import os import ymake from _common import strip_roots PLACEHOLDER_EXT = "external" def onlarge_files(unit, *args): """ @usage LARGE_FILES([AUTOUPDATED] Files...) Use large file ether from working copy or from remote storage via placeholder <File>.external If <File> is present locally (and not a symlink!) it will be copied to build directory. Otherwise macro will try to locate <File>.external, parse it retrieve ot during build phase. """ args = list(args) if args and args[0] == 'AUTOUPDATED': args = args[1:] for arg in args: if arg == 'AUTOUPDATED': unit.message(["warn", "Please set AUTOUPDATED argument before other file names"]) continue src = unit.resolve_arc_path(arg) if src.startswith("$S"): msg = "Used local large file {}. Don't forget to run 'ya upload --update-external' and commit {}.{}".format(src, src, PLACEHOLDER_EXT) unit.message(["warn", msg]) unit.oncopy_file([arg, arg]) else: out_file = strip_roots(os.path.join(unit.path(), arg)) external = "{}.{}".format(arg, PLACEHOLDER_EXT) from_external_cmd = [external, out_file, 'OUT_NOAUTO', arg] if os.path.dirname(arg): from_external_cmd.extend(("RENAME", os.path.basename(arg))) unit.on_from_external(from_external_cmd) unit.onadd_check(['check.external', external])