TS_TEST_EXTENSION= TS_TEST_EXTRA_SRCS_MASK= TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH= TS_TEST_NM= _TS_TEST_DEPENDS_ON_BUILD= # We have to rename node_modules.tar to workspace_node_modules.tar, # so TS_TEST_JEST module has it's own unique output. # TS_TEST_JEST_FOR module has to output all files required for test run. TS_TEST_JEST_CMD=$TOUCH_UNIT \ && $NOTS_TOOL $NOTS_TOOL_BASE_ARGS create-node-modules --moddir $TS_TEST_FOR_PATH \ $_NODE_MODULES_INOUTS ${hide:PEERS} \ && ${cwd:BINDIR} $MOVE_FILE $TS_TEST_NM ${output:"workspace_node_modules.tar"} \ ${kv;hide:"p TS_JST"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} ### @usage: TS_TEST_JEST_FOR(Path) ### ### Defines testing module with jest test runner. ### ### @example ### ### TS_TEST_JEST_FOR(path/to/module) ### TS_TEST_SRCS(../src) ### TS_TEST_CONFIG(../jest.config.js) ### END() ### module TS_TEST_JEST_FOR: _TS_TEST_BASE { .CMD=TS_TEST_JEST_CMD # for multimodule peers we should choose NODE_MODULES SET(PEERDIR_TAGS TS) # compatibility with old TS_TEST_SRCS SET(TS_TEST_EXTENSION test.(ts|tsx|js|jsx)) SET(TS_TEST_EXTRA_SRCS_MASK /**/__mocks__/*) # nots.py will decide if we need to depend on the testing target module output _DEPENDS_ON_MOD() _PEERDIR_TS_RESOURCE(nodejs pnpm jest) _TS_TEST_FOR_CONFIGURE(jest jest.config.js workspace_node_modules.tar) _TS_ADD_NODE_MODULES_FOR_BUILDER() } TS_TEST_HERMIONE_CMD=$TOUCH_UNIT \ && ${cwd:BINDIR} $MOVE_FILE ${input:TS_TEST_NM} ${output:"workspace_node_modules.tar"} \ ${kv;hide:"p TSHRM"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} ### @usage: TS_TEST_HERMIONE_FOR(Path) ### ### Defines testing module with hermione test runner. ### ### @example ### ### TS_TEST_HERMIONE_FOR(path/to/module) ### TS_TEST_SRCS(../src) ### TS_TEST_CONFIG(../hermione.conf.js) ### END() ### module TS_TEST_HERMIONE_FOR: _TS_TEST_BASE { .CMD=TS_TEST_HERMIONE_CMD # for multimodule peers we should choose TS SET(PEERDIR_TAGS TS) # compatibility with old TS_TEST_SRCS SET(TS_TEST_EXTENSION hermione.(ts|js)) TS_TEST_DEPENDS_ON_BUILD() _DEPENDS_ON_MOD() _PEERDIR_TS_RESOURCE(nodejs pnpm typescript hermione) _TS_TEST_FOR_CONFIGURE(hermione .hermione.conf.js workspace_node_modules.tar) } TS_TEST_PLAYWRIGHT_CMD=$TOUCH_UNIT \ && $NOTS_TOOL $NOTS_TOOL_BASE_ARGS create-node-modules --moddir $TS_TEST_FOR_PATH \ $_NODE_MODULES_INOUTS ${hide:PEERS} \ && ${cwd:BINDIR} $MOVE_FILE $TS_TEST_NM ${output:"workspace_node_modules.tar"} \ ${kv;hide:"p TSPW"} ${kv;hide:"pc magenta"} ### @usage: TS_TEST_PLAYWRIGHT_FOR(Path) ### ### Defines testing module with playwright test runner. ### ### @example ### ### TS_TEST_PLAYWRIGHT_FOR(path/to/module) ### TS_TEST_SRCS(../src) ### TS_TEST_CONFIG(../playwright.config.js) ### END() ### module TS_TEST_PLAYWRIGHT_FOR: _TS_TEST_BASE { .CMD=TS_TEST_PLAYWRIGHT_CMD # for multimodule peers we should choose TS SET(PEERDIR_TAGS TS) # compatibility with old TS_TEST_SRCS SET(TS_TEST_EXTENSION (playwright|spec).(ts|js)) _DEPENDS_ON_MOD() _TS_ADD_NODE_MODULES_FOR_BUILDER() _PEERDIR_TS_RESOURCE(nodejs pnpm playwright) _TS_TEST_FOR_CONFIGURE(playwright playwright.config.ts workspace_node_modules.tar) } module _TS_TEST_BASE: _BARE_UNIT { # ignore SRCS macro .ALIASES=SRCS=_NOOP_MACRO # use this parser to get module args in $MODULE_ARGS_RAW .ARGS_PARSER=Raw .NODE_TYPE=Bundle .PEERDIR_POLICY=as_build_from # .fake tells builder to not materialize it in results SET(MODULE_SUFFIX .ts_test.fake) # include processor works only for TS tag SET(MODULE_TAG TS) SET(MODULE_LANG TS) # we read erm-packages.json during configuration, so we have to include it to configuration cache key SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS ${ARCADIA_ROOT}/$ERM_PACKAGES_PATH) # parse module args _TS_TEST_FOR_ARGS($MODULE_ARGS_RAW) # we don't want to have TS outputs for tests DISABLE(TS_CONFIG_DEDUCE_OUT) } macro _TS_TEST_FOR_ARGS(FOR_MOD, RELATIVE?"