From c2a1af049e9deca890e9923abe64fe6c59060348 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nga <>
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 16:48:09 +0300
Subject: Restoring authorship annotation for <>. Commit 2 of

 library/cpp/getopt/small/opt.h | 170 ++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

(limited to 'library/cpp/getopt/small/opt.h')

diff --git a/library/cpp/getopt/small/opt.h b/library/cpp/getopt/small/opt.h
index 80701aa7e9..ecb57439bc 100644
--- a/library/cpp/getopt/small/opt.h
+++ b/library/cpp/getopt/small/opt.h
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
 #pragma once
 #include "last_getopt.h"
 #include <util/generic/ptr.h>
-#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h> 
-// implementation of Opt class using last getopt 
- short-options syntax: 
- opt-letter ::= 
-     [^: ] 
- opt-string ::= 
-     '+'|'-'?({opt-letter}':'{0,2})* 
- example: "AbCx:y:z::" 
-    {A,b,C} options without argument 
-    {x,y}   options with argument 
-    {z} option  with optional argument 
- 1. shortopts begins with '-'   :=> RETURN_IN_ORDER 
-    == non-option forces getopt to return 1 and to place non-option into optarg 
- 2. shortopts begins with '+'   :=> REQUIRE_ORDER 
+#include <util/generic/noncopyable.h>
+// implementation of Opt class using last getopt
+ short-options syntax:
+ opt-letter ::=
+     [^: ]
+ opt-string ::=
+     '+'|'-'?({opt-letter}':'{0,2})*
+ example: "AbCx:y:z::"
+    {A,b,C} options without argument
+    {x,y}   options with argument
+    {z} option  with optional argument
+ 1. shortopts begins with '-'   :=> RETURN_IN_ORDER
+    == non-option forces getopt to return 1 and to place non-option into optarg
+ 2. shortopts begins with '+'   :=> REQUIRE_ORDER
-    == 1st non-option forces getopt to return EOF 
- 3. default            :=> PERMUTE 
-    == exchange options with non-options and place all options first 
- 4. '--' command line argument forces getopt to stop parsing and to return EOF 
-     in any case 
-  long options should begin by '+' sign 
-  or when (_getopt_long_only = 1) by '-' sign 
-  struct option { 
-   char *name : option name 
-   int has_arg: 0 | 1 | 2 = without | with | optional argument 
-   int *flag  : if (flag != 0) then getopt returns 0 and stores val into *flag 
-   int val    : if (flag == 0) then getopt returns val 
-  } 
-  Example: 
-  struct option my_opts[] = { 
-    { "delete", 0, &deletion_flag, DEL }, -- returns 0, deletion_flag := DEL 
-    { "add",    1,       NULL, 'a' }, -- returns 'a', argument in optarg 
-    { NULL } 
-  } 
-#define OPT_RETURN_IN_ORDER "-" 
+    == 1st non-option forces getopt to return EOF
+ 3. default            :=> PERMUTE
+    == exchange options with non-options and place all options first
+ 4. '--' command line argument forces getopt to stop parsing and to return EOF
+     in any case
+  long options should begin by '+' sign
+  or when (_getopt_long_only = 1) by '-' sign
+  struct option {
+   char *name : option name
+   int has_arg: 0 | 1 | 2 = without | with | optional argument
+   int *flag  : if (flag != 0) then getopt returns 0 and stores val into *flag
+   int val    : if (flag == 0) then getopt returns val
+  }
+  Example:
+  struct option my_opts[] = {
+    { "delete", 0, &deletion_flag, DEL }, -- returns 0, deletion_flag := DEL
+    { "add",    1,       NULL, 'a' }, -- returns 'a', argument in optarg
+    { NULL }
+  }
+#define OPT_RETURN_IN_ORDER "-"
 #define OPT_REQUIRE_ORDER "+"
 #define OPT_DONT_STORE_ARG ((void*)0)
 class Opt : TNonCopyable {
     enum HasArg { WithoutArg,
                   PossibleArg };
-    struct Ion { 
+    struct Ion {
         const char* name;
         HasArg has_arg;
         int* flag;
         int val;
-    }; 
-    THolder<NLastGetopt::TOpts> Opts_; 
-    THolder<NLastGetopt::TOptsParser> OptsParser_; 
-    const Ion* Ions_; 
-    bool GotError_; 
+    };
+    THolder<NLastGetopt::TOpts> Opts_;
+    THolder<NLastGetopt::TOptsParser> OptsParser_;
+    const Ion* Ions_;
+    bool GotError_;
     void Init(int argc, char* argv[], const char* optString, const Ion* longOptions = nullptr, bool longOnly = false, bool isOpen = false);
     Opt(int argc, char* argv[], const char* optString, const Ion* longOptions = nullptr, bool longOnly = false, bool isOpen = false);
     Opt(int argc, const char* argv[], const char* optString, const Ion* longOptions = nullptr, bool longOnly = false, bool isOpen = false);
-    // Get() means next 
-    int Get(); 
-    int Get(int* longOptionIndex); 
+    // Get() means next
+    int Get();
+    int Get(int* longOptionIndex);
     int operator()() {
-        return Get(); 
-    } 
+        return Get();
+    }
     const char* GetArg() const {
         return Arg;
     TVector<TString> GetFreeArgs() const {
         return NLastGetopt::TOptsParseResult(&*Opts_, GetArgC(), GetArgV()).GetFreeArgs();
-    // obsolete, use GetArg() instead 
+    // obsolete, use GetArg() instead
     char* Arg; /* option argument if any or NULL */
     int Ind;  /* command line index */
     bool Err; /* flag to print error messages */
-    int GetArgC() const; 
-    const char** GetArgV() const; 
+    int GetArgC() const;
+    const char** GetArgV() const;
     void DummyHelp(IOutputStream& os = Cerr);
-// call before getopt. returns non-negative int, removing it from arguments (not found: -1) 
-// Example: returns 11 for "progname -11abc", -1 for "progname -a11" 
+// call before getopt. returns non-negative int, removing it from arguments (not found: -1)
+// Example: returns 11 for "progname -11abc", -1 for "progname -a11"
 int opt_get_number(int& argc, char* argv[]);
 #define OPTION_HANDLING_PROLOG                \
     {                                         \
         int optlet;                           \
@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ int opt_get_number(int& argc, char* argv[]);
     }                     \
 #define OPTION_HANDLE(opt, handle) \
     OPTION_HANDLE_BEGIN(opt)       \
     handle;                        \
 #define OPTION_HANDLING_EPILOG                   \
     default:                                     \
         ythrow yexception() << "unknown optlet"; \
cgit v1.2.3