#pragma once
#include <Core/Block.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnVector.h>
#include <Columns/ColumnsCommon.h>
#include <Columns/FilterDescription.h>
#include <Storages/MergeTree/MarkRange.h>

namespace DB

template <typename T>
class ColumnVector;
using ColumnUInt8 = ColumnVector<UInt8>;

class IMergeTreeReader;
class MergeTreeIndexGranularity;
struct PrewhereInfo;
using PrewhereInfoPtr = std::shared_ptr<PrewhereInfo>;

class ExpressionActions;
using ExpressionActionsPtr = std::shared_ptr<ExpressionActions>;

struct PrewhereExprStep
    enum Type

    Type type = Type::Filter;
    ExpressionActionsPtr actions;
    String filter_column_name;

    bool remove_filter_column = false;
    bool need_filter = false;

    /// Some PREWHERE steps should be executed without conversions.
    /// A step without alter conversion cannot be executed after step with alter conversions.
    bool perform_alter_conversions = false;

using PrewhereExprStepPtr = std::shared_ptr<PrewhereExprStep>;
using PrewhereExprSteps = std::vector<PrewhereExprStepPtr>;

/// The same as PrewhereInfo, but with ExpressionActions instead of ActionsDAG
struct PrewhereExprInfo
    PrewhereExprSteps steps;

    std::string dump() const;
    std::string dumpConditions() const;

class FilterWithCachedCount
    ConstantFilterDescription const_description;  /// TODO: ConstantFilterDescription only checks always true/false for const columns
                                                  /// think how to handle when the column in not const but has all 0s or all 1s
    ColumnPtr column = nullptr;
    const IColumn::Filter * data = nullptr;
    mutable size_t cached_count_bytes = -1;

    explicit FilterWithCachedCount() = default;

    explicit FilterWithCachedCount(const ColumnPtr & column_)
        : const_description(*column_)
        ColumnPtr col = column_->convertToFullIfNeeded();
        FilterDescription desc(*col);
        column = desc.data_holder ? desc.data_holder : col;
        data = desc.data;

    bool present() const { return !!column; }

    bool alwaysTrue() const { return const_description.always_true; }
    bool alwaysFalse() const { return const_description.always_false; }

    ColumnPtr getColumn() const { return column; }

    const IColumn::Filter & getData() const { return *data; }

    size_t size() const { return column->size(); }

    size_t countBytesInFilter() const
        if (cached_count_bytes == size_t(-1))
            cached_count_bytes = DB::countBytesInFilter(*data);
        return cached_count_bytes;

/// MergeTreeReader iterator which allows sequential reading for arbitrary number of rows between pairs of marks in the same part.
/// Stores reading state, which can be inside granule. Can skip rows in current granule and start reading from next mark.
/// Used generally for reading number of rows less than index granularity to decrease cache misses for fat blocks.
class MergeTreeRangeReader
        IMergeTreeReader * merge_tree_reader_,
        MergeTreeRangeReader * prev_reader_,
        const PrewhereExprStep * prewhere_info_,
        bool last_reader_in_chain_,
        const Names & non_const_virtual_column_names);

    MergeTreeRangeReader() = default;

    bool isReadingFinished() const;

    size_t numReadRowsInCurrentGranule() const;
    size_t numPendingRowsInCurrentGranule() const;
    size_t numRowsInCurrentGranule() const;
    size_t currentMark() const;

    bool isCurrentRangeFinished() const;
    bool isInitialized() const { return is_initialized; }

    /// Accumulates sequential read() requests to perform a large read instead of multiple small reads
    class DelayedStream
        DelayedStream() = default;
        DelayedStream(size_t from_mark, size_t current_task_last_mark_, IMergeTreeReader * merge_tree_reader);

        /// Read @num_rows rows from @from_mark starting from @offset row
        /// Returns the number of rows added to block.
        /// NOTE: have to return number of rows because block has broken invariant:
        ///       some columns may have different size (for example, default columns may be zero size).
        size_t read(Columns & columns, size_t from_mark, size_t offset, size_t num_rows);

        /// Skip extra rows to current_offset and perform actual reading
        size_t finalize(Columns & columns);

        bool isFinished() const { return is_finished; }

        size_t current_mark = 0;
        /// Offset from current mark in rows
        size_t current_offset = 0;
        /// Num of rows we have to read
        size_t num_delayed_rows = 0;
        /// Last mark from all ranges of current task.
        size_t current_task_last_mark = 0;

        /// Actual reader of data from disk
        IMergeTreeReader * merge_tree_reader = nullptr;
        const MergeTreeIndexGranularity * index_granularity = nullptr;
        bool continue_reading = false;
        bool is_finished = true;

        /// Current position from the begging of file in rows
        size_t position() const;
        size_t readRows(Columns & columns, size_t num_rows);

    /// Very thin wrapper for DelayedStream
    /// Check bounds of read ranges and make steps between marks
    class Stream
        Stream() = default;
        Stream(size_t from_mark, size_t to_mark,
               size_t current_task_last_mark, IMergeTreeReader * merge_tree_reader);

        /// Returns the number of rows added to block.
        size_t read(Columns & columns, size_t num_rows, bool skip_remaining_rows_in_current_granule);
        size_t finalize(Columns & columns);
        void skip(size_t num_rows);

        void finish() { current_mark = last_mark; }
        bool isFinished() const { return current_mark >= last_mark; }

        size_t numReadRowsInCurrentGranule() const { return offset_after_current_mark; }
        size_t numPendingRowsInCurrentGranule() const
            return current_mark_index_granularity - numReadRowsInCurrentGranule();
        size_t numPendingGranules() const { return last_mark - current_mark; }
        size_t numPendingRows() const;
        size_t currentMark() const { return current_mark; }
        UInt64 currentPartOffset() const;
        UInt64 lastPartOffset() const;

        size_t current_mark = 0;
        /// Invariant: offset_after_current_mark + skipped_rows_after_offset < index_granularity
        size_t offset_after_current_mark = 0;

