import itertools import os import os.path import sys import subprocess import optparse import textwrap import process_command_files as pcf from process_whole_archive_option import ProcessWholeArchiveOption def get_leaks_suppressions(cmd): supp, newcmd = [], [] for arg in cmd: if arg.endswith(".supp"): supp.append(arg) else: newcmd.append(arg) return supp, newcmd MUSL_LIBS = '-lc', '-lcrypt', '-ldl', '-lm', '-lpthread', '-lrt', '-lutil' CUDA_LIBRARIES = { '-lcublas_static': '-lcublas', '-lcublasLt_static': '-lcublasLt', '-lcudart_static': '-lcudart', '-lcudnn_static': '-lcudnn', '-lcufft_static_nocallback': '-lcufft', '-lcurand_static': '-lcurand', '-lcusolver_static': '-lcusolver', '-lcusparse_static': '-lcusparse', '-lmyelin_compiler_static': '-lmyelin', '-lmyelin_executor_static': '-lnvcaffe_parser', '-lmyelin_pattern_library_static': '', '-lmyelin_pattern_runtime_static': '', '-lnvinfer_static': '-lnvinfer', '-lnvinfer_plugin_static': '-lnvinfer_plugin', '-lnvonnxparser_static': '-lnvonnxparser', '-lnvparsers_static': '-lnvparsers', '-lnvrtc_static': '-lnvrtc', '-lnvrtc-builtins_static': '-lnvrtc-builtins', '-lnvptxcompiler_static': '', } class CUDAManager: def __init__(self, known_arches, nvprune_exe): self.fatbin_libs = self._known_fatbin_libs(set(CUDA_LIBRARIES)) self.prune_args = [] if known_arches: for arch in known_arches.split(':'): self.prune_args.append('-gencode') self.prune_args.append(self._arch_flag(arch)) self.nvprune_exe = nvprune_exe def has_cuda_fatbins(self, cmd): return bool(set(cmd) & self.fatbin_libs) @property def can_prune_libs(self): return self.prune_args and self.nvprune_exe def _known_fatbin_libs(self, libs): libs_wo_device_code = { '-lcudart_static' } return set(libs) - libs_wo_device_code def _arch_flag(self, arch): _, ver = arch.split('_', 1) return 'arch=compute_{},code={}'.format(ver, arch) def prune_lib(self, inp_fname, out_fname): if self.prune_args: prune_command = [self.nvprune_exe] + self.prune_args + ['--output-file', out_fname, inp_fname] subprocess.check_call(prune_command) def write_linker_script(self, f): # This script simply says: # * Place all `.nv_fatbin` input sections from all input files into one `.nv_fatbin` output section of output file # * Place it after `.bss` section # # Motivation can be found here: # TL;DR - we put section with a lot of GPU code directly after the last meaningful section in the binary # (which turns out to be .bss) # In that case, we decrease chances of relocation overflows from .text to .bss, # because now these sections are close to each other script = textwrap.dedent(""" SECTIONS { .nv_fatbin : { *(.nv_fatbin) } } INSERT AFTER .bss """).strip() f.write(script) def tmpdir_generator(base_path, prefix): for idx in itertools.count(): path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(base_path, prefix + '_' + str(idx))) os.makedirs(path) yield path def process_cuda_library_by_external_tool(cmd, build_root, tool_name, callable_tool_executor, allowed_cuda_libs): tmpdir_gen = tmpdir_generator(build_root, 'cuda_' + tool_name + '_libs') new_flags = [] cuda_deps = set() # Because each directory flag only affects flags that follow it, # for correct pruning we need to process that in reversed order for flag in reversed(cmd): if flag in allowed_cuda_libs: cuda_deps.add('lib' + flag[2:] + '.a') flag += '_' + tool_name elif flag.startswith('-L') and os.path.exists(flag[2:]) and os.path.isdir(flag[2:]) and any(f in cuda_deps for f in os.listdir(flag[2:])): from_dirpath = flag[2:] from_deps = list(cuda_deps & set(os.listdir(from_dirpath))) if from_deps: to_dirpath = next(tmpdir_gen) for f in from_deps: from_path = os.path.join(from_dirpath, f) to_path = os.path.join(to_dirpath, f[:-2] + '_' + tool_name +'.a') callable_tool_executor(from_path, to_path) cuda_deps.remove(f) # do not remove current directory # because it can contain other libraries we want link to # instead we just add new directory with processed by tool libs new_flags.append('-L' + to_dirpath) new_flags.append(flag) assert not cuda_deps, ('Unresolved CUDA deps: ' + ','.join(cuda_deps)) return reversed(new_flags) def process_cuda_libraries_by_objcopy(cmd, build_root, objcopy_exe): if not objcopy_exe: return cmd def run_objcopy(from_path, to_path): rename_section_command = [objcopy_exe, "--rename-section", ".ctors=.init_array", from_path, to_path] subprocess.check_call(rename_section_command) possible_libraries = set(CUDA_LIBRARIES.keys()) possible_libraries.update([ '-lcudadevrt', '-lcufilt', '-lculibos', ]) possible_libraries.update([ lib_name + "_pruner" for lib_name in possible_libraries ]) return process_cuda_library_by_external_tool(list(cmd), build_root, 'objcopy', run_objcopy, possible_libraries) def process_cuda_libraries_by_nvprune(cmd, cuda_manager, build_root): if not cuda_manager.has_cuda_fatbins(cmd): return cmd # add custom linker script to_dirpath = next(tmpdir_generator(build_root, 'cuda_linker_script')) script_path = os.path.join(to_dirpath, 'script') with open(script_path, 'w') as f: cuda_manager.write_linker_script(f) flags_with_linker = list(cmd) + ['-Wl,--script={}'.format(script_path)] if not