# !!! DISCLAIMER! PLEASE DON'T IGNORE !!! # The FAKEID value is huge hammer. It affects UIDs of all nodes in build graph including, but not limnited to # any resource fetch (think java contrib), build on any language (C++, Python, Java, Go), any code generation. # Any build after this change will pay the price: # - Local builds and Sandbox builds will reload all resources from Sandbox and cached data from YT (if ready). # - Distributed (YT) cache warmup will take signigicant time to catch up and will need to recache everithing. # - Autocheck will rebuild and recache everything. # Use this with extreme care and only change if it is utlimately needed. Consider more specific XXX_FAKEIDs below instead. FAKEID=3141592653 SANDBOX_FAKEID=${FAKEID}.7600000 CPP_FAKEID=9111117 GO_FAKEID=9056219 ANDROID_FAKEID=8821472 CLANG_TIDY_FAKEID=8625699 CURDIR=. MODDIR=. BINDIR=bin:/ SRCDIR= YMAKE=ymake ECHO=echo INCLUDE_EXTS=.h .hh .hpp .rli .cuh .inc .i CPP_EXT=.cpp OBJ_SUF= CFLAGS= EXTRA_C_FLAGS= SFLAGS= AUTOCHECK_BALANCING_OPTIONS= SO_OTPUTS=no @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/settings.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/opensource.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/rules.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/sysincl.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/license.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/ts.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/project_specific/other.conf" USE_GLOBAL_CMD=no when ($OS_WINDOWS != "yes") { USE_GLOBAL_CMD=yes } YMAKE_RESOURCE_BIN=${YMAKE_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/ymake YMAKE_RESOURCE_DIR=build/external_resources/ymake when ($USE_YMAKE_RESOURCE == "yes") { PEERDIR+=${YMAKE_RESOURCE_DIR} } __COMMA__=${comma:""} ARCADIA_TEST_ROOT=../arcadia_tests_data/ DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS=network:restricted cpu:1 ram:32 CC_REQUIREMENTS=$DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS LIB_REQUIREMENTS=$DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS LD_REQUIREMENTS=$DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS JAVA_REQUIREMENTS=$DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS PY_REQUIREMENTS=$DEFAULT_REQUIREMENTS BISON_DATA_DIR=contrib/tools/bison/bison/data CPP_BISON_SKELS=${BISON_DATA_DIR}/glr.cc ${BISON_DATA_DIR}/lalr1.cc ${BISON_DATA_DIR}/yacc.c ${BISON_DATA_DIR}/stack.hh ${BISON_DATA_DIR}/variant.hh ${BISON_DATA_DIR}/c++.m4 ${BISON_DATA_DIR}/c++-skel.m4 USE_PREBUILT_TOOLS=yes when ($OPENSOURCE == "yes") { USE_PREBUILT_TOOLS=no } FAIL_PY2=no _PREBUILT_TOOLS_ROOT=build/prebuilt _TOOL_PROTOC_GEN_GO=vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go _TOOL_RESCOMPILER=tools/rescompiler _TOOL_RESCOMPRESSOR=tools/rescompressor _TOOL_RORESCOMPILER=tools/rorescompiler when ($HOST_ARCH_X86_64 == "yes") { when ($HOST_OS_DARWIN == "yes" || $HOST_OS_LINUX == "yes" || $HOST_OS_WINDOWS == "yes") { VALID_HOST_PLATFORM_FOR_COMMON_PREBUILT_TOOLS=yes when ($USE_PREBUILT_TOOLS == "yes" && $ARCH_X86_64 == "yes") { _TOOL_PROTOC_GEN_GO=${_PREBUILT_TOOLS_ROOT}/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go } } } FAIL_MODULE_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fail_module_cmd.py"} $TARGET ${kv;hide:"p ER"} ${kv;hide:"pc red"} when ($TIDY == "yes") { when ($TIDY_EXPORT_FIXES=="") { TIDY_EXPORT_FIXES="no" } CLANG_TIDY_ARGS=${hide:CLANG_TIDY_FAKEID} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/clang_tidy.py"} "--ymake-python" $YMAKE_PYTHON "--clang-tidy-bin" "$(CLANG_TIDY_BIN)/bin/clang-tidy" "--config-validation-script" ${input:"build/tests/config/clang_tidy/tidy_config_validation.py"} "--testing-src" ${input:SRC} "--source-root" $(SOURCE_ROOT) "--build-root" $(BUILD_ROOT) "--tidy-json" ${output;noauto;suf=${OBJ_CROSS_SUF}${COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX}.tidyjson:SRC} "--export-fixes" $TIDY_EXPORT_FIXES CLANG_TIDY_ARGS+="--default-config-file" ${input:DEFAULT_TIDY_CONFIG} CLANG_TIDY_ARGS+="--project-config-file" ${input:PROJECT_TIDY_CONFIG} when ($TIDY_CHECKS) { CLANG_TIDY_ARGS+="--checks=$TIDY_CHECKS" } when ($TIDY_HEADER_FILTER) { CLANG_TIDY_ARGS+="--header-filter=$TIDY_HEADER_FILTER" } TIDY_VALUE=USE_CONDITIONAL_SRCS } otherwise { CLANG_TIDY_ARGS= TIDY_VALUE= } # tag:codenav when ($CODENAVIGATION && $NOCODENAVIGATION != "yes") { PY_PROGRAM_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE ${kv;hide:"pyndex $TARGET"} YNDEXER_ARGS=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/yndexer.py"} $CPPYNDEXER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/yndexer 1500 $(SOURCE_ROOT) $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT ${input:SRC} YNDEXER_OUTPUT=${output;noauto;suf=${OBJ_CROSS_SUF}.ydx.pb2:SRC} } otherwise { PY_PROGRAM_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE YNDEXER_ARGS= YNDEXER_OUTPUT= } COVERAGE_FLAGS= EXTRA_OUTPUT= when ($CLANG == "yes" || $GCC == "yes") { when ($BUILD_TYPE == "COVERAGE" || $GCOV_COVERAGE) { COVERAGE_FLAGS=-fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage EXTRA_OUTPUT=${output;noauto;hide;suf=${OBJ_CROSS_SUF}${COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX}.gcno:SRC} } } when ($OS_CYGWIN == "yes") { CFLAGS+=-D_LDBL_EQ_DBL=1 -U__STRICT_ANSI__ USE_ASMLIB=no FSTACK= } CFLAGS+=$COVERAGE_FLAGS LDFLAGS+=$COVERAGE_FLAGS CHECKFLAG= LEX_FLAGS= NO_MAPREDUCE= when ($NO_MAPREDUCE == "yes") { C_DEFINES+=-DNO_MAPREDUCE } when ($OS_ANDROID == "yes") { PIE=yes } # TODO: extract to conf/maps/maps.conf when ($MAPSMOBI_BUILD_TARGET == "yes" && $OS_LINUX != "yes") { USE_STL_SYSTEM=yes } when ($MAPSMOBI_BUILD_TARGET == "yes" && $OS_IOS == "yes") { BUILD_IOS_APP=yes when ($ARCH_ARM7 || $ARCH_ARM64) { BOOSTTEST_IS_FAT_OBJECT=yes } } # USE_INTERNAL_STL is an internal flag (set on by default) but may be used externally to # select system standard C++ library when USE_INTERNAL_STL=no is set. # # USE_STL_SYSTEM=yes is a regular way to select system standard C++ library. # when ($USE_STL_SYSTEM == "yes") { USE_INTERNAL_STL=no } when ($USE_INTERNAL_STL == "no") { USE_STL_SYSTEM=yes } otherwise { USE_INTERNAL_STL=yes # TODO: Extract to conf/sysincl.conf # This trigger doesn't work for module level since SYSINCL is processed at # configuration stage (This means that NO_RUNTIME() macro called in ya.make # won't affect SYSINCL and the only way to make this trigger work correctly # is to define configuration varaible NORUNTIME (-DNORUNTIME) on the command # line when `ya make ...` is invoked. when ($NORUNTIME != "yes") { SYSINCL+=build/sysincl/stl-to-libcxx.yml when ($MUSL == "yes") { SYSINCL+=build/sysincl/libc-musl-libcxx.yml } } } # tag:linux-specific when ($OS_LINUX && $OS_SDK == "ubuntu-14" && $MUSL != "yes") { USE_UBUNTU_COMPATIBILITY=yes } USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON=yes USE_ARCADIA_LIBM=no USE_EAT_MY_DATA=no HAVE_MKL= when ($HAVE_MKL == "") { when ($OS_LINUX && $ARCH_X86_64 && !$SANITIZER_TYPE) { HAVE_MKL=yes } otherwise { HAVE_MKL=no } } SFDL_TMP_OUT= ${output;tmp:SRC.tmp} # tag:perl-specific when ($USE_LOCAL_TOOLS == "yes") { PERL=$LOCAL_PERL PERL_VERSION=$LOCAL_PERL_VERSION PERL_PRIVLIB=$LOCAL_PERL_PRIVLIB PERL_ARCHLIB=$LOCAL_PERL_ARCHLIB when ($LOCAL_PERL_LIBS) { PERL_LIBS=$LOCAL_PERL_LIBS } } otherwise { PERL=NO-PERL-SELECTED PERL_VERSION=NO-PERL-SELECTED-VERSION PERL_PRIVLIB=NO-PERL-SELECTED-PRIVLIB PERL_ARCHLIB=NO-PERL-SELECTED-ARCHLIB } # tag:perl-specific PERL_LD_LIBRARY_PATH= PERL_INCLUDE= USE_PERL_SYSTEM=yes when ($USE_PERL_SYSTEM == "yes") { select ($PERL_SDK) { "ubuntu-12" ? { PERL_VERSION=5.14 PERL_ROOT=${SYSTEM_PERL_514_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/perl${PERL_VERSION} PERL_LIB_ARCH= } "ubuntu-14" ? { PERL_VERSION=5.18 PERL_ROOT=${SYSTEM_PERL_518_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/perl${PERL_VERSION} PERL_LIB_ARCH= } "ubuntu-16" ? { PERL_VERSION=5.22 PERL_ROOT=${SYSTEM_PERL_522_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/perl${PERL_VERSION} PERL_LIB_ARCH=/x86_64-linux-gnu } "ubuntu-18" ? { PERL_VERSION=5.26 PERL_ROOT=${SYSTEM_PERL_526_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/perl${PERL_VERSION} PERL_LIB_ARCH=/x86_64-linux-gnu } "ubuntu-20" ? { PERL_VERSION=5.30 PERL_ROOT=${SYSTEM_PERL_530_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/usr PERL_LIB_ARCH=/x86_64-linux-gnu } } PERL=${PERL_ROOT}/bin/perl PERL_ARCHLIB=${PERL_ROOT}/lib$PERL_LIB_ARCH/perl/${PERL_VERSION} PERL_PRIVLIB=${PERL_ROOT}/share/perl/${PERL_VERSION} PERL_LIBS=${PERL_ROOT}/lib${PERL_LIB_ARCH} PERL_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${env:"LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PERL_ROOT}/lib"} # Perl searches it's modules in INC@ paths. They can not be sysrooted or disabled (at least I haven't found a way), # so default Perl module directories should be prepended to perl command lines when using non-local perl. PERL_INCLUDE=-I${PERL_ARCHLIB} -I${PERL_PRIVLIB} } PERL_DEFAULT_PEERDIR=yes # tag:perl-specific PERLSUFFIX=-csuffix .cpp PERLOUTPUT=${stdout;output:SRC.cpp} when ($PERLC == "yes") { PERLSUFFIX=-csuffix .c PERLOUTPUT=${stdout;output:SRC.c} } XSUBPPFLAGS= # tag:tool-specific ARCH_TOOL=${tool:"tools/archiver"} # tag:tool-specific tag:proto PROTOC=${tool:"contrib/tools/protoc"} PROTOC_STYLEGUIDE_OUT=--cpp_styleguide_out=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE PROTOC_PLUGIN_STYLEGUIDE=--plugin=protoc-gen-cpp_styleguide=${tool:"contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/cpp_styleguide"} PROTOBUF_PATH=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/protobuf/src USE_VANILLA_PROTOC=no # tag:tool-specific FML_TOOL=${tool:"tools/relev_fml_codegen"} FML_UNUSED_TOOL=${tool:"tools/relev_fml_unused"} LUA_TOOL=${tool:"tools/lua"} ENUM_PARSER_TOOL=${tool:"tools/enum_parser/enum_parser"} # tag:python-specific tag:cython-specific CYTHON_SCRIPT=${input:"${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/tools/cython/cython.py"} RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES=\ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/compile.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/frameobject.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/longintrepr.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/pyconfig.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/Python.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/pythread.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/structmember.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/libs/python/Include/traceback.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"contrib/tools/cython/generated_c_headers.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"omp.h"} # tag:cython-specific CYTHON_CPP_OUTPUT_INCLUDES=${output_include;hide:"contrib/tools/cython/generated_cpp_headers.h"} # tag:cython-specific CYTHON_OPTIONS= when ($OS_LINUX) { CYTHON_OPTIONS += -E UNAME_SYSNAME=Linux } elsewhen ($OS_DARWIN) { CYTHON_OPTIONS += -E UNAME_SYSNAME=Darwin } elsewhen ($OS_WINDOWS) { CYTHON_OPTIONS += -E UNAME_SYSNAME=Windows } when ($USE_LOCAL_SWIG != "yes") { _SWIG_TOOL=${tool:"contrib/tools/swig"} _SWIG_LIBRARY=contrib/tools/swig/Lib _SWIG_LIBRARY_ABS=$ARCADIA_ROOT/$_SWIG_LIBRARY } otherwise { _SWIG_TOOL=$SWIG_TOOL _SWIG_LIBRARY=$SWIG_LIBRARY _SWIG_LIBRARY_ABS=$SWIG_LIBRARY } SWIG_IMPLICIT_INCLUDES = swig.swg go.swg java.swg perl5.swg python.swg FATAL_ERROR_MODULE=no FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGE= # tag:python-specific # PYTHON_DISTR={ "default" | "macos-brew" } determine python system supply # see build/platform/python/ya.make PYTHON_DISTR="default" when ($USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON) { USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON=no select ($USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON) { "2.7" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON27=yes PY_VERSION=2.7 PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=2.7 } "3.4" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON34=yes PY_VERSION=3.4m PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.4 } "3.5" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON35=yes PY_VERSION=3.5m PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.5 } "3.6" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON36=yes PY_VERSION=3.6m PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.6 } "3.7" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON37=yes PY_VERSION=3.7m PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.7 } "3.8" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON38=yes PY_VERSION=3.8 PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.8 } "3.9" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON39=yes PY_VERSION=3.9 PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.9 } "3.10" ? { _SYSTEM_PYTHON310=yes PY_VERSION=3.10 PY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION=3.10 } default ? { FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGE+=invalid USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON value } } } # tag:python-specific YMAKE_PYTHON3_PEER=build/platform/python/ymake_python3 YMAKE_PYTHON3=$YMAKE_PYTHON3_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/python3 when ($HOST_OS_WINDOWS == "yes") { YMAKE_PYTHON3=$YMAKE_PYTHON3_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/python3.exe } # tag:python-specific when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "no") { SYSINCL+=build/sysincl/python.yml } # tag:allocator DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=LF # tag:allocator when ($OS_ANDROID == "yes" || $MSVC == "yes") { DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=J } # tag:allocator when ($OS_CYGWIN == "yes" || $ARCH_PPC64LE == "yes") { DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=SYSTEM } # tag:allocator when ($OS_DARWIN == "yes") { DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=SYSTEM } # tag:allocator when ($SANITIZER_TYPE) { when ($SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=SYSTEM } } # tag:internal ### @usage: CHECK_CONFIG_H(<conf_header>) # internal ### ### This internal macro adds checking code for configuration header in external (contrib) library. ### The check is needed to avoid conflicts on certain types and functions available in arcadia. ### ### @see https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/build/scripts/check_config_h.py for exact details macro CHECK_CONFIG_H(Conf) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/check_config_h.py"} ${input;rootrel:Conf} ${output;nopath;noext:Conf.config.cpp} ${kv;hide:"p CH"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} OUTPUT_INCLUDES=$Conf } REQUIRED_TRANSITIVE_PEERS= ### @usage REQUIRES(dirs...) ### ### Specify list of dirs which this module must depend on indirectly. ### ### This macro can be used if module depends on the directories specified but they can't be listed ### as direct PEERDIR dependencies (due to public include order or link order issues). macro REQUIRES(DIRS[]) { SET_APPEND(REQUIRED_TRANSITIVE_PEERS $DIRS) } CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS_TYPES= CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS_RESTRICTIONS= ### @usage CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY|ALLOW_ONLY ([ALL|PEERDIRS|GLOB] dir)...) ### ### Specify project transitive dependencies constraints. ### ### @params: ### 1. DENY: current module can not depend on module from any specified directory neither directly nor transitively. ### 2. ALLOW_ONLY: current module can not depend on module from a dir not specified in the directory list neither directly nor transitively. ### 3. ALL: directory constraints following after this modifier are applied to both transitive PEERDIR dependencies and tool dependencies. ### 4. PEERDIRS: directory constraints following after this modifier are applied to transitive PEERDIR dependencies only. ### 5. GLOB: next directory constraint is an ANT glob pattern. ### 6. EXCEPT: next constraint is an excption for the rest of other rules. ### ### Direcory constraints added before either ALL or PEERDIRS modifier is used are treated as ALL directory constraints. ### ### Note: Can be used multiple times on the same module all specified constraints will be checked. ### All macro invocation for the same module must use same constraints type (DENY or ALLOW_ONLY) macro CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(TYPE, ALL?"UNUSED":"", PEERDIRS?"PEERDIRS":"ALL", RESTRICTIONS...) { SET_APPEND(CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS_RESTRICTIONS $PEERDIRS $RESTRICTIONS) SET_APPEND(CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS_TYPES $TYPE) } # tag:proto PY_PROTOS_FOR=no BUILD_PROTO_AS_EVLOG=no # tag:proto PROTO_NAMESPACE= # tag:proto tag:python-specific GEN_PY_PROTOS=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_py_protos.py"} # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific PROTO_HEADER_EXTS=.pb.h CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE= CPP_PROTO_OPTS= CPP_PROTO_OUTS= CPP_PROTO_SUFFIXES=.pb.h .pb.cc CPP_PROTO_PLUGINS= # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific CPP_EV_OPTS=--plugin=protoc-gen-event2cpp=${tool:"tools/event2cpp"} --event2cpp_out=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT/library/cpp/eventlog CPP_EV_OUTS= # tag:proto tag:python-specific PY_PROTO_OPTS= PY_PROTO_OUTS= PY_PROTO_OUTS_INTERNAL= PY_PROTO_DEPS= PY_PROTO_SUFFIXES=_pb2.py PY_EVLOG_SUFFIXES=_ev_pb2.py # tag:proto tag:java-specific JAVA_PROTO_ARGS= # tag:proto tag:python-specific OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS_FLAG=no # tag:built-in ### @usage: RESOURCE([FORCE_TEXT ][Src Key]* [- Key=Value]*) # built-in ### Add data (resources, random files, strings) to the program) ### The common usage is to place Src file into binary. The Key is used to access it using library/cpp/resource or library/python/resource. ### Alternative syntax with '- Key=Value' allows placing Value string as resource data into binary and make it accessible by Key. ### ### This is a simpler but less flexible option than ARCHIVE(), because in the case of ARCHIVE(), you have to use the data explicitly, ### and in the case of RESOURCE(), the data will fall through SRCS() or SRCS(GLOBAL) to binary linking. ### ### Use the FORCE_TEXT parameter to explicitly mark all Src files as text files: they will not be parsed unless used elsewhere. ### ### @example: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/howtowriteyamakefiles/#a2ispolzujjtekomanduresource ### ### @example: ### ### LIBRARY() ### OWNER(user1) ### ### RESOURCE( ### path/to/file1 /key/in/program/1 ### path/to/file2 /key2 ### ) ### END() ### macro RESOURCE(Args...) { PEERDIR(library/cpp/resource) } # tag:internal ### @usage: _ORDER_ADDINCL([BUILD ...] [SOURCE ...] Args...) # internal ### ### Order and filter ADDINCLs (Args - is intentionally omitted in ADDINCL macro) macro _ORDER_ADDINCL(BUILD[], SOURCE[], ARGS...) { ADDINCL($BUILD $SOURCE) } # tag:proto ### @usage: PROTO_ADDINCL([GLOBAL] [WITH_GEN] Path) ### ### This macro introduces proper ADDINCLs for .proto-files found in sources and ### .cpp/.h generated files, supplying them to appropriate commands and allowing ### proper dependency resolution at configure-time. ### ### Note: you normally shouldn't use this macro. ADDINCLs should be sent to user ### from dependency via PROTO_NAMESPACE macro macro PROTO_ADDINCL(GLOBAL?"GLOBAL":"", Path, WITH_GEN?"BUILD":"") { _ORDER_ADDINCL($WITH_GEN $GLOBAL FOR proto ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/$Path SOURCE $GLOBAL FOR proto ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/$Path) ADDINCL($GLOBAL ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/$Path) } # tag:proto ### @usage: PROTO_NAMESPACE([GLOBAL] [WITH_GEN] Namespace) ### ### Defines protobuf namespace (import/export path prefix) which should be used for imports and ### which defines output path for .proto generation. ### ### For proper importing and configure-time depenedency management it sets ADDINCLs ### for both .cpp headers includes and .proto imports. If .proto expected to be used outsed of the ### processing module use GLOBAL to send proper ADDINCLs to all (transitive) users. PEERDIR to ### PROTO_LIBRARY with PROTO_NAMESPACE(GLOBAL ) is enough at user side to correctly use the library. ### If generated .proto files are going to be used for building a module than use of WITH_GEN ### parameter will add appropriate dir from the build root for .proto files search. macro PROTO_NAMESPACE(GLOBAL?"GLOBAL":"", WITH_GEN?"WITH_GEN":"", Namespace) { SET(PROTO_NAMESPACE $Namespace) PROTO_ADDINCL($GLOBAL $WITH_GEN $Namespace) } # tag:proto tag:internal tag:python-specific ### @usage: OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS() # internal ### ### Enable Python proto optimization by embedding corresponding C++ code into binary. ### Python protobuf runtime will use C++ implementation instead of Python one if former is available. ### This is default mode for most PROTO_LIBRARY's and PY2_LIBRARY's, some system ones being exceptions. macro OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS() { SET(OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS_FLAG yes) } # tag:proto tag:python-specific ### @usage: NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS() ### ### Disable Python proto optimization using embedding corresponding C++ code into binary. ### Python protobuf runtime will use C++ implementation instead of Python one if former is available. ### This is default mode only for some system libraries. macro NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS() { SET(OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS_FLAG no) } # tag:proto tag:python-specific macro _PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE(Name, Tool, OutParm...) { .CMD=--plugin=protoc-gen-${Name}=\${tool:"$Tool"} --${Name}_out=$OutParm$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/\$PROTO_NAMESPACE .SEM=ignored } # tag:proto tag:python-specific macro _ADD_PY_PROTO_OUT(Suf) { SET_APPEND(PY_PROTO_OUTS \${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=$Suf:File}) SET_APPEND(PY_PROTO_OUTS_INTERNAL \${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=__int__$Suf:File} \${hide;kv:"ext_out_name_for_\${nopath;noext;suf=__int__$Suf:File} \${nopath;noext;suf=$Suf:File}"}) # XXX fix variable expansion in plugins SET(PY_PROTO_SUFFIXES $PY_PROTO_SUFFIXES $Suf) } # tag:proto tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY_PROTO_PLUGIN(Name Ext Tool DEPS <Dependencies>) ### ### Define protoc plugin for python with given Name that emits extra output with provided Extension ### using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS macro PY_PROTO_PLUGIN(NAME, EXT, TOOL, DEPS[]) { SET_APPEND(PY_PROTO_OPTS $_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE($NAME $TOOL)) _ADD_PY_PROTO_OUT($EXT) # XXX fix variable expansion in plugins SET(PY_PROTO_DEPS $PY_PROTO_DEPS $DEPS) } # tag:proto tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY_PROTO_PLUGIN2(Name Ext1 Ext2 Tool DEPS <Dependencies>) ### ### Define protoc plugin for python with given Name that emits 2 extra outputs with provided Extensions ### using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS macro PY_PROTO_PLUGIN2(NAME, EXT1, EXT2, TOOL, DEPS[]) { PY_PROTO_PLUGIN($NAME $EXT1 $TOOL DEPS $DEPS) _ADD_PY_PROTO_OUT($EXT2) } # tag:proto tag:java-specific macro _JAVA_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE(Name, Tool, OutParm...) { .CMD=--plugin=protoc-gen-${Name}=\${tool:"$Tool"} --${Name}_out=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/java_out } # tag:proto tag:java-specific ### @usage: JAVA_PROTO_PLUGIN(Name Tool DEPS <Dependencies>) ### ### Define protoc plugin for Java with given Name that emits extra outputs ### using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS macro JAVA_PROTO_PLUGIN(NAME, TOOL, DEPS[]) { SET_APPEND(JAVA_PROTO_ARGS $_JAVA_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE($NAME $TOOL)) # XXX fix variable expansion in plugins SET(JAVA_PROTOBUF_PEERS $JAVA_PROTOBUF_PEERS $DEPS) } # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific macro _ADD_CPP_PROTO_OUT(Suf) { SET_APPEND(CPP_PROTO_OUTS \${output;hide;norel;nopath;noext;suf=$Suf:File}) # XXX fix variable expansion in plugins SET(CPP_PROTO_SUFFIXES $CPP_PROTO_SUFFIXES $Suf) } # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific HAS_CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS=no CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS= # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific ### @usage: CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN0(Name Tool DEPS <Dependencies>) ### ### Define protoc plugin for C++ with given Name that emits code into regular outputs ### using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS. macro CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN0(NAME, TOOL, DEPS[]) { .SEM=target_proto_plugin $NAME ${tool;rootrel:TOOL} ${output;hide;suf=.fake.o:NAME} SET_APPEND(CPP_PROTO_OPTS $_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE($NAME $TOOL)) # XXX fix variable expansion in plugins ENABLE(HAS_CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS) SET(CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS $CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS $DEPS) } # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific ### @usage: CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN(Name Tool Suf DEPS <Dependencies>) ### ### Define protoc plugin for C++ with given Name that emits code into 1 extra output ### using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS. macro CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN(NAME, TOOL, SUF, DEPS[]) { CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN0($NAME $TOOL DEPS $DEPS) _ADD_CPP_PROTO_OUT($SUF) } # tag:proto tag:cpp-specific ### @usage: CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN2(Name Tool Suf1 Suf2 DEPS <Dependencies>) ### ### Define protoc plugin for C++ with given Name that emits code into 2 extra outputs ### using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS. macro CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN2(NAME, TOOL, SUF1, SUF2, DEPS[]) { CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN($NAME $TOOL $SUF1 DEPS $DEPS) _ADD_CPP_PROTO_OUT($SUF2) } # tag:proto ### @usage: USE_SKIFF() #wip, do not use ### ### Use mapreduce/yt/skiff_proto/plugin for C++ macro USE_SKIFF() { # Move extra includes to INDUCED_DEPS macro in mapreduce/yt/skiff_proto/plugin/ya.make CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN0(skiff mapreduce/yt/skiff_proto/plugin DEPS mapreduce/yt/skiff_proto/lib) } # tag:go-specific _GO_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS = \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/annotations \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/configchange \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/distribution \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1alpha1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/expr/v1beta1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/httpbody \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/label \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/metric \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/monitoredres \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceconfig \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/servicecontrol/v1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/servicemanagement/v1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/admin/v1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/credentials/v1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/iam/v1/logging \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/logging/type \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/logging/v2 \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/code \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/errdetails \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/rpc/status \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/calendarperiod \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/color \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/date \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/dayofweek \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/expr \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/fraction \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/latlng \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/money \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/postaladdress \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/quaternion \ vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/type/timeofday # tag:go-specific _COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS=None # tag:go-specific ### @usage: USE_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS([apis...]) ### ### Use common-google-apis library set. Pass optional apis list to be used or use them all. ### This macro is properly handled for all languages including Go, where apis come in ## pregenerated form. In other languages apis are generated from sources in Arcadia. macro USE_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS(APIS...) { SET(_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS ${pre=vendor/google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/:APIS}) } # tag:go-specific tag:proto GO_PROTO_GEN_TOOL=$_TOOL_PROTOC_GEN_GO GO_PROTO_GEN_PLUGINS= GO_PROTO_PACKAGE_MAP= GO_PROTO_OPTS=$_GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE(go $GO_PROTO_GEN_TOOL MAP $GO_PROTO_PACKAGE_MAP PLUGINS $GO_PROTO_GEN_PLUGINS) GO_PROTO_OUTS= # tag:go-specific tag:proto GO_PROTOBUF_IMPORTS=\ ${GOSTD}/sync \ ${GOSTD}/reflect \ ${GOSTD}/fmt \ ${GOSTD}/math \ vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/descriptorpb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect # tag:go-specific tag:proto GO_PROTOBUF_WELLKNOWN_TYPES=\ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/anypb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/apipb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/durationpb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/emptypb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/fieldmaskpb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/sourcecontextpb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/structpb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/timestamppb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/typepb \ vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/wrapperspb # tag:go-specific tag:proto ### @usage: GO_PROTO_PLUGIN(Name Ext Tool [DEPS dependencies...]) ### ### Define protoc plugin for GO with given Name that emits extra output with provided extension ### Ext using Tool. Extra dependencies are passed via DEPS. macro GO_PROTO_PLUGIN(NAME, EXT, TOOL, DEPS[]) { SET_APPEND(GO_PROTO_OPTS $_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE($NAME $TOOL)) SET_APPEND(GO_PROTO_OUTS \${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=$EXT:File}) PEERDIR(${DEPS}) } # tag:go-specific tag:proto macro _GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE_IMPL(Name, Tool, PLUGINS...) { .CMD=--plugin=protoc-gen-${Name}=${tool:Tool} --${Name}_out=${join=|:PLUGINS}:${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/$PROTO_NAMESPACE } # tag:go-specific tag:proto macro _GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE_PROXY(Name, Tool, MAP[], PLUGINS[]) { .CMD=$_GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE_IMPL($Name $Tool $MAP ${pre=plugins=:PLUGINS}) } # tag:go-specific tag:proto macro _GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE(Name, Tool, MAP[], PLUGINS[]) { .CMD=$_GO_PROTOC_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE_PROXY($Name $Tool MAP ${pre=M:MAP} PLUGINS ${join=|:PLUGINS}) } # tag:go-specific tag:proto GO_PROTO_CMDLINE=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/go_proto_wrapper.py"} $GO_ARCADIA_PROJECT_PREFIX $GO_CONTRIB_PROJECT_PREFIX ./$PROTO_NAMESPACE $PROTOC -I=./$PROTO_NAMESPACE -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I=$PROTOBUF_PATH ${input;rootrel:File} # tag:go-specific tag:proto macro _GO_PROTO_CMD_IMPL(File, OPTS[], OUTS[]) { .CMD=$GO_PROTO_CMDLINE $OPTS $OUTS ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=${GO_PROTOBUF_IMPORTS} ${GO_PROTOBUF_WELLKNOWN_TYPES} .ADDINCL=FOR proto contrib/libs/protobuf/src } # tag:go-specific tag:proto macro _GO_PROTO_CMD(File) { .CMD=$_GO_PROTO_CMD_IMPL($File OPTS $GO_PROTO_OPTS OUTS $GO_PROTO_OUTS) } # tag:proto ### @usage: YP_PROTO_YSON(Files... OUT_OPTS Opts...) ### ### Genereate .yson.go from .proto using yp/go/yson/internal/proto-yson-gen/cmd/proto-yson-gen macro YP_PROTO_YSON(OUT_OPTS[], Files...) { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $PROTOC --plugin=protoc-gen-custom=${tool:"yp/go/yson/internal/proto-yson-gen/cmd/proto-yson-gen"} -I=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${PROTO_NAMESPACE} ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=${ARCADIA_ROOT} --custom_out="$OUT_OPTS paths=base_name:." --custom_opt="goroot=${GO_TOOLS_ROOT}" ${input:Files} ${output;hide;noauto;nopath;noext;suf=.yson.go:Files} .ADDINCL=FOR proto ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${MODDIR} FOR proto ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${GO_TEST_IMPORT_PATH} FOR proto yt ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/yt FOR proto contrib/libs/protobuf/src .PEERDIR=$GOSTD/strings $GOSTD/fmt $GOSTD/errors $GOSTD/encoding/json library/go/core/xerrors yt/go/yson yt/go/yterrors yp/go/yson/ytypes contrib/libs/protobuf } # tag:proto macro _CPP_PROTO_CMD(File) { .CMD=$CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE $CPP_PROTO_OPTS $CPP_PROTO_OUTS ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .SEM=target_proto_messages PRIVATE ${input:File} ${output;hide;suf=.pb.o:File} ${output;main;hide;norel;nopath;noext:File.pb.h} ${hide;tool:"contrib/tools/protoc/bin"} && set_global_flags COMMON_PROTOC_FLAGS -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT -I=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT && modules_required protobuf.cmake .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/protobuf } # tag:proto macro _CPP_VANILLA_PROTO_CMD(File) { .CMD=$CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE $CPP_PROTO_OPTS $CPP_PROTO_OUTS ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/protobuf_std } # tag:proto macro _CPP_EVLOG_CMD(File) { .CMD=$CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE $CPP_EV_OPTS $CPP_EV_OUTS ${kv;hide:"p EV"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=library/cpp/eventlog contrib/libs/protobuf } # tag:proto macro _CPP_PROTO_EVLOG_CMD(File) { # process .proto as .ev .CMD=$CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE $CPP_EV_OPTS $CPP_PROTO_OUTS ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=library/cpp/eventlog contrib/libs/protobuf } # tag:proto macro _CPP_CFGPROTO_CMD(File) { # keep extension in output just as in EV: this is hard-codeded behaviour of protoc for non-.proto extensions .CMD=$CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE --plugin=protoc-gen-config=${tool:"library/cpp/proto_config/plugin"} --config_out=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE $CPP_EV_OUTS ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=library/cpp/proto_config/codegen library/cpp/proto_config/protos contrib/libs/protobuf } # tag:proto PY_PROTO_MYPY_ENABLED=yes PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_BASE=--plugin=protoc-gen-mypy=${tool:"contrib/python/mypy-protobuf/bin/protoc-gen-mypy"} --mypy_out=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE # tag:proto tag:python-specific PY_PROTO_MYPY_SUFFIX= PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN= PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_INTERNAL= # tag:proto tag:python-specific macro NO_MYPY() { DISABLE(PY_PROTO_MYPY_ENABLED) } # tag:proto tag:python-specific macro _PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE(File, Suf, Args...) { .CMD=$PROTOC -I=./$PROTO_NAMESPACE -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I=$PROTOBUF_PATH --python_out=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE ${input;rootrel:File} ${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=$Suf:File} ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} $Args } # tag:proto tag:python-specific macro _PY_PROTO_CMD(File) { .CMD=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $_PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE($File _pb2.py $PY_PROTO_OPTS $PY_PROTO_OUTS $PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN) } # tag:proto tag:python-specific macro _PY_PROTO_CMD_INTERNAL(File) { .CMD=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $GEN_PY_PROTOS --suffixes $PY_PROTO_SUFFIXES $PY_PROTO_MYPY_SUFFIX -- $_PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE($File __int___pb2.py $PY_PROTO_OPTS $PY_PROTO_OUTS_INTERNAL ${hide;kv:"ext_out_name_for_${nopath;noext;suf=__int___pb2.py:File} ${nopath;noext;suf=_pb2.py:File}"} $PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_INTERNAL) } # tag:proto tag:java-specific JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME= # tag:proto tag:java-specific ### @usage: USE_JAVALITE() ### Use protobuf-javalite for Java macro USE_JAVALITE() { SET(JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME javalite) } # tag:proto tag:java-specific JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION = 3.18.2 JAVA_PROTO_COMMON_VERSION = 1.12.0 when ($JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME == "javalite") { _JAVA_PROTO_OUT_ARG=--java_out=lite: JAVA_PROTOBUF_PEERS=contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION} JAVA_GRPC_STUB=contrib/java/io/grpc/grpc-stub/1.19.0 JAVA_GRPC_PROTOBUF=contrib/java/io/grpc/grpc-protobuf/1.19.0 } otherwise { _JAVA_PROTO_OUT_ARG=--java_out= JAVA_PROTOBUF_PEERS=contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION} JAVA_GRPC_STUB=contrib/java/io/grpc/grpc-stub/1.26.0 JAVA_GRPC_PROTOBUF=contrib/java/io/grpc/grpc-protobuf/1.26.0 } # tag:proto tag:java-specific macro _JAVA_PROTO_CMD(File) { .CMD=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tared_protoc.py"} --tar-output ${output;norel;nopath;noext;suf=.jsrc:File} --protoc-out-dir $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/java_out $PROTOC -I=./$PROTO_NAMESPACE ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT $_JAVA_PROTO_OUT_ARG$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/java_out ${input;rootrel:File} ${kv;hide:"p PB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} $JAVA_PROTO_ARGS } # tag:proto tag:perl-specific tag:deprecated ### @usage: XS_PROTO(InputProto Dir Outputs...) # deprecated ### ### Generate Perl code from protobuf. ### In order to use this macro one should predict all outputs protoc will emit from input_proto file and enlist those as outputs. macro XS_PROTO(File, Dir, Outputs...) { .CMD=$PROTOC -I=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${Dir} ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=${ARCADIA_ROOT} -I=${PROTOBUF_PATH} --perlxs_out=${BINDIR} ${input:File} ${hide;output:Outputs} ${output_include;hide;nopath;noext;suf=.pb.h:File} PEERDIR(${Dir}) ADDINCL(${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/${Dir}) } # tag:proto tag:fbs ### @usage: PROTO2FBS(InputProto) ### ### Produce flatbuf schema out of protobuf description. macro PROTO2FBS(File) { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} ${tool:"contrib/tools/flatc"} -I . -I ${ARCADIA_ROOT} --proto ${input:File} ${output;hide;nopath;noext:File.fbs} ${kv;hide:"p FBS"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:proto tag:python-specific when ($PY_PROTOS_FOR == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/protobuf/python } # tag:python-specific macro _PY_EVLOG_CMD_BASE(File, Suf, Args...) { .CMD=$_PY_PROTO_CMD_BASE($File $Suf $Args) .PEERDIR=library/cpp/eventlog/proto } # tag:python-specific tag:proto macro _PY_EVLOG_CMD(File) { .CMD=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $_PY_EVLOG_CMD_BASE($File _ev_pb2.py) } # tag:python-specific tag:proto macro _PY_EVLOG_CMD_INTERNAL(File) { .CMD=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $GEN_PY_PROTOS --suffixes $PY_EVLOG_SUFFIXES -- $_PY_EVLOG_CMD_BASE($File __int___ev_pb2.py ${hide;kv:"ext_out_name_for_${nopath;noext;suf=__int___ev_pb2.py:File} ${nopath;noext;suf=_ev_pb2.py:File}"}) } # tag:java-specific tag:proto macro _JAVA_EVLOG_CMD(File) { .CMD=$COPY_CMD ${input:File} ${output;nopath;noext;norel;suf=_ev.proto:File} ${kv;hide:"p EV"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=library/cpp/eventlog/proto } # tag:sanitize RUN_NO_SANITIZE=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/run_tool.py"} -- # tag:sanitize when ($IS_CROSS_SANITIZE) { RUN_NO_SANITIZE= } YIELD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/yield_line.py"} -- ${BINDIR}/__args XARGS=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/xargs.py"} -- ${BINDIR}/__args RESPFILE_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/writer.py"} FS_TOOLS=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fs_tools.py"} COPY_CMD=$FS_TOOLS copy LINK_OR_COPY_CMD=$FS_TOOLS link_or_copy REMOVE_FILE=$FS_TOOLS remove MOVE_FILE=$FS_TOOLS rename # tag:allocator tag:windows-specific MSVC_DYNAMICBASE=/DYNAMICBASE when ($ALLOCATOR == "LF") { MSVC_DYNAMICBASE=/DYNAMICBASE:NO } # tag:sanitize SANITIZER_CFLAGS= # tag:proto tag:grpc ### @usage: GRPC() ### ### Emit GRPC code for all .proto files in a PROTO_LIBRARY. ### This works for all available PROTO_LIBRARY versions (C++, Python 2.x, Pyton 3.x, Java and Go). macro GRPC() { # C++ CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN2(grpc_cpp contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/grpc_cpp .grpc.pb.cc .grpc.pb.h DEPS contrib/libs/grpc) # Python PY_PROTO_PLUGIN(grpc_py _pb2_grpc.py contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/grpc_python DEPS contrib/libs/grpc/python contrib/libs/grpc) # Java JAVA_PROTO_PLUGIN(grpc_java contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/grpc_java DEPS $JAVA_GRPC_STUB $JAVA_GRPC_PROTOBUF) } # tag:fbs FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: FLATC_FLAGS(flags...) ### ### Add flags to flatc command line macro FLATC_FLAGS(FLAGS...) { SET_APPEND(FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE $FLAGS) } # tag:fbs _PY_FBS_DEPS=contrib/python/flatbuffers # tag:fbs tag:internal ### @usage: FBS_TO_PYSRC(output_base_name fbs_files...) # internal ### ### Create a tar archive of .py files generated by flatc for Python. Output tar ### archive will have .fbs.pysrc extension. This .fbs.pysrc extension is specially ### processed when --add-flatbuf-result flag is specified on the command line ### for 'ya make ...' (tar archive is extracted to output directory). macro FBS_TO_PYSRC(OUT_NAME, IN_FBS_FILES...) { .CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} ${tool:"contrib/tools/flatc"} --python --gen-mutable ${FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE} ${pre=-I :_FLATC__INCLUDE} -o ${BINDIR} ${input:IN_FBS_FILES} && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_sources.py"} --exts .py --input $BINDIR --output ${output;noauto;tared:OUT_NAME.fbs.pysrc} ${kv;hide:"p FP"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} ${kv;hide:"tared_kind nodir"} } # tag:fbs tag:go-specific # Implicit dependencies of generated code for Go _GO_FLATC_IMPORTS=\ ${GOSTD}/strconv \ vendor/github.com/google/flatbuffers/go # tag:fbs tag:cpp-specific macro _CPP_FLATC_CMD(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/cpp_flatc_wrapper.py"} ${tool:"contrib/tools/flatc"} --no-warnings --cpp --keep-prefix --gen-mutable --schema -b --yandex-maps-iter --gen-object-api --filename-suffix .fbs ${FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE} ${pre=-I :_FLATC__INCLUDE} -o ${output;norel:SRC.h} ${output;hide;norel:SRC.cpp} ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;noext;norel:SRC.iter.fbs.h} ${output;noauto;hide;noext;norel:SRC.bfbs} ${kv;hide:"p FL"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/flatbuffers } # tag:fbs tag:cpp-specific macro _CPP_FLATC64_CMD(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/cpp_flatc_wrapper.py"} ${tool:"contrib/tools/flatc64"} --no-warnings --cpp --keep-prefix --gen-mutable --schema -b --filename-suffix .fbs64 ${FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE} -I ${ARCADIA_ROOT} -I ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} -o ${output;norel:SRC.h} ${output;hide;norel:SRC.cpp} ${input:SRC} ${output;noauto;hide;noext;norel:SRC.bfbs64} ${kv;hide:"p FL64"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/flatbuffers64 } # tag:fbs tag:go-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _GO_FLATC_CMD(fbs_file flags...) # internal ### ### Create a tar archive of .go files generated by flatc for Go. Output tar archive ### wiil have .fbs.gosrc extension. This .fbs.gosrc is specially processed when ### --add-protobuf-result flag is specified on the command line for 'ya make ...' ### (tar archive is extracted to output directory). macro _GO_FLATC_CMD(SRC, PACKAGE_NAME) { .CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} ${tool:"contrib/tools/flatc"} --go --gen-mutable --go-namespace ${PACKAGE_NAME} ${FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE} ${pre=-I :_FLATC__INCLUDE} -o ${BINDIR}/_generated ${input:SRC} && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/postprocess_go_fbs.py"} --input-dir ${BINDIR} --map $_FBS_NAMESPACE_MAP_GLOBAL && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_sources.py"} --flat --input ${BINDIR}/_generated --output ${output;noext;tared:SRC.fbs.gosrc} --exts .go ${kv;hide:"p FG"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} ${kv;hide:"tared_kind nodir"} .PEERDIR=${_GO_FLATC_IMPORTS} } # tag:fbs tag:java-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _JAVA_FLATC_CMD(fbs_file) # internal ### ### Create a tar archive of .java files generated by flatc for Java. Output tar ### acrchive will have .fbs.jsrc extension. Files with .fbs.jsrc extension will ### be added to results when --add-flatbuf-result flag is specified on the command ### line for 'ya make ...' macro _JAVA_FLATC_CMD(SRC) { .CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} ${tool:"contrib/tools/flatc"} --java --gen-mutable ${FLATC_FLAGS_VALUE} ${pre=-I :_FLATC__INCLUDE} -o ${BINDIR} ${input:SRC} && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_sources.py"} --input $BINDIR --output ${output;nopath;noext:SRC.fbs.jsrc} --exts .java ${kv;hide:"p FJ"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} .PEERDIR=contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java/${JAVA_FLATBUFFERS_VERSION} } # variables must be defined for all module types to make generate_mf.py work MODULE_PREFIX= MODULE_SUFFIX= NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS=yes PEERDIR_TEST_TOOL=yes # tag:python-specific PYTHON2=no PYTHON3=no # tag:python-specific when (!