        /// Last mark in current range.
        size_t last_mark = 0;

        IMergeTreeReader * merge_tree_reader = nullptr;
        const MergeTreeIndexGranularity * index_granularity = nullptr;

        size_t current_mark_index_granularity = 0;

        DelayedStream stream;

        void checkNotFinished() const;
        void checkEnoughSpaceInCurrentGranule(size_t num_rows) const;
        size_t readRows(Columns & columns, size_t num_rows);
        void toNextMark();
        size_t ceilRowsToCompleteGranules(size_t rows_num) const;

    /// Statistics after next reading step.
    class ReadResult
        Columns columns;
        size_t num_rows = 0;

        /// The number of rows were added to block as a result of reading chain.
        size_t numReadRows() const { return num_read_rows; }
        /// The number of bytes read from disk.
        size_t numBytesRead() const { return num_bytes_read; }

        /// Only MergeTreeRangeReader is supposed to access ReadResult internals.
        friend class MergeTreeRangeReader;

        using NumRows = std::vector<size_t>;

        struct RangeInfo
            size_t num_granules_read_before_start;
            MarkRange range;

        using RangesInfo = std::vector<RangeInfo>;

        explicit ReadResult(Poco::Logger * log_) : log(log_) {}

        static size_t getLastMark(const MergeTreeRangeReader::ReadResult::RangesInfo & ranges);

        void addGranule(size_t num_rows_);
        void adjustLastGranule();
        void addRows(size_t rows) { num_read_rows += rows; }
        void addRange(const MarkRange & range) { started_ranges.push_back({rows_per_granule.size(), range}); }

        /// Add current step filter to the result and then for each granule calculate the number of filtered rows at the end.
        /// Remove them and update filter.
        /// Apply the filter to the columns and update num_rows if required
        void optimize(const FilterWithCachedCount & current_filter, bool can_read_incomplete_granules);
        /// Remove all rows from granules.
        void clear();

        void setFilterConstTrue();

        void addNumBytesRead(size_t count) { num_bytes_read += count; }

        /// Shrinks columns according to the diff between current and previous rows_per_granule.
        void shrink(Columns & old_columns, const NumRows & rows_per_granule_previous) const;

        /// Applies the filter to the columns and updates num_rows.
        void applyFilter(const FilterWithCachedCount & filter);

        /// Verifies that columns and filter sizes match.
        /// The checks might be non-trivial so it make sense to have the only in debug builds.
        void checkInternalConsistency() const;

        std::string dumpInfo() const;

        /// Contains columns that are not included into result but might be needed for default values calculation.
        Block additional_columns;

        RangesInfo started_ranges;
        /// The number of rows read from each granule.
        /// Granule here is not number of rows between two marks
        /// It's amount of rows per single reading act
        NumRows rows_per_granule;
        /// Sum(rows_per_granule)
        size_t total_rows_per_granule = 0;
        /// The number of rows was read at first step. May be zero if no read columns present in part.
        size_t num_read_rows = 0;
        /// The number of rows was removed from last granule after clear or optimize.
        size_t num_rows_to_skip_in_last_granule = 0;
        /// Without any filtration.
        size_t num_bytes_read = 0;

        /// This filter has the size of total_rows_per_granule. This means that it can be applied to newly read columns.
        /// The result of applying this filter is that only rows that pass all previous filtering steps will remain.
        FilterWithCachedCount final_filter;

        /// This flag is true when prewhere column can be returned without filtering.
        /// It's true when it contains 0s from all filtering steps (not just the step when it was calculated).
        /// NOTE: If we accumulated the final_filter for several steps without applying it then prewhere column calculated at the last step
        /// will not contain 0s from all previous steps.
        bool can_return_prewhere_column_without_filtering = true;

        /// Checks if result columns have current final_filter applied.
        bool filterWasApplied() const { return !final_filter.present() || final_filter.countBytesInFilter() == num_rows; }

        /// Builds updated filter by cutting zeros in granules tails
        void collapseZeroTails(const IColumn::Filter & filter, const NumRows & rows_per_granule_previous, IColumn::Filter & new_filter) const;
        size_t countZeroTails(const IColumn::Filter & filter, NumRows & zero_tails, bool can_read_incomplete_granules) const;
        static size_t numZerosInTail(const UInt8 * begin, const UInt8 * end);

        Poco::Logger * log;

    ReadResult read(size_t max_rows, MarkRanges & ranges);

    const Block & getSampleBlock() const { return result_sample_block; }

    ReadResult startReadingChain(size_t max_rows, MarkRanges & ranges);
    Columns continueReadingChain(const ReadResult & result, size_t & num_rows);
    void executePrewhereActionsAndFilterColumns(ReadResult & result) const;
    void fillPartOffsetColumn(ReadResult & result, UInt64 leading_begin_part_offset, UInt64 leading_end_part_offset);

    IMergeTreeReader * merge_tree_reader = nullptr;
    const MergeTreeIndexGranularity * index_granularity = nullptr;
    MergeTreeRangeReader * prev_reader = nullptr; /// If not nullptr, read from prev_reader firstly.
    const PrewhereExprStep * prewhere_info;

    Stream stream;

    Block read_sample_block;    /// Block with columns that are actually read from disk + non-const virtual columns that are filled at this step.
    Block result_sample_block;  /// Block with columns that are returned by this step.

    bool last_reader_in_chain = false;
    bool is_initialized = false;
    Names non_const_virtual_column_names;

    Poco::Logger * log = &Poco::Logger::get("MergeTreeRangeReader");
