From 06e5c21a835c0e923506c4ff27929f34e00761c2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: monster <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 14:41:37 +0300
Subject: fix ya.make

 library/cpp/neh/netliba_udp_http.cpp | 808 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 808 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 library/cpp/neh/netliba_udp_http.cpp

(limited to 'library/cpp/neh/netliba_udp_http.cpp')

diff --git a/library/cpp/neh/netliba_udp_http.cpp b/library/cpp/neh/netliba_udp_http.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4df426f02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/cpp/neh/netliba_udp_http.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+#include "netliba_udp_http.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <library/cpp/netliba/v6/cpu_affinity.h>
+#include <library/cpp/netliba/v6/stdafx.h>
+#include <library/cpp/netliba/v6/udp_client_server.h>
+#include <library/cpp/netliba/v6/udp_socket.h>
+#include <library/cpp/netliba/v6/block_chain.h> // depend on another headers
+#include <util/system/hp_timer.h>
+#include <util/system/shmat.h>
+#include <util/system/spinlock.h>
+#include <util/system/thread.h>
+#include <util/system/types.h>
+#include <util/system/yassert.h>
+#include <util/thread/lfqueue.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#if !defined(_win_)
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+using namespace NNetliba;
+namespace {
+    const float HTTP_TIMEOUT = 15.0f;
+    const size_t MIN_SHARED_MEM_PACKET = 1000;
+    const size_t MAX_PACKET_SIZE = 0x70000000;
+    NNeh::TAtomicBool PanicAttack;
+    std::atomic<NHPTimer::STime> LastHeartbeat;
+    std::atomic<double> HeartbeatTimeout;
+    bool IsLocal(const TUdpAddress& addr) {
+        return addr.IsIPv4() ? IsLocalIPv4(addr.GetIPv4()) : IsLocalIPv6(addr.Network, addr.Interface);
+    }
+    void StopAllNetLibaThreads() {
+        PanicAttack = true; // AAAA!!!!
+    }
+    void ReadShm(TSharedMemory* shm, TVector<char>* data) {
+        Y_ASSERT(shm);
+        int dataSize = shm->GetSize();
+        data->yresize(dataSize);
+        memcpy(&(*data)[0], shm->GetPtr(), dataSize);
+    }
+    void ReadShm(TSharedMemory* shm, TString* data) {
+        Y_ASSERT(shm);
+        size_t dataSize = shm->GetSize();
+        data->ReserveAndResize(dataSize);
+        memcpy(data->begin(), shm->GetPtr(), dataSize);
+    }
+    template <class T>
+    void EraseList(TLockFreeQueue<T*>* data) {
+        T* ptr = 0;
+        while (data->Dequeue(&ptr)) {
+            delete ptr;
+        }
+    }
+    enum EHttpPacket {
+        PKT_REQUEST,
+        PKT_PING,
+        PKT_RESPONSE,
+        PKT_CANCEL,
+    };
+namespace NNehNetliba {
+    TUdpHttpMessage::TUdpHttpMessage(const TGUID& reqId, const TUdpAddress& peerAddr)
+        : ReqId(reqId)
+        , PeerAddress(peerAddr)
+    {
+    }
+    TUdpHttpRequest::TUdpHttpRequest(TAutoPtr<TRequest>& dataHolder, const TGUID& reqId, const TUdpAddress& peerAddr)
+        : TUdpHttpMessage(reqId, peerAddr)
+    {
+        TBlockChainIterator reqData(dataHolder->Data->GetChain());
+        char pktType;
+        reqData.Read(&pktType, 1);
+        ReadArr(&reqData, &Url);
+        if (pktType == PKT_REQUEST) {
+            ReadYArr(&reqData, &Data);
+        } else if (pktType == PKT_LOCAL_REQUEST) {
+            ReadShm(dataHolder->Data->GetSharedData(), &Data);
+        } else {
+            Y_ASSERT(0);
+        }
+        if (reqData.HasFailed()) {
+            Y_ASSERT(0 && "wrong format, memory corruption suspected");
+            Url = "";
+            Data.clear();
+        }
+    }
+    TUdpHttpResponse::TUdpHttpResponse(TAutoPtr<TRequest>& dataHolder, const TGUID& reqId, const TUdpAddress& peerAddr, EResult result, const char* error)
+        : TUdpHttpMessage(reqId, peerAddr)
+        , Ok(result)
+    {
+        if (result == TUdpHttpResponse::FAILED) {
+            Error = error ? error : "request failed";
+        } else if (result == TUdpHttpResponse::CANCELED) {
+            Error = error ? error : "request cancelled";
+        } else {
+            TBlockChainIterator reqData(dataHolder->Data->GetChain());
+            if (Y_UNLIKELY(reqData.HasFailed())) {
+                Y_ASSERT(0 && "wrong format, memory corruption suspected");
