#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import os def BuildPlnHeader(): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: build_pln_header.py <absolute/path/to/OutFile>" sys.exit(1) print >>sys.stdout, "Build Pln Header..." outPath = sys.argv[1] tmpPath = outPath + '.tmp' tmpFile = open(tmpPath, 'w') tmpFile.write('#include <library/cpp/sse/sse.h>\n') tmpFile.write('#include <kernel/relevfml/relev_fml.h>\n') for path in sys.argv[2:]: name = os.path.basename(path).split(".")[0] # name without extensions tmpFile.write('\nextern SRelevanceFormula fml{0};\n'.format(name)) tmpFile.write('float {0}(const float* f);\n'.format(name)) tmpFile.write('void {0}SSE(const float* const* factors, float* result);\n'.format(name)) tmpFile.close() try: os.remove(outPath) except: pass try: os.rename(tmpPath, outPath) except: print >>sys.stdout, 'Error: Failed to rename ' + tmpPath + ' to ' + outPath if __name__ == '__main__': BuildPlnHeader()