#include "clickhouse_config.h" #if USE_AWS_S3 #include <IO/S3Common.h> #include <Interpreters/evaluateConstantExpression.h> #include <Interpreters/Context.h> #include <TableFunctions/TableFunctionFactory.h> #include <TableFunctions/TableFunctionS3.h> #include <Interpreters/parseColumnsListForTableFunction.h> #include <Access/Common/AccessFlags.h> #include <Parsers/ASTLiteral.h> #include <Parsers/ASTIdentifier.h> #include <Parsers/ASTFunction.h> #include <Storages/checkAndGetLiteralArgument.h> #include <Storages/StorageS3.h> #include <Storages/StorageURL.h> #include <Storages/NamedCollectionsHelpers.h> #include <Formats/FormatFactory.h> #include "registerTableFunctions.h" #include <Analyzer/FunctionNode.h> #include <Analyzer/TableFunctionNode.h> #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp> namespace DB { namespace ErrorCodes { extern const int NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH; extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR; } std::vector<size_t> TableFunctionS3::skipAnalysisForArguments(const QueryTreeNodePtr & query_node_table_function, ContextPtr) const { auto & table_function_node = query_node_table_function->as<TableFunctionNode &>(); auto & table_function_arguments_nodes = table_function_node.getArguments().getNodes(); size_t table_function_arguments_size = table_function_arguments_nodes.size(); std::vector<size_t> result; for (size_t i = 0; i < table_function_arguments_size; ++i) { auto * function_node = table_function_arguments_nodes[i]->as<FunctionNode>(); if (function_node && function_node->getFunctionName() == "headers") result.push_back(i); } return result; } /// This is needed to avoid copy-pase. Because s3Cluster arguments only differ in additional argument (first) - cluster name void TableFunctionS3::parseArgumentsImpl(ASTs & args, const ContextPtr & context) { if (auto named_collection = tryGetNamedCollectionWithOverrides(args, context)) { StorageS3::processNamedCollectionResult(configuration, *named_collection); if (configuration.format == "auto") { String file_path = named_collection->getOrDefault<String>("filename", Poco::URI(named_collection->get<String>("url")).getPath()); configuration.format = FormatFactory::instance().getFormatFromFileName(file_path, true); } } else { auto * header_it = StorageURL::collectHeaders(args, configuration.headers_from_ast, context); if (header_it != args.end()) args.erase(header_it); if (args.empty() || args.size() > 6) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH, "The signature of table function {} shall be the following:\n{}", getName(), getSignature()); for (auto & arg : args) arg = evaluateConstantExpressionOrIdentifierAsLiteral(arg, context); /// Size -> argument indexes static std::unordered_map<size_t, std::unordered_map<std::string_view, size_t>> size_to_args { {1, {{}}}, {6, {{"access_key_id", 1}, {"secret_access_key", 2}, {"format", 3}, {"structure", 4}, {"compression_method", 5}}} }; std::unordered_map<std::string_view, size_t> args_to_idx; bool no_sign_request = false; /// For 2 arguments we support 2 possible variants: /// - s3(source, format) /// - s3(source, NOSIGN) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's NOSIGN or not. if (args.size() == 2) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/NOSIGN"); if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) no_sign_request = true; else args_to_idx = {{"format", 1}}; } /// For 3 arguments we support 3 possible variants: /// - s3(source, format, structure) /// - s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id) /// - s3(source, NOSIGN, format) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's a format name or not. else if (args.size() == 3) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/access_key_id/NOSIGN"); if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) { no_sign_request = true; args_to_idx = {{"format", 2}}; } else if (second_arg == "auto" || FormatFactory::instance().getAllFormats().contains(second_arg)) args_to_idx = {{"format", 1}, {"structure", 2}}; else args_to_idx = {{"access_key_id", 1}, {"secret_access_key", 2}}; } /// For 4 arguments we support 3 possible variants: /// - s3(source, format, structure, compression_method), /// - s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id, format) /// - s3(source, NOSIGN, format, structure) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's a format name or not. else if (args.size() == 4) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/access_key_id/NOSIGN"); if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) { no_sign_request = true; args_to_idx = {{"format", 2}, {"structure", 3}}; } else if (second_arg == "auto" || FormatFactory::instance().getAllFormats().contains(second_arg)) args_to_idx = {{"format", 1}, {"structure", 