+                Ok = TUdpHttpResponse::FAILED;
+                Data.clear();
+                Error = "wrong response format";
+            } else {
+                char pktType;
+                reqData.Read(&pktType, 1);
+                TGUID guid;
+                reqData.Read(&guid, sizeof(guid));
+                Y_ASSERT(ReqId == guid);
+                if (pktType == PKT_RESPONSE) {
+                    ReadArr<TString>(&reqData, &Data);
+                } else if (pktType == PKT_LOCAL_RESPONSE) {
+                    ReadShm(dataHolder->Data->GetSharedData(), &Data);
+                } else {
+                    Y_ASSERT(0);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    class TUdpHttp: public IRequester {
+        enum EDir {
+            DIR_OUT,
+            DIR_IN
+        };
+        struct TInRequestState {
+            enum EState {
+                S_WAITING,
+                S_RESPONSE_SENDING,
+                S_CANCELED,
+            };
+            TInRequestState()
+                : State(S_WAITING)
+            {
+            }
+            TInRequestState(const TUdpAddress& address)
+                : State(S_WAITING)
+                , Address(address)
+            {
+            }
+            EState State;
+            TUdpAddress Address;
+        };
+        struct TOutRequestState {
+            enum EState {
+                S_SENDING,
+                S_WAITING,
+                S_WAITING_PING_SENDING,
+                S_WAITING_PING_SENT,
+                S_CANCEL_AFTER_SENDING
+            };
+            TOutRequestState()
+                : State(S_SENDING)
+                , TimePassed(0)
+                , PingTransferId(-1)
+            {
+            }
+            EState State;
+            TUdpAddress Address;
+            double TimePassed;
+            int PingTransferId;
+            IEventsCollectorRef EventsCollector;
+        };
+        struct TTransferPurpose {
+            EDir Dir;
+            TGUID Guid;
+            TTransferPurpose()
+                : Dir(DIR_OUT)
+            {
+            }
+            TTransferPurpose(EDir dir, TGUID guid)
+                : Dir(dir)
+                , Guid(guid)
+            {
+            }
+        };
+        struct TSendRequest {
+            TSendRequest() = default;
+            TSendRequest(const TUdpAddress& addr, TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket>* data, const TGUID& reqGuid, const IEventsCollectorRef& eventsCollector)
+                : Addr(addr)
+                , Data(*data)
+                , ReqGuid(reqGuid)
+                , EventsCollector(eventsCollector)
+                , Crc32(CalcChecksum(Data->GetChain()))
+            {
+            }
+            TUdpAddress Addr;
+            TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> Data;
+            TGUID ReqGuid;
+            IEventsCollectorRef EventsCollector;
+            ui32 Crc32;
+        };
+        struct TSendResponse {
+            TSendResponse() = default;
+            TSendResponse(const TGUID& reqGuid, EPacketPriority prior, TVector<char>* data)
+                : ReqGuid(reqGuid)
+                , DataCrc32(0)
+                , Priority(prior)
+            {
+                if (data && !data->empty()) {
+                    data->swap(Data);
+                    DataCrc32 = TIncrementalChecksumCalcer::CalcBlockSum(&Data[0], Data.ysize());
+                }
+            }
+            TVector<char> Data;
+            TGUID ReqGuid;
+            ui32 DataCrc32;
+            EPacketPriority Priority;
+        };
+        typedef THashMap<TGUID, TOutRequestState, TGUIDHash> TOutRequestHash;
+        typedef THashMap<TGUID, TInRequestState, TGUIDHash> TInRequestHash;
+    public:
+        TUdpHttp(const IEventsCollectorRef& eventsCollector)
+            : MyThread_(ExecServerThread, (void*)this)
+            , AbortTransactions_(false)
+            , Port_(0)
+            , EventCollector_(eventsCollector)
+            , ReportRequestCancel_(false)
+            , ReporRequestAck_(false)
+            , PhysicalCpu_(-1)
+        {
+        }
+        ~TUdpHttp() override {
+            if (MyThread_.Running()) {
+                AtomicSet(KeepRunning_, 0);
