returnArray.GetLength(); ++i, element = element->next) { returnArray[i] = element; } return returnArray; } bool DocumentView::IsListType() const { return cJSON_AS4CPP_IsArray(m_json) != 0; } DocumentView DocumentView::GetObject(const Aws::String& key) const { assert(m_json); auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); return item; } DocumentView DocumentView::AsObject() const { assert(cJSON_AS4CPP_IsObject(m_json) || cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNull(m_json)); return m_json; } bool DocumentView::IsObject() const { return cJSON_AS4CPP_IsObject(m_json) != 0; } bool DocumentView::IsNull() const { return cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNull(m_json) != 0; } Aws::Map<Aws::String, DocumentView> DocumentView::GetAllObjects() const { Aws::Map<Aws::String, DocumentView> valueMap; if (!m_json) { return valueMap; } for (auto iter = m_json->child; iter; iter = iter->next) { valueMap.emplace(std::make_pair(Aws::String(iter->string), DocumentView(iter))); } return valueMap; } bool DocumentView::ValueExists(const Aws::String& key) const { if (!cJSON_AS4CPP_IsObject(m_json)) { return false; } auto item = cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()); return !(item == nullptr || cJSON_AS4CPP_IsNull(item)); } bool DocumentView::KeyExists(const Aws::String& key) const { if (!cJSON_AS4CPP_IsObject(m_json)) { return false; } return cJSON_AS4CPP_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(m_json, key.c_str()) != nullptr;; } Aws::String DocumentView::WriteCompact() const { if (!m_json) { return "null"; } auto temp = cJSON_AS4CPP_PrintUnformatted(m_json); Aws::String out(temp); cJSON_AS4CPP_free(temp); return out; } Aws::String DocumentView::WriteReadable() const { if (!m_json) { return "null"; } auto temp = cJSON_AS4CPP_Print(m_json); Aws::String out(temp); cJSON_AS4CPP_free(temp); return out; } Document DocumentView::Materialize() const { return m_json; }