EXPORT_CMAKE=no EXPORT_GRADLE=no when ($OPENSOURCE == "yes" || $OPENSOURCE_PROJECT == "ymake" || $OPENSOURCE_PROJECT == "ya") { YA_OPENSOURCE=yes } when ($CATBOOST_OPENSOURCE == "yes") { OPENSOURCE=yes CFLAGS+=-DCATBOOST_OPENSOURCE=yes CXXFLAGS+=-DCATBOOST_OPENSOURCE=yes } when ($OPENSOURCE == "yes") { CATBOOST_OPENSOURCE=yes DISABLE_FLAKE8_MIGRATIONS=yes GO_VET=no HAVE_MKL=no LOCAL_YDB_DOCKER_PUBLIC_BUILD=yes SO_OUTPUTS=yes UDF_NO_PROBE=yes USE_ASMLIB=no _USE_AIO=dynamic _USE_ICONV=dynamic _USE_IDN=dynamic USE_MKL=no NON_FATAL_ADDINCL_TO_MISSING=yes } # Extra macros to control how gradle export works when ($OPENSOURCE == "yes" && $EXPORT_GRADLE == "yes") { RECURSIVE_ADD_PEERS_TESTS=yes EXPORT_SEM=yes } # Extra macros to control how cmake export works when ($OPENSOURCE == "yes" && $EXPORT_CMAKE == "yes") { # Python version is not acttually used in exported cmake's rigth now. # The only reason to set it is to avoid any deps on contrib/python|contrib/libs/python when # exporting PY_*_MODULE and force dependency to build/platform/python there. USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON=3.10 USE_ARCADIA_PYTHON=no # YMAKE-477. yexport does not support USE_GLOBAL_CMD=no and crashes with OOM. # USE_GLOBAL_CMD=yes does not work for Windows with ya make builds but works with exported CMake files: YMAKE-657. USE_GLOBAL_CMD=yes EXPORT_SEM=yes } CMAKE_PACKAGE= CMAKE_PACKAGE_COMPONENT= CMAKE_PACKAGE_TARGET= CONAN_REFERENCE= CONAN_PKG_OPTS= ### @usage: OPENSOURCE_EXPORT_REPLACEMENT(CMAKE PkgName CMAKE_TARGET PkgName::PkgTarget CONAN ConanRef CMAKE_COMPONENT OptCmakePkgComponent) ### ### Use specified conan/system pacakcge when exporting cmake build scripts for arcadia C++ project ### for opensource publication. macro OPENSOURCE_EXPORT_REPLACEMENT(CMAKE[], CMAKE_TARGET[], CMAKE_COMPONENT[], CONAN[], CONAN_OPTIONS[]) { SET(CMAKE_PACKAGE $CMAKE) SET(CMAKE_PACKAGE_COMPONENT $CMAKE_COMPONENT) SET(CMAKE_LINK_TARGET $CMAKE_TARGET) SET(CONAN_REFERENCE $CONAN) SET(CONAN_PKG_OPTS $CONAN_OPTIONS) } CMAKE_TARGET_NAME=$REALPRJNAME CMAKE_TARGET_ARTEFACT_RENAME_RULES= ### @usage CMAKE_EXPORTED_TARGET_NAME(Name) ### ### Forces to use the name given as cmake target name without changing the name of output artefact. ### This macro should be used to resolve target name conflicts in exported cmake project when ### changing module name is not applicable. For example both CUDA and non-CUDA py modules for ### catboost should have same name lib_catboost.so and both of them are defined as PY_ANY_MODULE(_catboost). ### adding CMAKE_EXPORTED_TARGET_NAME(_catboost_non_cuda) to the non CUDA module ya.make file ### changes exported cmake target name but preserve generated artefact file name. macro CMAKE_EXPORTED_TARGET_NAME(Name) { SET(CMAKE_TARGET_NAME $Name) SET(CMAKE_TARGET_ARTEFACT_RENAME_RULES && set_target_property OUTPUT_NAME $REALPRJNAME) } macro ALLOCATOR_IMPL() { SET(CPP_LIBRARY_INDUCED_SEM_PROPERTY target_allocator) }