+                MyThread_.Join();
+            }
+        }
+        bool Start(int port, int physicalCpu) {
+            Y_ASSERT(Host_.Get() == nullptr);
+            Port_ = port;
+            PhysicalCpu_ = physicalCpu;
+            MyThread_.Start();
+            HasStarted_.Wait();
+            return Host_.Get() != nullptr;
+        }
+        void EnableReportRequestCancel() override {
+            ReportRequestCancel_ = true;
+        }
+        void EnableReportRequestAck() override {
+            ReporRequestAck_ = true;
+        }
+        void SendRequest(const TUdpAddress& addr, const TString& url, const TString& data, const TGUID& reqId) override {
+            Y_VERIFY(
+                data.size() < MAX_PACKET_SIZE,
+                "data size is too large; data.size()=%" PRISZT ", MAX_PACKET_SIZE=%" PRISZT,
+                data.size(), MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
+            TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> ms = new TRopeDataPacket;
+            if (data.size() > MIN_SHARED_MEM_PACKET && IsLocal(addr)) {
+                TIntrusivePtr<TSharedMemory> shm = new TSharedMemory;
+                if (shm->Create(data.size())) {
+                    ms->Write((char)PKT_LOCAL_REQUEST);
+                    ms->WriteStroka(url);
+                    memcpy(shm->GetPtr(), data.begin(), data.size());
+                    ms->AttachSharedData(shm);
+                }
+            }
+            if (ms->GetSharedData() == nullptr) {
+                ms->Write((char)PKT_REQUEST);
+                ms->WriteStroka(url);
+                struct TStrokaStorage: public TThrRefBase, public TString {
+                    TStrokaStorage(const TString& s)
+                        : TString(s)
+                    {
+                    }
+                };
+                TStrokaStorage* ss = new TStrokaStorage(data);
+                ms->Write((int)ss->size());
+                ms->AddBlock(ss, ss->begin(), ss->size());
+            }
+            SendReqList_.Enqueue(new TSendRequest(addr, &ms, reqId, EventCollector_));
+            Host_->CancelWait();
+        }
+        void CancelRequest(const TGUID& reqId) override {
+            CancelReqList_.Enqueue(reqId);
+            Host_->CancelWait();
+        }
+        void SendResponse(const TGUID& reqId, TVector<char>* data) override {
+            if (data && data->size() > MAX_PACKET_SIZE) {
+               Y_FAIL(
+                    "data size is too large; data->size()=%" PRISZT ", MAX_PACKET_SIZE=%" PRISZT,
+                    data->size(), MAX_PACKET_SIZE);
+            }
+            SendRespList_.Enqueue(new TSendResponse(reqId, PP_NORMAL, data));
+            Host_->CancelWait();
+        }
+        void StopNoWait() override {
+            AbortTransactions_ = true;
+            AtomicSet(KeepRunning_, 0);
+            // calcel all outgoing requests
+            TGuard<TSpinLock> lock(Spn_);
+            while (!OutRequests_.empty()) {
+                // cancel without informing peer that we are cancelling the request
+                FinishRequest(OutRequests_.begin(), TUdpHttpResponse::CANCELED, nullptr, "request canceled: inside TUdpHttp::StopNoWait()");
+            }
+        }
+    private:
+        void FinishRequest(TOutRequestHash::iterator i, TUdpHttpResponse::EResult ok, TRequestPtr data, const char* error = nullptr) {
+            TOutRequestState& s = i->second;
+            s.EventsCollector->AddResponse(new TUdpHttpResponse(data, i->first, s.Address, ok, error));
+            OutRequests_.erase(i);
+        }
+        int SendWithHighPriority(const TUdpAddress& addr, TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> data) {
+            ui32 crc32 = CalcChecksum(data->GetChain());
+            return Host_->Send(addr, data.Release(), crc32, nullptr, PP_HIGH);
+        }
+        void ProcessIncomingPackets() {
+            TVector<TGUID> failedRequests;
+            for (;;) {
+                TAutoPtr<TRequest> req = Host_->GetRequest();
+                if (req.Get() == nullptr)
+                    break;
+                TBlockChainIterator reqData(req->Data->GetChain());
+                char pktType;
+                reqData.Read(&pktType, 1);
+                switch (pktType) {
