From 09961b69c61f471ddd594e0fd877df62a8021562 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sobols <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:47:08 +0300
Subject: Restoring authorship annotation for <>. Commit 1
 of 2.

 library/cpp/xml/document/xml-textreader_ut.cpp | 422 ++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 211 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

(limited to 'library/cpp/xml/document/xml-textreader_ut.cpp')

diff --git a/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-textreader_ut.cpp b/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-textreader_ut.cpp
index 6232dfe47e..9f54523fef 100644
--- a/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-textreader_ut.cpp
+++ b/library/cpp/xml/document/xml-textreader_ut.cpp
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-#include "xml-textreader.h"
+#include "xml-textreader.h" 
 #include <library/cpp/testing/unittest/registar.h>
-#include <util/generic/hash.h>
-#include <util/generic/vector.h>
-#include <util/string/join.h>
-namespace {
-    /**
-     * Simple wrapper around the xmlTextReader wrapper
-     */
+#include <util/generic/hash.h> 
+#include <util/generic/vector.h> 
+#include <util/string/join.h> 
+namespace { 
+    /** 
+     * Simple wrapper around the xmlTextReader wrapper 
+     */ 
     void ParseXml(const TString& xmlData,
                   std::function<void(NXml::TConstNode)> nodeHandlerFunc,
                   const TString& localName,
                   const TString& namespaceUri = TString()) {
-        TStringInput in(xmlData);
-        NXml::TTextReader reader(in);
-        while (reader.Read()) {
-            if (reader.GetNodeType() == NXml::TTextReader::ENodeType::Element &&
-                reader.GetLocalName() == localName &&
+        TStringInput in(xmlData); 
+        NXml::TTextReader reader(in); 
+        while (reader.Read()) { 
+            if (reader.GetNodeType() == NXml::TTextReader::ENodeType::Element && 
+                reader.GetLocalName() == localName && 
                 reader.GetNamespaceUri() == namespaceUri)
-                const NXml::TConstNode node = reader.Expand();
-                nodeHandlerFunc(node);
-            }
-        }
-    }
+                const NXml::TConstNode node = reader.Expand(); 
+                nodeHandlerFunc(node); 
+            } 
+        } 
+    } 
 Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TestXmlTextReader) {
     Y_UNIT_TEST(BasicExample) {
         const TString xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n"
@@ -40,73 +40,73 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TestXmlTextReader) {
                             "    <child_of_child>Some content : -)</child_of_child>\n"
                             "  </examplechild>\n"
-        TStringInput input(xml);
-        NXml::TTextReader reader(input);
-        using ENT = NXml::TTextReader::ENodeType;
-        struct TItem {
-            int Depth;
-            ENT Type;
+        TStringInput input(xml); 
+        NXml::TTextReader reader(input); 
+        using ENT = NXml::TTextReader::ENodeType; 
+        struct TItem { 
+            int Depth; 
+            ENT Type; 
             TString Name;
             TString Attrs;
             TString Value;
-        };
+        }; 
         TVector<TItem> found;
         TVector<TString> msgs;
-        while (reader.Read()) {
-            // dump attributes as "k1: v1, k2: v2, ..."
+        while (reader.Read()) { 
+            // dump attributes as "k1: v1, k2: v2, ..." 
