import os import sys import contextlib import tarfile import zipfile if __name__ == '__main__': build_root = sys.argv[1] root = os.path.normpath(sys.argv[2]) dest = os.path.normpath(sys.argv[3]) srcs = sys.argv[4:] for src in srcs: src = os.path.normpath(src) if src.endswith('.java') or src.endswith('.kt'): src_rel_path = os.path.relpath(src, root) if os.path.join(root, src_rel_path) == src: # Inside root dst = os.path.join(dest, src_rel_path) else: # Outside root print>>sys.stderr, 'External src file "{}" is outside of srcdir {}, ignore'.format( os.path.relpath(src, build_root), os.path.relpath(root, build_root), ) continue if os.path.exists(dst): print>>sys.stderr, 'Duplicate external src file {}, choice is undefined'.format( os.path.relpath(dst, root) ) else: destdir = os.path.dirname(dst) if destdir and not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) os.rename(src, dst) elif src.endswith('.jsr'): with contextlib.closing(, 'r')) as tf: tf.extractall(dst) elif src.endswith('-sources.jar'): with zipfile.ZipFile(src) as zf: zf.extractall(dst) else: print>>sys.stderr, 'Unrecognized file type', os.path.relpath(src, build_root)