+                    case PKT_REQUEST:
+                    case PKT_LOCAL_REQUEST: {
+                        TGUID reqId = req->Guid;
+                        TInRequestHash::iterator z = InRequests_.find(reqId);
+                        if (z != InRequests_.end()) {
+                            // oops, this request already exists!
+                            // might happen if request can be stored in single packet
+                            // and this packet had source IP broken during transmission and managed to pass crc checks
+                            // since we already reported wrong source address for this request to the user
+                            // the best thing we can do is to stop the program to avoid further complications
+                            // but we just report the accident to stderr
+                            fprintf(stderr, "Jackpot, same request %s received twice from %s and earlier from %s\n",
+                                    GetGuidAsString(reqId).c_str(), GetAddressAsString(z->second.Address).c_str(),
+                                    GetAddressAsString(req->Address).c_str());
+                        } else {
+                            InRequests_[reqId] = TInRequestState(req->Address);
+                            EventCollector_->AddRequest(new TUdpHttpRequest(req, reqId, req->Address));
+                        }
+                    } break;
+                    case PKT_PING: {
+                        TGUID guid;
+                        reqData.Read(&guid, sizeof(guid));
+                        bool ok = InRequests_.find(guid) != InRequests_.end();
+                        TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> ms = new TRopeDataPacket;
+                        ms->Write((char)PKT_PING_RESPONSE);
+                        ms->Write(guid);
+                        ms->Write(ok);
+                        SendWithHighPriority(req->Address, ms.Release());
+                    } break;
+                    case PKT_PING_RESPONSE: {
+                        TGUID guid;
+                        bool ok;
+                        reqData.Read(&guid, sizeof(guid));
+                        reqData.Read(&ok, sizeof(ok));
+                        TOutRequestHash::iterator i = OutRequests_.find(guid);
+                        if (i == OutRequests_.end())
+                            ; //Y_ASSERT(0); // actually possible with some packet orders
+                        else {
+                            if (!ok) {
+                                // can not delete request at this point
+                                // since we can receive failed ping and response at the same moment
+                                // consider sequence: client sends ping, server sends response
+                                // and replies false to ping as reply is sent
+                                // we can not receive failed ping_response earlier then response itself
+                                // but we can receive them simultaneously
+                                failedRequests.push_back(guid);
+                            } else {
+                                TOutRequestState& s = i->second;
+                                switch (s.State) {
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENDING: {
+                                        Y_ASSERT(s.PingTransferId >= 0);
+                                        TTransferHash::iterator k = TransferHash_.find(s.PingTransferId);
+                                        if (k != TransferHash_.end())
+                                            TransferHash_.erase(k);
+                                        else
+                                            Y_ASSERT(0);
+                                        s.PingTransferId = -1;
+                                        s.TimePassed = 0;
+                                        s.State = TOutRequestState::S_WAITING;
+                                    } break;
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENT:
+                                        s.TimePassed = 0;
+                                        s.State = TOutRequestState::S_WAITING;
+                                        break;
