import sys import subprocess import optparse import re def parse_args(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('--sources-list') parser.add_option('--verbose', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--remove-notes', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--ignore-errors', default=False, action='store_true') parser.add_option('--kotlin', default=False, action='store_true') return parser.parse_args() COLORING = { r'^(?P<path>.*):(?P<line>\d*): error: (?P<msg>.*)': lambda m: '[[unimp]]{path}[[rst]]:[[alt2]]{line}[[rst]]: [[c:light-red]]error[[rst]]: [[bad]]{msg}[[rst]]'.format('path'),'line'),'msg'), ), r'^(?P<path>.*):(?P<line>\d*): warning: (?P<msg>.*)': lambda m: '[[unimp]]{path}[[rst]]:[[alt2]]{line}[[rst]]: [[c:light-yellow]]warning[[rst]]: {msg}'.format('path'),'line'),'msg'), ), r'^warning: ': lambda m: '[[c:light-yellow]]warning[[rst]]: ', r'^error: (?P<msg>.*)': lambda m: '[[c:light-red]]error[[rst]]: [[bad]]{msg}[[rst]]'.format('msg')), r'^Note: ': lambda m: '[[c:light-cyan]]Note[[rst]]: ', } def colorize(err): for regex, sub in COLORING.iteritems(): err = re.sub(regex, sub, err, flags=re.MULTILINE) return err def remove_notes(err): return '\n'.join([line for line in err.split('\n') if not line.startswith('Note:')]) def find_javac(cmd): if not cmd: return None if cmd[0].endswith('javac') or cmd[0].endswith('javac.exe'): return cmd[0] if len(cmd) > 2 and cmd[1].endswith(''): for javas in ('java', 'javac'): if cmd[2].endswith(javas) or cmd[2].endswith(javas + '.exe'): return cmd[2] return None # temporary, for jdk8/jdk9+ compatibility def fix_cmd(cmd): if not cmd: return cmd javac = find_javac(cmd) if not javac: return cmd p = subprocess.Popen([javac, '-version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() out, err = out.strip(), err.strip() for prefix in ('javac 1.8', 'java version "1.8'): for raw_out in ((out or ''), (err or '')): for line in raw_out.split('\n'): if line.startswith(prefix): res = [] i = 0 while i < len(cmd): for option in ('--add-exports', '--add-modules'): if cmd[i] == option: i += 1 break elif cmd[i].startswith(option + '='): break else: res.append(cmd[i]) i += 1 return res return cmd def main(): opts, cmd = parse_args() with open(opts.sources_list) as f: input_files = if opts.kotlin: input_files = [i for i in input_files if i.endswith('.kt')] if not input_files: if opts.verbose: sys.stderr.write('No files to compile, javac is not launched.\n') else: p = subprocess.Popen(fix_cmd(cmd), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) _, err = p.communicate() rc = p.wait() if opts.remove_notes: err = remove_notes(err) try: err = colorize(err) except Exception: pass if opts.ignore_errors and rc: sys.stderr.write('error: javac actually failed with exit code {}\n'.format(rc)) rc = 0 sys.stderr.write(err) sys.exit(rc) if __name__ == '__main__': main()