             TVector<TString> kv;
-            if (reader.HasAttributes()) {
-                reader.MoveToFirstAttribute();
-                do {
+            if (reader.HasAttributes()) { 
+                reader.MoveToFirstAttribute(); 
+                do { 
                     kv.push_back(TString::Join(reader.GetName(), ": ", reader.GetValue()));
-                } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
-                reader.MoveToElement();
-            }
-            found.push_back(TItem{
-                reader.GetDepth(),
-                reader.GetNodeType(),
+                } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute()); 
+                reader.MoveToElement(); 
+            } 
+            found.push_back(TItem{ 
+                reader.GetDepth(), 
+                reader.GetNodeType(), 
-                JoinSeq(", ", kv),
+                JoinSeq(", ", kv), 
                 reader.HasValue() ? TString(reader.GetValue()) : TString(),
-            });
-        }
+            }); 
+        } 
         const TVector<TItem> expected = {
-            TItem{0, ENT::Element, "example", "toto: 1", ""},
-            TItem{1, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "},
-            TItem{1, ENT::Element, "examplechild", "id: 1", ""},
-            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n    "},
-            TItem{2, ENT::Element, "child_of_child", "", ""},
-            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "},
-            TItem{1, ENT::EndElement, "examplechild", "id: 1", ""},
-            TItem{1, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "},
-            TItem{1, ENT::Element, "examplechild", "id: 2, toto: 3", ""},
-            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n    "},
-            TItem{2, ENT::Element, "child_of_child", "", ""},
-            TItem{3, ENT::Text, "#text", "", "Some content : -)"},
-            TItem{2, ENT::EndElement, "child_of_child", "", ""},
-            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "},
-            TItem{1, ENT::EndElement, "examplechild", "id: 2, toto: 3", ""},
-            TItem{1, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n"},
+            TItem{0, ENT::Element, "example", "toto: 1", ""}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::Element, "examplechild", "id: 1", ""}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n    "}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::Element, "child_of_child", "", ""}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::EndElement, "examplechild", "id: 1", ""}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::Element, "examplechild", "id: 2, toto: 3", ""}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n    "}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::Element, "child_of_child", "", ""}, 
+            TItem{3, ENT::Text, "#text", "", "Some content : -)"}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::EndElement, "child_of_child", "", ""}, 
+            TItem{2, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n  "}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::EndElement, "examplechild", "id: 2, toto: 3", ""}, 
+            TItem{1, ENT::SignificantWhitespace, "#text", "", "\n"}, 
             TItem{0, ENT::EndElement, "example", "toto: 1", ""}};
-        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(found.size(), expected.size());
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) {
-            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Depth, expected[i].Depth, "line " << i);
-            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(found[i].Type, expected[i].Type, "line " << i);
-            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Name, expected[i].Name, "line " << i);
-            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Attrs, expected[i].Attrs, "line " << i);
-            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Value, expected[i].Value, "line " << i);
-        }
-    }
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(found.size(), expected.size()); 
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < expected.size(); ++i) { 
+            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Depth, expected[i].Depth, "line " << i); 
+            UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_C(found[i].Type, expected[i].Type, "line " << i); 
+            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Name, expected[i].Name, "line " << i); 
+            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Attrs, expected[i].Attrs, "line " << i); 
+            UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL_C(found[i].Value, expected[i].Value, "line " << i); 
+        } 
+    } 
     const TString GEODATA = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>"
@@ -133,158 +133,158 @@ Y_UNIT_TEST_SUITE(TestXmlTextReader) {
                             "  </country>"
     Y_UNIT_TEST(ParseXmlSimple) {
-        struct TCountry {
+        struct TCountry { 
             TString Name;
             TVector<TString> Cities;
-        };
+        }; 
         THashMap<int, TCountry> data;
-        auto handler = [&data](NXml::TConstNode node) {
-            const int id = node.Attr<int>("id");