+                                    default:
+                                        Y_ASSERT(0);
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } break;
+                    case PKT_RESPONSE:
+                    case PKT_LOCAL_RESPONSE: {
+                        TGUID guid;
+                        reqData.Read(&guid, sizeof(guid));
+                        TOutRequestHash::iterator i = OutRequests_.find(guid);
+                        if (i == OutRequests_.end()) {
+                            ; //Y_ASSERT(0); // does happen
+                        } else {
+                            FinishRequest(i, TUdpHttpResponse::OK, req);
+                        }
+                    } break;
+                    case PKT_CANCEL: {
+                        TGUID guid;
+                        reqData.Read(&guid, sizeof(guid));
+                        TInRequestHash::iterator i = InRequests_.find(guid);
+                        if (i == InRequests_.end()) {
+                            ; //Y_ASSERT(0); // may happen
+                        } else {
+                            TInRequestState& s = i->second;
+                            if (s.State != TInRequestState::S_CANCELED && ReportRequestCancel_)
+                                EventCollector_->AddCancel(guid);
+                            s.State = TInRequestState::S_CANCELED;
+                        }
+                    } break;
+                    default:
+                        Y_ASSERT(0);
+                }
+            }
+            // cleanup failed requests
+            for (size_t k = 0; k < failedRequests.size(); ++k) {
+                const TGUID& guid = failedRequests[k];
+                TOutRequestHash::iterator i = OutRequests_.find(guid);
+                if (i != OutRequests_.end())
+                    FinishRequest(i, TUdpHttpResponse::FAILED, nullptr, "failed udp ping");
+            }
+        }
+        void AnalyzeSendResults() {
+            TSendResult res;
+            while (Host_->GetSendResult(&res)) {
+                TTransferHash::iterator k = TransferHash_.find(res.TransferId);
+                if (k != TransferHash_.end()) {
+                    const TTransferPurpose& tp = k->second;
+                    switch (tp.Dir) {
+                        case DIR_OUT: {
+                            TOutRequestHash::iterator i = OutRequests_.find(tp.Guid);
+                            if (i != OutRequests_.end()) {
+                                const TGUID& reqId = i->first;
+                                TOutRequestState& s = i->second;
+                                switch (s.State) {
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_SENDING:
+                                        if (!res.Success) {
+                                            FinishRequest(i, TUdpHttpResponse::FAILED, nullptr, "request failed: state S_SENDING");
+                                        } else {
+                                            if (ReporRequestAck_ && !!s.EventsCollector) {
+                                                s.EventsCollector->AddRequestAck(reqId);
+                                            }
+                                            s.State = TOutRequestState::S_WAITING;
+                                            s.TimePassed = 0;
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_CANCEL_AFTER_SENDING:
+                                        DoSendCancel(s.Address, reqId);
+                                        FinishRequest(i, TUdpHttpResponse::CANCELED, nullptr, "request failed: state S_CANCEL_AFTER_SENDING");
+                                        break;
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING:
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENT:
+                                        Y_ASSERT(0);
+                                        break;
+                                    case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENDING:
+                                        Y_ASSERT(s.PingTransferId >= 0 && s.PingTransferId == res.TransferId);
+                                        if (!res.Success) {
+                                            FinishRequest(i, TUdpHttpResponse::FAILED, nullptr, "request failed: state S_WAITING_PING_SENDING");