$ARCADIA_PYTHON_UNICODE_SIZE) { when ($OS_WINDOWS) { ARCADIA_PYTHON_UNICODE_SIZE=2 } otherwise { ARCADIA_PYTHON_UNICODE_SIZE=4 } } ### @usage: _BARE_UNIT # internal ### ### The base of all modules describing default bare minimum for all modules. ### To avoid surprises, all buildable modules are better to be inherited from it or its descendants. module _BARE_UNIT { .EXTS=.* .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT .IGNORED=GO_PROTO_PLUGIN .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_include .RESTRICTED=GRPC USE_SKIFF INDUCED_DEPS FUZZ_DICTS FUZZ_OPTS PACK DOCS_DIR DOCS_CONFIG DOCS_VARS YT_SPEC USE_CXX USE_UTIL WHOLE_ARCHIVE PRIMARY_OUTPUT SECONDARY_OUTPUT DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT EXCLUDE NO_DOCTESTS EMBED_JAVA_VCS_INFO RESOURCE_FILES PACK_GLOBALS_IN_LIBRARY EXPOSE GLOBAL_DEPS .FINAL_TARGET=no PEERDIR_TAGS=__EMPTY__ when ($FATAL_ERROR_MESSAGE && $FATAL_ERROR_MODULE != "yes") { PEERDIR+=build/conf_fatal_error } DEFAULT(MODULE_VERSION) DEFAULT(MODULE_PREFIX) DEFAULT(MODULE_SUFFIX) } ### @usage: _BASE_UNIT # internal ### ### The base of all LIBRARY/PROGRAM modules describing common logic for all modules. ### To avoid surprises, all buildable modules are better to be inherited from it or its descendants. module _BASE_UNIT: _BARE_UNIT { .GLOBAL=_FBS_NAMESPACE_MAP PEERDIR_TAGS=CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS CPP_SSQLS CPP_IDL PY2 PY2_NATIVE YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB CPP_PROTO_CMDLINE=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $PROTOC -I=./$PROTO_NAMESPACE -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I=$PROTOBUF_PATH --cpp_out=${CPP_PROTO_PLUGINS}$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE $PROTOC_STYLEGUIDE_OUT $PROTOC_PLUGIN_STYLEGUIDE ${input;rootrel:File} CPP_PROTO_OUTS+=${output;hide;norel;nopath;noext:File.pb.cc} ${output;main;hide;norel;nopath;noext:File.pb.h} CPP_EV_OUTS+=${output;hide;norel:File.pb.cc} ${output;hide;norel:File.pb.h} when ($PY_PROTOS_FOR == "yes") { MACRO_ALIAS(EVLOG_CMD _PY_EVLOG_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _PY_PROTO_CMD) } otherwise { MACRO_ALIAS(EVLOG_CMD _CPP_EVLOG_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(FBS_CMD _CPP_FLATC_CMD) when ($BUILD_PROTO_AS_EVLOG == "yes") { MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _CPP_PROTO_EVLOG_CMD) } otherwise { MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _CPP_PROTO_CMD) } when ($USE_VANILLA_PROTOC == "yes") { PROTOC=${tool:"contrib/tools/protoc_std"} PROTOC_STYLEGUIDE_OUT= PROTOC_PLUGIN_STYLEGUIDE= PROTOBUF_PATH=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/protobuf_std MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _CPP_VANILLA_PROTO_CMD) } } SANITIZER_DEFINED=no when ($SANITIZER_TYPE && $SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { CFLAGS+=-fsanitize=$SANITIZER_TYPE -D${SANITIZER_TYPE}_sanitizer_enabled $SANITIZER_CFLAGS -fno-omit-frame-pointer LDFLAGS+=-fsanitize=$SANITIZER_TYPE SANITIZER_DEFINED=yes when ($CLANG) { CFLAGS+=-fsanitize-blacklist=${input:"build/sanitize-blacklist.txt"} LDFLAGS+=-fsanitize-blacklist=${input:"build/sanitize-blacklist.txt"} } } when ($SANITIZE_COVERAGE && $SANITIZE_COVERAGE != "no") { CFLAGS+=-fsanitize-coverage=$SANITIZE_COVERAGE LDFLAGS+=-fsanitize-coverage=$SANITIZE_COVERAGE } when ($CLANG_COVERAGE && $CLANG_COVERAGE != "no") { CFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping -DCLANG_COVERAGE LDFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-generate -fcoverage-mapping } when ($NLG_COVERAGE && $NLG_COVERAGE != "no") { CFLAGS+=-DNLG_COVERAGE } when ($GCC) { select ($SANITIZER_TYPE) { "address" ? { LDFLAGS+=-static-libasan } "undefined" ? { LDFLAGS+=-static-libubsan } "thread" ? { PIE=yes LDFLAGS+=-static-libtsan } } } when ($HARDENING == "yes") { when ($CLANG) { CFLAGS+=-fstack-protector-all -D_hardening_enabled_ LDFLAGS+=-z relro -z now -z noexecstack PIE=yes } } when ($USE_LTO == "yes") { when ($GCC) { CFLAGS+=-flto -fno-fat-lto-objects LDFLAGS+=-flto } when ($CLANG) { CFLAGS+=-flto LDFLAGS+=-flto } } when ($USE_THINLTO == "yes") { when ($GCC) { CFLAGS+=-flto=thin LDFLAGS+=-flto=thin } when ($CLANG) { CFLAGS+=-flto=thin LDFLAGS+=-flto=thin } } when ($CLANG) { when ($PGO_ADD == "yes") { CFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-generate LDFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-generate } when ($PGO_PATH) { CFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-use=$PGO_PATH -Wno-profile-instr-unprofiled -Wno-profile-instr-out-of-date LDFLAGS+=-fprofile-instr-use=$PGO_PATH } } when ($COMPILER_PLATFORM && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=$COMPILER_PLATFORM } when ($OS_LINUX && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/linux-headers } # Adding PEERDIR from trigger doesn't always work. In this case it # cause troubles in contrib/libs/libc_compat/ubuntu_14 under musl # Workaround this issue by setting variable with PEERDIR in trigger # and then adding PEERDIR to it's value unconditionally. when ($USE_UBUNTU_COMPATIBILITY == "yes" && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS == "yes") { _UBUNTU_COMPAT_PEERDIR=contrib/libs/libc_compat/ubuntu_14 } otherwise { _UBUNTU_COMPAT_PEERDIR= } PEERDIR+=$_UBUNTU_COMPAT_PEERDIR when ($NORUNTIME != "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/cxxsupp when ($MAPSMOBI_BUILD_TARGET == "yes") { PEERDIR+=build/platform/mapkit } } when ($NOUTIL != "yes") { PEERDIR+=util } when ($MUSL == "yes") { CFLAGS += -D_musl_ LINK_DYN_LIB_FLAGS += --musl LINK_SCRIPT_EXE_FLAGS += --musl PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/musl/include } # g++ has proxy C-headers which are incompatible with libc++ proxy C-headers. # The same problem exists for clang toolchain. On the other hand, the problem # doesn't affect cl since it has united C/C++ library and doesn't need # proxy C-headers. # Disable all C++ headers including proxy C-headers when we use libc++. when ($USE_INTERNAL_STL == "yes" && $MSVC != "yes") { CXXFLAGS += -nostdinc++ } when ($CODENAVIGATION && $NOCODENAVIGATION != "yes") { PEERDIR += build/external_resources/codenavigation } when ($CYTHON_COVERAGE && $CYTHON_COVERAGE == "yes") { CFLAGS+=-DCYTHON_TRACE=1 -DCYTHON_TRACE_NOGIL=1 } DEFAULT(USE_SSE4 yes) when ($NOSSE != "yes") { CFLAGS+=$SSE_CFLAGS C_DEFINES+=$SSE_DEFINES when ($USE_SSE4 == "yes") { CFLAGS+=$SSE4_CFLAGS C_DEFINES+=$SSE4_DEFINES } } elsewhen ($MSVC != "yes") { CFLAGS += -mno-sse } when ($LIPO == "yes" && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS != "no") { when ($OS_DARWIN == "yes" || $OS_IOS == "yes") { PEERDIR += build/platform/cctools } } _REGISTER_NO_CHECK_IMPORTS() DEFAULT(PACKAGE_PREFIX_ARGS) DEFAULT(BYACC_FLAGS -v) DEFAULT(SWIG_LANG python) DEFAULT(BISON_FLAGS -v) DEFAULT(GP_FLAGS -CtTLANSI-C -Dk* -c) when ($NEED_BINUTILS_PEERDIR && $BINUTILS_USED && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=build/platform/binutils } } _LINKER_ID= # GCC does not support -fuse-ld with an executable path, only # -fuse-ld=bfd or -fuse-ld=gold (or -fuse-ld=lld in later versions). when ($_LINKER_ID != "" && $_DEFAULT_LINKER_ID != "" && $CLANG == "yes" && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS == "yes") { when ($_LINKER_ID in [ "bfd", "gold", "lld" ]) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/${_LINKER_ID} } } macro _USE_LINKER_IMPL(LINKER_ID...) { SET(_LINKER_ID $LINKER_ID) } macro _USE_LINKER() { _USE_LINKER_IMPL($_DEFAULT_LINKER_ID) } ### @usage: USE_LINKER_BFD() ### Use bfd linker for a program. This doesn't work in libraries macro USE_LINKER_BFD() { _USE_LINKER_IMPL(bfd) } ### @usage: USE_LINKER_GOLD() ### Use gold linker for a program. This doesn't work in libraries macro USE_LINKER_GOLD() { _USE_LINKER_IMPL(gold) } ### @usage: USE_LINKER_LLD() ### Use lld linker for a program. This doesn't work in libraries macro USE_LINKER_LLD() { _USE_LINKER_IMPL(lld) } COMMON_LINK_SETTINGS= LINK_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS= LINK_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS_COMMAND= when ($COMMON_LINK_SETTINGS == "yes") { when ($_LINKER_ID == "lld" || $_LINKER_ID == "gold") { LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gdb-index } when ($EMBED_LINKER_CREF == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=-Wl,--cref ${tmp;stdout;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.ldcref:REALPRJNAME} -Wl,--no-demangle LINK_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS+=--add-section=.ya.linker_cref=${tmp;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.ldcref:REALPRJNAME} } elsewhen ($DUMP_LINKER_CREF == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=-Wl,--cref ${output;stdout;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.ldcref:REALPRJNAME} -Wl,--no-demangle } when ($EMBED_LINKER_MAP == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=-Wl,-Map=${tmp;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.map.$_LINKER_ID:REALPRJNAME} LINK_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS+=--add-section=.ya.linker_map.${_LINKER_ID}=${tmp;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.map.$_LINKER_ID:REALPRJNAME} } elsewhen ($DUMP_LINKER_MAP == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=-Wl,-Map=${output;rootrel;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.map.$_LINKER_ID:REALPRJNAME} } when ($USE_MKL == "yes") { NOPLATFORM=yes } when (($USE_EAT_MY_DATA == "yes") && ($WIN32 != "yes") && ($DARWIN != "yes") && ($OS_ANDROID != "yes") && ($OS_IOS != "yes")) { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/libeatmydata/autocheck_wrapper } when ($USE_ARCADIA_LIBM == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/libm } when ($USE_ARCADIA_LIBM == "no") { C_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES+=-lm } when (($MUSL != "yes" && $WITH_VALGRIND == "yes") || $SANITIZER_DEFINED == "yes") { when ($ALLOCATOR in [ "TCMALLOC", "TCMALLOC_SMALL_BUT_SLOW", "TCMALLOC_NUMA_256K", "TCMALLOC_NUMA_LARGE_PAGES", "TCMALLOC_256K", "GOOGLE", "J", "LF", "LF_YT", "LF_DBG", "B", "BM", "C", "LOCKLESS", "YT", "MIM", "HU" ]) { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/system } } otherwise { select ($ALLOCATOR) { "MIM" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/mimalloc } "HU" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/hu } "TCMALLOC_256K" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/tcmalloc PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/tcmalloc } "TCMALLOC_SMALL_BUT_SLOW" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/tcmalloc PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/tcmalloc/small_but_slow } "TCMALLOC_NUMA_256K" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/tcmalloc PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/tcmalloc/numa_256k } "TCMALLOC_NUMA_LARGE_PAGES" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/tcmalloc PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/tcmalloc/numa_large_pages } "TCMALLOC" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/tcmalloc PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/tcmalloc/default } "GOOGLE" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/galloc } "J" ? { when ($WIN32 == "yes") { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/system } otherwise { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/jemalloc } } "LF" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/lfalloc } "LF_YT" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/lfalloc/yt } "LF_DBG" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/lfalloc/dbg } "B" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/balloc } "BM" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/balloc_market } "C" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/calloc } "LOCKLESS" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/lockless } "YT" ? { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/ytalloc/impl } } } when ($ALLOCATOR == "SYSTEM") { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/malloc/system } when ($WERROR != "no") { when ($WERROR_MODE == "all" || ($WERROR_MODE == "compiler_specific" && $WERROR == "yes")) { C_WARNING_OPTS += $WERROR_FLAG } } when ($ICC == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/intel/core } when ($WITH_VALGRIND == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/valgrind } } when ($EMBED_LINKER_MAP == "yes" || $EMBED_LINKER_CREF == "yes") { LINK_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS_COMMAND+= \ $OBJCOPY_TOOL $LINK_ADDITIONAL_SECTIONS $TARGET } _SO_EXT_FILTER=${ext=.so:PEERS} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.so;pre=$BINDIR/:PEERS} when ($OS_WINDOWS == "yes") { _SO_EXT_FILTER=${ext=.dll:PEERS} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.dll;pre=$BINDIR/:PEERS} } elsewhen ($OS_DARWIN == "yes" || $OS_IOS == "yes") { _SO_EXT_FILTER=${ext=.dylib:PEERS} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.dylib;pre=$BINDIR/:PEERS} } LINK_OR_COPY_SO_CMD= when ($SO_OUTPUTS == "yes") { LINK_OR_COPY_SO_CMD=$FS_TOOLS link_or_copy_to_dir --no-check $_SO_EXT_FILTER ${BINDIR} LDFLAGS+=$RPATH_GLOBAL } # tag:restrinced tag:DLL ### $usage: WITH_DYNAMIC_LIBS() # restricted ### ### Include dynamic libraries as extra PROGRAM/DLL outputs macro WITH_DYNAMIC_LIBS() { ENABLE(SO_OUTPUTS) } # tag:internal ### $usage: REAL_LINK_EXE_IMPL(peers...) # internal macro REAL_LINK_EXE_IMPL(WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS...) { .CMD=$REAL_LINK_EXE_CMDLINE && $LINK_OR_COPY_SO_CMD } # tag:internal ### $usage: REAL_LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_IMPL(peers...) # internal macro REAL_LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_IMPL(WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS...) { .CMD=$REAL_LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_CMDLINE } # tag:internal ### $usage: REAL_LINK_DYN_LIB_IMPL(peers...) # internal macro REAL_LINK_DYN_LIB_IMPL(WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS...) { .CMD=$REAL_LINK_DYN_LIB_CMDLINE && $LINK_OR_COPY_SO_CMD } # tag:internal ### $usage: LINK_EXE_IMPL(peers...) # internal macro LINK_EXE_IMPL(WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS...) { .CMD=$LINK_EXE_CMDLINE && $LINK_OR_COPY_SO_CMD } # tag:internal ### $usage: LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_IMPL(peers...) # internal macro LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_IMPL(WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS...) { .CMD=$LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB_CMDLINE } # tag:internal ### @usage: _LINK_UNIT # internal ### ### The base of all linkable modules: programs, DLLs etc. Describes common linking logic. module _LINK_UNIT: _BASE_UNIT { .EXTS=.o .obj .supp .tidyjson .ld .CMD=LINK_EXE .ALLOWED=EXTRALIBS OBJADDE_GLOBAL RESOURCE_FILES .NODE_TYPE=Program .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .FINAL_TARGET=yes .ALIASES=RES_REQUIREMENTS=PY_REQUIREMENTS DEFAULT(ALLOCATOR $DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR) _USE_LINKER() #link with libunwind manually when ($DARWIN == "yes" && $NOPLATFORM != "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/cxxsupp } when ($USE_LIBCXXRT == "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libcxxrt } ENABLE(COMMON_LINK_SETTINGS) CHECK_PROVIDES() } MODULE_TYPE=UNKNOWN macro ADD_CLANG_TIDY() { ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME clang_tidy) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/build/yandex_specific/config/clang_tidy/tidy_project_map.json) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/build/yandex_specific/config/clang_tidy/tidy_default_map.json) } # tag:internal ### @usage: _BASE_PROGRAM # internal ### ### The base of all programs. It adds dependencies to make final artefact complete and runnable. module _BASE_PROGRAM: _LINK_UNIT { .SYMLINK_POLICY=EXE .ALLOWED=INDUCED_DEPS WHOLE_ARCHIVE .GLOBAL=LDFLAGS _WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIBS_VALUE RPATH SET(MODULE_TYPE PROGRAM) when ($OS_IOS == "yes") { EXTS+=.ios.interface } when ($WIN32 == "yes" || $OS_CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.exe } when ($TIDY == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.tidyjson } when ($MSVC != "yes" && $NOPLATFORM != "yes" && $WITH_VALGRIND != "yes" && $USE_ASMLIB != "no" && $MIC_ARCH != "yes" && $PIC != "yes" && $PIE != "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/asmlib } when ($MUSL == "yes") { when ($MUSL_LITE == "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/musl } otherwise { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/musl/full } } DEFAULT(CPU_CHECK yes) when ($USE_SSE4 != "yes" || $NOUTIL == "yes" || $ALLOCATOR == "FAKE") { CPU_CHECK = no } when ($CPU_CHECK == "yes") { PEERDIR += library/cpp/cpuid_check } when ($USE_ARC_PROFILE == "yes" && $NOUTIL != "yes") { PEERDIR += library/cpp/execprofile/autostart } when ($SANITIZER_DEFINED == "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/cxxsupp/libsan } when ($CLANG_COVERAGE && $CLANG_COVERAGE != "no") { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/testing/dump_clang_coverage } when ($IDE_MSVS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=build/scripts/c_templates } when ($_CUSTOM_LINK_STEP_SCRIPT) { LINK_SCRIPT_EXE_FLAGS+=--python=$YMAKE_PYTHON --custom-step=${input:_CUSTOM_LINK_STEP_SCRIPT} } } CPP_PROGRAM_SEM=add_executable $MODDIR $REALPRJNAME ${hide:TARGET} ${hide:AUTO_INPUT} && vcs_info && target_link_flags PUBLIC $OBJADDE_LIB $OBJADDE ### @usage: PROGRAM([progname]) ### ### Regular program module. ### If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory. module PROGRAM: _BASE_PROGRAM { .ALIASES=REQUIREMENTS=CC_REQUIREMENTS .SEM=CPP_PROGRAM_SEM ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME coverage.extractor) ADD_CLANG_TIDY() SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) } # tag:python-specific tag:deprecated tag:internal module _PY2_PROGRAM: _BASE_PY_PROGRAM { .ALIASES=REQUIREMENTS=PY_REQUIREMENTS SET(MODULE_LANG PY2) # Looks like we cannot avoid copy-paste util ymake supports multiple inheritance # We need to attach coverage.extractor to every py_program target, except pytest targets ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME coverage.extractor) } # tag:python-specific tag:deprecated ### @usage: PY2_PROGRAM([progname]) # deprecated ### ### Deprecated. Use PY3_PROGRAM instead. ### Python 2.x binary program. Links all Python 2.x libraries and Python 2.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable. ### If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory. ### This only compatible with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module PY2_PROGRAM: _PY2_PROGRAM { when ($FAIL_PY2 == "yes") { _OK=no } otherwise { PEERDIR+=build/rules/py2_deprecation } ASSERT(_OK You are using deprecated Python2-only code (PY2_PROGRAM). Please consider rewriting to Python 3.) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: NO_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH() ### ### Prevent module using in extended python source search. ### Use the macro if module contains python2-only files (or other python sources which shouldn't be imported by python3 interpreter) ### which resides in the same directories with python 3 usefull code. contrib/python/future is a example. ### Anyway, preferred way is to move such files into separate dir and don't use this macro at all. ### ### Also see: https://docs.yandex-team.ru/ya-make/manual/python/vars#y_python_extended_source_search for details macro NO_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH() { SET(NO_EXTENDED_SOURCE_SEARCH yes) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY3_PROGRAM([progname]) ### ### Python 3.x binary program. Links all Python 3.x libraries and Python 3.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable. ### If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory. ### This only compatible with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ multimodule PY3_PROGRAM { module PY3_BIN: PY3_PROGRAM_BIN { .PEERDIRSELF=PY3_BIN_LIB .IGNORED=RESOURCE RESOURCE_FILES PEERDIR TASKLET_REG # Notify pybuild to skip almost all PY_SRCS arguments except MAIN ENABLE(PROCESS_PY_MAIN_ONLY) _PY_PROGRAM() } module PY3_BIN_LIB: PY3_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=RESTRICT_LICENSES # Notify pybuild to skip all python main function definitions ENABLE(IGNORE_PY_MAIN) _REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_LICENSE() } } # tag:ycr-specific macro _YCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS_INTL(Package, App, Configs...) { .CMD=${tool:"maps/infra/yacare/scripts/make_configs"} $Package $App ${cwd:BINDIR} ${output;hide;pre=debian/$Package/:Configs} } # tag:ycr-specific macro _YCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS(Package, App) { .CMD=$_YCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS_INTL($Package $App ${pre=etc/yandex/maps/yacare/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/template_generator/templates/etc/logrotate.d/:App} ${pre=etc/nginx/sites-available/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/syslog-ng/conf-available/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/template_generator/config.d/:App.yaml} ${pre=/juggler/checks-available/yacare_;suf=/MANIFEST.json:App} ${pre=etc/yandex/maps/roquefort/:App.conf} ${pre=usr/lib/yandex/maps/yacare/lua/init_worker.d/rate_limiter_:App.lua} ${pre=usr/lib/yandex/maps/yacare/lua/init_worker.d/tvm_:App.lua} ${pre=usr/lib/yandex/maps/yacare/lua/init.d/tvm_:App.lua} ${pre=etc/template_generator/templates/etc/supervisor/conf-available/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/template_generator/templates/etc/yandex/unified_agent/conf.d/04_yacare_:App.yml}) } # tag:ycr-specific when ($TIDY=="yes") { YCR_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE } otherwise { YCR_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE && $_YCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME $MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME) } # tag:ycr-specific ### @usage: YCR_PROGRAM([progname]) ### ### yacare-specific program module. Generates yacare configs in addition to producing the program. ### If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory. module YCR_PROGRAM: PROGRAM { .CMD=YCR_LINK_EXE } # tag:ycr-specific tag:python-specific macro _PYCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS_INTL(Package, App, Configs...) { .CMD=${tool:"maps/infra/pycare/scripts/make_configs"} $Package $App ${cwd:BINDIR} ${output;hide;pre=configs/:Configs} } # tag:ycr-specific tag:python-specific macro _PYCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS(Package, App) { .CMD=$_PYCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS_INTL($Package $App ${pre=etc/nginx/sites-available/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/template_generator/templates/etc/logrotate.d/:App} ${pre=etc/syslog-ng/conf-available/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/yandex/maps/roquefort/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/template_generator/config.d/:App.yaml} ${pre=etc/supervisor/conf-available/:App.conf} ${pre=etc/template_generator/templates/etc/yandex/unified_agent/conf.d/04_pycare_:App.yml}) } # tag:ycr-specific tag:python-specific PYCR_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE && $_PYCR_GENERATE_CONFIGS($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME $MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME) # tag:ycr-specific tag:python-specific ### @usage: PYCR_PROGRAM([progname]) ### ### pycare-specific program module. Generates pycare configs in addition to producing the program. ### If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory. module PYCR_PROGRAM: PY3_PROGRAM_BIN { .CMD=PYCR_LINK_EXE } ### @usage: EXPORTS_SCRIPT(exports_file) ### ### Specify exports script within PROGRAM, DLL and DLL-derived modules. ### This accepts 2 kind of files: .exports with <lang symbol> pairs and JSON-line .symlist files. ### The other option use EXPORTS parameter of the DLL module itself. ### ### @see: [DLL](#module_DLL) macro EXPORTS_SCRIPT(Arg) { SET(EXPORTS_FILE $Arg) } ### @usage: NO_EXPORT_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS() ### ### Disable exporting all non-hidden symbols as dynamic when linking a PROGRAM. macro NO_EXPORT_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS() { ENABLE(NO_EXPORT_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS) } ### @usage: EXPORT_ALL_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS() ### ### Export all non-hidden symbols as dynamic when linking a PROGRAM. macro EXPORT_ALL_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS() { # Dummy: default behaviour ENABLE(EXPORT_ALL_DYNAMIC_SYMBOLS) } ### @usage: CUSTOM_LINK_STEP_SCRIPT(name) ### ### Specifies name of a script for custom link step. The scripts ### should be placed in the build/scripts directory and are subject to ### review by devtools@. macro CUSTOM_LINK_STEP_SCRIPT(Name) { SET(_CUSTOM_LINK_STEP_SCRIPT build/scripts/$Name) } ### @usage: _BASE_UNITTEST # internal ### ### Module with base logic for all unit-test modules: it makes code runnable as unit-test by Arcadia testing machinery. module _BASE_UNITTEST: _BASE_PROGRAM { .FINAL_TARGET=no .NODE_TYPE=Program .ALLOWED=YT_SPEC when ($UT_SKIP_EXCEPTIONS == "yes") { C_DEFINES+=-DUT_SKIP_EXCEPTIONS } SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) } UNITTEST_SEM=$CPP_PROGRAM_SEM && add_test NAME $REALPRJNAME COMMAND $REALPRJNAME # tag:test ### @usage: UNITTEST([name]) ### ### Unit test module based on library/cpp/testing/unittest. ### It is recommended not to specify the name. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#opisanievya.make1 module UNITTEST: _BASE_UNITTEST { .SEM=UNITTEST_SEM PEERDIR(library/cpp/testing/unittest_main) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME unittest.py) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) } # tag:yt-specific tag:test ### @usage: YT_UNITTEST([name]) ### ### YT Unit test module based on mapreduce/yt/library/utlib module YT_UNITTEST: _BASE_UNITTEST { PEERDIR(mapreduce/yt/library/utlib) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME unittest.py) } # tag:test ### @usage: UNITTEST_WITH_CUSTOM_ENTRY_POINT([name]) ### ### Generic unit test module. module UNITTEST_WITH_CUSTOM_ENTRY_POINT: _BASE_UNITTEST { ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME unittest.py) } # tag:cpp-specific tag:test ### @usage: GTEST([name]) ### ### Unit test module based on library/cpp/testing/gtest. ### It is recommended not to specify the name. ### ### Documentation: https://docs.yandex-team.ru/arcadia-cpp/cpp_test module GTEST: _BASE_UNITTEST { .SEM=UNITTEST_SEM PEERDIR(library/cpp/testing/gtest library/cpp/testing/gtest_main) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME gunittest) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) } USE_AFL=no # tag:fuzzing ### @usage: FUZZ() ### ### In order to start using Fuzzing in Arcadia, you need to create a FUZZ module with the implementation of the function LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(). ### This module should be reachable by RECURSE from /autocheck project in order for the corpus to be regularly updated. ### AFL and Libfuzzer are supported in Arcadia via a single interface, but the automatic fuzzing still works only through Libfuzzer. ### ### Example: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/contrib/libs/re2/re2/fuzzing/re2_fuzzer.cc?rev=2919463#L58 ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/fuzzing/ module FUZZ: _BASE_PROGRAM { .NODE_TYPE=Program .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALLOWED=FUZZ_DICTS FUZZ_OPTS DEFAULT(LIBFUZZER_PATH contrib/libs/libfuzzer12) when ($USE_AFL == "no") { PEERDIR+=$LIBFUZZER_PATH } when ($USE_AFL == "yes") { PEERDIR+=$LIBFUZZER_PATH/afl } when (!$SANITIZER_TYPE || $SANITIZER_TYPE == "no") { PEERDIR+=devtools/nofuzz } ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME fuzz.test) } # tag:ios-specific PACK_IOS_CMD= when ($OS_IOS && $BUILD_IOS_APP) { PACK_IOS_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/pack_ios.py"} --binary $TARGET --target $TARGET --temp-dir $BINDIR $PEERS } LINK_BOOSTTEST_CMD= BOOST_TEST_TYPE_STRING= when ($BOOSTTEST_IS_FAT_OBJECT) { LINK_BOOSTTEST_CMD=$LINK_RECURSIVE_LIBRARY BOOST_TEST_TYPE_STRING=no.test } otherwise { LINK_BOOSTTEST_CMD=$LINK_EXE BOOST_TEST_TYPE_STRING=boost.test } # tag:deprecated ### @usage: BOOSTTEST([name]) #deprecated ### ### Test module based on boost/test/unit_test.hpp. ### As with entire boost library usage of this technology is deprecated in Arcadia and restricted with configuration error in most of projects. ### No new module of this type should be introduced unless it is explicitly approved by C++ committee. module BOOSTTEST: _BASE_PROGRAM { .NODE_TYPE=Program .FINAL_TARGET=no .CMD=LINK_BOOSTTEST_CMD PEERDIR(library/cpp/testing/boost_test) when ($BOOSTTEST_IS_FAT_OBJECT) { MODULE_SUFFIX=.a } elsewhen ($OS_IOS && $BUILD_IOS_APP) { PEERDIR+=devtools/boosttest_ios_wrapper/library MODULE_SUFFIX=.ios.tar } ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME $BOOST_TEST_TYPE_STRING) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) } # tag:deprecated ### @usage BOOSTTEST_WITH_MAIN([name]) #deprecated ### ### Same as BOOSTTEST (see above), but comes with builtin int main(argc, argv) implementation module BOOSTTEST_WITH_MAIN: BOOSTTEST { PEERDIR(library/cpp/testing/boost_test_main) } FUZZ_DICTS_VALUE= ### @usage: FUZZ_DICTS(path1 [path2...]) ### ### Allows you to specify dictionaries, relative to the root of Arcadia, which will be used in Fuzzing. ### Libfuzzer and AFL use a single syntax for dictionary descriptions. ### Should only be used in FUZZ modules. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/fuzzing/ macro FUZZ_DICTS(Data...) { SET_APPEND(FUZZ_DICTS_VALUE $Data) } FUZZ_OPTS_VALUE= ### @usage: FUZZ_OPTS(opt1 [Opt2...]) ### ### Overrides or adds options to the corpus mining and fuzzer run. ### Currently supported only Libfuzzer, so you should use the options for it. ### Should only be used in FUZZ modules. ### ### @example: ### ### FUZZ_OPTS ( ### -max_len=1024 ### -rss_limit_mb=8192 ### ) ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/fuzzing/ macro FUZZ_OPTS(Data...) { SET_APPEND(FUZZ_OPTS_VALUE $Data) } # tag:yt-specific tag:test TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE= ### @usage: YT_SPEC(path1 [path2...]) ### ### Allows you to specify json-files with YT task and operation specs, ### which will be used to run test node in the YT. ### Test must be marked with ya:yt tag. ### Files must be relative to the root of Arcadia. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro YT_SPEC(Data...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_YT_SPEC_VALUE $Data) } # tag:test TEST_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: TEST_SRCS(Files...) ### ### In PY2TEST, PY3TEST and PY*_LIBRARY modules used as PY_SRCS macro and additionally used to mine test cases to be executed by testing framework. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynapytest macro TEST_SRCS(Tests...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_SRCS_VALUE $Tests) } macro DISABLE_DATA_VALIDATION() { DISABLE(VALIDATE_DATA) } # tag:test TEST_DATA_VALUE= ### @usage: DATA([path...]) ### ### Specifies the path to the data necessary test. ### Valid values are: arcadia/<path> , arcadia_tests_data/<path> and sbr://<resource_id>. ### In the latter case resource will be brought to the working directory of the test before it is started ### ### Used only inside TEST modules. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#dannyeizrepozitorija macro DATA(Data...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_DATA_VALUE $Data) ADD_CHECK(check.data $Data) } # tag:test TEST_TAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: TAG ([tag...]) ### ### Each test can have one or more tags used to filter tests list for running. ### There are also special tags affecting test behaviour, for example ya:external, sb:ssd. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#obshhieponjatija macro TAG(Tags...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_TAGS_VALUE $Tags) } # tag:test TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE= ### @usage: REQUIREMENTS([cpu:<count>] [disk_usage:<size>] [ram:<size>] [ram_disk:<size>] [container:<id>] [network:<restricted|full>] [dns:dns64]) ### ### Allows you to specify the requirements of the test. ### ### Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro REQUIREMENTS(Tags...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE $Tags) } # tag:test TEST_ENV_VALUE= ### @usage: ENV(key[=value]) ### ### Sets env variable key to value (gets value from system env by default). macro ENV(Data...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_ENV_VALUE ${quo:Data}) } ### @usage: CONFTEST_LOAD_POLICY_LOCAL() ### ### Loads conftest.py files in a way that pytest does it macro CONFTEST_LOAD_POLICY_LOCAL() { SET_APPEND(TEST_ENV_VALUE "CONFTEST_LOAD_POLICY=LOCAL") } # tag:test TEST_RECIPES_VALUE= ### @usage: USE_RECIPE(path [arg1 arg2...]) ### ### Provides prepared environment via recipe for test. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/recipes macro USE_RECIPE(Data...) { SET_APPEND(TEST_RECIPES_VALUE $Data) SET_APPEND(TEST_RECIPES_VALUE "USE_RECIPE_DELIM") } # tag:python-specific tag:test TEST_PYTHON_PATH_VALUE= # tag:python-specific tag:test ### @usage: PYTHON_PATH(Path) ### ### Set path to Python that will be used to runs scripts in tests macro PYTHON_PATH(Path) { SET(TEST_PYTHON_PATH_VALUE $Path) } # tag:test SKIP_TEST_VALUE= ### @usage: SKIP_TEST(Reason) ### ### Skip the suite defined by test module. Provide a reason to be output in test execution report. macro SKIP_TEST(Reason...) { SET(SKIP_TEST_VALUE $Reason) } # tag:test LINT_LEVEL_VALUE=extended ### @usage: NO_LINT() ### ### Do not check for style files included in PY_SRCS, TEST_SRCS, JAVA_SRCS. macro NO_LINT() { SET(LINT_LEVEL_VALUE none) } ### @usage: LINT(<none|base|strict>) ### ### Set linting levem for sources of the module macro LINT(level) { SET(LINT_LEVEL_VALUE $level) } # tag:python-specific tag:test ### @usage: NO_DOCTESTS() ### ### Disable doctests in PY[|3|23_]TEST macro NO_DOCTESTS() { ENV(YA_PYTEST_DISABLE_DOCTEST="yes") } # tag:python-specific tag:test ### @usage: _BASE_PYTEST # internal ### ### Base logic of Python 2.x py.test modules: common module properties and dependencies. module _BASE_PYTEST: _BASE_PY_PROGRAM { .NODE_TYPE=Program .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALLOWED=YT_SPEC NO_DOCTESTS when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes") { PEERDIR+=library/python/pytest } when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "no") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.pkg.fake PEERDIR+=library/python/pytest/empty } SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) } # tag:python-specific tag:deprecated tag:test ### @usage: PYTEST_BIN() #deprecated ### ### Same as PY2TEST. Don't use this, use PY2TEST instead. module PYTEST_BIN: _BASE_PYTEST { .NODE_TYPE=Program SETUP_PYTEST_BIN() } # tag:python-specific tag:test ### @usage: PY2TEST([name]) ### ### The test module for Python 2.x based on py.test ### ### This module is compatible only with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects peers from multimodules accordingly. ### This module is compatible with non-Arcadia Python builds. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#python ### Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ module PY2TEST: PYTEST_BIN { when ($FAIL_PY2 == "yes") { _OK=no } otherwise { PEERDIR+=build/rules/py2_deprecation } SET(MODULE_LANG PY2) ASSERT(_OK You are using deprecated Python2-only code (PY2TEST). Please consider rewriting to Python 3.) } # tag:python-specific tag:deprecated tag:test ### @usage: PY3TEST_BIN() #deprecated ### ### Same as PY3TEST. Don't use this, use PY3TEST instead. module PY3TEST_BIN: _BASE_PY3_PROGRAM { .NODE_TYPE=Program .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALLOWED=YT_SPEC NO_DOCTESTS SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) SET(MODULE_LANG PY3) SETUP_PYTEST_BIN() PEERDIR+=library/python/pytest } # tag:python-specific tag:test ### Disable submodules with the specified name(s). ### Unlike EXCLUDE_TAGS this variable: ### - affects all projects in the build; ### - filter by module name and ignore MODULE_TAG. EXCLUDE_SUBMODULES=PY3TEST_LIBRARY # tag:python-specific tag:test ### @usage: PY3TEST([name]) ### ### The test module for Python 3.x based on py.test ### ### This module is compatible only with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects peers from multimodules accordingly. ### This module is only compatible with Arcadia Python build (to avoid tests duplication from Python2/3-tests). For non-Arcadia python use PYTEST. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#testynapytest ### Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ multimodule PY3TEST { module PY3TEST_PROGRAM: PY3TEST_BIN { .FINAL_TARGET=yes } module PY3TEST_LIBRARY: _PY3_LIBRARY { PEERDIR+=library/python/pytest _REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_LICENSE() } } # tag:cpp-specific tag:test module CPP_STYLE_TEST: PY3TEST_BIN { DEPENDS(contrib/libs/clang12/tools/clang-format) PEERDIR+=library/python/cpp_test } macro STYLE(Globs...) { _GLOB(STYLE_SRCS_GLOB ${pre=${ARCADIA_ROOT}:Globs}) _STYLE(${STYLE_SRCS_GLOB}) } # tag:cpp-specific tag:deprecated tag:test ### @usage: GTEST_UGLY([name]) ### ### Deprecated, do not use in new projects. Use GTEST instead. ### ### The test module based on gtest (contrib/libs/gtest contrib/libs/gmock). ### Use public documentation on gtest for details. ### ### Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ module GTEST_UGLY: _BASE_PROGRAM { .NODE_TYPE=Program .FINAL_TARGET=no PEERDIR(contrib/restricted/googletest/googlemock contrib/restricted/googletest/googletest) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME gtest) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) } # tag:test ### @usage: EXECTEST() ### ### Module definition of generic test that executes a binary. ### Use macro RUN to specify binary to run. ### ### @example: ### ### EXECTEST() ### OWNER(g:yatool) ### ### RUN( ### cat input.txt ### ) ### DATA( ### arcadia/devtools/ya/test/tests/exectest/data ### ) ### DEPENDS( ### devtools/dummy_arcadia/cat ### ) ### TEST_CWD(devtools/ya/test/tests/exectest/data) ### END() ### ### More examples: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#exec-testy ### ### @see: [RUN()](#macro_RUN) module EXECTEST: _BARE_UNIT { .NODE_TYPE=Program .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALLOWED=YT_SPEC .RESTRICTED=FORK_TEST_FILES SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .pkg.fake) SETUP_EXECTEST() SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) } # tag:cpp-specific tag:test ### @usage: Y_BENCHMARK([benchmarkname]) ### ### Benchmark test based on the library/cpp/testing/benchmark. ### ### For more details see: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/#zapuskbenchmark module Y_BENCHMARK: PROGRAM { PEERDIR(library/cpp/testing/benchmark/main) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) } # tag:cpp-specific tag:test ### @usage: G_BENCHMARK([benchmarkname]) ### ### Benchmark test based on the google benchmark. ### ### For more details see: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/contrib/libs/benchmark/README.md module G_BENCHMARK: _BASE_PROGRAM { PEERDIR(library/cpp/testing/gbenchmark_main) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME g_benchmark) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) } # tag:test TEST_ROOT=$(TESTS_DATA_ROOT) RESULT_MAX_FILE=0 STRIP_FILES=--dont-strip-files VERIFY_RESULTS=--verify-results ADDITIONAL_PATH= # set for tests variables to fill it by YA_DEV or YA YA_ROOT=ya when ($YA_DEV == "yes") { YA_ROOT=ya-dev } # tag:test ### @usage: UNITTEST_FOR(path/to/lib) ### ### Convenience extension of UNITTEST module. ### The UNINTTEST module with additional SRCDIR + ADDINCL + PEERDIR on path/to/lib. ### path/to/lib is the path to the directory with the LIBRARY project. ### ### Documentation about the Arcadia test system: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ module UNITTEST_FOR: UNITTEST { .SEM=UNITTEST_SEM PEERDIR(ADDINCL $UNITTEST_DIR) SRCDIR($UNITTEST_DIR) } ### @usage: _LIBRARY # internal ### ### Base module definition for all libraries. ### Contains basic logic like module properties, default variable values etc. ### All libraries similar to C++-libraries should be inherited from it. module _LIBRARY: _BASE_UNIT { .CMD=LINK_LIB .NODE_TYPE=Library .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_include .EXTS=.o .obj .a .mf .supp .tidyjson .ld .ALLOWED=GRPC USE_SKIFF EXTRALIBS OBJADDE_GLOBAL RESOURCE_FILES .GLOBAL=USER_CFLAGS USER_CXXFLAGS USER_CONLYFLAGS LDFLAGS SRCS _WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIBS_VALUE RPATH .RESTRICTED=ALLOCATOR SIZE TAG DATA TEST_DATA DEPENDS FORK_TESTS FORK_SUBTESTS SPLIT_FACTOR TEST_CWD RUN TIMEOUT SPLIT_DWARF .FINAL_TARGET=no .GLOBAL_CMD=GLOBAL_LINK_LIB .GLOBAL_EXTS=.o .obj .tidyjson .ALIASES=RES_REQUIREMENTS=PY_REQUIREMENTS GLOBAL_SUFFIX=.global$MODULE_SUFFIX #TODO: Remove this hack (really we do not need add fake src at all) ENABLE(NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC) _REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_LICENSE(contrib/deprecated contrib/libs contrib/restricted contrib/python) CHECK_CONTRIB_CREDITS(contrib/clickhouse contrib/libs contrib/deprecated EXCEPT contrib/deprecated/python) when ($USE_MKL == "yes") { NOPLATFORM=yes } when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX= MODULE_SUFFIX=.lib } otherwise { when ($TIDY == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX= MODULE_SUFFIX=.tidyjson } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.a } } when ($WERROR != "no") { when ($WERROR_MODE == "all" || ($WERROR_MODE == "compiler_specific" && $WERROR == "yes")) { C_WARNING_OPTS += $WERROR_FLAG } } when ($WITH_VALGRIND == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/valgrind } when ($USE_ARCADIA_LIBM == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/libm } } CPP_LIBRARY_SEM=add_library ${MODDIR} $REALPRJNAME ${hide:TARGET} ${hide:AUTO_INPUT} \ && library_fake_marker FAKE_MODULE ${FAKE_MODULE} \ && consumer_link_library PUBLIC $CMAKE_LINK_TARGET \ && target_include_directories PUBLIC $_C__INCLUDE_GLOBAL \ && target_include_directories PRIVATE $_C__INCLUDE_OWNED \ && target_compile_definitions PRIVATE $USER_CFLAGS $USER_CXXFLAGS CPP_OBJ_LIBRARY_SEM=add_global_library_for ${MODDIR} ${suf=.global:REALPRJNAME} $REALPRJNAME ${hide:GLOBAL_TARGET} ${hide:AUTO_INPUT} \ && target_include_directories PUBLIC $_C__INCLUDE_GLOBAL \ && target_include_directories PRIVATE $_C__INCLUDE_OWNED \ && target_compile_definitions PRIVATE $USER_CFLAGS $USER_CXXFLAGS CMAKE_FIND_PKG= CMAKE_LINK_TARGET=$REALPRJNAME CMAKE_FIND_PKG_COMP= CONAN_REQUIRE= ### @usage: LIBRARY() ### ### The regular static library module. ### ### The LIBRARY() is intermediate module, so when built directly it won't build its dependencies. ### It transitively provides its PEERDIRs to ultimate final target, where all LIBRARY() modules are built and linked together. ### ### This is C++ library, and it selects peers from multimodules accordingly. ### ### It makes little sense to mention LIBRARY in DEPENDS or BUNDLE, package and deploy it since it is not a standalone entity. ### In order to use library in tests PEERDIR it to link into tests. ### If you think you need to distribute static library please contact devtools@ for assistance. module LIBRARY: _LIBRARY { .GLOBAL=_AARS _PROGUARD_RULES .ALIASES=REQUIREMENTS=CC_REQUIREMENTS .SEM=CPP_LIBRARY_SEM .GLOBAL_SEM=CPP_OBJ_LIBRARY_SEM when ($CMAKE_PACKAGE_COMPONENT != "") { CMAKE_FIND_PKG_COMP=COMPONENTS $CMAKE_PACKAGE_COMPONENT } when ($CMAKE_PACKAGE != "") { CMAKE_FIND_PKG=find_package $CMAKE_PACKAGE $CMAKE_FIND_PKG_COMP CPP_LIBRARY_SEM=$CONAN_REQUIRE && $CMAKE_FIND_PKG && consumer_link_library PUBLIC $CMAKE_LINK_TARGET && ignored } when ($CONAN_REFERENCE != "") { CONAN_REQUIRE=conan_require $CONAN_REFERENCE CPP_LIBRARY_SEM=$CONAN_REQUIRE && $CMAKE_FIND_PKG && consumer_link_library PUBLIC $CMAKE_LINK_TARGET && ignored } when ($OPENSOURCE_EXPORT == "no") { CPP_LIBRARY_SEM=ignored } when ($HAS_CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=$CPP_PROTOBUF_PEERS } SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) ADD_CLANG_TIDY() } # tag:internal ### @usage: _BARE_MODULE() # internal ### ### Remove unwanted dependencies for "empty" library module macro _BARE_MODULE() { SET(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS no) SET(PEERDIR_TEST_TOOL no) DISABLE(WITH_VALGRIND) NO_CODENAVIGATION() NO_PLATFORM() NO_RUNTIME() NO_UTIL() NO_CLANG_TIDY() } # tag:internal ### @usage: _BARE_LINK_MODULE() # internal ### ### Remove unwanted dependencies for "empty" link module macro _BARE_LINK_MODULE() { _BARE_MODULE() ALLOCATOR(FAKE) } # tag:internal ### @usage: _CONDITIONAL_SRCS([USE_CONDITIONAL_SRCS] Files...) # internal ### ### Adds Files... to SRCS if first word is `USE_CONDITIONAL_SRCS` ### To be used with some variable which is set to `USE_CONDITIONAL_SRCS` under condition macro _CONDITIONAL_SRCS(USE_CONDITIONAL_SRCS[], DYMMY...) { SRCS($USE_CONDITIONAL_SRCS) } # XXX: dirty hack for correct LDFLAGS passing RESOURCES_LIBRARY_LINK=$TOUCH_UNIT ${hide:LDFLAGS_GLOBAL} ${hide:LDFLAGS} RESOURCES_LIBRARY_SEM=ignored ### @usage: RESOURCES_LIBRARY() ### ### Definition of a module that brings its content from external source (Sandbox) via DECLARE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE macro. ### This can participate in PEERDIRs of others as library but it cannot have own sources and PEERDIRs. ### ### @see: [DECLARE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE()](#macro_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE) module RESOURCES_LIBRARY: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=RESOURCES_LIBRARY_LINK .SEM=RESOURCES_LIBRARY_SEM .ALLOWED=DECLARE_EXTERNAL_RESOURCE EXTRALIBS OBJADDE_GLOBAL .RESTRICTED=ALLOCATOR SIZE TAG DATA TEST_DATA DEPENDS FORK_TESTS FORK_SUBTESTS SPLIT_FACTOR TEST_CWD RUN TIMEOUT SRC SRCS PEERDIR SPLIT_DWARF .NODE_TYPE=Library .