-            TCountry& c = data[id];
+        auto handler = [&data](NXml::TConstNode node) { 
+            const int id = node.Attr<int>("id"); 
+            TCountry& c = data[id]; 
             c.Name = node.FirstChild("name").Value<TString>();
-            const NXml::TConstNodes cityNodes = node.Nodes("cities/city");
+            const NXml::TConstNodes cityNodes = node.Nodes("cities/city"); 
             for (auto cityNode : cityNodes) {
-            }
-        };
-        ParseXml(GEODATA, handler, "country");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.size(), 3);
+            } 
+        }; 
+        ParseXml(GEODATA, handler, "country"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(data.size(), 3); 
-        const TCountry& russia =;
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Name, "Россия");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Cities.size(), 2);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Cities[0], "Москва");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Cities[1], "Санкт-Петербург");
+        const TCountry& russia =; 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Name, "Россия"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Cities.size(), 2); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Cities[0], "Москва"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(russia.Cities[1], "Санкт-Петербург"); 
-        const TCountry& belarus =;
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(belarus.Name, "Беларусь");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(belarus.Cities.size(), 1);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(belarus.Cities[0], "Минск");
+        const TCountry& belarus =; 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(belarus.Name, "Беларусь"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(belarus.Cities.size(), 1); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(belarus.Cities[0], "Минск"); 
-        const TCountry& ukraine =;
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ukraine.Name, "Украина");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ukraine.Cities.size(), 1);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ukraine.Cities[0], "Киев");
-    }
+        const TCountry& ukraine =; 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ukraine.Name, "Украина"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ukraine.Cities.size(), 1); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(ukraine.Cities[0], "Киев"); 
+    } 
     Y_UNIT_TEST(ParseXmlDeepLevel) {
         TVector<TString> cities;
-        auto handler = [&cities](NXml::TConstNode node) {
+        auto handler = [&cities](NXml::TConstNode node) { 
-        };
-        ParseXml(GEODATA, handler, "city");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities.size(), 4);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[0], "Москва");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[1], "Санкт-Петербург");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[2], "Минск");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[3], "Киев");
-    }
+        }; 
+        ParseXml(GEODATA, handler, "city"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities.size(), 4); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[0], "Москва"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[1], "Санкт-Петербург"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[2], "Минск"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(cities[3], "Киев"); 
+    } 
     Y_UNIT_TEST(ParseXmlException) {
-        // Check that exception properly passes through plain C code of libxml,
-        // no leaks are detected by valgrind.
-        auto handler = [](NXml::TConstNode node) {
-            const int id = node.Attr<int>("id");
-            if (id != 225) {
-                ythrow yexception() << "unsupported id: " << id;
-            }
-        };
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml(GEODATA, handler, "country"), yexception);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml("<a></b>", handler, "a"), yexception);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml("<root><a id=\"1\"></a><a id=\"2\"></b></root>", handler, "a"), yexception);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml("<root><a id=\"1\"></a><a id=\"2></a></root>", handler, "a"), yexception);
-    }
+        // Check that exception properly passes through plain C code of libxml, 
+        // no leaks are detected by valgrind. 
+        auto handler = [](NXml::TConstNode node) { 
+            const int id = node.Attr<int>("id"); 
+            if (id != 225) { 
+                ythrow yexception() << "unsupported id: " << id; 
+            } 
+        }; 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml(GEODATA, handler, "country"), yexception); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml("<a></b>", handler, "a"), yexception); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml("<root><a id=\"1\"></a><a id=\"2\"></b></root>", handler, "a"), yexception); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EXCEPTION(ParseXml("<root><a id=\"1\"></a><a id=\"2></a></root>", handler, "a"), yexception); 
+    } 
     const TString BACKA = // UTF-8 encoding is used implicitly
-        "<Companies"
-        "    xmlns:xsi=\"\""
-        "    xmlns=\"\""