+                                        } else {
+                                            s.PingTransferId = -1;
+                                            s.State = TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENT;
+                                            s.TimePassed = 0;
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                    default:
+                                        Y_ASSERT(0);
+                                        break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        } break;
+                        case DIR_IN: {
+                            TInRequestHash::iterator i = InRequests_.find(tp.Guid);
+                            if (i != InRequests_.end()) {
+                                Y_ASSERT(i->second.State == TInRequestState::S_RESPONSE_SENDING || i->second.State == TInRequestState::S_CANCELED);
+                                InRequests_.erase(i);
+                            }
+                        } break;
+                        default:
+                            Y_ASSERT(0);
+                            break;
+                    }
+                    TransferHash_.erase(k);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void SendPingsIfNeeded() {
+            NHPTimer::STime tChk = PingsSendT_;
+            float deltaT = (float)NHPTimer::GetTimePassed(&tChk);
+            if (deltaT < 0.05) {
+                return;
+            }
+            PingsSendT_ = tChk;
+            deltaT = ClampVal(deltaT, 0.0f, HTTP_TIMEOUT / 3);
+            {
+                for (TOutRequestHash::iterator i = OutRequests_.begin(); i != OutRequests_.end();) {
+                    TOutRequestHash::iterator curIt = i++;
+                    TOutRequestState& s = curIt->second;
+                    const TGUID& guid = curIt->first;
+                    switch (s.State) {
+                        case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING:
+                            s.TimePassed += deltaT;
+                            if (s.TimePassed > HTTP_TIMEOUT) {
+                                TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> ms = new TRopeDataPacket;
+                                ms->Write((char)PKT_PING);
+                                ms->Write(guid);
+                                int transId = SendWithHighPriority(s.Address, ms.Release());
+                                TransferHash_[transId] = TTransferPurpose(DIR_OUT, guid);
+                                s.State = TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENDING;
+                                s.PingTransferId = transId;
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        case TOutRequestState::S_WAITING_PING_SENT:
+                            s.TimePassed += deltaT;
+                            if (s.TimePassed > HTTP_TIMEOUT) {
+                                FinishRequest(curIt, TUdpHttpResponse::FAILED, nullptr, "request failed: http timeout in state S_WAITING_PING_SENT");
+                            }
+                            break;
+                        default:
+                            break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        void Step() {
+            {
+                TGuard<TSpinLock> lock(Spn_);
+                DoSends();
+            }
+            Host_->Step();
+            {
+                TGuard<TSpinLock> lock(Spn_);
+                DoSends();
+                ProcessIncomingPackets();
+                AnalyzeSendResults();
+                SendPingsIfNeeded();
+            }
+        }
+        void Wait() {
+            Host_->Wait(0.1f);
+        }
+        void DoSendCancel(const TUdpAddress& addr, const TGUID& req) {
+            TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> ms = new TRopeDataPacket;
+            ms->Write((char)PKT_CANCEL);
+            ms->Write(req);
+            SendWithHighPriority(addr, ms);
+        }
+        void DoSends() {
+            {
+                // cancelling requests
+                TGUID reqGuid;
+                while (CancelReqList_.Dequeue(&reqGuid)) {
+                    TOutRequestHash::iterator i = OutRequests_.find(reqGuid);
+                    if (i == OutRequests_.end()) {
