From 9123176b341b6f2658cff5132482b8237c1416c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ruslan Kovalev <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:46:45 +0300
Subject: Restoring authorship annotation for Ruslan Kovalev
 <>. Commit 2 of 2.

 library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6 | 566 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 283 insertions(+), 283 deletions(-)

(limited to 'library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6')

diff --git a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6 b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6
index b7b7900071..edb4e9ee1b 100644
--- a/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6
+++ b/library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.rl6
@@ -1,215 +1,215 @@
 #include <library/cpp/json/fast_sax/unescape.h>
 #include <library/cpp/json/fast_sax/parser.h>
-#include <util/string/cast.h> 
+#include <util/string/cast.h>
 #include <util/generic/buffer.h>
-#include <util/generic/strbuf.h> 
-#include <util/generic/ymath.h> 
-namespace NJson { 
-enum EStoredStr { 
-struct TParserCtx { 
-    TJsonCallbacks& Hndl; 
+#include <util/generic/strbuf.h>
+#include <util/generic/ymath.h>
+namespace NJson {
+enum EStoredStr {
+struct TParserCtx {
+    TJsonCallbacks& Hndl;
     TBuffer Buffer;
-    TStringBuf String; 
-    EStoredStr Stored = SS_NONE; 
-    bool ExpectValue = true; 
-    const char* p0 = nullptr; 
-    const char* p = nullptr; 
-    const char* pe = nullptr; 
-    const char* eof = nullptr; 
-    const char* ts = nullptr; 
-    const char* te = nullptr; 
-    int cs = 0; 
-    int act = 0; 
-    TParserCtx(TJsonCallbacks& h, TStringBuf data) 
-        : Hndl(h) 
+    TStringBuf String;
+    EStoredStr Stored = SS_NONE;
+    bool ExpectValue = true;
+    const char* p0 = nullptr;
+    const char* p = nullptr;
+    const char* pe = nullptr;
+    const char* eof = nullptr;
+    const char* ts = nullptr;
+    const char* te = nullptr;
+    int cs = 0;
+    int act = 0;
+    TParserCtx(TJsonCallbacks& h, TStringBuf data)
+        : Hndl(h)
         , p0(
         , p(
-        , pe(data.end()) 
-        , eof(data.end()) 
-    {} 
-    static inline bool GoodPtrs(const char* b, const char* e) { 
-        return b && e && b <= e; 
-    } 
+        , pe(data.end())
+        , eof(data.end())
+    {}
+    static inline bool GoodPtrs(const char* b, const char* e) {
+        return b && e && b <= e;
+    }
     bool OnError(TStringBuf reason = TStringBuf(""), bool end = false) const {
-        size_t off = 0; 
-        TStringBuf token; 
-        if (GoodPtrs(p0, ts)) { 
-            off = ts - p0; 
-        } else if (end && GoodPtrs(p0, pe)) { 
-            off = pe - p0; 
-        } 
-        if (GoodPtrs(ts, te)) { 
-            token = TStringBuf(ts, te); 
-        } 
-        if (!token) { 
-            Hndl.OnError(off, reason); 
-        } else { 
+        size_t off = 0;
+        TStringBuf token;
+        if (GoodPtrs(p0, ts)) {
+            off = ts - p0;
+        } else if (end && GoodPtrs(p0, pe)) {
+            off = pe - p0;
+        }
+        if (GoodPtrs(ts, te)) {
+            token = TStringBuf(ts, te);
+        }
+        if (!token) {
+            Hndl.OnError(off, reason);
+        } else {
             Hndl.OnError(off, TString::Join(reason, " at token: '", token, "'"));
-        } 
-        return false; 
-    } 
-    bool OnVal() { 
-        if (Y_UNLIKELY(!ExpectValue)) { 
-            return false; 
-        } 
-        ExpectValue = false; 
-        return true; 
-    } 
-    bool OnNull() { 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-               && Hndl.OnNull(); 
-    } 
-    bool OnTrue() { 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-               && Hndl.OnBoolean(true); 
-    } 
-    bool OnFalse() { 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-               && Hndl.OnBoolean(false); 
-    } 
-    bool OnPInt() { 
-        unsigned long long res = 0; 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-               && TryFromString<unsigned long long>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res) 
-               && Hndl.OnUInteger(res); 
-    } 
-    bool OnNInt() { 
-        long long res = 0; 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-               && TryFromString<long long>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res) 
-               && Hndl.OnInteger(res); 
-    } 
-    bool OnFlt() { 
-        double res = 0; 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-               && TryFromString<double>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res) 
-               && IsFinite(res) 
-               && Hndl.OnDouble(res); 
-    } 