-        "    xmlns:atom=\"\""
-        "    xmlns:biz=\"\""
-        "    xmlns:xal=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0\""
-        "    xmlns:gml=\"\""
-        ">"
-        ""
-        "  <Company id=\"0001\">"
-        "    <Geo>"
-        "      <Location>"
-        "        <gml:pos>37.62669 55.664827</gml:pos>"
-        "        <kind>house</kind>"
-        "      </Location>"
-        "      <AddressDetails xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0\">"
-        "        <Country>"
-        "          <AddressLine xml:lang=\"ru\">Москва, Каширское ш., 14</AddressLine>"
-        "        </Country>"
-        "      </AddressDetails>"
-        "    </Geo>"
-        "  </Company>"
-        ""
-        "  <Company id=\"0002\">"
-        "    <Geo>"
-        "      <Location>"
-        "        <pos xmlns=\"\">150.819797 59.56092</pos>"
-        "        <kind>locality</kind>"
-        "      </Location>"
-        "      <xal:AddressDetails>"
-        "        <xal:Country>"
-        "          <xal:AddressLine xml:lang=\"ru\">Магадан, ул. Пролетарская, 43</xal:AddressLine>"
-        "        </xal:Country>"
-        "      </xal:AddressDetails>"
-        "    </Geo>"
-        "  </Company>"
-        ""
-        "</Companies>";
+        "<Companies" 
+        "    xmlns:xsi=\"\"" 
+        "    xmlns=\"\"" 
+        "    xmlns:atom=\"\"" 
+        "    xmlns:biz=\"\"" 
+        "    xmlns:xal=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0\"" 
+        "    xmlns:gml=\"\"" 
+        ">" 
+        "" 
+        "  <Company id=\"0001\">" 
+        "    <Geo>" 
+        "      <Location>" 
+        "        <gml:pos>37.62669 55.664827</gml:pos>" 
+        "        <kind>house</kind>" 
+        "      </Location>" 
+        "      <AddressDetails xmlns=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0\">" 
+        "        <Country>" 
+        "          <AddressLine xml:lang=\"ru\">Москва, Каширское ш., 14</AddressLine>" 
+        "        </Country>" 
+        "      </AddressDetails>" 
+        "    </Geo>" 
+        "  </Company>" 
+        "" 
+        "  <Company id=\"0002\">" 
+        "    <Geo>" 
+        "      <Location>" 
+        "        <pos xmlns=\"\">150.819797 59.56092</pos>" 
+        "        <kind>locality</kind>" 
+        "      </Location>" 
+        "      <xal:AddressDetails>" 
+        "        <xal:Country>" 
+        "          <xal:AddressLine xml:lang=\"ru\">Магадан, ул. Пролетарская, 43</xal:AddressLine>" 
+        "        </xal:Country>" 
+        "      </xal:AddressDetails>" 
+        "    </Geo>" 
+        "  </Company>" 
+        "" 
+        "</Companies>"; 
     Y_UNIT_TEST(NamespaceHell) {
-        using TNS = NXml::TNamespaceForXPath;
+        using TNS = NXml::TNamespaceForXPath; 
         const NXml::TNamespacesForXPath ns = {
-            TNS{"b", ""},
-            TNS{"gml", ""},
+            TNS{"b", ""}, 
+            TNS{"gml", ""}, 
             TNS{"xal", "urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0"}};
-        int count = 0;
+        int count = 0; 
         THashMap<TString, TString> positions;
         THashMap<TString, TString> addresses;
-        auto handler = [&](NXml::TConstNode node) {
-            count++;
+        auto handler = [&](NXml::TConstNode node) { 
+            count++; 
             const auto id = node.Attr<TString>("id");
-            NXml::TXPathContextPtr ctxt = node.CreateXPathContext(ns);
-            const NXml::TConstNode location = node.Node("b:Geo/b:Location", false, *ctxt);
+            NXml::TXPathContextPtr ctxt = node.CreateXPathContext(ns); 
+            const NXml::TConstNode location = node.Node("b:Geo/b:Location", false, *ctxt); 
             positions[id] = location.Node("gml:pos", false, *ctxt).Value<TString>();
             addresses[id] = node.Node("b:Geo/xal:AddressDetails/xal:Country/xal:AddressLine", false, *ctxt).Value<TString>();
-        };
-        ParseXml(BACKA, handler, "Company");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 0);
-        // nothing found because namespace was not specified
-        ParseXml(BACKA, handler, "Company", "");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(count, 2);
-        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(positions["0001"], "37.62669 55.664827");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(positions["0002"], "150.819797 59.56092");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(addresses["0001"], "Москва, Каширское ш., 14");
-        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(addresses["0002"], "Магадан, ул. Пролетарская, 43");
-    }
+        }; 
+        ParseXml(BACKA, handler, "Company"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(count, 0); 
+        // nothing found because namespace was not specified 
+        ParseXml(BACKA, handler, "Company", ""); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(count, 2); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(positions["0001"], "37.62669 55.664827"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(positions["0002"], "150.819797 59.56092"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(addresses["0001"], "Москва, Каширское ш., 14"); 
+        UNIT_ASSERT_VALUES_EQUAL(addresses["0002"], "Магадан, ул. Пролетарская, 43"); 
+    } 
cgit v1.2.3