+                        AnticipateCancels_.insert(reqGuid);
+                        continue; // cancelling non existing request is ok
+                    }
+                    TOutRequestState& s = i->second;
+                    if (s.State == TOutRequestState::S_SENDING) {
+                        // we are in trouble - have not sent request and we already have to cancel it, wait send
+                        s.State = TOutRequestState::S_CANCEL_AFTER_SENDING;
+                        s.EventsCollector->AddCancel(i->first);
+                    } else {
+                        DoSendCancel(s.Address, reqGuid);
+                        FinishRequest(i, TUdpHttpResponse::CANCELED, nullptr, "request canceled: notify requested side");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            {
+                // sending replies
+                for (TSendResponse* rd = nullptr; SendRespList_.Dequeue(&rd); delete rd) {
+                    TInRequestHash::iterator i = InRequests_.find(rd->ReqGuid);
+                    if (i == InRequests_.end()) {
+                        Y_ASSERT(0);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    TInRequestState& s = i->second;
+                    if (s.State == TInRequestState::S_CANCELED) {
+                        // need not send response for the canceled request
+                        InRequests_.erase(i);
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    Y_ASSERT(s.State == TInRequestState::S_WAITING);
+                    s.State = TInRequestState::S_RESPONSE_SENDING;
+                    TAutoPtr<TRopeDataPacket> ms = new TRopeDataPacket;
+                    ui32 crc32 = 0;
+                    int dataSize = rd->Data.ysize();
+                    if (rd->Data.size() > MIN_SHARED_MEM_PACKET && IsLocal(s.Address)) {
+                        TIntrusivePtr<TSharedMemory> shm = new TSharedMemory;
+                        if (shm->Create(dataSize)) {
+                            ms->Write((char)PKT_LOCAL_RESPONSE);
+                            ms->Write(rd->ReqGuid);
+                            memcpy(shm->GetPtr(), &rd->Data[0], dataSize);
+                            TVector<char> empty;
+                            rd->Data.swap(empty);
+                            ms->AttachSharedData(shm);
+                            crc32 = CalcChecksum(ms->GetChain());
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (ms->GetSharedData() == nullptr) {
+                        ms->Write((char)PKT_RESPONSE);
+                        ms->Write(rd->ReqGuid);
+                        // to offload crc calcs from inner thread, crc of data[] is calced outside and passed in DataCrc32
+                        // this means that we are calculating crc when shared memory is used
+                        // it is hard to avoid since in SendResponse() we don't know if shared mem will be used
+                        // (peer address is not available there)
+                        TIncrementalChecksumCalcer csCalcer;
+                        AddChain(&csCalcer, ms->GetChain());
+                        // here we are replicating the way WriteDestructive serializes data
+                        csCalcer.AddBlock(&dataSize, sizeof(dataSize));
+                        csCalcer.AddBlockSum(rd->DataCrc32, dataSize);
+                        crc32 = csCalcer.CalcChecksum();
+                        ms->WriteDestructive(&rd->Data);
+                        //ui32 chkCrc = CalcChecksum(ms->GetChain()); // can not use since its slow for large responses
+                        //Y_ASSERT(chkCrc == crc32);
+                    }
+                    int transId = Host_->Send(s.Address, ms.Release(), crc32, nullptr, rd->Priority);
+                    TransferHash_[transId] = TTransferPurpose(DIR_IN, rd->ReqGuid);
+                }
+            }
+            {
+                // sending requests
+                for (TSendRequest* rd = nullptr; SendReqList_.Dequeue(&rd); delete rd) {
+                    Y_ASSERT(OutRequests_.find(rd->ReqGuid) == OutRequests_.end());
+                    {
+                        TOutRequestState& s = OutRequests_[rd->ReqGuid];
+                        s.State = TOutRequestState::S_SENDING;
+                        s.Address = rd->Addr;