-    bool OnMapOpen() { 
-        bool res = Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-                   && Hndl.OnOpenMap(); 
-        ExpectValue = true; 
-        return res; 
-    } 
-    bool OnArrOpen() { 
-        bool res = Y_LIKELY(OnVal()) 
-                   && Hndl.OnOpenArray(); 
-        ExpectValue = true; 
-        return res; 
-    } 
-    bool OnString(TStringBuf s, EStoredStr t) { 
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool OnVal() {
+        if (Y_UNLIKELY(!ExpectValue)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        ExpectValue = false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool OnNull() {
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+               && Hndl.OnNull();
+    }
+    bool OnTrue() {
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+               && Hndl.OnBoolean(true);
+    }
+    bool OnFalse() {
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+               && Hndl.OnBoolean(false);
+    }
+    bool OnPInt() {
+        unsigned long long res = 0;
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+               && TryFromString<unsigned long long>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res)
+               && Hndl.OnUInteger(res);
+    }
+    bool OnNInt() {
+        long long res = 0;
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+               && TryFromString<long long>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res)
+               && Hndl.OnInteger(res);
+    }
+    bool OnFlt() {
+        double res = 0;
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+               && TryFromString<double>(TStringBuf(ts, te), res)
+               && IsFinite(res)
+               && Hndl.OnDouble(res);
+    }
+    bool OnMapOpen() {
+        bool res = Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+                   && Hndl.OnOpenMap();
+        ExpectValue = true;
+        return res;
+    }
+    bool OnArrOpen() {
+        bool res = Y_LIKELY(OnVal())
+                   && Hndl.OnOpenArray();
+        ExpectValue = true;
+        return res;
+    }
+    bool OnString(TStringBuf s, EStoredStr t) {
         if (Y_LIKELY(OnVal())) {
-            String = s; 
-            Stored = t; 
-            return true; 
-        } else { 
-            return false; 
-        } 
-    } 
-    bool OnStrU() { 
-        return OnString(TStringBuf(ts, te), SS_NOCOPY); 
-    } 
-    bool OnStrQ() { 
-        return OnString(TStringBuf(ts + 1, te - 1), SS_NOCOPY); 
-    } 
-    bool OnStrE() { 
+            String = s;
+            Stored = t;
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    bool OnStrU() {
+        return OnString(TStringBuf(ts, te), SS_NOCOPY);
+    }
+    bool OnStrQ() {
+        return OnString(TStringBuf(ts + 1, te - 1), SS_NOCOPY);
+    }
+    bool OnStrE() {
         Buffer.Reserve(2 * (te - ts));
         return OnString(UnescapeJsonUnicode(TStringBuf(ts + 1, te - ts - 2),, SS_MUSTCOPY);
-    } 
-    bool OnMapClose() { 
-        ExpectValue = false; 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnAfterVal()) 
-               && Hndl.OnCloseMap(); 
-    } 
-    bool OnArrClose() { 
-        ExpectValue = false; 
-        return Y_LIKELY(OnAfterVal()) 
-               && Hndl.OnCloseArray(); 
-    } 
-    bool OnColon() { 
-        if (ExpectValue) { 
-            return false; 
-        } 
-        ExpectValue = true; 
-        const auto stored = Stored; 
-        Stored = SS_NONE; 
-        switch (stored) { 
+    }
+    bool OnMapClose() {
+        ExpectValue = false;
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnAfterVal())
+               && Hndl.OnCloseMap();
+    }
+    bool OnArrClose() {
+        ExpectValue = false;
+        return Y_LIKELY(OnAfterVal())
+               && Hndl.OnCloseArray();
+    }
+    bool OnColon() {
+        if (ExpectValue) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        ExpectValue = true;
+        const auto stored = Stored;
+        Stored = SS_NONE;
+        switch (stored) {
             return false;
-        case SS_NOCOPY: 
-            return Hndl.OnMapKeyNoCopy(String); 
-        case SS_MUSTCOPY: 
-            return Hndl.OnMapKey(String); 
-        } 
-    } 
-    bool OnAfterVal() { 
-        const auto stored = Stored; 
-        Stored = SS_NONE; 
-        switch (stored) { 
-        default: 
-            return true; 
-        case SS_NOCOPY: 
-            return Hndl.OnStringNoCopy(String); 
-        case SS_MUSTCOPY: 
-            return Hndl.OnString(String); 
-        } 
-    } 
-    bool OnComma() { 
-        if (Y_UNLIKELY(ExpectValue)) { 
-            return false; 
-        } 
-        ExpectValue = true; 
-        return OnAfterVal(); 
-    } 