${CURDIR}":"${ARCADIA_ROOT}") { # we read testing modules' package.json during configuration, # so we have to include it to configuration cache key SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS $RELATIVE/$FOR_MOD/package.json) SET_APPEND(_MAKEFILE_INCLUDE_LIKE_DEPS $RELATIVE/$FOR_MOD/pnpm-lock.yaml) _VALIDATE_TS_TEST_FOR_ARGS($FOR_MOD $RELATIVE) _SET_TS_TEST_FOR_VARS($FOR_MOD) } macro _SETUP_EXTRACT_NODE_MODULES_RECIPE(FOR_PATH) { USE_RECIPE(devtools/frontend_build_platform/nots/recipes/extract_node_modules/recipe $FOR_PATH workspace_node_modules.tar) } macro _SETUP_EXTRACT_OUTPUT_TARS_RECIPE(FOR_PATH) { USE_RECIPE(devtools/frontend_build_platform/nots/recipes/extract_output_tars/recipe $FOR_PATH) } macro _SETUP_INSTALL_NODE_MODULES_RECIPE() { USE_RECIPE(devtools/frontend_build_platform/nots/recipes/install_node_modules/recipe $NOTS_TOOL_BASE_ARGS --bundle no) } ### @usage: TS_TEST_CONFIG(Path) ### ### Macro sets the path to configuration file of the test runner. ### ### - Path - path to the config file. macro TS_TEST_CONFIG(Path) { SET(TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH $Path) } _TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE= _TS_TEST_EXTRA_SRCS_VALUE= ### @usage: TS_TEST_SRCS(DIRS...) ### ### Macro to define directories where the test source files should be located. ### ### - DIRS... - directories. macro TS_TEST_SRCS(DIRS...) { _GLOB(_TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE ${suf=/**/*.$TS_TEST_EXTENSION:DIRS}) SRCS($_TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE) _GLOB(_TS_TEST_EXTRA_SRCS_VALUE ${suf=$TS_TEST_EXTRA_SRCS_MASK:DIRS}) SRCS($_TS_TEST_EXTRA_SRCS_VALUE) } _TS_TEST_DATA_VALUE= _TS_TEST_DATA_DIRS_RENAME_VALUE= ### @usage: TS_TEST_DATA([RENAME] GLOBS...) ### ### Macro to add tests data (i.e. snapshots) used in testing to a bindir from curdir. ### Creates symbolic links to directories of files found by the specified globs. ### ### Parameters: ### - RENAME - adds ability to rename paths for tests data from curdir to bindir. ### For example if your tested module located on "module" path and tests data in "module/tests_data". ### Then you can be able to rename "tests_data" folder to something else - `RENAME tests_data:example`. ### As a result in your bindir will be created folder - "module/example" which is a symbolic link on "module/tests_data" in curdir. ### It is possible to specify multiple renaming rules in the following format "dir1:dir2;dir3/foo:dir4/bar", where "dir1" and "dir3" folders in curdir. ### - GLOBS... - globs to tests data files, symbolic links will be created to their folders. For example - "tests_data/**/*". macro TS_TEST_DATA(RENAME="", GLOBS...) { _GLOB(_TS_TEST_DATA_VALUE $GLOBS) SET(_TS_TEST_DATA_DIRS_RENAME_VALUE $RENAME) } ### @usage: TS_TEST_DEPENDS_ON_BUILD() ### ### Macro enables build and results unpacking for the module test is targeting. ### It is not required for most of the tests, but it might be needeed in some special cases. macro TS_TEST_DEPENDS_ON_BUILD() { ENABLE(_TS_TEST_DEPENDS_ON_BUILD) } _TS_TYPECHECK_VALUE=none _TS_TYPECHECK_TSCONFIG= macro NO_TS_TYPECHECK() { SET(_TS_TYPECHECK_VALUE none) } macro TS_TYPECHECK(TS_CONFG="") { ENABLE(_TS_TYPECHECK_VALUE) SET(_TS_TYPECHECK_TSCONFIG $TS_CONFG) }