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block devices from blktrace utility" }, "iowatcher": { "description": "Create visualizations from blktrace results" }, "blktrace": { "description": "generate traces of the i/o traffic on block devices" }, "blkiomon": { "description": "monitor block device I/O based o blktrace data" }, "btt": { "description": "analyse block i/o traces produces by blktrace" }, "lz4": { "description": "Compress or decompress .lz4 files" }, "pqos": { "description": "Intel(R) Resource Director Technology monitoring and control tool" }, "rdtset": { "description": "Task CPU affinity and Intel(R) Resource Director Technology control tool" }, "optrace": { "description": "optrace records output files written by each process", "visible": false }, "yoimports": { "description": "Go imports formatting tool" }, "jstyle": { "description": "Java styler" }, "ktlint": { "description": "Run kotlin styler" }, "ya_sed": { "description": "This tool simplifies replacing of some text in Arcadia" }, "black": { "description": 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