-    bool Parse(); 
-#if 0 
-machine fastjson; 
-alphtype char; 
+        case SS_NOCOPY:
+            return Hndl.OnMapKeyNoCopy(String);
+        case SS_MUSTCOPY:
+            return Hndl.OnMapKey(String);
+        }
+    }
+    bool OnAfterVal() {
+        const auto stored = Stored;
+        Stored = SS_NONE;
+        switch (stored) {
+        default:
+            return true;
+        case SS_NOCOPY:
+            return Hndl.OnStringNoCopy(String);
+        case SS_MUSTCOPY:
+            return Hndl.OnString(String);
+        }
+    }
+    bool OnComma() {
+        if (Y_UNLIKELY(ExpectValue)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        ExpectValue = true;
+        return OnAfterVal();
+    }
+    bool Parse();
+#if 0
+machine fastjson;
+alphtype char;
 action OnNull  { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnNull()))  goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
 action OnTrue  { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnTrue()))  goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
 action OnFalse { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnFalse())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
@@ -225,90 +225,90 @@ action OnArrO  { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnArrOpen()))  goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
 action OnArrC  { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnArrClose())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
 action OnComma { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnComma())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
 action OnColon { if (Y_UNLIKELY(!OnColon())) goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
-action OnError { goto TOKEN_ERROR; } 
-comment1 = "/*" (any* -- "*/") "*/"; 
-pint = [0-9]+; 
-nint = '-'[0-9]+; 
-flt  = '-'?[0-9.][0-9.eE+\-]+; 
-uchar0 = [a-zA-Z_@$] | (0x80 .. 0xFF); 
-uchar  = uchar0 | digit | [.\-]; 
-qchar = [^'\\]; #'; 
-dchar = [^"\\]; #"; 
-echar = "\\" any; 
-qechar = qchar | echar; 
-dechar = dchar | echar; 
-strq = "'" qchar* "'"; 
-strd = '"' dchar* '"'; 
-strqe = "'" qechar* "'"; 
-strde = '"' dechar* '"'; 
-strU = uchar0 uchar*; 
-strQ = strq | strd; 
-strE = strqe | strde; 
-ws = (0x00 .. 0x20) | 0x7F; 
-sp = ws+; 
-main := |* 
-    'null'  => OnNull; 
-    'true'  => OnTrue; 
-    'false' => OnFalse; 
-    pint => OnPInt; 
-    nint => OnNInt; 
-    flt  => OnFlt; 
-    strU => OnStrU; 
-    strQ => OnStrQ; 
-    strE => OnStrE; 
-    ',' => OnComma; 
-    ':' => OnColon; 
-    '{' => OnDictO; 
-    '}' => OnDictC; 
-    '[' => OnArrO; 
-    ']' => OnArrC; 
-    sp; 
-    comment1; 
-    (flt | pint | nint) (any - (ws | ',' | ':' | '{' | '}' | '[' | ']')) => OnError; 
-    any => OnError; 
-         *|; 
-bool TParserCtx::Parse() { 
-    try { 
-        %%{ 
-            write data noerror nofinal; 
-            write init; 
-            write exec; 
-        }%% 
-        ; 
+action OnError { goto TOKEN_ERROR; }
+comment1 = "/*" (any* -- "*/") "*/";
+pint = [0-9]+;
+nint = '-'[0-9]+;
+flt  = '-'?[0-9.][0-9.eE+\-]+;
+uchar0 = [a-zA-Z_@$] | (0x80 .. 0xFF);
+uchar  = uchar0 | digit | [.\-];
+qchar = [^'\\]; #';
+dchar = [^"\\]; #";
+echar = "\\" any;
+qechar = qchar | echar;
+dechar = dchar | echar;
+strq = "'" qchar* "'";
+strd = '"' dchar* '"';
+strqe = "'" qechar* "'";
+strde = '"' dechar* '"';
+strU = uchar0 uchar*;
+strQ = strq | strd;
+strE = strqe | strde;
+ws = (0x00 .. 0x20) | 0x7F;
+sp = ws+;
+main := |*
+    'null'  => OnNull;
+    'true'  => OnTrue;
+    'false' => OnFalse;
+    pint => OnPInt;
+    nint => OnNInt;
+    flt  => OnFlt;
+    strU => OnStrU;
+    strQ => OnStrQ;
+    strE => OnStrE;
+    ',' => OnComma;
+    ':' => OnColon;
+    '{' => OnDictO;
+    '}' => OnDictC;
+    '[' => OnArrO;
+    ']' => OnArrC;
+    sp;
+    comment1;
+    (flt | pint | nint) (any - (ws | ',' | ':' | '{' | '}' | '[' | ']')) => OnError;
+    any => OnError;
+         *|;
+bool TParserCtx::Parse() {
+    try {
+        %%{
+            write data noerror nofinal;
+            write init;
+            write exec;
+        }%%
+        ;
-    } catch (const TFromStringException& e) { 
-        return OnError(e.what()); 
-    } 
-    return OnAfterVal() && Hndl.OnEnd() || OnError("invalid or truncated", true); 
-    return OnError("invalid syntax"); 
-bool ReadJsonFast(TStringBuf data, TJsonCallbacks* h) { 
-    return TParserCtx(*h, data).Parse(); 
+    } catch (const TFromStringException& e) {
+        return OnError(e.what());
+    }
+    return OnAfterVal() && Hndl.OnEnd() || OnError("invalid or truncated", true);
+    return OnError("invalid syntax");
+bool ReadJsonFast(TStringBuf data, TJsonCallbacks* h) {
+    return TParserCtx(*h, data).Parse();
cgit v1.2.3