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_include .EXTS=.o .obj .a .mf .supp .tidyjson .ld .GLOBAL=USER_CFLAGS USER_CXXFLAGS USER_CONLYFLAGS LDFLAGS _WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIBS_VALUE RPATH MODULE_SUFFIX=.pkg.fake ENABLE(NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC) WITHOUT_LICENSE_TEXTS() } FAT_OBJECT_ARGS= FAT_OBJECT_OUTS= macro _FAT_OBJECT_ARGS_BASE(Flag, Lib) { .CMD=$Flag=$Lib } macro PACK_GLOBALS_IN_LIBRARY() { SET_APPEND(FAT_OBJECT_ARGS $_FAT_OBJECT_ARGS_BASE(--globals-lib, ${BINDIR}/${pre=$MODULE_PREFIX:REALPRJNAME.globals.a})) SET_APPEND(FAT_OBJECT_OUTS \${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=$BINDIR:REALPRJNAME.globals.a}) } when ($OS_ANDROID != "yes") { LINK_FAT_OBJECT_CMD=$LINK_FAT_OBJECT } otherwise { LINK_FAT_OBJECT_CMD=$LINK_FAT_OBJECT_LIBRARY } ### @usage: FAT_OBJECT() ### ### The "fat" object module. It will contain all its transitive dependencies reachable by PEERDIRs: ### static libraries, local (from own SRCS) and global (from peers') object files. ### ### Designed for use in XCode projects for iOS. module FAT_OBJECT: LIBRARY { .ALLOWED=PACK_GLOBALS_IN_LIBRARY .CMD=LINK_FAT_OBJECT_CMD .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.global.lib } elsewhen ($OS_ANDROID == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.a } otherwise { MODULE_SUFFIX=.o } _USE_LINKER() # This module requires at least one .o which is not subject to removal so just add _fake_src.cpp as SRCS # ymake's handling of NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC may insert arbitrary command, not necessarily compilation DISABLE(NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC) SRCS(build/scripts/_fake_src.cpp) } ### @usage: RECURSIVE_LIBRARY() ### ### The recursive ("fat") library module. It will contain all its transitive dependencies reachable by PEERDIRs: ### from static libraries, local (from own SRCS) and global (from peers') object files. ### ### Designed for use in XCode projects for iOS. module RECURSIVE_LIBRARY: LIBRARY { .CMD=LINK_RECURSIVE_LIBRARY .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from # This module requires at least one .o which is not subject to removal so just add _fake_src.cpp as SRCS # ymake's handling of NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC may insert arbitrary command, not necessarily compilation DISABLE(NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC) SRCS(build/scripts/_fake_src.cpp) } _SONAME= ### @usage: DLL_UNIT # internal ### ### Base module for all dynamically linked libraries as final artifacts. ### Contains all general logic for such kind of modules. Supports versioning and export files. ### Cannot participate in linking to programs, intended to be used as final artifact (packaged and deployed). module DLL_UNIT: _LINK_UNIT { .CMD=LINK_DYN_LIB .NODE_TYPE=Library .SYMLINK_POLICY=SO .GLOBAL=USER_CFLAGS USER_CXXFLAGS USER_CONLYFLAGS LDFLAGS _WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIBS_VALUE RPATH .ALLOWED=WHOLE_ARCHIVE DYNAMIC_LINK=yes ALLOCATOR(FAKE) SET(MODULE_TYPE DLL) SET(MODULE_TAG DLL) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) ADD_CLANG_TIDY() when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.dll } elsewhen ($DARWIN == "yes" || $OS_IOS == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.dylib } elsewhen ($TIDY == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX= MODULE_SUFFIX=.tidyjson } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.so } # This by now replicates ymake's bahavior. We'll get rid of SONAME setting in ymake and fix this code alltogether SONAME=${pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=$MODULE_SUFFIX:REALPRJNAME} when ($MODULE_VERSION) { LINK_DYN_LIB_FLAGS=--soname ${output;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=$MODULE_SUFFIX$MODULE_VERSION:REALPRJNAME} } _SONAME=$SONAME$MODULE_VERSION when ($LINUX == "yes") { # '-z notext' is needed for linking mkl into shared libraries LDFLAGS += -Wl,-z,notext when ($_NO_FIX_ELF != "yes") { LINK_DYN_LIB_FLAGS+=--fix-elf ${tool:"tools/fix_elf"} } } when ($DARWIN == "yes") { LDFLAGS += -undefined dynamic_lookup } when ($CLANG_COVERAGE && $CLANG_COVERAGE != "no") { PEERDIR+=library/cpp/testing/dump_clang_coverage } when ($IDE_MSVS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=build/scripts/c_templates } } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY_ANY_MODULE(name major_ver [minor_ver] [EXPORTS symlist_file] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### The Python external module for any versio of Arcadia or system Python. ### 1. major_ver and minor_ver must be integers. ### 2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib". ### 3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module ### This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO_LIBRARY. ### ### Note: Use PYTHON2_MODULE()/PYTHON3_MODULE() in order to PEERDIR proper version of PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY. ### Do not PEERDIR any PY*_LIBRARY: this will link Python in and render artifact unusable as Python module. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module PY_ANY_MODULE: DLL_UNIT { when ($MSVC != "yes" && $DARWIN != "yes") { LDFLAGS+= -Wl,-Bsymbolic } when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "no") { when ($USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/python } otherwise { when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=$PYTHON_LIBRARIES } } } # This by now replicates ymake's bahavior. We'll get rid of SONAME setting in ymake and fix this code alltogether SONAME=${pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=$MODULE_SUFFIX:REALPRJNAME} when ($MODULE_VERSION) { LINK_DYN_LIB_FLAGS=--soname ${output;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=$MODULE_SUFFIX$MODULE_VERSION:REALPRJNAME} } _SONAME=$SONAME$MODULE_VERSION # -bundle when ($DARWIN == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=-flat_namespace } when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX= MODULE_SUFFIX=.pyd } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX= MODULE_SUFFIX=.so } .RESTRICTED=USE_PYTHON2 USE_PYTHON3 PY_SRCS PY_MAIN } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY2MODULE(name major_ver [minor_ver] [EXPORTS symlist_file] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### The Python external module for Python2 and any system Python ### 1. major_ver and minor_ver must be integers. ### 2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib". ### 3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module ### This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO_LIBRARY. ### ### Note: this module will always PEERDIR Python2 version of PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY. ### Do not PEERDIR PY2_LIBRARY or PY23_LIBRARY: this will link Python in and render artifact unusable as Python module. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module PY2MODULE: PY_ANY_MODULE { PYTHON2_MODULE() SET(MODULE_LANG PY2) .RESTRICTED=PYTHON3_MODULE PYTHON3_ADDINCL } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY3MODULE(name major_ver [minor_ver] [EXPORTS symlist_file] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### The Python external module for Python3 and any system Python ### 1. major_ver and minor_ver must be integers. ### 2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib". ### 3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module ### This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO_LIBRARY. ### ### Note: this module will always PEERDIR Python3 version of PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY. ### Do not PEERDIR PY3_LIBRARY or PY23_LIBRARY: this will link Python in and render artifact unusable as Python module. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module PY3MODULE: PY_ANY_MODULE { PYTHON3_MODULE() SET(MODULE_LANG PY3) .RESTRICTED=PYTHON2_MODULE PYTHON2_ADDINCL } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PYTHON2_MODULE() ### ### Use in PY_ANY_MODULE to set it up for Python 2.x. macro PYTHON2_MODULE() { when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes" && $MSVC == "yes" || $IS_CROSS_TOOLS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/tools/python/lib } PYTHON2_ADDINCL() } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PYTHON3_MODULE() ### ### Use in PY_ANY_MODULE to set it up for Python 3.x. macro PYTHON3_MODULE() { when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes" && $MSVC == "yes" || $IS_CROSS_TOOLS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/tools/python3/lib } PYTHON3_ADDINCL() } # tag:r-specific ### @usage: R_MODULE(name major_ver [minor_ver] [EXPORTS symlist_file] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### The external module for R language. ### 1. major_ver and minor_ver must be integers. ### 2. The resulting .so will have the prefix "lib". ### 3. Processing EXPORTS and PREFIX is the same as for DLL module ### This is native DLL, so it will select C++ version from PROTO_LIBRARY. module R_MODULE: DLL_UNIT { when ($DARWIN == "yes") { LDFLAGS+=-flat_namespace -dynamiclib } when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.dll } ADDINCL(contrib/libs/r-lang) } ### @usage: DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_FROM(Paths) ### ### Use specified libraries as sources of DLL macro DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_FROM(Path...) { PEERDIR($Path) WHOLE_ARCHIVE($Path) } ### @usage: DLL(name major_ver [minor_ver] [EXPORTS symlist_file] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### Dynamic library module defintion. ### 1. major_ver and minor_ver must be integers. ### 2. EXPORTS allows you to explicitly specify the list of exported functions. This accepts 2 kind of files: .exports with <lang symbol> pairs and JSON-line .symlist files ### 3. PREFIX allows you to change the prefix of the output file (default DLL has the prefix "lib"). ### ### DLL cannot participate in linking to programs but can be used from Java or as final artifact (packaged and deployed). module DLL: DLL_UNIT { SET(MAKE_ONLY_SHARED_LIB yes) SET(MODULE_LANG CPP) when ($OS_WINDOWS) { MODULE_SUFFIX=.dll } # TODO: Make it possible to use this syntax # DEFAULT(DLL_FOR_DIR no) ### FIXME: XXX ###when ($DLL_FOR_DIR != "no") { ### SRCDIR($DLL_FOR_DIR) ### ADDINCL($DLL_FOR_DIR) ###} } ### DLL_TOOL is a DLL that can be used as a LD_PRELOAD tool. module DLL_TOOL: DLL { # ymake resolves only program nodes as tools. .NODE_TYPE=Program } ### @usage: SO_PROGRAM(name major_ver [minor_ver] [EXPORTS symlist_file] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### Executable dynamic library module defintion. ### 1. major_ver and minor_ver must be integers. ### 2. EXPORTS allows you to explicitly specify the list of exported functions. This accepts 2 kind of files: .exports with <lang symbol> pairs and JSON-line .symlist files ### 3. PREFIX allows you to change the prefix of the output file. module SO_PROGRAM: DLL { .CMD=LINK_EXEC_DYN_LIB SET(MODULE_TYPE PROGRAM) MODULE_PREFIX= when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.exe } otherwise { MODULE_SUFFIX= } } DLL_PROXY_CMD_MF=$GENERATE_MF && $COPY_CMD $AUTO_INPUT $TARGET # tag:internal ### @usage: DEV_DLL_PROXY() # internal ### ### The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!! ### This is a temporary and project-specific solution. module DEV_DLL_PROXY: _BARE_UNIT { .NODE_TYPE=Library .EXTS=.so .dll .dylib .mf .CMD=DLL_PROXY_CMD_MF DYNAMIC_LINK=yes when ($OS_WINDOWS == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.dll } elsewhen ($DARWIN == "yes" || $OS_IOS == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.dylib$MODULE_VERSION } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.so$MODULE_VERSION } } # tag:internal ### @usage: DLL_PROXY() # internal ### ### The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!! ### This is a temporary and project-specific solution. module DLL_PROXY: DEV_DLL_PROXY { .EXTS=.so .dylib .lib .mf .PROXY=yes .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from SET(PEERDIR_TAGS DLL __EMPTY__) when ($OS_WINDOWS == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.lib } } # tag:internal ### @usage: DYNAMIC_DEPS(Path...) # internal, temporary ### ### Enlist paths to all DYNAMIC_LIBRARY dependencies of the DYNAMIC_LIBRARY ### This it needed to transfer their outputs through the library to PROGRAM ### or dependent DLL/DYNAMIC_LIBRARY. ### ### Note: this is temporary solution until support of `super-global` variables come ### which will enable transfer of some properies though final targets like DLLs. macro DYNAMIC_DEPS(Path...) { # PEERDIR as macro completely ignored in place where this macro applies SET_APPEND(PEERDIR $Path) } # tag:internal ### @usage: DYNAMIC_LIBRARY() # internal ### ### The use of this module is strictly prohibited except LGPL-related opensourcing ### This provides linkable DLL module which brings its results to programs and tests ### for seamless tesing and packaging multimodule DYNAMIC_LIBRARY { module DLL_BIN: DLL { .PROXY=yes .IGNORED=PROVIDES SET(MODULE_TAG DLL) } module DLL_LIB: _DLL_COMPATIBLE_LIBRARY { .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT_MF .PEERDIRSELF=DLL_BIN .IGNORED=SRCS PEERDIR RUN_PROGRAM PYTHON DYNAMIC_LIBRARY_FROM GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER USE_PYTHON2 USE_PYTHON3 .ALLOWED=DYNAMIC_DEPS SET(PEERDIR_TAGS DLL_LIB __EMPTY__) _BARE_MODULE() DYNAMIC_LINK=yes MODULE_SUFFIX=.pkg.fake PEERDIR+=build/platform/local_so RESTRICT_PATH(contrib devtools/dummy_arcadia MSG Use of this module type outside contrib/libs is prohibited) # disable credits generation for static library SET(CREDITS_FLAGS) } } ### @usage: GLOBAL_SRCS(filenames...) ### ### Make all source files listed as GLOBAL. ### Call to GLOBAL_SRCS macro is equivalent to call to SRCS macro when each source file is marked with GLOBAL keyword. ### Arcadia root relative or project dir relative paths are supported for filenames arguments. GLOBAL keyword is not ### recognized for GLOBAL_SRCS in contrast to SRCS macro. ### ### @example: ### Consider the file to ya.make: ### ### LIBRARY() ### GLOBAL_SRCS(foo.cpp bar.cpp) ### END() ### ### @see: [SRCS()](#macro_SRCS) macro GLOBAL_SRCS(Files...) { SRCS(${pre=GLOBAL :Files}) } ### @usage: ALL_SRCS([GLOBAL] filenames...) ### ### Make all source files listed as GLOBAL or not depending on the keyword GLOBAL ### Call to ALL_SRCS macro is equivalent to call to GLOBAL_SRCS macro when GLOBAL keyword is specified ### as the first argument and is equivalent to call to SRCS macro otherwise. ### ### @example: ### ### LIBRARY() ### SET(MAKE_IT_GLOBAL GLOBAL) ### ALL_SRCS(${MAKE_IT_GLOBAL} foo.cpp bar.cpp) ### END() ### ### @see: [GLOBAL_SRCS()](#macro_GLOBAL_SRCS), [SRCS()](#macro_SRCS) macro ALL_SRCS(GLOBAL?"GLOBAL":"", Files...) { SRCS(${pre=$GLOBAL :Files}) } ### @usage: _DLL_COMPATIBLE_LIBRARY # internal ### ### Base module to place DLLs into multimodules back to back with libraries. ### In order to function properly all modules in multimodule shall have the ### same set of arguments. So this module is just library that accepts but ### ignores all DLL arguments. module _DLL_COMPATIBLE_LIBRARY: LIBRARY { } @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/project_specific/yql_udf.conf" # as SRCS in packages use macro BUNDLE_SRCS! PACKED_PACKAGE_ARGS= PACKED_PACKAGE_EXT= ### @usage: PACK(archive_type) ### ### When placed inside the PACKAGE module, packs the build results tree to the archive with specified extension. Currently supported extensions are `tar` and `tar.gz` ### ### Is not allowed other module types than PACKAGE(). ### ### @see: [PACKAGE()](#module_PACKAGE) macro PACK(Ext) { SET(PACKED_PACKAGE_EXT $Ext) } PACKAGE_STRICT_VALUE= macro PACKAGE_STRICT() { SET(PACKAGE_STRICT_VALUE yes) } ### @usage: PACKAGE(name) ### ### Module collects what is described directly inside it, builds and collects all its transitively available PEERDIRs. ### As a result, build directory of the project gets the structure of the accessible part of Arcadia, where the build result of each PEERDIR is placed to relevant Arcadia subpath. ### The data can be optionally packed if macro PACK() is used. ### ### Is only used together with the macros FILES(), PEERDIR(), COPY(), FROM_SANDBOX(), RUN_PROGRAM or BUNDLE(). Don't use SRCS inside a PACKAGE. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/large-data/ ### ### @see: [PACK()](#macro_PACK) module PACKAGE: _BASE_UNIT { .CMD=TOUCH_PACKAGE_MF .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .ALL_INS_TO_OUT=yes .FINAL_TARGET=yes .ALLOWED=PACK SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .pkg.fake) SET(DONT_RESOLVE_INCLUDES yes) NO_PLATFORM() when ($PACKED_PACKAGE_EXT) { PACKED_PACKAGE_ARGS+=--dest-arch ${output;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.$PACKED_PACKAGE_EXT:REALPRJNAME} } SET(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS no) PEERDIR_TAGS=CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS PY2 PY2_NATIVE YQL_UDF_SHARED __EMPTY__ DOCBOOK JAR_RUNNABLE PY3_BIN PY3TEST_PROGRAM DLL } TOUCH_GROUP=$TOUCH_PACKAGE ${kv;hide:"p CI"} ### @usage: CI_GROUP() ### ### Module collects what is described directly inside it transitively by PEERDIRs. ### No particular layout of built artifacts is implied. This module is needed primarilly for CI dependency analysis and may not trigger builds at all. ### ### Is only used together with the macro PEERDIR() and FILES(). Don't use SRCS inside CI_GROUP(). module CI_GROUP: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=TOUCH_GROUP .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .ALL_INS_TO_OUT=yes .FINAL_TARGET=yes .RESTRICTED=SRCS MODULE_SUFFIX=.ci.pkg.fake PEERDIR_TAGS=CPP_PROTO PY3 PY3_NATIVE YQL_UDF_SHARED __EMPTY__ DOCBOOK JAR_RUNNABLE DLL } TOUCH_UNIT_MF=$TOUCH_UNIT && $GENERATE_MF TOUCH_DOCS=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} ${kv;hide:"p DC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} $TARGET TOUCH_DOCS_MF=$TOUCH_DOCS && $GENERATE_MF # tag:proto ### @usage: RESOLVE_PROTO() ### ### Enable include resolving within UNIONs and let system .proto being resolved ### among .proto/.gztproto imports ### ### Note: it is currently impossible to enbale resolving only for .proto, so resolving is enabled for all supported files ### also we only add ADDINCL for stock protobuf. So use this macro with care: it may cause resolving problems those are ### to be addressed by either ADDINCLs or marking them as TEXT. Please contact devtools for details. macro RESOLVE_PROTO() { SET(DONT_RESOLVE_INCLUDES no) ADDINCL(FOR proto $PROTOBUF_PATH) } ### @usage: UNION(name) ### ### Collection of PEERDIR dependencies, files and artifacts. ### UNION doesn't build its peers, just provides those to modules depending on it. ### When specied in DEPENDS() macro the UNION is transitively closed, building all its peers and providing those by own paths (without adding this module path like PACKAGE does). ### ### Is only used together with the macros like FILES(), PEERDIR(), COPY(), FROM_SANDBOX(), RUN_PROGRAM or BUNDLE(). Don't use SRCS inside a UNION. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/large-data/ module UNION: _BASE_UNIT { .ALL_INS_TO_OUT=yes .FINAL_TARGET=no NO_PLATFORM() SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .pkg.fake) SET(DONT_RESOLVE_INCLUDES yes) .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT_MF SET(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS no) PEERDIR_TAGS=CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS PY2 PY2_NATIVE YQL_UDF_SHARED __EMPTY__ DOCBOOK JAR_RUNABLE PY3_BIN DLL } # tag:python-specific module _PY_PACKAGE: UNION { .EXTS=.py .ALL_INS_TO_OUT=yes .ALLOWED=GRPC USE_SKIFF ENABLE(PY_PROTOS_FOR) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY_PROTO) SET(DONT_RESOLVE_INCLUDES no) } # tag:python-specific tag:deprecated tag:internal ### @usage: PY_PACKAGE(name) # internal, deprecated ### ### This is module created via PY_PROTOS_FOR() macro module PY_PACKAGE: _PY_PACKAGE { .FINAL_TARGET=yes } # tag:internal ### @usage: _SET_FIRST_VALUE(name args...) # interanl ### ### This macro sets the value of `name` vraiable to the value of next argument macro _SET_FIRST_VALUE(NAME, VALUE, OTHER...) { SET($NAME $VALUE) } # tag:internal macro _EVAL_HIDE_TOOLS(ARGS...) { .CMD=${tool;hide:ARGS} } # tag:internal macro _EVAL_HIDE_INPUTS(ARGS...) { .CMD=${input;hide:ARGS} } # tag:docs _DOCS_USE_PLANTUML=no _DOCS_EXTRA_TOOLS= _DOCS_EXTRA_INPUTS= _DOCS_ENV= _DOCS_KV=${kv;hide:"p DO"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} ${kv;hide:"show_out yes"} _DOCS_PLANTUML_ENV=\ ${env:"JAVA_PATH=$JDK_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/bin/java"} \ ${env:"PLANTUML_PATH=${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/contrib/tools/plantuml/plantuml.run.cp.jar"} \ ${env:"_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dsun.awt.fontconfig=$BINDIR/fontconfig.properties"} \ ${env:"LANG=en_US.UTF-8"} \ ${env:"LC_ALL=C.UTF-8"} _DOCS_BOOK_CMD=$TOUCH_DOCS_MF _DOCS_LIB_CMD=$TOUCH_DOCS_MF _DOCS_VARS_FLAG= _DOCS_COMMON_PROCESS_DEPS= _DOCS_COMMON_LIB_PROCESS_DEPS= _DOCS_YFM_OUTPUT_FORMAT= _DOCS_YFM_BOOK_OUTPUT_FORMAT=--output-format html --allowHTML _DOCS_YFM_LIB_OUTPUT_FORMAT=--output-format md _DOCS_YFM_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/extract_docs.py"} --skip-prefix $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT --dest-dir $BINDIR/__s ${rootrel:PEERS} _DOCS_COMMON_CMDLINE_PREFIX=\ ${cwd:ARCADIA_ROOT} $FS_TOOLS copy_all_files $_DOCS_DIR_VALUE $BINDIR/__s $_DOCS_SRCS_VALUE \ && $_DOCS_COMMON_PROCESS_DEPS \ && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/copy_files_to_dir.py"} --dest-dir $BINDIR/__s --skip-prefix $ARCADIA_ROOT --skip-prefix $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT ${input;context=TEXT:INCLUDE_SRCS} _DOCS_YFM_BOOK_CMDLINIE=\ $_DOCS_COMMON_CMDLINE_PREFIX \ && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/stdout2stderr.py"} $YFM_TOOL_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/yfm-docs --input $BINDIR/__s --output $BINDIR/__docsbuild $_DOCS_VARS_FLAG $_DOCS_YFM_OUTPUT_FORMAT --config ${input:CONFIG} $_DOCS_EXTRA_TOOLS ${hide;input:EXTRA_INPUTS} $_DOCS_ENV \ && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_sources.py"} --output $TARGET --input $BINDIR/__docsbuild $_DOCS_KV # tag:internal tag:docs macro _DOCS_YFM_BOOK_IMPL(CONFIG, INCLUDE_SRCS[], EXTRA_INPUTS[]) { .CMD=$_DOCS_YFM_BOOK_CMDLINIE } _DOCS_YFM_CMD=$_DOCS_YFM_BOOK_IMPL($_DOCS_CONFIG_VALUE INCLUDE_SRCS $_DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES_VALUE EXTRA_INPUTS $_DOCS_EXTRA_INPUTS) _DOCS_MKDOCS_CMDLINE_SUFFIX= _DOCS_MKDOCS_BOOK_CMDLINE_SUFFIX=${pre=--dep ;ext=preprocessed.tar.gz:PEERS} _DOCS_MKDOCS_LIB_CMDLINE_SUFFIX=--preprocess-md-only _DOCS_MKDOCS_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS= _DOCS_MKDOCS_CMDLINIE=\ $_DOCS_COMMON_CMDLINE_PREFIX \ && ${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/mkdocs_builder_wrapper.py"} $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT ${tool:"tools/mkdocs_builder"} --docs-dir $BINDIR/__s --output-tar $TARGET --config ${input:CONFIG} $_DOCS_VARS_FLAG $_DOCS_MKDOCS_CMDLINE_SUFFIX $_DOCS_EXTRA_TOOLS ${hide;input:EXTRA_INPUTS} $_DOCS_ENV $_DOCS_KV macro _DOCS_MKDOCS_CMD_IMPL(CONFIG, INCLUDE_SRCS[], EXTRA_INPUTS[]) { .CMD=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_CMDLINIE } _DOCS_MKDOCS_CMD=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_CMD_IMPL($_DOCS_CONFIG_VALUE INCLUDE_SRCS $_DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES_VALUE) _DOCS_YFM_DEFAULT_CONFIG=$MODDIR/.yfm _DOCS_MKDOCS_DEFAULT_CONFIG=$MODDIR/mkdocs.yml ### FIXME(snermolaev) module _DOCS_BASE_UNIT: _BARE_UNIT { .ALLOWED=DOCS_DIR DOCS_CONFIG DOCS_VARS .CMD=TOUCH_DOCS_MF .FINAL_TARGET=no ENABLE(_DOCS_BASE_UNIT) SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .tar.gz) SET(MODULE_LANG DOCS) DEFAULT(_DOCS_BUILDER_VALUE yfm) DEFAULT(_DOCS_DIR_VALUE ${MODDIR}) select ($_DOCS_BUILDER) { "yfm" ? { PEERDIR+=build/platform/yfm _DOCS_BOOK_CMD=$_DOCS_YFM_CMD _DOCS_LIB_CMD=$_DOCS_YFM_CMD _DOCS_DEFAULT_CONFIG=$_DOCS_YFM_DEFAULT_CONFIG _DOCS_COMMON_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS=$_DOCS_YFM_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS } "mkdocs" ? { _DOCS_BOOK_CMD=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_CMD _DOCS_LIB_CMD=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_CMD _DOCS_DEFAULT_CONFIG=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_DEFAULT_CONFIG _DOCS_COMMON_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS } } } # tag:internal tag:docs ### _DOCS_EPILOOGUE() # internal ### ### This macro executes macros which should be envoked after all user ### specified macros in the ya.make file macro _DOCS_EPILOGUE() { SET(_DOCS_BUILDER $_DOCS_BUILDER_VALUE) _LATE_GLOB(_DOCS_SRCS_GLOB ${pre=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/;suf=/**/*:_DOCS_DIR_VALUE}) SET(_DOCS_SRCS_VALUE \${input;hide:_DOCS_SRCS_GLOB}) } # tag:internal tag:docs ### _DOCS_YFM_USE_PLANTUML() # internal ### ### This macr sets appropriate dependencies for use of plantuml plugin macro _DOCS_YFM_USE_PLANTUML() { PEERDIR(build/platform/java/jdk contrib/java/openjdk-fontconfig) COPY_FILE(${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/contrib/java/openjdk-fontconfig/fontconfig.properties fontconfig.properties) SET_APPEND(_DOCS_EXTRA_TOOLS \${hide;tool:"contrib/tools/plantuml"}) SET_APPEND(_DOCS_EXTRA_INPUTS fontconfig.properties) # It's rather strange that a commented statement below doesn't work # SET_APPEND(_DOCS_ENV ${_DOCS_PLANTUML_ENV}) when ($_DOCS_USE_PLANTUML) { _DOCS_ENV+=$_DOCS_PLANTUML_ENV } } # tag:docs ### @usage: DOCS() ### ### Documentation project multimodule. ### ### When built directly, via RECURSE, DEPENDS or BUNDLE the output artifact is docs.tar.gz with statically generated site (using mkdocs as builder). ### When PEERDIRed from other DOCS() module behaves like a UNION (supplying own content and dependencies to build target). ### Peerdirs from modules other than DOCS are not accepted. ### Most usual macros are not accepted, only used with the macros DOCS_DIR(), DOCS_CONFIG(), DOCS_VARS(), DOCS_BUILDER(). ### ### @see: [DOCS_DIR()](#macro_DOCS_DIR), [DOCS_CONFIG()](#macro_DOCS_CONFIG), [DOCS_VARS()](#macro_DOCS_VARS), [DOCS_BUILDER()](#macro_DOCS_BUILDER). multimodule DOCS { module DOCSBOOK: _DOCS_BASE_UNIT { .CMD=_DOCS_BOOK_CMD .EPILOGUE=_DOCS_EPILOGUE .FINAL_TARGET=yes .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from ENABLE(DOCSBOOK) SET(MODULE_TYPE PROGRAM) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS DOCSLIB) SET(MODULE_TAG DOCBOOK) _DOCS_YFM_OUTPUT_FORMAT=$_DOCS_YFM_BOOK_OUTPUT_FORMAT _DOCS_MKDOCS_CMDLINE_SUFFIX=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_BOOK_CMDLINE_SUFFIX _DOCS_COMMON_PROCESS_DEPS=$_DOCS_COMMON_BOOK_PROCESS_DEPS PROCESS_DOCS() } module DOCSLIB: _DOCS_BASE_UNIT { .CMD=_DOCS_LIB_CMD .EPILOGUE=_DOCS_EPILOGUE .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_include ENABLE(DOCSLIB) SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS DOCSLIB) SET(MODULE_TAG DOCSLIB) REALPRJNAME=preprocessed _DOCS_YFM_OUTPUT_FORMAT=$_DOCS_YFM_LIB_OUTPUT_FORMAT _DOCS_MKDOCS_CMDLINE_SUFFIX=$_DOCS_MKDOCS_LIB_CMDLINE_SUFFIX _DOCS_COMMON_PROCESS_DEPS=$_DOCS_COMMON_LIB_PROCESS_DEPS PROCESS_DOCS() } } # tag:docs _DOCS_USE_PLANTUML= ### @usage: USE_PLANTUML() ### ### Use PlantUML plug-in for yfm builder to render UML diagrams into documentation macro USE_PLANTUML() { ENABLE(_DOCS_USE_PLANTUML) } # tag:docs DOCSBUILDER=yfm ### @usage: DOCS_BUILDER(tool) ### ### Specify docs builder tool. ### Avalialbe tools: mkdocs and yfm (by default). ### ### @see: [DOCS](#multimodule_DOCS) macro DOCS_BUILDER(DocsTool) { SET(_DOCS_BUILDER_VALUE $DocsTool) } # tag:docs ### @usage: DOCS_DIR(path) ### ### Specify directory with source .md files for DOCS multimodule if it differs from project directory. ### Path must be Arcadia root relative. ### ### @see: [DOCS](#multimodule_DOCS) macro DOCS_DIR(Dir) { SET(_DOCS_DIR_VALUE $Dir) } # tag:docs _DOCS_DEFAULT_CONFIG= _DOCS_CONFIG_VALUE=$_DOCS_DEFAULT_CONFIG ### @usage: DOCS_CONFIG(path) ### ### Specify path to config file for DOCS multimodule if it differs from default path. ### If [DOCS_BUILDER()](#macro_DOCS_BUILDER) is set to "mkdocs" the default path is "%%project_directory%%/mkdocs.yml". ### If [DOCS_BUILDER()](#macro_DOCS_BUILDER) is not set or set to "yfm" the default path is "%%project_directory%%/.yfm". ### Path must be either Arcadia root relative. ### ### @see: [DOCS](#multimodule_DOCS) macro DOCS_CONFIG(File) { SET(_DOCS_CONFIG_VALUE $File) } # tag:docs _DOCS_VARS_VALUE= ### @usage: DOCS_VARS(variable1=value1 variable2=value2 ...) ### ### Specify a set of default values of template variables for DOCS multimodule. ### There must be no spaces around "=". Values will be treated as strings. ### ### @see: [DOCS](#multimodule_DOCS) macro DOCS_VARS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(_DOCS_VARS_VALUE $Args) } # tag:docs _DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES_VALUE= ### @usage: DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES(path...) ### ### Specify a list of paths to source code files which will be used as text includes in a documentation project. ### Paths must be Arcadia root relative. ### ### @see: [DOCS](#multimodule_DOCS) macro DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES(Args...) { SET_APPEND(_DOCS_INCLUDE_SOURCES_VALUE $Args) } # tag:python-specific PY_NAMESPACE_VALUE= # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY_NAMESPACE(prefix) ### ### Sets default Python namespace for all python sources in the module. ### Especially suitable in PROTO_LIBRARY where Python sources are generated and there is no PY_SRCS to place NAMESPACE parameter. macro PY_NAMESPACE(Arg) { SET(PY_NAMESPACE_VALUE $Arg) } # tag:internal ### @usage: _SRCS_NO_GLOBAL(files...) # internal ### ### Proxy macro to SRCS macro which filters out GLOBAL keyword from the list of source files. ### Useful for modules like EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY, where GLOBAL keyword cannot be applied properly. ### Note: this macro changes order of source files. macro _SRCS_NO_GLOBAL(GLOBAL[], FILES...) { SRCS($GLOBAL $FILES) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_VCS_MF_ARG= COMPILE_JAVA_MF=$COMPILE_JAVA # tag:java-specific when ($EXT_JAVA_VCS_INFO == "yes") { JAVA_VCS_MF_ARG=--vcs-mf $VCS_JAVA COMPILE_JAVA_MF=$GENERATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP && $COMPILE_JAVA } # tag:java-specific EXT_JAVA_VCS_INFO=no ### @usage: EMBED_JAVA_VCS_INFO() ### ### Embed manifest with vcs info into `EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY` ### By default this is disabled. macro EMBED_JAVA_VCS_INFO() { ENABLE(EXT_JAVA_VCS_INFO) } # tag:java-specific tag:internal ### @usage: EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY() #internal ### ### EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY() is a module for creating a .jar file using non-Java code (generators etc.) ### Unlike regular JAVA_LIBRARY this module doesn't produce .pom file, so it cannot be exported to Maven itself. ### PEERDIR it from JAVA_LIBRARY or JAVA_PROGRAM for export to Maven. module EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY: _BASE_UNIT { .EXTS=.jsrc .java .jar .mf .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .CMD=COMPILE_JAVA_MF .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALIASES=SRCS=_SRCS_NO_GLOBAL .ALLOWED=EMBED_JAVA_VCS_INFO .RESTRICTED=EXTERNAL_JAR PEERDIR(build/platform/java/jdk) PEERDIR+=$JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR PEERDIR_TAGS=JAVA_PROTO JAVA_FBS JAVA_IDL PROPAGATES_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=yes DYNAMIC_LINK=yes MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _JAVA_PROTO_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(EVLOG_CMD _JAVA_EVLOG_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(FBS_CMD _JAVA_FLATC_CMD) when ($PACKAGE_PREFIX) { PACKAGE_PREFIX_ARGS=--package-prefix=$PACKAGE_PREFIX } DISABLE(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS) NO_PLATFORM() SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .jar) SET(MODULE_LANG JAVA) } # tag:java-specific ALL_JAR_SOURCES= LINT_JAVA_SOURCES= ALL_SRCDIRS= LINK_JAR_RESOURCES= LINK_JAR_JSOURCES= JAR_GEN_SRCS= JAR_GEN_JSRCS= macro _JAR_SRCS(SRCDIR=".", PACKAGE_PREFIX="", EXCLUDE[], FILES[], RESOURCES?"yes":"no", Globs...) { _CHECK_JAVA_SRCDIR($SRCDIR) SET_APPEND(ALL_SRCDIRS $SRCDIR) SET(VAR_SALT $SRCDIR $Globs $EXCLUDE $PACKAGE_PREFIX $RESOURCES $FILES) SET(JAR_SRCS_GLOB uniq_${hash:VAR_SALT}) _LATE_GLOB(${JAR_SRCS_GLOB} ${pre=${SRCDIR}/:Globs} EXCLUDE ${EXCLUDE}) SET_APPEND(LINT_JAVA_SOURCES \${input;rootrel;ext=.java:${JAR_SRCS_GLOB}}) SET_APPEND(ALL_JAR_SOURCES --jsources ${BINDIR}/misc/${tolower:JAR_SRCS_GLOB}.src.txt --resources ${BINDIR}/misc/${tolower:JAR_SRCS_GLOB}.res.txt --srcdir ${quo:SRCDIR} \${input:${JAR_SRCS_GLOB}} ${pre=\$\{input\:\";suf=\"\}:FILES}) _FILL_JAR_COPY_RESOURCES_CMD(LINK_JAR_RESOURCES ${quo:SRCDIR} ${BINDIR}/cls ${PACKAGE_PREFIX} ${BINDIR}/misc/${tolower:JAR_SRCS_GLOB}.res.txt) _FILL_JAR_COPY_RESOURCES_CMD(LINK_JAR_JSOURCES ${quo:SRCDIR} ${BINDIR}/src ${PACKAGE_PREFIX} ${BINDIR}/misc/${tolower:JAR_SRCS_GLOB}.src.txt) _FILL_JAR_GEN_SRCS(JAR_GEN_SRCS JAR $SRCDIR ${BINDIR}/cls ${BINDIR}/all-java.srclst ${BINDIR}/misc/all-kt-sources.txt ${BINDIR}/misc/all-gr-sources.txt ${BINDIR}/misc/${tolower:JAR_SRCS_GLOB}.res.txt $Globs EXCLUDE $EXCLUDE) _FILL_JAR_GEN_SRCS(JAR_GEN_JSRCS SRC_JAR $SRCDIR ${BINDIR}/cls ${BINDIR}/all-java.srclst ${BINDIR}/misc/all-kt-sources.txt ${BINDIR}/misc/all-gr-sources.txt ${BINDIR}/misc/${tolower:JAR_SRCS_GLOB}.src.txt $Globs EXCLUDE $EXCLUDE) } macro IDEA_JAR_SRCS(Args...) { _JAR_SRCS($Args) SET_APPEND(JAVA_SRCS_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) } macro _HASH_HELPER(Args...) { .CMD=${hash:Args} } macro _GENTAR_HELPER(OUT_DIR[], Args...) { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/autotar_gendirs.py"} --pack ${OUT_DIR} --outs ${output;tared;suf=.$_HASH_HELPER($Args).gentar:OUT_DIR} ${kv;hide:"tared_kind nodir"} } # tag:java-specific RUN_JAR_PROG_CP_PRE=@ RUN_JAR_PROG_CP_SUF=.cplst when($JDK_VERSION == "8") { RUN_JAR_PROG_CP_PRE= RUN_JAR_PROG_CP_SUF= } # tag:java-specific macro _DO_2_RUN_JAR_PROGRAM(IN_DIRS_VAR="uniq_", IN_DIRS_INPUTS[], IN{input}[], IN_DIR[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], OUT{output}[], TOOL{tool}[], OUT_DIR[], CLASSPATH[], REQUIREMENTS[], ADD_SRCS_TO_CLASSPATH?"yes":"no", CWD="${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}", Args...) { _LATE_GLOB(${IN_DIRS_VAR} ${suf=/**/*:IN_DIR}) _CHECK_RUN_JAVA_PROG_CLASSPATH($CLASSPATH) .PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk $JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/mkdir.py"} ${OUT_DIR} && ${cwd:CWD} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/setup_java_tmpdir.py"} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/stdout2stderr.py"} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fix_java_command_file_cp.py"} --build-root ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -classpath ${RUN_JAR_PROG_CP_PRE}${tool:CLASSPATH}${RUN_JAR_PROG_CP_SUF} ${Args} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${requirements;hide:"network:restricted"} && $_GENTAR_HELPER($CLASSPATH $IN_DIR $IN $TOOL $Args OUT_DIR $OUT_DIR) ${input;hide:IN} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;hide:OUT} ${tool;hide:TOOL} ${IN_DIRS_INPUTS} } # tag:java-specific macro _DO_1_RUN_JAR_PROGRAM(IN_DIRS_VAR="uniq", Args...) { _DO_2_RUN_JAR_PROGRAM($Args IN_DIRS_VAR $IN_DIRS_VAR IN_DIRS_INPUTS ${"$"}{input;hide:$IN_DIRS_VAR}) } # tag:java-specific macro RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM(Args...) { _DO_1_RUN_JAR_PROGRAM($Args IN_DIRS_VAR uniq_${hash:Args}) } # tag:java-specific _JAR_ANN_PROCESSORS= _JAR_ANN_PROC_OPT_PREFIX= macro JAR_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR(Classes...) { SET_APPEND(_JAR_ANN_PROCESSORS $Classes) SET(_JAR_ANN_PROC_OPT_PREFIX -processor) # for ya ide idea only SET_APPEND(ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Classes) } # tag:java-specific macro _JAR_ANN_PROC_OPTS(Classes...) { .CMD=$_JAR_ANN_PROC_OPT_PREFIX ${join=,:Classes} } # tag:java-specific macro _NOOP_MACRO(Args...) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:java-specific module _JAR_BASE: _BARE_UNIT { .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALIASES=SRCS=_SRCS_NO_GLOBAL .ALLOWED=EMBED_JAVA_VCS_INFO DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT EXCLUDE PEERDIR_TAGS=JAVA_PROTO JAVA_FBS JAVA_IDL DLL JAR_COMPILATION __EMPTY__ HAS_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=yes DYNAMIC_LINK=yes MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _JAVA_PROTO_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(EVLOG_CMD _JAVA_EVLOG_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(FBS_CMD _JAVA_FLATC_CMD) DISABLE(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS) NO_PLATFORM() VCS_JAVA=${suf=.__vcs_version__.mf:TARGET} SET(MODULE_LANG JAVA) } # tag:java-specific module JAVA_CONTRIB_PROXY: _JAR_BASE { } # tag:java-specific macro _FETCH_CONTRIB(Id, Out, SBR="sbr:") { .CMD=${hide:SANDBOX_FAKEID} ${cwd:BINDIR} ${resource;pre=$SBR:Id} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py"} --resource-file $(RESOURCE_ROOT)/sbr/$Id/resource --resource-id $Id --copy-to ${output:Out} ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from.py"} ${requirements;hide:"network:full"} ${kv;hide:"p SB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} ADD_CHECK(check.resource $Id) } # tag:java-specific LOCAL_JAR_PATH= LOCAL_SOURCES_JAR_PATH= JAR_RESOURCE_ID= SRC_RESOURCE_ID= FETCH_SRCS_JAR= FETCH_TARGET_JAR= FETCH_CONTRIB_JAR=$FETCH_TARGET_JAR $FETCH_SRCS_JAR # tag:java-specific macro JAR_RESOURCE(Id) { SET(JAR_RESOURCE_ID $Id) } # tag:java-specific macro SRC_RESOURCE(Id) { SET(SRC_RESOURCE_ID $Id) } # tag:java-specific macro LOCAL_JAR(File) { SET(LOCAL_JAR_PATH $File) } # tag:java-specific macro LOCAL_SOURCES_JAR(File) { SET(LOCAL_SOURCES_JAR_PATH $File) } # tag:java-specific module JAVA_CONTRIB: _JAR_BASE { .CMD=FETCH_CONTRIB_JAR .FINAL_TARGET=yes when ($JAR_RESOURCE_ID) { FETCH_TARGET_JAR= && $_FETCH_CONTRIB($JAR_RESOURCE_ID ${BINDIR}/${MODULE_PREFIX}${REALPRJNAME}${MODULE_SUFFIX}) } otherwise { when ($LOCAL_JAR_PATH) { FETCH_TARGET_JAR= && $FS_TOOLS copy ${input:LOCAL_JAR_PATH} $TARGET } otherwise { FETCH_TARGET_JAR= && $GENERATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP && ${cwd:BINDIR} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/jar cfvm $TARGET $VCS_JAVA . PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/jdk PEERDIR+=$JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR } } when ($SRC_RESOURCE_ID) { FETCH_SRCS_JAR= && $_FETCH_CONTRIB($SRC_RESOURCE_ID ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME}-sources.jar) } otherwise { when ($LOCAL_SOURCES_JAR_PATH) { FETCH_SRCS_JAR= && $FS_TOOLS copy ${input:LOCAL_SOURCES_JAR_PATH} {output;pre=${BINDIR}/;suf=-sources.jar:REALPRJNAME} } otherwise { FETCH_SRCS_JAR= && $GENERATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP && $FS_TOOLS md ${BINDIR}/fake-src && ${cwd;suf=/fake-src:BINDIR} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/jar cfvm ${output;pre=${BINDIR}/;suf=-sources.jar:REALPRJNAME} $VCS_JAVA . PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/jdk PEERDIR+=$JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR } } SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .jar) } # tag:kotlin-specific KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE= # tag:kotlin-specific KT_SRSCLIST_FLAG=--kotlin ${BINDIR}/misc/all-kt-sources.txt KT_CLASSES_DIR=${BINDIR}/kt_cls COLLECT_KT_CLASSPATH=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/writer.py"} --file ${BINDIR}/kt_bfg.txt -m --ya-start-command-file ${ext=.jar:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} --ya-end-command-file LINK_KT_CLASSPATH=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/make_java_classpath_file.py"} ${BINDIR}/kt_bfg.txt ${BINDIR}/kt_cp.txt && $FS_TOOLS md $KT_CLASSES_DIR COMPILE_KT=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/with_pathsep_resolve.py"} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/run_javac.py"} --kotlin --sources-list ${BINDIR}/misc/all-kt-sources.txt $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java -jar $KOTLIN_COMPILER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/kotlin-compiler.jar -no-stdlib -module-name $REALPRJNAME -jvm-target ${KOTLIN_JVM_TARGET} @${BINDIR}/misc/all-kt-sources.txt -classpath @${BINDIR}/kt_cp.txt $KOTLINC_FLAGS_VALUE -d $KT_CLASSES_DIR $KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE ALL_KT_COMMANDS= KT_CLASSPATH_ITEM= # tag:java-specific JAVAC_CMD=$JDK_RESOURCE/bin/javac ERROR_PRONE_JAVAC_CMD=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/build_java_with_error_prone2.py"} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/javac $ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE/error_prone.jar # tag:java-specific tag:codenav JAVA_YNDEXING=no # tag:java-specific when ($USE_SYSTEM_KYTHE) { KYTHE_RESOURCE=$USE_SYSTEM_KYTHE } otherwise { KYTHE_RESOURCE=$KYTHE_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } # tag:java-specific tag:codenav _JAVA_YNDEXING_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/build_java_codenav_index.py"} $TARGET $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT $ARCADIA_ROOT ${BINDIR}/all-java.srclst $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java -jar $KYTHE_RESOURCE/kythe/extractors/javac_extractor.jar _DO_JAVA_YNDEXING= # tag:java-specific SOURCES_JAR=no _PACK_SRC_JAR_IMPL=&& $FS_TOOLS md ${BINDIR}/src $JAR_GEN_JSRCS $LINK_JAR_JSOURCES && ${cwd;suf=/src:BINDIR} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/jar cfvm ${output;pre=${BINDIR}/${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=-sources.jar:REALPRJNAME} $VCS_JAVA . _PACK_SRC_JAR= # tag:java-specific _PACK_JNI= _PACK_JNI_CMD= && $FS_TOOLS link_or_copy_to_dir --ya-start-command-file ${ext=.so:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.dll:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.dylib:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} --ya-end-command-file ${BINDIR}/cls # tag:java-specific _MAKE_JSTYLE_FILE_LIST= # tag:java-specific _LINK_UBERJAR= _UBERJAR_SELF= _DO_LINK_UBERJAR= && $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java -cp $UBERJAR_RESOURCE/devtools-java_shader.jar ru.yandex.devtools.emigrante.Main --out-jar $TARGET $_UBERJAR_SELF ${ext=.jar;pre=--jar :MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${UBERJAR_PREFIX_FLAG} ${UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_FLAGS} $UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDES ${UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN_FLAG} ${UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS} ${UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER_FLAGS} ${UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER_FLAG} \ && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/mkdir.py"} $BINDIR/_empty/META-INF \ && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} $BINDIR/_empty/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF \ && $UPDATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP($TARGET) \ && ${cwd;suf=/_empty:BINDIR} ${JDK_RESOURCE}/bin/jar ufv ${TARGET} META-INF/MANIFEST.MF \ && $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/jar ufvm $TARGET $VCS_JAVA # tag:java-specific macro _PACK_JAR_HELPER(Out) { .CMD=${cwd;suf=/cls:BINDIR} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/jar cfvm $Out $VCS_JAVA . } # tag:java-specific macro _JAVAC_RUN_HELPER(JAVAC_CMD_WITH_ARGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/with_pathsep_resolve.py"} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/setup_java_tmpdir.py"} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/run_javac.py"} --sources-list ${BINDIR}/all-java.srclst ${JAVAC_CMD_WITH_ARGS} @${BINDIR}/all-java.srclst -classpath ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/bfg.jar -Xpkginfo:always ${JAVAC_OPTS} $_JAR_ANN_PROC_OPTS($_JAR_ANN_PROCESSORS) -d ${BINDIR}/cls -g -encoding UTF-8 } macro _ADD_HIDDEN_INPUTS(Inputs...) { .CMD=${input;hide:Inputs} } # tag:java-specific ERROR_PRONE_JDK16_ADD_OPENS=-J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.code=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.comp=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.file=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.model=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.parser=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.processing=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.tree=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.jvm=ALL-UNNAMED -J--add-opens=jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api=ALL-UNNAMED ERROR_PRONE_2_7_1_FORCED_OPTS=-Xep:InlineMeInliner:OFF -Xep:SameNameButDifferent:OFF # tag:java-specific JAVA_COVERAGE_SRCLIST_FLAG=--coverage ${output;pre=${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=.cpsf:REALPRJNAME} --source-root ${ARCADIA_ROOT} JAVA_COVERAGE_SRCLIST= PREPARE_JAVA_BUILD_DIRS=$FS_TOOLS md ${BINDIR}/cls && $FS_TOOLS md ${BINDIR}/misc EXTRACT_GENDIRS=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/autotar_gendirs.py"} --unpack --ext .gentar ${ext=.gentar:AUTO_INPUT} COLLECT_JAVA_SRCLIST=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/make_java_srclists.py"} --moddir ${CURDIR} --java ${BINDIR}/all-java.srclst ${KT_SRSCLIST} ${JAVA_COVERAGE_SRCLIST} --ya-start-command-file ${ALL_JAR_SOURCES} ${ext=.java:AUTO_INPUT} ${ext=.kt:AUTO_INPUT} --ya-end-command-file COLLECT_CLASSPATH=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/writer.py"} --file ${BINDIR}/bfg.txt -m --ya-start-command-file ${rootrel:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} $KT_CLASSPATH_ITEM --ya-end-command-file LINK_CLASSPATH=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/make_manifest_from_bf.py"} ${BINDIR}/bfg.txt ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/bfg.jar COMPILE_JAVA_SRCLIST=$_JAVAC_RUN_HELPER($JAVAC_CMD) PACK_JAR=$_PACK_JAR_HELPER($TARGET) # NOTE: No && before LINK_JAR_RESOURCES, ALL_KT_COMMANDS and JAR_GEN_SRCS needed since those vars either empty or starts with && LINK_JAR=$PREPARE_JAVA_BUILD_DIRS \ && $EXTRACT_GENDIRS \ && $COLLECT_JAVA_SRCLIST \ $JAR_GEN_SRCS \ $ALL_KT_COMMANDS \ && $COLLECT_CLASSPATH \ && $LINK_CLASSPATH \ && $COMPILE_JAVA_SRCLIST \ $LINK_JAR_RESOURCES \ && ${cwd;suf=/cls:BINDIR} $GENERATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP . \ $_PACK_SRC_JAR \ $_PACK_JNI \ && $PACK_JAR \ $_DO_JAVA_YNDEXING \ ${requirements;hide:JAVA_REQUIREMENTS} \ ${kv;hide:"p JV"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} \ $_MAKE_JSTYLE_FILE_LIST \ $_LINK_UBERJAR \ $_ADD_HIDDEN_INPUTS($JAVA_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES_VALUE) # tag:java-specific _EXT_SRC_JAR= _EXT_JAR= _COPY_EXT_SRC_JAR= _DO_USE_EXT_JAR=$FS_TOOLS copy ${input:_EXT_JAR} $TARGET $_COPY_EXT_SRC_JAR _DO_COPY_EXT_SRC_JAR= && $FS_TOOLS copy $_EXT_SRC_JAR ${output;pre=${BINDIR}/${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=-sources.jar:REALPRJNAME} macro JAVA_RESOURCE(JAR, SOURCES="") { SET(_EXT_SRC_JAR $SOURCES) SET(_EXT_JAR $JAR) } # tag:java-specific tag:fbs JAVA_FLATBUFFERS_VERSION = 2.0.0 # tag:java-specific module _COMPILABLE_JAR_BASE : _JAR_BASE { # flatbuffers-java DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java/${JAVA_FLATBUFFERS_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java/${JAVA_FLATBUFFERS_VERSION}) # protobuf-java DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) # protobuf-javalite DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) # protobuf-java-util DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) } # tag:java-specific tag:internal ### @usage: JAR_LIBRARY() #internal ### ### Reimplementation of the JAVA_LIBRARY with ymake.core.conf and ymake based dependency management module JAR_LIBRARY: _COMPILABLE_JAR_BASE { .EXTS=.jsrc .java .jar .mf .gentar .kt .CMD=LINK_JAR .FINAL_TARGET=yes .ALIASES=JAVA_SRCS=IDEA_JAR_SRCS ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR=JAR_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR .RESTRICTED=EXTERNAL_JAR MODULE_SUFFIX=.jar PEERDIR(build/platform/java/jdk) PEERDIR+=$JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR when ($_EXT_SRC_JAR) { _COPY_EXT_SRC_JAR=_DO_COPY_EXT_SRC_JAR } when ($_EXT_JAR) { LINK_JAR=$_DO_USE_EXT_JAR } # in the ideal world this statement must be under condition bellow DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/${KOTLIN_VERSION}) when ($WITH_KOTLIN_VALUE) { KT_SRSCLIST=$KT_SRSCLIST_FLAG ALL_KT_COMMANDS=&& $COLLECT_KT_CLASSPATH && $LINK_KT_CLASSPATH && $COMPILE_KT LINK_JAR_RESOURCES+=&& $FS_TOOLS copy_all_files ${KT_CLASSES_DIR} ${BINDIR}/cls PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/kotlin contrib/java/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 when($WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_ALLOPEN) { KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE+=-Xplugin=${KOTLIN_COMPILER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/plugins/kotlin-allopen-plugin.jar } when($WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_NOARG) { KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE+=-Xplugin=${KOTLIN_COMPILER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/plugins/kotlin-noarg-plugin.jar } # Must be in sync with KT_CLASSES_DIR! # There are problems in JDK13 with abs paths in classapth baked into jar file manifest. Using relative path # here assumes that jar file with classpath for javac located in the $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT KT_CLASSPATH_ITEM=$MODDIR/kt_cls } otherwise { KT_SRSCLIST= ALL_KT_COMMANDS= KT_CLASSES= } when ($SOURCES_JAR == "yes") { _PACK_SRC_JAR=$_PACK_SRC_JAR_IMPL } when ($JAVA_COVERAGE == "yes") { JAVA_COVERAGE_SRCLIST=$JAVA_COVERAGE_SRCLIST_FLAG } when ($MAKE_UBERJAR_VALUE == "yes") { _LINK_UBERJAR=$_DO_LINK_UBERJAR PACK_JAR=$_PACK_JAR_HELPER(${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME}.lib.jar) # TODO: This condition is incorrect in case of autoinputs _UBERJAR_SELF should be empty only for # modules without AUTO_INPUT and withuout JAVA_SRCS added inputs. when($ALL_JAR_SOURCES) { _UBERJAR_SELF=--jar ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME}.lib.jar } PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/uberjar PEERDIR+=$UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR } when($JAVA_YNDEXING == "yes") { PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/kythe _DO_JAVA_YNDEXING=&& $_JAVAC_RUN_HELPER($_JAVA_YNDEXING_CMD) && ${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/find_and_tar.py"} kindex.tar .kzip ${output;hide;tared:"kindex.tar"} } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE) { PEERDIR+=$ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR JAVAC_CMD=$ERROR_PRONE_JAVAC_CMD } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE && $JDK_VERSION == "16") { JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE+=$ERROR_PRONE_JDK16_ADD_OPENS JAVAC_OPTS+=$ERROR_PRONE_JDK16_ADD_OPENS } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE && $JDK_VERSION == "17") { JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE+=$ERROR_PRONE_JDK16_ADD_OPENS JAVAC_OPTS+=$ERROR_PRONE_JDK16_ADD_OPENS } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE && $ERROR_PRONE_VERSION == "2.7.1") { JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE+=$ERROR_PRONE_2_7_1_FORCED_OPTS JAVAC_OPTS+=$ERROR_PRONE_2_7_1_FORCED_OPTS } when ($JAVA_ADD_DLLS_VALUE == "yes") { CONSUME_NON_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=yes _PACK_JNI=$_PACK_JNI_CMD } when ($LINT_LEVEL_VALUE != "none") { _MAKE_JSTYLE_FILE_LIST= && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/writer.py"} --file ${output;noauto:"lint-java.srclst"} -m --ya-start-command-file $LINT_JAVA_SOURCES --ya-end-command-file } SET(MODULE_TYPE JAVA_LIBRARY) ENABLE(YMAKE_JAVA_TEST) _ADD_JAVA_STYLE_CHECKS($(BUILD_ROOT)/$MODDIR/lint-java.srclst::$(SOURCE_ROOT)) _ADD_CLASSPATH_CLASH_CHECK() JAVA_MODULE(IDEA_ONLY) } # tag:java-specific _SCRIPTGEN_FLAGS= macro _GEN_JAVA_SCRIPT_IMPL(Out, Template, Props...) { .CMD=$SCRIPTGEN_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/scriptgen --java $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java --output ${output:Out} --template ${input:Template} ${_SCRIPTGEN_FLAGS} -D JAR_NAME=${REALPRJNAME}.jar -D CLASSPATH=${nopath;join;ext=.jar;pre="::":MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} -D PROJECT_DIR=${MODDIR} -D JAR_BASENAME=${REALPRJNAME} $Props } # tag:java-specific _GEN_USERSCRIPTS= macro _ADD_GEN_JAVA_SCRIPT(Out, Template, Props...) { SET_APPEND(_GEN_USERSCRIPTS && \$_GEN_JAVA_SCRIPT_IMPL($Out $Template $Props)) } # tag:java-specific _PACK_JDK= # tag:java-specific DO_GEN_JAVA_RUN_SH= _SOURCE_JARS= _SOURCE_JARS_CPLIST= GEN_JAVA_RUN_SH=$SCRIPTGEN_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/scriptgen --java $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java --output ${output:"run.sh"} -D GENERATE_DEFAULT_RUNNER=yes -D JAR_NAME=${REALPRJNAME}.jar -D CLASSPATH=${nopath;join;pre="::":MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} -D PROJECT_DIR=${REALPRJNAME} GEN_RUN_CP=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/writer.py"} --file ${BINDIR}/run-bf.txt -Q -m --ya-start-command-file ${nopath;qe;pre=$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} --ya-end-command-file && ${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/make_manifest_from_bf.py"} ${BINDIR}/run-bf.txt ${TARGET} COLLECT_JAR_PROGRAM_CP=$FS_TOOLS link_or_copy_to_dir --ya-start-command-file ${ext=.jar:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.so:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.dll:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.dylib:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${_SOURCE_JARS} --ya-end-command-file ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.jar;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.so;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.dll;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.dylib;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} MAKE_JAR_PROGRAM_CPLST=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/make_java_classpath_file.py"} --from-args ${output;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=${MODULE_SUFFIX}.cplst:REALPRJNAME} --ya-start-command-file ${nopath;rootrel;ext=.jar;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${_SOURCE_JARS_CPLIST} --ya-end-command-file TAR_CLASSPATH= && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/find_and_tar.py"} ${output;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=.tar:REALPRJNAME} ${cwd;pre=$BINDIR/:REALPRJNAME} DO_TAR_CLASSPATH= LINK_JAR_PROGRAM=$FS_TOOLS md ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME} && $COLLECT_JAR_PROGRAM_CP && $DO_GEN_JAVA_RUN_SH && $GEN_RUN_CP && $MAKE_JAR_PROGRAM_CPLST $DO_TAR_CLASSPATH $_GEN_USERSCRIPTS $_PACK_JDK ${kv;hide:"p JP"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} # tag:java-specific # UBERJAR program link command LINK_UBERJAR_PROGRAM=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/make_java_classpath_file.py"} --from-args ${output;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=${MODULE_SUFFIX}.cplst:REALPRJNAME} $TARGET \ && $FS_TOOLS md ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME} \ && $FS_TOOLS link_or_copy ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME}.jar $TARGET \ && $FS_TOOLS link_or_copy_to_dir --ya-start-command-file ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME}.jar ${ext=.so:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.dll:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${ext=.dylib:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${_SOURCE_JARS} --ya-end-command-file ${BINDIR}/${REALPRJNAME} ${hide;late_out;ext=.jar;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:REALPRJNAME} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.so;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.dll;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${hide;late_out;nopath;ext=.dylib;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} \ $DO_TAR_CLASSPATH \ $_GEN_USERSCRIPTS \ $_PACK_JDK # tag:java-specific RUN_WITH_SOURCES=no TARED_CLASSPATH=yes # TODO jbuild creates tar with all classpath deps by default and some projects rely on this. In ymake build this tar file creation is not needed and should be disabled by dafault in future _JAR_SRCS_CALLED=no # tag:java-specific macro _MARK_JAVA_PROG_WITH_SOURCES(Args...) { ENABLE(_JAR_SRCS_CALLED) } # tag:java-specific module _JAR_RUNABLE: _COMPILABLE_JAR_BASE { .FINAL_TARGET=yes .CMD=LINK_JAR_PROGRAM .ALIASES=JAVA_SRCS=_MARK_JAVA_PROG_WITH_SOURCES GENERATE_SCRIPT=_YMAKE_GENERATE_SCRIPT MODULE_SUFFIX=.run.cp.jar CONSUME_NON_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=yes when ($RUN_WITH_SOURCES == "yes") { _SOURCE_JARS=${ext=.jar;noext;suf=-sources.jar:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} ${hide;late_out;ext=.jar;nopath;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/;noext;suf=-sources.jar:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} _SOURCE_JARS_CPLIST=${nopath;rootrel;ext=.jar;pre=$BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME/;noext;suf=-sources.jar:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} } when ($_JAR_SRCS_CALLED && $TARED_CLASSPATH) { DO_TAR_CLASSPATH=$TAR_CLASSPATH } when ($DISABLE_SCRIPTGEN) { DO_GEN_JAVA_RUN_SH= } otherwise { DO_GEN_JAVA_RUN_SH=$GEN_JAVA_RUN_SH PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/scriptgen } when ($WITH_JDK_VALUE) { _PACK_JDK= && ${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/tar_directory.py"} ${output;tared:"jdk.tar"} $WITH_JDK_RESOURCE $WITH_JDK_RESOURCE } when ($MAKE_UBERJAR_VALUE == "yes") { LINK_JAR_PROGRAM=$LINK_UBERJAR_PROGRAM DYNAMIC_LINK=no _SCRIPTGEN_FLAGS=-D IS_UBERJAR=yes } otherwise { _SCRIPTGEN_FLAGS=-D IS_UBERJAR=no } CHECK_PROVIDES() } # tag:java-specific multimodule JAR_PROGRAM { module JAR_RUNABLE: _JAR_RUNABLE { .ALLOWED=JAVA_RUNTIME_PEERDIR JAVA_RUNTIME_EXCLUDE .IGNORED=JAVA_SRCS RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM .ALIASES=EXCLUDE=_NOOP_MACRO PEERDIR=_NOOP_MACRO DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT=_NOOP_MACRO JAVA_RUNTIME_PEERDIR=PEERDIR JAVA_RUNTIME_EXCLUDE=EXCLUDE .PEERDIRSELF=JAR_COMPILATION SET(MODULE_TYPE JAVA_PROGRAM) } module JAR_COMPILATION: JAR_LIBRARY { .ALIASES=JAVA_RUNTIME_PEERDIR=_NOOP_MACRO JAVA_RUNTIME_EXCLUDE=_NOOP_MACRO .FINAL_TARGET=no SET(MODULE_TYPE JAVA_PROGRAM) } } # tag:java-specific LINK_JAR_TEST=${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/writer.py"} --file ${BINDIR}/run-bf.txt -Q -m --ya-start-command-file ${ext=.jar:MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE} --ya-end-command-file && ${YMAKE_PYTHON} ${input:"build/scripts/make_manifest_from_bf.py"} ${BINDIR}/run-bf.txt ${TARGET} YMAKE_JAVA_TEST= module _JAR_TEST: _COMPILABLE_JAR_BASE { .FINAL_TARGET=yes .CMD=LINK_JAR_TEST CONSUME_NON_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=yes SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .test.cp.jar) ENABLE(YMAKE_JAVA_TEST) JAVA_TEST() CHECK_PROVIDES() } # tag:java-specific multimodule JUNIT5_YMAKE { module JAR_TESTABLE: _JAR_TEST { .ALLOWED=JAVA_TEST_PEERDIR .IGNORED=JAVA_SRCS RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM .ALIASES=EXCLUDE=_NOOP_MACRO PEERDIR=_NOOP_MACRO DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT=_NOOP_MACRO JAVA_TEST_PEERDIR=PEERDIR .PEERDIRSELF=JAR_COMPILATION SET(MODULE_TYPE JUNIT5) } module JAR_COMPILATION: JAR_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=JAVA_TEST_PEERDIR .ALIASES=JAVA_TEST_PEERDIR=_NOOP_MACRO .FINAL_TARGET=no PEERDIR(devtools/junit5-runner build/platform/java/jacoco-agent) } } # tag:java-specific multimodule JTEST_YMAKE { module JAR_TESTABLE: _JAR_TEST { .ALLOWED=YT_SPEC .IGNORED=JAVA_SRCS RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM .ALIASES=EXCLUDE=_NOOP_MACRO PEERDIR=_NOOP_MACRO DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT=_NOOP_MACRO JAVA_TEST_PEERDIR=PEERDIR .PEERDIRSELF=JAR_COMPILATION SET(MODULE_TYPE JTEST) PEERDIR(devtools/junit-runner) DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3 contrib/java/com/google/code/gson/gson/2.8.6 contrib/java/com/beust/jcommander/1.72 contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12) } module JAR_COMPILATION: JAR_LIBRARY { .ALIASES=JAVA_TEST_PEERDIR=_NOOP_MACRO .ALLOWED=YT_SPEC .FINAL_TARGET=no DEPENDS(contrib/java/org/sonarsource/scanner/cli/sonar-scanner-cli/2.8) PEERDIR(build/platform/java/jacoco-agent) } } # tag:python-specific tag:deprecated ### @usage: PY2_LIBRARY() # deprecated ### ### Deprecated. Use PY23_LIBRARY or PY3_LIBRARY instead. ### Python 2.x binary built library. Builds sources from PY_SRCS to data suitable for PY2_PROGRAM. ### Adds dependencies to Python 2.x runtime library from Arcadia. ### This module is only compatible with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules. ### This module is only compatible with Arcadia Python build. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module PY2_LIBRARY: _LIBRARY { .ALIASES=REQUIREMENTS=PY_REQUIREMENTS _ARCADIA_PYTHON_ADDINCL() when ($NO_PYTHON_INCLS != "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/python } when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy } .ALLOWED=FORK_TESTS .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER USE_PYTHON2 .RESTRICTED=PYTHON3_ADDINCL USE_PYTHON3 PYTHON2_ADDINCL OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS USE_GLOBAL_CMD=yes when ($PY_PROTO_MYPY_ENABLED == "yes") { PY_PROTO_MYPY_SUFFIX=_pb2.pyi PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN=$PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_BASE ${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=_pb2.pyi:File} PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_INTERNAL=$PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_BASE ${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=__int___pb2.pyi:File} ${hide;kv:"ext_out_name_for_${nopath;noext;suf=__int___pb2.pyi:File} ${nopath;noext;suf=_pb2.pyi:File}"}) } SET(MODULE_LANG PY2) } ### @usage: _PY3_LIBRARY() ### ### Basic Python3 library module module _PY3_LIBRARY: _LIBRARY { _ARCADIA_PYTHON3_ADDINCL() when ($NO_PYTHON_INCLS != "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/python } when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy } .ALLOWED=FORK_TESTS .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER .RESTRICTED=PYTHON3_ADDINCL USE_PYTHON3 PYTHON2_ADDINCL USE_PYTHON2 OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS USE_GLOBAL_CMD=yes PEERDIR($YMAKE_PYTHON3_PEER) RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON3 $CYTHON_SCRIPT when ($PY_PROTO_MYPY_ENABLED == "yes") { PY_PROTO_MYPY_SUFFIX=_pb2.pyi PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN=$PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_BASE ${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=_pb2.pyi:File} PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_INTERNAL=$PY_PROTO_MYPY_PLUGIN_BASE ${output;hide;noauto;norel;nopath;noext;suf=__int___pb2.pyi:File} ${hide;kv:"ext_out_name_for_${nopath;noext;suf=__int___pb2.pyi:File} ${nopath;noext;suf=_pb2.pyi:File}"}) } SET(MODULE_LANG PY3) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY3_LIBRARY() ### ### Python 3.x binary library. Builds sources from PY_SRCS to data suitable for PY2_PROGRAM ### Adds dependencies to Python 2.x runtime library from Arcadia. ### This module is only compatible with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules. ### This module is only compatible with Arcadia Python build. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module PY3_LIBRARY: _PY3_LIBRARY { .ALIASES=REQUIREMENTS=PY_REQUIREMENTS } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: _BASE_PY_PROGRAM #internal ### ### The base module for all Python 2.x binary programs. Adds linking logic, relevant module properties and ### dependency on Python 2.x interpreter. Also adds import tests on all sources including PEERDIR'ed libraries. ### Links all Python 2.x libraries and Python 2.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable. ### This only compatible with PYTHON2-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module _BASE_PY_PROGRAM: _BASE_PROGRAM { .CMD=PY_PROGRAM_LINK_EXE _ARCADIA_PYTHON_ADDINCL() when ($SANITIZER_TYPE && $SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE= } ADD_CHECK_PY_IMPORTS() when ($NO_PYTHON_INCLS != "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/python } when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes") { PEERDIR += library/python/runtime/main PEERDIR += contrib/python/subprocess32 when ($PYTHON_SQLITE3 != "no") { PEERDIR += contrib/tools/python/src/Modules/_sqlite } } when ($PYTHON_COVERAGE == "yes") { PEERDIR+=library/python/coverage } when ($ARCH_PPC64LE == "yes") { _MY_ALLOCATOR=SYSTEM } otherwise { _MY_ALLOCATOR=J } ALLOCATOR($_MY_ALLOCATOR) STRIP() when ($BUILD_TYPE == "DEBUG") { NO_STRIP=yes } when ($SANITIZER_TYPE && $SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { NO_STRIP=yes } .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER USE_PYTHON2 .RESTRICTED=PYTHON3_ADDINCL USE_PYTHON3 PYTHON2_ADDINCL OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS SET(MODULE_LANG PY2) } # tag:python-specific tag:codenav when ($CODENAVIGATION && $NOCODENAVIGATION != "yes") { PY3_PROGRAM_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE ${kv;hide:"py3yndex $TARGET"} } otherwise { PY3_PROGRAM_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: _BASE_PY_PROGRAM #internal ### ### The base module for all Python 3.x binary programs. Adds linking logic, relevant module properties and ### dependency on Python 3.x interpreter. Also adds import tests on all sources including libraries. ### Links all Python 3.x libraries and Python 3.x interpreter into itself to form regular executable. ### This only compatible with PYTHON3-tagged modules and selects those from multimodules ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs/ module _BASE_PY3_PROGRAM: _BASE_PROGRAM { .CMD=PY3_PROGRAM_LINK_EXE _ARCADIA_PYTHON3_ADDINCL() PEERDIR(library/python/runtime_py3/main) when ($PYTHON_SQLITE3 != "no") { PEERDIR += contrib/tools/python3/src/Modules/_sqlite } when ($SANITIZER_TYPE && $SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE= } ADD_CHECK_PY_IMPORTS() when ($ARCH_PPC64LE == "yes") { _MY_ALLOCATOR=SYSTEM } otherwise { _MY_ALLOCATOR=J } ALLOCATOR($_MY_ALLOCATOR) STRIP() when ($NO_PYTHON_INCLS != "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/python } when ($BUILD_TYPE == "DEBUG") { NO_STRIP=yes } when ($SANITIZER_TYPE && $SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { NO_STRIP=yes } when ($PYTHON_COVERAGE == "yes") { PEERDIR+=library/python/coverage } when ($CODENAVIGATION && $NOCODENAVIGATION != "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/python/six } .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER .RESTRICTED=PYTHON3_ADDINCL USE_PYTHON3 PYTHON2_ADDINCL USE_PYTHON2 SET(MODULE_LANG PY3) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY3_PROGRAM_BIN([progname]) ### Use instead of PY3_PROGRAM only if ya.make with PY3_PROGRAM() included in another ya.make ### In all other cases use PY3_PROGRAM module PY3_PROGRAM_BIN: _BASE_PY3_PROGRAM { .ALIASES=REQUIREMENTS=PY_REQUIREMENTS # Look's like we cannot avoid copy-paste util ymake supports multiple inheritance # We need to attach coverage.extractor to every py_program target, except pytest targets ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME coverage.extractor) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_SWIG_DELIM=JAVA_SWIG_DELIM # tag:java-specific JDK_VERSION=11 when ($MAPSMOBI_BUILD_TARGET && $OS_ANDROID) { JDK_VERSION=8 } # tag:java-specific # remove extra peerdir to jdk11 after https://st.yandex-team.ru/DEVTOOLS-8851 is done when ($JDK_VERSION == "17") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk17 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "16") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk16 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "15") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk15 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "14") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk14 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "13") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk13 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "12") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk12 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "11") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "10") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk10 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/jdk/jdk8 build/platform/java/jdk/jdk11 } # tag:java-specific when ($JDK_VERSION == "17") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar17 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "16") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar16 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "15") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar15 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "14") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar14 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "13") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar13 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "12") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar12 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "11") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar11 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "10") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar10 } when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/uberjar/uberjar8 } # tag:java-specific JAVAC_OPTS= when ($USE_SYSTEM_JDK) { JDK_RESOURCE=$USE_SYSTEM_JDK } otherwise { when ($JDK_VERSION == "17") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK17_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "16") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK16_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "15") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK15_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "14") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK14_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "13") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK13_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "12") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK12_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "11") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK11_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "10") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK10_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { JDK_RESOURCE=$JDK8_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } } # tag:java-specific when (!$USE_SYSTEM_ERROR_PRONE) { when ($JDK_VERSION == "8" || $JDK_VERSION == "10") { ERROR_PRONE_VERSION=2.3.1 ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/error_prone/2.3.1 ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE=$ERROR_PRONE_2_3_1_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } elsewhen ($JDK_VERSION == "11" || $JDK_VERSION == "12" || $JDK_VERSION == "13" || $JDK_VERSION == "14" || $JDK_VERSION == "15" || $JDK_VERSION == "16") { ERROR_PRONE_VERSION=2.7.1 ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/error_prone/2.7.1 ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE=$ERROR_PRONE_2_7_1_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } elsewhen ($JDK_VERSION == "17") { ERROR_PRONE_VERSION=2.10.0 ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/error_prone/2.10.0 ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE=$ERROR_PRONE_2_10_0_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } otherwise { ERROR_PRONE_VERSION=2.7.1 ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/error_prone ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE=$ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } } otherwise { ERROR_PRONE_VERSION=2.7.1 ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR=build/platform/java/error_prone ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE=$ERROR_PRONE_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } # tag:java-specific when ($USE_SYSTEM_UBERJAR) { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$USE_SYSTEM_UBERJAR } otherwise { when ($JDK_VERSION == "17") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR17_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "16") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR16_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "15") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR15_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "14") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR14_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "13") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR13_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "12") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR12_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "11") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR11_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "10") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR10_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { UBERJAR_RESOURCE=$UBERJAR8_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } } # tag:java-specific when ($JDK_VERSION == "17") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK17_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "16") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK16_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "15") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK15_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "14") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK14_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "13") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK13_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "12") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK12_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "11") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK11_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "10") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK10_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { WITH_JDK_RESOURCE=$WITH_JDK8_RESOURCE_GLOBAL } # tag:java-specific COMPILE_JAVA=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/compile_java.py"} --javac-bin $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/javac --jar-bin $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/jar $JAVA_VCS_MF_ARG $PACKAGE_PREFIX_ARGS --jar-output $TARGET --srcs-jar-output ${output;suf=-sources.jar:REALPRJNAME} $AUTO_INPUT DELIM $JAVAC_OPTS DELIM $PEERS ${requirements;hide:JAVA_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p JV"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} ${kv;hide:"PEERS $PEERS"} REAL_SWIG_DLL_JAR_CMD=$GENERATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP && ${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/build_dll_and_java.py"} $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM $REAL_LINK_DYN_LIB $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM $COMPILE_JAVA $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM $AUTO_INPUT $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM $TARGET $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM ${output;suf=.jar:REALPRJNAME} $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM ${output;suf=-sources.jar:REALPRJNAME} $JAVA_SWIG_DELIM $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT $ARCADIA_ROOT # tag:deprecated ### @usage: METAQUERY() #deprecated ### ### Project Definition - KIWI Meta query. (Objected) ### ### https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/robot/manual/kiwi/techdoc/design/metaquery/ module METAQUERY: _BASE_UNIT { .ALL_INS_TO_OUT=yes .FINAL_TARGET=yes PRINT_MODULE_TYPE(METAQUERY $MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME) } ARGS_DELIM="MACRO_CALLS_DELIM" SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE= ### @usage: SYSTEM_PROPERTIES([<Key Value>...] [<File Path>...]) ### ### List of Key,Value pairs that will be available to test via System.getProperty(). ### FILE means that parst should be read from file specifies as Path. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro SYSTEM_PROPERTIES(Args...) { SET_APPEND(SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE $Args) } # tag:java-specific JVM_ARGS_VALUE= ### @usage: JVM_ARGS(Args...) ### ### Arguments to run Java programs in tests. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro JVM_ARGS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(JVM_ARGS_VALUE $Args) } # tag:java-specific CHECK_JAVA_DEPS_VALUE= ### @usage: CHECK_JAVA_DEPS(<yes|no>) ### ### Check for different classes with duplicate name in classpath. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro CHECK_JAVA_DEPS(Arg) { SET(CHECK_JAVA_DEPS_VALUE $Arg) } ERROR_PRONE_VALUE= ### @usage: USE_ERROR_PRONE() ### ### Use errorprone instead of javac for .java compilation. macro USE_ERROR_PRONE() { SET(ERROR_PRONE_VALUE yes) } TEST_CWD_VALUE= ### @usage: TEST_CWD(path) ### ### Defines working directory for test runs. Othen used in conjunction with DATA() macro. ### Is only used inside of the TEST modules. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro TEST_CWD(Arg) { SET(TEST_CWD_VALUE $Arg) } # tag:java-specific MAKE_UBERJAR_VALUE= ### @usage: UBERJAR() ### ### UBERJAR is a single all-in-one jar-archive that includes all its Java dependencies (reachable PEERDIR). ### It also supports shading classes inside the archive by moving them to a different package (similar to the maven-shade-plugin). ### Use UBERJAR inside JAVA_PROGRAM module. ### ### You can use the following macros to configure the archive: ### 1. UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX prefix for classes to shade (classes remain in their packages by default) ### 2. UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN exclude classes matching this patterns from shading (if enabled). ### 3. UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_PREFIX the prefix for classes that should not get into the jar archive (all classes are placed into the archive by default) ### 4. UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN add ManifestResourceTransformer class to uberjar processing and specify main-class ### 5. UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE add ManifestResourceTransformer class to uberjar processing and specify some attribute ### 6. UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER add AppendingTransformer class to uberjar processing ### 7. UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER add ServicesResourceTransformer class to uberjar processing ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/ ### ### @see: [JAVA_PROGRAM](#module_JAVA_PROGRAM), [UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX](#macro_UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX), [UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN](#macro_UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN), [UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_PREFIX](#macro_UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_PREFIX) macro UBERJAR() { SET(MAKE_UBERJAR_VALUE yes) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_PREFIX_VALUE= UBERJAR_PREFIX_FLAG= ### @usage: UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX(Arg) ### ### Set prefix for classes to shade. All classes in UBERJAR will be moved into package prefixed with Arg. ### Classes remain in their packages by default. ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) macro UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX(Arg) { SET(UBERJAR_PREFIX_VALUE $Arg) SET(UBERJAR_PREFIX_FLAG ${pre=--shade-prefix :Arg}) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_VALUE= UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_FLAGS= ### @usage: UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN(Args...) ### ### Exculude classes matching this patterns from shading (if enabled). ### Pattern may contain '*' and '**' globs. ### Shading is enabled for UBERJAR program using UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX macro. If this macro is not specified all classes are shaded. ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR), [UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX](#macro_UBERJAR_HIDING_PREFIX) macro UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_PATTERN(Args...) { SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_HIDE_EXCLUDE_FLAGS ${pre=--shade-exclude :Args}) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDES= UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_VALUE= ### @usage: UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_PREFIX(Args...) ### ### Exculude classes matching this patterns from UBERJAR. ### By default all dependencies of UBERJAR program will lend in a .jar archive. ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) macro UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_PREFIX(Args...) { SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDE_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_PATH_EXCLUDES ${pre=--uber-exclude :Args}) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN_VALUE= UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN_FLAG= ### @usage: UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN(Main) ### ### Transform manifest.mf for UBERJAR() java programs, set main-class attribute ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) macro UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN(Main) { SET(UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN_VALUE $Main) SET(UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_MAIN_FLAG --manifest-main $Main) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE= UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS= ### @usage: UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE(Key, Value) ### ### Transform manifest.mf for UBERJAR() java programs, set attribute ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) macro UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE(Key, Value) { SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Key : $Value) SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_MANIFEST_TRANSFORMER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS --manifest-attribute ${Key}:${Value}) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER_VALUE= UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER_FLAGS= ### @usage: UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER(Resource) ### ### Add AppendingTransformer for UBERJAR() java programs ### ### Parameters: ### - Resource - Resource name ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) macro UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER(Resources...) { SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Resources) SET_APPEND(UBERJAR_APPENDING_TRANSFORMER_FLAGS ${pre=--append-transformer :Resources}) } # tag:java-specific UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER_VALUE= UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER_FLAG= ### @usage: UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER() ### ### Add ServicesResourceTransformer for UBERJAR() java programs ### ### @see: [UBERJAR](#macro_UBERJAR) macro UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER() { SET(UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER_VALUE yes) SET(UBERJAR_SERVICES_RESOURCE_TRANSFORMER_FLAG --service-transformer) } # tag:idea-specific IDEA_EXCLUDE_DIRS_VALUE= ### @usage: IDEA_EXCLUDE_DIRS(<excluded dirs>) ### ### Exclude specified directories from an idea project generated by ya ide idea ### Have no effect on regular build. macro IDEA_EXCLUDE_DIRS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(IDEA_EXCLUDE_DIRS_VALUE $Args) } # tag:idea-specific IDEA_RESOURCE_DIRS_VALUE= ### @usage: IDEA_RESOURCE_DIRS(<additional dirs>) ### ### Set specified resource directories in an idea project generated by ya ide idea ### Have no effect on regular build. macro IDEA_RESOURCE_DIRS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(IDEA_RESOURCE_DIRS_VALUE $Args) } # tag:idea-specific IDEA_MODULE_NAME_VALUE= ### @usage: IDEA_MODULE_NAME(module_name) ### ### Set module name in an idea project generated by ya ide idea ### Have no effect on regular build. macro IDEA_MODULE_NAME(Name) { SET(IDEA_MODULE_NAME_VALUE $Name) } # tag:java-specific JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: JAVAC_FLAGS(Args...) ### ### Set additional Java compilation flags. macro JAVAC_FLAGS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(JAVAC_OPTS $Args) SET_APPEND(JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) } # tag:java-specific ENABLE_PREVIEW_VALUE= ### @usage: ENABLE_PREVIEW() ### ### Enable java preview features. macro ENABLE_PREVIEW() { SET_APPEND(JVM_ARGS_VALUE --enable-preview) SET_APPEND(JAVAC_OPTS --enable-preview --release $JDK_VERSION) SET_APPEND(JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE --enable-preview --release $JDK_VERSION) SET(ENABLE_PREVIEW_VALUE yes) } # tag:java-specific SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS= SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS_DIR= SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS_TAR= when ($SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS) { SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS_DIR=${BINDIR}/__javac_generated_srcs__ SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS_TAR=${BINDIR}/javac_generated.tar JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE+=-s $SAVE_JAVAC_GENERATED_SRCS_DIR } # tag:java-specific MAVEN_GROUP_ID_VALUE= ### @usage: MAVEN_GROUP_ID(group_id_for_maven_export) ### ### Set maven export group id for JAVA_PROGRAM() and JAVA_LIBRARY(). ### Have no effect on regular build. macro MAVEN_GROUP_ID(Arg) { SET(MAVEN_GROUP_ID_VALUE $Arg) } # tag:java-specific ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_VALUE= ### @usage: ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR(processors...) ### ### The macro is in development. ### Used to specify annotation processors to build JAVA_PROGRAM() and JAVA_LIBRARY(). macro ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR(Args...) { SET_APPEND(ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) } EXCLUDE_VALUE= ### EXCLUDE(prefixes) ### ### The macro is in development. ### Specifies which libraries should be excluded from the classpath. macro EXCLUDE(Args...) { SET_APPEND(EXCLUDE_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: JAVA_SRCS(srcs) ### ### Specify java source files and resources. A macro can be contained in any of four java modules. ### Keywords: ### 1. X SRCDIR - specify the directory x is performed relatively to search the source code for these patterns. If there is no SRCDIR, the source will be searched relative to the module directory. ### 2. PACKAGE_PREFIX x - use if source paths relative to the SRCDIR does not coincide with the full class names. For example, if all sources of module are in the same package, you can create a directory package/name , and just put the source code in the SRCDIR and specify PACKAGE_PREFIX package.name. ### ### @example: ### - example/ya.make ### ### JAVA_PROGRAM() ### JAVA_SRCS(SRCDIR src/main/java **/*) ### END() ### ### - example/src/main/java/ru/yandex/example/HelloWorld.java ### ### package ru.yandex.example; ### public class HelloWorld { ### public static void main(String[] args) { ### System.out.println("Hello, World!"); ### } ### } ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/#javasrcs macro JAVA_SRCS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(JAVA_SRCS_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_ADD_DLLS_VALUE=no macro ADD_DLLS_TO_JAR() { SET(JAVA_ADD_DLLS_VALUE yes) } # tag:java-specific MANAGED_PEERS= MANAGED_PEERS_CLOSURE= RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM_MANAGED= MANAGEABLE_PEERS_ROOTS=contrib/java HAS_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=no PROPAGATES_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=no YMAKE_CLASSPATH_CHECKS=yes # All items of this list must be PEERS, GHOST PEERS or TOOLS of the test module or module itself. # All items of this list must has at least one of HAS_MANAGEABLE_PEERS or PROPAGATES_MANAGEABLE_PEERS flags set yes. # This variable is used by JUnit tests but not TestNG. TEST_CLASSPATH_VALUE= # Calculated and replaced by ymake can be used in DART DATA TEST_CLASSPATH_MANAGED= # tag:java-specific DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT_VALUE= ### @usage: DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(path/to/lib1 path/to/lib2 ...) ### ### Lock version of the library from the contrib/java at some point, so that all unversioned PEERDIRs to this library refer to the specified version. ### ### For example, if the moduse has PEERDIR (contrib/java/junit/junit), and ### 1. specifies DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12), ### the PEERDIR is automatically replaced by contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12; ### 2. doesn't specify DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT, PEERDIR automatically replaced ### with the default from contrib/java/junit/junit/ya.make. ### These defaults are always there and are supported by maven-import, which puts ### there the maximum version available in contrib/java. ### ### The property is transitive. That is, if module A PEERDIRs module B, and B has PEERDIR(contrib/java/junit/junit), and this junit was replaced by junit-4.12, then junit-4.12 will come to A through B. ### ### If some module has both DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/junit/junit/4.12) and PERDIR(contrib/java/junit/junit/4.11), the PEERDIR wins. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/java/ macro DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(Args...) { SET_APPEND(DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT_VALUE $ARGS_DELIM $Args) _GHOST_PEERDIR($Args) } # tag:java-specific WITH_JDK_VALUE= ### @usage: WITH_JDK() ### ### Add directory with JDK to JAVA_PROGRAM output macro WITH_JDK() { SET(WITH_JDK_VALUE yes) } # tag:kotlin-specific WITH_KOTLIN_VALUE= ### @usage: WITH_KOTLIN() ### ### Compile kotlin source code in this java module macro WITH_KOTLIN() { SET(WITH_KOTLIN_VALUE yes) } # tag:java-specific WITH_GROOVY_VALUE= ### @usage: WITH_GROOVY() ### ### Compile groovy source code in this java module macro WITH_GROOVY() { SET(WITH_GROOVY_VALUE yes) } # tag:kotlin-specific KOTLINC_FLAGS_VALUE=-Xjvm-default=all ### @usage: KOTLINC_FLAGS(-flags) ### ### Set additional Kotlin compilation flags. macro KOTLINC_FLAGS(Args...) { SET_APPEND(KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE $Args) } # tag:kotlin-specific WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_ALLOPEN= ### @usage: WITH_KOTLINC_ALLOPEN(-flags) ### ### Enable allopen kotlin compiler plugin https://kotlinlang.org/docs/all-open-plugin.html macro WITH_KOTLINC_ALLOPEN(Options...) { SET_APPEND(KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE ${pre=-P plugin\:org.jetbrains.kotlin.allopen\::Options}) SET(WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_ALLOPEN yes) } # tag:kotlin-specific WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_NOARG= ### @usage: WITH_KOTLINC_NOARG(-flags) ### ### Enable noarg kotlin compiler plugin https://kotlinlang.org/docs/no-arg-plugin.html macro WITH_KOTLINC_NOARG(Options...) { SET_APPEND(KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE ${pre=-P plugin\:org.jetbrains.kotlin.noarg\::Options}) SET(WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_NOARG yes) } # tag:kotlin-specific KOTLIN_VERSION=1.6.10 KOTLIN_BOM_FILE=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/java/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-bom/1.6.10/ya.dependency_management.inc GROOVY_VERSION=3.0.5 # tag:java-specific DIRECT_DEPS_ONLY_VALUE= ### @usage: DIRECT_DEPS_ONLY ### ### Add direct PEERDIR's only in java compile classpath macro DIRECT_DEPS_ONLY() { SET(DIRECT_DEPS_ONLY_VALUE yes) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES_VALUE= ### @usage: JAVA_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES(file1 file2 ...) ### ### Add non-source java external build dependency (like lombok config file) macro JAVA_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES(Args...) { SET_APPEND(JAVA_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES_VALUE $Args) } # tag:java-specific ### @usage _JAVA_PLACEHOLDER #internal ### The base module for all Java modules. Defines common properties and dependencies. module _JAVA_PLACEHOLDER: _BASE_UNIT { .CMD=TOUCH_JAVA_UNIT .FINAL_TARGET=yes .ALLOWED=DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT EXCLUDE .ALIASES=RUN_JAVA_PROGRAM=_RUN_JBUILD_PROGRAM HAS_MANAGEABLE_PEERS=yes DYNAMIC_LINK=yes PEERDIR_TAGS=JAVA_PROTO JAVA_FBS JAVA_IDL JAR_COMPILATION PEERDIR(build/platform/java/jdk) PEERDIR+=$JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR when($MAKE_UBERJAR_VALUE) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/uberjar PEERDIR+=$UBERJAR_RESOURCE_PEERDIR } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE) { # Jbuild assumes hardcoded resource name https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc_vcs/devtools/ya/jbuild/gen/consts/__init__.py?rev=1739368ed5aaa585b8300b84e5dea708a2bedd3a#L130 # adding default peerdir as a hack to make `ya ide idea` and `ya maven-export` work for now PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/error_prone PEERDIR+=$ERROR_PRONE_PEERDIR } # in the ideal world this statement must be under condition bellow DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/${KOTLIN_VERSION}) when($WITH_KOTLIN_VALUE) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/kotlin contrib/java/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 when($WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_ALLOPEN) { KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE+=-Xplugin=${KOTLIN_COMPILER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/plugins/kotlin-allopen-plugin.jar } when($WITH_KOTLINC_PLUGIN_NOARG) { KOTLINC_OPTS_VALUE+=-Xplugin=${KOTLIN_COMPILER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/plugins/kotlin-noarg-plugin.jar } } when($WITH_GROOVY_VALUE) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/java/groovy contrib/java/org/codehaus/groovy/groovy/${GROOVY_VERSION} } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE && $JDK_VERSION == "16") { JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE+=$ERROR_PRONE_JDK16_ADD_OPENS } when($ERROR_PRONE_VALUE && $ERROR_PRONE_VERSION == "2.7.1") { JAVAC_FLAGS_VALUE+=$ERROR_PRONE_2_7_1_FORCED_OPTS } JAVA_DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGURATION(FORBID_DEFAULT_VERSIONS) DISABLE(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS) NO_PLATFORM() JAVA_MODULE() # flatbuffers-java DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java/${JAVA_FLATBUFFERS_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/flatbuffers/flatbuffers-java/${JAVA_FLATBUFFERS_VERSION}) # protobuf-java DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) # protobuf-javalite DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-javalite/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) # protobuf-java-util DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT(contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) CHECK_DEPENDENT_DIRS(DENY PEERDIRS contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util EXCEPT contrib/java/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java-util/${JAVA_PROTO_RUNTIME_VERSION}) SET(MODULE_LANG JAVA) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE_VALUE= # tag:java-specific ### @usage:TEST_JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE(Type) ### Availible types: MANIFEST(default), COMMAND_FILE, LIST ### Method for passing a classpath value to a java command line ### MANIFEST via empty jar file with manifest that cantains Class-Path attribute ### COMMAND_FILE via @command_file ### LIST via flat args macro TEST_JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE(Type) { SET(JAVA_CLASSPATH_CMD_TYPE_VALUE $Type) } # tag:java-specific IGNORE_JAVA_DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGURATION=no JAVA_DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGURATION_VALUE= # tag:java-specific ### @usage JAVA_DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGURATION(Vetos...) ### Validate contrib/java dependencies ### Valid arguments ### FORBID_DIRECT_PEERDIRS - fail when module have direct PEERDIR (with version) (non-transitive) ### FORBID_DEFAULT_VERSIONS - fail when module have PEERDIR to library with default (last) version (transitive) ### FORBID_CONFLICT - fail when module have resolved without DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT version conflict (transitive) ### FORBID_CONFLICT_DM - fail when module have resolved with DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT version conflict (transitive) ### FORBID_CONFLICT_DM_RECENT - like FORBID_CONFLICT_DM but fail only when dependency have more recent version than specified in DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT ### REQUIRE_DM - all dependencies must be specified in DEPENDENCY_MANAGEMENT (transitive) macro JAVA_DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGURATION(Args...) { SET_APPEND(JAVA_DEPENDENCIES_CONFIGURATION_VALUE $Args) } # tag:java-specific # TODO(DEVTOOLS-6901): remove this variable when there are no more references to it in jbuild JAVA_FORBIDDEN_LIBRARIES_VALUE= # tag:java-specific JAR_INCLUDE_FILTER_VALUE= JAR_EXCLUDE_FILTER_VALUE= # tag:java-specific ### @usage:JAR_INCLUDE(Filters...) ### Filter .jar file content: keep only matched files ### * and ** patterns are supported (like JAVA_SRCS) macro JAR_INCLUDE(Filters...) { SET_APPEND(JAR_INCLUDE_FILTER_VALUE $Filters) } # tag:java-specific ### @usage:JAR_EXCLUDE(Filters...) ### Filter .jar file content: remove matched files ### * and ** patterns are supported (like JAVA_SRCS) macro JAR_EXCLUDE(Filters...) { SET_APPEND(JAR_EXCLUDE_FILTER_VALUE $Filters) } # tag:sandbox-specific ### @usage: SANDBOX_TASK([Name]) ### ### Multimodule describing Sandbox task (Python code that can be executed by Sandbox system). ### ### When being a final target, this multimodule builds Sandbox binary task. It may PEERDIR other SANDBOX_TASKs as libraries. ### The final artifact is provided when SANDBOX_TASK is referred to by DEPENDS and BUNDLE macros. ### As PEERDIR target, it works like regular PY2_LIBRARY with predefined dependencies on Sandbox SDK to allow code reuse among SANDBOX_TASKs. ### ### Currently Sandbox supports only Python 2.x, so both variants will be compatible only with Python 2.x modules ### and will select multimodule variants accordingly. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/sandbox/tasks/binary multimodule SANDBOX_TASK { module SB_TASK_BIN: _PY2_PROGRAM { PY_MAIN(sandbox.taskbox.binary) PEERDIR(sandbox/bin sandbox/sdk2 sandbox/sandboxsdk sandbox/taskbox/worker) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE api.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE kernel.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE library.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE sky*) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) when ($FAIL_PY2 == "yes") { _OK=no } otherwise { PEERDIR+=build/rules/py2_deprecation } ASSERT(_OK You are using deprecated Python2-only code (SANDBOX_TASK). Please consider rewriting to 2/3-compatible code.) } module PY2: PY2_LIBRARY { PEERDIR(sandbox/sdk2 sandbox/sandboxsdk) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) } } # tag:sandbox-specific multimodule SANDBOX_PY23_TASK { module SB_TASK_BIN: _PY2_PROGRAM { PY_MAIN(sandbox.taskbox.binary) PEERDIR(sandbox/bin sandbox/sdk2 sandbox/sandboxsdk sandbox/taskbox/worker) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE api.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE kernel.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE library.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE sky*) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) } module PY2: PY2_LIBRARY { PEERDIR(sandbox/sdk2 sandbox/sandboxsdk) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) OBJ_SUF=.py2 RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT } module PY3: PY3_LIBRARY { when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py3 } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy3 } OBJ_SUF=.py3 RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT PEERDIR(sandbox/sdk2) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) } } # tag:sandbox-specific ### @usage: SANDBOX_PY3_TASK([Name]) ### ### Multimodule describing Sandbox task (Python3 code that can be executed by Sandbox system). ### ### When being a final target, this multimodule builds Sandbox binary task. It may PEERDIR other SANDBOX_PY3_TASKs as libraries. ### The final artifact is provided when SANDBOX_PY3_TASK is referred to by DEPENDS and BUNDLE macros. ### As PEERDIR target, it works like regular PY3_LIBRARY with predefined dependencies on Sandbox SDK to allow code reuse among SANDBOX_PY3_TASKs. ### ### Currently Sandbox supports Python 3.x only in binary tasks, both variants will be compatible only with Python 3.x and py23 libraries ### and will select multimodule variants accordingly. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/sandbox/tasks/binary multimodule SANDBOX_PY3_TASK { module SB_TASK_BIN: PY3_PROGRAM_BIN { PY_MAIN(sandbox.taskbox.binary) PEERDIR(sandbox/bin sandbox/sdk2 sandbox/taskbox/worker) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE api.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE kernel.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE library.*) SET_APPEND(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE sky*) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) } module PY3: PY3_LIBRARY { PEERDIR(sandbox/sdk2) REGISTER_SANDBOX_IMPORT(${MODDIR}) } } # tag:python-specific tag:internal NO_PYTHON_INCLS=no ### @usage: NO_PYTHON_INCLUDES() # internal ### ### Disable dependencies on libraries providing Python headers. ### This is only used in Python libraries themselves to avoid PEERDIR loops. macro NO_PYTHON_INCLUDES() { ENABLE(NO_PYTHON_INCLS) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PYTHON2_ADDINCL() ### ### This macro adds include path for Python headers (Python 2.x variant) without PEERDIR. ### This should be used in 2 cases only: ### - In PY2MODULE since it compiles into .so and uses external Python runtime; ### - In system Python libraries themselves since proper PEERDIR there may create a loop; ### In all other cases use USE_PYTHON2 macro instead. ### ### Never use this macro in PY2_PROGRAM, PY2_LIBRARY and PY23_LIBRARY: they have everything needed by default. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs macro PYTHON2_ADDINCL() { _PYTHON_ADDINCL() SET(MODULE_TAG PY2_NATIVE) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS PY2_NATIVE YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB) } # tag:python-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _ARCADIA_PYTHON_ADDINCL() # internal ### This macro sets up Python headers for modules with Arcadia python (e.g. PY2_LIBRARY) and configures module as Python 2.x. macro _ARCADIA_PYTHON_ADDINCL() { _PYTHON_ADDINCL() SET(MODULE_TAG PY2) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY2 PY2_NATIVE PY_PROTO PY2_FBS YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB) } # tag:python-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _PYTHON_ADDINCL() # internal ### This macro sets up Python 2.x headers for both Arcadia and non-Arcadia python. macro _PYTHON_ADDINCL() { SET(PYTHON2 yes) SET(PYTHON3 no) when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes") { ADDINCL+=GLOBAL contrib/libs/python/Include CFLAGS+=-DARCADIA_PYTHON_UNICODE_SIZE=$ARCADIA_PYTHON_UNICODE_SIZE } otherwise { when ($USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/python } otherwise { CFLAGS+=$PYTHON_INCLUDE } } } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PYTHON3_ADDINCL() ### ### This macro adds include path for Python headers (Python 3.x variant). ### This should be used in 2 cases only: ### - In PY2MODULE since it compiles into .so and uses external Python runtime; ### - In system Python libraries themselves since peerdir there may create a loop; ### In all other cases use USE_PYTHON3() macro instead. ### ### Never use this macro in PY3_PROGRAM and PY3_LIBRARY and PY23_LIBRARY: they have everything by default. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/py_srcs macro PYTHON3_ADDINCL() { _PYTHON3_ADDINCL() SET(MODULE_TAG PY3_NATIVE) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS PY3_NATIVE YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB) } # tag:python-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _ARCADIA_PYTHON3_ADDINCL() # internal ### ### This macro sets up Python3 headers for modules with Arcadia python (e.g. PY3_LIBRARY) and configures module as Python 3.x. macro _ARCADIA_PYTHON3_ADDINCL() { _PYTHON3_ADDINCL() SET(MODULE_TAG PY3) SET(MODULE_LANG PY3) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY3 PY3_BIN_LIB PY3TEST_LIBRARY PY3_NATIVE PY3_PROTO PY3_FBS PY3_SSQLS YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB) } # tag:python-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _PYTHON_ADDINCL() # internal ### ### This macro sets up Python 3.x headers for both Arcadia and non-Arcadia python. macro _PYTHON3_ADDINCL() { SET(PYTHON3 yes) SET(PYTHON2 no) when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes") { CFLAGS+=-DUSE_PYTHON3 ADDINCL+=GLOBAL contrib/libs/python/Include } otherwise { when ($USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/python } otherwise { CFLAGS+=$PYTHON_INCLUDE } } } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: USE_PYTHON2() ### ### This adds Python 2.x runtime library to your LIBRARY and makes it Python2-compatible. ### Compatibility means proper PEERDIRs, ADDINCLs and variant selection on PEERDIRs to multimodules. ### ### If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python2 specify USE_PYTHON2 or better make it PY2_LIBRARY. ### If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python3 specify USE_PYTHON3 or better make it PY3_LIBRARY. ### If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with both Python2 and Python3 convert your LIBRARY to PY23_LIBRARY. ### ### @see: [PY2_LIBRARY](#module_PY2_LIBRARY), [PY3_LIBRARY](#module_PY3_LIBRARY), [PY23_LIBRARY](#multimodule_PY23_LIBRARY) macro USE_PYTHON2() { _ARCADIA_PYTHON_ADDINCL() SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY2 PY2_NATIVE CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB) PEERDIR(contrib/libs/python) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: USE_PYTHON3() ### ### This adds Python3 library to your LIBRARY and makes it Python3-compatible. ### Compatibility means proper PEERDIRs, ADDINCLs and variant selection on PEERDIRs to multimodules. ### ### If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python3 specify USE_PYTHON3 or better make it PY3_LIBRARY. ### If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with Python2 specify USE_PYTHON2 or better make it PY2_LIBRARY. ### If you'd like to use #include <Python.h> with both Python2 and Python3 convert your LIBRARY to PY23_LIBRARY. ### ### @see: [PY2_LIBRARY](#module_PY2_LIBRARY), [PY3_LIBRARY](#module_PY3_LIBRARY), [PY23_LIBRARY](#multimodule_PY23_LIBRARY) macro USE_PYTHON3() { _ARCADIA_PYTHON3_ADDINCL() SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY3 PY3_BIN_LIB PY3TEST_LIBRARY PY3_NATIVE CPP_PROTO CPP_FBS YQL_UDF_STATIC __EMPTY__ DLL_LIB) PEERDIR(contrib/libs/python) when ($USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON == "yes") { PEERDIR+=library/python/runtime_py3 } } # tag:python-specific when ($PERL_DEFAULT_PEERDIR == "yes") { when (($PERLXS == "yes") || ($PERLXSCPP == "yes") || ($USE_PERL == "yes")) { PEERDIR+=build/platform/perl } } # tag:perl-specific ### @usage: USE_PERL_LIB() ### Add dependency on Perl to your LIBRARY macro USE_PERL_LIB() { PEERDIR(build/platform/perl) } # tag:perl-specific ### @usage: USE_PERL_514_LIB() ### Add dependency on Perl 5.14 to your LIBRARY macro USE_PERL_514_LIB() { SET(PERL_SDK ubuntu-12) SET(PERL_DEFAULT_PEERDIR no) PEERDIR(build/platform/perl/5.14) } # tag:perl-specific ### @usage: ADD_PERL_MODULE(Dir ModuleName) ### Add dependency on specified Perl module to the library macro ADD_PERL_MODULE(Dir, Module) { PEERDIR($Dir) SET_APPEND(modules $Module) } # tag:allocator ### @usage: ALLOCATOR(Alloc) # Default: LF ### ### Set memory allocator implementation for the PROGRAM()/DLL() module. ### This may only be specified for programs and dlls, use in other modules leads to configuration errors. ### ### Available allocators are: "LF", "LF_YT", "LF_DBG", "YT", "J", "B", "BM", "C", "TCMALLOC", "GOOGLE", "LOCKLESS", "SYSTEM", "FAKE", "MIM", "HU". ### - LF - lfalloc (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/cpp/lfalloc) ### - LF_YT - Allocator selection for YT (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/cpp/lfalloc/yt/ya.make) ### - LF_DBG - Debug allocator selection (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/cpp/lfalloc/dbg/ya.make) ### - YT - The YTAlloc allocator (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/cpp/ytalloc/impl/ya.make) ### - J - The JEMalloc allocator (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/jemalloc) ### - B - The balloc allocator named Pyotr Popov and Anton Samokhvalov ### - Discussion: https://ironpeter.at.yandex-team.ru/replies.xml?item_no=126 ### - Code: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/cpp/balloc ### - BM - The balloc for market (agri@ commits from july 2018 till November 2018 saved) ### - C - Like B, but can be disabled for each thread to LF or SYSTEM one (B can be disabled only to SYSTEM) ### - MIM - Microsoft's mimalloc (actual version) (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/mimalloc) ### - TCMALLOC - Google TCMalloc (actual version) (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/tcmalloc) ### - GOOGLE - Google TCMalloc (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/galloc) ### - LOCKLESS - Allocator based upon lockless queues (https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/library/malloc/lockless) ### - SYSTEM - Use target system allocator ### - FAKE - Don't link with any allocator ### ### More about allocators in Arcadia: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/allocators/ macro ALLOCATOR(Alloc) { SET(ALLOCATOR $Alloc) when ($ALLOCATOR in [ "LF", "LF_YT", "LF_DBG", "YT", "J", "B", "BM", "C", "TCMALLOC", "TCMALLOC_SMALL_BUT_SLOW", "TCMALLOC_NUMA_256K", "TCMALLOC_NUMA_LARGE_PAGES", "TCMALLOC_256K", "GOOGLE", "LOCKLESS", "SYSTEM", "FAKE", "MIM", "HU" ]) { } otherwise { PEERDIR+=___configure_error___unknown_allocator_type___$ALLOCATOR } } ### @usage: CC_REQUIREMENTS([cpu: <value>] [ram: <value>]) ### ### Override CPU and RAM requirements for all C/C++ compilation commands in the module macro CC_REQUIREMENTS(reqs...) { # Here we use the fact that quierements ara put into map during rendering, so last value wins SET_APPEND(CC_REQUIREMENTS $reqs) } ### @usage: LIB_REQUIREMENTS([cpu: <value>] [ram: <value>]) ### ### Override CPU and RAM requirements for library creation comand of a x_LIBRARY modules macro LIB_REQUIREMENTS(reqs...) { # Here we use the fact that quierements ara put into map during rendering, so last value wins SET_APPEND(LIB_REQUIREMENTS $reqs) } ### @usage: LD_REQUIREMENTS([cpu: <value>] [ram: <value>]) ### ### Override CPU and RAM requirements for link command in the module macro LD_REQUIREMENTS(reqs...) { # Here we use the fact that quierements ara put into map during rendering, so last value wins SET_APPEND(LD_REQUIREMENTS $reqs) } ### @usage: JAVA_REQUIREMENTS([cpu: <value>] [ram: <value>]) ### ### Override CPU and RAM requirements for all C/C++ compilation commands in the module macro JAVA_REQUIREMENTS(reqs...) { # Here we use the fact that quierements ara put into map during rendering, so last value wins SET_APPEND(JAVA_REQUIREMENTS $reqs) } ### @usage: PY_REQUIREMENTS([cpu: <value>] [ram: <value>]) ### ### Override CPU and RAM requirements for all Python build commands macro PY_REQUIREMENTS(reqs) { # Here we use the fact that quierem SET_APPEND(PY_REQUIREMENTS $reqs) } when ($MIC_ARCH == "yes") { CFLAGS+=-mmic LDFLAGS+=-mmic } when ($USE_OPENMP == "yes") { PEERDIR+=contrib/libs/openmp } when ($STRIP == "yes" && $NO_STRIP != "yes") { STRIP_FLAG=$LD_STRIP_FLAG DWARF_COMMAND= GO_LINK_FLAGS_VALUE+=-s } when ($NO_LINKER_DCE != "yes") { DCE_FLAG=$LD_DCE_FLAG } when ($BT_MINSIZEREL == "yes" || $LINKER_ICF == "yes") { ICF_FLAG=$LD_ICF_FLAG } OBJCOPY_TOOL=$OBJCOPY_TOOL_VENDOR STRIP_TOOL=$STRIP_TOOL_VENDOR NEED_BINUTILS_PEERDIR= BINUTILS_USED= when (!$OBJCOPY_TOOL_VENDOR) { OBJCOPY_TOOL=$BINUTILS_ROOT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/bin/objcopy NEED_BINUTILS_PEERDIR=yes } when (!$STRIP_TOOL_VENDOR) { STRIP_TOOL=$BINUTILS_ROOT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/bin/strip NEED_BINUTILS_PEERDIR=yes } SPLIT_DWARF_VALUE=no NO_SPLIT_DWARF=no when ($STRIP_DEBUG_INFO) { SPLIT_DWARF_VALUE=yes NO_SPLIT_DWARF=no } ### @usage: SPLIT_DWARF() ### ### Emit debug info for the PROGRAM/DLL as a separate file <module_name>.debug. ### NB: It does not help you to save process RSS but can add problems (see e.g. BEGEMOT-2147). macro SPLIT_DWARF() { SET(SPLIT_DWARF_VALUE yes) } SPLIT_DWARF_OUTPUT=${output;tobindir;pre=$MODULE_PREFIX;suf=$MODULE_SUFFIX.debug:REALPRJNAME} when ($SPLIT_DWARF_VALUE == "yes" && $NO_SPLIT_DWARF != "yes" && $NO_DEBUGINFO != "yes" && $HOST_OS_LINUX == "yes" && $TARGET_PLATFORM == "LINUX") { DWARF_COMMAND+= \ $OBJCOPY_TOOL --only-keep-debug $TARGET $SPLIT_DWARF_OUTPUT && \ $STRIP_TOOL --strip-debug $TARGET && \ $OBJCOPY_TOOL --remove-section=.gnu_debuglink --add-gnu-debuglink $SPLIT_DWARF_OUTPUT $TARGET BINUTILS_USED=yes } ### @usage: EXTRALIBS_STATIC(Libs...) ### ### Add the specified external static libraries to the program link macro EXTRALIBS_STATIC(Args...) { LDFLAGS(-Wl,-Bstatic ${Args} -Wl,-Bdynamic) } ### @usage ADD_COMPILABLE_TRANSLATE(Dict Name Options...) ### ### Generate translation dictionary code to transdict.LOWER(Name).cpp that will than be compiled into library macro ADD_COMPILABLE_TRANSLATE(Dict, Name, MakeTransDictOptions...) { __translatename_lower=${tolower:Name} __translate_dict=${BINDIR}/transdict.${__translatename_lower}.cpp RUN_PROGRAM(dict/tools/maketransdict -i ${Dict} ${MakeTransDictOptions} ${Name} STDOUT_NOAUTO ${__translate_dict} IN ${Dict}) } ### @usage ADD_COMPILABLE_TRANSLIT(TranslitTable NGrams Name Options...) ### ### Generate transliteration dictionary code ### This will emit both translit, untranslit and ngrams table codes those will be than further compiled into library macro ADD_COMPILABLE_TRANSLIT(TranslitTable, NGrams, Name, Options...) { __translitname_lower=${tolower:Name} __translit_table=${BINDIR}/translit_trie_${__translitname_lower}.cpp __untranslit_table=${BINDIR}/untranslit_trie_${__translitname_lower}.cpp __ngrams_table=${BINDIR}/ngr_arr_${__translitname_lower}.cpp __gentrie_dir=dict/tools/make_untranslit_trie RUN_PROGRAM(${__gentrie_dir} -i ${TranslitTable} ${Options} ${__translitname_lower} IN ${TranslitTable} STDOUT ${__untranslit_table}) RUN_PROGRAM(${__gentrie_dir} -i ${TranslitTable} -n ${Options} ${__translitname_lower} IN ${TranslitTable} STDOUT ${__translit_table}) RUN_PROGRAM(dict/tools/make_ngrams -i ${NGrams} ${Options} ${__translitname_lower} IN ${NGrams} STDOUT ${__ngrams_table}) } # tag:python-specific tag:proto tag:deprecated ### @usage GENERATE_PY_PROTOS(ProtoFiles...) # deprecated ### ### Generate python bindings for protobuf files. ### Macro is obsolete and not recommended for use! macro GENERATE_PY_PROTOS(FILES...) { foreach (FILE : $FILES) { _PY_PROTO_CMD($FILE) } } # tag:python-specific tag:proto macro _GENERATE_PY_PROTOS_INTERNAL(FILES...) { foreach (FILE : $FILES) { _PY_PROTO_CMD_INTERNAL($FILE) } } # tag:python-specific macro _GENERATE_PY_EVS_INTERNAL(FILES...) { foreach (FILE : $FILES) { _PY_EVLOG_CMD_INTERNAL($FILE) } } macro _COPY_FILE_IMPL(FILE, AUTO_DST="", NOAUTO_DST="", OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], REQUIREMENTS[]) { .CMD=$COPY_CMD ${input:FILE} ${output:AUTO_DST} ${output;noauto:NOAUTO_DST} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CP"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} .SEM=copy_file ${input:FILE} ${output:AUTO_DST} ${output;noauto:NOAUTO_DST} } ### @usage: COPY_FILE(File Destination [AUTO] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES Deps...]) ### ### Copy file to build root. It is possible to change both location and the name. ### ### Parameters: ### - File - Source file name. ### - Destination - Output file name. ### - AUTO - Consider copied file for further processing automtically. ### - OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes... - Output file dependencies. ### ### The file will be just copied if AUTO boolean parameter is not specified. You should explicitly ### mention it in SRCS under new name (or specify AUTO boolean parameter) for further processing. macro COPY_FILE(File, Destination, AUTO?"AUTO_DST":"NOAUTO_DST", OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], REQUIREMENTS[]) { .CMD=$_COPY_FILE_IMPL($File $AUTO $Destination OUTPUT_INCLUDES $OUTPUT_INCLUDES REQUIREMENTS $REQUIREMENTS) .SEM=$_COPY_FILE_IMPL($File $AUTO $Destination OUTPUT_INCLUDES $OUTPUT_INCLUDES REQUIREMENTS $REQUIREMENTS) } ### @usage: COPY_FILE_WITH_CONTEXT(FILE DEST [AUTO] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES DEPS...]) ### ### Copy file to build root the same way as it is done for COPY_FILE, but also ### propagates the context of the source file. macro COPY_FILE_WITH_CONTEXT(FILE, DEST, AUTO?"AUTO":"", OUTPUT_INCLUDES[]) { .CMD=$COPY_FILE($FILE $DEST $AUTO OUTPUT_INCLUDES $FILE $OUTPUT_INCLUDES) } macro _BUNDLE_TARGET(Target, Destination) { .CMD=$MOVE_FILE ${result:Target} ${output;noauto:Destination} ${kv;hide:"p BN"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} $VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__ } ### @usage: TIMEOUT(TIMEOUT) ### ### Sets a timeout on test execution ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro TIMEOUT(Time) { SET(TEST_TIMEOUT $Time) } SBR_UID_EXT="" # tag:test ### @usage: VALIDATE_DATA_RESTART(ext) ### ### Change uid for resource validation tests. May be useful when sandbox resource ttl is changed, but test status is cached in CI. ### You can change ext to change test's uid. For example VALIDATE_DATA_RESTART(X), where is X is current revision. macro VALIDATE_DATA_RESTART(Ext) { SET(SBR_UID_EXT $Ext) } # tag:test TEST_FORK_MODE=none TEST_PARTITION=SEQUENTIAL # tag:test ### @usage: FORK_TESTS() ### ### Splits a test run on chunks by test classes. ### The number of chunks can be overridden using the macro SPLIT_FACTOR. ### ### Allows to run tests in parallel. Supported in UNITTEST, JTEST/JUNIT5 and PY2TEST/PY3TEST modules. ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro FORK_TESTS(MODE...) { SET(TEST_FORK_MODE tests) SET(TEST_PARTITION $MODE) } # tag:test ### @usage: FORK_SUBTESTS() ### ### Splits the test run in chunks on subtests. ### The number of chunks can be overridden using the macro SPLIT_FACTOR. ### ### Allows to run tests in parallel. Supported in UNITTEST, JTEST/JUNIT5 and PY2TEST/PY3TEST modules. ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro FORK_SUBTESTS(MODE...) { SET(TEST_FORK_MODE subtests) SET(TEST_PARTITION $MODE) } # tag:test ### @usage: SPLIT_FACTOR(x) ### ### Sets the number of chunks for parallel run tests when used in test module with FORK_TESTS() or FORK_SUBTESTS(). ### If none of those is specified this macro implies FORK_TESTS(). ### ### Supports C++ ut and PyTest. ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro SPLIT_FACTOR(Factor) { SET(TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR $Factor) } # tag:test FORK_TEST_FILES_MODE= ### @usage: FORK_TEST_FILES() ### ### Only for PY2TEST and PY3TEST: splits a file executable with the tests on chunks in the files listed in TEST_SRCS ### Compatible with FORK_(SUB)TESTS. ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro FORK_TEST_FILES() { SET(FORK_TEST_FILES_MODE on) } # tag:test TEST_SIZE_NAME=SMALL ### @usage: SIZE(SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE) ### ### Set the 'size' for the test. Each 'size' has own set of resrtictions, SMALL bein the most restricted and LARGE being the list. ### See documentation on test system for more details. ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro SIZE(Type) { SET(TEST_SIZE_NAME $Type) } ### @usage: JOIN_SRCS(Out Src...) ### ### Join set of sources into single file named Out and send it for further processing. ### This macro doesn't place all file into Out, it emits #include<Src>... Use the for C++ source files only. ### You should specify file name with the extension as Out. Futher processing will be done according this extension. macro JOIN_SRCS(Out, Src...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_join_srcs.py"} ${output:Out} --ya-start-command-file ${input;rootrel:Src} --ya-end-command-file ${output_include;hide:Src} ${kv;hide:"p JS"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} .SEM=target_joined_source $Out ${input:Src} ${output;hide;suf=.o:Out} && modules_required yandex_common.cmake _CONDITIONAL_SRCS($TIDY_VALUE $Src) } ### @usage: JOIN_SRCS_GLOBAL(Out Src...) ### ### Join set of sources into single file named Out and send it for further processing as if it were listed as SRCS(GLOBAL Out). ### This macro doesn't place all file into Out, it emits #include<Src>... Use the for C++ source files only. ### You should specify file name with the extension as Out. Further processing will be done according to this extension. macro JOIN_SRCS_GLOBAL(Out, Src...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_join_srcs.py"} ${output;noauto:Out} --ya-start-command-file ${input;rootrel:Src} --ya-end-command-file ${output_include;hide:Src} ${kv;hide:"p JS"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} SRCS(GLOBAL $Out) } ### @usage: FLAT_JOIN_SRCS_GLOBAL(Out Src...) ### ### Join set of sources into single file named Out and send it for further processing as if it were listed as SRCS(GLOBAL Out). ### This macro places all files into single file, so will work with any sources. ### You should specify file name with the extension as Out. Further processing will be done according to this extension. macro FLAT_JOIN_SRCS_GLOBAL(Out, Src...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fs_tools.py"} cat ${output;noauto:Out} --ya-start-command-file ${input:Src} --ya-end-command-file ${output_include;hide:Src} ${kv;hide:"p JS"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} SRCS(GLOBAL $Out) } # tag:cpu PIC_CFLAGS= SSE2_CFLAGS= SSE3_CFLAGS= SSSE3_CFLAGS= SSE41_CFLAGS= SSE42_CFLAGS= POPCNT_CFLAGS= PCLMUL_CFLAGS= CX16_FLAGS= AVX_CFLAGS= AVX2_CFLAGS= AVX512_CFLAGS= # tag:cpu SSE_DEFINES= SSE_CFLAGS= SSE4_DEFINES= SSE4_CFLAGS= # tag:cpu when (($ARCH_X86_64 || $ARCH_I386) && $DISABLE_INSTRUCTION_SETS != "yes") { when ($CLANG || $CLANG_CL || $GCC) { PIC_CFLAGS=-fPIC SSE2_CFLAGS=-msse2 SSE3_CFLAGS=-msse3 SSSE3_CFLAGS=-mssse3 SSE41_CFLAGS=-msse4.1 SSE42_CFLAGS=-msse4.2 POPCNT_CFLAGS=-mpopcnt PCLMUL_CFLAGS=-mpclmul AVX_CFLAGS=-mavx # On Intel FMA3 instruction set comes together with AVX-2 extension starting with Broadwell / Haswell. # See: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FMA_instruction_set # # AMD implemented it in Piledriver architecture over AVX prior to AVX-2 which was introduced in Zen. # See: # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:AMD_x86_CPU_features AVX2_CFLAGS=-mavx2 -mfma # All Intel CPUS with AVX-512 have these instructions except for the Knights Landing / Knights Mill # (these are Xeon Phi) # See: # https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/x86/avx-512 AVX512_CFLAGS=-mavx512f -mavx512cd -mavx512bw -mavx512dq -mavx512vl when ($ARCH_X86_64 && $OS_ANDROID != "yes") { CX16_FLAGS=-mcx16 } SSE_DEFINES=-DSSE_ENABLED=1 -DSSE3_ENABLED=1 -DSSSE3_ENABLED=1 SSE4_DEFINES=-DSSE41_ENABLED=1 -DSSE42_ENABLED=1 -DPOPCNT_ENABLED=1 -DCX16_ENABLED=1 } elsewhen ($MSVC) { SSE2_CFLAGS=/D__SSE2__=1 SSE3_CFLAGS=/D__SSE3__=1 SSSE3_CFLAGS=/D__SSSE3__=1 SSE41_CFLAGS=/D__SSE4_1__=1 SSE42_CFLAGS=/D__SSE4_2__=1 POPCNT_CFLAGS=/D__POPCNT__=1 PCLMUL_CFLAGS=/D__PCLMUL__=1 AVX_CFLAGS=/arch:AVX /DAVX_ENABLED=1 AVX2_CFLAGS=/arch:AVX2 /DAVX2_ENABLED=1 AVX512_CFLAGS=/arch:AVX512 /DAVX512_ENABLED=1 SSE_DEFINES=/DSSE_ENABLED=1 /DSSE3_ENABLED=1 /DSSSE3_ENABLED=1 SSE4_DEFINES=/DSSE41_ENABLED=1 /DSSE42_ENABLED=1 /DPOPCNT_ENABLED=1 /DCX16_ENABLED=1 } SSE_CFLAGS=$SSE2_CFLAGS $SSE3_CFLAGS $SSSE3_CFLAGS SSE4_CFLAGS=$SSE41_CFLAGS $SSE42_CFLAGS $POPCNT_CFLAGS $CX16_FLAGS when ($ARCH_I386 && $OS_ANDROID == "yes") { USE_SSE4=no } } otherwise { USE_SSE4=no CPU_CHECK=no } # tag:cpu when ($NOSSE == "yes") { USE_SSE4=no } # tag:cpu ### @usage: NO_SSE4() ### ### Compile module without SSE4 macro NO_SSE4() { SET(USE_SSE4 no) } # tag:cpu ### @usage: NO_CPU_CHECK() ### ### Compile module without startup CPU features check macro NO_CPU_CHECK() { SET(CPU_CHECK no) } ### @usage: ADDINCLSELF() ### ### The macro adds the -I<project source path> flag to the source compilation flags of the current project. macro ADDINCLSELF(FOR="") { when($FOR) { ADDINCL+=FOR $FOR ${MODDIR} } otherwise { ADDINCL+=${MODDIR} } } COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX= _COMPILE_OUTPUTS=${output;suf=${COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX}${OBJECT_SUF}:SRC} _COMPILE_TIME_TRACE_OUTPUTS=${output;noauto;suf=${COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX}${OBJECT_SUF}.time_trace.json:SRC} macro SET_COMPILE_OUTPUTS_MODIFIERS(NOREL?";norel":"") { SET(_COMPILE_OUTPUTS \${output;suf=\${OBJECT_SUF}$NOREL:SRC}) SET(_COMPILE_TIME_TRACE_OUTPUTS \${output;noauto;suf=\${OBJECT_SUF}.time_trace.json$NOREL:SRC}) } _EMPTY_CMD= # tag:src-processing tag:internal ### @usage: _SRC(Ext Src Flags) # internal ### ### Basic building block of extension-based command dispatching ### To enable specific extension processing define _SRC() macro with fixed first argument (Ext). ### Internal logic will apply this macro to all files with this Ext listed in SRC/SRCS macros or outputs ### of other commands (except ones marked as noauto) macro _SRC(EXT, SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { # Generic macro definition for _SRC (just a placeholder, it does nothing) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("S", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$C_COMPILER $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM $CFLAGS $SFLAGS $SRCFLAGS -c -o ${output:SRC.o} ${input:SRC} ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} .SEM=add_asm_source ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("s", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(S, $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("s79", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(S, $SRC $SRCFLAGS -x assembler-with-cpp) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("mm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$C_COMPILER $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM -x objective-c++ -fobjc-arc -fobjc-abi-version=2 -c -o ${output:SRC.o} ${input:SRC} $CXXFLAGS ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} ${SRCFLAGS} ${requirements;hide:CC_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} $TOOLCHAIN_ENV } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("fml", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$FML_TOOL $CHECKFLAG -b -o ${output:SRC.inc} -T ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} ${kv;hide:"p FM"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("fml2", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$FML_TOOL $CHECKFLAG -b -o ${output;nopath;noext:SRC.fml.inc} -2 -O ${output;nopath;noext:SRC.fml.cpp} -T ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} ${kv;hide:"p FM"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("fml3", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$FML_TOOL $CHECKFLAG -b -o ${output;nopath;noext:SRC.fml.inc} -3 -O ${output;nopath;noext:SRC.fml.cpp} -L ${input;nopath;noext:SRC.list} -P ${nopath;noext:SRC} -T ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} ${kv;hide:"p FM"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("sfdl", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$CXX_COMPILER $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM $CXXFLAGS $SFDL_FLAG ${SRCFLAGS} ${input:SRC} && ${tool:"tools/calcstaticopt"} -i ${tmp:SRC.tmp} -a $ARCADIA_ROOT ${output;stdout;nopath;noext;defext=.inc:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p SF"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} $TOOLCHAIN_ENV } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("xs", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$PERL_LD_LIBRARY_PATH $PERL $PERL_INCLUDE ${suf=/ExtUtils/xsubpp:PERL_PRIVLIB} -typemap ${suf=/ExtUtils/typemap:PERL_PRIVLIB} $PERLSUFFIX $XSUBPPFLAGS ${SRCFLAGS} ${input:SRC} $PERLOUTPUT ${kv;hide:"p XS"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("y", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { # .CMD=${tool:"contrib/tools/byacc"} $BYACC_FLAGS ${nopath;noext;output:SRC.cpp} ${input:SRC} ${nopath;noext;hide;output;addincl:SRC.h} ${kv;hide:"p YC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} .CMD=${tool:"contrib/tools/bison/bison"} $BISON_FLAGS --m4=${tool:"contrib/tools/bison/m4"} -d -o ${nopath;noext;output;main;hide:SRC.h} ${nopath;noext;output:SRC.cpp} ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/preprocess.py"} $_ADD_HIDDEN_INPUTS($CPP_BISON_SKELS) ${nopath;noext;output;addincl:SRC.h} ${kv;hide:"p YC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("ypp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(y $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("gperf", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$RUN_NO_SANITIZE ${tool:"contrib/tools/gperf"} $GP_FLAGS ${SRCFLAGS} ${pre=-Nin_;suf=_set;nopath;noallext:SRC} ${input:SRC} ${output;stdout;nopath;noext;defext=.gperf.cpp:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p GP"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("rl", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$RUN_NO_SANITIZE ${tool:"contrib/tools/ragel5/ragel"} $RAGEL_FLAGS ${SRCFLAGS} -o ${tmp:SRC.tmp} ${input:SRC} && $RUN_NO_SANITIZE ${tool:"contrib/tools/ragel5/rlgen-cd"} $RLGEN_FLAGS -o ${output;nopath;noext;defext=.rl5.cpp:SRC} ${tmp:SRC.tmp} ${kv;hide:"p R5"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("rl5", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(rl $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("asp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$RUN_NO_SANITIZE ${tool:"tools/html2cpp"} ${input:SRC} ${output:SRC.cpp} ${kv;hide:"p HT"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("rl6", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$RUN_NO_SANITIZE ${tool:"contrib/tools/ragel6"} $RAGEL6_FLAGS ${SRCFLAGS} -L -I${ARCADIA_ROOT} -o ${output;nopath;noext;defext=.rl6.cpp:SRC} ${input:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p R6"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .SEM=target_ragel_lexers PRIVATE ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} $RAGEL6_FLAGS ${SRCFLAGS} && set_global_flags RAGEL_FLAGS -L -I $S/ && conan_require ragel/6.10 && conan_import '"bin, ragel* -> ./bin"' && modules_required yandex_common.cmake } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("l", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${tool:"contrib/tools/flex-old"} $LEX_FLAGS ${SRCFLAGS} -o${output:SRC.cpp} ${output_include;hide:"util/system/compiler.h"} ${input:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p LX"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .ADDINCL=contrib/tools/flex-old } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("lex", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(l $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("lpp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(l $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("pln", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$FML_TOOL -b -o ${output;pre=pln.;nopath;noext:SRC.cpp} -f ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} ${kv;hide:"p FM"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("xsyn", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"library/cpp/xml/parslib/xsyn2ragel.py"} ${input:SRC} ${input:"library/cpp/xml/parslib/xmlpars.xh"} dontuse ${output;stdout:SRC.h.rl5} ${kv;hide:"p XN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("ev", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$EVLOG_CMD($SRC) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("proto", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$PROTO_CMD($SRC) .SEM=$PROTO_CMD($SRC) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("gztproto", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { # _PROTO__INCLUDE is before ARCADIA_ROOT in includes because in gazetteer we don't use builtins now and paths'canonization (resolving) depends on order of roots. # descriptor.proto must be resolved as google/protobuf/descriptor.proto .CMD=${tool:"dict/gazetteer/converter"} -I$PROTOBUF_PATH ${pre="-I":_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I$ARCADIA_ROOT ${SRCFLAGS} ${input:SRC} ${output;nopath;noext;norel:SRC.proto} ${kv;hide:"p GZ"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=kernel/gazetteer/proto } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("cfgproto", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_CPP_CFGPROTO_CMD($SRC) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("pyx", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { # Copy-paste from BUILDWITH_CYTHON .