2}, {"compression_method", 3}}; else args_to_idx = {{"access_key_id", 1}, {"secret_access_key", 2}, {"format", 3}}; } /// For 5 arguments we support 2 possible variants: /// - s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id, format, structure) /// - s3(source, NOSIGN, format, structure, compression_method) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's a NOSIGN keyword name or not. else if (args.size() == 5) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "NOSIGN/access_key_id"); if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) { no_sign_request = true; args_to_idx = {{"format", 2}, {"structure", 3}, {"compression_method", 4}}; } else args_to_idx = {{"access_key_id", 1}, {"secret_access_key", 2}, {"format", 3}, {"structure", 4}}; } else { args_to_idx = size_to_args[args.size()]; } /// This argument is always the first String url = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[0], "url"); configuration.url = S3::URI(url); if (args_to_idx.contains("format")) { auto format = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[args_to_idx["format"]], "format"); /// Set format to configuration only of it's not 'auto', /// because we can have default format set in configuration. if (format != "auto") configuration.format = format; } if (args_to_idx.contains("structure")) configuration.structure = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[args_to_idx["structure"]], "structure"); if (args_to_idx.contains("compression_method")) configuration.compression_method = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[args_to_idx["compression_method"]], "compression_method"); if (args_to_idx.contains("access_key_id")) configuration.auth_settings.access_key_id = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[args_to_idx["access_key_id"]], "access_key_id"); if (args_to_idx.contains("secret_access_key")) configuration.auth_settings.secret_access_key = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[args_to_idx["secret_access_key"]], "secret_access_key"); configuration.auth_settings.no_sign_request = no_sign_request; if (configuration.format == "auto") configuration.format = FormatFactory::instance().getFormatFromFileName(Poco::URI(url).getPath(), true); } configuration.keys = {configuration.url.key}; } void TableFunctionS3::parseArguments(const ASTPtr & ast_function, ContextPtr context) { /// Clone ast function, because we can modify its arguments like removing headers. auto ast_copy = ast_function->clone(); /// Parse args ASTs & args_func = ast_function->children; if (args_func.size() != 1) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS_DOESNT_MATCH, "Table function '{}' must have arguments.", getName()); auto & args = args_func.at(0)->children; parseArgumentsImpl(args, context); } void TableFunctionS3::addColumnsStructureToArguments(ASTs & args, const String & structure, const ContextPtr & context) { if (tryGetNamedCollectionWithOverrides(args, context)) { /// In case of named collection, just add key-value pair "structure='...'" /// at the end of arguments to override existed structure. ASTs equal_func_args = {std::make_shared<ASTIdentifier>("structure"), std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(structure)}; auto equal_func = makeASTFunction("equals", std::move(equal_func_args)); args.push_back(equal_func); } else { /// If arguments contain headers, just remove it and add to the end of arguments later /// (header argument can be at any position). HTTPHeaderEntries tmp_headers; auto * headers_it = StorageURL::collectHeaders(args, tmp_headers, context); ASTPtr headers_ast; if (headers_it != args.end()) { headers_ast = *headers_it; args.erase(headers_it); } if (args.empty() || args.size() > getMaxNumberOfArguments()) throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Expected 1 to {} arguments in table function, got {}", getMaxNumberOfArguments(), args.size()); auto structure_literal = std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>(structure); /// s3(s3_url) if (args.size() == 1) { /// Add format=auto before structure argument. args.push_back(std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("auto")); args.push_back(structure_literal); } /// s3(s3_url, format) or s3(s3_url, NOSIGN) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's NOSIGN or not. else if (args.size() == 2) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/NOSIGN"); /// If there is NOSIGN, add format=auto before structure. if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) args.push_back(std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("auto")); args.push_back(structure_literal); } /// s3(source, format, structure) or /// s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id) or /// s3(source, NOSIGN, format) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's