cuda_manager.can_prune_libs: return flags_with_linker return process_cuda_library_by_external_tool(flags_with_linker, build_root, 'pruner', cuda_manager.prune_lib, cuda_manager.fatbin_libs) def remove_excessive_flags(cmd): flags = [] for flag in cmd: if not flag.endswith('.ios.interface') and not flag.endswith('.pkg.fake'): flags.append(flag) return flags def fix_sanitize_flag(cmd, opts): """ Remove -fsanitize=address flag if sanitazers are linked explicitly for linux target. """ for flag in cmd: if flag.startswith('--target') and 'linux' not in flag.lower(): # use toolchained sanitize libraries return cmd assert opts.clang_ver CLANG_RT = 'contrib/libs/clang' + opts.clang_ver + '-rt/lib/' sanitize_flags = { '-fsanitize=address': CLANG_RT + 'asan', '-fsanitize=memory': CLANG_RT + 'msan', '-fsanitize=leak': CLANG_RT + 'lsan', '-fsanitize=undefined': CLANG_RT + 'ubsan', '-fsanitize=thread': CLANG_RT + 'tsan', } used_sanitize_libs = [] aux = [] for flag in cmd: if flag.startswith('-fsanitize-coverage='): # do not link sanitizer libraries from clang aux.append('-fno-sanitize-link-runtime') if flag in sanitize_flags and any(s.startswith(sanitize_flags[flag]) for s in cmd): # exclude '-fsanitize=' if appropriate library is linked explicitly continue if any(flag.startswith(lib) for lib in sanitize_flags.values()): used_sanitize_libs.append(flag) continue aux.append(flag) # move sanitize libraries out of the repeatedly searched group of archives flags = [] for flag in aux: if flag == '-Wl,--start-group': flags += ['-Wl,--whole-archive'] + used_sanitize_libs + ['-Wl,--no-whole-archive'] flags.append(flag) return flags def fix_cmd_for_musl(cmd): flags = [] for flag in cmd: if flag not in MUSL_LIBS: flags.append(flag) return flags def fix_cmd_for_dynamic_cuda(cmd): flags = [] for flag in cmd: if flag in CUDA_LIBRARIES: flags.append(CUDA_LIBRARIES[flag]) else: flags.append(flag) return flags def gen_default_suppressions(inputs, output, source_root): import collections import os supp_map = collections.defaultdict(set) for filename in inputs: sanitizer = os.path.basename(filename).split('.', 1)[0] with open(os.path.join(source_root, filename)) as src: for line in src: line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue supp_map[sanitizer].add(line) with open(output, "wb") as dst: for supp_type, supps in supp_map.items(): dst.write('extern "C" const char *__%s_default_suppressions() {\n' % supp_type) dst.write(' return "{}";\n'.format('\\n'.join(sorted(supps)))) dst.write('}\n') def fix_blas_resolving(cmd): # Intel mkl comes as a precompiled static library and thus can not be recompiled with sanitizer runtime instrumentation. # That's why we prefer to use cblas instead of Intel mkl as a drop-in replacement under sanitizers. # But if the library has dependencies on mkl and cblas simultaneously, it will get a linking error. # Hence we assume that it's probably compiling without sanitizers and we can easily remove cblas to prevent multiple definitions of the same symbol at link time. for arg in cmd: if arg.startswith('contrib/libs') and arg.endswith('mkl-lp64.a'): return [arg for arg in cmd if not arg.endswith('libcontrib-libs-cblas.a')] return cmd def parse_args(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('--musl', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--custom-step') parser.add_option('--python') parser.add_option('--source-root') parser.add_option('--clang-ver') parser.add_option('--dynamic-cuda', action='store_true') parser.add_option('--cuda-architectures', help='List of supported CUDA architectures, separated by ":" (e.g. "sm_52:compute_70:lto_90a"') parser.add_option('--nvprune-exe') parser.add_option('--objcopy-exe') parser.add_option('--build-root') parser.add_option('--arch') parser.add_option('--linker-output') parser.add_option('--whole-archive-peers', action='append') parser.add_option('--whole-archive-libs', action='append') return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': opts, args = parse_args() args = pcf.skip_markers(args) cmd = fix_blas_resolving(args) cmd = remove_excessive_flags(cmd) if opts.musl: cmd = fix_cmd_for_musl(cmd) cmd = fix_sanitize_flag(cmd, opts) if 'ld.lld' in str(cmd): if '-fPIE' in str(cmd) or '-fPIC' in str(cmd): # support explicit PIE pass else: cmd.append('-Wl,-no-pie') if opts.dynamic_cuda: cmd = fix_cmd_for_dynamic_cuda(cmd) else: cuda_manager = CUDAManager(opts.cuda_architectures, opts.nvprune_exe) cmd = process_cuda_libraries_by_nvprune(cmd, cuda_manager, opts.build_root) cmd = process_cuda_libraries_by_objcopy(cmd, opts.build_root, opts.objcopy_exe) cmd = ProcessWholeArchiveOption(opts.arch, opts.whole_archive_peers, opts.whole_archive_libs).construct_cmd(cmd) if opts.custom_step: assert opts.python subprocess.check_call([opts.python] + [opts.custom_step] + args) supp, cmd = get_leaks_suppressions(cmd) if supp: src_file = "default_suppressions.cpp" gen_default_suppressions(supp, src_file, opts.source_root) cmd += [src_file] if opts.linker_output: stdout = open(opts.linker_output, 'w') else: stdout = sys.stdout rc =, shell=False, stderr=sys.stderr, stdout=stdout) sys.exit(rc)