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS --cplus ${CYTHON_CPP_OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:SRC} -o ${output;tobindir:SRC.cpp} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${SRCFLAGS} ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .ADDINCL=FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("in", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$CONFIGURE_FILE(${SRC} ${nopath;noext:SRC}) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("sc", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${tool:"tools/domschemec"} --in ${input:SRC} --out ${output;norel:SRC.h} ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/strbuf.h"} ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/string.h"} ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/vector.h"} ${output_include;hide:"util/string/cast.h"} ${SRCFLAGS} ${kv;hide:"p SC"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("ssqls", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${tool:"metrika/core/tools/ssqls"} ${input;notransformbuilddir:SRC} -S $ARCADIA_ROOT -B $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT $SRCFLAGS ${output;noext;hide:SRC.cpp} ${output;noext;hide:SRC.h} ${kv;hide:"p SS"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("f", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/f2c.py"} -t ${tool:"contrib/tools/f2c"} -c ${input:SRC} -o ${output:SRC.c} ${requirements;hide:CC_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p FT"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/libf2c .ADDINCL=contrib/libs/libf2c } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("cpp", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_cpp($SRC $SRCFLAGS) .SEM=target_sources PRIVATE ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("cxx", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(cpp $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("cc", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(cpp $SRC $SRCFLAGS) .SEM=target_sources PRIVATE ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("C", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(cpp $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("c", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_c($SRC $SRCFLAGS) .SEM=target_sources PRIVATE ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("m", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(c $SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("masm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_masm($SRC $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("yasm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_yasm($SRC $SRCFLAGS PREINCLUDES $YASM_PREINCLUDES_VALUE) .SEM=target_yasm_source PRIVATE ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} $YASM_FLAGS ${pre=-I :_ASM__INCLUDE} $SRCFLAGS ${pre=-P :PREINCLUDES} && set_global_flags YASM_FLAGS -f ${_YASM_FMT_VALUE}${HARDWARE_ARCH} $_YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE -D ${pre=_;suf=_:HARDWARE_TYPE} -D_YASM_ $ASM_PREFIX_VALUE $_YASM_PREDEFINED_FLAGS_VALUE && conan_require yasm/1.3.0 && conan_import '"bin, *yasm* -> ./bin"' && conan_import '"bin, ytasm* -> ./bin"' && modules_required yandex_common.cmake } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("asm", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC(yasm $SRC $SRCFLAGS) .SEM=target_yasm_source PRIVATE ${input:SRC} ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRC} $YASM_FLAGS ${pre=-I :_ASM__INCLUDE} $SRCFLAGS && set_global_flags YASM_FLAGS -f ${_YASM_FMT_VALUE}${HARDWARE_ARCH} $_YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE -D ${pre=_;suf=_:HARDWARE_TYPE} -D_YASM_ $ASM_PREFIX_VALUE $_YASM_PREDEFINED_FLAGS_VALUE && conan_require yasm/1.3.0 && conan_import '"bin, *yasm* -> ./bin"' && conan_import '"bin, ytasm* -> ./bin"' && modules_required yandex_common.cmake } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("lua", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:LUAJIT_PATH} ${tool:"contrib/libs/luajit/compiler"} -b -g ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} ${global;output;suf=.o:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p LJ"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} .PEERDIR=$LUAJIT_PATH } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("cu", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_CU_CMD .PEERDIR=$_SRC_CU_PEERDIR } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("fbs", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$FBS_CMD($SRC, $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("fbs64", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_CPP_FLATC64_CMD($SRC, $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("pysrc", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_PYSRC($SRC, $SRCFLAGS) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_py2src(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/compile_pysrc.py"} --input ${input:SRC} --output ${output;noext;suf=.py2_raw.cpp:SRC} --rescompiler ${tool:"tools/rescompiler"} py2 --python $(PYTHON)/python --py_compile ${input:"build/scripts/py_compile.py"} ${kv;hide:"p P2"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_py3src(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/compile_pysrc.py"} --input ${input:SRC} --output ${output;noext;suf=.py3_raw.cpp:SRC} --rescompiler ${tool:"tools/rescompiler"} py3 --pycc ${tool:"contrib/tools/python3/pycc"} ${kv;hide:"p P3"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} } # tag:src-processing python-specific when ($PYTHON3 == "yes") { MACRO_ALIAS(_SRC_PYSRC _SRC_py3src) } otherwise { MACRO_ALIAS(_SRC_PYSRC _SRC_py2src) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_c_nodeps(SRC, OUTFILE, INC...) { .CMD=$_SRC_C_NODEPS_CMD } # Custom flags for generated cpp-files. To support another generator: # - insert additional file extension before .cpp into generated cpp-file name # - update _LANG_CFLAGS_FILTER variable. Don't forget to add ' SKIP ' after flag list # # ragel5 and ragel6 generated terrible code which makes use of goto's in switch statements. # This triggers -Werror-implicit-fallthrough due to `unannotated fall-through between switch labels`. # # cython generated code also fails to pass this diagnostics due to `fallthrough annotation in unreachable code`. # We use cython==0.29.26 at the time. This issue might be fixed in further versions. ## tag:src-processing _LANG_CFLAGS_FILTER=\ ${pre=-Wno-implicit-fallthrough SKIP ;ext=.rl5:SRC} \ ${pre=-Wno-implicit-fallthrough SKIP ;ext=.rl6:SRC} \ ${pre=-Wno-implicit-fallthrough SKIP ;ext=.pyx:SRC} # tag:src-processing # Magic macro for removing file name from result (file name is passed as unused SKIP parameter) macro _FILTER_EXTS(SKIP="", FLAGS...) { .CMD=$FLAGS } # tag:src-processing macro _LANG_CFLAGS(SRC) { .CMD=$_FILTER_EXTS($_LANG_CFLAGS_FILTER) } # tag:src-processing # ymake bug workaround: variables followed a macros call in .CMD are not substituted and are placed in result as is # Pack macro call into a variable and use it in _SRC_CPP_CMD instead of macro call _LANG_CFLAGS_VALUE= when ($CLANG == "yes" || $GCC == "yes") { _LANG_CFLAGS_VALUE=$_LANG_CFLAGS(${noext:SRC}) } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_cpp(SRC, COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX="", SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_CPP_CMD } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_c(SRC, COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX="", SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_C_CMD } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_m(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_M_CMD } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC_masm(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$_SRC_MASM_CMD } # tag:lua-specific ### @usage: COMPILE_LUA(Src, [NAME <import_name>]) ### ### Compile LUA source file to object code using LUA 2.0 ### Optionally override import name which is by default reflects Src name macro COMPILE_LUA(Src, NAME="") { .CMD=$_SRC(lua, $Src, ${pre=-n :NAME}) } # tag:lua-specific ### @usage: _SRC_lua_21(SRC [SRCFLAGS...]) # internal ### ### Compile LUA source file to object code using LUA 2.1 macro _SRC_lua_21(SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${cwd:LUAJIT_21_PATH} ${tool:"contrib/libs/luajit_21/compiler"} -b -g ${input:SRC} ${SRCFLAGS} ${global;output;suf=.o:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p LJ"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} .PEERDIR=$LUAJIT_21_PATH } # tag:lua-specific ### @usage: COMPILE_LUA_21(Src, [NAME <import_name>]) ### ### Compile LUA source file to object code using LUA 2.1 ### Optionally override import name which is by default reflects Src name macro COMPILE_LUA_21(Src, NAME="") { .CMD=$_SRC_lua_21($Src, ${pre=-n :NAME}) } GETTEXT_KEEP_PATH=no _MO_OUTPUT= when ($GETTEXT_KEEP_PATH == "yes") { _MO_OUTPUT=${output;noauto;norel;noext:SRC.mo} } otherwise { _MO_OUTPUT=${output;noauto;nopath;noext;tobindir:SRC.mo} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("po", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"contrib/tools/python/src/Tools/i18n/msgfmt.py"} -o $_MO_OUTPUT ${input:SRC} } # tag:ydl-specific YDL_FLAGS= --force-color -I ${ARCADIA_ROOT} YDL_DESC_FLAGS= # tag:src-processing tag:ydl-specific macro _SRC("ydl", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${tool:"statbox/ydl/compiler/tooling/ydl/bin"} c $YDL_FLAGS --cpp-output-header ${output;suf=.h:SRC} --cpp-output-source ${output;suf=.cpp:SRC} ${input:SRC} ${output_include;hide:"statbox/ydl/runtime/cpp/gen_support/standard_includes.h"} ${kv;hide:"p YDL"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR+=statbox/ydl/runtime/cpp } # tag:ydl-specific ### @usage BUILD_YDL_DESC(Input Symbol Output) ### ### Generate a descriptor for a Symbol located in a ydl module Input, and put it to the file Output. ### ### @example: ### ### PACKAGE() ### BUILD_YDL_DESC(../types.ydl Event Event.ydld) ### END() ### ### This will parse file ../types.ydl, generate a descriptor for a symbol Event defined in the said file, and put the descriptor to the Event.ydld. macro BUILD_YDL_DESC(Input, Symbol, Output) { .CMD=${tool:"statbox/ydl/compiler/tooling/ydl/bin"} ti $YDL_FLAGS $YDL_DESC_FLAGS -o ${output;noauto:Output} ${input:Input} ${Symbol} ${kv;hide:"p YDL"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:ydl-specific ### @usage: YDL_DESC_USE_BINARY() ### ### Used in conjunction with BUILD_YDL_DESC. When enabled, all generated descriptors are binary. ### ### @example: ### ### PACKAGE() ### YDL_DESC_USE_BINARY() ### BUILD_YDL_DESC(../types.ydl Event Event.ydld) ### END() ### ### This will generate descriptor Event.ydld in a binary format. macro YDL_DESC_USE_BINARY() { YDL_DESC_FLAGS_BINARY= --binary SET_APPEND(YDL_DESC_FLAGS $YDL_DESC_FLAGS_BINARY) } ### @usage SRC(File Flags...) ### ### Compile single file with extra Flags. ### Compilation is driven by the last extension of the File and Flags are specific to corresponding compilation command macro SRC(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(${lastext:FILE} $FILE $FLAGS) } ### @usage: SRCS(<[GLOBAL] File> ...) ### ### Source files of the project. Files are built according to their extension and put int module output or fed to ultimate PROGRAM/DLL depending on GLOBAL presence. ### Arcadia Paths from the root and is relative to the project's LIST are supported ### ### GLOBAL marks next file as direct input to link phase of the program/shared library project built into. This prevents symbols of the file to be excluded by linker as unused. ### The scope of the GLOBAL keyword is the following file (that is, in the case of SRCS(GLOBAL foo.cpp bar.cpp) global will be only foo.cpp) ### ### @example: ### ### LIBRARY(test_global) ### SRCS(GLOBAL foo.cpp) ### END() ### ### This will produce foo.o and feed it to any PROGRAM/DLL module transitively depending on test_global library. The library itself will be empty and won't produce .a file. macro SRCS(FILES...) { foreach (FILE : $FILES) { _SRC(${lastext:FILE} $FILE) } } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_SSE2(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with SSE2 and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_SSE2(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $SSE2_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse2) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_SSE3(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with SSE3 and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_SSE3(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $SSE3_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse3) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_SSSE3(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with SSSE3 and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_SSSE3(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $SSSE3_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .ssse3) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_SSE41(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with SSE4.1 and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_SSE41(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $SSE41_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse41) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_SSE4(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with SSE4 (SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and POPCNT) and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_SSE4(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $SSE4_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse4) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_AVX(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with AVX and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_AVX(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $AVX_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .avx) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_C_AVX2(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with AVX2 and extra Flags. macro SRC_C_AVX2(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(c $FILE $AVX2_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .avx2) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_PIC(File Flags...) ### Compile single .c-file with -fPIC and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_PIC(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $PIC_CFLAGS $FLAGS) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_SSE2(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with SSE2 and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_SSE2(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $SSE2_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse2) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_SSE3(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with SSE3 and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_SSE3(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $SSE3_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse3) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_SSSE3(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with SSSE3 and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_SSSE3(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $SSSE3_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sss3) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_SSE41(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with SSE4.1 and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_SSE41(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $SSE41_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse41) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_SSE4(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with SSE4 (SSE4.1, SSE4.2 and POPCNT) and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_SSE4(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $SSE4_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .sse4) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_AVX(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with AVX and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_AVX(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $AVX_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .avx) } # tag:cpu tag:src-processing ### @usage SRC_CPP_AVX2(File Flags...) ### Compile single .cpp-file with AVX2 and extra Flags. macro SRC_CPP_AVX2(FILE, FLAGS...) { _SRC(cpp $FILE $AVX2_CFLAGS $FLAGS COMPILE_OUT_SUFFIX .avx2) } # tag:python-processing tag:cython # TODO: use it in [.pyx] cmd ### @usage: BUILDWITH_CYTHON_CPP(Src Options...) ### ### Generates .cpp file from .pyx. macro BUILDWITH_CYTHON_CPP(Src, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS ${Options} --cplus ${CYTHON_CPP_OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:Src} -o ${output;tobindir:Src.cpp} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes) } # tag:python-processing tag:cython tag:internal ### @usage: _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_CPP_DEP(Src Dep Options...) # internal ### ### Generates .cpp file from .pyx and attach extra input Dep. ### If Dep changes the .cpp file will be re-generated. macro _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_CPP_DEP(Src, Dep, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS ${Options} --cplus ${CYTHON_CPP_OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:Src} ${input;hide:Dep} -o ${output;tobindir:Src.cpp} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes) } # tag:python-processing tag:cython ### @usage: BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C(Src Options...) ### ### Generates .c file from .pyx. macro BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C(Src, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS ${Options} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:Src} -o ${output;tobindir:Src.c} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes) } # tag:python-processing tag:cython tag:internal ### @usage: _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_DEP(Src Dep Options...) # internal ### ### Generates .c file from .pyx and attach extra input Dep. ### If Dep changes the .c file will be re-generated. macro _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_DEP(Src, Dep, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS ${Options} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:Src} ${input;hide:Dep} -o ${output;tobindir:Src.c} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes) } # tag:python-processing tag:cython tag:internal ### @usage: _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_H(Src Dep Options...) # internal ### ### BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C without .pyx infix and with cdef public .h file. macro _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_H(Src, Dep, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS ${Options} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:Src} ${input;hide:Dep} -o ${output;noext;tobindir:Src.c} ${output;hide;addincl;noext;tobindir:Src.h} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes) } # tag:python-processing tag:cython tag:internal ### @usage: _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_API_H(Src Dep Options...) # internal ### ### BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_H with cdef api _api.h file. macro _BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C_API_H(Src, Dep, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT $CYTHON_OPTIONS ${Options} ${pre=-I:_CYTHON__INCLUDE} ${input:Src} ${input;hide:Dep} -o ${output;noext;tobindir:Src.c} ${output;hide;addincl;noext;tobindir:Src.h} ${output;hide;addincl;noext;defext=_api.h;tobindir:Src} $CYTHON_OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p CY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR cython contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Includes) } # tag:python-processing tag:internal ### @usage: _SWIG_PYTHON_CPP(Src, DstSubPrefix) # internal ### ### Run swig on Src to produce DstSubPrefix.py and DstSubPrefix_swg.cpp that ### provides DstSubPrefix_swg python module. macro _SWIG_PYTHON_CPP(Src, DstSubPrefix) { .CMD=$_SWIG_TOOL -I$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I$ARCADIA_ROOT -I$_SWIG_LIBRARY_ABS/python -I$_SWIG_LIBRARY_ABS -c++ -python -module ${nopath:DstSubPrefix} -interface ${nopath;suf=_swg:DstSubPrefix} -o ${output;suf=.swg.cpp:DstSubPrefix} ${input:Src} ${output;noauto;hide;suf=.py:DstSubPrefix} ${kv;hide:"p SW"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR swig $_SWIG_LIBRARY/python FOR swig $_SWIG_LIBRARY) } # tag:python-processing tag:internal ### @usage: _SWIG_PYTHON_C(Src, DstSubPrefix) # internal ### ### Like _SWIG_PYTHON_CPP but generate DstSubPrefix_swg.c. macro _SWIG_PYTHON_C(Src, DstSubPrefix) { .CMD=$_SWIG_TOOL -I$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I$ARCADIA_ROOT -I$_SWIG_LIBRARY_ABS/python -I$_SWIG_LIBRARY_ABS -python -module ${nopath:DstSubPrefix} -interface ${nopath;suf=_swg:DstSubPrefix} -o ${output;suf=.swg.c:DstSubPrefix} ${input:Src} ${output;noauto;hide;suf=.py:DstSubPrefix} ${kv;hide:"p SW"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ADDINCL(FOR swig $_SWIG_LIBRARY/python FOR swig $_SWIG_LIBRARY) } ### @usage: BUILDWITH_RAGEL6(Src Options...) ### ### Compile .rl file using Ragel6. macro BUILDWITH_RAGEL6(Src, Options...) { .CMD=$RUN_NO_SANITIZE ${tool:"contrib/tools/ragel6"} $RAGEL6_FLAGS ${Options} -I${ARCADIA_ROOT} -o ${output;nopath;noext;defext=.rl6.cpp:Src} ${input:Src} ${kv;hide:"p R6"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:python-processing tag:internal # TODO: use it in [.pyx] cmd ### @usage: _PY_REGISTER() # internal ### ### Register Python 2.x module in internal resource file system. Arcadia Python 2.x importer will be retrieve these on import directive. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister macro _PY_REGISTER(Func) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_py_reg.py"} $Func ${output;noauto:Func.reg.cpp} ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p PY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} SRCS(GLOBAL $Func.reg.cpp) } # tag:python-processing tag:internal ### @usage: _PY3_REGISTER() # internal ### ### Register Python 3.x module in internal resource file system. Arcadia Python 3.x importer will be retrieve these on import directive ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister macro _PY3_REGISTER(Func) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_py3_reg.py"} $Func ${output;noauto:Func.reg3.cpp} ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p PY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} SRCS(GLOBAL $Func.reg3.cpp) } # tag:python-processing tag:internal ### @usage: _PY_COMPILE_BYTECODE(SrcX Src) # internal ### ### Compile Python 2.x .py source file into Arcadia binary form suitable for PY2_PROGRAM ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister macro _PY_COMPILE_BYTECODE(SrcX, Src, Dst) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/py_compile.py"} $SrcX ${input:Src} ${output;noauto:Dst.yapyc} ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p PY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:python-processing tag:internal ### @usage: _PY3_COMPILE_BYTECODE(SrcX Src) # internal ### ### Compile Python 3.x .py source file into Arcadia binary form suitable for PY3_PROGRAM ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/devtools/commandsandvars/pysrcs/#makrospyregister macro _PY3_COMPILE_BYTECODE(SrcX, Src, Dst) { .CMD=${env:"PYTHONHASHSEED=0"} ${tool:"contrib/tools/python3/pycc"} $SrcX ${input:Src} ${output;noauto:Dst.yapyc3} ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p PY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } ### @usage: ARCHIVE_ASM(NAME archive_name files...) ### ### Similar to the macro ARCHIVE, but: ### 1. works faster and it is better to use for large files. ### 2. Different syntax (see examples in codesearch or users/pg/tests/archive_test) macro ARCHIVE_ASM(NAME="", DONTCOMPRESS?"-p":"", REQUIREMENTS[], Files...) { .CMD=$ARCH_TOOL -q $DONTCOMPRESS ${input;join=\: :Files}: -o ${output;chksum;suf=$OBJ_SUF.rodata:NAME} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p AR"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} } # tag:yweb-specific macro PIRE_INLINE_CMD(SRC) { .CMD=${tool:"library/cpp/regex/pire/inline"} -o ${output:SRC} ${input:SRC} ${output_include;hide:SRC} ${kv;hide:"p PI"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:yweb-specific macro PIRE_INLINE(FILES...) { foreach (FILE : $FILES) { PIRE_INLINE_CMD($FILE) } } ### @usage: ARCHIVE(archive_name [DONT_COMPRESS] files...) ### ### Add arbitrary data to a modules. Unlike RESOURCE macro the result should be futher processed by othet macros in the module. ### ### Example: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/howtowriteyamakefiles/#a1ispolzujjtekomanduarchive macro ARCHIVE(NAME="", DONTCOMPRESS?"-p":"", REQUIREMENTS[], Files...) { .CMD=$ARCH_TOOL -q -x $DONTCOMPRESS ${input;join=\: :Files}: -o ${output;chksum;addincl;noauto:NAME} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p AR"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} } ### @usage: ARCHIVE_BY_KEYS(archive_name key [DONT_COMPRESS] files...) ### ### Add arbitrary data to a module be accessible by specified key. ### Unlike RESOURCE macro the result should be futher processed by othet macros in the module. ### ### Example: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/howtowriteyamakefiles/#a1ispolzujjtekomanduarchive macro ARCHIVE_BY_KEYS(NAME="", KEYS="", DONTCOMPRESS?"-p":"", REQUIREMENTS[], Files...) { .CMD=$ARCH_TOOL -q -x $DONTCOMPRESS ${input:Files} -k $KEYS -o ${output;chksum;addincl;noauto:NAME} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p AR"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} } #scripts #special commands BUILDVERSION_SCRIPT=build/scripts/build_info_gen.py SVNVERSION_JAVA_MARKER=output-java-class SVNVERSION_GO_MARKER=output-go VCS_C_OBJ=$BINDIR/__vcs_version__.c$OBJECT_SUF VCS_C_OBJ_RR=$MODDIR/__vcs_version__.c$OBJECT_SUF VCS_C=$BINDIR/__vcs_version__.c VCS_GO=$BINDIR/__vcs_version__.go VCS_JAVA=$BINDIR/__vcs_version__.mf VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__= YASM_DEBUG_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__= CL_DEBUG_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__= CL_MACRO_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__= YASM_DEBUG_INFO= CL_DEBUG_INFO= CL_MACRO_INFO= when ($FORCE_VCS_INFO_UPDATE == "yes") { VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__=${hide;kv:"disable_cache"} } ### Works for pyton too. GENERATE_VCS_C_INFO_NODEP=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/vcs_info.py"} $(VCS)/vcs.json $VCS_C ${input:"build/scripts/c_templates/svn_interface.c"} $VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__ && $_SRC_c_nodeps($VCS_C, $VCS_C_OBJ, $(SOURCE_ROOT)) GENERATE_VCS_GO_INFO_NODEP=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/vcs_info.py"} output-go $(VCS)/vcs.json $VCS_GO $VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__ GENERATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/vcs_info.py"} output-java $(VCS)/vcs.json $VCS_JAVA $VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__ macro UPDATE_VCS_JAVA_INFO_NODEP(Jar) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/vcs_info.py"} output-java $(VCS)/vcs.json $VCS_JAVA $Jar $VCS_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__ } ### @usage: CREATE_BUILDINFO_FOR(GenHdr) ### ### Creates header file to access some information about build specified via configuration variables. ### Unlike CREATE_SVNVERSION_FOR() it doesn't take revion information from VCS, it uses revision and SandboxTaskId passed via -D options to ya make macro CREATE_BUILDINFO_FOR(GenHdr) { .CMD=$YIELD $CXX_COMPILER && $YIELD $CXXFLAGS && $XARGS $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:BUILDVERSION_SCRIPT} ${output:GenHdr} ${kv;hide:"p BI"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${hide;kv:"show_out"} $SVN_DEPENDS_CACHE__NO_UID__ } DECIMAL_MD5_SCRIPT=build/scripts/decimal_md5.py DECIMAL_MD5_FIXED= ### @usage: DECIMAL_MD5_LOWER_32_BITS(<fileName> [FUNCNAME funcName] [inputs...]) ### ### Generates .cpp file <fileName> with one defined function 'const char* <funcName>() { return "<calculated_md5_hash>"; }'. ### <calculated_md5_hash> will be md5 hash for all inputs passed to this macro. macro DECIMAL_MD5_LOWER_32_BITS(File, FUNCNAME="", Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:DECIMAL_MD5_SCRIPT} --fixed-output=${DECIMAL_MD5_FIXED} --func-name=${FUNCNAME} --lower-bits 32 --source-root=$ARCADIA_ROOT ${input;context=TEXT:Opts} ${output;stdout;chksum:File} ${kv;hide:"p SV"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${hide;kv:"show_out"} } # tag:internal ### @usage $CFG_VARS # internal ### ### Mark commands that embed Configuration variables into files macro CFG_VARS() { .GEN_FROM_FILE=yes } ### @usage: CONFIGURE_FILE(from to) ### ### Copy file with the replacement of configuration variables in form of @ANY_CONF_VAR@ with their values. ### The values are collected during configure stage, while replacement itself happens during build stage. ### Used implicitly for .in-files processing. macro CONFIGURE_FILE(Src, Dst) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/configure_file.py"} ${input:Src} ${output;addincl:Dst} $CFG_VARS ${kv;hide:"p CF"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .SEM=set_vasrs ${CFG_VARS} && configure_file $S/${input;rootrel:Src} $B/${output;rootrel:Dst} } ### @usage: BASE_CODEGEN(tool_path prefix) ### ### Generator ${prefix}.cpp + ${prefix}.h files based on ${prefix}.in. macro BASE_CODEGEN(Tool, Prefix, Opts...) { .CMD=${tool:Tool} ${input:Prefix.in} ${output;nopath;noauto:Prefix.cpp} ${output;nopath:Prefix.h} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p BC"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:internal ### @usage: _SPLIT_CODEGEN_BASE(tool prefix OUTS[] OUTPUT_INCLUDES[]) # internal ### ### Generator of a certain number .the. cpp file + one header .h file from .in. ### This is the call of the generator. Python macro SPLIT_CODEGEN() is defined in order to properly fill command outputs from OUT_NUM argument. macro _SPLIT_CODEGEN_BASE(Tool, Prefix, OUT[], OPTS[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[]) { .CMD=${tool:Tool} ${input:Prefix.in} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;nopath;noauto:Prefix.cpp} ${output;nopath:Prefix.h} $OPTS ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${kv;hide:"p SC"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } STRUCT_CODEGEN_OUTPUT_INCLUDES=${output_include;hide:"util/generic/singleton.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/strbuf.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/vector.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/ptr.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/yexception.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"kernel/struct_codegen/reflection/reflection.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"kernel/struct_codegen/reflection/floats.h"} ### @usage: STRUCT_CODEGEN(Prefix) ### A special case BASE_CODEGEN, in which the kernel/struct_codegen/codegen_tool tool is used. macro STRUCT_CODEGEN(Prefix) { .CMD=$BASE_CODEGEN(kernel/struct_codegen/codegen_tool, $Prefix, $STRUCT_CODEGEN_OUTPUT_INCLUDES) .PEERDIR=kernel/struct_codegen/metadata kernel/struct_codegen/reflection } ### @usage: DUMPERF_CODEGEN(Prefix) ### A special case BASE_CODEGEN, in which the extsearch/images/robot/tools/dumperf/codegen tool is used macro DUMPERF_CODEGEN(Prefix) { .CMD=$BASE_CODEGEN(extsearch/images/robot/tools/dumperf/codegen, $Prefix, ${output_include;hide:"extsearch/images/kernel/erf/erf_format.h"}) } # tag:flags ### @usage: LDFLAGS(LinkerFlags...) ### ### Add flags to the link command line of executable or shared library/dll. ### Note: LDFLAGS are always global. When set in the LIBRARY module they will affect all programs/dlls/tests the library is linked into. ### Note: remember about the incompatibility of flags for gcc and cl. macro LDFLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $Flags) } # tag:flags ### @usage: CFLAGS([GLOBAL compiler_flag]* compiler_flags) ### ### Add the specified flags to the compilation command of C and C++ files. ### @params: GLOBAL - Propagates these flags to dependent projects ### Note: remember about the incompatibility flags for clang and cl (to set flags specifically for cl.exe use MSVC_FLAGS). macro CFLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND_WITH_GLOBAL(USER_CFLAGS $Flags) } # tag:flags ### @usage: MASMFLAGS(compiler flags) ### Add the specified flags to the compilation command of .masm files. macro MASMFLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(MASMFLAGS $Flags) } # tag:flags ### @usage: CONLYFLAGS([GLOBAL compiler_flag]* compiler_flags) ### Add the specified flags to the compilation command of .c (but not .cpp) files. ### @params: GLOBAL - Distributes these flags on dependent projects macro CONLYFLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND_WITH_GLOBAL(USER_CONLYFLAGS $Flags) } # tag:flags ### @usage: CXXFLAGS(compiler_flags) ### Add the specified flags to the compilation command of .cpp (but not .c) files. macro CXXFLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND_WITH_GLOBAL(USER_CXXFLAGS $Flags) } # tag:flags ### @usage: CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS(compiler flags) ### Add the specified flags to the compile line .cu-files. macro CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS $Flags) } # tag:flags ### @usage: NVCC_DEVICE_LINK(file.cu...) ### Run nvcc --device-link on objects compiled from srcs with --device-c. ### This generates a stub object devlink.o that supplies missing pieces for the ### host linker to link relocatable device objects into the final executable. macro NVCC_DEVICE_LINK(Srcs...) { .CMD=$NVCC $NVCC_FLAGS -o ${output;suf=${OBJ_SUF}${NVCC_OBJ_EXT}:"devlink"} -dlink ${input;suf=${OBJ_SUF}${NVCC_OBJ_EXT}:Srcs} ${kv;hide:"p DL"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} } ### @usage: STRIP() ### Strip debug info from a PROGRAM, DLL or TEST. ### This macro doesn't work in LIBRARY's, UNION's and PACKAGE's. macro STRIP() { ENABLE(STRIP) } ### @usage: NO_OPTIMIZE() ### Build code without any optimizations (-O0 mode). macro NO_OPTIMIZE() { ENABLE(NO_OPTIMIZE) } ### @usage: NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS() ### Disable all compiler warnings in the module. ### Priorities: NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS > NO_WERROR > WERROR_MODE > WERROR. macro NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS() { ENABLE(NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS) } ### @usage: WERROR() ### Consider warnings as errors in the current module. ### In the bright future will be removed, since WERROR is the default. ### Priorities: NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS > NO_WERROR > WERROR_MODE > WERROR. macro WERROR() { ENABLE(WERROR) } ### @usage: NO_WERROR() ### Override WERROR() behavior ### Priorities: NO_COMPILER_WARNINGS > NO_WERROR > WERROR_MODE > WERROR. macro NO_WERROR() { DISABLE(WERROR) } ### @usage: NO_WSHADOW() ### Disable C++ shadowing warnings. macro NO_WSHADOW() { ENABLE(NO_WSHADOW) } # tag:internal ### @usage: NO_PLATFORM_RESOURCES() # internal ### Exclude dependency on platform resources libraries. ### Most probably you'll never need this. If you think you need, please contact devtools@ for assistance. macro NO_PLATFORM_RESOURCES() { ENABLE(NOPLATFORM_RESOURCES) } # tag:internal tag:codenav ### @usage: NO_CODENAVIGATION() # internal ### Disable codenaviagtion for a module. Needed to avoid PEERDIR loops in codenavigation support. ### Most probably you'll never need this. If you think you need, please contact devtools@ for assistance. macro NO_CODENAVIGATION() { ENABLE(NOCODENAVIGATION) } ### @usage: NO_UTIL() ### Build module without dependency on util. ### Note: use this with care. Util most likely will be linked into executable anyway, ### so using util headers/functions/classes may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time. macro NO_UTIL() { ENABLE(NOUTIL) } ### @usage: NO_RUNTIME() ### ### This macro: ### 1. Sets the ENABLE(NOUTIL) + DISABLE(USE_INTERNAL_STL); ### 2. If the project that contains the macro NO_RUNTIME(), peerdir-it project does not contain NO_RUNTIME() => Warning. ### Note: use this with care. Arcadia STL most likely will be linked into executable anyway, so using STL headers/functions/classes ### may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time. macro NO_RUNTIME() { SET(USE_ARCADIA_LIBM no) NO_UTIL() ENABLE(NORUNTIME) } ### @usage: NO_LIBC() ### ### Exclude dependencies on C++ and C runtimes (including util, musl and libeatmydata). ### Note: use this with care. libc most likely will be linked into executable anyway, ### so using libc headers/functions may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time. macro NO_LIBC() { NO_RUNTIME() DISABLE(MUSL) } ### @usage: NO_PLATFORM() ### ### Exclude dependencies on C++ and C runtimes (including util, musl and libeatmydata) and set NO_PLATFORM variable for special processing. ### Note: use this with care. libc most likely will be linked into executable anyway, ### so using libc headers/functions may not be detected at build time and may lead to unpredictable behavors at configure time. macro NO_PLATFORM() { NO_LIBC() ENABLE(NOPLATFORM) } # tag:cpp-specific ### @usage: USE_CXX() ### ### Add dependency on C++ runtime ### Note: This macro is inteneded for use in _GO_BASE_UNIT like module when the module is built without C++ runtime by default macro USE_CXX() { DISABLE(NORUNTIME) } ### @usage: USE_UTIL() ### ### Add dependency on util and C++ runtime ### Note: This macro is intended for use in _GO_BASE_UNIT like module when the module is build without util by default macro USE_UTIL() { USE_CXX() DISABLE(NOUTIL) } # tag:deprecated ### @usage: NO_JOIN_SRC() # deprecated, does-nothing ### This macro currently does nothing. This is default behavior which cannot be overridden at module level. macro NO_JOIN_SRC() { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:deprecated ### @usage: JOINSRC() # deprecated, does-nothing ### This macro currently does nothing. Use JOIN_SRCS and similar macros to make one file of set of sources. macro JOINSRC() { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:sanitize ### @usage: NO_SANITIZE() ### ### Disable all sanitizers for the module. macro NO_SANITIZE() { DISABLE(SANITIZER_TYPE) } # tag:coverage tag:sanitize ### @usage: NO_SANITIZE_COVERAGE() ### ### Disable lightweight coverage (-fsanitize-coverage) for the module. macro NO_SANITIZE_COVERAGE() { DISABLE(SANITIZE_COVERAGE) } # tag:coverage ### @usage: NO_CLANG_COVERAGE() ### ### Disable heavyweight clang coverage for the module macro NO_CLANG_COVERAGE() { DISABLE(CLANG_COVERAGE) } macro NO_CLANG_TIDY() { DISABLE(TIDY) } # tag:python-specific tag:coverage ### @usage: NO_PYTHON_COVERAGE() ### ### Disable python coverage for module macro NO_PYTHON_COVERAGE() { DISABLE(PYTHON_COVERAGE) } # tag:python-specific tag:coverage tag:cython ### @usage: NO_CYTHON_COVERAGE() ### ### Disable cython and cythonized python coverage (CYTHONIZE_PY) ### Implies NO_CLANG_COVERAGE() - right now, we can't disable instrumentation for .py.cpp files, but enable for .cpp macro NO_CYTHON_COVERAGE() { DISABLE(CYTHON_COVERAGE) NO_CLANG_COVERAGE() } # tag:lua-specific LUAJIT_PATH=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/luajit macro _LUAJIT_OBJDUMP(Src, OUT="") { .CMD=${cwd:LUAJIT_PATH} ${tool:"contrib/libs/luajit/compiler"} -b -g ${input:Src} ${output;noauto:OUT} ${kv;hide:"p LJ"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} } # tag:lua-specific LUAJIT_21_PATH=${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/luajit_21 macro _LUAJIT_21_OBJDUMP(Src, OUT="") { .CMD=${cwd:LUAJIT_21_PATH} ${tool:"contrib/libs/luajit_21/compiler"} -b -g ${input:Src} ${output;noauto:OUT} ${kv;hide:"p LJ"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} } macro _MX_BIN_TO_INFO(Src) { .CMD=${tool:"tools/mx_bin2info"} ${input:Src} ${output;nopath;noext;noauto:Src.info} ${kv;hide:"p MX"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } MX_GEN_TABLE_INCLS=${output_include;hide:"yabs_mx_calc_table.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"kernel/matrixnet/mn_sse.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"library/cpp/archive/yarchive.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/memory/blob.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/hash.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/ptr.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/singleton.h"} macro _MX_GEN_TABLE(Srcs...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_mx_table.py"} $Srcs ${output;stdout:"mx_tables.cpp"} $MX_GEN_TABLE_INCLS ${kv;hide:"p MX"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} PEERDIR(kernel/matrixnet) PEERDIR(library/cpp/archive) } RELEV_FML_CODEGEN_INCLS=${output_include;hide:"kernel/relevfml/relev_fml.h"} ${output_include;hide:"library/cpp/sse/sse.h"} ### @usage: GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION(File.h) ### ### Create serialization support for enumeration members defined in the header (String <-> Enum conversions) and compile it into the module. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/HowToWriteYaMakeFiles/ macro GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION(File) { .CMD=$ENUM_PARSER_TOOL ${input:File} --include-path ${input;rootrel:File} --output ${output;chksum;suf=_serialized.cpp:File} ${output_include;hide:File} ${output_include;hide:"util/generic/serialized_enum.h"} ${kv;hide:"p EN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .SEM=generate_enum_serilization ${input:File} ${output;hide;suf=_serialized.o:File} INCLUDE_HEADERS ${input;rootrel:File} ${tool;hide:"tools/enum_parser/enum_parser/bin"} PEERDIR(tools/enum_parser/enum_serialization_runtime) } ### @usage: GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER(File.h) ### ### Create serialization support for enumeration members defined in the header (String <-> Enum conversions) and compile it into the module ### Provide access to serialization functions via generated header File_serialized.h ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/HowToWriteYaMakeFiles/ macro GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER(File) { .CMD=$ENUM_PARSER_TOOL ${input:File} --include-path ${input;rootrel:File} --output ${output;chksum;suf=_serialized.cpp:File} --header ${output;chksum;suf=_serialized.h:File} ${output_include;hide:File} ${kv;hide:"p EN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .SEM=generate_enum_serilization ${input:File} ${output;hide;suf=_serialized.o:File} GEN_HEADER ${output;suf=_serialized.h:File} INCLUDE_HEADERS ${input;rootrel:File} ${tool;hide:"tools/enum_parser/enum_parser/bin"} PEERDIR(tools/enum_parser/enum_serialization_runtime) } ### @usage: DEB_VERSION(File) ### ### Creates a header file DebianVersion.h define the DEBIAN_VERSION taken from the File. macro DEB_VERSION(File) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/mkver.py"} ${input:File} ${output;stdout:"DebianVersion.h"} ${kv;hide:"p CL"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } BUILD_MN_SCRIPT=build/scripts/build_mn.py # tag:matrixnet ### @usage: BUILD_MN([CHECK] [PTR] [MULTI] mninfo mnname) # matrixnet ### ### Generate MatrixNet data and access code using single command. ### Alternative macro BUILD_MNS() works faster and better for large files. macro BUILD_MN(MnInfo, MnName, CHECK?"fml_tool=$FML_UNUSED_TOOL CHECK":"", MULTI?, PTR?, RANKING_SUFFIX="") { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:BUILD_MN_SCRIPT} BuildMnF $ARCADIA_ROOT $ARCH_TOOL ${input:MnInfo} $MnName ranking_suffix=$RANKING_SUFFIX ${output;chksum;pre=mn.:MnName.cpp} ${output;hide;pre=MN_External_;suf=.rodata:MnName} ${output_include;hide:"kernel/matrixnet/mn_sse.h"} $CHECK $MULTI $PTR ${kv;hide:"p MN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } macro _BUILD_MNS_FILE(Input, Name, Output, Suffix, Check, Fml_tool, AsmDataName) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:BUILD_MN_SCRIPT} BuildMnsFilesF $ARCADIA_ROOT $BINDIR $ARCH_TOOL fml_tool=$Fml_tool $Name ranking_suffix=$Suffix ${input:Input} ${output;hide:Output} ${output;hide;pre=MN_External_;suf=.rodata:AsmDataName} ${output_include;hide:"kernel/matrixnet/mn_sse.h"} ${kv;hide:"p MN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } MNS_OUTPUT=mnmodels macro _BUILD_MNS_CPP(NAME="", CHECK?, RANKING_SUFFIX="", Files...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:BUILD_MN_SCRIPT} BuildMnsCppF $NAME ranking_suffix=$RANKING_SUFFIX ${input:MNS_OUTPUT.h} ${output:MNS_OUTPUT.cpp} ${input:Files} ${output_include;hide:MNS_OUTPUT.h} ${output_include;hide:"kernel/matrixnet/mn_sse.h"} ${kv;hide:"p MN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } macro _BUILD_MNS_HEADER(NAME="", CHECK?, RANKING_SUFFIX="", Files...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:BUILD_MN_SCRIPT} BuildMnsHeaderF $NAME ranking_suffix=$RANKING_SUFFIX ${output:MNS_OUTPUT.h} ${input:Files} ${output_include;hide:"kernel/matrixnet/mn_sse.h"} ${output_include;hide:"kernel/matrixnet/mn_multi_categ.h"} ${kv;hide:"p MN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # TODO: support foreach_in and keywords simultaneous usage (look at BUILD_MNS_FILES) # tag:matrixnet ### @usage: BUILD_MNS([CHECK] NAME listname mninfos...) # matrixnet ### ### Generate MatrixNet data and access code using separate commands for support code, interface and data. ### Faster version of BUILD_MN() macro for large files. macro BUILD_MNS(Files...) { _BUILD_MNS_HEADER($Files) _BUILD_MNS_CPP($Files) _BUILD_MNS_FILES($Files) } ### @usage: BUILD_PLNS(Src...) ### ### Generate interface header plnmodels.h for Relev model (PLN). ### Relev specific macro. macro BUILD_PLNS(Src...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/build_pln_header.py"} ${output:"plnmodels.h"} ${input:Src} $RELEV_FML_CODEGEN_INCLS ${kv;hide:"p PN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} .PEERDIR=kernel/relevfml library/cpp/sse } ### @usage: COMPILE_NLG(Src...) ### ### Generate and compile .nlg templates (Jinja2-based) and interface for megamind runtime. ### ### Alice-specific macro macro COMPILE_NLG(Src...) { PEERDIR(alice/nlg/runtime) RUN_PROGRAM(alice/nlg/bin compile-cpp --import-dir ${ARCADIA_ROOT} --out-dir ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} --include-prefix ${MODDIR} ${Src} IN ${Src} OUT register.cpp register.h ${suf=.cpp:Src} ${suf=.h:Src} OUT_NOAUTO ${suf=.pb.txt:Src}) } ### @usage: NEED_CHECK() ### ### Commits to the project marked with this macro will be blocked by pre-commit check and then will be ### automatically merged to trunk only if there is no new broken build targets in check results. ### The use of this macro is disabled by default. macro NEED_CHECK(Flags...) { # TODO: FIXME ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } ### @usage: NO_NEED_CHECK() ### ### Commits to the project marked with this macro will not be affected by higher-level NEED_CHECK macro. macro NO_NEED_CHECK(Flags...) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:deprecated ### @usage: NEED_REVIEW() # deprecated ### ### Mark the project as needing review. ### Reviewers are listed in the macro OWNER. The use of this macro is disabled by default. ### Details can be found here: https://clubs.at.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/6104 macro NEED_REVIEW(Flags...) { # TODO: FIXME ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } ### @usage: VERSION(Args...) ### ### Specify version of a module. Currently unused by build system, only informative. macro VERSION(Flags...) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } DATAWORK_SCHEEME_EXPORT_FLAGS= when ($UNIX == "yes") { SCHEEME2_CFLAGS= -E -x c++ } when ($WIN32 == "yes") { SCHEEME2_CFLAGS= /E /TP } SCHEEME2_STRUCT_INFO_FLAGS=-f "const static ui32 RecordSig" -u "RecordSig" --gcc44_no_typename --no_complex_overloaded_func_export ### @usage: GEN_SCHEEME2(scheeme_name from_file dependent_files...) ### ### Generates a C++ description for structure(contains the field RecordSig) in the specified file (and connected). ### ### 1. ${scheeme_name}.inc - the name of the generated file. ### 2. Use an environment variable - DATAWORK_SCHEEME_EXPORT_FLAGS that allows to specify flags to tools/structparser ### ### @example: ### ### SET(DATAWORK_SCHEEME_EXPORT_FLAGS --final_only -m "::") ### ### all options are passed to structparser (in this example --final_only - do not export heirs with public base that contains the required field,,- m "::" only from the root namespace) ### sets in extra option ### ### @example: ### ### SET(EXTRACT_STRUCT_INFO_FLAGS -f \"const static ui32 RecordSig\" ### -u \"RecordSig\" -n${scheeme_name}SchemeInfo ----gcc44_no_typename no_complex_overloaded_func_export ### ${DATAWORK_SCHEEME_EXPORT_FLAGS}) ### ### for compatibility with C++ compiler and the external environment. ### See tools/structparser for more details. macro GEN_SCHEEME2(ScheemeName, FromFile) { .CMD=$CXX_COMPILER $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM -c ${tmp;stdout:FromFile.cph} $SCHEEME2_CFLAGS ${input:FromFile} ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $CXXFLAGS -Wno-error && ${tool:"tools/structparser"} -o ${output:ScheemeName.inc} -n N${ScheemeName}SchemeInfo $SCHEEME2_STRUCT_INFO_FLAGS $DATAWORK_SCHEEME_EXPORT_FLAGS ${tmp:FromFile.cph} ${output;stdout;noauto:ScheemeName.inc.log} ${kv;hide:"p SH"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } ### @usage: SYMLINK(from to) ### Add symlink macro SYMLINK(From, To) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/symlink.py"} ${input;dirallowed:From} ${output;noauto:To} ${kv;hide:"p LN"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} } ### @usage: RUN_PROGRAM(tool_path args... [CWD dir] [ENV key=value...] [TOOL tools...] [IN inputs...] [OUT[_NOAUTO] outputs...] [STDOUT[_NOAUTO] output] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes...] [REQUIREMENTS reqs]) ### ### Run a program from arcadia. ### These macros are similar: RUN_PROGRAM, LUA, PYTHON. ### ### Parameters: ### - tool_path - Path to the directory of the tool. ### - args... - Program arguments. Relative paths listed in TOOL, IN, OUT, STDOUT become absolute. ### - CWD dir - Absolute path of the working directory. ### - ENV key=value... - Environment variables. ### - TOOL tools... - Auxiliary tool directories. ### - IN inputs... - Input files ### - OUT[_NOAUTO] outputs... - Output files. NOAUTO outputs are not automatically added to the build process. ### - STDOUT[_NOAUTO] output - Redirect the standard output to the output file. ### - OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes... - Includes of the output files that are needed to build them. ### - REQUIREMENTS - Override default requirements for CPU and RAM ### ### For absolute paths use ${ARCADIA_ROOT} and ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}, or ### ${CURDIR} and ${BINDIR} which are expanded where the outputs are used. ### Note that Tool is always built for the host platform, so be careful to provide that tool can be built for all Arcadia major host platforms (Linux, MacOS and Windows). macro RUN_PROGRAM(Tool, IN{input}[], OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], TOOL{tool}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], IN_DEPS[], STDOUT="", STDOUT_NOAUTO="", CWD="", ENV[], REQUIREMENTS[], Args...) { .CMD=${cwd:CWD} ${env:ENV} ${tool:Tool} $Args ${input;hide:IN} ${input;hide:IN_DEPS} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${tool;hide:TOOL} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;stdout:STDOUT} ${output;stdout;noauto:STDOUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${requirements;hide:"network:restricted"} ${kv;hide:"p PR"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} .SEM=add_custom_command OUTPUT ${output:OUT} ${output;noauto:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output:STDOUT} ${output;noauto:STDOUT_NOAUTO} DEPENDS ${input:IN} ${tool:Tool} ${tool:TOOL} ${pre=WORKING_DIRECTORY :CWD} COMMAND ${tool:Tool} $Args ${pre=> :STDOUT} ${pre=> :STDOUT_NOAUTO} } # tag:lua-specific ### @usage: LUA(script_path args... [CWD dir] [ENV key=value...] [TOOL tools...] [IN inputs...] [OUT[_NOAUTO] outputs...] [STDOUT[_NOAUTO] output] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes...][ REQUIREMENTS reqs]) ### ### Run a lua script. ### These macros are similar: RUN_PROGRAM, LUA, PYTHON. ### ### Parameters: ### - script_path - Path to the script.3 ### - args... - Program arguments. Relative paths listed in TOOL, IN, OUT, STDOUT become absolute. ### - CWD dir - Absolute path of the working directory. ### - ENV key=value... - Environment variables. ### - TOOL tools... - Auxiliary tool directories. ### - IN inputs... - Input files. ### - OUT[_NOAUTO] outputs... - Output files. NOAUTO outputs are not automatically added to the build process. ### - STDOUT[_NOAUTO] output - Redirect the standard output to the output file. ### - OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes... - Includes of the output files that are needed to build them. ### - REQUIREMENTS - Override default requirements for CPU and RAM ### ### For absolute paths use ${ARCADIA_ROOT} and ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}, or ### ${CURDIR} and ${BINDIR} which are expanded where the outputs are used. macro LUA(ScriptPath, IN{input}[], OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], TOOL{tool}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], IN_DEPS[], STDOUT="", STDOUT_NOAUTO="", CWD="", ENV[], REQUIREMENTS[], Args...) { .CMD=${cwd:CWD} ${env:ENV} $LUA_TOOL ${input:ScriptPath} $Args ${input;hide:IN} ${input;hide:IN_DEPS} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${tool;hide:TOOL} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;stdout:STDOUT} ${output;stdout;noauto:STDOUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${requirements;hide:"network:restricted"} ${kv;hide:"p LU"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PYTHON(script_path args... [CWD dir] [ENV key=value...] [TOOL tools...] [IN inputs...] [OUT[_NOAUTO] outputs...] [STDOUT[_NOAUTO] output] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes...] [REQUIREMENTS reqs]) ### ### Run a python script with $(PYTHON)/python built from devtools/huge_python. ### These macros are similar: RUN_PROGRAM, LUA, PYTHON. ### ### Parameters: ### - script_path - Path to the script. ### - args... - Program arguments. Relative paths listed in TOOL, IN, OUT, STDOUT become absolute. ### - CWD dir - Absolute path of the working directory. ### - ENV key=value... - Environment variables. ### - TOOL tools... - Auxiliary tool directories. ### - IN inputs... - Input files. ### - OUT[_NOAUTO] outputs... - Output files. NOAUTO outputs are not automatically added to the build process. ### - STDOUT[_NOAUTO] output - Redirect the standard output to the output file. ### - OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes... - Includes of the output files that are needed to build them. ### - REQUIREMENTS - Override default requirements for CPU and RAM ### ### For absolute paths use ${ARCADIA_ROOT} and ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}, or ### ${CURDIR} and ${BINDIR} which are expanded where the outputs are used. macro PYTHON(ScriptPath, IN{input}[], OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], TOOL{tool}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], IN_DEPS[], STDOUT="", STDOUT_NOAUTO="", CWD="", ENV[], REQUIREMENTS[], Args...) { .CMD=${cwd:CWD} ${env:ENV} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:ScriptPath} $Args ${input;hide:IN} ${input;hide:IN_DEPS} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${tool;hide:TOOL} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;stdout:STDOUT} ${output;stdout;noauto:STDOUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${requirements;hide:"network:restricted"} ${kv;hide:"p PY"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } # tag:java-specific macro _RUN_JAVA(IN{input}[], OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], TOOL[], STDOUT="", STDOUT_NOAUTO="", CWD="", ENV[], HIDE_OUTPUT?"stderr2stdout":"stdout2stderr", REQUIREMENTS[], Args...) { PEERDIR(build/platform/java/jdk $JDK_RESOURCE_PEERDIR) .CMD=${cwd:CWD} ${env:ENV} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input;pre=build/scripts/:HIDE_OUTPUT.py} $JDK_RESOURCE/bin/java $Args ${tool;hide:TOOL} ${input;hide:IN} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${output;stdout:STDOUT} ${output;stdout;noauto:STDOUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p JV"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } ### @usage: FROM_SANDBOX([FILE] resource_id [AUTOUPDATED script] [RENAME <resource files>] OUT_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE] [OUTPUT_INCLUDES <include files>]) ### ### Download the resource from the Sandbox, unpack (if not explicitly specified word FILE) and add OUT files to the build. EXECUTABLE makes them executable. ### You may specify extra dependencies that output files bring using OUTPUT_INCLUDES. The change of these may e.g. lead to recompilation of .cpp files extracted from resource. ### If there is no default processing for OUT files or you need process them specially use OUT_NOAUTO instead of OUT. ### ### It is disallowed to specify directory as OUT/OUT_NOAUTO since all outputs of commands shall be known to build system. ### ### RENAME renames files to the corresponding OUT and OUT_NOAUTO outputs: ### FROM_SANDBOX(resource_id RENAME in_file1 in_file2 OUT out_file1 out_file2 out_file3) ### FROM_SANDBOX(resource_id RENAME in_file1 OUT out_file1 RENAME in_file2 OUT out_file2) ### FROM_SANDBOX(FILE resource_id RENAME resource_file OUT out_name) ### ### RENAME RESOURCE allows to rename the resource without specifying its file name. ### ### If AUTOUPDATED is specified than macro will be regularly updated according to autoupdate script. The dedicated Sandbox task scans the arcadia and ### changes resource_ids in such macros if newer resource of specified type is available. Note that the task seeks AUTOUPDATED in specific position, ### so you shall place it immediately after resource_id. macro FROM_SANDBOX(Id, OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], FILE?"--copy-to-dir":"--untar-to", AUTOUPDATED="", PREFIX=".", RENAME[], EXECUTABLE?"--executable":"", SBR="sbr:", REQUIREMENTS[]) { .CMD=${hide:SANDBOX_FAKEID} ${cwd:BINDIR} ${resource;pre=$SBR:Id} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py"} --resource-file $(RESOURCE_ROOT)/sbr/$Id/resource --resource-id $Id $FILE $PREFIX ${pre=--rename :RENAME} $EXECUTABLE -- $OUT $OUT_NOAUTO ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from.py"} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:REQUIREMENTS} ${requirements;hide:"network:full"} ${kv;hide:"p SB"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} ADD_CHECK(check.resource $Id) } ### @usage: FROM_MDS([FILE] key [RENAME <resource files>] OUT_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) ### ### Download resource from MDS with the specified key and process like [FROM_SANDBOX()](#macro_FROM_SANDBOX). macro FROM_MDS(Key, OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], FILE?"--copy-to-dir":"--untar-to", PREFIX=".", RENAME[], EXECUTABLE?"--executable":"") { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fetch_from_mds.py"} --key $Key $FILE $PREFIX ${pre=--rename :RENAME} $EXECUTABLE -- $OUT $OUT_NOAUTO ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from.py"} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:"network:full"} ${kv;hide:"p MD"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} ADD_CHECK(check.mds $Key) } # tag:internal ### @usage: _FROM_EXTERNAL(ExtFile [AUTOUPDATED script] [RENAME <resource files>] OUT_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) #internal ###requirements;hide ### Use resource described as .external file as [FROM_SANDBOX()](#macro_FROM_SANDBOX)/[FROM_MDS()](#macro_FROM_MDS). macro _FROM_EXTERNAL(File, OutFile, OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], AUTOUPDATED="", PREFIX=".", RENAME[], EXECUTABLE?"--executable":"", EXT="ext:") { .CMD=${hide:SANDBOX_FAKEID} ${cwd:BINDIR} ${resource;pre=$EXT;suf=.external:OutFile} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fetch_from_external.py"} --external-file ${input:File} --resource-file $(RESOURCE_ROOT)/ext/$OutFile --copy-to-dir $PREFIX ${pre=--rename :RENAME} $EXECUTABLE -- $OUT $OUT_NOAUTO ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from.py"} ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py"} ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from_mds.py"} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${requirements;hide:"network:full"} ${kv;hide:"p XT"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} #FIXME: add '${resource;pre=$EXT:OutFile}' when support of the scheme is added to executors #FIXME: add 'ADD_CHECK(check.external $File)' when proper testing is implemented } ### @usage LARGE_FILES([AUTOUPDATED] Files...) ### ### Use large file ether from working copy or from remote storage via placeholder <File>.external ### If <File> is present locally (and not a symlink!) it will be copied to build directory. ### Otherwise macro will try to locate <File>.external, parse it retrieve ot during build phase. macro LARGE_FILES(AUTOUPDATED?, Files...) { # This is needed to correctly switch between remote and local modes _GLOB($LF $Files) } ### @usage: FROM_ARCHIVE(Src [RENAME <resource files>] OUT_[NOAUTO] <output files> [EXECUTABLE]) ### ### Process file archive as [FROM_SANDBOX()](#macro_FROM_SANDBOX). macro FROM_ARCHIVE(Src, OUT{output}[], OUT_NOAUTO{output}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], PREFIX=".", RENAME[], EXECUTABLE?"--executable":"") { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/fetch_from_archive.py"} "--archive" ${input:Src} "--file-name" ${suf=-:Src} "--untar-to" $PREFIX ${pre=--rename :RENAME} $EXECUTABLE -- $OUT $OUT_NOAUTO ${input;hide:"build/scripts/fetch_from.py"} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${output;hide:OUT} ${output;noauto;hide:OUT_NOAUTO} ${kv;hide:"p FA"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } when ($MSVC == "yes") { C_AS_CXX_FLAGS=/TP /std:c++17 } otherwise { C_AS_CXX_FLAGS=-x c++ -std=c++17 } # tag:cpp-specific ### @usage: COMPILE_C_AS_CXX() ### ### Compile .c files as .cpp ones within a module. macro COMPILE_C_AS_CXX() { SET(EXTRA_C_FLAGS $C_AS_CXX_FLAGS) } ### @usage: NO_DEBUG_INFO() ### ### Compile files without debug info collection. macro NO_DEBUG_INFO() { SET(NO_DEBUGINFO yes) } ### @usage: CTEMPLATE_VARNAMES(File) ### ### Generate File.varnames.h using contrib/libs/ctemplate/make_tpl_varnames_h ### ### Documentation: https://a.yandex-team.ru/arc/trunk/arcadia/contrib/libs/ctemplate/README.md macro CTEMPLATE_VARNAMES(File) { .CMD=${tool:"contrib/libs/ctemplate/make_tpl_varnames_h"} -f ${output;addincl;nopath;noallext:File.varnames.h} ${input:File} } LLVM_OPTS= CLANG_ROOT=$CLANG_RESOURCE_GLOBAL ### @usage: GENERATED_SRCS(srcs... PARSE_META_FROM cpp_srcs... [OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes...] [OPTIONS]) ### ### Generate sources using Jinja 2 template engine. ### ### srcs... - list of text files which will be generated during build time by templates. Each template must be ### placed to the place in source tree where corresponding source file should be generated. Name of ### template must be "<name_of_src_file>.markettemplate". For example if you want to generate file "example.cpp" ### then template should be named "example.cpp.markettemplate". ### PARSE_META_FROM cpp_srcs... - list of C++ source files (.cpp, .h) which will be parsed using clang library ### and metainformation extracted from the files will be made available for templates. Example of ### template code fragment using metainformation: {{ meta.objects["@N@std@S@string"].name }} ### OUTPUT_INCLUDES output_includes... - in cases when build system parser fails to determine all headers ### which generated files include, you can specify additional headers here. In a normal situation this should ### not be needed and this feature could be removed in the future. ### OPTIONS - additional options for code_generator utility ### ### Examples of templates can be found in directory market/tools/code_generator/templates. ### Metainformation does not contain entries for every object declared in C++ files specified in PARSE_META_FROM ### parameter. To include some object into consideration you need to mark it by attribute. Attributes can ### automatically add more attributes to dependent objects. This behavior depends on attribute definition. ### ### More information will be available (eventually:) here: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/Users/denisk/codegenerator/ macro GENERATED_SRCS(PARSE_META_FROM{input}[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], OPTIONS[], TEMPLATES...) { .CMD=${tool:"market/tools/code_generator"} --cpp-file ${input:PARSE_META_FROM} --templates-dir / ${ARCADIA_ROOT} --templates ${input:TEMPLATES.markettemplate} --generated-files ${output:TEMPLATES} ${output_include;hide:OUTPUT_INCLUDES} ${output_include;hide:PARSE_META_FROM} --arcadia-root ${ARCADIA_ROOT} --arcadia-build-root ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} --clang-root $CLANG_ROOT ${OPTIONS} -- $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM $CXXFLAGS ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} -std=c++17 -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-undefined-inline -Wno-undefined-internal -Wno-unused-function $LLVM_OPTS -fno-lto PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: CLANG_EMIT_AST_CXX(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Emit Clang AST from .cpp file. CXXFLAGS and LLVM_OPTS are passed in, while CFLAGS and C_FLAGS_PLATFORM are not. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro CLANG_EMIT_AST_CXX(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/clang_wrapper.py"} $WINDOWS $CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++ ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $CXXFLAGS -Wno-unknown-warning-option $LLVM_OPTS -std=c++17 -fno-lto -emit-ast -c ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p ST"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: LLVM_COMPILE_CXX(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Emit LLVM bytecode from .cpp file. BC_CXXFLAGS, LLVM_OPTS and C_FLAGS_PLATFORM are passed in, while CFLAGS are not. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro LLVM_COMPILE_CXX(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/clang_wrapper.py"} $WINDOWS $CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang++ ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $BC_CXXFLAGS $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM -Wno-unknown-warning-option $LLVM_OPTS -std=c++17 -fno-lto -emit-llvm -c ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p BC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: LLVM_COMPILE_C(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Emit LLVM bytecode from .c file. BC_CFLAGS, LLVM_OPTS and C_FLAGS_PLATFORM are passed in, while CFLAGS are not. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro LLVM_COMPILE_C(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/clang_wrapper.py"} $WINDOWS $CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $BC_CFLAGS $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM $LLVM_OPTS -fno-lto -emit-llvm -c ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p BC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: BPF(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Emit eBPF bytecode from .c file. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro BPF(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/clang_wrapper.py"} $WINDOWS $CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM -target bpf -c ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p BP"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: BPF_STATIC(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Emit eBPF bytecode from .c file. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro BPF_STATIC(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/clang_wrapper.py"} $WINDOWS $CLANG_ROOT/bin/clang ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM -target bpf -c ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p BP"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} && ${cwd:BINDIR} $LLD_ROOT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/ld -r -b binary -m elf_x86_64 -o ${output;noauto;suf=.bpf.o:Input} ${noauto;nopath:Output} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang build/platform/lld) } ### @usage: LLVM_COMPILE_LL(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Compile LLVM bytecode to object representation. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro LLVM_COMPILE_LL(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$CLANG_ROOT/bin/llvm-as ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} ${kv;hide:"p BC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: LLVM_LINK(Output Inputs...) ### ### Call llvm-link on set of Inputs to produce Output. ### Note: Unlike many other macros output argument goes first. Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro LLVM_LINK(Output, Inputs...) { .CMD=$CLANG_ROOT/bin/llvm-link ${input:Inputs} -o ${output;noauto:Output} ${kv;hide:"p LD"} ${requirements;hide:LD_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } ### @usage: LLVM_OPT(Input Output Opts...) ### ### Call llvm-opt with set of Opts on Input to produce Output. ### Note: Output name is used as is, no extension added. macro LLVM_OPT(Input, Output, Opts...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/llvm_opt_wrapper.py"} $CLANG_ROOT/bin/opt ${input:Input} -o ${output;noauto:Output} $Opts ${kv;hide:"p OP"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} PEERDIR(build/platform/clang) } when ($NO_DEBUGINFO == "yes") { DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS= } when ($CLANG && $DEBUGINFO_LINES_ONLY == "yes" && $NO_DEBUGINFO != "yes") { DEBUG_INFO_FLAGS=-gline-tables-only } # TODO: configurable tar and touch PACK_TGZ=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} tar -czf ${rootrel:OUTPUT} ${rootrel:INPUT} ${kv;hide:"p AR"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} # tag:internal ### @usage TOUCH(Outputs...) # internal ### Just introduce outputs macro TOUCH(Outputs...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} ${output:Outputs} } TOUCH_UNIT=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} ${kv;hide:"p UN"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} $TARGET TOUCH_PACKAGE=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} $TARGET && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/copy_to_dir.py"} --dest-dir $BINDIR --build-root $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT $PACKED_PACKAGE_ARGS $SRCS_GLOBAL $PEERS _P_PK=${kv;hide:"p PK"} TOUCH_PACKAGE_MF=$GENERATE_MF && $TOUCH_PACKAGE $_P_PK TOUCH_JAVA_UNIT=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} ${kv;hide:"java $CURDIR"} $TARGET NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE=None ### @usage: NO_CHECK_IMPORTS([patterns]) ### ### Do not run checks on imports of Python modules. ### Optional parameter mask patterns describes the names of the modules that do not need to check. macro NO_CHECK_IMPORTS(Masks...) { SET(NO_CHECK_IMPORTS_FOR_VALUE $Masks) } # tag:yasm-specific _YASM_FMT_VALUE= _YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE= _YASM_PREDEFINED_FLAGS_VALUE= when ($OS_DARWIN || $OS_IOS) { _YASM_FMT_VALUE=macho _YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE=-D DARWIN -D UNIX } elsewhen ($OS_WINDOWS && $ARCH_X86_64) { _YASM_FMT_VALUE=win _YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE=-D WIN64 } elsewhen ($OS_WINDOWS && $ARCH_I386) { _YASM_FMT_VALUE=win _YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE=-D WIN32 } otherwise { _YASM_FMT_VALUE=elf _YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE=-D UNIX _YASM_PREDEFINED_FLAGS_VALUE=-g dwarf2 } when ($ASM_PREFIX) { ASM_PREFIX_VALUE=--prefix=$ASM_PREFIX } otherwise { ASM_PREFIX_VALUE= } # tag:yasm-specific YASM_FLAGS= YASM_PREINCLUDES_VALUE= # tag:yasm-specific macro _SRC_yasm(SRC, PREINCLUDES[], SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${tool:"contrib/tools/yasm"} -f ${_YASM_FMT_VALUE}${HARDWARE_ARCH} $_YASM_PLATFORM_FLAGS_VALUE $YASM_DEBUG_INFO $YASM_DEBUG_INFO_DISABLE_CACHE__NO_UID__ -D ${pre=_;suf=_:HARDWARE_TYPE} -D_YASM_ $ASM_PREFIX_VALUE $_YASM_PREDEFINED_FLAGS_VALUE $YASM_FLAGS ${pre=-I :_ASM__INCLUDE} $SRCFLAGS -o ${output;noext;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:SRC} ${pre=-P :PREINCLUDES} ${input;hide:PREINCLUDES} ${input:SRC} ${requirements;hide:PY_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p AS"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-green"} } ### @usage: ASM_PREINCLUDE(AsmFiles...) ### ### Supply additional .asm files to all assembler calls within a module macro ASM_PREINCLUDE(PREINCLUDES...) { SET_APPEND(YASM_PREINCLUDES_VALUE $PREINCLUDES) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: RUN_PYTHON(Args...) ### ### Version of RUN() macro to invoke Python scripts ### @see: [RUN()](#macro_RUN) macro RUN_PYTHON(Args...) { SETUP_RUN_PYTHON() RUN(${PYTHON_BIN} $Args) } ### @usage: RUN_ANTLR(Args...) ### ### Macro to invoke ANTLR3 generator (general case) macro RUN_ANTLR(IN[], OUT[], OUT_NOAUTO[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], REQUIREMENTS[], CWD="", Args...) { PEERDIR(build/external_resources/antlr3) _RUN_JAVA(-jar $ANTLR3_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/antlr-3.5.2-complete-no-st3.jar $Args IN $IN OUT $OUT OUT_NOAUTO $OUT_NOAUTO OUTPUT_INCLUDES $OUTPUT_INCLUDES REQUIREMENTS $REQUIREMENTS ${pre=CWD :CWD}) } ### @usage: RUN_ANTLR4(Args...) ### ### Macro to invoke ANTLR4 generator (general case) macro RUN_ANTLR4(IN[], OUT[], OUT_NOAUTO[], OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], REQUIREMENTS[], CWD="", Args...) { PEERDIR(build/external_resources/antlr4) _RUN_JAVA(-jar $ANTLR4_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/antlr-4.9-complete.jar $Args IN $IN OUT $OUT OUT_NOAUTO $OUT_NOAUTO OUTPUT_INCLUDES $OUTPUT_INCLUDES REQUIREMENTS $REQUIREMENTS ${pre=CWD :CWD}) } _ANTLR4_LISTENER_GRAMMAR=-listener _ANTLR4_LISTENER__ANTLR4_EMPTY=-no-listener _ANTLR4_VISITOR_GRAMMAR=-visitor _ANTLR4_VISITOR__ANTLR4_EMPTY=-no-visitor ### @usage: RUN_ANTLR4_CPP(GRAMMAR, OUTPUT_INCLUDES, LISTENER, VISITOR, Args...) ### ### Macro to invoke ANTLR4 generator (Cpp) macro RUN_ANTLR4_CPP(GRAMMAR, OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], LISTENER?"GRAMMAR":"_ANTLR4_EMPTY", VISITOR?"GRAMMAR":"_ANTLR4_EMPTY", _ANTLR4_EMPTY="", Args...) { RUN_ANTLR4(${GRAMMAR} -Dlanguage=Cpp -o ${BINDIR} ${Args} ${_ANTLR4_VISITOR_$VISITOR} ${_ANTLR4_LISTENER_$LISTENER} CWD ${BINDIR} IN ${GRAMMAR} OUT ${noext;suf=Lexer.cpp:GRAMMAR} ${noext;suf=Lexer.h:GRAMMAR} ${noext;suf=Parser.cpp:GRAMMAR} ${noext;suf=Parser.h:GRAMMAR} ${noext;suf=Listener.h:$LISTENER} ${noext;suf=BaseListener.h:$LISTENER} ${noext;suf=Visitor.h:$VISITOR} ${noext;suf=BaseVisitor.h:$VISITOR} OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/antlr4_cpp_runtime/src/antlr4-runtime.h ${OUTPUT_INCLUDES}) PEERDIR(contrib/libs/antlr4_cpp_runtime) } ### @usage: RUN_ANTLR4_GO(GRAMMAR, OUTPUT_INCLUDES, LISTENER, VISITOR, Args...) ### ### Macro to invoke ANTLR4 generator (Go) macro RUN_ANTLR4_GO(GRAMMAR, OUTPUT_INCLUDES[], LISTENER?"GRAMMAR":"_ANTLR4_EMPTY", VISITOR?"GRAMMAR":"_ANTLR4_EMPTY", _ANTLR4_EMPTY="", Args...) { RUN_ANTLR4(${GRAMMAR} -Dlanguage=Go -o ${BINDIR} ${Args} ${_ANTLR4_VISITOR_$VISITOR} ${_ANTLR4_LISTENER_$LISTENER} CWD ${BINDIR} IN ${GRAMMAR} OUT ${noext;tolower;suf=_lexer.go:GRAMMAR} ${noext;tolower;suf=_parser.go:GRAMMAR} ${noext;tolower;suf=_listener.go:$LISTENER} ${noext;tolower;suf=_base_listener.go:$LISTENER} ${noext;tolower;suf=_visitor.go:$VISITOR} ${noext;tolower;suf=_base_visitor.go:$VISITOR} OUTPUT_INCLUDES ${OUTPUT_INCLUDES}) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/fmt ${GOSTD}/reflect ${GOSTD}/strconv ${GOSTD}/unicode vendor/github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr) } # tag:cpp-specific macro CPP_ADDINCL(Dirs...) { ADDINCL($Dirs) } # tag:internal _WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS_VALUE= ### @usage: WHOLE_ARCHIVE(dirnames...) # internal macro WHOLE_ARCHIVE(PEERS...) { SET_APPEND(_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_PEERS_VALUE ${PEERS}) REQUIRES(${PEERS}) } ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=${ANDROID_SDK_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/android_sdk macro TASKLET() { PEERDIR(tasklet/api) # CPP CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN(tasklet_cpp tasklet/gen/cpp .tasklet.h) # Python PY_PROTO_PLUGIN2(tasklet_py _tasklet.py _sbtask.py tasklet/gen/python DEPS tasklet/domain/sandbox tasklet/runtime sandbox/sdk2) #Java JAVA_PROTO_PLUGIN(tasket_java tasklet/gen/java DEPS tasklet/runtime/java/lib $JAVA_GRPC_STUB $JAVA_GRPC_PROTOBUF) } TASKLET_REG_INCLUDES= \ ${output_include;hide:"tasklet/runtime/lib/cpp_wrapper.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"tasklet/runtime/lib/go_wrapper.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"tasklet/runtime/lib/py_wrapper.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"tasklet/runtime/lib/js_wrapper.h"} \ ${output_include;hide:"tasklet/runtime/lib/registry.h"} macro TASKLET_REG(Name, Lang, Impl, Includes...) { PEERDIR(tasklet/domain sandbox/bin sandbox/taskbox/worker) when($Lang == "js") { # JS runtime links the Node.js from contrib as a library, which is a bit heavy, # so we do it, only if any JS tasklets are linked into the target PEERDIR+=tasklet/runtime/js } .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_tasklet_reg.py"} $Name -l $Lang -i $Impl ${output;noauto:Name.task.cpp} $Includes ${output_include;hide:Includes} $TASKLET_REG_INCLUDES ${kv;hide:"p TT"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} SRCS(GLOBAL $Name.task.cpp) } # TEMPORARY METHOD FOR EXTENDED REGISTRY SETUP # NOT COMPLETE macro TASKLET_REG_EXT(Name, Lang, Impl, Wrapper, Includes...) { PEERDIR(tasklet/domain sandbox/bin sandbox/taskbox/worker) .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_tasklet_reg.py"} $Name -l $Lang -i $Impl -w $Wrapper ${output;noauto:Name.task.cpp} $Includes ${output_include;hide:Includes} $TASKLET_REG_INCLUDES ${kv;hide:"p TT"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} SRCS(GLOBAL $Name.task.cpp) } # tag:cpp-specific _CPP_PROTO_MODULE_PREFIX= _CPP_PROTO_MODULE_SUFFIX= when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { _CPP_PROTO_MODULE_PREFIX= _CPP_PROTO_MODULE_SUFFIX=.lib } otherwise { _CPP_PROTO_MODULE_PREFIX=lib _CPP_PROTO_MODULE_SUFFIX=.a } ### @usage: EXPOSE(OutputsToExport...) ### ### Allows to mark outputs of macro command as unused in the current module but intended ### to be used in modules consuming current via PEERDIR. ### ### TODO(DEVTOOLS-9000) proper implementation needed macro EXPOSE(Args...) { .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/touch.py"} ${output;suf=$_HASH_HELPER($Args).cpp:"empty_"} ${input;hide:Args} } # tag:proto macro _PROTO_DESC_CMD(File) { .CMD=${cwd;rootdir;input:File} $PROTOC -I=./$PROTO_NAMESPACE -I=$ARCADIA_ROOT/$PROTO_NAMESPACE ${pre=-I=:_PROTO__INCLUDE} -I=$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -I=$PROTOBUF_PATH --descriptor_set_out=${output;suf=.desc:File} --include_source_info ${input;rootrel:File} } _PROTO_DESC_MERGE_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/merge_files.py"} $TARGET $AUTO_INPUT ${kv;hide:"p PD"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} _PROTO_DESC_MERGE_PEERS_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/merge_files.py"} $TARGET $PEERS $SRCS_GLOBAL ${kv;hide:"p PD"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-cyan"} NEED_GOOGLE_PROTO_PEERDIRS=yes PROTO_LIBRARY_SEM=$CPP_LIBRARY_SEM && target_proto_plugin cpp_styleguide ${tool:"contrib/tools/protoc/plugins/cpp_styleguide"} # tag:proto ### @usage: PROTO_LIBRARY() ### ### Build some varian of protocol buffers library. ### ### The particular variant is selected based on where PEERDIR to PROTO_LIBRARY comes from. ### ### Now supported 5 variants: C++, Java, Python 2.x, Python 3.x and Go. ### When PEERDIR comes from module for particular language appropriate variant is selected. ### PROTO_LIBRARY also supports emission of GRPC code if GRPC() macro is specified. ### Notes: ### - Python versions emit C++ code in addition to Python as optimization. ### - In some PROTO_LIBRARY-es Java or Python versions are excluded via EXCLUDE_TAGS macros due to incompatibilities. ### - Use from DEPENDS or BUNDLE is not allowed ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/proto_library/ ### ### See: [GRPC()](#macro_GRPC), [OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS()](#macro_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS), [INCLUDE_TAGS()](#macro_INCLUDE_TAGS), [EXCLUDE_TAGS()](#macro_EXCLUDE_TAGS) multimodule PROTO_LIBRARY { module CPP_PROTO : LIBRARY { .ALLOWED=EXPOSE # TODO(svidyuk): think about marker which forces semantics inheritance .SEM=PROTO_LIBRARY_SEM ENABLE(CPP_PROTO) ENABLE(GEN_PROTO) NO_CLANG_TIDY() SET(PEERDIR_TAGS CPP_PROTO) when ($BUILD_PROTO_AS_EVLOG == "yes" && $USE_VANILLA_PROTOC == "yes") { _OK=no } ASSERT(_OK BUILD_PROTO_AS_EVLOG and USE_VANILLA_PROTOC are incompatible yet) MODULE_SUFFIX=$_CPP_PROTO_MODULE_SUFFIX MODULE_PREFIX=$_CPP_PROTO_MODULE_PREFIX when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS != "None") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } } module JAVA_PROTO: EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY { .EXTS=.jsrc .ALLOWED=GRPC .SEM=ignored SET(PEERDIR_TAGS JAVA_PROTO) ENABLE(JAVA_PROTO) PEERDIR+=$JAVA_PROTOBUF_PEERS contrib/java/javax/annotation/javax.annotation-api/1.3.1 .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER USE_SKIFF CPP_PROTO_PLUGIN2 PY_PROTO_PLUGIN YMAPS_SPROTO RESOURCE ADDINCL(FOR proto $PROTOBUF_PATH) when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS != "None") { PEERDIR += contrib/java/com/google/api/grpc/proto-google-common-protos/${JAVA_PROTO_COMMON_VERSION} ADDINCL += FOR proto ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } } module PY_PROTO: PY2_LIBRARY { .ALIASES=SRCS=PY_SRCS .ALLOWED=OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS .PEERDIRSELF=CPP_PROTO .SEM=ignored SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY2 PY_PROTO) ENABLE(PY_PROTO) OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS() OBJ_SUF=.py2 # Can not use NO_LINT(), because is not allowed outside of contrib directory SET(LINT_LEVEL_VALUE none_internal) when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS != "None") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } _IGNORE_SELF_PEERS= _CPP_PROTO_LIBRARY=${MODDIR}/$_CPP_PROTO_MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME$_CPP_PROTO_MODULE_SUFFIX when ($OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS_FLAG == "no") { _IGNORE_PEERDIRSELF=CPP_PROTO } SET_APPEND(_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIBS_VALUE_GLOBAL $_CPP_PROTO_LIBRARY) } module PY3_PROTO: PY3_LIBRARY { .ALIASES=SRCS=PY_SRCS .ALLOWED=OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS NO_OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS .PEERDIRSELF=CPP_PROTO .SEM=ignored SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY3 PY3_PROTO) ENABLE(PY3_PROTO) OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS() when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py3 } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy3 } OBJ_SUF=.py3 # Can not use NO_LINT(), because is not allowed outside of contrib directory SET(LINT_LEVEL_VALUE none_internal) when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS != "None") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } _IGNORE_SELF_PEERS= _CPP_PROTO_LIBRARY=${MODDIR}/$_CPP_PROTO_MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME$_CPP_PROTO_MODULE_SUFFIX when ($OPTIMIZE_PY_PROTOS_FLAG == "no") { _IGNORE_PEERDIRSELF=CPP_PROTO } SET_APPEND(_WHOLE_ARCHIVE_LIBS_VALUE_GLOBAL $_CPP_PROTO_LIBRARY) } module GO_PROTO: GO_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER YMAPS_SPROTO .SEM=ignored SET(PEERDIR_TAGS GO GO_PROTO) ENABLE(GO_PROTO) when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS == "None") { } elsewhen ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS == "") { PEERDIR += $_GO_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS ADDINCL += FOR proto ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } otherwise { PEERDIR += $_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS ADDINCL += FOR proto ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } } module EXT_PROTO: _BARE_UNIT { .ALIASES=SRCS=_RAW_PROTO_SRCS .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT_MF .SEM=ignored .EXTS=.* .PROXY=yes .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from SET(PEERDIR_TAGS EXT_PROTO) ENABLE(EXT_PROTO) SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .raw.fake.pkg) SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS != "None") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } SET(CREDITS_FILE_EXTRA_EXT .ext_proto) } module DESC_PROTO: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=_PROTO_DESC_MERGE_CMD .SEM=ignored .EXTS=.desc .NODE_TYPE=Library .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER YMAPS_SPROTO RESOURCE GO_PROTO_PLUGIN GRPC SET(PEERDIR_TAGS DESC_PROTO) ENABLE(DESC_PROTO) MODULE_SUFFIX=.self.protodesc SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) MACRO_ALIAS(EVLOG_CMD _PROTO_DESC_CMD) MACRO_ALIAS(PROTO_CMD _PROTO_DESC_CMD) when ($_COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS != "None") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/googleapis-common-protos } when ($NEED_GOOGLE_PROTO_PEERDIRS == "yes") { when ($USE_VANILLA_PROTOC == "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/protobuf_std/builtin_proto/protos_from_protobuf } otherwise { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/protobuf/builtin_proto/protos_from_protoc } } } module PB_PY_PROTO: _PY_PACKAGE { .INCLUDE_TAG=no .PROXY=yes .SEM=ignored SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .pb_py.fake.pkg) ENABLE(PB_PY_PROTO) # WARN: # _COMMON_GOOGLE_APIS aren't handled intentionally. # PB_PY_PROTO is a legacy module type, stop using it. } } # tag:proto _EXT_PROTO_DIR=_RAW_ # tag:proto ### This var defines the root of the tree for copied proto files from EXT_PROTO ### submodule of PROTO_LIBRARY module EXT_PROTO_ROOT=${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/${_EXT_PROTO_DIR} # tag:proto ### @usage: USE_EXT_PROTO(peerdir_tag...) ### ### Configure module to use proto files from existing PROTO_LIBRARY module. ### Additional PEERDIR tags required to build a module can be passed through ### EXTRA_TAGS vararg parameter. macro USE_EXT_PROTO(EXTRA_TAGS...) { SET(PEERDIR_TAGS EXT_PROTO ${EXTRA_TAGS}) SRCDIR(${EXT_PROTO_ROOT}) } # tag:proto tag:internal ### @usage: _RAW_PROTO_SRCS(files...) # internal ### ### _RAW_PROTO_SRCS is a proxy macro to FILES macro which filters out ### GLOBAL keyword from the list of files (NOTE! The order of files listed ### originally in call to _RAW_PROTO_SRCS() macro is changed in call to ### FILES() macro). Currently this macro copies only files with the following ### extensions: .proto, .gztproto, .ev macro _RAW_PROTO_SRCS(FILES...) { COPY_FILES_TO_BUILD_PREFIX(${ext=.proto:FILES} PREFIX ${_EXT_PROTO_DIR}) COPY_FILES_TO_BUILD_PREFIX(${ext=.gztproto:FILES} PREFIX ${_EXT_PROTO_DIR}) COPY_FILES_TO_BUILD_PREFIX(${ext=.ev:FILES} PREFIX ${_EXT_PROTO_DIR}) } module PROTO_DESCRIPTIONS: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=_PROTO_DESC_MERGE_PEERS_CMD .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .NODE_TYPE=Library .RESTRICTED=SRCS .FINAL_TARGET=yes SET(PEERDIR_TAGS DESC_PROTO) SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .protodesc) SET(MODULE_TYPE PROTO_DESCRIPTIONS) } module PROTO_REGISTRY: PROTO_DESCRIPTIONS { SET(MODULE_TYPE PROTO_REGISTRY) } # tag:fbs _FBS_NAMESPACE_MAP_GLOBAL= # tag:fbs macro _FBS_NAMESPACE_IMPL(NAMESPACE, PATH, DUMMY...) { SET_APPEND(_FBS_NAMESPACE_MAP_GLOBAL ${NAMESPACE}=${PATH}) } # tag:fbs macro FBS_NAMESPACE(NAMESPACE, PATH...) { _FBS_NAMESPACE_IMPL($NAMESPACE $PATH $MODDIR) } # tag:fbs ### @usage: FBS_LIBRARY() ### ### Build some variant of Flatbuffers library. ### ### The particular variant is selected based on where PEERDIR to FBS_LIBRARY ### comes from. ### ### Now supported 5 variants: C++, Java, Python 2.x, Python 3.x and Go. ### When PEERDIR comes from module for particular language appropriate variant ### is selected. ### ### Notes: FBS_NAMESPACE must be specified in all dependent FBS_LIBRARY modules ### if build of Go code is requested. multimodule FBS_LIBRARY { module CPP_FBS: LIBRARY { ENABLE(CPP_FBS) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS CPP_FBS) } module GO_FBS: GO_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER ENABLE(GO_FBS) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS GO GO_FBS) } module JAVA_FBS: EXTERNAL_JAVA_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER ENABLE(JAVA_FBS) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS JAVA_FBS) } module PY2_FBS: PY2_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER .ALIASES=SRCS=PY_SRCS ENABLE(PY2_FBS) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY2 PY2_FBS) # Can not use NO_LINT(), because is not allowed outside of contrib directory SET(LINT_LEVEL_VALUE none_internal) } module PY3_FBS: PY3_LIBRARY { .IGNORED=GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION GENERATE_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_WITH_HEADER .ALIASES=SRCS=PY_SRCS ENABLE(PY3_FBS) SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY3 PY3_FBS) # Can not use NO_LINT(), because is not allowed outside of contrib directory SET(LINT_LEVEL_VALUE none_internal) when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py3 } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy3 } OBJ_SUF=.py3 } } # tag:java-specific _COMPILE_JSRC=${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/compile_jsrc.py"} --input $AUTO_INPUT --output $TARGET --prefix $BINDIR ${requirements;hide:JAVA_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p JC"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} # tag:java-specific COMPILE_JSRC_MF=$_COMPILE_JSRC && $GENERATE_MF # tag:java-specific tag:internal ### @usage: JSRC_LIBRARY() # internal module JSRC_LIBRARY: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=COMPILE_JSRC_MF .EXTS=.java .ALL_INS_TO_OUT=no .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_include .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALIASES=SRCS=FILES PEERDIR_TAGS=JAVA_PROTO JAVA_FBS JAVA_IDL MODULE_TYPE=Library SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .jsrc) SET(DONT_RESOLVE_INCLUDES yes) SET(NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS no) SET(MODULE_LANG JAVA) NO_RUNTIME() } # tag:maps-specific @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/project_specific/maps/asrc.conf" # tag:internal ### @usage: _PROXY_LIBRARY() # internal ### ### The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!! module _PROXY_LIBRARY: LIBRARY { .EXTS=.a .lib .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .PROXY=yes .FINAL_TARGET=yes DISABLE(NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC) NO_UTIL() NO_RUNTIME() } # tag:maps-specific @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/project_specific/maps/aar.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/project_specific/maps/sproto.conf" @import "${CONF_ROOT}/conf/project_specific/maps/mapkit.conf" _PRIMARY_OUTPUT_VALUE= # tag:internal ### @usage: PRIMARY_OUTPUT_VALUE(Output) # internal ### ### The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!! macro PRIMARY_OUTPUT(OUTPUT) { SET(_PRIMARY_OUTPUT_VALUE $OUTPUT) } _DLL_PROXY_LIBRARY_CMD=$GENERATE_MF && $COPY_CMD $_PRIMARY_OUTPUT_VALUE ${input;hide:_PRIMARY_OUTPUT_VALUE} ${TARGET} # tag:internal ### @usage: DLL_PROXY_LIBRARY() # internal ### ### The use of this module is strictly prohibited!!! module DLL_PROXY_LIBRARY: _PROXY_LIBRARY { .ALLOWED=PRIMARY_OUTPUT .CMD=_DLL_PROXY_LIBRARY_CMD } _PREBUILT_PROGRAM_CMD=$GENERATE_MF && $COPY_CMD $_PRIMARY_OUTPUT_VALUE ${TARGET} ${kv;hide:"p ld"} ${requirements;hide:LD_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} # tag:internal ### @usage: PREBUILT_PROGRAM([programname]) # internal ### ### Program module which uses a prebuilt prgram as its output. module PREBUILT_PROGRAM: _LINK_UNIT { .CMD=_PREBUILT_PROGRAM_CMD .SYMLINK_POLICY=EXE .ALLOWED=INDUCED_DEPS PRIMARY_OUTPUT .RESTRICTED=SRCS _BARE_LINK_MODULE() SET(MODULE_TYPE PROGRAM) when ($WIN32 == "yes" || $OS_CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.exe } } ### @usage COLLECT_JINJA_TEMPLATES(varname path) ### ### This macro collects all jinja and yaml files in the directory specified by second argument and ### stores result in the variable with mane specified by first parameter. macro COLLECT_JINJA_TEMPLATES(VAR, DIR) { _GLOB($VAR ${DIR}/**/*.jinja ${DIR}/**/*.yaml) } # tag:go-specific GO_HOST_OS=unknown when ($HOST_OS_LINUX) { GO_HOST_OS=linux } elsewhen ($HOST_OS_DARWIN) { GO_HOST_OS=darwin } elsewhen($HOST_OS_WINDOWS) { GO_HOST_OS=windows } # tag:go-specific GO_HOST_ARCH=unknown when ($HOST_ARCH_X86_64) { GO_HOST_ARCH=amd64 } elsewhen($HOST_ARCH_ARM64) { GO_HOST_ARCH=arm64 } # tag:go-specific GO_TARG_OS=unknown when ($OS_LINUX) { GO_TARG_OS=linux } elsewhen ($OS_DARWIN) { GO_TARG_OS=darwin } elsewhen ($OS_WINDOWS) { GO_TARG_OS=windows } # tag:go-specific GO_TARG_ARCH=unknwon when ($ARCH_X86_64) { GO_TARG_ARCH=amd64 } elsewhen ($ARCH_I386) { GO_TARG_ARCH=x86 } elsewhen ($ARCH_ARM64) { GO_TARG_ARCH=arm64 } # tag:go-specific GO_HOST_TARG_PARAMS=++host-os $GO_HOST_OS ++host-arch $GO_HOST_ARCH ++targ-os $GO_TARG_OS ++targ-arch $GO_TARG_ARCH # tag:go-specific GOSTD_VERSION=1.17.6 when ($GOSTD_VERSION == "1.17.6") { GOSTD=contrib/go/_std/src } elsewhen ($GOSTD_VERSION == "1.18beta2") { GOSTD=contrib/go/_std_1.18beta2/src } otherwise { GOSTD=__unsupported_go_std_library_version_[$GOSTD_VERSION]__ } # tag:go-specific GO_DEBUG_PATH_RELATIVE=no _GO_DEBUG_PATH__NO_UID__= _GO_COMPILE_SYMABIS_TRIMPATH__NO_UID__= # tag:go-specific _GO_IMPORT_PATH=${MODDIR} # tag:go-specific GO_VET=yolint GO_VET_TOOL= GO_VET_FLAGS= GO_VET_EXTRA_FLAGS= # tag:go-specific _GO_VET_ADD_CHECK=yes _GO_FMT_ADD_CHECK=yes _GO_YDX_FILE= # tag:go-specific _GO_CGO1_WRAPPER_FLAGS=--build-prefix=/-B --source-prefix=/-S _GO_LINK_EXE_EXT_CMD= # tag:go-specific GO_WITH_MUSL= # tag:go-specific GO_TOOLS_ROOT=${GO_TOOLS_RESOURCE_GLOBAL} GO_TEST_MINER=${tool:"tools/go_test_miner"} GO_TEST_IMPORT_PATH= # tag:go-specific GO_STD_LIB_PREFIX=${GOSTD}/ GO_ARCADIA_PROJECT_PREFIX=a.yandex-team.ru/ GO_CONTRIB_PROJECT_PREFIX=vendor/ GO_SKIP_IMPORTS=unsafe C GO_VET_INFO_EXT=.vet.out GO_VET_REPORT_EXT=.vet.txt GO_VET_OUTPUT_INFO=${output;rootrel;hide;pre=${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=${MODULE_SUFFIX}${GO_VET_INFO_EXT}:REALPRJNAME} GO_VET_OUTPUT_REPORT=${output;rootrel;hide;pre=${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=${MODULE_SUFFIX}${GO_VET_REPORT_EXT}:REALPRJNAME} # tag:go-specific tag:codenav _GO_YNDEXER_EXT=.ydx.pb2 GO_YNDEXER_OUTPUT=${output;pre=${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=${MODULE_SUFFIX}${_GO_YNDEXER_EXT}:REALPRJNAME} # tag:go-specific GO_PROJECT_PREFIXES=++std-lib-prefix $GO_STD_LIB_PREFIX ++arc-project-prefix $GO_ARCADIA_PROJECT_PREFIX # tag:go-specific _GO_FAKEID=${FAKEID}.${BUILD_TYPE}.${GO_FAKEID} # tag:go-specific CGO2_CFLAGS_VALUE= CGO2_LDFLAGS_VALUE= # tag:go-specific GO_ASM_FLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_ASM_FLAGS(flags) ### Add the specified flags to the go asm compile command line. macro GO_ASM_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(GO_ASM_FLAGS_VALUE $Flags) } # tag:go-specific GO_CGO1_FLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_CGO1_FLAGS(flags) ### Add the specified flags to the go cgo compile command line. macro GO_CGO1_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(GO_CGO1_FLAGS_VALUE $Flags) } # tag:go-specific GO_CGO2_FLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_CGO2_FLAGS(flags) ### Add the specified flags to the go cgo compile command line. macro GO_CGO2_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(GO_CGO2_FLAGS_VALUE $Flags) } # tag:go-specific GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_VALUE=$USER_GO_COMPILE_FLAGS ### @usage: GO_COMPILE_FLAGS(flags) ### Add the specified flags to the go compile command line. macro GO_COMPILE_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_VALUE $Flags) } # tag:go-specific GO_LINK_FLAGS_VALUE=$USER_GO_LINK_FLAGS ### @usage: GO_LINK_FLAGS(flags) ### Add the specified flags to the go link command line. macro GO_LINK_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(GO_LINK_FLAGS_VALUE $Flags) } # tag:go-specific _GO_TOOL_MODE= # tag:go-specific _GO_TOOL_COMMON_FLAGS=\ ++mode $_GO_TOOL_MODE \ $GO_PROJECT_PREFIXES \ ++goversion $GOSTD_VERSION \ ++source-root $ARCADIA_ROOT \ ++build-root $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT \ ++output-root $BINDIR \ ++toolchain-root $GO_TOOLS_ROOT \ $GO_HOST_TARG_PARAMS \ ++output $TARGET \ $GO_VET_OUTPUT \ $_GO_YDX_FILE \ $_GO_DEBUG_PATH__NO_UID__ \ ++srcs $AUTO_INPUT ${input:GO_FILES} \ ++asm-flags $GO_ASM_FLAGS_VALUE \ ++compile-flags $GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_VALUE \ ++link-flags $GO_LINK_FLAGS_VALUE \ ++cgo-srcs ${input:CGO_FILES} \ $_GO_EMBED_VALUE \ $GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV # tag:go-specific macro _GO_GEN_COVER_GO(GO_FILE, VAR_ID) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} $GO_TOOLS_ROOT/pkg/tool/${GO_HOST_OS}_${GO_HOST_ARCH}/cover -mode set -var $VAR_ID -o ${output;noext;suf=.cover.go:GO_FILE} ${input:GO_FILE} } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_COMPILE_SYMABIS(FLAGS[], ASM_FILES...) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} $GO_TOOLS_ROOT/pkg/tool/${GO_HOST_OS}_${GO_HOST_ARCH}/asm $_GO_COMPILE_SYMABIS_TRIMPATH__NO_UID__ ${pre=-I :_C__INCLUDE} -I $GO_TOOLS_ROOT/pkg/include -D GOOS_${GO_TARG_OS} -D GOARCH_${GO_TARG_ARCH} $FLAGS $GO_ASM_FLAGS_VALUE -gensymabis -o ${output:"gen.symabis"} ${input:ASM_FILES} ${kv;hide:"p go"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} .ADDINCL=build/scripts/go_fake_include } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_COMPILE_CGO1(NAME, FLAGS[], FILES...) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} ${cwd:ARCADIA_ROOT} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/cgo1_wrapper.py"} $_GO_CGO1_WRAPPER_FLAGS --build-root ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} --source-root ${ARCADIA_ROOT} --cgo1-files ${output;noext:FILES.cgo1.go} --cgo2-files ${output;noauto;noext:FILES.cgo2.c} -- ${GO_TOOLS_ROOT}/pkg/tool/${GO_HOST_OS}_${GO_HOST_ARCH}/cgo -objdir $BINDIR -importpath $NAME $GO_CGO1_FLAGS_VALUE $FLAGS -- $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} ${CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE} ${input:FILES} ${output;hide:"_cgo_export.h"} ${output;hide:"_cgo_export.c"} ${output;hide:"_cgo_gotypes.go"} ${output;noauto;hide:"_cgo_main.c"} ${output;noauto;hide:"_cgo_flags"} $GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV ${kv;hide:"p go"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_COMPILE_CGO2(NAME, C_FILES[], S_FILES[], OBJ_FILES[], FILES...) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} $C_COMPILER $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} $CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE ${input;tobindir:"_cgo_main.c"} -c -o ${tmp;noauto;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:"_cgo_main.c"} && $C_COMPILER $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM ${pre=-I:_C__INCLUDE} -o ${tmp;noauto;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:"_cgo_"} $LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $CGO2_LDFLAGS_VALUE ${input;hide:"_cgo_export.h"} ${tmp;noauto;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:"_cgo_main.c"} ${input;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:"_cgo_export.c"} ${input;nopath;noext;suf=.cgo2.c${OBJECT_SUF}:FILES} ${input;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:C_FILES} ${input;suf=.o:S_FILES} ${input:OBJ_FILES} $CGO_LDFLAGS_VALUE && ${GO_TOOLS_ROOT}/pkg/tool/${GO_HOST_OS}_${GO_HOST_ARCH}/cgo -dynpackage $NAME -dynimport ${tmp;noauto;suf=${OBJECT_SUF}:"_cgo_"} -dynout ${output:"_cgo_import.go"} -dynlinker $GO_CGO2_FLAGS_VALUE $GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV ${requirements;hide:CC_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p go"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-blue"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} _USE_LINKER() } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_LINK_LIB_IMPL(CGO_FILES[], EXTRA_INPUTS[], GO_FILES...) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/go_tool.py"} ${hide;input:EXTRA_INPUTS} --ya-start-command-file $_GO_TOOL_COMMON_FLAGS ++peers ${rootrel;tags_in=local,GO|local,GO_PROTO|local,GO_FBS:PEERS} --ya-end-command-file ${requirements;hide:LIB_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p GO"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_LINK_EXE_IMPL(CGO_FILES[], EXTRA_INPUTS[], GO_FILES...) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/go_tool.py"} ${hide;input:EXTRA_INPUTS} --ya-start-command-file $_GO_TOOL_COMMON_FLAGS ++vcs $VCS_GO $GO_WITH_MUSL $GO_EXTLD ++peers ${rootrel;tags_in=local,GO|local,GO_PROTO|local,GO_FBS:PEERS} ++non-local-peers ${rootrel;tags_in=GO|GO_PROTO|GO_FBS;tags_out=local:PEERS} ++cgo-peers ${VCS_C_OBJ_RR} ${rootrel;tags_out=GO|GO_PROTO|GO_FBS:PEERS} --ya-end-command-file ${requirements;hide:LD_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p LD"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} $_GO_LINK_EXE_EXT_CMD } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_LINK_TEST_IMPL(CGO_FILES[], EXTRA_INPUTS[], GO_TEST_FILES[], GO_XTEST_FILES[], GO_FILES...) { .CMD=${hide:_GO_FAKEID} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/go_tool.py"} ${hide;input:EXTRA_INPUTS} --ya-start-command-file $_GO_TOOL_COMMON_FLAGS ++vcs $VCS_GO $GO_WITH_MUSL $GO_EXTLD ++test-miner $GO_TEST_MINER ++test-import-path $GO_TEST_IMPORT_PATH ++peers ${rootrel;tags_in=local,GO|local,GO_PROTO|local,GO_FBS:PEERS} ++non-local-peers ${rootrel;tags_in=GO|GO_PROTO|GO_FBS;tags_out=local:PEERS} ++cgo-peers ${VCS_C_OBJ_RR} ${rootrel;tags_out=GO|GO_PROTO|GO_FBS:PEERS} ++test_srcs ${input:GO_TEST_FILES} ++xtest_srcs ${input:GO_XTEST_FILES} ++cover_info $GO_COVER_INFO_VALUE ++skip-tests $_GO_SKIP_TEST_VALUE --ya-end-command-file ${requirements;hide:LD_REQUIREMENTS} ${kv;hide:"p GO"} ${kv;hide:"pc light-red"} ${kv;hide:"show_out"} } # tag:go-specific GO_LINK_LIB=$GENERATE_MF && $_GO_LINK_LIB_IMPL($_GO_SRCS_VALUE CGO_FILES $_CGO_SRCS_VALUE EXTRA_INPUTS $_GO_EMBED_INPUTS) GO_LINK_EXE=$GENERATE_MF && $GENERATE_VCS_C_INFO_NODEP && $GENERATE_VCS_GO_INFO_NODEP && $_GO_LINK_EXE_IMPL($_GO_SRCS_VALUE CGO_FILES $_CGO_SRCS_VALUE EXTRA_INPUTS $_GO_EMBED_INPUTS) GO_LINK_TEST=$GENERATE_VCS_C_INFO_NODEP && $GENERATE_VCS_GO_INFO_NODEP && $_GO_LINK_TEST_IMPL($_GO_SRCS_VALUE CGO_FILES $_CGO_SRCS_VALUE EXTRA_INPUTS $_GO_EMBED_INPUTS GO_TEST_FILES $_GO_TEST_SRCS_VALUE GO_XTEST_FILES $_GO_XTEST_SRCS_VALUE) GO_LINK_DLL=$GO_LINK_EXE && $COPY_CMD $BINDIR/_cgo_export.h ${output;pre=${MODULE_PREFIX};suf=.h:REALPRJNAME} # tag:go-specific CGO_ENABLED=yes when ($OS_WINDOWS == "yes" || $SANITIZER_TYPE && $SANITIZER_TYPE != "no") { CGO_ENABLED=no } # tag:go-specific GO_PACKAGE_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_PACKAGE_NAME(Name) ### Override name of a Go package. macro GO_PACKAGE_NAME(NAME) { SET(GO_PACKAGE_VALUE $NAME) } # tag:go-specific tag:internal _GO_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: _GO_SRCS(Files...) # internal ### This macro shouldn't be used in ya.make files, use SRCS() instead. ### This is internal macro collecting .go sources for processing within Go modules (GO_PROGRAM and GO_LIBRARY) macro _GO_SRCS(FILES...) { GO_FAKE_OUTPUT($FILES) SET_APPEND(_GO_SRCS_VALUE $FILES) } # tag:go-specific _GO_TEST_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_TEST_SRCS(Files...) ### .go sources for internal tests of a module macro GO_TEST_SRCS(FILES...) { GO_FAKE_OUTPUT($FILES) SET_APPEND(_GO_TEST_SRCS_VALUE $FILES) } # tag:go-specific _GO_XTEST_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_XTEST_SRCS(Files...) ### .go sources for external tests of a module macro GO_XTEST_SRCS(FILES...) { GO_FAKE_OUTPUT($FILES) SET_APPEND(_GO_XTEST_SRCS_VALUE $FILES) } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_UNUSED_SRCS(FLAGS...) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:go-specific _CGO_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: CGO_SRCS(Files...) ### .go sources to be built with CGO macro CGO_SRCS(FILES...) { SET_APPEND(_CGO_SRCS_VALUE $FILES) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/syscall) } # tag:go-specific GO_LDFLAGS_GLOBAL= ### @usage: GO_LDFLAGS(Flags...) ### Link flags for GO_PROGRAM linking from .go sources macro GO_LDFLAGS(FLAGS...) { SET_APPEND(GO_LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $FLAGS) } # tag:go-specific CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: CGO_CFLAGS(Flags...) ### Compiler flags specific to CGO compilation macro CGO_CFLAGS(FLAGS...) { SET_APPEND(CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE $FLAGS) CFLAGS($FLAGS) } # tag:go-specific CGO_LDFLAGS_VALUE= ### @usage: CGO_LDFLAGS(Files...) ### Linker flags specific to CGO linking macro CGO_LDFLAGS(FLAGS...) { SET_APPEND(CGO_LDFLAGS_VALUE $FLAGS) GO_LDFLAGS($FLAGS) } # tag:go-specific _GO_SKIP_TEST_VALUE= ### @usage: GO_SKIP_TESTS(TestNames...) ### ### Define a set of tests that should not be run. ### NB! Subtests are not taken into account! macro GO_SKIP_TESTS(TESTS...) { SET_APPEND(_GO_SKIP_TEST_VALUE $TESTS) RESTRICT_PATH(vendor MSG This macro is prohibited to be used outside the vendor/ directory) } # tag:go-specific tag:internal _GO_EMBED_VALUE= _GO_EMBED_INPUTS= ### @usage: _GO_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) # internal ### ### Define an embed pattern. macro _GO_EMBED_PATTERN(XTEST?"_xtest":"", PATTERN, IMPORT_PATH) { SET(VAR_SALT1 $XTEST $PATTERN $IMPORT_PATH 1) SET(_PATTERN_GLOB1 uniq_embed_${hash:VAR_SALT1}) _GLOB($_PATTERN_GLOB1 ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${PATTERN}/**/* EXCLUDE ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${PATTERN}/**/_* ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${PATTERN}/**/.*) SET(VAR_SALT2 $XTEST $PATTERN $IMPORT_PATH 2) SET(_PATTERN_GLOB2 _uniq_embed_${hash:VAR_SALT2}) _GLOB($_PATTERN_GLOB2 ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${PATTERN}) SET_APPEND(_GO_EMBED_VALUE ++embed$XTEST $PATTERN \$$_PATTERN_GLOB1 \$$_PATTERN_GLOB2) SET_APPEND(_GO_EMBED_INPUTS \$$_PATTERN_GLOB1 \$$_PATTERN_GLOB2) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) ### ### Define an embed pattern. macro GO_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) { _GO_EMBED_PATTERN($PATTERN $_GO_IMPORT_PATH) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_TEST_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) ### ### Define an embed pattern for internal go tests. macro GO_TEST_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) { _GO_EMBED_PATTERN($PATTERN $_GO_IMPORT_PATH) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_XTEST_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) ### ### Define an embed pattern for external go tests. macro GO_XTEST_EMBED_PATTERN(PATTERN) { _GO_EMBED_PATTERN(XTEST $PATTERN $_GO_IMPORT_PATH) } # tag:go-specific tag:internal ### @usage: _GO_EMBED_DIR(PATTERN) # internal ### ### Define an embed directory DIR. macro _GO_EMBED_DIR(XTEST?"_xtest":"", DIR, IMPORT_PATH) { SET(VAR_SALT $XTEST $DIR $IMPORT_PATH) SET(_PATTERN_GLOB uniq_embed_${hash:VAR_SALT}) _GLOB($_PATTERN_GLOB ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${DIR}/**/* EXCLUDE ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${DIR}/**/_* ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/${IMPORT_PATH}/${DIR}/**/.*) SET_APPEND(_GO_EMBED_VALUE ++embed$XTEST $DIR \$$_PATTERN_GLOB) SET_APPEND(_GO_EMBED_INPUTS \$$_PATTERN_GLOB) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_EMBED_DIR(DIR) ### ### Define an embed directory DIR. macro GO_EMBED_DIR(DIR) { _GO_EMBED_DIR($DIR $_GO_IMPORT_PATH) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_TEST_EMBED_DIR(DIR) ### ### Define an embed directory DIR for internal go tests. macro GO_EMBED_TEST_DIR(DIR) { _GO_EMBED_DIR($DIR $_GO_IMPORT_PATH) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_XTEST_EMBED_DIR(DIR) ### ### Define an embed directory DIR for external go tests. macro GO_EMBED_XTEST_DIR(DIR) { _GO_EMBED_DIR(XTEST $DIR $_GO_IMPORT_PATH) } # tag:go-specific _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOARCH=unknown when ($ARCH_ARM64) { _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOARCH=${env:"GOARCH=arm64"} } elsewhen ($ARCH_X86_64) { _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOARCH=${env:"GOARCH=amd64"} } # tag:go-specific _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOOS=unknown when ($OS_DARWIN) { _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOOS=${env:"GOOS=darwin"} } elsewhen ($OS_LINUX) { _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOOS=${env:"GOOS=linux"} } elsewhen ($OS_WINDOWS) { _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOOS=${env:"GOOS=windows"} } _GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_PATH= # tag:go-specific GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV=$TOOLCHAIN_ENV $_GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOARCH $_GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_GOOS $_GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV_PATH # tag:go-specific _GO_GRPC_WELLKNOWN=\ vendor/google.golang.org/grpc \ vendor/google.golang.org/grpc \ vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/codes \ vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/grpclog \ vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/status # tag:go-specific macro _GO_GRPC() { SET(GO_PROTO_GEN_PLUGINS grpc) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/context ${_GO_GRPC_WELLKNOWN}) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS() ### ### Use of grpc-gateway plugin (Supported for Go only). macro GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS(FILE...) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS() ### ### Use of grpc-gateway plugin w/ swagger emission (Supported for Go only). macro GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS(FILE...) { PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger/options) } # tag:go-specific _GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OPTS= _GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OUTS= # tag:go-specific macro _GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS_IMPL(Files...) { foreach (File : $Files) { [.proto]=$_GO_PROTO_CMD_IMPL($File OPTS $_GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OPTS OUTS $_GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OUTS) } PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/context ${GOSTD}/io ${GOSTD}/net/http) PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/descriptor) PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/runtime) PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/utilities) PEERDIR(vendor/google.golang.org/grpc/metadata) } # tag:go-specific macro _SETUP_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY() { SET(_GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OPTS $_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE(go_grpc_gw vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway allow_repeated_fields_in_body=true:)) SET(_GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OUTS \${output;hide;norel;nopath;noext;suf=.pb.gw.go:File}) } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS(Files...) { _SETUP_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY() _GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS_IMPL($Files) } # tag:go-specific macro _GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS(Files...) { _SETUP_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY() SET_APPEND(_GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OPTS $_PROTO_PLUGIN_ARGS_BASE(swagger vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger logtostderr=true:)) SET_APPEND(_GO_PROTO_GRPC_GATEWAY_OUTS \${output;hide;norel;noauto;nopath;noext;suf=.swagger.json:File}) _GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS_IMPL($Files) PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger/options) } # tag:go-specific when ($MUSL == "yes") { _GO_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=$DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR } otherwise { _GO_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR=FAKE } # tag:go-specific tag:internal ### @usage _GO_BASE_UNIT # internal ### ### The base module of all golang modules. Defines common properties, dependencies and rules for go build. module _GO_BASE_UNIT: _BASE_UNIT { .EXTS=.go .gosrc .o .obj .a .symabis .mf .CMD=TOUCH_UNIT .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .GLOBAL=GO_LDFLAGS .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .ALIASES=SRCS=_GO_SRCS RESOURCE=_GO_RESOURCE GO_TEST_SRCS=_GO_UNUSED_SRCS GO_XTEST_SRCS=_GO_UNUSED_SRCS GRPC=_GO_GRPC GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS=_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SRCS GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS=_GO_GRPC_GATEWAY_SWAGGER_SRCS CFLAGS=CGO_CFLAGS GO_TEST_EMBED_PATTERN=_GO_UNUSED_SRCS GO_XTEST_EMBED_PATTERN=_GO_UNUSED_SRCS GO_TEST_EMBED_DIR=_GO_UNUSED_SRCS GO_XTEST_EMBED_DIR=_GO_UNUSED_SRCS .ALLOWED=GO_PROTO_PLUGIN USE_CXX USE_UTIL RESOURCE_FILES .IGNORED=GO_SKIP_TESTS USE_SKIFF ENABLE(_GO_MODULE) SET(MODULE_TAG GO) PEERDIR_TAGS=GO GO_PROTO GO_FBS __EMPTY__ DEFAULT(_GO_VET_TOOL) DEFAULT(_GO_VET_FLAGS) DEFAULT(_GO_VET_EXTS) DEFAULT(_GO_SONAME) NO_RUNTIME() SET(COVERAGE_FLAGS) SET(EXTRA_OUTPUT) SET(MODULE_LANG GO) PEERDIR(build/external_resources/go_tools) GO_PROTO_OUTS+=${output;hide;norel;nopath;noext;suf=.pb.go:File} when ($COMPILER_PLATFORM && $NEED_PLATFORM_PEERDIRS == "yes") { PEERDIR+=$COMPILER_PLATFORM } when ($CLANG == "yes" || $GCC == "yes") { CGO_CFLAGS_VALUE += -w -pthread -fpic CGO2_CFLAGS_VALUE += -Wno-unused-variable } select ($GO_VET) { "yes" | "on" ? { _GO_VET=yes _GO_VET_FLAGS+=-cgocall=false } "yndexer" ? { _GO_VET=yes PEERDIR+=build/external_resources/goyndexer _GO_VET_TOOL=${GOYNDEXER_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/goyndexer _GO_YDX_FILE=++ydx-file ${_GO_YNDEXER_EXT} _GO_VET_FLAGS=-indexer.arc ${ARCADIA_ROOT} -indexer.indexfile ${GO_YNDEXER_OUTPUT} -indexer.loglevel info _GO_FMT_ADD_CHECK=no _GO_VET_ADD_CHECK=no GO_VET_INFO_EXT=.ydx.out GO_VET_REPORT_EXT=.ydx.txt _GO_VET_EXTS=++vet-info-ext .ydx.out ++vet-report-ext .ydx.txt _GO_CGO1_WRAPPER_FLAGS=--build-prefix=__ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT_PREFIX__ --source-prefix=__ARCADIA_SOURCE_ROOT_PREFIX__ } "yolint" ? { _GO_VET=yes PEERDIR+=build/external_resources/yolint _GO_VET_TOOL=${YOLINT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/yolint _GO_VET_FLAGS=-migration.config=${input:"${ARCADIA_ROOT}/build/rules/go/migrations.yaml"} -importcheck=false -SA1019=false -copyproto=false -bodyclose=false -rowserrcheck=false -ytcheck=false } "yolint_next" ? { _GO_VET=yes PEERDIR+=build/external_resources/yolint _GO_VET_TOOL=${YOLINT_NEXT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/yolint _GO_VET_FLAGS=-copyproto=false } "local" ? { _GO_VET=yes _GO_VET_FLAGS= } default ? { _GO_VET=no _GO_VET_FLAGS= } } SET(_GO_VET $_GO_VET) when ($GO_VET_TOOL == "") { _GO_VET_TOOL_REAL=$_GO_VET_TOOL } otherwise { _GO_VET_TOOL_REAL=$GO_VET_TOOL } when ($GO_VET_FLAGS == "") { _GO_VET_FLAGS_REAL=$_GO_VET_FLAGS } otherwise { _GO_VET_FLAGS_REAL=$GO_VET_FLAGS } when ($_GO_VET == "yes" && $NO_GO_VET != "yes") { GO_VET_OUTPUT=++vet $_GO_VET_TOOL_REAL ++vet-flags $_GO_VET_FLAGS_REAL $GO_VET_EXTRA_FLAGS $GO_VET_OUTPUT_INFO $GO_VET_OUTPUT_REPORT $_GO_VET_EXTS } otherwise { GO_VET_OUTPUT= _GO_VET_ADD_CHECK=no } when ($GO_DEBUG_PATH_RELATIVE == "yes") { _GO_DEBUG_PATH__NO_UID__=++debug-root-map source=;build=;tools= ++tools-root $(TOOL_ROOT) _GO_COMPILE_SYMABIS_TRIMPATH__NO_UID__=-trimpath $ARCADIA_ROOT=>;$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT=>;$(TOOL_ROOT)=> } otherwise { _GO_DEBUG_PATH__NO_UID__=++debug-root-map source=/-S;build=/-B;tools=/-T ++tools-root $(TOOL_ROOT) _GO_COMPILE_SYMABIS_TRIMPATH__NO_UID__=-trimpath $ARCADIA_ROOT=>/-S;$ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT=>/-B;$(TOOL_ROOT)=>/-T } _GO_PROCESS_SRCS() when ($CLANG == "yes") { _GO_EXTLD=clang GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV += ${env:"CC=clang"} } otherwise { _GO_EXTLD=gcc GO_TOOLCHAIN_ENV += ${env:"CC=gcc"} } when ($OS_DARWIN) { PEERDIR+=build/external_resources/go_fake_xcrun GO_EXTLD = ++extld $_GO_EXTLD ++extldflags $_GO_SONAME $LD_SDK_VERSION -undefined dynamic_lookup $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM --sysroot=$MACOS_SDK_RESOURCE_GLOBAL --start-wa ${rootrel;ext=.a:SRCS_GLOBAL} --end-wa ${rootrel;ext=.o:SRCS_GLOBAL} --cgo-peers $LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $OBJADDE $OBJADDE_LIB $GO_LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $C_LIBRARY_PATH $C_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES_INTERCEPT $C_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES $STRIP_FLAG CGO2_LDFLAGS_VALUE += $LD_SDK_VERSION -undefined dynamic_lookup -nodefaultlibs -lc } elsewhen ($OS_LINUX) { GO_EXTLD = ++extld $_GO_EXTLD ++extldflags $_GO_SONAME $C_FLAGS_PLATFORM --sysroot=$OS_SDK_ROOT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL -Wl,--whole-archive ${rootrel;ext=.a:SRCS_GLOBAL} -Wl,--no-whole-archive ${rootrel;ext=.o:SRCS_GLOBAL} --cgo-peers $LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $OBJADDE $OBJADDE_LIB $GO_LDFLAGS_GLOBAL $C_LIBRARY_PATH $C_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES_INTERCEPT $C_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES $STRIP_FLAG CGO2_LDFLAGS_VALUE += -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all -nodefaultlibs -lc } otherwise { GO_EXTLD = ++extld $_GO_EXTLD } when ($RACE == "yes") { _GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_RACE=-race _GO_LINK_FLAGS_RACE=-race } otherwise { _GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_RACE= _GO_LINK_FLAGS_RACE= } when ($PIC == "yes") { _GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_SHARED=-shared _GO_ASM_FLAGS_SHARED=-shared } otherwise { _GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_SHARED= _GO_ASM_FLAGS_SHARED= } GO_ASM_FLAGS_VALUE += $_GO_ASM_FLAGS_SHARED GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_VALUE += $_GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_RACE $_GO_COMPILE_FLAGS_SHARED GO_LINK_FLAGS_VALUE += $_GO_LINK_FLAGS_RACE ADDINCL(${GOSTD}/runtime) } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_LIBRARY([name]) ### ### Go library module definition. ### Compile Go module as a library suitable for PEERDIR from other Go modules. ### Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO_LIBRARY. module GO_LIBRARY: _GO_BASE_UNIT { .CMD=GO_LINK_LIB .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .FINAL_TARGET=no .ALIASES=GO_REQUIREMENTS=LIB_REQUIREMENTS SET(_GO_TOOL_MODE lib) SET(MODULE_TYPE LIBRARY) _REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_LICENSE(vendor) MODULE_SUFFIX=.a } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_PROGRAM([name]) ### ### Go program module definition. ### Compile and link Go module to an executable program. ### Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO_LIBRARY. module GO_PROGRAM: _GO_BASE_UNIT { .CMD=GO_LINK_EXE .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .SYMLINK_POLICY=EXE .ALLOWED=INDUCED_DEPS .FINAL_TARGET=yes .ALIASES=GO_REQUIREMENTS=LD_REQUIREMENTS SET(_GO_TOOL_MODE exe) SET(MODULE_TYPE PROGRAM) SET(GO_VET_OUTPUT_INFO) ALLOCATOR($_GO_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR) _USE_LINKER() ENABLE(COMMON_LINK_SETTINGS) when ($MUSL == "yes") { PEERDIR += contrib/libs/musl/full } when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.exe } PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/runtime library/go/core/buildinfo) when ($RACE == "yes") { PEERDIR += ${GOSTD}/runtime/cgo PEERDIR += ${GOSTD}/runtime/race } when ($MUSL == "yes") { GO_WITH_MUSL = ++musl } } # tag:go-specific module _GO_DLL_BASE_UNIT: GO_PROGRAM { .CMD=GO_LINK_DLL .SYMLINK_POLICY=SO .ALLOWED=WHOLE_ARCHIVE SET(_GO_TOOL_MODE dll) SET(MODULE_TYPE DLL) GO_PACKAGE_NAME(main) when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_SUFFIX=.dll } elsewhen ($DARWIN == "yes" || $OS_IOS == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.dylib$MODULE_VERSION } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=lib MODULE_SUFFIX=.so$MODULE_VERSION } when ($OS_DARWIN) { _GO_SONAME=-Wl,-install_name,$SONAME } elsewhen ($OS_LINUX) { _GO_SONAME=-Wl,-soname,$SONAME } when ($MODULE_VERSION) { when ($OS_LINUX || $OS_DARWIN) { _GO_LINK_EXE_EXT_CMD+= && $LINK_OR_COPY_CMD $TARGET ${output;nopath;noext:SONAME} } } } # tag:go-specific ### @usage: GO_DLL(name major_ver [minor_ver] [PREFIX prefix]) ### ### Go ishared object module definition. ### Compile and link Go module to a shared object. ### Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO_LIBRARY. module GO_DLL: _GO_DLL_BASE_UNIT { } # tag:go-specific tag:test ### @usage: GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT(x) ### ### Sets timeout in seconds for 1 Benchmark in go benchmark suite ### ### Documentation about the system test: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/yatool/test/ macro GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT(bench_timeout) { SET(GO_BENCH_TIMEOUT $bench_timeout) } # tag:go-specific tag:test ### @usage: GO_TEST([name]) ### ### Go test module definition. ### Compile and link Go module as a test suitable for running with Arcadia testing support. ### All usual testing support macros like DATA, DEPENDS, SIZE, REQUIREMENTS etc. are supported. ### Will select Go implementation on PEERDIR to PROTO_LIBRARY. module GO_TEST: GO_PROGRAM { .CMD=GO_LINK_TEST .ALIASES=GO_TEST_SRCS=GO_TEST_SRCS GO_XTEST_SRCS=GO_XTEST_SRCS GO_TEST_EMBED_PATTERN=GO_TEST_EMBED_PATTERN GO_XTEST_EMBED_PATTERN=GO_XTEST_EMBED_PATTERN GO_TEST_EMBED_DIR=GO_TEST_EMBED_DIR GO_XTEST_EMBED_DIR=GO_XTEST_EMBED_DIR .ALLOWED=GO_SKIP_TESTS YT_SPEC .FINAL_TARGET=no SET(_GO_TOOL_MODE test) SET(MODULE_TYPE PROGRAM) ENABLE(GO_TEST_MODULE) SET(GO_COVER_INFO_VALUE) # We have to add uncoditionaly PEERDIR to ${GOSTD}/os here thouth it is really # needed when TestMain is defined in the source code of the test PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/os) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/testing/internal/testdeps) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/testing) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME go.test) ADD_YTEST($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME go.bench) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS canondata/result.json) } # tag:go-specific macro GO_MOCKGEN_FROM(Path) { SET(MOCKGEN_FROM ${Path}) } # tag:go-specific macro GO_MOCKGEN_TYPES(First, Rest...) { SET(MOCKGEN_FIRST $First) SET(MOCKGEN_REST $Rest) } # tag:go-specific macro GO_MOCKGEN_REFLECT() { PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/encoding/gob) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/flag) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/fmt) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/os) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/path) PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/reflect) PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/golang/mock/mockgen/model) PEERDIR(${MOCKGEN_FROM}) RUN_PROGRAM(vendor/github.com/golang/mock/mockgen -prog_only a.yandex-team.ru/${MOCKGEN_FROM} $MOCKGEN_FIRST${pre=$__COMMA__:MOCKGEN_REST} STDOUT main.go) } # tag:go-specific macro GO_MOCKGEN_MOCKS() { PEERDIR(${GOSTD}/reflect) PEERDIR(vendor/github.com/golang/mock/gomock) RUN_PROGRAM(vendor/github.com/golang/mock/mockgen -package mocks -exec_only ${BINDIR}/gen/gen a.yandex-team.ru/${MOCKGEN_FROM} $MOCKGEN_FIRST${pre=$__COMMA__:MOCKGEN_REST} TOOL ${MODDIR}/gen STDOUT mocks.go) } # tag:java-specific JAVA_IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH_VALUE= ### @usage: JAVA_IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH_FOR([classes]) ### Ignore classpath clash test fails for classes macro JAVA_IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH_FOR(Args...) { SET_APPEND(JAVA_IGNORE_CLASSPATH_CLASH_VALUE $Args) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY_SRCS({| CYTHON_C} { | TOP_LEVEL | NAMESPACE ns} Files...) ### ### Build specified Python sources according to Arcadia binary Python build. Basically creates precompiled and source resources keyed with module paths. ### The resources eventually are linked into final program and can be accessed as regular Python modules. ### This custom loader linked into the program will add them to sys.meta_path. ### ### PY_SRCS also support .proto, .ev, .pyx and .swg files. The .proto and .ev are compiled to .py-code by protoc and than handled as usual .py files. ### .pyx and .swg lead to C/C++ Python extensions generation, that are automatically registered in Python as built-in modules. ### ### By default .pyx files are built as C++-extensions. Use CYTHON_C to build them as C (similar to BUILDWITH_CYTHON_C, but with the ability to specify namespace). ### ### __init__.py never required, but if present (and specified in PY_SRCS), it will be imported when you import package modules with __init__.py Oh. ### ### @example ### ### PY2_LIBRARY(mymodule) ### PY_SRCS(a.py sub/dir/b.py e.proto sub/dir/f.proto c.pyx sub/dir/d.pyx g.swg sub/dir/h.swg) ### END() ### ### PY_SRCS honors Python2 and Python3 differences and adjusts itself to Python version of a current module. ### PY_SRCS can be used in any Arcadia Python build modules like PY*_LIBRARY, PY*_PROGRAM, PY*TEST. ### PY_SRCS in LIBRARY or PROGRAM effectively converts these into PY2_LIBRARY and PY2_PROGRAM respectively. ### It is strongly advised to make this conversion explicit. Never use PY_SRCS in a LIBRARY if you plan to use it from external Python extension module. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#modulipylibrarypy3libraryimakrospysrcs macro PY_SRCS() { DEFAULT(MODULE_TAG PY2) DEFAULT(PYTHON2 yes) DEFAULT(PYTHON3 no) } # tag:python-specific _ALL_PY_FILES= # tag:python-specific macro _ALL_PY_SRCS2(TOP_LEVEL?"TOP_LEVEL":"", RECURSIVE?"/**":"", NAMESPACE[], REST[]) { _GLOB(_ALL_PY_FILES ${suf=${RECURSIVE}/*.py:REST} ${suf=${RECURSIVE}/ya.make:REST} EXCLUDE ya.make) PY_SRCS(_MR ${pre=NAMESPACE :NAMESPACE} ${TOP_LEVEL} $_ALL_PY_FILES) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: ALL_PY_SRCS([RECURSIVE] { | TOP_LEVEL | NAMESPACE ns} [Dirs...]) ### ### Puts all .py-files from given Dirs (relative to projects') into PY_SRCS of the current module. ### If Dirs is ommitted project directory is used ### ### `RECURSIVE` makes lookup recursive with resprect to Dirs ### `TOP_LEVEL` and `NAMESPACE` are forwarded to `PY_SRCS` ### ### Note: Only one such macro per module is allowed ### Note: Macro is designed to reject any ya.make files in Dirs except current one ### ### @see [PY_SRCS()](#macro_PY_SRCS) macro ALL_PY_SRCS(TOP_LEVEL?"TOP_LEVEL":"", NAMESPACE="", RECURSIVE?"RECURSIVE":"", Files...) { _ALL_PY_SRCS2(${pre=NAMESPACE :NAMESPACE} ${TOP_LEVEL} ${RECURSIVE} REST .${pre=/:Files}) } # tag:python-specific _PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE= ### @usage: PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES(files...) ### ### Add extra Python files for linting. This macro allows adding ### Python files which has no .py extension. macro PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES(FILES...) { SET_APPEND(_PY_EXTRA_LINT_FILES_VALUE $FILES) } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY23_LIBRARY([name]) ### ### Build PY2_LIBRARY or PY3_LIBRARY depending on incoming PEERDIR. ### Direct build or build by RECURSE creates both variants. ### This multimodule doesn't define any final targets, so use from DEPENDS or BUNDLE is not allowed. ### ### Documentation: https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs multimodule PY23_LIBRARY { module PY2: PY2_LIBRARY { OBJ_SUF=.py2 RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT } module PY3: PY3_LIBRARY { RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py3 } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy3 } OBJ_SUF=.py3 } } # tag:python-specific ### @usage: PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY([name]) ### ### Build LIBRARY compatible with either Python 2.x or Python 3.x depending on incoming PEERDIR. ### ### This multimodule doesn't depend on Arcadia Python binary build. It is intended only for C++ code and cannot contain PY_SRCS and USE_PYTHON2 macros. ### Use these multimodule instead of PY23_LIBRARY if the C++ extension defined in it will be used in PY2MODULE. ### While it doesn't bring Arcadia Python dependency itself, it is still compatible with Arcadia Python build and can be PEERDIR-ed from PY2_LIBRARY and alikes. ### Proper version will be selected according to Python version of the module PEERDIR comes from. ### ### This mulrtimodule doesn't define any final targets so cannot be used from DEPENDS or BUNDLE macros. ### ### For more information read https://wiki.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/python/pysrcs/#pysrcssrcsipy23nativelibrary ### ### @see [LIBRARY()](#module_LIBRARY), [PY2MODULE()](#module_PY2MODULE) multimodule PY23_NATIVE_LIBRARY { module PY2: LIBRARY { .RESTRICTED=PY_SRCS USE_PYTHON2 USE_PYTHON3 PYTHON3_ADDINCL OBJ_SUF=.py2 PYTHON2_ADDINCL() SET(MODULE_LANG PY2) } module PY3: LIBRARY { .RESTRICTED=PY_SRCS USE_PYTHON2 USE_PYTHON3 .ALIASES=PYTHON2_ADDINCL=PYTHON3_ADDINCL PYTHON3_ADDINCL() SET(MODULE_LANG PY3) when ($MSVC == "yes" || $CYGWIN == "yes") { MODULE_PREFIX=py3c } otherwise { MODULE_PREFIX=libpy3c } OBJ_SUF=.py3 } } IBTOOL_PATH=$XCODE_TOOLS_ROOT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/Xcode/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool # tag:src-processing STORYBOARD_FLAGS=--errors --warnings --notices --auto-activate-custom-fonts --output-format human-readable-text macro _SRC("storyboard", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$IBTOOL_PATH $STORYBOARD_FLAGS --module $REALPRJNAME --output-partial-info-plist ${output;suf=.partial_plist:SRC} --compilation-directory $BINDIR ${input:SRC} && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_directory.py"} ${output;tobindir;suf=.compiled_storyboard_tar:SRC} $BINDIR/${nopath;suf=c:SRC} $BINDIR/${nopath;suf=c:SRC} } # tag:src-processing macro _SRC("xib", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=$IBTOOL_PATH $STORYBOARD_FLAGS --module $REALPRJNAME --output-partial-info-plist ${output;suf=.partial_plist:SRC} --compile ${output;tobindir;nopath;noext;suf=.nib:SRC} ${input:SRC} } ACTOOL_PATH=$XCODE_TOOLS_ROOT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/Xcode/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/ibtool # tag:ios-specific ASSETS_FLAGS=--output-format human-readable-text --notices --warnings macro _IOS_ASSETS(AssetsDir, Content...) { .CMD=$FS_TOOLS md $BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME && $ACTOOL_PATH $ASSETS_FLAGS --export-dependency-info $BINDIR/assetcatalog_dependencies --output-partial-info-plist ${output:"assetcatalog_generated_info.partial_plist"} --product-type com.apple.product-type.application --compile $BINDIR/$REALPRJNAME $AssetsDir ${input;hide:Content} && ${cwd:BINDIR} $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_directory.py"} ${output;suf=_assetes.resource_tar:REALPRJNAME} $REALPRJNAME $REALPRJNAME } # tag:ios-specific macro IOS_APP_COMMON_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(STORYBOARD_FLAGS $Flags) SET_APPEND(ASSETS_FLAGS $Flags) } # tag:ios-specific macro IOS_APP_ASSETS_FLAGS(Flags...) { SET_APPEND(ASSETS_FLAGS $Flags) } macro DARWIN_STRINGS_RESOURCE(Resource, Relpath) { .CMD=$COPY_CMD ${input:Resource} $BINDIR/$Relpath && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_directory.py"} ${output;tobindir;suf=.strings_tar:Relpath} $BINDIR/$Relpath $BINDIR } macro DARWIN_SIGNED_RESOURCE(Resource, Relpath) { .CMD=$COPY_CMD $Resource $BINDIR/$Relpath && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/tar_directory.py"} ${output;tobindir;suf=.signed_resource_tar:Relpath} $BINDIR/$Relpath $BINDIR } # tag:ios-specific DELIM=__DELIM__ PACK_IOS_ARCHIVE=$GENERATE_MF && $YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/ios_wrapper.py"} bin $IBTOOL_PATH $TARGET $REALPRJNAME $BINDIR $DELIM $AUTO_INPUT $DELIM $STORYBOARD_FLAGS ### @usage: IOS_INTERFACE() ### iOS GUI module definition module IOS_INTERFACE: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=PACK_IOS_ARCHIVE .EXTS=.compiled_storyboard_tar .partial_plist .plist .xcent .nib .resource_tar .signed_resource_tar .strings_tar .plist_json .NODE_TYPE=Library .FINAL_TARGET=no SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .ios.interface) PEERDIR+=build/platform/xcode/tools } # tag:ios-specific module DEFAULT_IOS_INTERFACE: IOS_INTERFACE { SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .default.ios.interface) } DEFAULT_IOS_TYPE= IOS_TYPE= when(!$IOS_TYPE) { when($DEFAULT_IOS_TYPE) { IOS_TYPE=$DEFAULT_IOS_TYPE } otherwise { IOS_TYPE=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-X } } DEFAULT_IOS_RUNTIME= IOS_RUNTIME= when(!$IOS_RUNTIME) { when($DEFAULT_IOS_RUNTIME) { IOS_RUNTIME=$DEFAULT_IOS_RUNTIME } otherwise { IOS_RUNTIME=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-12-1 } } when ($ARCH_I386) { TEST_IOS_DEVICE_TYPE_VALUE=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.iPhone-5 TEST_IOS_RUNTIME_TYPE_VALUE=com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimRuntime.iOS-10-3 } otherwise { TEST_IOS_DEVICE_TYPE_VALUE=$IOS_TYPE TEST_IOS_RUNTIME_TYPE_VALUE=$IOS_RUNTIME } # tag:java-specific ### @usage: MODULE_JDK(Version) ### ### Specify JDK version for module macro JDK_VERSION(Arg) { SET(JDK_VERSION $Arg) _JDK_VERSION_MACRO_CHECK($Arg) } # tag:java-specific when ($JDK_VERSION == "10") { JDK10=yes # remove this later } JAVA_PROGRAM_CP_USE_COMMAND_FILE=yes when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { JAVA_PROGRAM_CP_USE_COMMAND_FILE=no } # tag:kotlin-specific KOTLIN_JVM_TARGET= when ($JDK_VERSION == "8") { KOTLIN_JVM_TARGET=1.8 } elsewhen ($JDK_VERSION == "18") { # remove when kotlin starts supporting jdk18 bytecode # see also devtools/ya/jbuild/gen/actions/idea.py KOTLIN_JVM_TARGET=17 } otherwise { KOTLIN_JVM_TARGET=$JDK_VERSION } # tag:frontend-specific ### @usage: COLLECT_FRONTEND_FILES(Varname, Dir) ### ### Recursively collect files with typical frontend extensions from Dir and save the result into variable Varname macro COLLECT_FRONTEND_FILES(Varname, Dir) { _GLOB($Varname $Dir/**/*.(css|ejs|jpg|js|jsx|png|styl|svg|ts|tsx|json|html)) } # tag:java-specific # local jdk and tools USE_SYSTEM_JDK= USE_SYSTEM_UBERJAR= USE_SYSTEM_ERROR_PRONE= # tag:swift-specific CPP_XCODE_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=9.2 SWIFT_XCODE_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION=9.2 XCODE_TOOLS_VERSION=10.1 macro COMPILE_SWIFT_MODULE(SRCS{input}[], BRIDGE_HEADER{input}="", Flags...) { when ($BRIDGE_HEADER != "") { SWIFT_BRIDGE_HEADER=-import-objc-header ${input:BRIDGE_HEADER} } otherwise { SWIFT_BRIDGE_HEADER= } .PEERDIR+=build/platform/xcode/swift # swift core libraries LDFLAGS($SWIFT_LD_FLAGS) .CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"build/scripts/gen_swiftc_output_map.py"} $(SOURCE_ROOT) $(BUILD_ROOT) $BINDIR/swift_output_map.json ${input:SRCS} && $SWIFT_COMPILER -c $SWIFT_FLAGS_PLATFORM $Flags $SWIFT_BRIDGE_HEADER ${pre=-Xcc -I:_C__INCLUDE} ${input:SRCS} -emit-objc-header -emit-objc-header-path ${output;suf=-Swift.h:REALPRJNAME} -emit-module -module-name $REALPRJNAME -output-file-map $BINDIR/swift_output_map.json ${output;hide;suf=.o:SRCS} } TEST_TOOL_HOST_LOCAL= TEST_TOOL_TARGET_LOCAL= when ($TENSORFLOW_WITH_CUDA) { CUDA_REQUIRED=yes } when (!$TENSORRT_VERSION) { TENSORRT_VERSION=5 } ANDROID_APK_TEST_ACTIVITY_VALUE=com.yandex.test.unittests/.RunTestsActivity MAVEN_BIN=$MAVEN_RESOURCE_GLOBAL/bin when ($QT_REQUIRED) { QT_BIN=${HOST_QT_RESOURCE_GLOBAL}/bin } when ($OPENGL_REQUIRED) { OPENGL_VERSION=18.0.5 } # tag:python-specific multimodule PY23_TEST { module PY2 : PYTEST_BIN { MODULE_PREFIX=py2_ OBJ_SUF=.py2 CANONIZE_SUB_PATH=py2test RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT } module PY3TEST_PROGRAM: PY3TEST_BIN { .FINAL_TARGET=yes OBJ_SUF=.py3 CANONIZE_SUB_PATH=py3test RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT } module PY3TEST_LIBRARY: _PY3_LIBRARY { PEERDIR+=library/python/pytest _REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_LICENSE() RUN_CYTHON_SCRIPT=$YMAKE_PYTHON $CYTHON_SCRIPT } } # tag:windows-specific WINDOWS_MANIFEST= macro WINDOWS_MANIFEST(Manifest) { SET(WINDOWS_MANIFEST $Manifest) } # tag:windows-specific when ($MSVC == "yes" && $WINDOWS_MANIFEST) { LDFLAGS+=/MANIFEST:EMBED /MANIFESTINPUT:${input:WINDOWS_MANIFEST} } # tag:cpp-specific _VISIBILITY_LEVEL= ### @usage: VISIBILITY(level) ### ### This macro sets visibility level for symbols compiled for the current module. 'level' ### may take only one of the following values: DEFAULT, HIDDEN. macro VISIBILITY(LEVEL) { SET(_VISIBILITY_LEVEL ${LEVEL}) select ($LEVEL) { "DEFAULT" | "HIDDEN" ? { } default ? { _OK = no } } ASSERT(_OK Unsupported value [$LEVEL] passed to VISIBILITY macro, expected values are DEFAULT, HIDDEN.) } # tag:cpp-specific _CFLAGS_VISIBILITY= when ($_VISIBILITY_LEVEL != "" && $IGNORE_VISIBILITY != "yes") { when ($CLANG == "yes" || $GCC == "yes") { _CFLAGS_VISIBILITY=-fvisibility=${tolower:_VISIBILITY_LEVEL} } } CFLAGS+=$_CFLAGS_VISIBILITY # tag:cpp-specific macro SDBUS_CPP_ADAPTOR(File) { .CMD=${tool:"contrib/libs/sdbus-cpp/tools/xml2cpp-codegen"} --adaptor=${output;nopath;noext:File.adaptor.h} ${input:File} .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/sdbus-cpp } # tag:cpp-specific macro SDBUS_CPP_PROXY(File) { .CMD=${tool:"contrib/libs/sdbus-cpp/tools/xml2cpp-codegen"} --proxy=${output;nopath;noext:File.proxy.h} ${input:File} .PEERDIR=contrib/libs/sdbus-cpp } # tag:python-specific macro _PY_SSQLS_SRC(EXT, SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { #generic macro } # tag:python-specific macro _PY_SSQLS_SRC("ssqls", SRC, SRCFLAGS...) { .CMD=${tool:"metrika/core/tools/ssqls"} ${input;notransformbuilddir:SRC} -S $ARCADIA_ROOT -B $ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT -L "python" -D $MODDIR $SRCFLAGS ${output;tobindir;noext;hide;pre=autogenerated/$MODDIR/:SRC.py} } # tag:python-specific macro _PY_SSQLS_SRCS(Srcs...) { foreach(Src: $Srcs) { _PY_SSQLS_SRC(${lastext:Src} $Src) } } # tag:python-specific macro PY_SSQLS_SRCS(Srcs...) { _PY_SSQLS_SRCS(KEEP_DIR_STRUCT $Srcs) PY_SRCS(${noext;pre=autogenerated/$MODDIR/:Srcs.py}) } # tag:python-specific macro _PY_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_TO_JSON(File) { .CMD=$ENUM_PARSER_TOOL ${input:File} --output ${output;chksum;noext;suf=.generated.h:File} --json-output ${output;noext:File.json} ${kv;hide:"p EN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:python-specific macro _PY_ENUM_SERIALIZATION_TO_PY(File) { .CMD=${tool:"metrika/core/tools/python_enum_generator"} ${input;noext:File.json} -D ${MODDIR} --output ${output;noext:File.py} ${kv;hide:"p EN"} ${kv;hide:"pc yellow"} } # tag:metrika multimodule SSQLS_LIBRARY { module CPP_SSQLS : LIBRARY { .ALIASES=ENUMS_SERIALIZATION=CPP_ENUMS_SERIALIZATION SET(PEERDIR_TAGS CPP_SSQLS) PEERDIR(metrika/core/libs/appmetrica/types metrika/core/libs/types) ADDINCL(GLOBAL ${ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT}/metrika/core/common_tables/include) } module PY3_SSQLS : PY3_LIBRARY { .ALIASES=SRCS=PY_SSQLS_SRCS ENUMS_SERIALIZATION=PY_ENUMS_SERIALIZATION SET(PEERDIR_TAGS PY3 PY3_SSQLS) } } macro NGINX_MODULES(Modules...) { PEERDIR(${Modules}) RUN_PROGRAM(nginx/module_gen ${Modules} CWD ${ARCADIA_ROOT} IN ${suf=/modules.json:Modules} OUTPUT_INCLUDES contrib/nginx/core/src/core/ngx_config.h contrib/nginx/core/src/core/ngx_core.h STDOUT ngx_modules.c) } # Experimental: container as output. https://st.yandex-team.ru/DTCC-179 # tag:external-build CONTAINER_LAYER_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"devtools/experimental/solar/selfcontainer/scripts/make_container_layer.py"} -o $TARGET $AUTO_INPUT ${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} ${kv;hide:"p CL"} ${kv;hide:"pc blue"} CONTAINER_CMD=$YMAKE_PYTHON ${input:"devtools/experimental/solar/selfcontainer/scripts/make_container.py"} -o $TARGET ${rootrel:PEERS} ${cwd:ARCADIA_BUILD_ROOT} ${kv;hide:"p CN"} ${kv;hide:"pc blue"} # tag:external-build module CONTAINER_LAYER: _BARE_UNIT { .CMD=CONTAINER_LAYER_CMD MODULE_SUFFIX=.container_layer } # tag:external-build module CONTAINER: _BARE_UNIT { .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .FINAL_TARGET=yes .CMD=CONTAINER_CMD } # tag:external-build CUSTOM_BUILD_LIBRARY_USE= CUSTOM_BUILD_LIBRARY_CMD=$GENERATE_MF && ${tool:"devtools/experimental/solar/outbuild/runner"} ${hide:PEERS} --script=${input:CUSTOM_SCRIPT} --output $TARGET --python=${tool:"contrib/tools/python3"} --isolator=${tool:"devtools/experimental/solar/outbuild/isolator"} $CUSTOM_BUILD_LIBRARY_USE # tag:external-build module CUSTOM_BUILD_LIBRARY: LIBRARY { .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from .PROXY=yes .CMD=CUSTOM_BUILD_LIBRARY_CMD DISABLE(NEED_ADD_FAKE_SRC) } ### @usage: ORIGINAL_SOURCE(Source) ### ### This macro specifies the source repository for contrib ### Does nothing now (just a placeholder for future functionality) ### See https://st.yandex-team.ru/DTCC-316 macro ORIGINAL_SOURCE(Source) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } CMAKE_PACKAGE= CMAKE_PACKAGE_COMPONENT= CMAKE_PACKAGE_TARGET= CONAN_REFERENCE= ### @usage: OPENSOURCE_EXPORT_REPLACEMENT(CMAKE PkgName CMAKE_TARGET PkgName::PkgTarget CONAN ConanRef CMAKE_COMPONENT OptCmakePkgComponent) ### ### Use specified conan/system pacakcge when exporting cmake build scripts for arcadia C++ project ### for opensource publication. macro OPENSOURCE_EXPORT_REPLACEMENT(CMAKE[], CMAKE_TARGET[], CMAKE_COMPONENET[], CONAN[]) { SET(CMAKE_PACKAGE $CMAKE) SET(CMAKE_PACKAGE_COMPONENT $CMAKE_COMPONENET) SET(CMAKE_LINK_TARGET $CMAKE_TARGET) SET(CONAN_REFERENCE $CONAN) } # tag:licence CREDITS_FILE_EXTRA_EXT= CREDITS_FLAGS= CREDITS_TEXTS_FILE= NO_CREDITS_TEXTS_FILE= WITH_CREDITS= ### @usage: LICENSE_TEXTS(File) ### ### This macro specifies the filename with all library licenses texts macro LICENSE_TEXTS(Source) { SET(CREDITS_TEXTS_FILE $Source) } # tag:licence ### @usage: WITHOUT_LICENSE_TEXTS() ### ### This macro indicates that the module has no license text macro WITHOUT_LICENSE_TEXTS() { ENABLE(NO_CREDITS_TEXTS_FILE) } # tag:licence when ($WITH_CREDITS) { CREDITS_FLAGS+=--credits-output ${output;suf=${CREDITS_FILE_EXTRA_EXT}".CREDITS.txt":REALPRJNAME} } GENERATE_MF= when ($WITH_CREDITS) { GENERATE_MF=$GENERATE_MF_CMD } macro _MCU_CONVERT(Bin) { .CMD=${cwd:BINDIR} $OBJCOPY_TOOL -O ihex $Bin ${output;noext:Bin.hex} && ${cwd:BINDIR} $OBJCOPY_TOOL -O srec $Bin ${output;noext:Bin.s37} } MCU_LINK_EXE=$LINK_EXE && $_MCU_CONVERT($MODULE_PREFIX$REALPRJNAME) ### @usage: MCU_PROGRAM([progname]) ### ### Program module for microcontrollers. Converts binary to Intel HEX and Motorola S-record file formats. ### If name is not specified it will be generated from the name of the containing project directory. module MCU_PROGRAM: PROGRAM { .CMD=MCU_LINK_EXE } # tag:deprecated ### @usage: METAQUERYFILES(filenames...) #deprecated ### ### This macro does nothing and will be removed macro METAQUERYFILES(Files...) { ENABLE(UNUSED_MACRO) } # tag:flags tag:internal tag:windows-specific ### @usage: _MSVC_FLAGS_WINDOWS_IMPL(target_platform compiler_flags) # internal ### ### Add CFLAGS when the firts argument is WINDOWS macro _MSVC_FLAGS_WINDOWS_IMPL(WINDOWS[], FLAGS...) { CFLAGS($WINDOWS) } # tag:flags tag:windows-specific tag:cpp-specific ### @usage: MSVC_FLAGS([GLOBAL compiler_flag]* compiler_flags) ### ### Add the specified flags to the compilation line of C/C++files. ### Flags apply only if the compiler used is MSVC (cl.exe) macro MSVC_FLAGS(FLAGS...) { _MSVC_FLAGS_WINDOWS_IMPL($TARGET_PLATFORM $FLAGS) } ### @usage: COLLECT_YDB_API_SPECS_LEGACY(VarName Paths...) #deprecated ### ### This macro is ugly hack for legacy YDB go API codegen, any other uses are prohibited macro COLLECT_YDB_API_SPECS_LEGACY(FILES_VAR, PATHS...) { _GLOB($FILES_VAR ${suf=/*.proto:PATHS}) RESTRICT_PATH(kikimr/public/sdk/go/ydb/api MSG This is ugly hack for legacy YDB go API codegen, any other uses are probibited) }