NOSIGN, format name or neither. else if (args.size() == 3) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/NOSIGN"); if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) { args.push_back(structure_literal); } else if (second_arg == "auto" || FormatFactory::instance().getAllFormats().contains(second_arg)) { args.back() = structure_literal; } else { /// Add format=auto before structure argument. args.push_back(std::make_shared<ASTLiteral>("auto")); args.push_back(structure_literal); } } /// s3(source, format, structure, compression_method) or /// s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id, format) or /// s3(source, NOSIGN, format, structure) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's NOSIGN, format name or neither. else if (args.size() == 4) { auto second_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/NOSIGN"); if (boost::iequals(second_arg, "NOSIGN")) { args.back() = structure_literal; } else if (second_arg == "auto" || FormatFactory::instance().getAllFormats().contains(second_arg)) { args[args.size() - 2] = structure_literal; } else { args.push_back(structure_literal); } } /// s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id, format, structure) or /// s3(source, NOSIGN, format, structure, compression_method) /// We can distinguish them by looking at the 2-nd argument: check if it's a NOSIGN keyword name or not. else if (args.size() == 5) { auto sedond_arg = checkAndGetLiteralArgument<String>(args[1], "format/NOSIGN"); if (boost::iequals(sedond_arg, "NOSIGN")) { args[args.size() - 2] = structure_literal; } else { args.back() = structure_literal; } } /// s3(source, access_key_id, access_key_id, format, structure, compression) else if (args.size() == 6) { args[args.size() - 2] = structure_literal; } if (headers_ast) args.push_back(headers_ast); } } ColumnsDescription TableFunctionS3::getActualTableStructure(ContextPtr context, bool /*is_insert_query*/) const { if (configuration.structure == "auto") { context->checkAccess(getSourceAccessType()); configuration.update(context); return StorageS3::getTableStructureFromData(configuration, std::nullopt, context); } return parseColumnsListFromString(configuration.structure, context); } bool TableFunctionS3::supportsReadingSubsetOfColumns(const ContextPtr & context) { return FormatFactory::instance().checkIfFormatSupportsSubsetOfColumns(configuration.format, context); } StoragePtr TableFunctionS3::executeImpl(const ASTPtr & /*ast_function*/, ContextPtr context, const std::string & table_name, ColumnsDescription cached_columns, bool /*is_insert_query*/) const { S3::URI s3_uri (configuration.url); ColumnsDescription columns; if (configuration.structure != "auto") columns = parseColumnsListFromString(configuration.structure, context); else if (!structure_hint.empty()) columns = structure_hint; else if (!cached_columns.empty()) columns = cached_columns; StoragePtr storage = std::make_shared<StorageS3>( configuration, context, StorageID(getDatabaseName(), table_name), columns, ConstraintsDescription{}, String{}, /// No format_settings for table function S3 std::nullopt); storage->startup(); return storage; } class TableFunctionGCS : public TableFunctionS3 { public: static constexpr auto name = "gcs"; std::string getName() const override { return name; } private: const char * getStorageTypeName() const override { return "GCS"; } }; class TableFunctionCOS : public TableFunctionS3 { public: static constexpr auto name = "cosn"; std::string getName() const override { return name; } private: const char * getStorageTypeName() const override { return "COSN"; } }; class TableFunctionOSS : public TableFunctionS3 { public: static constexpr auto name = "oss"; std::string getName() const override { return name; } private: const char * getStorageTypeName() const override { return "OSS"; } }; void registerTableFunctionGCS(TableFunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction<TableFunctionGCS>( {.documentation = {.description=R"(The table function can be used to read the data stored on Google Cloud Storage.)", .examples{{"gcs", "SELECT * FROM gcs(url, hmac_key, hmac_secret)", ""}}, .categories{"DataLake"}}, .allow_readonly = false}); } void registerTableFunctionS3(TableFunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction<TableFunctionS3>( {.documentation = {.description=R"(The table function can be used to read the data stored on AWS S3.)", .examples{{"s3", "SELECT * FROM s3(url, access_key_id, secret_access_key)", ""}}, .categories{"DataLake"}}, .allow_readonly = false}); } void registerTableFunctionCOS(TableFunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction<TableFunctionCOS>(); } void registerTableFunctionOSS(TableFunctionFactory & factory) { factory.registerFunction<TableFunctionOSS>(); } } #endif