+                        s.EventsCollector = rd->EventsCollector;
+                    }
+                    if (AnticipateCancels_.find(rd->ReqGuid) != AnticipateCancels_.end()) {
+                        FinishRequest(OutRequests_.find(rd->ReqGuid), TUdpHttpResponse::CANCELED, nullptr, "Canceled (before transmit)");
+                    } else {
+                        TGUID pktGuid = rd->ReqGuid; // request packet id should match request id
+                        int transId = Host_->Send(rd->Addr, rd->Data.Release(), rd->Crc32, &pktGuid, PP_NORMAL);
+                        TransferHash_[transId] = TTransferPurpose(DIR_OUT, rd->ReqGuid);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (!AnticipateCancels_.empty()) {
+                AnticipateCancels_.clear();
+            }
+        }
+        void FinishOutstandingTransactions() {
+            // wait all pending requests, all new requests are canceled
+            while ((!OutRequests_.empty() || !InRequests_.empty() || !SendRespList_.IsEmpty() || !SendReqList_.IsEmpty()) && !PanicAttack) {
+                Step();
+                sleep(0);
+            }
+        }
+        static void* ExecServerThread(void* param) {
+            TUdpHttp* pThis = (TUdpHttp*)param;
+            if (pThis->GetPhysicalCpu() >= 0) {
+                BindToSocket(pThis->GetPhysicalCpu());
+            }
+            SetHighestThreadPriority();
+            TIntrusivePtr<NNetlibaSocket::ISocket> socket = NNetlibaSocket::CreateSocket();
+            socket->Open(pThis->Port_);
+            if (socket->IsValid()) {
+                pThis->Port_ = socket->GetPort();
+                pThis->Host_ = CreateUdpHost(socket);
+            } else {
+                pThis->Host_ = nullptr;
+            }
+            pThis->HasStarted_.Signal();
+            if (!pThis->Host_)
+                return nullptr;
+            NHPTimer::GetTime(&pThis->PingsSendT_);
+            while (AtomicGet(pThis->KeepRunning_) && !PanicAttack) {
+                if (HeartbeatTimeout.load(std::memory_order_acquire) > 0) {
+                    NHPTimer::STime chk = LastHeartbeat.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+                    if (NHPTimer::GetTimePassed(&chk) > HeartbeatTimeout.load(std::memory_order_acquire)) {
+                        StopAllNetLibaThreads();
+#ifndef _win_
+                        killpg(0, SIGKILL);
+                        abort();
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                pThis->Step();
+                pThis->Wait();
+            }
+            if (!pThis->AbortTransactions_ && !PanicAttack) {
+                pThis->FinishOutstandingTransactions();
+            }
+            pThis->Host_ = nullptr;
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        int GetPhysicalCpu() const noexcept {
+            return PhysicalCpu_;
+        }
+    private:
+        TThread MyThread_;
+        TAtomic KeepRunning_ = 1;
+        bool AbortTransactions_;
+        TSpinLock Spn_;
+        TSystemEvent HasStarted_;
+        NHPTimer::STime PingsSendT_;
+        TIntrusivePtr<IUdpHost> Host_;
+        int Port_;
+        TOutRequestHash OutRequests_;
+        TInRequestHash InRequests_;
+        typedef THashMap<int, TTransferPurpose> TTransferHash;
+        TTransferHash TransferHash_;
+        // hold it here to not construct on every DoSends()
+        typedef THashSet<TGUID, TGUIDHash> TAnticipateCancels;
+        TAnticipateCancels AnticipateCancels_;
+        TLockFreeQueue<TSendRequest*> SendReqList_;
+        TLockFreeQueue<TSendResponse*> SendRespList_;
+        TLockFreeQueue<TGUID> CancelReqList_;
+        TIntrusivePtr<IEventsCollector> EventCollector_;
+        bool ReportRequestCancel_;
+        bool ReporRequestAck_;
+        int PhysicalCpu_;
+    };
+    IRequesterRef CreateHttpUdpRequester(int port, const IEventsCollectorRef& ec, int physicalCpu) {
+        TUdpHttp* udpHttp = new TUdpHttp(ec);
+        IRequesterRef res(udpHttp);
+        if (!udpHttp->Start(port, physicalCpu)) {
+            if (port) {
+                ythrow yexception() << "netliba can't bind port=" << port;
+            } else {
+                ythrow yexception() << "netliba can't bind random port";
+            }
+        }
+        return res;
+    }
cgit v1.2.3